Example #1
def test():
    "check RT is working by comparing the fluxes from an optically thick and thin sphere to the analytic formulae"
    x, y, z = mgrid[-1:1:100j, -1:1:100j, -1:1:100j]
    rho = ones((100, 100, 100), dtype=float) * cns.m_p * 1000 * 1
    rho[sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z) > 0.999] *= 1.0e-10
    temp = ones_like(rho) * 1.0e4

    RT = freeFree(
        rho, zeros_like(rho), temp, zeros_like([rho, rho, rho]), 1.5e11
    )  # RT for a sphere 1au in diameter @T=10,000 n=1/cc
    thinim = RT.rayTrace(2.0e9)
    ne = rho / (cns.m_p * 1000)
    thinAnalytic = (
        (6.8e-38 * ne ** 2 * RT.gaunts[0] / sqrt(1.0e4) * exp(-cns.h * 2e9 / cns.Boltzmann / 1.0e4)).sum()
        * RT.length ** 3
        * 1e23
        / (4 * pi * (500 * PC2CM) ** 2)
    assert almost_eq(thinim.sum() / 1000, thinAnalytic, diff=0.1)
    print "optically thin test ok (ratio %.3f)" % (
        thinim.sum() / 1000 / thinAnalytic
    )  # usually a bit out as analytic only inculdes hydrogen, within 10% at low temps

    thinPow = [log10(RT.rayTrace(x * 1e8, suppressOutput=True).sum()) for x in xrange(1, 11)]
    thinpf = polyfit([log10(x) for x in xrange(1, 11)], thinPow, 1)[0]
    #    assert almost_eq(thinpf, -0.1, 0.05)
    print "powerlaw spectrum for thin sphere", thinpf

    # thin line test
    Bgam = 138475490718753.05
    lineim = RT.rayTrace(Bgam, ff=0, lines=(7, 4))
    lineAnalytic = (
        * (4.0 ** -2 - 7.0 ** -2)
        * line.LTE10K[7 - 1]
        * RT.rho.sum()
        * RT.length ** 3
        / cns.m_p
        * line.einsteinA(7, 4)
        * 1e23
        / (4 * pi * (500 * PC2CM) ** 2)

    print lineim.sum(), lineAnalytic

    rho *= 1e8  # optically thick sphere
    RT = freeFree(rho, zeros_like(rho), temp, zeros_like([rho, rho, rho]), 1.5e11)
    thickim = RT.rayTrace(1.0e9)
    thickAnalytic = pi * (RT.length * 50) ** 2 * bb(1.0e4, 1.0e9) * 1e23 / (500 * PC2CM) ** 2
    #    assert almost_eq(thickim.sum()/1000,thickAnalytic, diff=0.1)
    print "optically thin test ok (ratio %.3f)" % (thickim.sum() / 1000 / thickAnalytic)

    thickPow = [log10(RT.rayTrace(x * 1e9, suppressOutput=True).sum()) for x in xrange(1, 11)]
    thickpf = polyfit([log10(x) for x in xrange(1, 11)], thickPow, 1)[0]
    assert almost_eq(thickpf, 2, 0.01)
    print "powerlaw spectrum for thick sphere", thickpf

    return RT
Example #2
    def rayTrace(
        self, nu, theta=0, phi=0, dist=500, ff=1, lines=0, returnRotatedCube=0, transpose=0, suppressOutput=False
        "integrate along the specified axis after rotating the cube through phi and theta (in deg)"
        if dist < 1e9:
            dist *= PC2CM  # assume distances less than 10^9 are given im parsecs, larger in cm

            flag = self.dt.any() and almost_eq(nu, self.lastnu)
            flag = 0
        if theta == 0 and phi == 0:
            tempcube = self
            if flag:
                if not (suppressOutput):
                    print "reusing dt"
                if not (suppressOutput):
                    print "calculating taus"
                self.taus(nu, ff, lines)
                self.lastnu = nu
            tempcube = freeFree(self.rho.copy(), self.rhoN.copy(), self.t.copy(), self.V.copy(), self.length)
            tempcube.rotatecube(theta, phi)
            if not (suppressOutput):
                print "calculating taus"
        #        f=lambda x : Cfunc(x,self.length, x.size)
        #        f=lambda x : integratePY(x,self.length)
        s = tempcube.dt.shape
        source = tempcube.eps / tempcube.kap
        source[source != source] = 0
        tempcube.dt[tempcube.dt < 1e-30] = 1e-30  # dont allow tau of cell to be less than 1e-30
        if not (suppressOutput):
            print ("integrating")
        if transpose:
            out = integrate(
                (source.T)[..., ::-1], (tempcube.dt.T)[..., ::-1]
            )  # integrate from back to front so we are looking down from from +z
            out = integrate(source[..., ::-1], tempcube.dt[..., ::-1])
        pix = abs(self.length / dist)
        self.im = out * pix * pix * SQRAD2STR * 1e23 * 1000
        if returnRotatedCube:
            return self.im, tempcube
            return self.im  # output in mJy/pix
Example #3
def gaunt(t,z,nu):
    if almost_eq(t,t.flat[0], 1e-6).all():
        return ones_like(t)*ghelp(t.flat[0],z,nu)
        return gh(t,z,nu)