def viz_authorities(g: Graph, in_out, file_name: str, folder: str): u.start_time() auths = gm.authorities(g) g.vs["authority_score"] = auths my_layout = g.layout_auto() visual_style = { "edge_curved": False, "vertex_label": [ v["twitter_name"] if v["twitter_name"] != "" else (v["twitter_id"] if (v["authority_score"] > 0) else "") for v in g.vs ], "target": u.format_file(folder=folder, file_name=file_name, img_suffix=img_suffix), "bbox": (1600, 1600), "margin": 10, "vertex_size": [x * 50 for x in auths], "layout": my_layout } # Plot the graph drawing.plot(g, **visual_style) u.print_delta("generate community viz graph ")
def plot_histo_degree_distribution(g: Graph, modeInOutAll, isLog: bool = True, file_name: str = "", folder: str = u.folder_img): b = g.degree_distribution(bin_width=1) # print('degree histogram', b) a = [] a = rect = plt.hist(a, bins=range(0, (max(a))), density=1, stacked='True', facecolor='b') plt.xlabel('Number of Nodes') plt.ylabel('Degree') if (isLog): plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.title('Degree Distribution') # print('figure is saved ') plt.savefig(u.format_file(folder=folder, file_name=file_name))
def plot_scatter_frequency_degree_distribution(g: Graph, modeInOutAll, file_name: str, folder: str = u.folder_img): # from from collections import Counter from operator import itemgetter # G = some networkx graph degrees = degree_counts = Counter(degrees) x, y = zip(*degree_counts.items()) plt.figure(1) # prep axes plt.xlabel('degree') plt.xscale('log') plt.xlim(1, max(x)) plt.ylabel('frequency') plt.yscale('log') plt.ylim(1, max(y)) # do plot plt.scatter(x, y, marker='.') plt.savefig(u.format_file(folder=folder, file_name=file_name))
def plot_bar_components_distribution(cl_list: VertexClustering, isLog: bool = True, file_name: str = "", folder: str = u.folder_img): cl_sizes = cl_list.sizes() sorted_cl_sizes = sorted(cl_sizes, reverse=True) plt.xlabel('Number of Nodes') plt.ylabel('Cluster') plt.title('Components Distribution') if (isLog): plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') rect =, sorted_cl_sizes, color='red') autolabel(rect) print('figure is saved ') plt.savefig(u.format_file(folder=folder, file_name=file_name))
def viz_community(g: Graph, in_out, file_name: str, folder: str, community_type, show_label_by_degree_percent): u.start_time() max_degree = max( my_layout = g.layout_auto() visual_style = { "edge_curved": False, "vertex_label": [ # (v["twitter_id"] if ((1 - ( ) / max_degree) <= show_label_by_degree_percent) else None) v["twitter_name"] if v["twitter_name"] != "" else (v["twitter_id"] if ((1 - / max_degree) <= show_label_by_degree_percent) else None) for v in g.vs ], "target": u.format_file(folder=folder, file_name=file_name, img_suffix=img_suffix), "bbox": (1600, 1600), "margin": 10, "layout": my_layout } g_undirected: Graph = g.as_undirected() communities = g_undirected.community_multilevel() # modularity_score = g_undirected.modularity(communities.membership) print("The modularity Q based on igraph is {}".format(modularity_score)) # Community detection # communities = g.community_edge_betweenness (directed=False) # communities = geant.community_fastgreedy().as_clustering() # communities = geant.community_infomap().as_clustering() # clusters = communities.as_clustering() # Set edge weights based on communities # weights = {v: len(c) for c in clusters for v in c} #["weight"] = [weights[e.tuple[0]] + weights[e.tuple[1]] for e in] # Plot the graph drawing.plot(communities, mark_groups=True, **visual_style) u.print_delta("generate community viz graph ")
def viz_diameter(g: Graph, file_name: str, folder: str): u.start_time() is_directed = g.is_directed() diam = g.get_diameter(is_directed) # Define colors used for outdegree visualization colours = ['#CCCCCC', "#FFCC66"] for i in range(len(g.vs)): g.vs[i]["color"] = colours[0] for v in v["color"] = colours[1] #["color"] = [colours[1] for x in diam] for i in range(len([i]["color"] = colours[0] for eid in g.get_eids(path=diam, directed=is_directed):[eid]["color"] = colours[1]["belongs_to_diameter"] = 1 my_layout = g.layout_auto() visual_style = { "edge_curved": False, "vertex_label": [(v["twitter_id"] if (v["belongs_to_diameter"] == 1) else "") for v in g.vs], "target": u.format_file(folder=folder, file_name=file_name, img_suffix=img_suffix), "bbox": (1600, 1600), "margin": 10, "vertex_color": g.vs["color"], "edge_color":["color"] # , "vertex_size": [x * 50 for x in auths], "layout": my_layout } # Plot the graph drawing.plot(g, **visual_style) u.print_delta("generate community viz graph ")
def plot_histo_components_distribution(cl_list: VertexClustering, isLog: bool = True, file_name: str = "", folder: str = u.folder_img): cl_sizes = cl_list.sizes() sorted_cl_sizes = sorted(cl_sizes, reverse=True) plt.xlabel('Number of Nodes') plt.ylabel('Cluster') plt.title('Components Distribution') if (isLog): plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') rect = plt.hist(sorted_cl_sizes, bins=range(0, (max(sorted_cl_sizes))), density=1, stacked='True', facecolor='b') print('figure is saved ') plt.savefig(u.format_file(folder=folder, file_name=file_name))
def plot_plot_degree_distribution(g: Graph, file_name='degree_distribution', loglog=True, marker='.', folder: str = u.folder_img): import pylab u.start_time() f = g.degree_distribution(bin_width=1) xs, ys = zip(*[(left, count) for left, _, count in g.degree_distribution().bins()]) #, ys) if loglog: pylab.xscale('log') pylab.yscale('log') pylab.xlabel('k') pylab.ylabel('N') pylab.title('Degree distribution') pylab.plot(xs, ys, marker) # pylab.plot(f.keys(), f.values(), marker) pylab.savefig(u.format_file(folder=folder, file_name=file_name)) u.print_delta(' generate degree_distribution_plot')
def viz_graph( g: Graph, degree, file_name: str, folder: str, layout: str = "auto", show_label_by_degree: int = 0.1, label: str = "twitter_id", ): u.start_time() # Define colors used for outdegree visualization colours = ['#fecc5c', '#a31a1c'] max_degree = max(degree) if type(max_degree) == int: if max_degree >= 1: num_colors = (max_degree) + 1 # palette = RainbowPalette(n=num_colors) color_list = [palette.get(d) for d in degree] # Set colors according to bins g.vs[ "color"] = color_list # [colours[x - 1] for x in digitized_degrees] # Order vertices in bins based on outdegree bins = np.linspace(0, max_degree, len(colours)) digitized_degrees = np.digitize(degree, bins) # file_name = folder_img + file_name + img_suffix my_layout = g.layout(layout=layout) visual_style = { # Don't curve the edges "edge_curved": False # Scale vertices based on degree , "vertex_size": [x / max_degree * 50 + 1 for x in degree] # outdegree * 10 # , # "vertex_label": [ v["twitter_name"] if v["twitter_name"] != "" else (v[label] if ((1 - / max_degree) <= show_label_by_degree) else "") for v in g.vs ], "vertex_label_size": [x / max_degree * 22 for x in degree], "target": u.format_file(folder=folder, file_name=file_name, img_suffix=img_suffix), "bbox": (1600, 1600), "margin": 10, "layout": my_layout } # Also color the edges for ind, color in enumerate(g.vs["color"]): edges = edges["color"] = [color] # Plot the graph drawing.plot(g, **visual_style) u.print_delta("generate viz graph ")