def p_numexpressions(p): """numexpressions : LBRACKET numexpression RBRACKET numexpressions | LBRACKET numexpression RBRACKET """ if len(p) == 5: p[0] = Tree("array", p[2], p[4]) else: p[0] = Tree("array", p[2]) global_tree.append((tuple(['numexpressions'] + p[1:])))
def p_unaryiter(p): """unaryiter : unaryop unaryexpr unaryiter | epsilon """ if len(p) == 4: if p[3] is None: p[0] = Tree(p[1], None, p[2]) else: p[3].left = p[2] p[0] = Tree(p[1], None, p[3]) global_tree.append((tuple(['unaryiter'] + p[1:])))
def p_signedterms(p): """signedterms : signal term signedterms | epsilon """ if len(p) == 4: if p[3] is None: p[0] = Tree(p[1], None, p[2]) else: p[3].left = p[2] p[0] = Tree(p[1], None, p[3]) global_tree.append((tuple(['signedterms'] + p[1:])))
def __getitem__(self, idx): img = os.path.join(self.img_dir, str(self.partition[idx]) + '.png')) tree = ET.parse( os.path.join(self.tree_dir, str(self.partition[idx]) + '.xml')) et_root = tree.getroot() def build_tree(ele, et_ele): for et_child in et_ele: new_child = Tree(et_child.tag) ele.add_child(new_child) build_tree(new_child, et_child) ele.add_child(Tree('end')) root = Tree(et_root.tag) build_tree(root, et_root) if self.tree_transform != None: root = self.tree_transform(root) if self.img_transform != None: img = self.img_transform(img) return {'img': img, 'tree': root}
def __init__(self, time_not_looping=0.05): self._not_looping = time_not_looping self._subscriptions = Tree(config.MQTT_HOME, ["Functions"]) self.payload_on = ("ON", True, "True") self.payload_off = ("OFF", False, "False") self._retained = [] self.mqtt_home = config.MQTT_HOME super().__init__() = "SmartServer" self.enable_logger(log) self.username_pw_set(config.MQTT_USER, config.MQTT_PASSWORD) self.on_connect = self._connected self.on_message = self._execute_sync self.on_disconnect = self._on_disconnect self.connect(config.MQTT_HOST, 1883, 60) asyncio.ensure_future(self._keep_connected())
def p_unaryexpr(p): """unaryexpr : signal factor | factor """ if len(p) == 2: p[0] = p[1] else: p[0] = Tree(p[1], p[2]) global_tree.append((tuple(['unaryexpr'] + p[1:])))
def p_funclist(p): """funclist : funcdef funclist | funcdef """ if len(p) == 3: p[0] = Tree('funclist', p[1], p[2]) else: p[0] = p[1] global_tree.append(('funclist', p[1:]))
def forward(self, img, path): output = [] for i in range(len(path)): # if path[i] = root if path[i].parent == None: img_features = self.cnn(img) child_c = self.img_to_c(img_features) child_h = path[0].value.detach().new(1, self.mem_dim).fill_(0.).requires_grad_() dummy = Tree('') dummy.state = child_c, child_h feed_list = [dummy] else: feed_list = [path[i].parent] idx = path[i].parent.children.index(path[i]) for j in range(idx): child = path[i].parent.children[j] child_c = child.value.detach().new(1, self.mem_dim).fill_(0.).requires_grad_() child_h = child.value.detach().new(1, self.mem_dim).fill_(0.).requires_grad_() child.state = self.tree_lstm(child.value, child_c, child_h) feed_list.append(child) # if this is the end if i == len(path)-1: idx = len(path[i].children) else: idx = path[i].children.index(path[i+1]) for j in range(idx): child = path[i].children[j] child_c = child.value.detach().new(1, self.mem_dim).fill_(0.).requires_grad_() child_h = child.value.detach().new(1, self.mem_dim).fill_(0.).requires_grad_() child.state = self.tree_lstm(child.value, child_c, child_h) feed_list.append(child) child_c, child_h = zip(* map(lambda x: x.state, feed_list)) child_c, child_h =, dim=0),, dim=0) path[i].state = self.tree_lstm(path[i].value, child_c, child_h) output.append(self.h_to_word(path[i].state[1])) return, dim=0)
def p_lvalue(p): """lvalue : IDENT | IDENT numexpressions """ if find_var(p[1], Scope.actual_scope) is None: semantic_error("variable \'{}\' not declared.".format(p[1]), p) if len(p) == 2: p[0] = p[1] else: p[0] = Tree(p[1], p[2]) global_tree.append((tuple(['lvalue'] + p[1:])))
def generate_random_tree(size): T = Tree() T.add_root(random.randint(0, MAX_VAL)) frontier = deque() frontier.append(T.root()) while len(T) < size: p = frontier.popleft() num_children = random.randint(1, min(4, size - len(T))) for _ in range(num_children): T.add_child(p, random.randint(0, MAX_VAL)) frontier.extend(T.children(p)) return T
def predict_tree(model, img, word_dict, tree, max_child=7): def str_to_tensor(word): return torch.from_numpy(word_dict[word]).float().to(device) def get_path(node, root): path = [] n = node path.insert(0, n) while n!=root: n = n.parent path.insert(0, n) return path def tree_str(node): out_str = ' '*node.height() + node.str for child in node.children: child_str = tree_str(child) out_str += '\n' + child_str return out_str root = Tree(str_to_tensor('root')) root.str = 'root' target_queue = [tree] target_index = 0 queue = [root] while len(queue) != 0: parent = queue[0] path = get_path(parent, root) pred = model(img, path).detach() pred_value = pred[-1] pred_node = Tree(pred_value) word = list(word_dict.keys())[torch.argmax(pred_node.value)] # check ans target_parent = target_queue[0] if word!=target_parent.children[target_index].value: print('wrong!!! target:{} predict:{}'.format(target_parent.children[target_index].value, word)) # print(tree_str(root)) # print("====================") word = target_parent.children[target_index].value pred_node.str = word parent.add_child(pred_node) if pred_node.str == 'end': target_index = 0 target_queue.pop(0) queue.pop(0) else: target_queue.append(target_parent.children[target_index]) queue.append(pred_node) target_index += 1
def _decode(self, code): """ Given a binary code build a tree corresponding to that code. @param code (int): A 2b-bit number encoding a tree of size b. @return tree (Tree): A Tree object corresponding to the binary encoding. """ binary_code = [int(bit) for bit in "{0:b}".format(code)] binary_code = binary_code[1:] # Assert the binary code is a valid encoding of a tree. zeros = len([x for x in binary_code if x == 0]) ones = len([x for x in binary_code if x == 1]) assert (zeros == ones) tree = Tree() elem = 0 cursor = tree.add_root(elem) for bit in binary_code: if bit == 0: elem += 1 cursor = tree.add_child(cursor, elem) elif bit == 1: cursor = tree.parent(cursor) return tree
def p_binaryoperator(p): """binaryoperator : numexpression relationaloperator """ p[0] = Tree(p[2], p[1]) global_tree.append((tuple(['binaryoperator'] + p[1:])))
class MQTTHandler(MQTTClient): def __init__(self, time_not_looping=0.05): self._not_looping = time_not_looping self._subscriptions = Tree(config.MQTT_HOME, ["Functions"]) self.payload_on = ("ON", True, "True") self.payload_off = ("OFF", False, "False") self._retained = [] self.mqtt_home = config.MQTT_HOME super().__init__() = "SmartServer" self.enable_logger(log) self.username_pw_set(config.MQTT_USER, config.MQTT_PASSWORD) self.on_connect = self._connected self.on_message = self._execute_sync self.on_disconnect = self._on_disconnect self.connect(config.MQTT_HOST, 1883, 60) asyncio.ensure_future(self._keep_connected()) def _connected(self, client, userdata, flags, rc):"Connection returned result: " + connack_string(rc)) self._publishDeviceStats() self._subscribeTopics() def _on_disconnect(self, client, userdata, rc): if rc != 0: log.warn("Unexpected disconnection.") async def _keep_connected(self):"Keeping connected") while True: self.loop(0.05) await asyncio.sleep(self._not_looping) def _subscribeTopics(self): for obj, topic in self._subscriptions.__iter__(with_path=True): super().subscribe(topic, qos=1) def unsubscribe(self, topic, callback=None): if self._isDeviceTopic(topic): topic = self.getRealTopic(topic) if callback is None: log.debug("unsubscribing topic {}".format(topic)) self._subscriptions.removeObject(topic) super().unsubscribe(topic) else: try: cbs = self._subscriptions.getFunctions(topic) if type(cbs) not in (tuple, list): self._subscriptions.removeObject(topic) return try: cbs = list(cbs) cbs.remove(callback) except ValueError: log.warn( "Callback to topic {!s} not subscribed".format(topic), local_only=True) return self._subscriptions.setFunctions(topic, cbs) except ValueError: log.warn("Topic {!s} does not exist".format(topic)) async def subscribe(self, topic, callback, qos=0, check_retained=True): if self._isDeviceTopic(topic): topic = self.getRealTopic(topic) log.debug("Subscribing to topic {}".format(topic)) self._subscriptions.addObject(topic, callback) if check_retained: if topic[-4:] == "/set": # subscribe to topic without /set to get retained message for this topic state # this is done additionally to the retained topic with /set in order to recreate # the current state and then get new instructions in /set state_topic = topic[:-4] self._retained.append(state_topic) self._subscriptions.addObject(state_topic, callback) super().subscribe(state_topic, qos) await self._await_retained(state_topic, callback, True) # to give retained state time to process before adding /set subscription self._retained.append(topic) super().subscribe(topic, qos) if check_retained: asyncio.ensure_future(self._await_retained(topic, callback)) def _publishDeviceStats(self): pass def getDeviceTopic(self, attrib, is_request=False): if is_request: attrib += "/set" return ".{}".format(attrib) def _isDeviceTopic(self, topic): if topic[:1] == ".": return True return False def getRealTopic(self, device_topic): if device_topic[:1] != ".": raise ValueError("DeviceTopic does not start with .") return "{}/{}/{}".format(self.mqtt_home,, device_topic[1:]) async def _await_retained(self, topic, cb=None, remove_after=False): st = 0 while topic in self._retained and st <= 8: await asyncio.sleep(0.1) st += 1 try: log.debug("removing retained topic {}".format(topic)) self._retained.remove(topic) except ValueError: pass if remove_after: self.unsubscribe(topic, cb) def _execute_sync(self, client, userdata, msg): """mqtt library only handles sync callbacks so add it to async loop""" asyncio.ensure_future(self._execute(msg.topic, msg.payload, msg.retain)) async def _execute(self, topic, msg, retain): log.debug("mqtt execution: {!s} {!s}".format(topic, msg)) msg = msg.decode() try: msg = json.loads(msg) except: pass # maybe not a json string, no way of knowing cb = None if topic in self._retained: retain = True else: for topicR in self._retained: if topicR[-1:] == "#": if topic.find(topicR[:-1]) != -1: retain = True if retain: try: cb = self._subscriptions.getFunctions(topic + "/set") except IndexError: try: cb = self._subscriptions.getFunctions(topic) except IndexError: pass if cb is None: try: cb = self._subscriptions.getFunctions(topic) except IndexError: log.warn("No cb found for topic {!s}".format(topic)) if cb: for callback in cb if (type(cb) == list or type(cb) == tuple) else [cb]: try: if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(callback): res = await callback(topic=topic, msg=msg, retain=retain) else: res = callback(topic=topic, msg=msg, retain=retain) if not retain: if (type(res) == int and res is not None) or res == True: # so that an integer 0 is interpreted as a result to send back if res == True and type(res) != int: res = msg # send original msg back if topic[-4:] == "/set": # if a /set topic is found, send without /set self.publish(topic[:-4], res, retain=True) except Exception as e: log.error( "Error executing {!s} mqtt topic {!r}: {!s}".format( "retained " if retain else "", topic, e)) if retain and topic[-2:] != "/#": # only remove if it is not a wildcard topic to allow other topics # to handle retained messages belonging to this wildcard try: self._retained.remove(topic) except ValueError: pass # already removed by _await_retained def publish(self, topic, msg, retain=False, qos=0): if type(msg) == dict or type(msg) == list: msg = json.dumps(msg) elif type(msg) != str: msg = str(msg) if self._isDeviceTopic(topic): topic = self.getRealTopic(topic) super().publish(topic, msg, retain=retain, qos=qos)
def build_tree(ele, et_ele): for et_child in et_ele: new_child = Tree(et_child.tag) ele.add_child(new_child) build_tree(new_child, et_child) ele.add_child(Tree('end'))
def predict_tree(img, model, device, word_dict, max_child=6): tranf = transforms.Compose([WordEmbedding(word_dict), TreeToTensor()]) end_value = tranf(Tree('end')) root = Tree('root') root = tranf(root) root.value = out_size = root.value.size() queue = [root] while len(queue) != 0: sub_tree = Tree(image_caption_model(img, [root]).flatten().detach()) max_value = torch.max(sub_tree.value) sub_tree.value = torch.where(sub_tree.value >= max_value, torch.ones(out_size).to(device), torch.zeros(out_size).to(device)) queue[0].add_child(sub_tree) if len(queue[0].children) >= max_child: sub_tree = Tree(end_value.clone().detach()) queue[0].add_child(sub_tree) if torch.equal(end_value, sub_tree.value): queue.pop(0) else: queue.append(sub_tree) root.for_each_value(lambda x: x.cpu().numpy()) vec2word = Vec2Word(word_dict) root = vec2word(root) return root