def estimate_runtime_examples(data_path, sample_rate, tokenizer, \
                              max_seq_length, doc_stride, max_query_length, \
                              remove_impossible_questions=True, filter_invalid_spans=True):
    """Count runtime examples which may differ from number of raw samples due to sliding window operation and etc.. This is useful to get correct warmup steps for training."""

    assert sample_rate > 0.0 and sample_rate <= 1.0, "sample_rate must be set between 0.0~1.0"

    print("loading data with json parser...")
    with open(data_path, "r") as reader:
        data = json.load(reader)["data"]

    num_raw_examples = 0
    for entry in data:
        for paragraph in entry["paragraphs"]:
            paragraph_text = paragraph["context"]
            for qa in paragraph["qas"]:
                num_raw_examples += 1
    print("num raw examples:{}".format(num_raw_examples))

    def is_whitespace(c):
        if c == " " or c == "\t" or c == "\r" or c == "\n" or ord(c) == 0x202F:
            return True
        return False

    sampled_examples = []
    for entry in data:
        for paragraph in entry["paragraphs"]:
            doc_tokens = None
            for qa in paragraph["qas"]:
                if sampled_examples and random.random(
                ) > sample_rate and sample_rate < 1.0:

                if doc_tokens is None:
                    paragraph_text = paragraph["context"]
                    doc_tokens = []
                    char_to_word_offset = []
                    prev_is_whitespace = True
                    for c in paragraph_text:
                        if is_whitespace(c):
                            prev_is_whitespace = True
                            if prev_is_whitespace:
                                doc_tokens[-1] += c
                            prev_is_whitespace = False
                        char_to_word_offset.append(len(doc_tokens) - 1)

                assert len(
                ) == 1, "For training, each question should have exactly 1 answer."

                qas_id = qa["id"]
                question_text = qa["question"]
                start_position = None
                end_position = None
                orig_answer_text = None
                is_impossible = False

                if ('is_impossible' in qa) and (qa["is_impossible"]):
                    if remove_impossible_questions or filter_invalid_spans:
                        start_position = -1
                        end_position = -1
                        orig_answer_text = ""
                        is_impossible = True
                    answer = qa["answers"][0]
                    orig_answer_text = answer["text"]
                    answer_offset = answer["answer_start"]
                    answer_length = len(orig_answer_text)
                    start_position = char_to_word_offset[answer_offset]
                    end_position = char_to_word_offset[answer_offset +
                                                       answer_length - 1]

                    # remove corrupt samples
                    actual_text = " ".join(
                        doc_tokens[start_position:(end_position + 1)])
                    cleaned_answer_text = " ".join(
                    if actual_text.find(cleaned_answer_text) == -1:
                        print("Could not find answer: '%s' vs. '%s'",
                              actual_text, cleaned_answer_text)

                example = MRQAExample(qas_id=qas_id,

    runtime_sample_rate = len(sampled_examples) / float(num_raw_examples)

    runtime_samp_cnt = 0

    for example in sampled_examples:
        query_tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(example.question_text)

        if len(query_tokens) > max_query_length:
            query_tokens = query_tokens[0:max_query_length]

        tok_to_orig_index = []
        orig_to_tok_index = []
        all_doc_tokens = []
        for (i, token) in enumerate(example.doc_tokens):
            sub_tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(token)
            for sub_token in sub_tokens:

        tok_start_position = None
        tok_end_position = None

        tok_start_position = orig_to_tok_index[example.start_position]
        if example.end_position < len(example.doc_tokens) - 1:
            tok_end_position = orig_to_tok_index[example.end_position + 1] - 1
            tok_end_position = len(all_doc_tokens) - 1
        (tok_start_position, tok_end_position) = _improve_answer_span(
            all_doc_tokens, tok_start_position, tok_end_position, tokenizer,

        # The -3 accounts for [CLS], [SEP] and [SEP]
        max_tokens_for_doc = max_seq_length - len(query_tokens) - 3

        _DocSpan = collections.namedtuple(  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
            "DocSpan", ["start", "length"])
        doc_spans = []
        start_offset = 0
        while start_offset < len(all_doc_tokens):
            length = len(all_doc_tokens) - start_offset
            if length > max_tokens_for_doc:
                length = max_tokens_for_doc
            doc_spans.append(_DocSpan(start=start_offset, length=length))
            if start_offset + length == len(all_doc_tokens):
            start_offset += min(length, doc_stride)

        for (doc_span_index, doc_span) in enumerate(doc_spans):
            doc_start = doc_span.start
            doc_end = doc_span.start + doc_span.length - 1
            if filter_invalid_spans and not (tok_start_position >= doc_start
                                             and tok_end_position <= doc_end):
            runtime_samp_cnt += 1
    return int(runtime_samp_cnt / runtime_sample_rate)
Example #2
def read_squad_examples(input_file, is_training, version_2_with_negative):
    """Read a SQuAD json file into a list of SquadExample."""
    with open(input_file, "r", encoding='utf-8') as reader:
        input_data = json.load(reader)["data"]

    def is_whitespace(c):
        if c == " " or c == "\t" or c == "\r" or c == "\n" or ord(c) == 0x202F:
            return True
        return False

    examples = []
    for entry in input_data:
        for paragraph in entry["paragraphs"]:
            paragraph_text = paragraph["context"]
            doc_tokens = []
            char_to_word_offset = []
            prev_is_whitespace = True
            for c in paragraph_text:
                if is_whitespace(c):
                    prev_is_whitespace = True
                    if prev_is_whitespace:
                        doc_tokens[-1] += c
                    prev_is_whitespace = False
                char_to_word_offset.append(len(doc_tokens) - 1)

            for qa in paragraph["qas"]:
                qas_id = qa["id"]
                question_text = qa["question"]
                start_position = None
                end_position = None
                orig_answer_text = None
                is_impossible = False
                if is_training:
                    if version_2_with_negative:
                        is_impossible = qa["is_impossible"]
                    if (len(qa["answers"]) != 1) and (not is_impossible):
                        raise ValueError(
                            "For training, each question should have exactly 1 answer."
                    if not is_impossible:
                        answer = qa["answers"][0]
                        orig_answer_text = answer["text"]
                        answer_offset = answer["answer_start"]
                        answer_length = len(orig_answer_text)
                        start_position = char_to_word_offset[answer_offset]
                        end_position = char_to_word_offset[answer_offset +
                                                           answer_length - 1]
                        # Only add answers where the text can be exactly recovered from the
                        # document. If this CAN'T happen it's likely due to weird Unicode
                        # stuff so we will just skip the example.
                        # Note that this means for training mode, every example is NOT
                        # guaranteed to be preserved.
                        actual_text = " ".join(
                            doc_tokens[start_position:(end_position + 1)])
                        cleaned_answer_text = " ".join(
                        if actual_text.find(cleaned_answer_text) == -1:
                                "Could not find answer: '%s' vs. '%s'",
                                actual_text, cleaned_answer_text)
                        start_position = -1
                        end_position = -1
                        orig_answer_text = ""

                example = SquadExample(qas_id=qas_id,
    return examples
def read_squad_examples(input_file, is_training):
    """Read a SQuAD json file into a list of SquadExample."""
    total = 0
    with open(input_file, "r") as reader:
        input_data = json.load(reader)["data"]

    def is_whitespace(c):
        if c == " " or c == "\t" or c == "\r" or c == "\n" or ord(c) == 0x202F:
            return True
        return False

    examples = []
    for entry in tqdm(input_data):
        for paragraph in entry["paragraphs"]:
            paragraph_text = paragraph["context"]
            doc_tokens = []
            char_to_word_offset = []
            char_to_word_offset 用于根据答案和答案开始位置确定答案的起始位置(即模型的输出)
            prev_is_whitespace = True
            for c in paragraph_text:
                if is_whitespace(c):
                    prev_is_whitespace = True
                    if prev_is_whitespace:
                        doc_tokens[-1] += c
                    prev_is_whitespace = False
                char_to_word_offset.append(len(doc_tokens) - 1)

            for qa in paragraph["qas"]:
                uuid = qa["id"]
                question_text = qa["question"]
                start_position = None
                end_position = None
                orig_answer_text = None
                if is_training:
                    if len(qa["answers"]) > 1:
                        raise ValueError(
                            "For training, each question should have exactly 0 or 1 answer."
                    answer = qa["answers"][0]
                    orig_answer_text = answer["text"]
                    answer_offset = answer["answer_start"]
                    answer_length = len(orig_answer_text)
                    start_position = char_to_word_offset[answer_offset]
                    end_position = char_to_word_offset[answer_offset +
                                                       answer_length - 1]
                    # Only add answers where the text can be exactly recovered from the
                    # document. If this CAN'T happen it's likely due to weird Unicode
                    # stuff so we will just skip the example.
                    # Note that this means for training mode, every example is NOT
                    # guaranteed to be preserved.
                    actual_text = " ".join(
                        doc_tokens[start_position:(end_position + 1)])
                    cleaned_answer_text = " ".join(
                    if actual_text.find(cleaned_answer_text) == -1:
                        print("Could not find answer: '%s' vs. '%s'",
                              actual_text, cleaned_answer_text)

                total += 1

                example = SquadExample(uuid=uuid,
                [uuid: 5733be284776f41900661182,
                 question_text: To whom did the Virgin Mary allegedly appear in 1858 in Lourdes France?,
                doc_tokens: [Architecturally, the school has a Catholic character. Atop the Main Building's gold dome is a golden statue of the Virgin Mary. Immediately in front of the Main Building and facing it, is a copper statue of Christ with arms upraised with the legend "Venite Ad Me Omnes". Next to the Main Building is the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. Immediately behind the basilica is the Grotto, a Marian place of prayer and reflection. It is a replica of the grotto at Lourdes, France where the Virgin Mary reputedly appeared to Saint Bernadette Soubirous in 1858. At the end of the main drive (and in a direct line that connects through 3 statues and the Gold Dome), is a simple, modern stone statue of Mary.], 
                start_position: 90, 
                end_position: 92, 
                uuid: 5733be284776f4190066117f, 
                question_text: What is in front of the Notre Dame Main Building?, 
                doc_tokens: [Architecturally, the school has a Catholic character. Atop the Main Building's gold dome is a golden statue of the Virgin Mary. Immediately in front of the Main Building and facing it, is a copper statue of Christ with arms upraised with the legend "Venite Ad Me Omnes". Next to the Main Building is the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. Immediately behind the basilica is the Grotto, a Marian place of prayer and reflection. It is a replica of the grotto at Lourdes, France where the Virgin Mary reputedly appeared to Saint Bernadette Soubirous in 1858. At the end of the main drive (and in a direct line that connects through 3 statues and the Gold Dome), is a simple, modern stone statue of Mary.], 
                start_position: 32, 
                end_position: 36,
                 uuid: 5733be284776f41900661180, 
                 question_text: The Basilica of the Sacred heart at Notre Dame is beside to which structure?, 
                 doc_tokens: [Architecturally, the school has a Catholic character. Atop the Main Building's gold dome is a golden statue of the Virgin Mary. Immediately in front of the Main Building and facing it, is a copper statue of Christ with arms upraised with the legend "Venite Ad Me Omnes". Next to the Main Building is the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. Immediately behind the basilica is the Grotto, a Marian place of prayer and reflection. It is a replica of the grotto at Lourdes, France where the Virgin Mary reputedly appeared to Saint Bernadette Soubirous in 1858. At the end of the main drive (and in a direct line that connects through 3 statues and the Gold Dome), is a simple, modern stone statue of Mary.], 
                 start_position: 49, 
                 end_position: 51]

    return examples