def reset(event):
    trajectories[:] = []

    # clear canvas

    #redraw background
    w.create_image(1920 / 2, 1080 / 2, image=bg)
def buttonUp(event):
    global newT, xold, yold
    newT = True
    xold = None
    yold = None

    # Check if last trajectory has 0 length
    if trajectories[len(trajectories) - 1].length() == 0.0:
    def change_to_traj(trajectories):
        out = []

        for i in range(len(trajectories)):
            temp = Trajectory()

            for j in trajectories[i]:


        return out
def addNYGCTraj(event):
    global newT, xold, yold, NYGC_index

    ## save point
    # a first point for a new trajectory
    if (newT):
        newT = False

    for i in range(len(NYGC_data[NYGC_index])):
        x_coord = np.floor(NYGC_data[NYGC_index][i][0])
        y_coord = np.floor(NYGC_data[NYGC_index][i][1])

        trajectories[len(trajectories) - 1].addPoint((x_coord, y_coord))

        ## paint one point
        #     c = COLORS[ci]
        c = COLOR_BLACK
        x1, y1 = (x_coord - 2), (y_coord - 2)
        x2, y2 = (x_coord + 2), (y_coord + 2)
        w.create_oval(x1, y1, x2, y2, fill=c)

        ## paint a line
        if xold is not None and yold is not None:
            w.create_line(xold, yold, x_coord, y_coord, smooth=True)

        xold = x_coord
        yold = y_coord

    NYGC_index += 1
    print('Number ' + str(NYGC_index) + ' trajectory')
Example #5
    def replan(self, start, goal, goal_pose, T, timestep, seed=None):
		Replan the trajectory from start to goal given weights.
			start -- Start position
			goal -- Goal position.
			goal_pose -- Goal pose (optional: can be None).
			T [float] -- Time horizon for the desired trajectory.
			timestep [float] -- Frequency of waypoints in desired trajectory.
			traj [Trajectory] -- The optimal trajectory satisfying the arguments.
        waypts = self.trajOpt(start, goal, goal_pose, traj_seed=seed)
        waypts_time = np.linspace(0.0, T, self.num_waypts)
        traj = Trajectory(waypts, waypts_time)
        return traj.upsample(int(T / timestep) + 1)
Example #6
    def extract_solution(self, robot, qcom, qlimb, contact, contact_force,
                         contact_lambda, contact_sequence_array):

        qcom = self.get_piecewise_solution(qcom)
        vcom =
        qlimb = [self.get_piecewise_solution(q) for q in qlimb]
        vlimb = [ for q in qlimb]
        flimb = [self.get_piecewise_solution(f) for f in contact_force]
        contact = self.extract_contact_solution(contact, contact_lambda,

        # note that flimb, vlimb are lists so we have to be extra careful when constructing
        # the Trajectory object for BoxAtlasInput
        return (Trajectory([qcom, vcom] + qlimb,
                           lambda qcom, vcom, *qlimb: BoxAtlasState(
                               robot, qcom=qcom, vcom=vcom, qlimb=qlimb)),
                Trajectory([flimb, vlimb], lambda flimb, vlimb: BoxAtlasInput(
                    robot, flimb=flimb, vlimb=vlimb)), contact)
    def replan(self, start, goal, goal_pose, weights, T, timestep, seed=None):
		Replan the trajectory from start to goal given weights.
			start -- Start position
			goal -- Goal position.
			goal_pose -- Goal pose (optional: can be None).
			weights -- Weights used for the planning objective.
			T [float] -- Time horizon for the desired trajectory.
			timestep [float] -- Frequency of waypoints in desired trajectory.
			traj [Trajectory] -- The optimal trajectory satisfying the arguments.
        assert weights is not None, "The weights vector is empty. Cannot plan without a cost preference."
        self.weights = weights

        waypts = self.trajOpt(start, goal, goal_pose, traj_seed=seed)
        waypts_time = np.linspace(0.0, T, self.num_waypts)
        traj = Trajectory(waypts, waypts_time)
        return traj.upsample(int(T / timestep) + 1)
Example #8
    def read_data(self, tr, dr):
        for i in range(0, 182):
            path = './data/%03d/Trajectory/' % i
            files = os.listdir(path)

            user = User(i)  # 创建User对象

            file_num = 0
            for file in files:
                file_num += 1
                trajectory = Trajectory()  # 创建Trajectory对象
                file_name = os.path.join(path, file) # 定位路径并打开文件
                with open(file_name) as f:
                    # plt数据文件的前六行无用
                    line_num = 0
                    for line in f:
                        line_num += 1
                        if line_num <= 6:

                        content = line.split(',')
                        lat, lng, date, time = float(content[0]), float(content[1]), content[5], content[6][0:-1]  # 所有的初始数据都是string格式
                        timestamp = date + ' ' + time
                        point = Point(lng, lat, timestamp)

                trajectory.staypoint_detection(tr, dr)
                if trajectory.staypoints:  # 如果这条轨迹中检测到停留点的话
                print(i, 'th user,', file_num, 'th trajectory,', len(trajectory.staypoints), 'staypoints')
	def load_parameters(self):
		Loading parameters and setting up variables from the ROS environment.

		# ----- General Setup ----- #
		self.prefix = rospy.get_param("setup/prefix")
		self.start = np.array(rospy.get_param("setup/start"))*(math.pi/180.0)
		self.T = rospy.get_param("setup/T")
		self.timestep = rospy.get_param("setup/timestep")
		self.save_dir = rospy.get_param("setup/save_dir")

		# Openrave parameters for the environment.
		model_filename = rospy.get_param("setup/model_filename")
		object_centers = rospy.get_param("setup/object_centers")
		self.environment = Environment(model_filename, object_centers)

		# ----- Controller Setup ----- #
		# Retrieve controller specific parameters.
		controller_type = rospy.get_param("controller/type")  
		if controller_type == "pid":
			# P, I, D gains.
			P = rospy.get_param("controller/p_gain") * np.eye(7)
			I = rospy.get_param("controller/i_gain") * np.eye(7)
			D = rospy.get_param("controller/d_gain") * np.eye(7)

			# Stores proximity threshold.
			epsilon = rospy.get_param("controller/epsilon")

			# Stores maximum COMMANDED joint torques.
			MAX_CMD = rospy.get_param("controller/max_cmd") * np.eye(7)

			self.controller = PIDController(P, I, D, epsilon, MAX_CMD)
			raise Exception('Controller {} not implemented.'.format(controller_type))

		# Tell controller to move to start.
		self.controller.set_trajectory(Trajectory([self.start], [0.0]))

		# Stores current COMMANDED joint torques.
		self.cmd = np.eye(7)

		# Utilities for recording data.
		self.expUtil = experiment_utils.ExperimentUtils(self.save_dir)
def buttonMotion(event):
    global newT, xold, yold

    ## save point
    # a first point for a new trajectory
    if (newT):
        newT = False

    trajectories[len(trajectories) - 1].addPoint((event.x, event.y))

    ## paint one point
    #     c = COLORS[ci]
    x1, y1 = (event.x - 2), (event.y - 2)
    x2, y2 = (event.x + 2), (event.y + 2)
    w.create_oval(x1, y1, x2, y2, fill=c)

    ## paint a line
    if xold is not None and yold is not None:
        w.create_line(xold, yold, event.x, event.y, smooth=True)

    xold = event.x
    yold = event.y
	def __init__(self):
		# Create ROS node.

		# Load parameters and set up subscribers/publishers.

		# Publish to ROS at 100hz
		r = rospy.Rate(100)

		print "----------------------------------"
		print "Moving robot, press ENTER to quit:"

		while not rospy.is_shutdown():

			if sys.stdin in[sys.stdin], [], [], 0)[0]:
				line = raw_input()


		print "----------------------------------"

		# Process and save the recording.
		raw_demo = self.expUtil.tracked_traj[:,1:8]
		# Trim ends of waypoints and create Trajectory.
		lo = 0
		hi = raw_demo.shape[0] - 1
		while np.linalg.norm(raw_demo[lo] - raw_demo[lo + 1]) < 0.01 and lo < hi:
			lo += 1
		while np.linalg.norm(raw_demo[hi] - raw_demo[hi - 1]) < 0.01 and hi > 0:
			hi -= 1
		waypts = raw_demo[lo:hi+1, :]
		waypts_time = np.linspace(0.0, self.T, waypts.shape[0])
		traj = Trajectory(waypts, waypts_time)

		# Downsample/Upsample trajectory to fit desired timestep and T.
		num_waypts = int(self.T / self.timestep) + 1
		if num_waypts < len(traj.waypts):
			demo = traj.downsample(int(self.T / self.timestep) + 1)
			demo = traj.upsample(int(self.T / self.timestep) + 1)

		# Decide whether to save trajectory
		openrave_utils.plotTraj(self.environment.env, self.environment.robot,
								self.environment.bodies, demo.waypts, size=0.015, color=[0, 0, 1])

		print "Type [yes/y/Y] if you're happy with the demonstration."
		line = raw_input()
		if (line is not "yes") and (line is not "Y") and (line is not "y"):
			print "Not happy with demonstration. Terminating experiment."
			print "Please type in the ID number (e.g. [0/1/2/...])."
			ID = raw_input()
			print "Please type in the task number (e.g. [0/1/2/...])."
			task = raw_input()
			filename = "demo" + "_ID" + ID + "_task" + task
			savefile = self.expUtil.get_unique_filepath("demos",filename)
			pickle.dump(demo, open(savefile, "wb" ))
			print "Saved demonstration in {}.".format(savefile)