def generate(self, avatars, text, usernames, kwargs): base ='assets/confusedcat/confusedcat.bmp') font = ImageFont.truetype('assets/fonts/medium.woff', size=36) canv = ImageDraw.Draw(base) try: ladies, cat = text.replace(' ,', ',', 1).split(',', 1) except ValueError: ladies = 'Dank Memer' cat = 'People who forget to split text with a comma' ladies = wrap(font, ladies, 510) cat = wrap(font, cat, 510) render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (5, 5), ladies[:100], font=font, fill='Black') render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (516, 5), cat[:100], font=font, fill='Black') base = base.convert('RGB') b = BytesIO(), format='jpeg') return send_file(b, mimetype='image/jpeg')
def generate(self, avatars, text, usernames, kwargs): base ="assets/surprised/surprised.bmp").convert("RGBA") font = ImageFont.truetype("assets/fonts/robotoregular.ttf", size=36) try: text1, text2 = text.replace(", ", ",").split(",") except ValueError: ( text1, text2, ) = "tries to use surprised without splitting by comma,the command breaks".split( ",") text1 = wrap(font, "me: " + text1, 650) text2 = wrap(font, "also me: " + text2, 650) canv = ImageDraw.Draw(base) render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (20, 20), text1, font=font, fill="White") render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (20, 140), text2, font=font, fill="White") base = base.convert("RGB") b = BytesIO(), format="jpeg") return send_file(b, mimetype="image/jpeg")
def generate(self, avatars, text, usernames, kwargs): base ='assets/cheating/cheating.bmp')) font = self.assets.get_font('assets/fonts/medium.woff', size=26) canv = ImageDraw.Draw(base) try: me, classmate = text.replace(' ,', ',', 1).split(',', 1) except ValueError: me = 'aight thx' classmate = 'yo dude, you need to split the text with a comma' me = wrap(font, me, 150) classmate = wrap(font, classmate, 150) render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (15, 300), me[:50], font=font, fill='White') render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (155, 200), classmate[:50], font=font, fill='White') base = base.convert('RGB') b = BytesIO(), format='jpeg') return send_file(b, mimetype='image/jpeg')
def generate(self, avatars, text, usernames, kwargs): avatar = http.get_image(avatars[0]).resize((52, 52)).convert('RGBA') name = usernames[0] base ='assets/youtube/youtube.bmp')).convert('RGBA') font = self.assets.get_font('assets/fonts/robotomedium.ttf', size=17, ) font2 = self.assets.get_font('assets/fonts/robotoregular.ttf', size=17, ) font3 = self.assets.get_font('assets/fonts/robotoregular.ttf', size=19, ) bigsize = (avatar.size[0] * 3, avatar.size[1] * 3) mask ='L', bigsize, 0) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(mask) draw.ellipse((0, 0) + bigsize, fill=255) mask = mask.resize(avatar.size, Image.ANTIALIAS) avatar.putalpha(mask) base.paste(avatar, (17, 33), avatar) canv = ImageDraw.Draw(base) op = wrap(font, name, 1150) size = canv.textsize(name, font=font) comment = wrap(font3, text, 550) num = randint(1, 59) plural = '' if num == 1 else 's' time = f'{num} minute{plural} ago' canv.text((92, 34), op, font=font, fill='Black') canv.text((100 + size[0], 34), time, font=font2, fill='Grey') canv.text((92, 59), comment, font=font3, fill='Black') base = base.convert('RGBA') b = BytesIO(), format='png') return send_file(b, mimetype='image/png')
async def cheating(request): base ="assets/cheating/cheating.bmp") font = ImageFont.truetype("assets/fonts/medium.woff", size=26) text = request.headers.get("text") canv = ImageDraw.Draw(base) try: me, classmate = text.replace(" ,", ",", 1).split(",", 1) except ValueError: me = "aight thx" classmate = "yo dude, you need to split the text with a comma" me = wrap(font, me, 150) classmate = wrap(font, classmate, 150) render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (15, 300), me[:50], font=font, fill="White") render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (155, 200), classmate[:50], font=font, fill="White") base = base.convert("RGB") return gen_file_response(base, {"format": "png"})
def generate(self, avatars, text, usernames, kwargs): base ='assets/sneakyfox/sneakyfox.bmp')) font = self.assets.get_font('assets/fonts/arimobold.ttf', size=36) canv = ImageDraw.Draw(base) try: fox, otherthing = text.replace(' ,', ',', 1).split(',', 1) except ValueError: fox = 'Text that is not split with a comma' otherthing = 'the bot' fox = wrap(font, fox, 500) otherthing = wrap(font, otherthing, 450) render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (50, 385), fox[:180], font=font, fill='Black') render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (670, 150), otherthing[:180], font=font, fill='Black') base = base.convert('RGB') b = BytesIO(), format='jpeg') return send_file(b, mimetype='image/jpeg')
def generate(self, avatars, text, usernames, kwargs): base = self.assets.get('assets/surprised/surprised.bmp')).convert('RGBA') font = self.assets.get_font('assets/fonts/robotoregular.ttf', size=36) try: text1, text2 = text.replace(', ', ',').split(',') except ValueError: text1, text2 = 'tries to use surprised without splitting by comma,the command breaks'.split( ',') text1 = wrap(font, 'me: ' + text1, 650) text2 = wrap(font, 'also me: ' + text2, 650) canv = ImageDraw.Draw(base) render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (20, 20), text1, font=font, fill='White') render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (20, 140), text2, font=font, fill='White') base = base.convert('RGB') b = BytesIO(), format='jpeg') return send_file(b, mimetype='image/jpeg')
def generate(self, avatars, text, usernames, kwargs): base ="assets/violentsparks/violentsparks.bmp") font = ImageFont.truetype("assets/fonts/medium.woff", size=36) canv = ImageDraw.Draw(base) try: me, sparks = text.replace(" ,", ",", 1).split(",", 1) except ValueError: sparks = "me" me = "Dank Memer being mad that I forgot to split my text with a comma" me = wrap(font, me, 550) sparks = wrap(font, sparks, 200) render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (15, 5), me, font=font, fill="White") render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (350, 430), sparks, font=font, fill="Black") base = base.convert("RGB") b = BytesIO(), format="jpeg") return send_file(b, mimetype="image/jpeg")
def generate(self, avatars, text, usernames, kwargs): base ='assets/doglemon/doglemon.bmp') font = ImageFont.truetype('assets/fonts/medium.woff', size=30) canv = ImageDraw.Draw(base) try: lemon, dog = text.replace(' ,', ',', 1).split(',', 1) except ValueError: lemon = 'Text that is not seperated by comma' dog = 'Dank Memer' lemon = wrap(font, lemon, 450) dog = wrap(font, dog, 450) render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (850, 100), lemon[:180], font=font, fill='Black') render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (500, 100), dog[:200], font=font, fill='White') base = base.convert('RGB') b = BytesIO(), format='jpeg') return send_file(b, mimetype='image/jpeg')
def generate(self, avatars, text, usernames, kwargs): base ="assets/obama/obama.jpg") font = ImageFont.truetype("assets/fonts/arimobold.ttf", size=36) canv = ImageDraw.Draw(base) avatar = (http.get_image(avatars[0]).resize( (200, 200), Image.LANCZOS).convert("RGBA")) w, _ = canv.textsize(wrap(font, usernames[0], 400), font) base.paste(avatar, (120, 73), avatar) base.paste(avatar, (365, 0), avatar) render_text_with_emoji( base, canv, (int(210 - (w / 2)), 400), wrap(font, usernames[0], 400), font, "white", ) render_text_with_emoji( base, canv, (int(470 - (w / 2)), 300), wrap(font, usernames[0], 400), font, "white", ) base = base.convert("RGB") b = BytesIO(), format="jpeg") return send_file(b, mimetype="image/jpeg")
def generate(self, avatars, text, usernames, kwargs): base ='assets/byemom/mom.bmp')) avatar = http.get_image(avatars[0]).convert('RGBA').resize( (70, 70), resample=Image.BICUBIC) avatar2 = avatar.copy().resize((125, 125), resample=Image.BICUBIC) text_layer ='RGBA', (350, 25)) bye_layer ='RGBA', (180, 51), (255, 255, 255)) font = self.assets.get_font('assets/fonts/arial.ttf', size=20) bye_font = self.assets.get_font('assets/fonts/arimobold.ttf', size=14) canv = ImageDraw.Draw(text_layer) bye = ImageDraw.Draw(bye_layer) username = usernames[0] or 'Tommy' msg = 'Alright {} im leaving the house to run some errands'.format( username) text = wrap(font, text, 500) msg = wrap(font, msg, 200) canv.text((0, 0), text, font=font, fill='Black') bye.text((0, 0), msg, font=bye_font, fill=(42, 40, 165)) text_layer = text_layer.rotate(24.75, resample=Image.BICUBIC, expand=True) base.paste(text_layer, (350, 443), text_layer) base.paste(bye_layer, (150, 7)) base.paste(avatar, (530, 15), avatar) base.paste(avatar2, (70, 340), avatar2) base = base.convert('RGBA') b = BytesIO(), format='png') return send_file(b, mimetype='image/png')
def generate(self, avatars, text, usernames, kwargs): text = text.replace(', ', ',').split(',') if len(text) != 2: text = ['SPLIT BY', 'COMMA'] base ='assets/sword/sword.bmp')) font = self.assets.get_font('assets/fonts/verdana.ttf', size=48) temp ='RGBA', (1200, 800), color=(0, 0, 0, 0)) sword = wrap(font, text[0], 3000) food = wrap(font, text[1], 300) canv = ImageDraw.Draw(base) temp_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(temp) temp_draw.text((0, 0), sword, font=font, fill='White') temp = temp.rotate(-25, expand=1) canv.text((330, 330), usernames[0], font=font, fill='White') base.paste(temp, (-30, 605), temp) size = canv.textsize(food, font=font) new_width = (base.width - size[0]) / 2 canv.text((new_width - 20, 830), food, font=font, fill='Black') base = base.convert('RGB') b = BytesIO(), format='jpeg') return send_file(b, mimetype='image/jpeg')
def generate(self, avatars, text, usernames, kwargs): base = self.assets.get('assets/violentsparks/violentsparks.bmp')) font = self.assets.get_font('assets/fonts/medium.woff', size=36) canv = ImageDraw.Draw(base) try: me, sparks = text.replace(' ,', ',', 1).split(',', 1) except ValueError: sparks = 'me' me = 'Dank Memer being mad that I forgot to split my text with a comma' me = wrap(font, me, 550) sparks = wrap(font, sparks, 400) render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (15, 5), me, font=font, fill='White') render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (15, 567), sparks, font=font, fill='White') base = base.convert('RGB') b = BytesIO(), format='jpeg') return send_file(b, mimetype='image/jpeg')
async def confusedcat(request): base ="assets/confusedcat/confusedcat.bmp") font = ImageFont.truetype("assets/fonts/medium.woff", size=36) text = request.headers.get("text") canv = ImageDraw.Draw(base) try: ladies, cat = text.replace(" ,", ",", 1).split(",", 1) except ValueError: ladies = "Dank Memer" cat = "People who forget to split text with a comma" ladies = wrap(font, ladies, 510) cat = wrap(font, cat, 510) render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (5, 5), ladies[:100], font=font, fill="Black") render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (516, 5), cat[:100], font=font, fill="Black") base = base.convert("RGB") return gen_file_response(base, {"format": "png"})
async def generate(self, request, avatars, text, usernames): base ='assets/byemom/mom.png') avatar = await make_avatar( http.get_image(request, avatars[0])).convert('RGBA').resize((250, 250), resample=Image.BICUBIC)) avatar2 = avatar.copy().resize((125, 125), resample=Image.ANTIALIAS) avatar = avatar.resize((70, 70), Image.ANTIALIAS).rotate(-27, resample=Image.BICUBIC, expand=True) text_layer ='RGBA', (350, 25)) bye_layer ='RGBA', (180, 51), (255, 255, 255)) font = ImageFont.truetype(font='assets/fonts/arial.ttf', size=20) bye_font = ImageFont.truetype(font='assets/fonts/arimobold.ttf', size=14) canv = ImageDraw.Draw(text_layer) bye = ImageDraw.Draw(bye_layer) username = usernames[0] or 'tommy' msg = 'Alright {} I\'m leaving the house to run some errands'.format(username) text = wrap(font, text, 500) msg = wrap(font, msg, 200) canv.text((0, 0), text, font=font, fill='Black') bye.text((0, 0), msg, font=bye_font, fill=(42, 40, 165)) text_layer = text_layer.rotate(24.75, resample=Image.BICUBIC, expand=True) base.paste(text_layer, (350, 443), text_layer) base.paste(bye_layer, (150, 7)) base.paste(avatar, (513, 2), avatar) base.paste(avatar2, (70, 340), avatar2) b = BytesIO(), format='png') return send_file(body=b, content_type='image/png')
def generate(self, avatars, text, usernames, kwargs): base ='assets/tweet/trump.bmp')) avatar = http.get_image(avatars[0]).resize((98, 98)).convert('RGBA') font = self.assets.get_font( 'assets/fonts/segoeuireg.ttf', size=50, ) font2 = self.assets.get_font('assets/fonts/robotomedium.ttf', size=40) font3 = self.assets.get_font('assets/fonts/robotoregular.ttf', size=29) font4 = self.assets.get_font('assets/fonts/robotoregular.ttf', size=35) circle ='L', (20, 20), 0) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(circle) draw.ellipse((0, 0, 20, 20), fill=255) alpha ='L', avatar.size, 255) w, h = avatar.size alpha.paste(circle.crop((0, 0, 10, 10)), (0, 0)) alpha.paste(circle.crop((0, 10, 10, 10 * 2)), (0, h - 10)) alpha.paste(circle.crop((10, 0, 10 * 2, 10)), (w - 10, 0)) alpha.paste(circle.crop((10, 10, 10 * 2, 10 * 2)), (w - 10, h - 10)) avatar.putalpha(alpha) base.paste(avatar, (42, 38), avatar) canv = ImageDraw.Draw(base) text2 = wrap(font2, usernames[0], 1150) tag_raw = usernames[1] if len(usernames) == 2 else usernames[0] text3 = wrap(font3, f'@{tag_raw}', 1150) time ='%-I:%M %p - %d %b %Y') retweets = "{:,}".format(randint(0, 99999)) likes = "{:,}".format(randint(0, 99999)) text4 = wrap(font3, time, 1150) text5 = wrap(font4, retweets, 1150) text6 = wrap(font4, likes, 1150) total_size = (45, 160) for i in text.split(' '): i += ' ' if i.startswith(('@', '#')): if total_size[0] > 1000: total_size = (45, total_size[1] + 65) canv.text(total_size, i, font=font, fill='#1b95e0') y = canv.textsize(i, font=font) total_size = (total_size[0] + y[0], total_size[1]) else: if total_size[0] > 1000: total_size = (45, total_size[1] + 65) canv.text(total_size, i, font=font, fill='Black') y = canv.textsize(i, font=font) total_size = (total_size[0] + y[0], total_size[1]) canv.text((160, 45), text2, font=font2, fill='Black') canv.text((160, 95), text3, font=font3, fill='Grey') canv.text((40, 570), text4, font=font3, fill='Grey') canv.text((40, 486), text5, font=font4, fill='#2C5F63') canv.text((205, 486), text6, font=font4, fill='#2C5F63') b = BytesIO(), format='png') return send_file(b, mimetype='image/png')
async def srp(self, ctx): """ Displays your Spotify rich presence as an image. """ if not or not isinstance(, discord.Spotify): return await ctx.send('You need to be listening to Spotify to use this.') rp = spotify_bytes = BytesIO(await requests.get('')) cover_bytes = BytesIO(await requests.get(rp.album_cover_url)) spotify =, 30), resample=Image.LANCZOS).convert('RGBA') cover =, 190), resample=Image.LANCZOS).convert('RGBA') dom_col = self.get_dominant(cover) should_invert = ((dom_col[0] * 0.299) + (dom_col[1] * 0.587) + (dom_col[2] * 0.114)) <= 64 text_col = (255, 255, 255) if should_invert else (0, 0, 0) if should_invert: spotify = self.invert(spotify) font = ImageFont.truetype('assets/generators/srp/circular-black.ttf', 23) artist_font = font.font_variant(size=18) base ='RGBA', (500, 200), rp.colour.to_rgb()) overlay ='RGBA', (490, 190), dom_col) #avg = int((dom_col[0] + dom_col[1] + dom_col[2]) / 3) #gradient ='L', (255, 1), color=avg) #alpha = 0 #for x in range(255): # gradient.putpixel((x, 0), alpha) # alpha = min(255, alpha + 7) #gradient = gradient.resize(cover.size) #cover.putalpha(gradient) base.paste(overlay, (5, 5), overlay) base.paste(spotify, (10, 10), spotify) base.paste(cover, (305, 5), cover) title = textutils.wrap(font, rp.title, 290) artist = textutils.wrap(artist_font, ', '.join(rp.artists), 290) title_height = sum(map(lambda line: font.getsize(line)[1], title.split('\n'))) a_offset = 55 + title_height canv = ImageDraw.Draw(base) canv.text((10, 45), title, font=font, fill=text_col) canv.text((10, a_offset), artist, font=artist_font, fill=text_col) b = BytesIO(), 'png') await ctx.send(content=f'**<{rp.track_id}>**', file=discord.File(b, 'spotify.png'))
def generate(self, avatars, text, usernames, kwargs): avatar = http.get_image(avatars[0]).resize((52, 52)).convert("RGBA") name = usernames[0] base ="assets/youtube/youtube.bmp").convert("RGBA") font = ImageFont.truetype( "assets/fonts/robotomedium.ttf", size=17, ) font2 = ImageFont.truetype( "assets/fonts/robotoregular.ttf", size=17, ) font3 = ImageFont.truetype( "assets/fonts/robotoregular.ttf", size=19, ) bigsize = (avatar.size[0] * 3, avatar.size[1] * 3) mask ="L", bigsize, 0) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(mask) draw.ellipse((0, 0) + bigsize, fill=255) mask = mask.resize(avatar.size, Image.ANTIALIAS) avatar.putalpha(mask) base.paste(avatar, (17, 33), avatar) canv = ImageDraw.Draw(base) op = wrap(font, name, 1150) size = canv.textsize(name, font=font) comment = wrap(font3, text, 550) num = randint(1, 59) plural = "" if num == 1 else "s" time = f"{num} minute{plural} ago" render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (92, 34), op, font=font, fill="Black") render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (100 + size[0], 34), time, font=font2, fill="Grey") render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (92, 59), comment, font=font3, fill="Black") base = base.convert("RGBA") b = BytesIO(), format="png") return send_file(b, mimetype="image/png")
def generate(self, avatars, text, usernames, kwargs): base ='assets/doglemon/doglemon.bmp')) font = self.assets.get_font('assets/fonts/medium.woff', size=30) canv = ImageDraw.Draw(base) lemon, dog = text.replace(' ,', ',', 1).split(',', 1) lemon = wrap(font, lemon, 500) dog = wrap(font, dog, 450) render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (750, 150), lemon[:180], font=font, fill='Black') render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (33, 5), dog[:200], font=font, fill='White') base = base.convert('RGB') b = BytesIO(), format='jpeg') return send_file(b, mimetype='image/jpeg')
def generate(self, avatars, text, usernames, kwargs): text = text.replace(', ', ',').split(',') if len(text) != 2: text = ['Dank Memer', 'People who do not split with a comma'] base ='assets/lick/lick.jpg')) font = self.assets.get_font('assets/fonts/verdana.ttf', size=24) canv = ImageDraw.Draw(base) render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (80, 200), wrap(font, text[0], 220), font, 'white') render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (290, 240), wrap(font, text[1], 320), font, 'white') base = base.convert('RGB') b = BytesIO(), format='jpeg') return send_file(b, mimetype='image/jpeg')
def generate(self, avatars, text, usernames, kwargs): base ='assets/expandingwwe/expandingwwe.jpg') font = ImageFont.truetype('assets/fonts/verdana.ttf', size=30) text = text.replace(', ', ',') if len(text.split(',')) < 5: a, b, c, d, e = 'you need, five items, for this, command, (split by commas)'.split( ',') else: a, b, c, d, e = text.split(',', 4) a, b, c, d, e = [wrap(font, i, 225).strip() for i in [a, b, c, d, e]] canvas = ImageDraw.Draw(base) canvas.text((5, 5), a, font=font, fill='Black') canvas.text((5, 205), b, font=font, fill='Black') canvas.text((5, 410), c, font=font, fill='Black') canvas.text((5, 620), d, font=font, fill='Black') canvas.text((5, 825), e, font=font, fill='Black') b = BytesIO(), format='jpeg') return send_file(b, mimetype='image/jpeg')
async def sign(self, ctx, *, text: commands.clean_content(fix_channel_mentions = True)): """ making creative command descriptions is hard tbh """ if len(text) > 120: return await ctx.send(f'Sorry! Text needs to be less than 120 characters long. **({len(text)}/120)**') async with with BytesIO() as b: font = ImageFont.truetype("assets/generators/sign/verdana.ttf", 30) final_text = textutils.wrap(font, text, 330) lines = final_text.split('\n') l_adjust = 200 if len(lines) < 4 else 228 base ="assets/generators/sign/template.png").convert("RGBA") txtO ="RGBA", base.size, (255, 255, 255, 0)) canv = ImageDraw.Draw(txtO) canv.text((l_adjust, 200), final_text, font=font, fill="Black") txtO = txtO.rotate(12.5, resample=Image.BICUBIC) out = Image.alpha_composite(base, txtO), "PNG") await ctx.send(file=discord.File(b, filename="sign.png"))
async def generate(self, request, avatars, text, usernames): base ='assets/plan/plan.png').convert('RGBA') font = ImageFont.truetype(font='assets/fonts/sans.ttf', size=16) canv = ImageDraw.Draw(base) words = text.split(', ') if len(words) != 3: words = [ 'you need three items for this command', 'and each should be split by commas', 'Example: pls plan 1, 2, 3' ] words = [wrap(font, w, 120) for w in words] a, b, c = words canv.text((190, 60), a, font=font, fill='Black') canv.text((510, 60), b, font=font, fill='Black') canv.text((190, 280), c, font=font, fill='Black') canv.text((510, 280), c, font=font, fill='Black') b = BytesIO(), format='png') return send_file(body=b, content_type='image/png')
def generate(self, avatars, text, usernames, kwargs): base ='assets/plan/plan.bmp')).convert('RGBA') font = self.assets.get_font('assets/fonts/sans.ttf', size=16) canv = ImageDraw.Draw(base) words = text.split(', ') if len(words) != 3: words = ['you need three items for this command', 'and each should be split by commas', 'Example: pls plan 1, 2, 3'] words = [wrap(font, w, 120) for w in words] a, b, c = words canv.text((190, 60), a, font=font, fill='Black') canv.text((510, 60), b, font=font, fill='Black') canv.text((190, 280), c, font=font, fill='Black') canv.text((510, 280), c, font=font, fill='Black') base = base.convert('RGB') b = BytesIO(), format='jpeg') return send_file(b, mimetype='image/jpeg')
def generate(self, avatars, text, usernames, kwargs): base = self.assets.get('assets/garfield/garfield.png')).convert('RGB') no_entry = 'assets/garfield/no_entry.png')).convert('RGBA').resize( (224, 224), Image.LANCZOS) font = self.assets.get_font('assets/fonts/arial.ttf', size=28) avatar = get_image(avatars[0]).resize((192, 192), Image.LANCZOS).convert('RGBA') avatar2 = avatar.copy().resize((212, 212), Image.LANCZOS).convert('RGBA') base.paste(avatar, (296, 219), avatar) base.paste(no_entry, (280, 203), no_entry) base.paste(avatar2, (40, 210), avatar2) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(base) render_text_with_emoji(base, draw, (15, 0), wrap(font, text, base.width), font, 'black') b = BytesIO(), format='png') return send_file(b, mimetype='image/png')
async def expandingwwe(request): base ="assets/expandingwwe/expandingwwe.jpg") font = ImageFont.truetype("assets/fonts/verdana.ttf", size=30) text = request.headers.get("text") text = text.replace(", ", ",") if len(text.split(",")) < 5: ( a, b, c, d, e, ) = "you need, five items, for this, command, (split by commas)".split(",") else: a, b, c, d, e = text.split(",", 4) a, b, c, d, e = [wrap(font, i, 225).strip() for i in [a, b, c, d, e]] canvas = ImageDraw.Draw(base) canvas.text((5, 5), a, font=font, fill="Black") canvas.text((5, 205), b, font=font, fill="Black") canvas.text((5, 410), c, font=font, fill="Black") canvas.text((5, 620), d, font=font, fill="Black") canvas.text((5, 825), e, font=font, fill="Black") return gen_file_response(base, {"format": "png"})
async def cry(request): base ="assets/cry/cry.bmp") font = ImageFont.truetype("assets/fonts/tahoma.ttf", size=20) canv = ImageDraw.Draw(base) text = request.headers.get("text") text = wrap(font, text, 180) render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (382, 80), text, font=font, fill="Black") return gen_file_response(base, {"format": "png"})
async def doglemon(request): base ="assets/doglemon/doglemon.bmp") font = ImageFont.truetype("assets/fonts/medium.woff", size=30) canv = ImageDraw.Draw(base) text = request.headers.get("text") try: lemon, dog = text.replace(" ,", ",", 1).split(",", 1) except ValueError: lemon = "Text that is not seperated by comma" dog = "Dank Memer" lemon = wrap(font, lemon, 450) dog = wrap(font, dog, 450) render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (850, 100), lemon[:180], font=font, fill="Black") render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (500, 100), dog[:200], font=font, fill="White") base = base.convert("RGB") return gen_file_response(base, {"format": "png"})
def generate(self, avatars, text, usernames, kwargs): base ='assets/theoffice/theoffice.png')) font = self.assets.get_font('assets/fonts/verdana.ttf', size=28) canv = ImageDraw.Draw(base) left, right = text.replace(', ', ',').split(',', 2) render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (125, 200), wrap(font, left, 200), font, 'white') render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (420, 250), wrap(font, right, 200), font, 'white') base = base.convert('RGB') b = BytesIO(), format='jpeg') return send_file(b, mimetype='image/jpeg')
def generate(self, avatars, text, usernames, kwargs): text = text.replace(', ', ',').split(',') if len(text) != 2: text = ['you should add two things split by commas', 'idiot'] base ='assets/justpretending/justpretending.jpg')) font = self.assets.get_font('assets/fonts/verdana.ttf', size=24) canv = ImageDraw.Draw(base) render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (678, 12), wrap(font, text[0], 320), font, 'black') render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (9, 800), wrap(font, text[1], 100), font, 'black') render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (399, 808), wrap(font, text[1], 100), font, 'black') render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (59, 917), wrap(font, text[1], 100), font, 'black') render_text_with_emoji(base, canv, (425, 910), wrap(font, text[1], 100), font, 'black') base = base.convert('RGB') b = BytesIO(), format='jpeg') return send_file(b, mimetype='image/jpeg')