def reset(self, report_queue):
        Do the very first reset for all environments in a vector. Populate shared memory with initial obs.
        Note that this is called only once, at the very beginning of training. After this the envs should auto-reset.

        :param report_queue: we use report queue to monitor reset progress (see This can be a lengthy
        :return: first requests for policy workers (to generate actions for the very first env step)

        for env_i, e in enumerate(self.envs):
            observations = e.reset()

            if self.cfg.decorrelate_envs_on_one_worker:
                env_i_split = self.num_envs * self.split_idx + env_i
                decorrelate_steps = self.cfg.rollout * env_i_split + self.cfg.rollout * random.randint(0, 4)

      'Decorrelating experience for %d frames...', decorrelate_steps)
                for decorrelate_step in range(decorrelate_steps):
                    actions = [e.action_space.sample() for _ in range(self.num_agents)]
                    observations, rew, dones, info = e.step(actions)

            for agent_i, obs in enumerate(observations):
                actor_state = self.actor_states[env_i][agent_i]
                actor_state.set_trajectory_data(dict(obs=obs), self.traj_buffer_idx, self.rollout_step)
                # rnn state is already initialized at zero

            # log.debug(
            #     'Reset progress w:%d-%d finished %d/%d, still initializing envs...',
            #     self.worker_idx, self.split_idx, env_i + 1, len(self.envs),
            # )
            safe_put(report_queue, dict(initialized_env=(self.worker_idx, self.split_idx, env_i)), queue_name='report')

        policy_request = self._format_policy_request()
        return policy_request
    def _handle_reset(self):
        Reset all envs, one split at a time (double-buffering), and send requests to policy workers to get
        actions for the very first env step.
        for split_idx, env_runner in enumerate(self.env_runners):
            policy_inputs = env_runner.reset(self.report_queue)
            self._enqueue_policy_request(split_idx, policy_inputs)'Finished reset for worker %d', self.worker_idx)
        safe_put(self.report_queue, dict(finished_reset=self.worker_idx), queue_name='report')
    def _run(self):
        Main loop of the actor worker (rollout worker).
        Process tasks (mainly ROLLOUT_STEP) until we get the termination signal, which usually means end of training.
        Currently there is no mechanism to restart dead workers if something bad happens during training. We can only
        retry on the initial reset(). This is definitely something to work on.
        """'Initializing vector env runner %d...', self.worker_idx)

        # workers should ignore Ctrl+C because the termination is handled in the event loop by a special msg
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)

        if self.cfg.actor_worker_gpus:
                num_gpus_per_process=1, process_type='actor', gpu_mask=self.cfg.actor_worker_gpus,


        timing = Timing()

        last_report = time.time()
        with torch.no_grad():
            while not self.terminate:
                        with timing.add_time('waiting'), timing.timeit('wait_actor'):
                            tasks = self.task_queue.get_many(timeout=0.1)
                    except Empty:
                        tasks = []

                    for task in tasks:
                        task_type, data = task

                        if task_type == TaskType.INIT:

                        if task_type == TaskType.TERMINATE:

                        # handling actual workload
                        if task_type == TaskType.ROLLOUT_STEP:
                            if 'work' not in timing:
                                timing.waiting = 0  # measure waiting only after real work has started

                            with timing.add_time('work'), timing.timeit('one_step'):
                                self._advance_rollouts(data, timing)
                        elif task_type == TaskType.RESET:
                            with timing.add_time('reset'):
                        elif task_type == TaskType.PBT:
                        elif task_type == TaskType.UPDATE_ENV_STEPS:
                            for env in self.env_runners:

                    if time.time() - last_report > 5.0 and 'one_step' in timing:
                        timing_stats = dict(wait_actor=timing.wait_actor, step_actor=timing.one_step)
                        memory_mb = memory_consumption_mb()
                        stats = dict(memory_actor=memory_mb)
                        safe_put(self.report_queue, dict(timing=timing_stats, stats=stats), queue_name='report')
                        last_report = time.time()

                except RuntimeError as exc:
                    log.warning('Error while processing data w: %d, exception: %s', self.worker_idx, exc)
                    log.warning('Terminate process...')
                    self.terminate = True
                    safe_put(self.report_queue, dict(critical_error=self.worker_idx), queue_name='report')
                except KeyboardInterrupt:
                    self.terminate = True
                    log.exception('Unknown exception in rollout worker')
                    self.terminate = True

        if self.worker_idx <= 1:
                'Env runner %d, CPU aff. %r, rollouts %d: timing %s',
                self.worker_idx, psutil.Process().cpu_affinity(), self.num_complete_rollouts, timing,
 def _report_stats(self, stats):
     for report in stats:
         safe_put(self.report_queue, report, queue_name='report')