def save_train_vg(): prototxt = 'models/vg1_2/resnet50/test_cache.prototxt' model = 'data/models/vrd_rfcn/vg_resnet50_rfcn_iter_112000.caffemodel' caffe.set_mode_gpu() caffe.set_device(0) net = caffe.Net(prototxt, model, caffe.TEST) m = h5py.File('data/vg1_2_meta.h5', 'r') cache_hdf5 = h5py.File('output/vg_cache.h5', 'a') cnt = 0 for k in m['gt/train'].keys(): cnt += 1 path = zl.imid2path(m, k) im_path = C.get_vg_path_train(path) im_detect(net, im_path) data = net.blobs['conv_new_1'].data[...].astype(np.float16) cache_hdf5.create_dataset('train/%s' % k + '/conv_new_1', dtype='float16', data=data)
def run_retrieval_vp_v2(): # h5_path = 'output/sg_vrd_2016_result.classeme.hdf5' h5_path = 'output/precalc/vg1_2_vp2016_test_nms2_.4.hdf5' m = h5py.File('/home/zawlin/Dropbox/proj/vg1_2_meta.h5', 'r', 'core') m_vp = h5py.File('/home/zawlin/Dropbox/proj/vg1_2_vp_meta.h5', 'r', 'core') cache_path = 'output/cache/%s.pkl' % h5_path.split('/')[-1] data_root = '/home/zawlin/data/data_vrd/vg_1.2/' rlp_map = [] for i in xrange(1, len(m_vp['meta/tri/idx2name'].keys())): tri = str(m_vp['meta/tri/idx2name'][str(i)][...]) s_lbl = tri.split('_')[0] p_lbl = tri.split('_')[1] o_lbl = tri.split('_')[2] rlp_label = [ zl.name2idx_cls(m, s_lbl), zl.name2idx_pre(m, p_lbl), zl.name2idx_cls(m, o_lbl) ] rlp_map.append(rlp_label) rlp_map = np.array(rlp_map) if os.path.exists(cache_path): print 'load from cache' h5f = zl.load(cache_path) else: h5_in = h5py.File(h5_path, 'r') h5f = {} print 'preloading data' for i in h5_in: h5f[i] = {} h5f[i]['labels'] = h5_in[i]['labels'][...] h5f[i]['confs'] = h5_in[i]['confs'][...] h5f[i]['boxes'] = h5_in[i]['boxes'][...], h5f) print 'preloading data done' retr_meta = zl.load('output/pkl/vg_retr_meta.pkl') thresh = 0.0 images = {} imids = h5f.keys() results = {} cnt = 0 r_acc_100 = 0 r_acc_50 = 0 tp_total = 0 gt_total = 0 median = [] total = 0 retr_meta = zl.load('output/pkl/vg_retr_meta.pkl') for k in xrange(len(retr_meta['rlp_labels'])): total += retr_meta['counts'][k] if k > 1000: print total / 1000. exit(0) break continue cnt += 1 rlp_label = retr_meta['rlp_labels'][k] gt_files = retr_meta['files'][k] # print gt_files # exit(0) # for f in gt_files: # impath= zl.imid2path(m,f) # print impath # im= cv2.imread(data_root+impath) # cv2.imshow('im',im) # cv2.waitKey(0) results = {} zl.tick() ranks = [] for imid in imids: labels = h5f[imid]['labels'] - 1 rlp_confs = h5f[imid]['confs'] rlp_labels = rlp_map[labels] if rlp_labels.shape[0] == 0: results[imid] = 0.0 continue indexor = np.arange(rlp_labels.shape[0]) ind = indexor[np.all(rlp_labels == rlp_label, axis=1)] if ind.shape[0] == 0: results[imid] = 0.0 continue confs = rlp_confs[ind] results[imid] = np.average(confs) results_sorted = zl.sort_dict_by_val(results) total_gt = len(gt_files) + 0.0 gt_total += total_gt + 0.0 tp_50 = 0. tp_100 = 0. found = False s_lbl = zl.idx2name_cls(m, rlp_label[0]) p_lbl = zl.idx2name_pre(m, rlp_label[1]) o_lbl = zl.idx2name_cls(m, rlp_label[2]) lbl_str = '%s_%s_%s' % (s_lbl, p_lbl, o_lbl) delay = 0 for i in xrange(len(results_sorted)): imid, v = results_sorted[i] impath = zl.imid2path(m, imid) if found and i >= 5: break # print gt_files cor = imid in gt_files if cor: if not found: found = True median.append(i) if i < 5: tp_100 += 1 tp_total += 1 if i < 50: tp_50 += 1 # if True: # cor_or_not = str(cor) # if cor :delay=0 # if delay ==0: # im = cv2.imread(data_root+impath) # cv2.putText(im, cor_or_not, (50, 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 255), 1) # cv2.putText(im, lbl_str, (50, 80), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 255), 1) # cv2.putText(im, str(i), (50, 100), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 255), 1) # cv2.imshow('im',im) # c = cv2.waitKey(delay)&0xFF # if c ==27: # exit(0) # if c == ord('s'): # delay = 1-delay # if c == ord('c'): # delay = 1 r_50 = tp_50 / 5 #total_gt r_100 = tp_100 / 5 #total_gt r_acc_50 += r_50 r_acc_100 += r_100 med = np.median(median) print '%d %f %f %f %f %d %f' % (cnt, r_50, r_100, r_acc_50 / cnt, r_acc_100 / cnt, med, zl.tock())
def run_relation_visualization(): h5f_ours = h5py.File( 'output/vg_results/vg1_2_2016_result_all_100000.all.hdf5', 'r') m = h5py.File('/media/zawlin/ssd/Dropbox/proj/vg1_2_meta.h5') data_root = '/home/zawlin/g/py-faster-rcnn/data/vg1_2_2016/Data/test/' m = h5py.File('/home/zawlin/Dropbox/proj/vg1_2_meta.h5', 'r', 'core') thresh = 0.0 filters = [] rois = [] images = {} imids = h5f_ours.keys() #random.shuffle(imids) rel_types = {} rel_types['p'] = [] rel_types['s'] = [] rel_types['v'] = [] rel_types['c'] = [] for k in m['meta/pre/name2idx'].keys(): idx = int(str(m['meta/pre/name2idx/' + k][...])) r_type = m['meta/pre/name2idx/' + k].attrs['type'] rel_types[r_type].append(idx) for imid in imids: obj_boxes_ours = h5f_ours[imid + '/obj_boxes'][...] sub_boxes_ours = h5f_ours[imid + '/sub_boxes'][...] rlp_labels_ours = h5f_ours[imid + '/rlp_labels'][...].astype(np.int32) rlp_confs_ours = h5f_ours[imid + '/rlp_confs'][...] sorted_ind = np.argsort(rlp_confs_ours)[::-1] rlp_confs_ours = rlp_confs_ours[sorted_ind] obj_boxes_ours = obj_boxes_ours[sorted_ind] sub_boxes_ours = sub_boxes_ours[sorted_ind] rlp_labels_ours = rlp_labels_ours[sorted_ind] if rlp_confs_ours.shape[0] <= 0: continue ours_indices = {} ours_indices['p'] = [] ours_indices['s'] = [] ours_indices['v'] = [] ours_indices['c'] = [] #map indices to type for i in xrange(rlp_confs_ours.shape[0]): pre_label = rlp_labels_ours[i][1] if pre_label in rel_types['p']: ours_indices['p'].append(i) if pre_label in rel_types['s']: ours_indices['s'].append(i) if pre_label in rel_types['v']: ours_indices['v'].append(i) if pre_label in rel_types['c']: ours_indices['c'].append(i) im_path = zl.imid2path(m, imid) im_orig = cv2.imread(data_root + im_path) cv2.namedWindow('ctrl') cv2.destroyWindow('ctrl') cv2.namedWindow('ctrl') ours_p_len = len(ours_indices['p']) - 1 ours_c_len = len(ours_indices['c']) - 1 ours_v_len = len(ours_indices['v']) - 1 ours_s_len = len(ours_indices['s']) - 1 ours_len = len(rlp_labels_ours) - 1 if ours_len > 0: cv2.createTrackbar('idx_ours', 'ctrl', 0, ours_len, nothing) if ours_p_len > 0: cv2.createTrackbar('idx_ours_p', 'ctrl', 0, ours_p_len, nothing) if ours_c_len > 0: cv2.createTrackbar('idx_ours_c', 'ctrl', 0, ours_c_len, nothing) if ours_v_len > 0: cv2.createTrackbar('idx_ours_v', 'ctrl', 0, ours_v_len, nothing) if ours_s_len > 0: cv2.createTrackbar('idx_ours_s', 'ctrl', 0, ours_s_len, nothing) cnt = 0 while True: cv2.imshow('orig', im_orig) if ours_len >= 0: idx_ours = cv2.getTrackbarPos('idx_ours', 'ctrl') im_ours = im_orig.copy() s_box_ours = sub_boxes_ours[idx_ours] o_box_ours = obj_boxes_ours[idx_ours] conf = rlp_confs_ours[idx_ours] sub_label_ours = m['meta/cls/idx2name/' + str(rlp_labels_ours[idx_ours][0])][...] obj_label_ours = m['meta/cls/idx2name/' + str(rlp_labels_ours[idx_ours][2])][...] pre_label_ours = m['meta/pre/idx2name/' + str(rlp_labels_ours[idx_ours][1])][...] r_label_ours = '%s %s %s' % (sub_label_ours, pre_label_ours, obj_label_ours) cv2.putText(im_ours, r_label_ours, (50, 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 255), 2) cv2.rectangle(im_ours, (s_box_ours[0], s_box_ours[1]), (s_box_ours[2], s_box_ours[3]), (0, 200, 0), 2) cv2.rectangle(im_ours, (o_box_ours[0], o_box_ours[1]), (o_box_ours[2], o_box_ours[3]), (0, 0, 200), 2) cv2.imshow('im_ours', im_ours) if ours_p_len >= 0: idx_ours_p = cv2.getTrackbarPos('idx_ours_p', 'ctrl') idx_ours = ours_indices['p'][idx_ours_p] im_ours_p = im_orig.copy() s_box_ours = sub_boxes_ours[idx_ours] o_box_ours = obj_boxes_ours[idx_ours] conf = rlp_confs_ours[idx_ours] sub_label_ours = m['meta/cls/idx2name/' + str(rlp_labels_ours[idx_ours][0])][...] obj_label_ours = m['meta/cls/idx2name/' + str(rlp_labels_ours[idx_ours][2])][...] pre_label_ours = m['meta/pre/idx2name/' + str(rlp_labels_ours[idx_ours][1])][...] r_label_ours = '%s %s %s' % (sub_label_ours, pre_label_ours, obj_label_ours) cv2.putText(im_ours_p, r_label_ours, (50, 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 255), 2) cv2.rectangle(im_ours_p, (s_box_ours[0], s_box_ours[1]), (s_box_ours[2], s_box_ours[3]), (0, 200, 0), 2) cv2.rectangle(im_ours_p, (o_box_ours[0], o_box_ours[1]), (o_box_ours[2], o_box_ours[3]), (0, 0, 200), 2) cv2.imshow('im_ours_p', im_ours_p) if ours_v_len >= 0: idx_ours_v = cv2.getTrackbarPos('idx_ours_v', 'ctrl') idx_ours = ours_indices['v'][idx_ours_v] im_ours_v = im_orig.copy() s_box_ours = sub_boxes_ours[idx_ours] o_box_ours = obj_boxes_ours[idx_ours] conf = rlp_confs_ours[idx_ours] sub_label_ours = m['meta/cls/idx2name/' + str(rlp_labels_ours[idx_ours][0])][...] obj_label_ours = m['meta/cls/idx2name/' + str(rlp_labels_ours[idx_ours][2])][...] pre_label_ours = m['meta/pre/idx2name/' + str(rlp_labels_ours[idx_ours][1])][...] r_label_ours = '%s %s %s' % (sub_label_ours, pre_label_ours, obj_label_ours) cv2.putText(im_ours_v, r_label_ours, (50, 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 255), 2) cv2.rectangle(im_ours_v, (s_box_ours[0], s_box_ours[1]), (s_box_ours[2], s_box_ours[3]), (0, 200, 0), 2) cv2.rectangle(im_ours_v, (o_box_ours[0], o_box_ours[1]), (o_box_ours[2], o_box_ours[3]), (0, 0, 200), 2) cv2.imshow('im_ours_v', im_ours_v) if ours_c_len >= 0: idx_ours_c = cv2.getTrackbarPos('idx_ours_c', 'ctrl') idx_ours = ours_indices['c'][idx_ours_c] im_ours_c = im_orig.copy() s_box_ours = sub_boxes_ours[idx_ours] o_box_ours = obj_boxes_ours[idx_ours] conf = rlp_confs_ours[idx_ours] sub_label_ours = m['meta/cls/idx2name/' + str(rlp_labels_ours[idx_ours][0])][...] obj_label_ours = m['meta/cls/idx2name/' + str(rlp_labels_ours[idx_ours][2])][...] pre_label_ours = m['meta/pre/idx2name/' + str(rlp_labels_ours[idx_ours][1])][...] r_label_ours = '%s %s %s' % (sub_label_ours, pre_label_ours, obj_label_ours) cv2.putText(im_ours_c, r_label_ours, (50, 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 255), 2) cv2.rectangle(im_ours_c, (s_box_ours[0], s_box_ours[1]), (s_box_ours[2], s_box_ours[3]), (0, 200, 0), 2) cv2.rectangle(im_ours_c, (o_box_ours[0], o_box_ours[1]), (o_box_ours[2], o_box_ours[3]), (0, 0, 200), 2) cv2.imshow('im_ours_c', im_ours_c) if ours_s_len >= 0: idx_ours_s = cv2.getTrackbarPos('idx_ours_s', 'ctrl') idx_ours = ours_indices['s'][idx_ours_s] im_ours_s = im_orig.copy() s_box_ours = sub_boxes_ours[idx_ours] o_box_ours = obj_boxes_ours[idx_ours] conf = rlp_confs_ours[idx_ours] sub_label_ours = m['meta/cls/idx2name/' + str(rlp_labels_ours[idx_ours][0])][...] obj_label_ours = m['meta/cls/idx2name/' + str(rlp_labels_ours[idx_ours][2])][...] pre_label_ours = m['meta/pre/idx2name/' + str(rlp_labels_ours[idx_ours][1])][...] r_label_ours = '%s %s %s' % (sub_label_ours, pre_label_ours, obj_label_ours) cv2.putText(im_ours_s, r_label_ours, (50, 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 255), 2) cv2.rectangle(im_ours_s, (s_box_ours[0], s_box_ours[1]), (s_box_ours[2], s_box_ours[3]), (0, 200, 0), 2) cv2.rectangle(im_ours_s, (o_box_ours[0], o_box_ours[1]), (o_box_ours[2], o_box_ours[3]), (0, 0, 200), 2) cv2.imshow('im_ours_s', im_ours_s) c = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF if c == ord(' '): break if c == ord('s'): im_folder = 'output/results/examples/' + imid if not os.path.exists('output/results/examples/' + imid): os.makedirs('output/results/examples/' + imid) if not os.path.exists('output/results/examples/' + imid + '/orig_' + imid + '.jpg'): cv2.imwrite( 'output/results/examples/' + imid + '/orig_' + imid + '.jpg', im_orig) if ours_v_len >= 0: cv2.imwrite( 'output/results/examples/' + imid + '/ours_v_' + imid + '_' + str(idx_ours) + '.jpg', im_ours_v) if ours_p_len >= 0: cv2.imwrite( 'output/results/examples/' + imid + '/ours_p_' + imid + '_' + str(idx_ours) + '.jpg', im_ours_p) if ours_c_len >= 0: cv2.imwrite( 'output/results/examples/' + imid + '/ours_c_' + imid + '_' + str(idx_ours) + '.jpg', im_ours_c) if ours_s_len >= 0: cv2.imwrite( 'output/results/examples/' + imid + '/ours_s_' + imid + '_' + str(idx_ours) + '.jpg', im_ours_s) cnt += 1 if c == 27: exit(0)
def run_retrieval(): h5f = h5py.File('output/vg_results/vg1_2_2016_result_all_100000.all.hdf5') #h5f = h5py.file('output/results/lu_method_results.hdf5') data_root = '/home/zawlin/g/py-faster-rcnn/data/vg1_2_2016/Data/test/' m = h5py.File('/home/zawlin/Dropbox/proj/vg1_2_meta.h5', 'r', 'core') thresh = 0.0 filters = [] rois = [] images = {} imids = h5f.keys() results = {} cnt = 0 # pre = 'teddy bear_sit on_blanket' pre = 'cloth_next to_suitcase' # pre = 'paw_in front of_cat' # pre = 'racket_hold by_player' sub_lbl = pre.split('_')[0] pre_lbl = pre.split('_')[1] obj_lbl = pre.split('_')[2] sub_idx = zl.name2idx_cls(m, sub_lbl) pre_idx = zl.name2idx_pre(m, pre_lbl) obj_idx = zl.name2idx_cls(m, obj_lbl) rlp_label = np.array([sub_idx, pre_idx, obj_idx]).astype(np.int16) results = {} for imid in imids: if cnt % 100 == 0: print cnt, zl.tock() zl.tick() cnt += 1 rlp_labels = h5f[imid + '/rlp_labels'][...] rlp_confs = h5f[imid + '/rlp_confs'][...] if rlp_confs.shape[0] == 0: results[imid] = 0.0 continue zl.tick() indexor = np.arange(rlp_labels.shape[0]) ind = indexor[np.all(rlp_labels == rlp_label, axis=1)] if ind.shape[0] == 0: results[imid] = 0.0 continue confs = rlp_confs[ind] # print confs # print np.average(confs) results[imid] = np.average(confs) results_sorted = zl.sort_dict_by_val(results) example_folder = 'output/examples_retr_vg/%s/' % pre zl.make_dirs(example_folder) cnt = 0 for imid, v in results_sorted[:20]: sub_boxes = h5f[imid + '/sub_boxes'][...] obj_boxes = h5f[imid + '/obj_boxes'][...] rlp_labels = h5f[imid + '/rlp_labels'][...] rlp_confs = h5f[imid + '/rlp_confs'][...] indexor = np.arange(rlp_labels.shape[0]) ind = indexor[np.all(rlp_labels == rlp_label, axis=1)] if ind.shape[0] != 0: sub_boxes = sub_boxes[ind] obj_boxes = obj_boxes[ind] sb = sub_boxes[0] ob = obj_boxes[0] im = cv2.imread(data_root + zl.imid2path(m, imid)) cv2.rectangle(im, (sb[0], sb[1]), (sb[2], sb[3]), (0, 200, 0), 1) cv2.rectangle(im, (ob[0], ob[1]), (ob[2], ob[3]), (0, 0, 200), 1) cv2.imwrite(example_folder + str(cnt) + '_%s.jpg' % imid, im) #cv2.imshow('im',im) cnt += 1
def run_retrieval_vp(): h5f = h5py.File('output/precalc/vg1_2_vp2016_test_new.hdf5') # print h5f[h5f.keys()[0]].keys() # exit(0) #h5f = h5py.file('output/results/lu_method_results.hdf5') data_root = '/home/zawlin/g/py-faster-rcnn/data/vg1_2_2016/Data/test/' m = h5py.File('/home/zawlin/Dropbox/proj/vg1_2_meta.h5', 'r', 'core') m_vp = h5py.File('/home/zawlin/Dropbox/proj/vg1_2_vp_meta.h5', 'r', 'core') thresh = 0.0 filters = [] rois = [] images = {} imids = h5f.keys() results = {} cnt = 0 pre = 'teddy bear_sit on_blanket' # pre = 'paw_in front of_cat' # pre = 'racket_hold by_player' r_idx = zl.name2idx_tri(m_vp, pre) # sub_lbl = pre.split('_')[0] # pre_lbl = pre.split('_')[1] # obj_lbl = pre.split('_')[2] # sub_idx = zl.name2idx_cls(m,sub_lbl) # pre_idx = zl.name2idx_pre(m,pre_lbl) # obj_idx = zl.name2idx_cls(m,obj_lbl) # rlp_label = np.array([sub_idx,pre_idx,obj_idx]).astype(np.int16) results = {} for imid in imids: if cnt % 100 == 0: print cnt, zl.tock() zl.tick() cnt += 1 # rlp_labels = h5f[imid+'/labels'][...] rlp_confs = h5f[imid + '/confs'][:, r_idx] ind = np.argsort(rlp_confs)[::-1] rlp_confs = rlp_confs[ind[:5]] results[imid] = np.average(rlp_confs) if rlp_confs.shape[0] == 0: results[imid] = 0.0 continue zl.tick() indexor = np.arange(rlp_labels.shape[0]) # ind = indexor[np.all(rlp_labels==rlp_label,axis=1)] ind = np.where(rlp_labels == r_idx)[0] if ind.shape[0] == 0: results[imid] = 0.0 continue confs = rlp_confs[ind] results[imid] = np.average(confs) results_sorted = zl.sort_dict_by_val(results) example_folder = 'output/examples_retr_vg_vp/%s/' % pre zl.make_dirs(example_folder) cnt = 0 for imid, v in results_sorted[:200]: boxes = h5f[imid + '/boxes'][...] rlp_labels = h5f[imid + '/labels'][...] rlp_confs = h5f[imid + '/confs'][...] # indexor = np.arange(rlp_labels.shape[0]) # ind = indexor[np.all(rlp_labels==rlp_label,axis=1)] ind = np.where(rlp_labels == r_idx)[0] if ind.shape[0] != 0: boxes = boxes[ind] sb = boxes[0] # ob = obj_boxes[0] im = cv2.imread(data_root + zl.imid2path(m, imid)) cv2.rectangle(im, (sb[0], sb[1]), (sb[2], sb[3]), (0, 200, 0), 1) # cv2.rectangle(im,(ob[0],ob[1]),(ob[2],ob[3]),(0,0,200),1) cv2.imwrite(example_folder + str(cnt) + '_%s.jpg' % imid, im) #cv2.imshow('im',im) cnt += 1
def run_retrieval_vp_all(): h5f = h5py.File('output/precalc/vg1_2_vp2016_test_new.hdf5', 'r') # print h5f[h5f.keys()[0]].keys() # exit(0) #h5f = h5py.file('output/results/lu_method_results.hdf5') img_set_file = 'data/vg1_2_2016/ImageSets/test.txt' imlist = { line.strip().split(' ')[1]: line.strip().split(' ')[0] for line in open(img_set_file) } data_root = '/home/zawlin/g/py-faster-rcnn/data/vg1_2_2016/Data/test/' m = h5py.File('/home/zawlin/Dropbox/proj/vg1_2_meta.h5', 'r', 'core') m_vp = h5py.File('/home/zawlin/Dropbox/proj/vg1_2_vp_meta.h5', 'r', 'core') thresh = 0.0 filters = [] rois = [] images = {} imids = h5f.keys() results = {} cnt = 0 # pre = 'teddy bear_sit on_blanket' pre = 'paw_in front of_cat' # pre = 'racket_hold by_player' r_idx = zl.name2idx_tri(m_vp, pre) # sub_lbl = pre.split('_')[0] # pre_lbl = pre.split('_')[1] # obj_lbl = pre.split('_')[2] # sub_idx = zl.name2idx_cls(m,sub_lbl) # pre_idx = zl.name2idx_pre(m,pre_lbl) # obj_idx = zl.name2idx_cls(m,obj_lbl) # rlp_label = np.array([sub_idx,pre_idx,obj_idx]).astype(np.int16) results = {} for imid in imids: # if cnt>2000: # break if cnt % 100 == 0: print cnt, zl.tock() zl.tick() cnt += 1 # rlp_labels = h5f[imid+'/labels'][...] if imid + '/scores' not in h5f: print imid continue # exit(0) rlp_confs = h5f[imid + '/scores'][:, r_idx] # print np.argmax(rlp_confs) # exit(0) # ind = np.argsort(rlp_confs)[::-1] rlp_confs = rlp_confs[np.argmax(rlp_confs)] # print rlp_confs results[imid] = np.average(rlp_confs) # print np.average(rlp_confs) results_sorted = zl.sort_dict_by_val(results) example_folder = 'output/examples_retr_vg_vp/%s/' % pre zl.make_dirs(example_folder) cnt = 0 for imid, v in results_sorted[:200]: if imid + '/scores' not in h5f: continue #rlp_labels = h5f[imid+'/labels'][...] impath = imlist[imid] imid_orig = impath.split('/')[1].replace('.jpg', '') rlp_confs = h5f[imid + '/scores'][:, r_idx] ind = np.argsort(rlp_confs)[::-1] rlp_confs = rlp_confs[ind[:1]] boxes = h5f[imid + '/boxes'][...][ind, :] # indexor = np.arange(rlp_labels.shape[0]) # ind = indexor[np.all(rlp_labels==rlp_label,axis=1)] #boxes = boxes[ind] sb = boxes[0] # ob = obj_boxes[0] im = cv2.imread(data_root + zl.imid2path(m, imid_orig)) cv2.rectangle(im, (sb[0], sb[1]), (sb[2], sb[3]), (0, 200, 0), 1) # cv2.rectangle(im,(ob[0],ob[1]),(ob[2],ob[3]),(0,0,200),1) cv2.imwrite(example_folder + str(cnt) + '_%s.jpg' % imid, im) #cv2.imshow('im',im) cnt += 1
def prep_pre(split_type): if split_type != 'train' and split_type != 'test': print 'error' exit(0) caffe.set_mode_gpu() caffe.set_device(0) m = h5py.File('/home/zawlin/Dropbox/proj/vg1_2_meta.h5', 'r', 'core') cfg.TEST.HAS_RPN = False net = caffe.Net( 'models/vg1_2/vgg16/faster_rcnn_end2end/test_jointbox.prototxt', 'output/models/vg1_2_vgg16_faster_rcnn_finetune_iter_145000.caffemodel', caffe.TEST) # = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.caffemodel))[0] h5path = 'output/precalc/vg1_2_2016_predicate_exp_%s.hdf5' % split_type h5f = h5py.File(h5path) cnt = 0 for k in h5f.keys(): if cnt % 1000 == 0: print cnt cnt += 1 if 'sub_visual' not in h5f[k]: print k print len(h5f.keys()) exit(0) root = 'data/vg1_2_2016/Data/%s/' % split_type _t = {'im_detect': Timer(), 'misc': Timer()} cnt = 0 thresh = .01 for imid in m['gt/%s' % split_type].keys(): cnt += 1 impath = zl.imid2path(m, imid) fpath = os.path.join(root, impath) im = cv2.imread(fpath) if im == None: print fpath if cnt % 100 == 0: print cnt fpath = os.path.join(root, impath) im = cv2.imread(fpath) if im == None: print fpath gt_sub_boxes = m['gt/%s/%s/sub_boxes' % (split_type, imid)][...] gt_obj_boxes = m['gt/%s/%s/obj_boxes' % (split_type, imid)][...] gt_rlp_labels = m['gt/%s/%s/rlp_labels' % (split_type, imid)][...] sub_boxes = [] obj_boxes = [] joint_boxes = [] boxes_batch = [] b_type = {} b_idx = 0 sub_visual = [] obj_visual = [] joint_visual = [] pre_label = [] sub_cls = [] obj_cls = [] for i in xrange(gt_sub_boxes.shape[0]): gt_sub_box = gt_sub_boxes[i][...] gt_obj_box = gt_obj_boxes[i][...] gt_rlp_label = gt_rlp_labels[i][...] pre_idx = gt_rlp_label[1] sub_cls_idx = gt_rlp_label[0] obj_cls_idx = gt_rlp_label[2] sub_cls.append(sub_cls_idx) obj_cls.append(obj_cls_idx) pre_label.append(pre_idx) #print sub_lbl,predicate,obj_lbl joint_bbox = [ min(gt_sub_box[0], gt_obj_box[0]), min(gt_sub_box[1], gt_obj_box[1]), max(gt_sub_box[2], gt_obj_box[2]), max(gt_sub_box[3], gt_obj_box[3]) ] joint_boxes.append(joint_bbox) sub_boxes.append(gt_sub_box) obj_boxes.append(gt_obj_box) # cv2.rectangle(im,(joint_bbox[0],joint_bbox[1]),(joint_bbox[2],joint_bbox[3]),(255,255,255),4) # cv2.rectangle(im,(sub_bbox[0],sub_bbox[1]),(sub_bbox[2],sub_bbox[3]),(0,0,255),2) # cv2.rectangle(im,(obj_bbox[0],obj_bbox[1]),(obj_bbox[2],obj_bbox[3]),(255,0,0),2) for i in xrange(len(sub_boxes)): boxes_batch.append(sub_boxes[i]) b_type[b_idx] = 's' b_idx += 1 for i in xrange(len(obj_boxes)): boxes_batch.append(obj_boxes[i]) b_type[b_idx] = 'o' b_idx += 1 for i in xrange(len(joint_boxes)): boxes_batch.append(joint_boxes[i]) b_type[b_idx] = 'j' b_idx += 1 box_proposals = None _t['im_detect'].tic() score_raw, scores, fc7, boxes = im_detect(net, im, np.array(boxes_batch)) for i in xrange(scores.shape[0]): s_idx = np.argmax(scores[i, 1:]) + 1 cls_box = None cls_box = boxes[i, s_idx * 4:(s_idx + 1) * 4] if b_type[i] == 's': sub_visual.append(fc7[i]) if b_type[i] == 'o': obj_visual.append(fc7[i]) if b_type[i] == 'j': joint_visual.append(fc7[i]) # cls_name = str(m['meta/cls/idx2name/' + str(s_idx)][...]) # if b_type[i] == 's': # print str(m['meta/pre/idx2name/'+str(pre_label[i])][...]) # cv2.rectangle(im,(cls_box[0],cls_box[1]),(cls_box[2],cls_box[3]),(255,0,0),2) # cv2.imshow('im',im) _t['im_detect'].toc() _t['misc'].tic() sub_visual = np.array(sub_visual).astype(np.float16) obj_visual = np.array(obj_visual).astype(np.float16) joint_visual = np.array(joint_visual).astype(np.float16) pre_label = np.array(pre_label).astype(np.int32) sub_boxes = np.array(sub_boxes).astype(np.int32) obj_boxes = np.array(obj_boxes).astype(np.int32) sub_cls = np.array(sub_cls).astype(np.int32) obj_cls = np.array(obj_cls).astype(np.int32) h5f.create_dataset(imid + '/sub_visual', dtype='float16', data=sub_visual) h5f.create_dataset(imid + '/obj_visual', dtype='float16', data=obj_visual) h5f.create_dataset(imid + '/joint_visual', dtype='float16', data=joint_visual) h5f.create_dataset(imid + '/pre_label', dtype='float16', data=pre_label) h5f.create_dataset(imid + '/sub_boxes', dtype='float16', data=sub_boxes) h5f.create_dataset(imid + '/obj_boxes', dtype='float16', data=obj_boxes) h5f.create_dataset(imid + '/sub_cls', dtype='float16', data=sub_cls) h5f.create_dataset(imid + '/obj_cls', dtype='float16', data=obj_cls) _t['misc'].toc() # rpn_rois = net.blobs['rois'].data # pool5 = net.blobs['pool5'].data # _t['misc'].tic() # cnt += 1 print 'im_detect: {:d} {:.3f}s {:.3f}s' \ .format(cnt, _t['im_detect'].average_time, _t['misc'].average_time)
def run_test_save_result(): caffe.set_mode_gpu() caffe.set_device(0) m = h5py.File('/home/zawlin/Dropbox/proj/vg1_2_meta.h5', 'r', 'core') net = caffe.Net('models/vg1_2/vgg16/faster_rcnn_end2end/test.prototxt', 'output/models/vg1_2_vgg16_faster_rcnn_finetune_iter_120000.caffemodel',caffe.TEST) h5path = 'output/precalc/vg1_2_2016_test.hdf5' h5f = h5py.File(h5path) root = 'data/vg1_2_2016/Data/test/' _t = {'im_detect': Timer(), 'misc': Timer()} cnt = 0 thresh = .25 for imid in m['gt/test'].keys(): cnt += 1 if imid in h5f:continue impath = zl.imid2path(m,imid) fpath = os.path.join(root, impath) if not os.path.exists(fpath): zl.copy_file('data/vg1_2_2016/Data/train/'+impath,fpath) # print fpath # exit(0) im = cv2.imread(fpath) if im == None: print fpath box_proposals = None _t['im_detect'].tic() score_raw, scores, fc7, boxes = im_detect(net, im, box_proposals) _t['im_detect'].toc() res_locations = [] res_visuals = [] res_classemes = [] res_cls_confs = [] _t['misc'].tic() for j in xrange(1, 201): inds = np.where(scores[:, j] > 0.01)[0] cls_scores = scores[inds, j] cls_boxes = boxes[inds, j * 4:(j + 1) * 4] cls_dets = np.hstack((cls_boxes, cls_scores[:, np.newaxis])) \ .astype(np.float32, copy=False) res_loc = cls_boxes res_vis = fc7[inds] res_classeme = scores[inds] res_cls_conf = np.column_stack((np.zeros(cls_scores.shape[0]) + j, cls_scores)) keep = nms(cls_dets, .2,force_cpu=True) # nms threshold cls_dets = cls_dets[keep, :] res_loc = res_loc[keep] res_vis = res_vis[keep] res_classeme = res_classeme[keep] res_cls_conf = res_cls_conf[keep] res_classemes.extend(res_classeme) res_visuals.extend(res_vis) res_locations.extend(res_loc) res_cls_confs.extend(res_cls_conf) inds = np.where(np.array(res_cls_confs)[:, 1] > thresh)[0] res_classemes = np.array(res_classemes)[inds] res_visuals = np.array(res_visuals)[inds] res_locations = np.array(res_locations)[inds] res_cls_confs = np.array(res_cls_confs)[inds] h5f.create_dataset(imid + '/classemes', dtype='float16', data=res_classemes.astype(np.float16)) h5f.create_dataset(imid + '/visuals', dtype='float16', data=res_visuals.astype(np.float16)) h5f.create_dataset(imid + '/locations', dtype='short', data=res_locations.astype(np.short)) h5f.create_dataset(imid + '/cls_confs', dtype='float16', data=res_cls_confs.astype(np.float16)) _t['misc'].toc() print 'im_detect: {:d} {:.3f}s {:.3f}s' \ .format(cnt, _t['im_detect'].average_time, _t['misc'].average_time)