def insert_foundanimal_from_form(dbo, post, username): """ Inserts a new found animal record from the screen data: The webpy data object containing form parameters """ l = dbo.locale if"datefound") is None: raise utils.ASMValidationError(_("Date found cannot be blank", l)) if"datereported") is None: raise utils.ASMValidationError(_("Date reported cannot be blank", l)) if post.integer("owner") == 0: raise utils.ASMValidationError( _("Found animals must have a contact", l)) nid = db.get_id(dbo, "animalfound") db.execute( dbo, db.make_insert_user_sql( dbo, "animalfound", username, (("ID", db.di(nid)), ("AnimalTypeID", post.db_integer("species")), ("DateReported", post.db_date("datereported")), ("ReturnToOwnerDate", post.db_date("returntoownerdate")), ("DateFound", post.db_date("datefound")), ("Sex", post.db_integer("sex")), ("BreedID", post.db_integer("breed")), ("AgeGroup", post.db_string("agegroup")), ("BaseColourID", post.db_integer("colour")), ("DistFeat", post.db_string("markings")), ("AreaFound", post.db_string("areafound")), ("AreaPostcode", post.db_string("areapostcode")), ("OwnerID", post.db_integer("owner")), ("Comments", post.db_string("comments"))))) audit.create(dbo, username, "animalfound", str(nid)) return nid
def insert_foundanimal_from_form(dbo, post, username): """ Inserts a new found animal record from the screen data: The webpy data object containing form parameters """ l = dbo.locale if"datefound") is None: raise utils.ASMValidationError(_("Date found cannot be blank", l)) if"datereported") is None: raise utils.ASMValidationError(_("Date reported cannot be blank", l)) if post.integer("owner") == 0: raise utils.ASMValidationError(_("Found animals must have a contact", l)) nid = dbo.insert("animalfound", { "AnimalTypeID": post.integer("species"), "DateReported":"datereported"), "ReturnToOwnerDate":"returntoownerdate"), "DateFound":"datefound"), "Sex": post.integer("sex"), "BreedID": post.integer("breed"), "AgeGroup": post["agegroup"], "BaseColourID": post.integer("colour"), "DistFeat": post["markings"], "AreaFound": post["areafound"], "AreaPostcode": post["areapostcode"], "OwnerID": post.integer("owner"), "Comments": post["comments"] }, username) # Save any additional field values given additional.save_values_for_link(dbo, post, nid, "foundanimal", True) return nid
def insert_foster_from_form(dbo, username, post): """ Inserts a movement from the workflow foster an animal screen. Returns the new movement id """ # Validate that we have a movement date before doing anthing l = dbo.locale if None is"fosterdate"): raise utils.ASMValidationError(i18n._("Foster movements must have a valid foster date.", l)) # Is this animal already on foster? If so, return that foster first fm = get_animal_movements(dbo, post.integer("animal")) for m in fm: if m.MOVEMENTTYPE == FOSTER and m.RETURNDATE is None: # if the existing foster is to this person, bail if m.OWNERID == post.integer("person"): raise utils.ASMValidationError(i18n._("Already fostered to this person.", l)) else: return_movement(dbo, m.ID, post.integer("animal"),"fosterdate")) # Create the foster movement move_dict = { "person" : post["person"], "animal" : post["animal"], "movementdate" : post["fosterdate"], "permanentfoster" : post["permanentfoster"], "adoptionno" : post["movementnumber"], "returndate" : post["returndate"], "type" : str(FOSTER), "donation" : post["amount"], "returncategory" : configuration.default_return_reason(dbo) } movementid = insert_movement_from_form(dbo, username, utils.PostedData(move_dict, l)) return movementid
def update_foundanimal_from_form(dbo, post, username): """ Updates a found animal record from the screen post: The webpy data object containing form parameters """ l = dbo.locale lfid = post.integer("id") if not dbo.optimistic_check("animalfound", post.integer("id"), post.integer("recordversion")): raise utils.ASMValidationError(_("This record has been changed by another user, please reload.", l)) if"datefound") is None: raise utils.ASMValidationError(_("Date found cannot be blank", l)) if"datereported") is None: raise utils.ASMValidationError(_("Date reported cannot be blank", l)) if post.integer("owner") == 0: raise utils.ASMValidationError(_("Found animals must have a contact", l)) dbo.update("animalfound", lfid, { "AnimalTypeID": post.integer("species"), "DateReported":"datereported"), "ReturnToOwnerDate":"returntoownerdate"), "DateFound":"datefound"), "Sex": post.integer("sex"), "BreedID": post.integer("breed"), "AgeGroup": post["agegroup"], "BaseColourID": post.integer("colour"), "DistFeat": post["markings"], "AreaFound": post["areafound"], "AreaPostcode": post["areapostcode"], "OwnerID": post.integer("owner"), "Comments": post["comments"] }, username) additional.save_values_for_link(dbo, post, lfid, "foundanimal")
def insert_stocklevel_from_form(dbo, post, username): """ Inserts a stocklevel item from a dialog. A usage record will be written, so usage data should be sent too. """ l = dbo.locale if post["name"] == "": raise utils.ASMValidationError(_("Stock level must have a name", l)) if post["unitname"] == "": raise utils.ASMValidationError(_("Stock level must have a unit", l)) nid = dbo.insert("stocklevel", { "Name": post["name"], "Description": post["description"], "StockLocationID": post.integer("location"), "UnitName": post["unitname"], "Total": post.floating("total"), "Balance": post.floating("balance"), "Expiry":"expiry"), "BatchNumber": post["batchnumber"], "Cost": post.integer("cost"), "UnitPrice": post.integer("unitprice"), "CreatedDate": }, username, setCreated=False, setRecordVersion=False) insert_stockusage(dbo, username, nid, post.floating("balance"),"usagedate"), post.integer("usagetype"), post["comments"]) return nid
def sign_document(dbo, username, mid, sigurl, signdate): """ Signs an HTML document. sigurl: An HTML5 data: URL containing an image of the signature """ al.debug("signing document %s for %s" % (mid, username), "media.sign_document", dbo) SIG_PLACEHOLDER = "signature:placeholder" date, medianame, mimetype, content = get_media_file_data(dbo, mid) # Is this an HTML document? if content.find("<p") == -1 and content.find("<td") == -1: al.error("document %s is not HTML" % mid, "media.sign_document", dbo) raise utils.ASMValidationError("Cannot sign a non-HTML document") # Has this document already been signed? if 0 != dbo.query_int("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM media WHERE ID = ? AND SignatureHash Is Not Null AND SignatureHash <> ''", [mid]): al.error("document %s has already been signed" % mid, "media.sign_document", dbo) raise utils.ASMValidationError("Document is already signed") # Does the document have a signing placeholder image? If so, replace it if content.find(SIG_PLACEHOLDER) != -1: al.debug("document %s: found signature placeholder" % mid, "media.sign_document", dbo) content = content.replace(SIG_PLACEHOLDER, sigurl) else: # Create the signature at the foot of the document al.debug("document %s: no placeholder, appending" % mid, "media.sign_document", dbo) sig = "<hr />\n" sig += '<p><img src="' + sigurl + '" /></p>\n' sig += "<p>%s</p>\n" % signdate content += sig # Create a hash of the contents and store it with the media record dbo.update("media", mid, { "SignatureHash": utils.md5_hash(content) }) # Update the dbfs contents update_file_content(dbo, username, mid, content)
def update_transport_from_form(dbo, username, post): """ Updates a movement record from posted form data """ l = dbo.locale if post.integer("animal") == 0: raise utils.ASMValidationError(i18n._("Transport requires an animal", l)) if None is"pickupdate") or None is"dropoffdate"): raise utils.ASMValidationError(i18n._("Transports must have valid pickup and dropoff dates and times.", l)) transportid = post.integer("transportid") dbo.update("animaltransport", transportid, { "AnimalID": post.integer("animal"), "TransportTypeID": post.integer("type"), "DriverOwnerID": post.integer("driver"), "PickupOwnerID": post.integer("pickup"), "PickupAddress": post["pickupaddress"], "PickupTown": post["pickuptown"], "PickupCounty": post["pickupcounty"], "PickupPostcode": post["pickuppostcode"], "PickupDateTime": post.datetime("pickupdate", "pickuptime"), "DropoffOwnerID": post.integer("dropoff"), "DropoffAddress": post["dropoffaddress"], "DropoffTown": post["dropofftown"], "DropoffCounty": post["dropoffcounty"], "DropoffPostcode": post["dropoffpostcode"], "DropoffDateTime": post.datetime("dropoffdate", "dropofftime"), "Status": post.integer("status"), "Miles": post.integer("miles"), "Cost": post.integer("cost"), "CostPaidDate":"costpaid"), "Comments": post["comments"] }, username)
def insert_reserve_for_animal_name(dbo, username, personid, animalname): """ Creates a reservation for the animal with animalname to personid. animalname can either be just the name of a shelter animal, or it can be in the form name::code. If a code is present, that will be used to locate the animal. If the person is banned from adopting animals, an exception is raised. """ l = dbo.locale if animalname.find("::") != -1: animalcode = animalname.split("::")[1] aid = dbo.query_int("SELECT ID FROM animal WHERE ShelterCode = ? ORDER BY ID DESC", [animalcode]) else: aid = dbo.query_int("SELECT ID FROM animal WHERE LOWER(AnimalName) LIKE ? ORDER BY ID DESC", [animalname.lower()]) if 1 == dbo.query_int("SELECT IsBanned FROM owner WHERE ID=?", [personid]): raise utils.ASMValidationError("owner %s is banned from adopting animals - not creating reserve") if aid == 0: raise utils.ASMValidationError("could not find an animal for '%s' - not creating reserve" % animalname) move_dict = { "person" : str(personid), "animal" : str(aid), "reservationdate" : i18n.python2display(l,, "reservationstatus" : configuration.default_reservation_status(dbo), "movementdate" : "", "type" : str(NO_MOVEMENT), "returncategory" : configuration.default_return_reason(dbo) } return insert_movement_from_form(dbo, username, utils.PostedData(move_dict, l))
def insert_waitinglist_from_form(dbo, post, username): """ Creates a waiting list record from the screen data: The webpy data object containing form parameters """ l = dbo.locale if post["description"] == "": raise utils.ASMValidationError(_("Description cannot be blank", l)) if post.integer("owner") == 0: raise utils.ASMValidationError( _("Waiting list entries must have a contact", l)) if post["dateputon"] == "": raise utils.ASMValidationError(_("Date put on cannot be blank", l)) nwlid = dbo.insert( "animalwaitinglist", { "SpeciesID": post.integer("species"), "Size": post.integer("size"), "DatePutOnList":"dateputon"), "OwnerID": post.integer("owner"), "AnimalDescription": post["description"], "ReasonForWantingToPart": post["reasonforwantingtopart"], "CanAffordDonation": post.boolean("canafforddonation"), "Urgency": post.integer("urgency"), "DateRemovedFromList":"dateremoved"), "AutoRemovePolicy": post.integer("autoremovepolicy"), "DateOfLastOwnerContact":"dateoflastownercontact"), "ReasonForRemoval": post["reasonforremoval"], "Comments": post["comments"], "UrgencyLastUpdatedDate":, "UrgencyUpdateDate": offset=configuration.waiting_list_urgency_update_period(dbo)) }, username) # Save any additional field values given additional.save_values_for_link(dbo, post, nwlid, "waitinglist", True) return nwlid
def insert_regimen_from_form(dbo, username, data): """ Creates a regimen record from posted form data """ l = dbo.locale if utils.df_kd(data, "startdate", l) is None: raise utils.ASMValidationError(_("Start date must be a valid date", l)) if utils.df_ks(data, "treatmentname") == "": raise utils.ASMValidationError(_("Treatment name cannot be blank", l)) l = dbo.locale nregid = db.get_id(dbo, "animalmedical") timingrule = utils.df_ki(data, "timingrule") timingrulenofrequencies = utils.df_ki(data, "timingrulenofrequencies") timingrulefrequency = utils.df_ki(data, "timingrulefrequency") totalnumberoftreatments = utils.df_ki(data, "totalnumberoftreatments") treatmentsremaining = int(totalnumberoftreatments) * int(timingrule) treatmentrule = utils.df_ki(data, "treatmentrule") singlemulti = utils.df_ki(data, "singlemulti") if singlemulti == 0: timingrule = 0 timingrulenofrequencies = 0 timingrulefrequency = 0 treatmentsremaining = 1 if treatmentrule != 0: totalnumberoftreatments = 0 treatmentsremaining = 0 sql = db.make_insert_user_sql( dbo, "animalmedical", username, (("ID", db.di(nregid)), ("AnimalID", db.di(utils.df_ki(data, "animal"))), ("MedicalProfileID", utils.df_s(data, "profileid")), ("TreatmentName", utils.df_t(data, "treatmentname")), ("Dosage", utils.df_t(data, "dosage")), ("StartDate", utils.df_d(data, "startdate", l)), ("Status", db.di(0)), ("Cost", utils.df_m(data, "cost", l)), ("TimingRule", db.di(timingrule)), ("TimingRuleFrequency", db.di(timingrulefrequency)), ("TimingRuleNoFrequencies", db.di(timingrulenofrequencies)), ("TreatmentRule", utils.df_s(data, "treatmentrule")), ("TotalNumberOfTreatments", db.di(totalnumberoftreatments)), ("TreatmentsGiven", db.di(0)), ("TreatmentsRemaining", db.di(treatmentsremaining)), ("Comments", utils.df_t(data, "comments")))) db.execute(dbo, sql) audit.create( dbo, username, "animalmedical", str(nregid) + ": " + utils.df_ks(data, "treatmentname") + " " + utils.df_ks(data, "dosage")) update_medical_treatments(dbo, username, nregid)
def update_appointment_from_form(dbo, username, post): """ Updates an appointment from form data """ l = dbo.locale if post.datetime("apptdate", "appttime") is None: raise utils.ASMValidationError( i18n._("Appointment date must be a valid date", l)) dbo.update( "clinicappointment", post.integer("appointmentid"), { "AnimalID": post.integer("animal"), "OwnerID": post.integer("person"), "ApptFor": post["for"], "DateTime": post.datetime("apptdate", "appttime"), "Status": post.integer("status"), "ArrivedDateTime": post.datetime("arriveddate", "arrivedtime"), "WithVetDateTime": post.datetime("withvetdate", "withvettime"), "CompletedDateTime": post.datetime("completedate", "completetime"), "ReasonForAppointment": post["reason"], "Comments": post["comments"], "Amount": post.integer("amount"), "IsVAT": post.boolean("vat"), "VATRate": post.floating("vatrate"), "VATAmount": post.integer("vatamount") }, username)
def create_document_template(dbo, username, name, ext=".html", content="<p></p>"): """ Creates a document template from the name given. If there's no extension, adds it If it's a relative path (doesn't start with /) adds /templates/ to the front If it's an absolute path that doesn't start with /templates/, add /templates Changes spaces and unwanted punctuation to underscores """ filepath = name if not filepath.endswith(ext): filepath += ext if not filepath.startswith("/"): filepath = "/templates/" + filepath if not filepath.startswith("/templates"): filepath = "/templates" + filepath filepath = sanitise_path(filepath) name = filepath[filepath.rfind("/") + 1:] path = filepath[:filepath.rfind("/")] if 0 != dbo.query_int( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM templatedocument WHERE Name = ? AND Path = ?", (name, path)): raise utils.ASMValidationError("%s already exists" % filepath) dtid = dbo.insert("templatedocument", { "Name": name, "Path": path, "Content": base64.b64encode(content) }) audit.create(dbo, username, "templatedocument", dtid, "id: %d, name: %s" % (dtid, name)) return dtid
def create_animalcontrol(dbo, username, collationid): """ Creates a animal control/incident record from the incoming form data with collationid. Also, attaches the form to the incident as media. """ l = dbo.locale fields = get_onlineformincoming_detail(dbo, collationid) d = {} d["incidentdate"] = i18n.python2display(l, d["incidenttime"] = i18n.format_time_now(dbo.timezone) d["calldate"] = d["incidentdate"] d["calltime"] = d["incidenttime"] d["incidenttype"] = 1 for f in fields: if f["FIELDNAME"] == "callnotes": d["callnotes"] = f["VALUE"] if f["FIELDNAME"] == "dispatchaddress": d["dispatchaddress"] = f["VALUE"] if f["FIELDNAME"] == "dispatchcity": d["dispatchtown"] = f["VALUE"] if f["FIELDNAME"] == "dispatchstate": d["dispatchcounty"] = f["VALUE"] if f["FIELDNAME"] == "dispatchzipcode": d["dispatchpostcode"] = f["VALUE"] # Have we got enough info to create the animal control record? We need notes and dispatchaddress if not d.has_key("callnotes") or not d.has_key("dispatchaddress"): raise utils.ASMValidationError(i18n._("There is not enough information in the form to create an incident record (need call notes and dispatch address).", l)) # We need the person/caller record before we create the incident collationid, personid, personname = create_person(dbo, username, collationid) d["caller"] = personid # Create the incident incidentid = animalcontrol.insert_animalcontrol_from_form(dbo, utils.PostedData(d, dbo.locale), username) # Attach the form to the incident formname = get_onlineformincoming_name(dbo, collationid) formhtml = get_onlineformincoming_html(dbo, collationid) media.create_document_media(dbo, username, media.ANIMALCONTROL, incidentid, formname, formhtml ) return (collationid, incidentid, utils.padleft(incidentid, 6) + " - " + personname)
def insert_user_from_form(dbo, username, post): """ Creates a user record from posted form data. Uses the roles key (which should be a comma separated list of role ids) to create userrole records. """ # Verify the username is unique l = dbo.locale if 0 != dbo.query_int("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE LOWER(UserName) LIKE LOWER(?)", [post["username"]]): raise utils.ASMValidationError(i18n._("Username '{0}' already exists", l).format(post["username"])) nuserid = dbo.insert("users", { "UserName": post["username"], "RealName": post["realname"], "EmailAddress": post["email"], "Password": hash_password(post["password"]), "SuperUser": post.integer("superuser"), "DisableLogin": post.integer("disablelogin"), "RecordVersion": 0, "SecurityMap": "dummy", "OwnerID": post.integer("person"), "SiteID": post.integer("site"), "LocationFilter": post["locationfilter"], "IPRestriction": post["iprestriction"] }, username, setCreated=False) dbo.delete("userrole", "UserID=%d" % nuserid) roles = post["roles"].strip() if roles != "": for rid in roles.split(","): if rid.strip() != "": dbo.insert("userrole", { "UserID": nuserid, "RoleID": rid }, generateID=False) return nuserid
def update_test_from_form(dbo, username, data): """ Updates a test record from posted form data """ l = dbo.locale testid = utils.df_ki(data, "testid") if utils.df_kd(data, "required", l) is None: raise utils.ASMValidationError( _("Required date must be a valid date", l)) sql = db.make_update_user_sql( dbo, "animaltest", username, "ID=%d" % testid, (("AnimalID", db.di(utils.df_ki(data, "animal"))), ("TestTypeID", utils.df_s(data, "type")), ("TestResultID", utils.df_s(data, "result")), ("DateOfTest", utils.df_d(data, "given", l)), ("DateRequired", utils.df_d(data, "required", l)), ("Cost", utils.df_m(data, "cost", l)), ("Comments", utils.df_t(data, "comments")))) preaudit = db.query(dbo, "SELECT * FROM animaltest WHERE ID = %d" % testid) db.execute(dbo, sql) postaudit = db.query(dbo, "SELECT * FROM animaltest WHERE ID = %d" % testid) audit.edit(dbo, username, "animaltest", audit.map_diff(preaudit, postaudit)) # ASM2_COMPATIBILITY update_asm2_tests(dbo, testid)
def insert_reserve_from_form(dbo, username, post): """ Inserts a movement from the workflow reserve an animal screen. Returns the new movement id """ # Validate that we have a date before doing anthing l = dbo.locale if None is"reservationdate"): raise utils.ASMValidationError(i18n._("Reservations must have a valid reservation date.", l)) # Do the movement itself first move_dict = { "person" : post["person"], "animal" : post["animal"], "reservationdate" : post["reservationdate"], "reservationstatus" : post["reservationstatus"], "adoptionno" : post["movementnumber"], "movementdate" : "", "type" : str(NO_MOVEMENT), "donation" : post["amount"], "returncategory" : configuration.default_return_reason(dbo) } movementid = insert_movement_from_form(dbo, username, utils.PostedData(move_dict, l)) # Create any payments financial.insert_donations_from_form(dbo, username, post, post["reservationdate"], False, post["person"], post["animal"], movementid) return movementid
def update_regimen_from_form(dbo, username, data): """ Updates a regimen record from posted form data """ l = dbo.locale regimenid = utils.df_ki(data, "regimenid") if utils.df_ks(data, "treatmentname") == "": raise utils.ASMValidationError(_("Treatment name cannot be blank", l)) sql = db.make_update_user_sql( dbo, "animalmedical", username, "ID=%d" % regimenid, (("TreatmentName", utils.df_t(data, "treatmentname")), ("Dosage", utils.df_t(data, "dosage")), ("Status", utils.df_s(data, "status")), ("Cost", utils.df_m(data, "cost", l)), ("Comments", utils.df_t(data, "comments")))) preaudit = db.query(dbo, "SELECT * FROM animalmedical WHERE ID=%d" % regimenid) db.execute(dbo, sql) postaudit = db.query(dbo, "SELECT * FROM animalmedical WHERE ID=%d" % regimenid) audit.edit( dbo, username, "animalmedical", audit.map_diff(preaudit, postaudit, ["TREATMENTNAME", "DOSAGE"])) update_medical_treatments(dbo, username, utils.df_ki(data, "regimenid"))
def insert_retailer_from_form(dbo, username, data): """ Inserts a retailer from the workflow move to retailer screen. Returns the new movement id """ # Validate that we have a movement date before doing anthing l = dbo.locale if None == utils.df_kd(data, "retailerdate", l): raise utils.ASMValidationError( i18n._("Retailer movements must have a valid movement date.", l)) # Is this animal already at a foster? If so, return that foster first fm = get_animal_movements(dbo, utils.df_ki(data, "animal")) for m in fm: if m["MOVEMENTTYPE"] == FOSTER and m["RETURNDATE"] is None: return_movement(dbo, m["ID"], utils.df_ki(data, "animal"), utils.df_kd(data, "retailerdate", l)) # Create the retailer movement move_dict = { "person": utils.df_ks(data, "person"), "animal": utils.df_ks(data, "animal"), "movementdate": utils.df_ks(data, "retailerdate"), "adoptionno": utils.df_ks(data, "movementnumber"), "type": str(RETAILER), "donation": utils.df_ks(data, "amount"), "returncategory": configuration.default_return_reason(dbo) } movementid = insert_movement_from_form(dbo, username, move_dict) return movementid
def update_vaccination_from_form(dbo, username, data): """ Updates a vaccination record from posted form data """ l = dbo.locale vaccid = utils.df_ki(data, "vaccid") if utils.df_kd(data, "required", l) is None: raise utils.ASMValidationError( _("Required date must be a valid date", l)) sql = db.make_update_user_sql( dbo, "animalvaccination", username, "ID=%d" % vaccid, (("AnimalID", db.di(utils.df_ki(data, "animal"))), ("VaccinationID", utils.df_s(data, "type")), ("DateOfVaccination", utils.df_d(data, "given", l)), ("DateRequired", utils.df_d(data, "required", l)), ("Cost", utils.df_m(data, "cost", l)), ("Comments", utils.df_t(data, "comments")))) preaudit = db.query( dbo, "SELECT * FROM animalvaccination WHERE ID = %d" % vaccid) db.execute(dbo, sql) postaudit = db.query( dbo, "SELECT * FROM animalvaccination WHERE ID = %d" % vaccid) audit.edit(dbo, username, "animalvaccination", audit.map_diff(preaudit, postaudit))
def insert_transfer_from_form(dbo, username, post): """ Inserts a movement from the workflow transfer an animal screen. Returns the new movement id """ # Validate that we have a movement date before doing anthing l = dbo.locale if None =="transferdate"): raise utils.ASMValidationError( i18n._("Transfers must have a valid transfer date.", l)) # Is this animal already on foster? If so, return that foster first fm = get_animal_movements(dbo, post.integer("animal")) for m in fm: if m["MOVEMENTTYPE"] == FOSTER and m["RETURNDATE"] is None: return_movement(dbo, m["ID"], post.integer("animal"),"transferdate")) # Create the transfer movement move_dict = { "person": post["person"], "animal": post["animal"], "adoptionno": post["movementnumber"], "movementdate": post["transferdate"], "type": str(TRANSFER), "donation": post["amount"], "returncategory": configuration.default_return_reason(dbo) } movementid = insert_movement_from_form(dbo, username, utils.PostedData(move_dict, l)) return movementid
def insert_animalcontrol_from_form(dbo, post, username, geocode=True): """ Inserts a new animal control incident record from the screen data: The webpy data object containing form parameters """ l = dbo.locale if"incidentdate") is None: raise utils.ASMValidationError(_("Incident date cannot be blank", l)) nid = dbo.insert( "animalcontrol", { "IncidentDateTime": post.datetime("incidentdate", "incidenttime"), "IncidentTypeID": post.integer("incidenttype"), "CallDateTime": post.datetime("calldate", "calltime"), "CallNotes": post["callnotes"], "CallTaker": post["calltaker"], "CallerID": post.integer("caller"), "VictimID": post.integer("victim"), "DispatchAddress": post["dispatchaddress"], "DispatchTown": post["dispatchtown"], "DispatchCounty": post["dispatchcounty"], "DispatchPostcode": post["dispatchpostcode"], "JurisdictionID": post.integer("jurisdiction"), "PickupLocationID": post.integer("pickuplocation"), "DispatchLatLong": post["dispatchlatlong"], "DispatchedACO": post["dispatchedaco"], "DispatchDateTime": post.datetime("dispatchdate", "dispatchtime"), "RespondedDateTime": post.datetime("respondeddate", "respondedtime"), "FollowupDateTime": post.datetime("followupdate", "followuptime"), "FollowupComplete": post.boolean("followupcomplete"), "FollowupDateTime2": post.datetime("followupdate2", "followuptime2"), "FollowupComplete2": post.boolean("followupcomplete2"), "FollowupDateTime3": post.datetime("followupdate3", "followuptime3"), "FollowupComplete3": post.boolean("followupcomplete3"), "CompletedDate":"completeddate"), "IncidentCompletedID": post.integer("completedtype"), "SiteID": post.integer("site"), "OwnerID": post.integer("owner"), "Owner2ID": post.integer("owner2"), "Owner3ID": post.integer("owner3"), "AnimalDescription": post["animaldescription"], "SpeciesID": post.integer("species"), "Sex": post.integer("sex"), "AgeGroup": post["agegroup"] }, username) additional.save_values_for_link(dbo, post, nid, "incident", True) update_animalcontrol_roles(dbo, nid, post.integer_list("viewroles"), post.integer_list("editroles")) # Look up a geocode for the dispatch address if geocode: update_dispatch_geocode(dbo, nid, "", post["dispatchaddress"], post["dispatchtown"], post["dispatchcounty"], post["dispatchpostcode"]) return nid
def update_account_from_form(dbo, username, post): """ Updates an account from posted form data """ l = dbo.locale accountid = post.integer("accountid") if post["code"] == "": raise utils.ASMValidationError( i18n._("Account code cannot be blank.", l)) if 0 != db.query_int( dbo, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM accounts WHERE Code Like '%s' AND ID <> %d" % (post["code"], accountid)): raise utils.ASMValidationError( i18n._("Account code '{0}' has already been used.", l).format(post["code"])) sql = db.make_update_user_sql( dbo, "accounts", username, "ID=%d" % accountid, (("Code", post.db_string("code")), ("AccountType", post.db_integer("type")), ("DonationTypeID", post.db_integer("donationtype")), ("Description", post.db_string("description")))) preaudit = db.query(dbo, "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE ID = %d" % accountid) db.execute(dbo, sql) postaudit = db.query(dbo, "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE ID = %d" % accountid) audit.edit(dbo, username, "accounts", audit.map_diff(preaudit, postaudit)) db.execute(dbo, "DELETE FROM accountsrole WHERE AccountID = %d" % accountid) for rid in post.integer_list("viewroles"): db.execute( dbo, "INSERT INTO accountsrole (AccountID, RoleID, CanView, CanEdit) VALUES (%d, %d, 1, 0)" % (accountid, rid)) for rid in post.integer_list("editroles"): if rid in post.integer_list("viewroles"): db.execute( dbo, "UPDATE accountsrole SET CanEdit = 1 WHERE AccountID = %d AND RoleID = %d" % (accountid, rid)) else: db.execute( dbo, "INSERT INTO accountsrole (AccountID, RoleID, CanView, CanEdit) VALUES (%d, %d, 0, 1)" % (accountid, rid))
def delete_lookup(dbo, lookup, iid): l = dbo.locale t = LOOKUP_TABLES[lookup] for fv in t[LOOKUP_FOREIGNKEYS]: table, field = fv.split(".") if 0 < db.query_int(dbo, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s WHERE %s = %s" % (table, field, str(iid))): raise utils.ASMValidationError(_("This item is referred to in the database ({0}) and cannot be deleted until it is no longer in use.", l).format(fv)) db.execute(dbo, "DELETE FROM %s WHERE ID = %s" % (lookup, str(iid)))
def change_password(dbo, username, oldpassword, newpassword): """ Changes the password for a user """ l = dbo.locale if None is authenticate(dbo, username, oldpassword): raise utils.ASMValidationError(i18n._("Password is incorrect.", l)) dbo.execute("UPDATE users SET Password = ? WHERE UserName LIKE ?", (hash_password(newpassword), username))
def merge_person(dbo, username, personid, mergepersonid): """ Reparents all satellite records of mergepersonid onto personid and then deletes it. """ l = dbo.locale if personid == mergepersonid: raise utils.ASMValidationError( _( "The person record to merge must be different from the original.", l)) if personid == 0 or mergepersonid == 0: raise utils.ASMValidationError("Internal error: Cannot merge ID 0") def reparent(table, field, linktypefield="", linktype=-1): if linktype >= 0: db.execute( dbo, "UPDATE %s SET %s = %d WHERE %s = %d AND %s = %d" % (table, field, personid, field, mergepersonid, linktypefield, linktype)) else: db.execute( dbo, "UPDATE %s SET %s = %d WHERE %s = %d" % (table, field, personid, field, mergepersonid)) reparent("adoption", "OwnerID") reparent("adoption", "RetailerID") reparent("animal", "OriginalOwnerID") reparent("animal", "BroughtInByOwnerID") reparent("animal", "OwnersVetID") reparent("animal", "CurrentVetID") reparent("animallost", "OwnerID") reparent("animalfound", "OwnerID") reparent("animalwaitinglist", "OwnerID") reparent("ownerdonation", "OwnerID") reparent("ownervoucher", "OwnerID") reparent("users", "OwnerID") reparent("media", "LinkID", "LinkTypeID", media.PERSON) reparent("diary", "LinkID", "LinkType", diary.PERSON) reparent("log", "LinkID", "LinkType", log.PERSON) audit.delete( dbo, username, "owner", str(db.query(dbo, "SELECT * FROM owner WHERE ID=%d" % mergepersonid))) db.execute(dbo, "DELETE FROM owner WHERE ID = %d" % mergepersonid)
def update_profile_from_form(dbo, username, data): """ Updates a profile record from posted form data """ l = dbo.locale profileid = utils.df_ki(data, "profileid") if utils.df_ks(data, "treatmentname") == "": raise utils.ASMValidationError(_("Treatment name cannot be blank", l)) if utils.df_ks(data, "profilename") == "": raise utils.ASMValidationError(_("Profile name cannot be blank", l)) timingrule = utils.df_ki(data, "timingrule") timingrulenofrequencies = utils.df_ki(data, "timingrulenofrequencies") timingrulefrequency = utils.df_ki(data, "timingrulefrequency") totalnumberoftreatments = utils.df_ki(data, "totalnumberoftreatments") treatmentrule = utils.df_ki(data, "treatmentrule") singlemulti = utils.df_ki(data, "singlemulti") if singlemulti == 0: timingrule = 0 timingrulenofrequencies = 0 timingrulefrequency = 0 if treatmentrule != 0: totalnumberoftreatments = 0 sql = db.make_update_user_sql( dbo, "medicalprofile", username, "ID=%d" % profileid, (("ProfileName", utils.df_t(data, "profilename")), ("TreatmentName", utils.df_t(data, "treatmentname")), ("Dosage", utils.df_t(data, "dosage")), ("Cost", utils.df_m(data, "cost", l)), ("TimingRule", db.di(timingrule)), ("TimingRuleFrequency", db.di(timingrulefrequency)), ("TimingRuleNoFrequencies", db.di(timingrulenofrequencies)), ("TreatmentRule", utils.df_s(data, "treatmentrule")), ("TotalNumberOfTreatments", db.di(totalnumberoftreatments)), ("Comments", utils.df_t(data, "comments")))) preaudit = db.query(dbo, "SELECT * FROM medicalprofile WHERE ID=%d" % profileid) db.execute(dbo, sql) postaudit = db.query( dbo, "SELECT * FROM medicalprofile WHERE ID=%d" % profileid) audit.edit( dbo, username, "medicalprofile", audit.map_diff(preaudit, postaudit, ["TREATMENTNAME", "DOSAGE"]))