for i_amp, amp in enumerate(amp_spread):
                dis = distance[0]
                loop = 0
                spiked = True  # artificially set to True, to engage the loop, but anyway tested for distance = 0
                print("debug01 loop {} rank {} amp {} distance {}".format(
                    loop, RANK, amp, dis))

                while spiked and loop < len(distance):
                    # displacement, amp, loop, PROBLEM
                    dis = distance[loop]
                    print("debug001 loop {} rank {} amp {} distance {}".format(
                        loop, RANK, amp, dis))

                    source_amps = np.multiply(polarity, amp)
                    ExtPot = utils.ImposedPotentialField(
                        source_amps, positions[0],
                        positions[1] + displacement_source,
                        positions[2] + dura_height, sigma)
                    # LFPy.cell.neuron.init()
                    cell = LFPy.TemplateCell(
                            NRN, 'template.hoc')),
                        templateargs=1 if add_synapses else 0,

                    # set view as in most other examples
                    cell.set_rotation(x=np.pi / 2)
Example #2
n_stim_amp = -stim_amp / 4
source_geometry = np.array(
    [-stim_amp / 4, -stim_amp / 4, -stim_amp / 4, -stim_amp / 4, stim_amp])
source_zs = np.ones(len(source_xs)) * cortical_surface_height

# Stimulation Parameters:
max_current = -100000.  # mA
current_resolution = 100
# amp_range = np.exp(np.linspace(1, np.log(max_current), current_resolution))
amp_range = np.linspace(1, max_current, current_resolution)
amp = amp_range[0]

for loop in range(current_resolution):
    # loop for various geometries
    source_amps = source_geometry * amp_range[loop]
    ExtPot = utils.ImposedPotentialField(source_amps, source_xs, source_ys,
                                         source_zs, sigma)
    plot_field_length = 500
    v_field_ext_xz = np.zeros((100, 100))
    xf = np.linspace(-plot_field_length, plot_field_length, 100)
    zf = np.linspace(-plot_field_length, cortical_surface_height, 100)
    for xidx, x in enumerate(xf):
        for zidx, z in enumerate(zf):
            v_field_ext_xz[xidx, zidx] = ExtPot.ext_field(x, 0, z)

    vmin = -1000
    vmax = 1000
    logthresh = 0

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=[18, 7])
    fig.suptitle('CURRENT = {0} mA'.format((amp_range[loop]) / 1000.))
# source_geometry = np.array([-stim_amp, 0, stim_amp, 0, 0])  # dipole
# source_geometry = np.array([-stim_amp / 4, -stim_amp / 4, -stim_amp / 4, -stim_amp / 4, stim_amp])
# source_geometry = np.array([stim_amp, stim_amp, stim_amp, stim_amp, -stim_amp])

# source_geometry = np.array([-1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1])
name_shape_ecog = 'twosquare'
polarity, n_elec, positions = utils.create_array_shape(name_shape_ecog, 25)

amp = (200. * 10**3) / n_elec  # uA
voltage = 5000

cortical_surface_height = 20

source_amps = np.multiply(polarity, amp)
ExtPot = utils.ImposedPotentialField(source_amps, positions[0], positions[1],
                                     positions[2] + cortical_surface_height,
x_extent = 500
z_extent = 1000
y_extent = 500
space_resolution = 500
depth_check = -350

# v_field_ext_xz = np.zeros((space_resolution, space_resolution))
# v_field_ext_xy2 = np.zeros((space_resolution, space_resolution))
# xf = np.linspace(-x_extent, x_extent, space_resolution)
# zf = np.linspace(-x_extent * 2, cortical_surface_height, space_resolution)
# for xidx, x in enumerate(xf):
#     for zidx, z in enumerate(zf):
#         v_field_ext_xz[xidx, zidx] = ExtPot.ext_field(x, 0, z)
#         # v_field_ext_xz[xidx, zidx] = ExtPot.ext_field(0, x, z)
Example #4
# v_clr = lambda z: * (z - np.min(zs)) / (np.max(zs) - np.min(zs)))
# v_clr = lambda z: * (z - np.min(cell.zend)) / (np.max(np.abs(cell.zmid) - np.min(np.abs(cell.zmid)))))

click = 0
# is_spike = np.zeros(n_cells)
is_spike = False

for depth in distance:

    while amp < max_current and not is_spike:

        amp = amp_range[click]
        source_amps = np.multiply(polarity, amp)
        ExtPot = utils.ImposedPotentialField(source_amps, positions[0], positions[1], positions[2] + dura_height, sigma)

        # source_amps = source_geometry * amp
        # ExtPot = utils.ImposedPotentialField(source_amps, source_xs, source_ys, source_zs, sigma)

        # Find external potential field at all cell positions as a function of time

        # v_field_ext_stick = np.zeros((len(zs), n_tsteps))
        # v_field_ext_stick = ext_field(zs).reshape(len(zs), 1) * pulse.reshape(1, n_tsteps)
        # v_field_ext_stick = v_cell_ext[v_idxs]

        # Insert external potential at cell
        if cell_id == 1:
            cell = LFPy.Cell(**cell_parameters)
            cell.set_rotation(x=np.pi / 2.)