def setTimePrint(self, msg): """ Allows the code to toggle timestamp printing. @ In, msg, string, the string that means true or false @ Out, None """ if utils.stringIsTrue(msg): self.callerLength = 40 self.tagLength = 30 self.printTime = True elif utils.stringIsFalse(msg): self.callerLength = 25 self.tagLength = 15 self.printTime = False
def convert(cls, value): """ Converts value from string to a bool. @ In, value, string, the value to convert @ Out, convert, bool, the converted value """ if utils.stringIsTrue(value): return True elif utils.stringIsFalse(value): return False else: raise IOError( 'Unrecognized boolean value: "{}"! Expected one of {}'.format( value, utils.boolThingsFull))
def _readMoreXML(self,xmlNode): """ Function to read the portion of the xml input that belongs to this specialized class and initialize some stuff based on the inputs got @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, Xml element node @ Out, None """ Model._readMoreXML(self, xmlNode) paramInput = Code.getInputSpecification()() paramInput.parseNode(xmlNode) self.clargs={'text':'', 'input':{'noarg':[]}, 'pre':'', 'post':''} #output:'' self.fargs={'input':{}, 'output':'', 'moosevpp':''} for child in paramInput.subparts: if child.getName() =='executable': self.executable = child.value if child.value is not None else '' if child.getName() =='walltime': self.maxWallTime = child.value if child.getName() =='preexec': self.preExec = child.value elif child.getName() == 'clargs': argtype = child.parameterValues['type'] if 'type' in child.parameterValues else None arg = child.parameterValues['arg'] if 'arg' in child.parameterValues else None ext = child.parameterValues['extension'] if 'extension' in child.parameterValues else None # The default delimiter is one empty space delimiter = child.parameterValues['delimiter'] if 'delimiter' in child.parameterValues else ' ' if argtype == None: self.raiseAnError(IOError,'"type" for clarg not specified!') elif argtype == 'text': if ext != None: self.raiseAWarning('"text" nodes only accept "type" and "arg" attributes! Ignoring "extension"...') if not delimiter.strip(): self.raiseAWarning('"text" nodes only accept "type" and "arg" attributes! Ignoring "delimiter"...') if arg == None: self.raiseAnError(IOError,'"arg" for clarg '+argtype+' not specified! Enter text to be used.') self.clargs['text']=arg elif argtype == 'input': if ext == None: self.raiseAnError(IOError,'"extension" for clarg '+argtype+' not specified! Enter filetype to be listed for this flag.') if arg == None: self.clargs['input']['noarg'].append((ext,delimiter)) else: if arg not in self.clargs['input'].keys(): self.clargs['input'][arg]=[] # The delimiter is used to link 'arg' with the input file that have the file extension # given by 'extension'. In general, empty space is used. But in some specific cases, the codes may require # some specific delimiters to link the 'arg' and input files self.clargs['input'][arg].append((ext,delimiter)) elif argtype == 'output': if arg == None: self.raiseAnError(IOError,'"arg" for clarg '+argtype+' not specified! Enter flag for output file specification.') self.clargs['output'] = arg elif argtype == 'prepend': if ext != None: self.raiseAWarning('"prepend" nodes only accept "type" and "arg" attributes! Ignoring "extension"...') if arg == None: self.raiseAnError(IOError,'"arg" for clarg '+argtype+' not specified! Enter text to be used.') if 'pre' in self.clargs: self.clargs['pre'] = arg+' '+self.clargs['pre'] else: self.clargs['pre'] = arg elif argtype == 'python': pythonName = utils.getPythonCommand() if 'pre' in self.clargs: self.clargs['pre'] = self.clargs['pre']+' '+pythonName else: self.clargs['pre'] = pythonName elif argtype == 'postpend': if ext != None: self.raiseAWarning('"postpend" nodes only accept "type" and "arg" attributes! Ignoring "extension"...') if arg == None: self.raiseAnError(IOError,'"arg" for clarg '+argtype+' not specified! Enter text to be used.') self.clargs['post'] = arg else: self.raiseAnError(IOError,'clarg type '+argtype+' not recognized!') elif child.getName() == 'fileargs': argtype = child.parameterValues['type'] if 'type' in child.parameterValues else None arg = child.parameterValues['arg'] if 'arg' in child.parameterValues else None ext = child.parameterValues['extension'] if 'extension' in child.parameterValues else None if argtype == None: self.raiseAnError(IOError,'"type" for filearg not specified!') elif argtype == 'input': if arg == None: self.raiseAnError(IOError,'filearg type "input" requires the template variable be specified in "arg" attribute!') if ext == None: self.raiseAnError(IOError,'filearg type "input" requires the auxiliary file extension be specified in "ext" attribute!') self.fargs['input'][arg]=[ext] elif argtype == 'output': if self.fargs['output']!='': self.raiseAnError(IOError,'output fileargs already specified! You can only specify one output fileargs node.') if arg == None: self.raiseAnError(IOError,'filearg type "output" requires the template variable be specified in "arg" attribute!') self.fargs['output']=arg elif argtype.lower() == 'moosevpp': if self.fargs['moosevpp'] != '': self.raiseAnError(IOError,'moosevpp fileargs already specified! You can only specify one moosevpp fileargs node.') if arg == None: self.raiseAnError(IOError,'filearg type "moosevpp" requires the template variable be specified in "arg" attribute!') self.fargs['moosevpp']=arg else: self.raiseAnError(IOError,'filearg type '+argtype+' not recognized!') if self.executable == '': self.raiseAWarning('The node "<executable>" was not found in the body of the code model '+str(' so no code will be run...') else: if utils.stringIsFalse(os.environ.get('RAVENinterfaceCheck','False')): if '~' in self.executable: self.executable = os.path.expanduser(self.executable) abspath = os.path.abspath(str(self.executable)) if os.path.exists(abspath): self.executable = abspath else: self.raiseAMessage('not found executable '+self.executable,'ExceptedError') else: self.foundExecutable = False self.raiseAMessage('InterfaceCheck: ignored executable '+self.executable, 'ExceptedError') if self.preExec is not None: if '~' in self.preExec: self.preExec = os.path.expanduser(self.preExec) abspath = os.path.abspath(self.preExec) if os.path.exists(abspath): self.preExec = abspath else: self.foundPreExec = False self.raiseAMessage('not found preexec '+self.preExec,'ExceptedError') self.code = Code.CodeInterfaces.returnCodeInterface(self.subType, self) self.code.readMoreXML(xmlNode, self._ravenWorkingDir) #TODO figure out how to handle this with InputData self.code.setInputExtension(list(a[0].strip('.') for b in (c for c in self.clargs['input'].values()) for a in b)) self.code.addInputExtension(list(a.strip('.') for b in (c for c in self.fargs ['input'].values()) for a in b)) self.code.addDefaultExtension()
def __readRunInfo(self, xmlNode, runInfoSkip, xmlFilename): """ Method that reads the xml input file for the RunInfo block @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.Element, the xml node that belongs to Simulation @ In, runInfoSkip, string, the runInfo step to skip @ In, xmlFilename, string, xml input file name @ Out, None """ if 'verbosity' in xmlNode.attrib.keys(): self.verbosity = xmlNode.attrib['verbosity'] self.raiseAMessage('Global verbosity level is "', self.verbosity, '"', verbosity='quiet') for element in xmlNode: if element.tag in runInfoSkip: self.raiseAWarning("Skipped element ", element.tag) elif element.tag == 'printInput': text = element.text.strip() if element.text is not None else '' #extension fixing if len(text) >= 4 and text[-4:].lower() == '.xml': text = text[:-4] # if the user asked to not print input instead of leaving off tag, respect it if utils.stringIsFalse(text): self.runInfoDict['printInput'] = False # if the user didn't provide a name, provide a default elif len(text) < 1: self.runInfoDict['printInput'] = 'duplicated_input.xml' # otherwise, use the user-provided name else: self.runInfoDict['printInput'] = text + '.xml' elif element.tag == 'WorkingDir': # first store the cwd, the "CallDir" self.runInfoDict['CallDir'] = os.getcwd() # then get the requested "WorkingDir" tempName = element.text if element.text is None: self.raiseAnError( IOError, 'RunInfo.WorkingDir is empty! Use "." to signify "work here" or specify a directory.' ) if '~' in tempName: tempName = os.path.expanduser(tempName) if os.path.isabs(tempName): self.runInfoDict['WorkingDir'] = tempName elif "runRelative" in element.attrib: self.runInfoDict['WorkingDir'] = os.path.abspath(tempName) else: if xmlFilename == None: self.raiseAnError( IOError, 'Relative working directory requested but xmlFilename is None.' ) # store location of the input xmlDirectory = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(xmlFilename)) self.runInfoDict['InputDir'] = xmlDirectory rawRelativeWorkingDir = element.text.strip() # working dir is file location + relative working dir self.runInfoDict['WorkingDir'] = os.path.join( xmlDirectory, rawRelativeWorkingDir) utils.makeDir(self.runInfoDict['WorkingDir']) elif element.tag == 'maxQueueSize': try: self.runInfoDict['maxQueueSize'] = int(element.text) except ValueError: self.raiseAnError( 'Value give for RunInfo.maxQueueSize could not be converted to integer: {}' .format(element.text)) elif element.tag == 'RemoteRunCommand': tempName = element.text if '~' in tempName: tempName = os.path.expanduser(tempName) if os.path.isabs(tempName): self.runInfoDict['RemoteRunCommand'] = tempName else: self.runInfoDict['RemoteRunCommand'] = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(self.runInfoDict['FrameworkDir'], tempName)) elif element.tag == 'NodeParameter': self.runInfoDict['NodeParameter'] = element.text.strip() elif element.tag == 'MPIExec': self.runInfoDict['MPIExec'] = element.text.strip() elif element.tag == 'JobName': self.runInfoDict['JobName'] = element.text.strip() elif element.tag == 'ParallelCommand': self.runInfoDict['ParallelCommand'] = element.text.strip() elif element.tag == 'queueingSoftware': self.runInfoDict['queueingSoftware'] = element.text.strip() elif element.tag == 'ThreadingCommand': self.runInfoDict['ThreadingCommand'] = element.text.strip() elif element.tag == 'NumThreads': self.runInfoDict['NumThreads'] = int(element.text) elif element.tag == 'totalNumCoresUsed': self.runInfoDict['totalNumCoresUsed'] = int(element.text) elif element.tag == 'NumMPI': self.runInfoDict['NumMPI'] = int(element.text) elif element.tag == 'internalParallel': self.runInfoDict['internalParallel'] = utils.interpretBoolean( element.text) elif element.tag == 'batchSize': self.runInfoDict['batchSize'] = int(element.text) elif element.tag.lower() == 'maxqueuesize': self.runInfoDict['maxQueueSize'] = int(element.text) elif element.tag == 'MaxLogFileSize': self.runInfoDict['MaxLogFileSize'] = int(element.text) elif element.tag == 'precommand': self.runInfoDict['precommand'] = element.text elif element.tag == 'postcommand': self.runInfoDict['postcommand'] = element.text elif element.tag == 'deleteOutExtension': self.runInfoDict['deleteOutExtension'] = element.text.strip( ).split(',') elif element.tag == 'delSucLogFiles': if utils.stringIsTrue(element.text): self.runInfoDict['delSucLogFiles'] = True else: self.runInfoDict['delSucLogFiles'] = False elif element.tag == 'logfileBuffer': self.runInfoDict[ 'logfileBuffer'] = utils.convertMultipleToBytes( element.text.lower()) elif element.tag == 'clusterParameters': self.runInfoDict['clusterParameters'].extend( splitCommand(element.text) ) #extend to allow adding parameters at different points. elif element.tag == 'mode': self.runInfoDict['mode'] = element.text.strip().lower() #parallel environment if self.runInfoDict['mode'] in self.__modeHandlerDict: self.__modeHandler = self.__modeHandlerDict[ self.runInfoDict['mode']](self.messageHandler) self.__modeHandler.XMLread(element) else: self.raiseAnError( IOError, "Unknown mode " + self.runInfoDict['mode']) elif element.tag == 'expectedTime': self.runInfoDict['expectedTime'] = element.text.strip() elif element.tag == 'Sequence': for stepName in element.text.split(','): self.stepSequenceList.append(stepName.strip()) elif element.tag == 'DefaultInputFile': self.runInfoDict['DefaultInputFile'] = element.text.strip() elif element.tag == 'CustomMode': modeName = element.text.strip() modeClass = element.attrib["class"] modeFile = element.attrib["file"] #XXX This depends on if the working directory has been set yet. # So switching the order of WorkingDir and CustomMode can # cause different results. modeFile = modeFile.replace("%BASE_WORKING_DIR%", self.runInfoDict['WorkingDir']) modeFile = modeFile.replace("%FRAMEWORK_DIR%", self.runInfoDict['FrameworkDir']) modeDir, modeFilename = os.path.split(modeFile) if modeFilename.endswith(".py"): modeModulename = modeFilename[:-3] else: modeModulename = modeFilename os.sys.path.append(modeDir) module = __import__(modeModulename) if modeName in self.__modeHandlerDict: self.raiseAWarning("duplicate mode definition " + modeName) self.__modeHandlerDict[modeName] = module.__dict__[modeClass] else: self.raiseAnError( IOError, 'RunInfo element "' + element.tag + '" unknown!')