forwardFeatNet = (forwardQBot or params['trainMode'] == 'rl-full-QAf' or forwardAQMBot) # Answerer Forward Pass if forwardABot: # Observe Ground Truth (GT) question aBot.observe(round, ques=gtQuestions[:, round], quesLens=gtQuesLens[:, round]) # Observe GT answer for teacher forcing aBot.observe(round, ans=gtAnswers[:, round], ansLens=gtAnsLens[:, round]) ansLogProbs = aBot.forward() # Cross Entropy (CE) Loss for Ground Truth Answers aBotLoss += utils.maskedNll(ansLogProbs, gtAnswers[:, round].contiguous()) # Questioner Forward Pass (dialog model) if forwardQBot: # Observe GT question for teacher forcing qBot.observe(round, ques=gtQuestions[:, round], quesLens=gtQuesLens[:, round]) quesLogProbs = qBot.forward() # Cross Entropy (CE) Loss for Ground Truth Questions qBotLoss += utils.maskedNll(quesLogProbs, gtQuestions[:, round].contiguous()) # Observe GT answer for updating dialog history qBot.observe(round, ans=gtAnswers[:, round], ansLens=gtAnsLens[:, round])
def rankQBot(qBot, dataset, split, exampleLimit=None, verbose=0): ''' Evaluates Q-Bot performance on image retrieval when it is shown ground truth captions, questions and answers. Q-Bot does not generate dialog in this setting - it only encodes ground truth captions and dialog in order to perform image retrieval by predicting FC-7 image features after each round of dialog. Arguments: qBot : Q-Bot dataset : VisDialDataset instance split : Dataset split, can be 'val' or 'test' exampleLimit : Maximum number of data points to use from the dataset split. If None, all data points. ''' batchSize = dataset.batchSize numRounds = dataset.numRounds original_split = dataset.split # train dataset.split = split # val if exampleLimit != None: numExamples = exampleLimit elif dataset.split == 'val': numExamples = dataset.numDataPoints[split] - 3 else: numExamples = dataset.numDataPoints[split] numBatches = (numExamples - 1) // batchSize + 1 # how much val images per batch(384) dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batchSize, shuffle=True, num_workers=1, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn) # enumerate all gt features and all predicted features gtImgFeatures = [] # caption + dialog rounds roundwiseFeaturePreds = [[] for _ in range(numRounds + 1) ] # initial guess at round -1 logProbsAll = [[] for _ in range(numRounds)] featLossAll = [[] for _ in range(numRounds + 1)] # initial guess at round -1 start_t = timer() for idx, batch in enumerate( dataloader ): # idx 0[[20,4096],[20,4096],[20,4096]...] -> idx 1[[40,4096],[40,4096],[40,4096]...] # featloss idx 0[[1],[1],[1]...] -> idx 1[[1,1],[1,1],[1,1]...] if idx == numBatches: # 384 break if dataset.useGPU: batch = { key: v.cuda() for key, v in batch.items() if hasattr(v, 'cuda') } else: batch = { key: v.contiguous() for key, v in batch.items() if hasattr(v, 'cuda') } caption = Variable(batch['cap'], volatile=True) captionLens = Variable(batch['cap_len'], volatile=True) gtQuestions = Variable(batch['ques'], volatile=True) gtQuesLens = Variable(batch['ques_len'], volatile=True) answers = Variable(batch['ans'], volatile=True) ansLens = Variable(batch['ans_len'], volatile=True) gtFeatures = Variable(batch['img_feat'], volatile=True) qBot.reset() # only evaluate, no forward qBot.observe(-1, caption=caption, captionLens=captionLens) predFeatures = qBot.predictImage() # (20,4096) featLoss = F.mse_loss(predFeatures, gtFeatures) # batch loss featLossAll[0].append(torch.mean(featLoss)) roundwiseFeaturePreds[0].append( predFeatures) # batch predicted features for round in range( numRounds ): # predFeatures round 0[[20,4096],[],[]...] -> round 1[[20,4096],[20,4096],[]...] # featloss round 0[[1],[],[]...] -> round 1[[1],[1],[]...] qBot.observe(round, ques=gtQuestions[:, round], quesLens=gtQuesLens[:, round]) qBot.observe(round, ans=answers[:, round], ansLens=ansLens[:, round]) logProbsCurrent = qBot.forward() # (20,15,7826) logProbsAll[round].append( utils.maskedNll(logProbsCurrent, gtQuestions[:, round].contiguous())) predFeatures = qBot.predictImage() # no history encoder forward featLoss = F.mse_loss(predFeatures, gtFeatures) featLossAll[round + 1].append(torch.mean(featLoss)) roundwiseFeaturePreds[round + 1].append(predFeatures) gtImgFeatures.append(gtFeatures) end_t = timer() delta_t = " Time: %5.2fs" % (end_t - start_t) start_t = end_t progressString = "\r[Qbot] Evaluating split '%s' [%d/%d]\t" + delta_t sys.stdout.write(progressString % (split, idx + 1, numBatches)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\n") gtFeatures =, 0).data.cpu().numpy() rankMetricsRounds = [] poolSize = len(dataset) ############################################################################## # loss for sentense & features loss ############################################################################## logProbsAll = [, 0).mean() for lprobs in logProbsAll ] # (10,384)->(10,1) mean logProbs for 384 cases at each rund featLossAll = [, 0).mean() for floss in featLossAll ] # (11,384)->(11,1) mean featloss for 384 cases at each round roundwiseLogProbs =, 0).data.cpu().numpy() # torch to numpy array roundwiseFeatLoss =, 0).data.cpu().numpy() logProbsMean = roundwiseLogProbs.mean() # total mean logProbs featLossMean = roundwiseFeatLoss.mean() ############################################################################## # Percentile mean rank ############################################################################## if verbose: print("Percentile mean rank (round, mean, low, high)") for round in range(numRounds + 1): predFeatures = roundwiseFeaturePreds[round], 0).data.cpu().numpy() # (384,20,4096)-> (7663,4096) dists = pairwise_distances(predFeatures, gtFeatures) # cosine similarity (7663,7663) ranks = [] for i in range(dists.shape[0]): rank = int(np.where(dists[i, :].argsort() == i)[0]) + 1 ranks.append(rank) ranks = np.array(ranks) # (7663,) rankMetrics = metrics.computeMetrics(Variable(torch.from_numpy(ranks))) meanRank = ranks.mean() se = ranks.std() / np.sqrt(poolSize) meanPercRank = 100 * (1 - (meanRank / poolSize)) percRankLow = 100 * (1 - ((meanRank + se) / poolSize)) percRankHigh = 100 * (1 - ((meanRank - se) / poolSize)) if verbose: print((round, meanPercRank, percRankLow, percRankHigh)) rankMetrics['percentile'] = meanPercRank rankMetrics['featLoss'] = roundwiseFeatLoss[round] if round < len(roundwiseLogProbs): rankMetrics['logProbs'] = roundwiseLogProbs[round] rankMetricsRounds.append(rankMetrics) rankMetricsRounds[-1]['logProbsMean'] = logProbsMean rankMetricsRounds[-1]['featLossMean'] = featLossMean dataset.split = original_split return rankMetricsRounds[-1], rankMetricsRounds
def rankQBot(qBot, dataset, split, exampleLimit=None, verbose=0): """ Evaluates Q-Bot performance on image retrieval when it is shown ground truth captions, questions and answers. Q-Bot does not generate dialog in this setting - it only encodes ground truth captions and dialog in order to perform image retrieval by predicting FC-7 image features after each round of dialog. Arguments: qBot : Q-Bot dataset : VisDialDataset instance split : Dataset split, can be 'val' or 'test' exampleLimit : Maximum number of data points to use from the dataset split. If None, all data points. """ batchSize = dataset.batchSize numRounds = dataset.numRounds if exampleLimit is None: numExamples = dataset.numDataPoints[split] else: numExamples = exampleLimit numBatches = (numExamples - 1) // batchSize + 1 original_split = dataset.split dataset.split = split dataloader = DataLoader( dataset, batch_size=batchSize, shuffle=True, num_workers=0, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, ) # enumerate all gt features and all predicted features gtImgFeatures = [] # caption + dialog rounds roundwiseFeaturePreds = [[] for _ in range(numRounds + 1)] logProbsAll = [[] for _ in range(numRounds)] featLossAll = [[] for _ in range(numRounds + 1)] start_t = timer() for idx, batch in enumerate(dataloader): if idx == numBatches: break if dataset.useGPU: batch = { key: v.cuda() for key, v in batch.items() if hasattr(v, "cuda") } else: batch = { key: v.contiguous() for key, v in batch.items() if hasattr(v, "cuda") } caption = batch["cap"] captionLens = batch["cap_len"] gtQuestions = batch["ques"] gtQuesLens = batch["ques_len"] answers = batch["ans"] ansLens = batch["ans_len"] gtFeatures = batch["img_feat"] qBot.reset() qBot.observe(-1, caption=caption, captionLens=captionLens) predFeatures = qBot.predictImage() # Evaluating round 0 feature regression network featLoss = F.mse_loss(predFeatures, gtFeatures) featLossAll[0].append(torch.mean(featLoss)) # Keeping round 0 predictions roundwiseFeaturePreds[0].append(predFeatures) with torch.no_grad(): for round in range(numRounds): qBot.observe(round, ques=gtQuestions[:, round], quesLens=gtQuesLens[:, round]) qBot.observe(round, ans=answers[:, round], ansLens=ansLens[:, round]) logProbsCurrent = qBot.forward() # Evaluating logProbs for cross entropy logProbsAll[round].append( utils.maskedNll(logProbsCurrent, gtQuestions[:, round].contiguous())) predFeatures = qBot.predictImage() # Evaluating feature regression network featLoss = F.mse_loss(predFeatures, gtFeatures) featLossAll[round + 1].append(torch.mean(featLoss)) # Keeping predictions roundwiseFeaturePreds[round + 1].append(predFeatures) gtImgFeatures.append(gtFeatures) end_t = timer() delta_t = " Time: %5.2fs" % (end_t - start_t) start_t = end_t progressString = "\r[Qbot] Evaluating split '%s' [%d/%d]\t" + delta_t sys.stdout.write(progressString % (split, idx + 1, numBatches)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\n") gtFeatures =, 0).data.cpu().numpy() rankMetricsRounds = [] poolSize = len(dataset) # Keeping tracking of feature regression loss and CE logprobs logProbsAll = [torch.stack(lprobs).mean() for lprobs in logProbsAll] featLossAll = [torch.stack(floss).mean() for floss in featLossAll] roundwiseLogProbs = torch.stack(logProbsAll).data.cpu().numpy() roundwiseFeatLoss = torch.stack(featLossAll).data.cpu().numpy() logProbsMean = roundwiseLogProbs.mean() featLossMean = roundwiseFeatLoss.mean() if verbose: print("Percentile mean rank (round, mean, low, high)") for round in range(numRounds + 1): predFeatures =[round], 0).data.cpu().numpy() # num_examples x num_examples dists = pairwise_distances(predFeatures, gtFeatures) ranks = [] for i in range(dists.shape[0]): rank = int(np.where(dists[i, :].argsort() == i)[0]) + 1 ranks.append(rank) ranks = np.array(ranks) rankMetrics = metrics.computeMetrics(Variable(torch.from_numpy(ranks))) meanRank = ranks.mean() se = ranks.std() / np.sqrt(poolSize) meanPercRank = 100 * (1 - (meanRank / poolSize)) percRankLow = 100 * (1 - ((meanRank + se) / poolSize)) percRankHigh = 100 * (1 - ((meanRank - se) / poolSize)) if verbose: print((round, meanPercRank, percRankLow, percRankHigh)) rankMetrics["percentile"] = meanPercRank rankMetrics["featLoss"] = roundwiseFeatLoss[round] if round < len(roundwiseLogProbs): rankMetrics["logProbs"] = roundwiseLogProbs[round] rankMetricsRounds.append(rankMetrics) rankMetricsRounds[-1]["logProbsMean"] = logProbsMean rankMetricsRounds[-1]["featLossMean"] = featLossMean dataset.split = original_split return rankMetricsRounds[-1], rankMetricsRounds
def DialogEval(val_model, dataset, split, exampleLimit=None, verbose=0, txt_retrieval_mode='mse'): print("text retrieval mode is: {}".format(txt_retrieval_mode)) batchSize = dataset.batchSize numRounds = dataset.numRounds if exampleLimit is None: numExamples = dataset.numDataPoints[split] else: numExamples = exampleLimit numBatches = (numExamples - 1) // batchSize + 1 original_split = dataset.split dataset.split = split dataloader = DataLoader( dataset, batch_size=batchSize, shuffle=True, num_workers=0, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn) # enumerate all gt features and all predicted features gttxtFeatures = [] # caption + dialog rounds roundwiseFeaturePreds = [[] for _ in range(numRounds + 1)] logProbsAll = [[] for _ in range(numRounds)] featLossAll = [[] for _ in range(numRounds + 1)] # Added by Mingyang Zhou for Perplexity Computation perplexityAll = [[] for _ in range(numRounds)] start_t = timer() # Modified by Mingyang Zhou # Record the wining rates for the questioner in multiple games win_rate = [0] * (numRounds + 1) num_games = 0 # Modified by Mingyang Zhou all_txt_feat = txtLoader(dataloader, dataset) im_ranker = Ranker() for idx, batch in enumerate(dataloader): if idx == numBatches: break if dataset.useGPU: batch = { key: v.cuda() for key, v in batch.items() if hasattr(v, 'cuda') } else: batch = { key: v.contiguous() for key, v in batch.items() if hasattr(v, 'cuda') } # caption = Variable(batch['cap'], volatile=True) # captionLens = Variable(batch['cap_len'], volatile=True) # gtQuestions = Variable(batch['ques'], volatile=True) # gtQuesLens = Variable(batch['ques_len'], volatile=True) # answers = Variable(batch['ans'], volatile=True) # ansLens = Variable(batch['ans_len'], volatile=True) # gtFeatures = Variable(batch['txt_feat'], volatile=True) with torch.no_grad(): caption = Variable(batch['cap']) captionLens = Variable(batch['cap_len']) gtQuestions = Variable(batch['ques']) gtQuesLens = Variable(batch['ques_len']) answers = Variable(batch['ans']) ansLens = Variable(batch['ans_len']) if txt_retrieval_mode == "mse": if val_model.txtEncodingMode == "txtuess": gtFeatures = val_model.forwardtext(Variable(batch['txt_feat'])) else: gtFeatures = Variable(batch['txt_feat']) else: gtFeatures = Variable(batch['txt_feat']) gtFeatures = val_model.multimodalpredictIm(gtFeatures) text = Variable(batch['txt_feat']) # Added by Mingyang Zhou # Update the Ranker if val_model.txtEncodingMode == "txtuess": im_ranker.update_rep(val_model, all_txt_feat) val_model.reset() val_model.observe(-1, caption=caption, captionLens=captionLens) if val_model.new_questioner: val_model.observe_txt(text) if val_model.txtEncodingMode == "txtuess": act_index = torch.randint( 0, all_txt_feat.size(0) - 1, (text.size(0), 1)) predicted_text = all_txt_feat[act_index].squeeze(1) val_model.observe_txt(predicted_text) if txt_retrieval_mode == "mse": predFeatures = val_model.predicttext() # Evaluating round 0 feature regression network featLoss = F.mse_loss(predFeatures, gtFeatures) #featLoss = F.mse_loss(predFeatures, gtFeatures) featLossAll[0].append(torch.mean(featLoss)) # Keeping round 0 predictions roundwiseFeaturePreds[0].append(predFeatures) # Modified by Mingyang Zhou for txtEncoding Mode == "txtuess" if val_model.txtEncodingMode == "txtuess": # act_index = im_ranker.nearest_neighbor( #, all_txt_feat) act_index = im_ranker.nearest_neighbor( predicted_text = all_txt_feat[act_index] # Compute the winning rate at round 0, modified by Mingyang # Zhou round_dists = pairwise_distances( predFeatures.cpu().numpy(), gtFeatures.cpu().numpy()) for i in range(round_dists.shape[0]): current_rank = int( np.where(round_dists[i, :].argsort() == i)[0]) + 1 if current_rank <= 1: win_rate[0] += 1 # update the num_games num_games += 1 elif txt_retrieval_mode == "cosine_similarity": dialogEmbedding = val_model.multimodalpredictText() featLoss = pairwiseRanking_criterion( gtFeatures, dialogEmbedding) featLossAll[0].append(torch.sum(featLoss)) roundwiseFeaturePreds[0].append( dialogEmbedding) # Initailize the round_dists, with each row as the cosine # similarity round_dists = np.matmul( dialogEmbedding.cpu().numpy(), gtFeatures.cpu().numpy().transpose()) for i in range(round_dists.shape[0]): current_rank = int( np.where(round_dists[i, :].argsort()[::-1] == i)[0]) + 1 if current_rank <= 1: win_rate[0] += 1 # update the num_games num_games += 1 # convert gtFeatures back to tensor # gtFeatures = torch.from_numpy(gtFeatures) for round in range(numRounds): if val_model.txtEncodingMode == "txtuess": val_model.observe_txt(predicted_text) val_model.observe( round, ques=gtQuestions[:, round], quesLens=gtQuesLens[:, round]) val_model.observe( round, ans=answers[:, round], ansLens=ansLens[:, round]) logProbsCurrent = val_model.forward() # Evaluating logProbs for cross entropy logProbsAll[round].append( utils.maskedNll(logProbsCurrent, gtQuestions[:, round].contiguous())) perplexityAll[round].append(utils.maskedPerplexity(logProbsCurrent, gtQuestions[:, round].contiguous())) if txt_retrieval_mode == "mse": predFeatures = val_model.predicttext() # Evaluating feature regression network # Deal with different txtEncodingMode featLoss = F.mse_loss(predFeatures, gtFeatures) featLossAll[round + 1].append(torch.mean(featLoss)) # Keeping predictions roundwiseFeaturePreds[round + 1].append(predFeatures) # Modified by Mingyang Zhou if val_model.txtEncodingMode == "txtuess": # act_index = im_ranker.nearest_neighbor( #, all_txt_feat) act_index = im_ranker.nearest_neighbor( predicted_text = all_txt_feat[act_index].squeeze(1) # Compute the winning rate at round 0, modified by Mingyang # Zhou round_dists = pairwise_distances( predFeatures.cpu().numpy(), gtFeatures.cpu().numpy()) for i in range(round_dists.shape[0]): current_rank = int( np.where(round_dists[i, :].argsort() == i)[0]) + 1 if current_rank <= 1: win_rate[round + 1] += 1 elif txt_retrieval_mode == "cosine_similarity": dialogEmbedding = val_model.multimodalpredictText() featLoss = pairwiseRanking_criterion( gtFeatures, dialogEmbedding) featLossAll[round + 1].append(torch.sum(featLoss)) roundwiseFeaturePreds[round + 1].append( dialogEmbedding) # Keep the dialogEmbedding, To be modified later. # Initailize the round_dists, with each row as the cosine # similarity round_dists = np.matmul( dialogEmbedding.cpu().numpy(), gtFeatures.cpu().numpy().transpose()) for i in range(round_dists.shape[0]): current_rank = int( np.where(round_dists[i, :].argsort()[::-1] == i)[0]) + 1 if current_rank <= 1: win_rate[round + 1] += 1 # convert gtFeatures back to tensor # gtFeatures = torch.from_numpy(gtFeatures) gttxtFeatures.append(gtFeatures) end_t = timer() delta_t = " Time: %5.2fs" % (end_t - start_t) start_t = end_t progressString = "\r[val_model] Evaluating split '%s' [%d/%d]\t" + delta_t sys.stdout.write(progressString % (split, idx + 1, numBatches)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\n") # Compute the win_rate, modified by Mingyang Zhou win_rate = [x / num_games for x in win_rate] print("The winning rates for {} are: {}".format(split, win_rate)) gtFeatures =, 0).data.cpu().numpy() rankMetricsRounds = [] poolSize = len(dataset) # Keeping tracking of feature regression loss and CE logprobs # logProbsAll = [, 0).mean() for lprobs in logProbsAll] # featLossAll = [, 0).mean() for floss in featLossAll] # roundwiseLogProbs =, 0).data.cpu().numpy() # roundwiseFeatLoss =, 0).data.cpu().numpy() logProbsAll = [torch.stack(lprobs, 0).mean() for lprobs in logProbsAll] # Compute the Mean Perplexity for each round perplexityAll = [, 0).mean().data.item() for perplexity in perplexityAll] featLossAll = [torch.stack(floss, 0).mean() for floss in featLossAll] roundwiseLogProbs = torch.stack(logProbsAll, 0).data.cpu().numpy() roundwiseFeatLoss = torch.stack(featLossAll, 0).data.cpu().numpy() # Compute the Mean Perplexity over all rounds # roundwisePerplexity = torch.stack(perplexityAll, 0).data.cpu().numpy() logProbsMean = roundwiseLogProbs.mean() featLossMean = roundwiseFeatLoss.mean() perplexityMean = sum(perplexityAll) / len(perplexityAll) print("The Perplxity of current Questioner is: {}".format(perplexityMean)) # Added by Mingyang Zhou winrateMean = sum(win_rate) / len(win_rate) if verbose: print("Percentile mean rank (round, mean, low, high)") for round in range(numRounds + 1): if txt_retrieval_mode == "mse": predFeatures =[round], 0).data.cpu().numpy() # num_examples x num_examples dists = pairwise_distances(predFeatures, gtFeatures) ranks = [] for i in range(dists.shape[0]): rank = int(np.where(dists[i, :].argsort() == i)[0]) + 1 ranks.append(rank) elif txt_retrieval_mode == "cosine_similarity": predFeatures =[round], 0).data.cpu().numpy() dists = np.matmul(predFeatures, gtFeatures.transpose()) ranks = [] for i in range(dists.shape[0]): rank = int(np.where(dists[i, :].argsort()[::-1] == i)[0]) + 1 ranks.append(rank) ranks = np.array(ranks) rankMetrics = metrics.computeMetrics(Variable(torch.from_numpy(ranks))) meanRank = ranks.mean() se = ranks.std() / np.sqrt(poolSize) meanPercRank = 100 * (1 - (meanRank / poolSize)) percRankLow = 100 * (1 - ((meanRank + se) / poolSize)) percRankHigh = 100 * (1 - ((meanRank - se) / poolSize)) if verbose: print((round, meanPercRank, percRankLow, percRankHigh)) rankMetrics['percentile'] = meanPercRank rankMetrics['featLoss'] = roundwiseFeatLoss[round] if round < len(roundwiseLogProbs): rankMetrics['logProbs'] = roundwiseLogProbs[round] rankMetricsRounds.append(rankMetrics) rankMetricsRounds[-1]['logProbsMean'] = logProbsMean rankMetricsRounds[-1]['featLossMean'] = featLossMean rankMetricsRounds[-1]['winrateMean'] = winrateMean # Added the perplexity in eval metrics rankMetricsRounds[-1]['perplexityMean'] = perplexityMean dataset.split = original_split return rankMetricsRounds[-1], rankMetricsRounds