def delete_redshift_cluster(): """ This function deletes a cluster :return: """ print("1.1 Client is created ...") redshift = boto3.client('redshift', region_name="us-west-2", aws_access_key_id=KEY, aws_secret_access_key=SECRET) print("1.2 Cluster is identified ...") try: redshift.delete_cluster(ClusterIdentifier=DWH_CLUSTER_IDENTIFIER, SkipFinalClusterSnapshot=True) except ClientError as e: print(f'ERROR: {e}') try: print("1.3 Cluster is being deleted ...") while redshift.describe_clusters( ClusterIdentifier=DWH_CLUSTER_IDENTIFIER)\ ['Clusters'][0]['ClusterStatus'] == 'deleting': utils.animate() except: print("\r1.4 Cluster is deleted successfully ...") return None
def call(self): unread_text = Popen(["newsbeuter", "-x", "print-unread"], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0] if unread_text.startswith("Error:"): return unread_items = int(unread_text.split()[0]) if unread_items > 0: yield animate(10, "Newsbeuter: %d unread news." % (unread_items,)) else: yield animate(10, "Newsbeuter: No unread news.")
def mpd_np(): """Display the mpd status via mpc.""" try: status_output = Popen(["mpc", "status"], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0] except OSError: yield wait(5, "mpc not installed :(") return result = "" lines = status_output.split("\n") if len(lines) < 3: # stopped yield wait(10, "MPD stopped") else: result += "MPD " + lines[1].split()[0] + " " + lines[0].strip() yield animate(10, result) yield animate(10, lines[1].split()[2])
def memory_free(): """Display the used RAM and Swap space.""" yield animate(2, "Used RAM") # Parse the output of the "free" command. :( free_output = Popen(["free"], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0] # get the interesting lines interesting = free_output.split("\n")[1:] total_ram = float(interesting[0].split()[1]) used_ram = int(interesting[1].split()[2]) / total_ram total_swap = float(interesting[2].split()[1]) used_swap = int(interesting[2].split()[2]) / total_swap yield animate(10, utils.pretty_progressbar(used_ram, 80)) yield animate(2, "Used Swap Space") yield animate(10, utils.pretty_progressbar(used_swap, 80))
def battery(): """Display the battery status via acpi.""" try: status_output = Popen(["acpi"], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0] except OSError: yield wait(5, "battery status could not be determined.") return yield animate(10, status_output.split("\n")[0])
def create_redshift_cluster(roleArn): """ This function creates a cluster on your behalf :param roleArn: :return: """ print("1.1 Client is created ...") redshift = boto3.client('redshift', region_name="us-west-2", aws_access_key_id=KEY, aws_secret_access_key=SECRET) try: print("1.2 Cluster config is being created ...") redshift.create_cluster( # HW ClusterType=DWH_CLUSTER_TYPE, NodeType=DWH_NODE_TYPE, NumberOfNodes=int(DWH_NUM_NODES), # Identifiers & Credentials DBName=DWH_DB, ClusterIdentifier=DWH_CLUSTER_IDENTIFIER, MasterUsername=DWH_DB_USER, MasterUserPassword=DWH_DB_PASSWORD, # Roles (for s3 access) IamRoles=[roleArn]) except ClientError as e: print(f'ERROR: {e}') print("1.3 Cluster is being created ...") while redshift.describe_clusters( ClusterIdentifier=DWH_CLUSTER_IDENTIFIER)\ ['Clusters'][0]['ClusterStatus'] != 'available': utils.animate() print("\r1.4 Cluster is created successfully ...") return redshift.describe_clusters( ClusterIdentifier=DWH_CLUSTER_IDENTIFIER)\ ['Clusters'][0]['Endpoint']['Address']
def save_plots(self, data_dict, ep): animate(self.matrix3d, data_dict['valve.npy'], self.dir + 'valve' + str(ep) + '.mp4') animate(self.matrix3d, data_dict['myocardium.npy'], self.dir + 'myocardium' + str(ep) + '.mp4') animate(self.matrix3d, data_dict['s.npy'], self.dir + 's' + str(ep) + '.mp4') fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8), nrows=2, ncols=2) U = data_dict['U'].reshape((self.vert, self.horz, self.d)) ax[0, 0].imshow(U[:, :, 0], cmap='binary') ax[0, 1].imshow(U[:, :, 1], cmap='binary') plt.savefig(self.dir + 'U' + str(ep) + '.jpg') plt.plot(data_dict['V']) plt.savefig(self.dir + 'V' + str(ep) + '.jpg')
def env_plot(self): plot_time_series(self.sim_obj.grid) animate(self.sim_obj.grid,True,self.color_list,0.5)
def startup_animation(): """Animate the startup of the script.""" yield wait(1, "DWM Status Bar Animator") yield animate(1, "a silly script by timonator")
time.sleep(ticks) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass # kill seller thread seller_apple.kill() seller_samsung.kill() Save(seller_apple, object_type='seller') Save(seller_samsung, object_type='seller') # Plot the sales and expenditure trends plot(seller_apple) plot(seller_samsung) regression(seller_apple) regression(seller_samsung) for product in seller_apple.product_list: print('Total Profit Apple ' + + ': ', seller_apple.my_profit(product)) for product in seller_samsung.product_list: print('Total Profit Samsung ' + + ': ', seller_samsung.my_profit(product)) # Kill consumer threads for consumer in customers: consumer.kill() dataCenter.kill() utils.animate(dataCenter) # from market import Market # correlation_map = Market.correlation_map
INFO = { # parameters for the animation "quarto_stato": { "fps": 10 }, "arduino": { "fps": 20 } } if __name__ == "__main__": out_mode = get_out_mode() for name in INFO.keys(): print("\n" + name + ".png") target = mpimg.imread("images/" + name + "/target.png") model = mpimg.imread("images/" + name + "/model.png") swarm = Swarm([(0, target.shape[1] - model.shape[1]), (0, target.shape[0] - model.shape[0])], lambda x, y: dissimilarity(x, y, model, target), 0.5) if out_mode == ANIMATION: display(model, target, name) fig, title, boxes = init(model, target, name) anim = animate(fig, update, lambda: gen_data(swarm), INFO[name]["fps"]) # save(anim, name + "/" + name, INFO[name]["fps"], ".mp4") elif out_mode == TEXT: swarm.minimize() print()