Example #1
def process_time(df_loss_declared, df_declared_and_found, out_path):
    """Create `time` dimension table, and apply non empty, unique primary key constraint checks

        df_loss_declared (DataFrame): data frame for loss declaration
        df_declared_and_found (DataFrame): data frame for declared and found properties
        out_path (str): output folder path where to save the parquet files
    _print_info("Processing time dimension table")
    # create different time related columns
    df_time = reduce(pyspark.sql.DataFrame.unionAll, [df_loss_declared.select("date_and_time"),
                                                      df_declared_and_found.select("date_and_time"), df_declared_and_found.select("recovery_date")])\
        .withColumn("hour", F.hour(F.col("date_and_time")))\
        .withColumn("day", F.dayofmonth(F.col("date_and_time")))\
        .withColumn("week", F.weekofyear(F.col("date_and_time")))\
        .withColumn("month", F.month(F.col("date_and_time")))\
        .withColumn("year", F.year(F.col("date_and_time")))\
        .withColumn("weekday", F.date_format(F.col("date_and_time"), "E"))

    # check non-empty and unique key constraint
    check_non_empty(df_time, "time")
    check_unique_key(df_time, "date_and_time", "time")

    # save table
    save_path = os.path.join(out_path, "time")
        .partitionBy("year", "month")\
        .parquet(save_path, mode="overwrite")
Example #2
def check_unique_key(df, key, table_name):
    """Check that key column key is unique for table df named `table_name`
    n_rows = df.count()
    n_unique_keys = df.select(key).distinct().count()
    if n_rows != n_unique_keys:
            f"Check of unique key constraint failed for table {table_name}")
        f"Check of unique key constraint succeeded for table {table_name}")
Example #3
def check_min(df, column, min_val, table_name):
    """Checks if column of dataframe df has all values greater than min_val
    table_min = df.select(F.min(column)).collect()[0][0]
    if table_min <= min_val:
            f"Test failed! Minimum value ({table_min}) of column {column} of table {table_name} lower than threshold ({min_val})"
        f"Minimum value check succeeded for column {column} of table {table_name}"
Example #4
def process_declared_and_found(df_declared_and_found, df_stations,
                               df_temperature, out_path):
    """Create `declared_and_found` fact table, and apply range quality check for recovery date,  the non-empty and unique key constraint checks

        df_declared_and_found (DataFrame): data frame for lost and found properties
        df_stations (DataFrame): data frame for stations
        df_temperature (DataFrame): data frame for temperatures
        out_path (str): output folder path where to save the parquet files
    _print_info("Processing declared_and_found fact table")
    # do joins with stations
    df_declared_and_found = df_declared_and_found\
        .join(df_stations.select("station_id", "station_county_code"), "station_id", "inner")

    # create date columns from timestamp and join with temperature table
    df_declared_and_found = df_declared_and_found.withColumn(
        "date", F.to_date(F.col("date_and_time")))
    df_declared_and_found = df_declared_and_found\
        .join(df_temperature, (df_declared_and_found.station_county_code == df_temperature.county_code) & (df_declared_and_found.date == df_temperature.date), "left")

    # check found and recovery date ranges,
    df_declared_and_found = check_range(df_declared_and_found, 'date_and_time',
    # add delay in hours between declaration and recovery times
    diff_secs_col = F.col("recovery_date").cast("long") - F.col(
    df_declared_and_found = df_declared_and_found.withColumn(
        "delay_before_recovery", diff_secs_col / 3600.0)

    # add sequential primary key
    df_declared_and_found = df_declared_and_found\
        .withColumn("found_id", F.monotonically_increasing_id())\
        .select('found_id', 'date_and_time', 'station_id', 'property_nature', 'property_type', 'recovery_date',
                'delay_before_recovery', 'min_temperature', 'max_temperature', 'avg_temperature')

    # check non-empty and unique primary key constraint
    check_non_empty(df_declared_and_found, "declared_and_found_properties")
    check_unique_key(df_declared_and_found, "found_id",

    # save table
    save_path = os.path.join(out_path, "declared_and_found")
        .partitionBy('station_id', 'property_type')\
        .parquet(save_path, mode="overwrite")
Example #5
def check_range(df, min_col, max_col, table_name):
    """checks if values of column min_col are lower than values of column max_col (min and max temperature).
        If min_col > max_col for a given row, value of max_col is set equal to min_col for this row
    count = df.filter(f"{min_col} > {max_col}").count()
    if count > 0:
            f"Range check failed! In {count} rows of table {table_name}, {min_col} is higher than {max_col}.\n--> Fixing it "
        return df.withColumn(
            F.when(df[max_col] < df[min_col],
        f"Range check succeeded for columns {min_col} and {max_col} of table {table_name}"
    return df
Example #6
def process_stations(df_stations, out_path):
    """Create `stations` dimension table, and apply non empty, unique primary key constraint and values range checks

        df_stations (DataFrame): data frame for stations
        out_path (str): output folder path where to save the parquet files
    _print_info("Processing stations dimension table")
    # check minimum number of platform for each station, check non empty table and check unique key constraint
    check_min(df_stations.where("station_id != 'NOT_A_STATION'"),
              "station_number_of_platforms", 0, "stations")
    check_non_empty(df_stations, "stations")
    check_unique_key(df_stations, "station_id", "stations")

    # save table
    save_path = os.path.join(out_path, "stations")
        .parquet(save_path, mode="overwrite")
Example #7
def process_loss_declaration(df_loss_declared, df_stations, df_temperature,
    """Create `loss_declaration` fact table, and apply the non-empty and unique key constraint checks

        df_loss_declared (DataFrame): data frame for loss declaration
        df_stations (DataFrame): data frame for stations
        df_temperature (DataFrame): data frame for temperatures
        out_path (str): output folder path where to save the parquet files
    _print_info("Processing loss_declaration fact table")
    # joins with stations table
    df_loss_declared = df_loss_declared\
        .join(df_stations.select("station_id", "station_county_code"), "station_id", "inner")

    # create date columns from timestamp and join with temperature table
    df_loss_declared = df_loss_declared.withColumn(
        "date", F.to_date(F.col("date_and_time")))
    df_loss_declared = df_loss_declared\
        .join(df_temperature, (df_loss_declared.station_county_code == df_temperature.county_code) & (df_loss_declared.date == df_temperature.date), "left")

    # add sequential primary key
    df_loss_declared = df_loss_declared\
        .withColumn("declaration_id", F.monotonically_increasing_id())\
        .select('declaration_id', 'date_and_time', 'station_id', 'property_nature', 'property_type',
                'min_temperature', 'max_temperature', 'avg_temperature')

    # check non-empty and unique primary constraint
    check_non_empty(df_loss_declared, "declared_loss")
    check_unique_key(df_loss_declared, "declaration_id", "loss_declaration")

    # save table
    save_path = os.path.join(out_path, "loss_declaration")
        .partitionBy('station_id', 'property_type')\
        .parquet(save_path, mode="overwrite")
Example #8
def main():
    # get spark session
    spark = create_spark_session("LOPRO2TS")

    # 1. define path to datasets
    path_declared_loss = "input_data/objets-trouves-gares.csv"
    path_declared_and_found = "input_data/objets-trouves-restitution.csv"
    path_stations = "input_data/referentiel-gares-voyageurs.json"
    path_temperature = "input_data/temperature-quotidienne-departementale.csv"

    # 2. Read loss declaration dataset
    _print_info("Loading loss declarations data")
    schema_lost = StructType()\
        .add("Date", TimestampType(), False)\
        .add("Gare", StringType(), True)\
        .add("Code UIC", StringType(), True)\
        .add("Nature d'objets", StringType(), False)\
        .add("Type d'objets", StringType(), False)\
        .add("Type d'enregistrement", StringType(), False)
    columns_mapping = dict(
            "Date", "Date et heure de restitution", "Gare", "Code UIC",
            "Nature d'objets", "Type d'objets", "Type d'enregistrement"
        ], [
            "date_and_time", "recovery_date", "station_name", "station_id",
            "property_nature", "property_type", "recording_type"
    fill_na_dict = {
        "station_name": "NOT_A_STATION",
        "station_id": "NOT_A_STATION"
    df_loss_declared = load_csv_spark(path_declared_loss, spark,
                                      columns_mapping, schema_lost,

    # 3. Read lost and found properties dataset
    _print_info("Loading lost and found properties data")
    schema_found = StructType()\
        .add("Date", TimestampType(), False)\
        .add("Date et heure de restitution", TimestampType(), True)\
        .add("Gare", StringType(), True)\
        .add("Code UIC", StringType(), True)\
        .add("Nature d'objets", StringType(), False)\
        .add("Type d'objets", StringType(), False)\
        .add("Type d'enregistrement", StringType(), False)
    df_declared_and_found = load_csv_spark(path_declared_and_found, spark,
                                           columns_mapping, schema_found,

    # 4. Read temperature dataset
    _print_info("Loading temperatures data")
    schema_temp = StructType()\
        .add("Date", DateType(), True)\
        .add("Code INSEE département", StringType(), True)\
        .add("Département", StringType(), True)\
        .add("TMin (°C)", FloatType(), True)\
        .add("TMax (°C)", FloatType(), True)\
        .add("TMoy (°C)", FloatType(), True)
    columns_mapping = dict(
            "Date", "Code INSEE département", "Département", "TMin (°C)",
            "TMax (°C)", "TMoy (°C)"
        ], [
            "date", "county_code", "county_name", "min_temperature",
            "max_temperature", "avg_temperature"
    df_temperature = load_csv_spark(path_temperature, spark, columns_mapping,
                                    schema_temp, {})
    # check temperature quality between min and max (i.e. min <= max)
    df_temperature = check_range(df_temperature, 'min_temperature',
                                 'max_temperature', "temperature")

    # 5. Read stations dataset
    _print_info("Loading stations data")
    list_expr = [
        "fields.uic_code as station_id",
        "fields.alias_libelle_noncontraint as station_name",
        "cast(fields.latitude_entreeprincipale_wgs84 as float) as station_latitude",
        "cast(fields.longitude_entreeprincipale_wgs84 as float) as station_longitude",
        "fields.commune_code as station_city_code",
        "fields.commune_libellemin as station_city_name",
        "fields.departement_numero as station_county_code",
        "fields.departement_libellemin as station_county_name",
        "fields.adresse_cp as station_postal_code",
        "cast(fields.gare_nbpltf as int) as station_number_of_platforms",
        "fields.segmentdrg_libelle as station_category"
    df_stations = load_json_spark(path_stations, spark, list_expr,
    # add default row to address missing loss that didn't happen in stations
    df_default_station = spark.createDataFrame(
        [("NOT_A_STATION", "NOT_A_STATION", -999, -999, "NOT_A_STATION",
          -999, "NOT_A_STATION")], df_stations.columns)
    df_stations = df_stations.union(df_default_station)

    _print_info("Processing and saving fact and dimension tables")
    out_path = "output_data"
    # 6. Process stations dimension table
    process_stations(df_stations, out_path)

    # 7. Process time dimension table
    process_time(df_loss_declared, df_declared_and_found, out_path)

    # 8. Process loss_declaration fact table
    process_loss_declaration(df_loss_declared, df_stations, df_temperature,

    # 9. Process loss_declaration fact table
    process_declared_and_found(df_declared_and_found, df_stations,
                               df_temperature, out_path)

    _print_info("Processing ended | Data saved at `output_data` folder")
Example #9
def check_non_empty(df, table_name):
    """Checks if dataframe df has at least 1 row
    if df.count() < 1:
        raise_value_error(f"Non-empty check failed for table {table_name}")
    _print_info(f"Non-empty check succeeded for table {table_name}")