Example #1
def main():

    mysqlconn = MySQLdb.connect(host='dbod-cmsrv1.cern.ch',

    curs = mysqlconn.cursor()

    curs.execute("use " + dbname + ";")

    #curs.execute("lock tables batches write, batches_archive write, workflows write, workflows_archive write, datasets write, clone_reinsert_requests write")

    curs.execute("select * from batches")
    batches = curs.fetchall()

    batches_colnames = [desc[0] for desc in curs.description]

    for batch in batches:

        batch_dict = dict(zip(batches_colnames, batch))

        if batch_dict["status"] != "assigned":

        userid = batch_dict["useridyear"] + "_" + batch_dict[
            "useridmonth"] + "_" + batch_dict["useridday"] + "_" + str(
                batch_dict["useridnum"]) + "_" + str(

        print "   userid ==> " + userid

            "select workflow_name from workflows where useridyear = \"" +
            batch_dict["useridyear"] + "\" and useridmonth = \"" +
            batch_dict["useridmonth"] + "\" and useridday = \"" +
            batch_dict["useridday"] + "\" and useridnum = " +
            str(batch_dict["useridnum"]) + " and batch_version_num =" +
            str(batch_dict["batch_version_num"]) + ";")
        wfs = curs.fetchall()

        n_workflows = 0
        n_completed = 0
        for wf in wfs:
            n_workflows = n_workflows + 1
            conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(
            r1 = conn.request('GET',
                              '/reqmgr2/data/request?name=' + wf[0],
                              headers={"Accept": "application/json"})
            r2 = conn.getresponse()
            data = r2.read()
            if r2.status != 200:
                    'echo \"' + wf[0] +
                    '\" | mail -s \"announcor.py error 1\" [email protected] --'
            s = json.loads(data)

            for status in s['result'][0][wf[0]]['RequestTransition']:
                if status['Status'] == "completed" or status[
                        'Status'] == "force-complete":
                    n_completed = n_completed + 1

        print "datetime.datetime.now() = " + str(datetime.datetime.now())
        print "n_workflows = " + str(n_workflows)
        print "n_completed = " + str(n_completed)

        if n_workflows != n_completed:


        #if not (string.split('_')[0] == batch_dict["useridyear"] and string.split('_')[1] == batch_dict["useridmonth"] and string.split('_')[2] == batch_dict["useridday"] and string.split('_')[3] == str(batch_dict["useridnum"]) and string.split('_')[4] == str(batch_dict["batch_version_num"])):
        #    continue

        wf_list = []

        for wf in wfs:
            print wf[0]


        job_failure_information = collect_job_failure_information.collect_job_failure_information(

        needs_assistance = assistance_decision.assistance_decision(

        if needs_assistance:
                "update batches set status=\"assistance\", current_status_start_time=\""
                + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S") +
                "\" where useridyear = \"" + batch_dict["useridyear"] +
                "\" and useridmonth = \"" + batch_dict["useridmonth"] +
                "\" and useridday = \"" + batch_dict["useridday"] +
                "\" and useridnum = " + str(batch_dict["useridnum"]) +
                " and batch_version_num =" +
                str(batch_dict["batch_version_num"]) + ";")
                'echo \"batch_id: ' + userid +
                '\" | mail -s \"a batch of relval workflows needs assistance\" [email protected]'

        #if there is a '\r' character in the body of an e-mail, it does not get sent
        description = batch_dict["description"].replace('\r', '')

        for wf in wf_list:

        dset_nevents_list = collect_dsets_and_nevents.collect_dsets_and_nevents(

            dset_nevents_list, userid + ".txt")

        ret = os.system(
            "cp " + userid +
            ".txt /afs/cern.ch/user/r/relval/webpage/relval_stats/" + userid +

        if ret == 0:
            os.system("rm " + userid + ".txt")
                'echo \"' + userid +
                '\" | mail -s \"announcement_loop.py error 2\" [email protected]'

        dsets_list = []

        for dset_nevents in dset_nevents_list:

        for dset in dsets_list:
                "https://cmsweb.cern.ch/dbs/prod/global/DBSWriter", dset,
                "VALID", True)

        for wf in wf_list:
            reqMgrClient.closeOutWorkflow("cmsweb.cern.ch", wf)
            reqMgrClient.announceWorkflow("cmsweb.cern.ch", wf)

        msg = MIMEMultipart()
        reply_to = []
        #send_to = ["*****@*****.**","*****@*****.**"]
        send_to = [
            "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
        #send_to = ["*****@*****.**"]

        #msg['In-Reply-To'] = hn_message_id
        #msg['References'] = hn_message_id

        msg['From'] = "*****@*****.**"
        msg['reply-to'] = COMMASPACE.join(reply_to)
        msg['To'] = COMMASPACE.join(send_to)
        msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True)
        msg['Subject'] = batch_dict["announcement_title"]
        msg['Message-ID'] = email.Utils.make_msgid()

        messageText = "Dear all,\n"
        messageText = messageText + "\n"
        messageText = messageText + "A batch of relval workflows has finished.\n"
        messageText = messageText + "\n"
        messageText = messageText + "Batch ID:\n"
        messageText = messageText + "\n"
        messageText = messageText + userid + "\n"
        if batch_dict["batch_version_num"] > 0:
            messageText = messageText + "\n"
            messageText = messageText + "original workflow name ==> clone name:\n"
            messageText = messageText + "\n"
                "select workflow_name,original_workflow_name from workflows where useridyear = \""
                + batch_dict["useridyear"] + "\" and useridmonth = \"" +
                batch_dict["useridmonth"] + "\" and useridday = \"" +
                batch_dict["useridday"] + "\" and useridnum = " +
                str(batch_dict["useridnum"]) + " and batch_version_num =" +
                str(batch_dict["batch_version_num"]) + ";")
            workflows = curs.fetchall()
            for workflow in workflows:
                messageText = messageText + workflow[1] + " ==> " + workflow[
                    0] + "\n"
        messageText = messageText + "\n"
        messageText = messageText + "List of datasets:\n"
        messageText = messageText + "\n"
        messageText = messageText + "http://cms-project-relval.web.cern.ch/cms-project-relval/relval_stats/" + userid + ".txt\n"
        messageText = messageText + "\n"
        messageText = messageText + "Description:\n"
        messageText = messageText + "\n"
        messageText = messageText + description.rstrip('\n')
        messageText = messageText + "\n"
        [istherefailureinformation, return_string
         ] = print_job_failure_information.print_job_failure_information(

        if istherefailureinformation:
            messageText = messageText + "\n"
            messageText = messageText + return_string
            messageText = messageText + "\n"
        messageText = messageText + "\n"
        messageText = messageText + "RelVal Batch Manager"

        #put the announcement message into an e-mail to the relval hypernews and also in a url
        output_file = open(
            "/afs/cern.ch/user/r/relval/webpage/relval_announcements/" +
            userid + ".txt", 'w')


            smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP()
            smtpObj.sendmail("*****@*****.**", send_to, msg.as_string())
        except Exception as e:
            print "Error: unable to send email: %s" % (str(e))

        dsets_fnal_disk_list = []
        dsets_cern_disk_list = []

        for dset in dsets_list:

            #print dset.split('/')

            # we were asked to transfer some specific datasets to the cern tier 2
            if dset.split('/')[3] != "RECO" and dset.split(
                    '/')[3] != "ALCARECO":

            if dset.split('/')[3] == "GEN-SIM":

            if dset.split('/')[3] == "GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW":

            if dset.split('/')[3] == "GEN-SIM-RECO":

            if "RelValTTBar" in dset.split(
                    '/')[1] and "TkAlMinBias" in dset.split(
                        '/')[2] and dset.split('/')[3] != "ALCARECO":

            if "MinimumBias" in dset.split(
                    '/')[1] and "SiStripCalMinBias" in dset.split(
                        '/')[2] and dset.split('/')[3] != "ALCARECO":

        result = utils.makeReplicaRequest("cmsweb.cern.ch",
                                          "relval datasets",
        if result != None:
            phedexid = result['phedex']['request_created'][0]['id']
            utils.approveSubscription("cmsweb.cern.ch", phedexid)

        result = utils.makeReplicaRequest("cmsweb.cern.ch",
                                          "relval datasets",
        if result != None:
            phedexid = result['phedex']['request_created'][0]['id']
            utils.approveSubscription("cmsweb.cern.ch", phedexid)

        result = utils.makeMoveRequest("cmsweb.cern.ch",
                                       "relval datasets",
        if result != None:
            phedexid = result['phedex']['request_created'][0]['id']
            #even if you disapprove the subscription at the source, it will still deleted the datasets that are at the source but not subscribed their
            utils.disapproveSubscription("cmsweb.cern.ch", phedexid,
            utils.disapproveSubscription("cmsweb.cern.ch", phedexid,
            utils.disapproveSubscription("cmsweb.cern.ch", phedexid,
            utils.approveSubscription("cmsweb.cern.ch", phedexid,

        #phedexid = result['phedex']['request_created'][0]['id']

            "update batches set status=\"announced\", current_status_start_time=\""
            + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S") +
            "\" where useridyear = \"" + batch_dict["useridyear"] +
            "\" and useridmonth = \"" + batch_dict["useridmonth"] +
            "\" and useridday = \"" + batch_dict["useridday"] +
            "\" and useridnum = " + str(batch_dict["useridnum"]) +
            " and batch_version_num =" + str(batch_dict["batch_version_num"]) +
def main():

    mysqlconn = MySQLdb.connect(host='dbod-cmsrv1.cern.ch',
    #conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user='******', passwd='relval')

    curs = mysqlconn.cursor()

    curs.execute("use " + dbname + ";")

    #curs.execute("lock tables batches write, batches_archive write, workflows write, workflows_archive write, datasets write, clone_reinsert_requests write")

    #workflow = line.rstrip('\n')
    #curs.execute("insert into workflows set hn_req=\""+hnrequest+"\", workflow_name=\""+workflow+"\";")

    curs.execute("select * from batches")
    batches = curs.fetchall()

    batches_colnames = [desc[0] for desc in curs.description]

    for batch in batches:

        #if batch[0] != 21:
        #    continue

        blocks_dsets_to_transfer = []
        blocks_not_at_site = []

        batch_dict = dict(zip(batches_colnames, batch))

        site = batch_dict["site"]

        if "T2" in site:
            site_disk = site
        elif "T1" in site:
            site_disk = site + "_Disk"
                'echo ' + site +
                ' | mail -s \"input_dset_checkor.py error 1\" [email protected]'
            print "Neither T1 nor T2 is in site name, exiting"

        if site == "T2_CH_CERN_T0":
            site_disk = "T2_CH_CERN"

        if site == "T2_CH_CERN_AI":
            site_disk = "T2_CH_CERN"

        #print batch
        #print ""

        userid = batch_dict["useridyear"] + "_" + batch_dict[
            "useridmonth"] + "_" + batch_dict["useridday"] + "_" + str(
                batch_dict["useridnum"]) + "_" + str(

        #if status == "waiting_for_transfer" and count % 10 == 0:

        if batch_dict["status"] == "waiting_for_transfer":

            print "    userid ==> " + str(userid)

            #count = 0

            all_dsets_blocks_at_site = True

                "select workflow_name from workflows where useridyear = \"" +
                batch_dict["useridyear"] + "\" and useridmonth = \"" +
                batch_dict["useridmonth"] + "\" and useridday = \"" +
                batch_dict["useridday"] + "\" and useridnum = " +
                str(batch_dict["useridnum"]) + " and batch_version_num = " +
                str(batch_dict["batch_version_num"]) + ";")
            wfs = curs.fetchall()

            for wf in wfs:

                print wf[0]

                headers = {
                    "Content-type": "application/json",
                    "Accept": "application/json"

                conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(
                r1 = conn.request("GET",
                                  '/reqmgr2/data/request/' + wf[0],
                r2 = conn.getresponse()

                schema = json.loads(r2.read())

                schema = schema['result'][0][wf[0]]

                isthereanmcpileupdataset = False

                for key, value in schema.items():
                    if type(value) is dict and key.startswith("Task"):

                        if 'MCPileup' in value:
                            isthereanmcpileupdataset = True
                            ismcpileupdatasetatsite = utils.checkIfDatasetIsSubscribedToASite(
                                "cmsweb.cern.ch", value["MCPileup"], site_disk)

                        if 'InputDataset' in value:

                            inputdset = value['InputDataset']

                            if 'RunWhitelist' in value:

                                runwhitelist = value['RunWhitelist']
                                blocks_fname = os.popen(

                                list_of_blocks = utils.getListOfBlocks(
                                    inputdset, str(runwhitelist))

                                for block in list_of_blocks:

                                    #this block (/DoubleMu/...) is not registered in phedex, so it cannot be subscribed to any site
                                    if block == "/DoubleMu/Run2011A-ZMu-08Nov2011-v1/RAW-RECO#93c53d22-25b2-11e1-8c62-003048f02c8a":

                                    isblockatsite = utils.checkIfBlockIsAtASite(
                                        "cmsweb.cern.ch", block, site_disk)

                                    if not isblockatsite:
                                        all_dsets_blocks_at_site = False


                                isdatasetatsite = utils.checkIfDatasetIsSubscribedToASite(
                                    "cmsweb.cern.ch", inputdset, site_disk)

                                if not isdatasetatsite:
                                    all_dsets_blocks_at_site = False

            if all_dsets_blocks_at_site and (not isthereanmcpileupdataset
                                             or ismcpileupdatasetatsite):
                    "update batches set status=\"input_dsets_ready\", current_status_start_time=\""
                    + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S") +
                    "\" where useridyear = \"" + batch_dict["useridyear"] +
                    "\" and useridmonth = \"" + batch_dict["useridmonth"] +
                    "\" and useridday = \"" + batch_dict["useridday"] +
                    "\" and useridnum = " + str(batch_dict["useridnum"]) +
                    " and batch_version_num = " +
                    str(batch_dict["batch_version_num"]) + ";")

        if batch_dict["status"] == "approved":

            print "    userid ==> " + str(userid)

            #print "checking input datasets for workflows in batch "+str(batchid)

                "select workflow_name from workflows where useridyear = \"" +
                batch_dict["useridyear"] + "\" and useridmonth = \"" +
                batch_dict["useridmonth"] + "\" and useridday = \"" +
                batch_dict["useridday"] + "\" and useridnum = " +
                str(batch_dict["useridnum"]) + " and batch_version_num = " +
                str(batch_dict["batch_version_num"]) + ";")
            wfs = curs.fetchall()

            for wf in wfs:

                print wf[0]

                headers = {
                    "Content-type": "application/json",
                    "Accept": "application/json"

                conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(
                r1 = conn.request("GET",
                                  '/reqmgr2/data/request/' + wf[0],
                r2 = conn.getresponse()

                schema = json.loads(r2.read())

                schema = schema['result'][0][wf[0]]

                for key, value in schema.items():
                    if type(value) is dict and key.startswith("Task"):

                        if 'MCPileup' in value:
                            isdatasetatsite = utils.checkIfDatasetIsSubscribedToASite(
                                "cmsweb.cern.ch", value['MCPileup'], site_disk)

                            if not isdatasetatsite:

                        if 'InputDataset' in value:

                            subscribed_to_disk = False

                            inputdset = value['InputDataset']

                            if 'RunWhitelist' in value:

                                runwhitelist = value['RunWhitelist']

                                list_of_blocks = utils.getListOfBlocks(
                                    inputdset, str(runwhitelist))

                                for block in list_of_blocks:

                                    #this block (/DoubleMu/...) is not registered in phedex, so it cannot be subscribed to any site
                                    if block == "/DoubleMu/Run2011A-ZMu-08Nov2011-v1/RAW-RECO#93c53d22-25b2-11e1-8c62-003048f02c8a":

                                    isblocksubscribedtosite = utils.checkIfBlockIsSubscribedToASite(
                                        "cmsweb.cern.ch", block, site_disk)
                                    isblockatsite = utils.checkIfBlockIsAtASite(
                                        "cmsweb.cern.ch", block, site_disk)

                                    if not isblocksubscribedtosite:
                                    if not isblockatsite:

                                isdatasetsubscribedtosite = utils.checkIfDatasetIsSubscribedToASite(
                                    "cmsweb.cern.ch", inputdset, site_disk)
                                isdatasetatsite = utils.checkIfDatasetIsSubscribedToASite(
                                    "cmsweb.cern.ch", inputdset, site_disk)

                                if not isdatasetsubscribedtosite:
                                if not isdatasetatsite:

            if blocks_dsets_to_transfer != []:

                print "transfering the following blocks:"

                print blocks_dsets_to_transfer

                result = utils.makeReplicaRequest(
                    comments="relval datasets",

                phedexid = result['phedex']['request_created'][0]['id']

                utils.approveSubscription("cmsweb.cern.ch", phedexid)

                    "update batches set status=\"waiting_for_transfer\", current_status_start_time=\""
                    + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S") +
                    "\" where useridyear = \"" + batch_dict["useridyear"] +
                    "\" and useridmonth = \"" + batch_dict["useridmonth"] +
                    "\" and useridday = \"" + batch_dict["useridday"] +
                    "\" and useridnum = " + str(batch_dict["useridnum"]) +
                    " and batch_version_num = " +
                    str(batch_dict["batch_version_num"]) + ";")
            elif blocks_not_at_site != []:
                print blocks_not_at_site
                    "update batches set status=\"waiting_for_transfer\", current_status_start_time=\""
                    + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S") +
                    "\" where useridyear = \"" + batch_dict["useridyear"] +
                    "\" and useridmonth = \"" + batch_dict["useridmonth"] +
                    "\" and useridday = \"" + batch_dict["useridday"] +
                    "\" and useridnum = " + str(batch_dict["useridnum"]) +
                    " and batch_version_num = " +
                    str(batch_dict["batch_version_num"]) + ";")
                    "update batches set status=\"input_dsets_ready\", current_status_start_time=\""
                    + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S") +
                    "\" where useridyear = \"" + batch_dict["useridyear"] +
                    "\" and useridmonth = \"" + batch_dict["useridmonth"] +
                    "\" and useridday = \"" + batch_dict["useridday"] +
                    "\" and useridnum = " + str(batch_dict["useridnum"]) +
                    " and batch_version_num = " +
                    str(batch_dict["batch_version_num"]) + ";")
Example #3
def stagor(url,specific =None, options=None):
    if not componentInfo().check(): return
    SI = siteInfo()
    CI = campaignInfo()
    UC = unifiedConfiguration()

    done_by_wf_id = {}
    done_by_input = {}
    completion_by_input = {}
    good_enough = 100.0
    lost = json.loads(open('lost_blocks_datasets.json').read())
    still_lost = []
    for dataset in lost:
        l = findLostBlocks(url ,dataset)
        if not l:
            print dataset,"is not really lost"
            still_lost.append( dataset )
    open('lost_blocks_datasets.json','w').write( json.dumps( still_lost, indent=2) )

    if options.fast:
        print "doing the fast check of staged with threshold:",options.goodavailability
        for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'staging').all():
            if specific and not specific in wfo.name: continue
            wfi = workflowInfo(url, wfo.name)
            sites_allowed = getSiteWhiteList( wfi.getIO() )
            if 'SiteWhitelist' in CI.parameters(wfi.request['Campaign']):
                sites_allowed = CI.parameters(wfi.request['Campaign'])['SiteWhitelist']
            if 'SiteBlacklist' in CI.parameters(wfi.request['Campaign']):
                sites_allowed = list(set(sites_allowed) - set(CI.parameters(wfi.request['Campaign'])['SiteBlacklist']))
            _,primaries,_,secondaries = wfi.getIO()
            se_allowed = [SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed] 
            all_check = True
            for dataset in list(primaries):#+list(secondaries) ?
                #print se_allowed
                available = getDatasetBlocksFraction( url , dataset , sites=se_allowed )
                all_check &= (available >= options.goodavailability)
                if not all_check: break

            if all_check:
                print "\t\t",wfo.name,"can go staged"
                wfo.status = 'staged'
                print "\t",wfo.name,"can wait a bit more"

    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'staging').all():
        wfi = workflowInfo(url, wfo.name)
        _,primaries,_,secondaries = wfi.getIO()
        for dataset in list(primaries)+list(secondaries):
            done_by_input[dataset] = {}
            completion_by_input[dataset] = {}
            print wfo.name,"needs",dataset

    for transfer in session.query(Transfer).all():
        if specific  and str(transfer.phedexid)!=str(specific): continue

        for wfid in transfer.workflows_id:
            tr_wf = session.query(Workflow).get(wfid)
            if tr_wf: 
                if tr_wf.status == 'staging':
                    print "\t",transfer.phedexid,"is staging for",tr_wf.name

        if skip: continue
        if transfer.phedexid<0: continue

        ## check the status of transfers
        checks = checkTransferApproval(url,  transfer.phedexid)
        approved = all(checks.values())
        if not approved:
            print transfer.phedexid,"is not yet approved"
            approveSubscription(url, transfer.phedexid)

        ## check on transfer completion
        checks = checkTransferStatus(url, transfer.phedexid, nocollapse=True)

        if not specific:
            for dsname in checks:
                if not dsname in done_by_input: done_by_input[dsname]={}
                if not dsname in completion_by_input: completion_by_input[dsname] = {}
                done_by_input[dsname][transfer.phedexid]=all(map(lambda i:i>=good_enough, checks[dsname].values()))
        if checks:
            print "Checks for",transfer.phedexid,[node.values() for node in checks.values()]
            done = all(map(lambda i:i>=good_enough,list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([node.values() for node in checks.values()]))))
            ## it is empty, is that a sign that all is done and away ?
            print "ERROR with the scubscriptions API of ",transfer.phedexid
            print "Most likely something else is overiding the transfer request. Need to work on finding the replacement automatically, if the replacement exists"
            done = False

        ## the thing above is NOT giving the right number
        #done = False

        for wfid in transfer.workflows_id:
            tr_wf = session.query(Workflow).get(wfid)
            if tr_wf:# and tr_wf.status == 'staging':  
                if not tr_wf.id in done_by_wf_id: done_by_wf_id[tr_wf.id]={}

        if done:
            ## transfer.status = 'done'
            print transfer.phedexid,"is done"
            print transfer.phedexid,"not finished"
            pprint.pprint( checks )

    #print done_by_input
    print "\n----\n"
    for dsname in done_by_input:
        fractions = None
        if dsname in completion_by_input:
            fractions = itertools.chain.from_iterable([check.values() for check in completion_by_input.values()])
        ## the workflows in the waiting room for the dataset
        using_its = getWorkflowByInput(url, dsname)
        #print using_its
        using_wfos = []
        for using_it in using_its:
            wf = session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.name == using_it).first()
            if wf:
                using_wfos.append( wf )
        if not len(done_by_input[dsname]):
            print "For dataset",dsname,"there are no transfer report. That's an issue."
            for wf in using_wfos:
                if wf.status == 'staging':
                    if UC.get("stagor_sends_back"):
                        print "sending",wf.name,"back to considered"
                        wf.status = 'considered'
                        sendEmail( "send back to considered","%s was send back and might be trouble"% wf.name)
                        print "would send",wf.name,"back to considered"
                        sendEmail( "subscription lagging behind","susbscriptions to get %s running are not appearing in phedex. I would have send it back to considered but that's not good."% wf.name)

        #need_sites = int(len(done_by_input[dsname].values())*0.7)+1
        need_sites = len(done_by_input[dsname].values())
        #if need_sites > 10:            need_sites = int(need_sites/2.)
        got = done_by_input[dsname].values().count(True)
        if all([wf.status != 'staging' for wf in using_wfos]):
            ## not a single ds-using wf is in staging => moved on already
            ## just forget about it
            print "presence of",dsname,"does not matter anymore"
            print "\t",done_by_input[dsname]
            print "\t",[wf.status for wf in using_wfos]
            print "\tneeds",need_sites
            continue #??
        ## should the need_sites reduces with time ?
        # with dataset choping, reducing that number might work as a block black-list.

        if len(done_by_input[dsname].values()) and all(done_by_input[dsname].values()):
            print dsname,"is everywhere we wanted"
            ## the input dataset is fully transfered, should consider setting the corresponding wf to staged
            for wf in using_wfos:
                if wf.status == 'staging':
                    print wf.name,"is with us. setting staged and move on"
                    wf.status = 'staged'
        elif fractions and len(list(fractions))>1 and set(fractions)==1:
            print dsname,"is everywhere at the same fraction"
            print "We do not want this in the end. we want the data we asked for"
            ## the input dataset is fully transfered, should consider setting the corresponding wf to staged
            for wf in using_wfos:
                if wf.status == 'staging':
                    print wf.name,"is with us everywhere the same. setting staged and move on"
                    wf.status = 'staged'
        elif got >= need_sites:
            print dsname,"is almost everywhere we wanted"
            #print "We do not want this in the end. we want the data we asked for"
            ## the input dataset is fully transfered, should consider setting the corresponding wf to staged
            for wf in using_wfos:
                if wf.status == 'staging':
                    print wf.name,"is almost with us. setting staged and move on"
                    wf.status = 'staged'
            print "incomplete",dsname
            lost = findLostBlocks(url, dsname)
                known_lost = json.loads(open('lost_blocks_datasets.json').read())
                print "enable to get the known_lost from local json file"
                known_lost = []

            if lost and not dsname in known_lost:
                lost_names = [item['name'] for item in lost]
                ## make a deeper investigation of the block location to see whether it's really no-where no-where

                print "We have lost",len(lost),"blocks",lost_names
                #print json.dumps( lost , indent=2 )
                sendEmail('we have lost a few blocks', str(len(lost))+" in total.\nDetails \n:"+json.dumps( lost , indent=2 ))
                rr= open('lost_blocks_datasets.json','w')
                rr.write( json.dumps( known_lost, indent=2))
                ## should the status be change to held-staging and pending on a ticket

            print "\t",done_by_input[dsname]
            print "\tneeds",need_sites
            print "\tgot",got

    for wfid in done_by_wf_id:
        #print done_by_wf_id[wfid].values()
        ## ask that all related transfer get into a valid state
        if all(done_by_wf_id[wfid].values()):
Example #4
def outcleanor(url, options):

    if options.approve:
        for user in ['*Vlimant']:  #,'*Cremonesi']:
            deletes = listDelete(url, user=user)
            for (site, who, tid) in deletes:
                if 'MSS' in site: continue  ### ever
                print site, who, tid
                print "approving deletion"
                print approveSubscription(
                    comments='Production cleaning by data ops')

    sites_and_datasets = defaultdict(list)
    our_copies = defaultdict(list)
    wf_cleaned = {}

    wfs = []
    for fetch in options.fetch.split(','):
            session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == fetch).all())

    last_answer = None
    for wfo in wfs:
        if options.number and len(wf_cleaned) >= options.number:
            print "Reached", options.number, "cleaned"
        print '-' * 100
        wfi = workflowInfo(url, wfo.name)
        goes = {}  # boolean per output
        for dataset in wfi.request['OutputDatasets']:
            goes[dataset] = False
            keep_one_out = True
            status = getDatasetStatus(dataset)
            print "\n\tLooking at", dataset, status, "\n"
            vetoes = None
            if status == 'INVALID':
                vetoes = ['Export', 'Buffer']  ## can take themselves out
                keep_one_out = False  # just wipe clean

            elif status == None:
                print dataset, "actually does not exist. skip"
                goes[dataset] = True

            elif status in ['PRODUCTION', 'VALID'
                            ] and wfo.status in ['forget', 'trouble']:
                print dataset, "should probably be invalidated. (", wfo.status, ") skip"
                keep_one_out = False  # just wipe clean
                continue  ## you are not sure. just skip it for the time being

            elif status == 'PRODUCTION' and wfo.status in ['clean']:
                print dataset, "should probably be set valid .skip"
                continue  ## you are not sure. just skip it for the time being

            if status == 'VALID' and dataset.startswith('/MinBias'):
                print "This is a /MinBias. skip"

            if '/DQM' in dataset:
                keep_one_out = False

            total_size = getDatasetSize(dataset)

            our_presence = getDatasetPresence(url,
            also_our_presence = getDatasetPresence(url,

            ## merge in one unique dict
            for site in also_our_presence:
                if site in our_presence:
                    there, frac = our_presence[site]
                    other, ofrac = also_our_presence[site]
                    our_presence[site] = (max(there, other), max(frac, ofrac))
                    our_presence[site] = also_our_presence[site]

            if our_presence: print our_presence

            ## analysis ops copies need to be taken into account
            anaops_presence = getDatasetPresence(url,
            own_by_anaops = anaops_presence.keys()

            ## all our copies
            to_be_cleaned = our_presence.keys()
            if not len(to_be_cleaned):
                print "nowhere to be found of ours,", len(
                    own_by_anaops), "in analysi ops pool"
                goes[dataset] = True

            print "Where we own bits of dataset"
            print to_be_cleaned

            if len(own_by_anaops):
                ## remove site with the anaops copies
                to_be_cleaned = list(set(to_be_cleaned) - set(own_by_anaops))
                keep_one_out = False  ## in that case, just remove our copies
                print "Own by anaops (therefore not keep a copy of ours)"
                print own_by_anaops
                ## we should not be looking at anything that was not passed to DDM, otherwise we'll be cutting the grass under our feet
                using_the_same = getWorkflowByInput(url, dataset, details=True)
                conflict = False
                for other in using_the_same:
                    if other['RequestName'] == wfo.name: continue
                    if other['RequestType'] == 'Resubmission': continue
                    if not other['RequestStatus'] in [
                            'announced', 'normal-archived', 'aborted',
                            'rejected', 'aborted-archived',
                            'rejected-archived', 'closed-out', 'None', None
                        print other['RequestName'], 'is in status', other[
                            'RequestStatus'], 'preventing from cleaning', dataset
                        conflict = True
                if conflict:

                ## not being used. a bit less dangerous to clean-out
                ## keep one full copy out there
                full_copies = [
                    site for (site, (there, fract)) in our_presence.items()
                    if there
                if keep_one_out:
                    if not len(full_copies):
                        print "we do not own a full copy of", dataset, status, wfo.status, ".skip"
                    stay_there = random.choice(
                        full_copies)  #at a place own by ops
                    print "Where we keep a full copy", stay_there
                    print "We do not want to keep a copy of ", dataset, status, wfo.status

            if len(to_be_cleaned):
                print "Where we can clean"
                print to_be_cleaned
                for site in to_be_cleaned:
                        (dataset, total_size * our_presence[site][1] / 100.,
                goes[dataset] = True
                print "no cleaning to be done"
                goes[dataset] = True

        print wfo.name, "scrutinized"
        if all(goes.values()):
            print "\t", wfo.name, "can toggle -out"

        def ask():
            global last_answer
            last_answer = raw_input('go on ?')
            return last_answer

        if options.auto or ask() in ['y', '']:
            if all(goes.values()):
                wfo.status = wfo.status + '-out'
                wf_cleaned[wfo.name] = wfo.status
        elif last_answer in ['q', 'n']:

    if options.auto:
    elif last_answer in ['q']:

    print "Potential cleanups"
    for (site, items) in sites_and_datasets.items():
        cleanup = sum([size for (_, size, _) in items])
        print "\n\t potential cleanup of", "%8.4f" % cleanup, "GB at ", site
        print "\n".join([ds + " " + st for ds, _, st in items])
        datasets = [ds for ds, _, st in items]

    print "Copies and bits we are going to delete"
    print json.dumps(sites_and_datasets, indent=2)

    print "Copies we are keeping"
    print json.dumps(our_copies, indent=2)

    print "Workflows cleaned for output"
    print json.dumps(wf_cleaned, indent=2)
    stamp = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime())
    open('outcleaning_%s.json' % stamp,
         'w').write(json.dumps(sites_and_datasets, indent=2))
    open('keepcopies_%s.json' % stamp,
         'w').write(json.dumps(our_copies, indent=2))
    open('wfcleanout_%s.json' % stamp,
         'w').write(json.dumps(wf_cleaned, indent=2))

    if (not options.test) and (options.auto or raw_input(
            "Satisfied ? (y will trigger status change and deletion requests)")
                               in ['y']):
        for (site, items) in sites_and_datasets.items():
            datasets = [ds for ds, _, st in items]
            print "making deletion to", site
            result = makeDeleteRequest(
                url, site, datasets,
                "Cleanup output after production. DataOps will take care of approving it."
            print result
            ## approve it right away ?
            if 'MSS' in site: continue
            if 'Export' in site: continue
            if 'Buffer' in site: continue
            for did in [
                    item['id'] for item in result['phedex']['request_created']
                print "auto-approve disabled, but ready"
                #approveSubscription(url, did, nodes = [site], comments = 'Auto-approving production cleaning deletion')
        print "Not making the deletion and changing statuses"
Example #5
def transferor(url, specific=None, talk=True, options=None):
    if userLock(): return
    if duplicateLock(): return

    use_mcm = True
    up = componentInfo(mcm=use_mcm, soft=['mcm'])
    if not up.check(): return
    use_mcm = up.status['mcm']

    if options and options.test:
        execute = False
        execute = True

    SI = siteInfo()
    CI = campaignInfo()
    NLI = newLockInfo()
    mcm = McMClient(dev=False)
    dss = DSS()

    #allowed_secondary = UC.get('')
    print "counting all being handled..."
    being_handled = len(
        session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'away').all())
    being_handled += len(
    being_transfered = len(
        session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'staging').all())
    being_handled += len(

    max_to_handle = options.maxworkflows
    max_to_transfer = options.maxstaging

    allowed_to_handle = max(0, max_to_handle - being_handled)
    allowed_to_transfer = max(0, max_to_transfer - being_transfered)
    wf_buffer = 5
    if allowed_to_handle <= wf_buffer:  ## buffer for having several wf per transfer
        print "Not allowed to run more than", max_to_handle, "at a time. Currently", being_handled, "and", wf_buffer, "buffer"
        print being_handled, "already being handled", max_to_handle, "max allowed,", allowed_to_handle, "remaining", "and", wf_buffer, "buffer"

    if allowed_to_transfer <= wf_buffer:
        print "Not allowed to transfer more than", max_to_transfer, "at a time. Currently", being_transfered, "and", wf_buffer, "buffer"
        print being_transfered, "already being transfered", max_to_transfer, "max allowed,", allowed_to_transfer, "remaining", "and", wf_buffer, "buffer"

    print "... done"

    all_transfers = defaultdict(list)
    workflow_dependencies = defaultdict(
        set)  ## list of wf.id per input dataset
    wfs_and_wfh = []
    print "getting all wf to consider ..."
    cache = getWorkflows(url, 'assignment-approved', details=True)
    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(
        print "\t", wfo.name
        if specific and not specific in wfo.name: continue
        cache_r = filter(lambda d: d['RequestName'] == wfo.name, cache)
        if len(cache_r):
            wfs_and_wfh.append((wfo, workflowInfo(url, wfo.name, spec=False)))
    print "... done"

    transfers_per_sites = defaultdict(int)
    input_sizes = {}
    ignored_input_sizes = {}
    input_cput = {}
    input_st = {}
    ## list the size of those in transfer already
    in_transfer_priority = None
    min_transfer_priority = None
    print "getting all wf in staging ..."
    stucks = json.loads(open('%s/stuck_transfers.json' % monitor_dir).read())

    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(
            Workflow.status == 'staging').all():
        wfh = workflowInfo(url, wfo.name, spec=False)
        #(lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) = wfh.getIO()
        #sites_allowed = getSiteWhiteList( (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) )
        (lheinput, primary, parent, secondary,
         sites_allowed) = wfh.getSiteWhiteList()
        for site in sites_allowed:  ## we should get the actual transfer destination instead of the full white list
            transfers_per_sites[site] += 1
        #input_cput[wfo.name] = wfh.getComputingTime()
        #input_st[wfo.name] = wfh.getSystemTime()
        for prim in primary:
            ds_s = dss.get(prim)
            if prim in stucks:
                        "%s appears stuck, so not counting it %s [GB]" %
                        (prim, ds_s),
                ignored_input_sizes[prim] = ds_s
                input_sizes[prim] = ds_s
                        "%s needs %s [GB]" % (wfo.name, ds_s),
        if in_transfer_priority == None:
            in_transfer_priority = int(wfh.request['RequestPriority'])
            in_transfer_priority = max(in_transfer_priority,
        if min_transfer_priority == None:
            min_transfer_priority = int(wfh.request['RequestPriority'])
            min_transfer_priority = min(min_transfer_priority,

    if min_transfer_priority == None or in_transfer_priority == None:
        print "nothing is lining up for transfer"
        sendEmail("no request in staging", "no request in staging")

        print "Ignored input sizes"
        ignored_values = list(ignored_input_sizes.items())
        ignored_values.sort(key=lambda i: i[1])
        print "\n".join(map(str, ignored_values))
        print "Considered input sizes"
        considered_values = list(input_sizes.items())
        considered_values.sort(key=lambda i: i[1])
        print "\n".join(map(str, considered_values))
    except Exception as e:
        print "trying to print the summary of input size"
        print str(e)

    print "... done"
    print "Max priority in transfer already", in_transfer_priority
    print "Min priority in transfer already", min_transfer_priority
    print "transfers per sites"
    print json.dumps(transfers_per_sites, indent=2)
    in_transfer_already = sum(input_sizes.values())
    cput_in_transfer_already = sum(input_cput.values())
    st_in_transfer_already = sum(input_st.values())

    ## list the size of all inputs
    primary_input_per_workflow_gb = defaultdict(float)
    print "getting all input sizes ..."
    for (wfo, wfh) in wfs_and_wfh:
        (_, primary, _, _) = wfh.getIO()
        #input_cput[wfo.name] = wfh.getComputingTime()
        #input_st[wfo.name] = wfh.getSystemTime()
        for prim in primary:
            ## do not count it if it appears stalled !
            prim_size = dss.get(prim)
            input_sizes[prim] = prim_size
            primary_input_per_workflow_gb[wfo.name] += prim_size
    print "... done"

    # shuffle first by name

    # Sort smallest transfers first; allows us to transfer as many as possible workflows.
    def prio_and_size(i, j):
        if int(i[1].request['RequestPriority']) == int(
            return cmp(int(primary_input_per_workflow_gb.get(j[0].name, 0)),
                       int(primary_input_per_workflow_gb.get(i[0].name, 0)))
            return cmp(int(i[1].request['RequestPriority']),

    #wfs_and_wfh.sort(cmp = prio_and_size, reverse=True)
    #wfs_and_wfh.sort(cmp = lambda i,j : cmp(int(primary_input_per_workflow_gb.get(i[0].name, 0)), int(primary_input_per_workflow_gb.get(j[0].name, 0)) ))
    #sort by priority higher first
    wfs_and_wfh.sort(cmp=lambda i, j: cmp(int(i[1].request[
        'RequestPriority']), int(j[1].request['RequestPriority'])),

    cput_grand_total = sum(input_cput.values())
    cput_to_transfer = cput_grand_total - cput_in_transfer_already
    st_grand_total = sum(input_st.values())
    st_to_transfer = st_grand_total - st_in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f [CPU h] worth already in transfer" % cput_in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f [CPU h] worth is the current requested transfer load" % cput_to_transfer
    print "%15.4f [h] worth of absolute system time in transfer" % (
        cput_in_transfer_already / SI.availableSlots())
    print "%15.4f [h] worth of absolute system time is the current requested transfer load" % (
        cput_to_transfer / SI.availableSlots())
    print "%15.4f [h] worth of theoritical system time in transfer" % (
    print "%15.4f [h] worth of theoritical system time is the current requested transfer load" % (

    grand_total = sum(input_sizes.values())
    to_transfer = grand_total - in_transfer_already
    grand_transfer_limit = options.maxtransfer
    #grand_transfer_limit = SI.total_disk()*0.25*1024## half of the free sapce in TB->GB

    transfer_limit = grand_transfer_limit - in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f GB already being transfered" % in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f GB is the current requested transfer load" % to_transfer
    print "%15.4f GB is the global transfer limit" % grand_transfer_limit
    print "%15.4f GB is the available limit" % transfer_limit

    max_staging_per_site = options.maxstagingpersite

    # the max priority value per dataset.
    max_priority = defaultdict(int)
    needs_transfer = 0  ## so that we can count'em
    passing_along = 0
    transfer_sizes = {}
    went_over_budget = False
    destination_cache = {}
    no_goes = set()

    max_per_round = UC.get('max_per_round').get('transferor', None)
    if max_per_round and not spec:
        wfs_and_wfh = wfs_and_wfh[:max_per_round]

    for (wfo, wfh) in wfs_and_wfh:
        print wfo.name, "to be transfered with priority", wfh.request[

        if wfh.request['RequestStatus'] != 'assignment-approved':
            if wfh.request['RequestStatus'] in [
                    'aborted', 'rejected', 'rejected-archived',
                wfo.status = 'trouble'  ## so that we look or a replacement
                wfo.status = 'away'
                'transferor', '%s in status %s, setting %s' %
                (wfo.name, wfh.request['RequestStatus'], wfo.status))

        (_, primary, _, _) = wfh.getIO()
        this_load = sum([input_sizes[prim] for prim in primary])
        no_budget = False
        if (this_load
                and (sum(transfer_sizes.values()) + this_load > transfer_limit
                     or went_over_budget)):
            if went_over_budget:
                wfh.sendLog('transferor', "Transfer has gone over bubget.")
                wfh.sendLog('transferor', "Transfer will go over bubget.")
                "%15.4f GB this load, %15.4f GB already this round, %15.4f GB is the available limit"
                % (this_load, sum(transfer_sizes.values()), transfer_limit))
            #if sum(transfer_sizes.values()) > transfer_limit:
            went_over_budget = True
            if in_transfer_priority != None and min_transfer_priority != None:
                if int(
                ) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority != in_transfer_priority:
                        "Higher priority sample %s >= %s go-on over budget" %
                        (wfh.request['RequestPriority'], in_transfer_priority))
                    if not options.go:
                            "%s minimum priority %s < %s : stop" %
                        no_budget = True

        ## throtlle by campaign go
        no_go = False
        if not wfh.go(log=True) and not options.go:
            no_go = True

        allowed_secondary = set()
        for campaign in wfh.getCampaigns():
            if campaign in CI.campaigns and 'secondaries' in CI.campaigns[
        if secondary:
            if (secondary and allowed_secondary) and (
                    set(secondary) & allowed_secondary != set(secondary)):
                    'assignor', '%s is not an allowed secondary' %
                    (', '.join(set(secondary) - allowed_secondary)))
                no_go = True

        if no_go:
        ## check if the batch is announced

        def check_mcm(wfn):
            announced = False
            is_real = False
            if not wfn.startswith('pdmvserv'):
                is_real = True
                for b in mcm.getA('batches', query='contains=%s' % wfo.name):
                    is_real = True
                    if b['status'] == 'announced':
                        announced = True
                    for b in mcm.getA('batches',
                                      query='contains=%s' % wfo.name):
                        is_real = True
                        if b['status'] == 'announced':
                            announced = True
                    print "could not get mcm batch announcement, assuming not real"
            return announced, is_real

        if not use_mcm:
            announced, is_real = False, True
            if wfh.request['RequestType'] in ['ReReco']:
                announced, is_real = True, True
                announced, is_real = check_mcm(wfo.name)

        if not announced:
            wfh.sendLog('transferor', "does not look announced.")

        if not is_real:
            wfh.sendLog('transferor', "does not appear to be genuine.")

            ## prevent any duplication. if the wf is not mentioned in any batch, regardless of status

        ## check on a grace period
        injection_time = time.mktime(
            time.strptime('.'.join(map(str, wfh.request['RequestDate'])),
                          "%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S")) / (60. * 60.)
        now = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) / (60. * 60.)
        if float(now - injection_time) < 4.:
            if not options.go and not announced:
                    "It is too soon to start transfer: %3.2fH remaining" %
                    (now - injection_time))

        if passing_along >= allowed_to_handle:
            #if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority!=in_transfer_priority:
            if in_transfer_priority != None and min_transfer_priority != None:
                if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']
                       ) >= in_transfer_priority and int(
                       ) != min_transfer_priority:
                    ## higher priority, and not only this priority being transfered
                        "Higher priority sample %s >= %s go-on over %s" %
                        (wfh.request['RequestPriority'], in_transfer_priority,
                        " Not allowed to pass more than %s at a time. Currently %s handled, and adding %s"
                        % (max_to_handle, being_handled, passing_along))
                    if not options.go:
                        ## should not allow to jump that fence

        if this_load and needs_transfer >= allowed_to_transfer:
            if in_transfer_priority != None and min_transfer_priority != None:
                if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']
                       ) >= in_transfer_priority and int(
                       ) != min_transfer_priority:
                    ## higher priority, and not only this priority being transfered
                        "Higher priority sample %s >= %s go-on over %s" %
                        (wfh.request['RequestPriority'], in_transfer_priority,
                        "Not allowed to transfer more than %s at a time. Currently %s transfering, and adding %s"
                        % (max_to_transfer, being_transfered, needs_transfer))
                    if not options.go:
                        no_budget = True

        if no_budget:

        ## the site white list considers site, campaign, memory and core information
        (lheinput, primary, parent, secondary,
         sites_allowed) = wfh.getSiteWhiteList()
        if options and options.tosites:
            sites_allowed = options.tosites.split(',')

        for dataset in list(primary) + list(parent) + list(secondary):
            ## lock everything flat

        if not sites_allowed:
            wfh.sendLog('transferor', "not possible site to run at")
            #sendEmail("no possible sites","%s has no possible sites to run at"%( wfo.name ))
                    "%s has no possible sites to run at" % (wfo.name),

        blocks = []
        if 'BlockWhitelist' in wfh.request and wfh.request['BlockWhitelist']:
            blocks = wfh.request['BlockWhitelist']
        if 'RunWhitelist' in wfh.request and wfh.request['RunWhitelist']:
            ## augment with run white list
            for dataset in primary:
                blocks = list(
                    set(blocks + getDatasetBlocks(
                        dataset, runs=wfh.request['RunWhitelist'])))
        if 'LumiList' in wfh.request and wfh.request['LumiList']:
            ## augment with the lumi white list
            blocks = list(
                set(blocks +
                    getDatasetBlocks(dataset, lumis=wfh.request['LumiList'])))

        if blocks:
            print "Reading", len(blocks), "in block whitelist"

        can_go = True
        staging = False
        allowed = True
        primary_destinations = set()
        if primary:

            copies_needed_from_CPUh, CPUh = wfh.getNCopies()

            if talk:
                print wfo.name, 'reads', ', '.join(primary), 'in primary'
            ## chope the primary dataset
            for prim in primary:
                ## keep track of what needs what

                max_priority[prim] = max(max_priority[prim],

                    'transferor', "Would make %s  from cpu requirement %s" %
                    (copies_needed_from_CPUh, CPUh))
                copies_needed = copies_needed_from_CPUh

                if 'Campaign' in wfh.request and wfh.request[
                        'Campaign'] in CI.campaigns and 'maxcopies' in CI.campaigns[
                    copies_needed_from_campaign = CI.campaigns[
                    copies_needed = min(copies_needed_from_campaign,

                        "Maxed to %s by campaign configuration %s" %
                        (copies_needed, wfh.request['Campaign']))

                ### new ways of making the whole thing
                destinations, all_block_names = getDatasetDestinations(
                    within_sites=[SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed],
                print json.dumps(destinations, indent=2)

                ## get where the dataset is in full and completed
                prim_location = [
                    site for (site, info) in destinations.items()
                    if info['completion'] == 100 and info['data_fraction'] == 1
                ## the rest is places it is going to be
                prim_destination = [
                    site for site in destinations.keys()
                    if not site in prim_location

                if len(prim_location) >= copies_needed:
                        "The input is all fully in place at %s sites %s" %
                        (len(prim_location), sorted(prim_location)))
                copies_needed = max(0, copies_needed - len(prim_location))
                    "not counting existing copies ; now need %s" %
                copies_being_made = [
                        for site, info in destinations.items()
                        if site in prim_destination
                    ]) for block in all_block_names

                latching_on_transfers = set()
                    for site, info in destinations.items()
                    if site in prim_destination
                latching_on_transfers = list(latching_on_transfers)
                #print latching_on_transfers

                ## figure out where all this is going to go
                prim_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in sites_allowed
                    if not SI.CE_to_SE(site) in prim_location
                prim_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in prim_to_distribute
                    if not SI.CE_to_SE(site) in prim_destination
                ## take out the ones that cannot receive transfers
                prim_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in prim_to_distribute if not any([
                        for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer

                    "Could be going to: %s" % sorted(prim_to_distribute))
                if not prim_to_distribute or any([
                        transfers_per_sites[site] < max_staging_per_site
                        for site in prim_to_distribute
                    ## means there is openings let me go
                    print "There are transfer slots available:", [
                        (site, transfers_per_sites[site])
                        for site in prim_to_distribute
                    #for site in sites_allowed:
                    #    #increment accross the board, regardless of real destination: could be changed
                    #    transfers_per_sites[site] += 1
                    if int(
                    ) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority != in_transfer_priority:
                            "Higher priority sample %s >= %s go-on over transfer slots available"
                            % (wfh.request['RequestPriority'],
                            "Not allowed to transfer more than %s per site at a time. Going overboard for %s"
                            % (max_staging_per_site,
                                   site for site in prim_to_distribute
                                   if transfers_per_sites[site] >=
                        if not options.go:
                            allowed = False

                for latching in latching_on_transfers:
                    tfo = session.query(Transfer).filter(
                        Transfer.phedexid == int(latching)).first()
                    if not tfo:
                        tfo = session.query(Transfer).filter(
                            Transfer.phedexid == -int(latching)).first()

                    if not tfo:
                        tfo = Transfer(phedexid=latching)
                        tfo.workflows_id = []
                        tfo.phedexid = latching  ## make it positive ever

                    if not wfo.id in tfo.workflows_id:
                        print "adding", wfo.id, "to", tfo.id, "with phedexid", latching
                        l = copy.deepcopy(tfo.workflows_id)
                        tfo.workflows_id = l
                    if not options.test:
                        )  ## regardless of commit later on, we need to let the next wf feeding on this transfer to see it in query
                    can_go = False
                    transfer_sizes[prim] = input_sizes[prim]
                    staging = True

                # reduce the number of copies required by the on-going full transfer : how do we bootstrap on waiting for them ??
                #copies_needed = max(0,copies_needed - len(prim_destination))
                copies_needed = max(0, copies_needed - min(copies_being_made))
                    "Not counting the copies being made ; then need %s" %
                if copies_needed == 0:
                        "The output is either fully in place or getting in full somewhere with %s"
                        % latching_on_transfers)
                    can_go = True
                elif len(prim_to_distribute) == 0:
                        "We are going to need extra copies, but no destinations seems available"
                    prim_to_distribute = [
                        site for site in sites_allowed
                        if not SI.CE_to_SE(site) in prim_location
                    prim_to_distribute = [
                        site for site in prim_to_distribute if not any([
                            for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer

                if len(
                ) > 0:  ## maybe that a parameter we can play with to limit the
                    if not options or options.chop:
                        ### hard include the tape disk andpoint ?
                        #tapes = [site for site in  getDatasetPresence( url, prim, vetos=['T0','T2','T3','Disk']) if site.endswith('MSS')]
                        chops, sizes = getDatasetChops(
                        spreading = distributeToSites(chops,
                        transfer_sizes[prim] = sum(sizes)
                        if not spreading:
                                'cannot send %s to any site, it cannot fit anywhere'
                                % prim,
                                "cannot send to any site. %s cannot seem to fit anywhere"
                                % (prim))
                            staging = False
                            can_go = False

                        spreading = {}
                        for site in prim_to_distribute:
                            if blocks:
                                spreading[site] = blocks
                                spreading[site] = [prim]
                        transfer_sizes[prim] = input_sizes[
                            prim]  ## this is approximate if blocks are specified
                    can_go = False
                        'transferor', "selected CE destinations %s" %
                    for (site, items) in spreading.items():
                        transfers_per_sites[site] += 1
        if not allowed:
            wfh.sendLog('transferor', "Not allowed to move on with")

        if secondary:

            override_sec_destination = []
            if 'SecondaryLocation' in CI.campaigns[wfh.request['Campaign']]:
                override_sec_destination = CI.campaigns[

            print wfo.name, 'reads', ', '.join(secondary), 'in secondary'
            for sec in secondary:


                if True:
                    ## new style, failing on minbias
                    if not sec in destination_cache:
                        ## this is barbbaric, and does not show the correct picture on workflow by workflow with different whitelist
                        destination_cache[sec], _ = getDatasetDestinations(
                            url, sec)  ## NO SITE WHITE LIST ADDED
                        #destination_cache[sec],_ = getDatasetDestinations(url, sec, within_sites = [SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed])

                    ## limit to the site whitelist NOW
                    se_allowed = [SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed]
                    destinations = dict([
                        (k, v) for (k, v) in destination_cache[sec].items()
                        if site in se_allowed
                    ## truncate location/destination to those making up for >90% of the dataset
                    bad_destinations = [
                        for (site, info) in destinations.items()
                        if info['data_fraction'] < 0.9
                    sec_location = [
                        site for (site, info) in destinations.items()
                        if info['completion'] >= 95
                    sec_destination = [
                        site for site in destinations.keys()
                        if not site in sec_location
                    ## old style
                    presence = getDatasetPresence(url, sec)
                    sec_location = [
                        site for site, pres in presence.items()
                        if pres[1] > 90.
                    ]  ## more than 90% of the minbias at sites
                    subscriptions = listSubscriptions(url, sec)
                    sec_destination = [site for site in subscriptions]

                sec_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in sites_allowed if
                    not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in sec_location])
                sec_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in sec_to_distribute if not any(
                        [osite.startswith(site) for osite in sec_destination])
                sec_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in sec_to_distribute if not any([
                        for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer
                if override_sec_destination:
                    ## intersect with where we want the PU to be
                    not_needed_anymore = list(
                        set(sec_to_distribute) - set(override_sec_destination))
                    #sendEmail("secondary superfluous","the dataset %s could be removed from %s"%( sec, not_needed_anymore ))
                        "the dataset %s could be removed from %s" %
                        (sec, not_needed_anymore))
                    sec_to_distribute = list(
                        set(sec_to_distribute) & set(override_sec_destination))

                if len(sec_to_distribute) > 0:
                    print "secondary could go to", sorted(sec_to_distribute)
                    sec_size = dss.get(sec)
                    for site in sec_to_distribute:
                        site_se = SI.CE_to_SE(site)
                        if (SI.disk[site_se] * 1024.) > sec_size:
                            can_go = False
                            print "could not send the secondary input to", site_se, "because it is too big for the available disk", SI.disk[
                                site_se] * 1024, "GB need", sec_size
                            if primary_destinations and site in primary_destinations:
                                #sendEmail('secondary input too big','%s is too big (%s) for %s (%s)'%( sec, sec_size, site_se, SI.disk[site_se]*1024))
                                        '%s is too big (%s) for %s (%s)' %
                                        (sec, sec_size, site_se,
                                         SI.disk[site_se] * 1024),
                    print "the secondary input does not have to be send to site"

        ## is that possible to do something more
        if can_go:
            ## no explicit transfer required this time
            if staging:
                ## but using existing ones
                    "latches on existing transfers, and nothing else, settin staging"
                wfo.status = 'staging'
                needs_transfer += 1
                    'transferor', "should just be assigned now to %s" %
                wfo.status = 'staged'
            passing_along += 1
            wfh.sendLog('transferor', "setting status to %s" % wfo.status)
            ## there is an explicit transfer required
            if staging:
                ## and also using an existing one
                wfh.sendLog('transferor', "latches on existing transfers")
                if not options.test:
                    wfo.status = 'staging'
                                "setting status to %s" % wfo.status)
            wfh.sendLog('transferor', "needs a transfer")
            needs_transfer += 1
            passing_along += 1

    if no_goes:
        #sendEmail("no go for managing","No go for \n"+"\n".join( no_goes ))
                "No go for \n" + "\n".join(no_goes),

    print "accumulated transfers"
    print json.dumps(all_transfers, indent=2)
    fake_id = -1
    wf_id_in_prestaging = set()

    for (site, items_to_transfer) in all_transfers.iteritems():
        items_to_transfer = list(set(items_to_transfer))

        ## convert to storage element
        site_se = SI.CE_to_SE(site)

        ## site that do not want input datasets
        if site in SI.sites_veto_transfer:
            print site, "does not want transfers"

        ## throttle the transfer size to T2s ? we'd be screwed by a noPU sample properly configured.

        ## massage a bit the items
        blocks = [it for it in items_to_transfer if '#' in it]
        block_datasets = list(set([it.split('#')[0] for it in blocks]))
        datasets = [it for it in items_to_transfer if not '#' in it]

        details_text = "Making a replica to %s (CE) %s (SE) for" % (site,

        #print "\t",len(blocks),"blocks"
        ## remove blocks if full dataset is send out
        blocks = [
            block for block in blocks if not block.split('#')[0] in datasets
        #print "\t",len(blocks),"needed blocks for",list(set([block.split('#')[0] for block in blocks]))
        #print "\t",len(datasets),"datasets"
        #print "\t",datasets
        details_text += '\n\t%d blocks' % len(blocks)
        details_text += '\n\t%d needed blocks for %s' % (
            sorted(list(set([block.split('#')[0] for block in blocks]))))
        details_text += '\n\t%d datasets' % len(datasets)
        details_text += '\n\t%s' % sorted(datasets)

        items_to_transfer = blocks + datasets

        if execute:
            sendLog('transferor', details_text)
            print "Would make a replica to", site, "(CE)", site_se, "(SE) for"
            print details_text

        ## operate the transfer
        if options and options.stop:
            ## ask to move-on
            answer = raw_input('Continue with that ?')
            if not answer.lower() in ['y', 'yes', 'go']:

        if execute:
            priority = 'normal'
            cds = [
                ds for ds in datasets + block_datasets if ds in max_priority
            if cds and False:  ## I don't think this is working. subscription should be updated on the fly and regularly for raising the priority if needed
                ## decide on an overall priority : that's a bit too large though
                if any([max_priority[ds] >= 90000 for ds in cds]):
                    priority = 'high'
                elif all([max_priority[ds] < 80000 for ds in cds]):
                    priority = 'low'

            result = makeReplicaRequest(url,
            result = {'phedex': {'request_created': []}}
            fake_id -= 1

        if not result:
            print "ERROR Could not make a replica request for", site, items_to_transfer, "pre-staging"
        for phedexid in [o['id'] for o in result['phedex']['request_created']]:
            new_transfer = session.query(Transfer).filter(
                Transfer.phedexid == int(phedexid)).first()
            if not new_transfer:
                new_transfer = session.query(Transfer).filter(
                    Transfer.phedexid == -int(phedexid)).first()
            print phedexid, "transfer created"
            if not new_transfer:
                new_transfer = Transfer(phedexid=phedexid)
                new_transfer.phedexid = phedexid  ## make it positive again

            new_transfer.workflows_id = set()
            for transfering in list(
                    set(map(lambda it: it.split('#')[0], items_to_transfer))):
            new_transfer.workflows_id = list(new_transfer.workflows_id)
            ## auto approve it
            if execute:
                approved = approveSubscription(url, phedexid, [site_se])

    for wfid in wf_id_in_prestaging:
        tr_wf = session.query(Workflow).get(wfid)
        if tr_wf and tr_wf.status != 'staging':
            if execute:
                tr_wf.status = 'staging'
                if talk:
                    print "setting", tr_wf.name, "to staging"
Example #6
def transferor(url, specific=None, talk=True, options=None):
    if userLock('transferor'): return

    if options and options.test:
        execute = False
        execute = True

    SI = siteInfo()
    CI = campaignInfo()
    mcm = McMClient(dev=False)
    dss = DSS()

    print "counting all being handled..."
    being_handled = len(
        session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'away').all())
    being_handled += len(
    being_handled += len(
    max_to_handle = options.maxworkflows
    allowed_to_handle = max(0, max_to_handle - being_handled)
    wf_buffer = 5
    if allowed_to_handle <= wf_buffer:  ## buffer for having several wf per transfer
        print "Not allowed to run more than", max_to_handle, "at a time. Currently", being_handled, "and", wf_buffer, "buffer"
        print being_handled, "already being handled", max_to_handle, "max allowed,", allowed_to_handle, "remaining", "and", wf_buffer, "buffer"
    print "... done"

    all_transfers = defaultdict(list)
    workflow_dependencies = defaultdict(
        set)  ## list of wf.id per input dataset
    wfs_and_wfh = []
    print "getting all wf to consider ..."
    cache = getWorkflows(url, 'assignment-approved', details=True)
    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(
            Workflow.status == 'considered').all():
        if specific and not specific in wfo.name: continue
        cache_r = filter(lambda d: d['RequestName'] == wfo.name, cache)
        if len(cache_r):
            wfs_and_wfh.append((wfo, workflowInfo(url, wfo.name, spec=False)))
    print "... done"

    input_sizes = {}
    ## list the size of those in transfer already
    in_transfer_priority = 0
    min_transfer_priority = 100000000
    print "getting all wf in staging ..."
    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(
            Workflow.status == 'staging').all():
        wfh = workflowInfo(url, wfo.name, spec=False)
        (_, primary, _, _) = wfh.getIO()
        for prim in primary:
            input_sizes[prim] = dss.get(prim)
        in_transfer_priority = max(in_transfer_priority,
        min_transfer_priority = min(min_transfer_priority,
    print "... done"
    print "Max priority in transfer already", in_transfer_priority
    print "Min priority in transfer already", min_transfer_priority
    in_transfer_already = sum(input_sizes.values())

    #sort by priority higher first
    wfs_and_wfh.sort(cmp=lambda i, j: cmp(int(i[1].request[
        'RequestPriority']), int(j[1].request['RequestPriority'])),

    ## list the size of all inputs
    print "getting all input sizes ..."
    for (wfo, wfh) in wfs_and_wfh:
        (_, primary, _, _) = wfh.getIO()
        for prim in primary:
            input_sizes[prim] = dss.get(prim)
    print "... done"

    grand_total = sum(input_sizes.values())
    to_transfer = grand_total - in_transfer_already
    grand_transfer_limit = options.maxtransfer
    transfer_limit = grand_transfer_limit - in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f GB already being transfered" % in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f GB is the current requested transfer load" % to_transfer
    print "%15.4f GB is the global transfer limit" % grand_transfer_limit
    print "%15.4f GB is the available limit" % transfer_limit

    # the max priority value per dataset.
    max_priority = defaultdict(int)
    needs_transfer = 0  ## so that we can count'em
    passing_along = 0
    transfer_sizes = {}
    went_over_budget = False
    for (wfo, wfh) in wfs_and_wfh:
        print wfh.request['RequestPriority']
        print wfo.name, "to be transfered"
        #wfh = workflowInfo( url, wfo.name)

        (_, primary, _, _) = wfh.getIO()
        this_load = sum([input_sizes[prim] for prim in primary])
        if (this_load
                and (sum(transfer_sizes.values()) + this_load > transfer_limit
                     or went_over_budget)):
            if went_over_budget:
                print "Transfer has gone over bubget."
                print "Transfer will go over bubget."
            print "%15.4f GB this load" % this_load
            print "%15.4f GB already this round" % sum(transfer_sizes.values())
            print "%15.4f GB is the available limit" % transfer_limit
            went_over_budget = True
            if int(
            ) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority != in_transfer_priority:
                print "Higher priority sample", wfh.request[
                    'RequestPriority'], ">=", in_transfer_priority, "go-on over budget"
                if not options.go:
                    print min_transfer_priority, "minimum priority", wfh.request[
                        'RequestPriority'], "<", in_transfer_priority, "stop"

        ## throtlle by campaign go
        if not CI.go(wfh.request['Campaign']):
            print "No go for", wfh.request['Campaign']
            if not options.go: continue

        ## check if the batch is announced
        announced = False
        is_real = False
        for b in mcm.getA('batches', query='contains=%s' % wfo.name):
            is_real = True
            if b['status'] == 'announced':
                announced = True

        if not announced:
            print wfo.name, "does not look announced."  # skipping?, rejecting?, reporting?"

        if not is_real:
            print wfo.name, "does not appear to be genuine."
            ## prevent any duplication. if the wf is not mentioned in any batch, regardless of status

        ## check on a grace period
        injection_time = time.mktime(
            time.strptime('.'.join(map(str, wfh.request['RequestDate'])),
                          "%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S")) / (60. * 60.)
        now = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) / (60. * 60.)
        if float(now - injection_time) < 4.:
            if not options.go and not announced:
                print "It is too soon to start transfer: %3.2fH remaining" % (
                    now - injection_time)

        passing_along += 1
        if passing_along >= allowed_to_handle:
            if int(
            ) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority != in_transfer_priority:
                print "Higher priority sample", wfh.request[
                    'RequestPriority'], ">=", in_transfer_priority, "go-on over", max_to_handle
                print "Not allowed to pass more than", max_to_handle, "at a time. Currently", being_handled, "handled, and adding", passing_along

        (lheinput, primary, parent, secondary) = wfh.getIO()
        if options and options.tosites:
            sites_allowed = options.tosites.split(',')
            sites_allowed = getSiteWhiteList(
                (lheinput, primary, parent, secondary))

        if 'SiteWhitelist' in CI.parameters(wfh.request['Campaign']):
            sites_allowed = CI.parameters(

        blocks = []
        if 'BlockWhitelist' in wfh.request and wfh.request['BlockWhitelist']:
            blocks = wfh.request['BlockWhitelist']

        can_go = True
        staging = False
        if primary:
            if talk:
                print wfo.name, 'reads', ', '.join(primary), 'in primary'
            ## chope the primary dataset
            for prim in primary:
                max_priority[prim] = max(max_priority[prim],
                sites_really_allowed = [
                    site for site in sites_allowed if not any([
                        for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer
                print "Sites allowed minus the vetoed transfer"
                print sites_really_allowed
                copies_needed = int(
                    0.35 * len(sites_really_allowed)
                ) + 1  ## should just go for a fixed number based if the white list grows that big
                print "Would make", copies_needed, "copies"
                if options.maxcopy > 0:
                    copies_needed = min(options.maxcopy, copies_needed)

                ## remove the sites that do not want transfers
                print "need", copies_needed
                presence = getDatasetPresence(url, prim)
                prim_location = [
                    site for site, pres in presence.items() if pres[0] == True
                if len(prim_location) >= copies_needed:
                    print "The output is all fully in place at", len(
                        prim_location), "sites"
                # reduce the number of copies required by existing full copies
                copies_needed = max(0, copies_needed - len(prim_location))
                print "now need", copies_needed
                subscriptions = listSubscriptions(url, prim)
                prim_destination = list(
                        for (site, (tid, decision)) in subscriptions.items()
                        if decision and not any([
                            for veto in ['MSS', 'Export', 'Buffer']
                ## need to reject from that list the ones with a full copy already: i.e the transfer corresponds to the copy in place
                prim_destination = [
                    site for site in prim_destination
                    if not site in prim_location
                ## add transfer dependencies
                latching_on_transfers = list(
                        for (site, (tid, decision)) in subscriptions.items()
                        if decision and site in prim_destination and not any([
                            for veto in ['MSS', 'Export', 'Buffer']
                print latching_on_transfers
                for latching in latching_on_transfers:
                    tfo = session.query(Transfer).filter(
                        Transfer.phedexid == latching).first()
                    if not tfo:
                        tfo = Transfer(phedexid=latching)
                        tfo.workflows_id = []

                    if not wfo.id in tfo.workflows_id:
                        print "adding", wfo.id, "to", tfo.id, "with phedexid", latching
                        l = copy.deepcopy(tfo.workflows_id)
                        tfo.workflows_id = l
                    if not options.test:
                        )  ## regardless of commit later on, we need to let the next wf feeding on this transfer to see it in query
                    can_go = False
                    transfer_sizes[prim] = input_sizes[prim]
                    staging = True

                # reduce the number of copies required by the on-going full transfer : how do we bootstrap on waiting for them ??
                copies_needed = max(0, copies_needed - len(prim_destination))
                print "then need", copies_needed
                if copies_needed == 0:
                    print "The output is either fully in place or getting in full somewhere with", latching_on_transfers
                    can_go = True
                prim_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in sites_allowed if not any(
                        [osite.startswith(site) for osite in prim_location])
                prim_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in prim_to_distribute if not any(
                        [osite.startswith(site) for osite in prim_destination])
                ## take out the ones that cannot receive transfers
                prim_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in prim_to_distribute if not any([
                        for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer
                if len(
                ) > 0:  ## maybe that a parameter we can play with to limit the
                    if not options or options.chop:
                        spreading = distributeToSites(getDatasetChops(prim),
                        spreading = {}
                        for site in prim_to_distribute:
                            spreading[site] = [prim]
                    can_go = False
                    transfer_sizes[prim] = input_sizes[prim]
                    for (site, items) in spreading.items():

        if secondary:
            if talk:
                print wfo.name, 'reads', ', '.join(secondary), 'in secondary'
            for sec in secondary:
                presence = getDatasetPresence(url, sec)
                sec_location = [
                    site for site, pres in presence.items() if pres[1] > 90.
                ]  ## more than 90% of the minbias at sites
                subscriptions = listSubscriptions(url, sec)
                sec_destination = [site for site in subscriptions]
                sec_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in sites_allowed if
                    not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in sec_location])
                sec_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in sec_to_distribute if not any(
                        [osite.startswith(site) for osite in sec_destination])
                sec_to_distribute = [
                    site for site in sec_to_distribute if not any([
                        for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer
                if len(sec_to_distribute) > 0:
                    for site in sec_to_distribute:
                        can_go = False

        ## is that possible to do something more
        if can_go:
            ## no explicit transfer required this time
            if staging:
                ## but using existing ones
                print wfo.name, "latches on existing transfers, and nothing else"
                wfo.status = 'staging'
                print wfo.name, "should just be assigned NOW to", sites_allowed
                wfo.status = 'staged'
            print "setting status to", wfo.status
            ## there is an explicit transfer required
            if staging:
                ## and also using an existing one
                print wfo.name, "latches on existing transfers"
                if not options.test:
                    wfo.status = 'staging'
                    print "setting status to", wfo.status
            print wfo.name, "needs a transfer"
            needs_transfer += 1

    #print json.dumps(all_transfers)
    fake_id = -1
    wf_id_in_prestaging = set()

    for (site, items_to_transfer) in all_transfers.iteritems():
        items_to_transfer = list(set(items_to_transfer))
        ## convert to storage element
        site_se = SI.CE_to_SE(site)

        ## site that do not want input datasets
        if site in SI.sites_veto_transfer:
            print site, "does not want transfers"

        ## throttle the transfer size to T2s ? we'd be screwed by a noPU sample properly configured.

        ## massage a bit the items
        blocks = [it for it in items_to_transfer if '#' in it]
        datasets = [it for it in items_to_transfer if not '#' in it]

        if execute:
            print "Making a replica to", site, "(CE)", site_se, "(SE) for"
            print "Would make a replica to", site, "(CE)", site_se, "(SE) for"

        print "\t", len(blocks), "blocks"
        ## remove blocks if full dataset is send out
        blocks = [
            block for block in blocks if not block.split('#')[0] in datasets
        print "\t", len(blocks), "needed blocks for", list(
            set([block.split('#')[0] for block in blocks]))
        print "\t", len(datasets), "datasets"
        print "\t", datasets
        items_to_transfer = blocks + datasets

        ## operate the transfer
        if options and options.stop:
            ## ask to move-on
            answer = raw_input('Continue with that ?')
            if not answer.lower() in ['y', 'yes', 'go']:

        if execute:
            result = makeReplicaRequest(url,
            ## make use of max_priority dataset:priority to set the subscriptions priority
            ## does not function
            once = True
            for item in items_to_transfer:
                bds = item.split('#')[0]
                if max_priority[bds] >= 90000:
                    if once:
                        print "waiting",w,"s before raising priority"
                    ## raise it to high priority
                    print item,"subscription priority raised to high at",site_se
                    #print "This does not work yet properly it seems"
                    print updateSubscription(url, site_se, item, priority='high')
            #result= {'phedex':{'request_created' : [{'id' : fake_id}]}}
            result = {'phedex': {'request_created': []}}
            fake_id -= 1

        if not result:
            print "ERROR Could not make a replica request for", site, items_to_transfer, "pre-staging"
        for phedexid in [o['id'] for o in result['phedex']['request_created']]:
            new_transfer = session.query(Transfer).filter(
                Transfer.phedexid == phedexid).first()
            print phedexid, "transfer created"
            if not new_transfer:
                new_transfer = Transfer(phedexid=phedexid)
            new_transfer.workflows_id = set()
            for transfering in list(
                    set(map(lambda it: it.split('#')[0], items_to_transfer))):
            new_transfer.workflows_id = list(new_transfer.workflows_id)
            ## auto approve it
            if execute:
                approved = approveSubscription(url, phedexid, [site_se])

    for wfid in wf_id_in_prestaging:
        tr_wf = session.query(Workflow).get(wfid)
        if tr_wf and tr_wf.status != 'staging':
            if execute:
                tr_wf.status = 'staging'
                if talk:
                    print "setting", tr_wf.name, "to staging"
def main():

    mysqlconn = MySQLdb.connect(host='dbod-cmsrv1.cern.ch', user='******', passwd="relval", port=5506)
    #conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user='******', passwd='relval')
    curs = mysqlconn.cursor()
    curs.execute("use "+dbname+";")

    #curs.execute("lock tables batches write, batches_archive write, workflows write, workflows_archive write, datasets write, clone_reinsert_requests write")

    #workflow = line.rstrip('\n')  
    #curs.execute("insert into workflows set hn_req=\""+hnrequest+"\", workflow_name=\""+workflow+"\";")

    curs.execute("select * from batches")

    batches_colnames = [desc[0] for desc in curs.description]
    for batch in batches:

        #if batch[0] != 21:
        #    continue


        batch_dict = dict(zip(batches_colnames, batch))

        site = batch_dict["site"]

        if "T2" in site:
            site_disk = site
        elif "T1" in site:
            site_disk = site + "_Disk"
            os.system('echo '+site+' | mail -s \"input_dset_checkor.py error 1\" [email protected]')
            print "Neither T1 nor T2 is in site name, exiting"

        if site == "T2_CH_CERN_T0":
            site_disk = "T2_CH_CERN"

        if site == "T2_CH_CERN_AI":
            site_disk = "T2_CH_CERN"

        #print batch
        #print ""

        userid = batch_dict["useridyear"]+"_"+batch_dict["useridmonth"]+"_"+batch_dict["useridday"]+"_"+str(batch_dict["useridnum"])+"_"+str(batch_dict["batch_version_num"])    

        #if status == "waiting_for_transfer" and count % 10 == 0:        

        if batch_dict["status"] == "waiting_for_transfer":        

            print "    userid ==> "+str(userid)

            #count = 0


            curs.execute("select workflow_name from workflows where useridyear = \""+ batch_dict["useridyear"]+"\" and useridmonth = \""+batch_dict["useridmonth"]+"\" and useridday = \""+batch_dict["useridday"]+"\" and useridnum = "+str(batch_dict["useridnum"])+" and batch_version_num = "+str(batch_dict["batch_version_num"])+";")

            for wf in wfs:

                print wf[0]

                headers = {"Content-type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json"}

                conn  =  httplib.HTTPSConnection('cmsweb.cern.ch', cert_file = os.getenv('X509_USER_PROXY'), key_file = os.getenv('X509_USER_PROXY'))

                schema = json.loads(r2.read())

                schema = schema['result'][0][wf[0]]


                for key, value in schema.items():
                    if type(value) is dict and key.startswith("Task"):

                        if 'MCPileup' in value:

                        if 'InputDataset' in value:

                            if 'RunWhitelist' in value:


                                for block in list_of_blocks:

                                    #this block (/DoubleMu/...) is not registered in phedex, so it cannot be subscribed to any site
                                    if block ==  "/DoubleMu/Run2011A-ZMu-08Nov2011-v1/RAW-RECO#93c53d22-25b2-11e1-8c62-003048f02c8a":

                                    isblockatsite = utils.checkIfBlockIsAtASite("cmsweb.cern.ch",block,site_disk)

                                    if not isblockatsite:



                                if not isdatasetatsite:

            if all_dsets_blocks_at_site and (not isthereanmcpileupdataset or ismcpileupdatasetatsite):
                curs.execute("update batches set status=\"input_dsets_ready\", current_status_start_time=\""+datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S")+"\" where useridyear = \""+ batch_dict["useridyear"]+"\" and useridmonth = \""+batch_dict["useridmonth"]+"\" and useridday = \""+batch_dict["useridday"]+"\" and useridnum = "+str(batch_dict["useridnum"])+" and batch_version_num = "+str(batch_dict["batch_version_num"])+";")

        if batch_dict["status"] == "approved":

            print "    userid ==> "+str(userid)

            #print "checking input datasets for workflows in batch "+str(batchid)
            curs.execute("select workflow_name from workflows where useridyear = \""+ batch_dict["useridyear"]+"\" and useridmonth = \""+batch_dict["useridmonth"]+"\" and useridday = \""+batch_dict["useridday"]+"\" and useridnum = "+str(batch_dict["useridnum"])+" and batch_version_num = "+str(batch_dict["batch_version_num"])+";")
            for wf in wfs:

                print wf[0]

                headers = {"Content-type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json"}

                conn  =  httplib.HTTPSConnection('cmsweb.cern.ch', cert_file = os.getenv('X509_USER_PROXY'), key_file = os.getenv('X509_USER_PROXY'))

                schema = json.loads(r2.read())

                schema = schema['result'][0][wf[0]]

                for key, value in schema.items():
                    if type(value) is dict and key.startswith("Task"):

                        if 'MCPileup' in value:

                            if not isdatasetatsite:

                        if 'InputDataset' in value:

                             if 'RunWhitelist' in value:



                                 for block in list_of_blocks:

                                     #this block (/DoubleMu/...) is not registered in phedex, so it cannot be subscribed to any site
                                     if block == "/DoubleMu/Run2011A-ZMu-08Nov2011-v1/RAW-RECO#93c53d22-25b2-11e1-8c62-003048f02c8a":


                                     if not isblocksubscribedtosite:
                                     if not isblockatsite:


                                 if not isdatasetsubscribedtosite:
                                 if not isdatasetatsite:

            if blocks_dsets_to_transfer != []:                    

                print "transfering the following blocks:"

                print blocks_dsets_to_transfer

                result=utils.makeReplicaRequest(url="cmsweb.cern.ch", site=site_disk, datasets=blocks_dsets_to_transfer, comments="relval datasets", group = "RelVal")

                phedexid = result['phedex']['request_created'][0]['id']


                curs.execute("update batches set status=\"waiting_for_transfer\", current_status_start_time=\""+datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S")+"\" where useridyear = \""+ batch_dict["useridyear"]+"\" and useridmonth = \""+batch_dict["useridmonth"]+"\" and useridday = \""+batch_dict["useridday"]+"\" and useridnum = "+str(batch_dict["useridnum"])+" and batch_version_num = "+str(batch_dict["batch_version_num"])+";")
            elif blocks_not_at_site != []:
                print blocks_not_at_site
                curs.execute("update batches set status=\"waiting_for_transfer\", current_status_start_time=\""+datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S")+"\" where useridyear = \""+ batch_dict["useridyear"]+"\" and useridmonth = \""+batch_dict["useridmonth"]+"\" and useridday = \""+batch_dict["useridday"]+"\" and useridnum = "+str(batch_dict["useridnum"])+" and batch_version_num = "+str(batch_dict["batch_version_num"])+";")
                curs.execute("update batches set status=\"input_dsets_ready\", current_status_start_time=\""+datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S")+"\" where useridyear = \""+ batch_dict["useridyear"]+"\" and useridmonth = \""+batch_dict["useridmonth"]+"\" and useridday = \""+batch_dict["useridday"]+"\" and useridnum = "+str(batch_dict["useridnum"])+" and batch_version_num = "+str(batch_dict["batch_version_num"])+";")
Example #8
def stagor(url,specific =None):
    done_by_wf_id = {}
    done_by_input = {}
    completion_by_input = {}
    good_enough = 100.0
    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'staging').all():
        ## implement the grace period for by-passing the transfer.

    for transfer in session.query(Transfer).all():
        if specific  and str(transfer.phedexid)!=str(specific): continue

        for wfid in transfer.workflows_id:
            tr_wf = session.query(Workflow).get(wfid)
            if tr_wf: 
                if tr_wf.status == 'staging':

        if skip: continue
        if transfer.phedexid<0: continue

        ## check the status of transfers
        checks = checkTransferApproval(url,  transfer.phedexid)
        approved = all(checks.values())
        if not approved:
            print transfer.phedexid,"is not yet approved"
            approveSubscription(url, transfer.phedexid)

        ## check on transfer completion
        checks = checkTransferStatus(url, transfer.phedexid, nocollapse=True)

        if not specific:
            for dsname in checks:
                if not dsname in done_by_input: done_by_input[dsname]={}
                if not dsname in completion_by_input: completion_by_input[dsname] = {}
                done_by_input[dsname][transfer.phedexid]=all(map(lambda i:i>=good_enough, checks[dsname].values()))
        if checks:
            print "Checks for",transfer.phedexid,[node.values() for node in checks.values()]
            done = all(map(lambda i:i>=good_enough,list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([node.values() for node in checks.values()]))))
            ## it is empty, is that a sign that all is done and away ?
            print "ERROR with the scubscriptions API of ",transfer.phedexid
            print "Most likely something else is overiding the transfer request. Need to work on finding the replacement automatically, if the replacement exists"
            done = False

        ## the thing above is NOT giving the right number
        #done = False

        for wfid in transfer.workflows_id:
            tr_wf = session.query(Workflow).get(wfid)
            if tr_wf:# and tr_wf.status == 'staging':  
                if not tr_wf.id in done_by_wf_id: done_by_wf_id[tr_wf.id]={}

        if done:
            ## transfer.status = 'done'
            print transfer.phedexid,"is done"
            print transfer.phedexid,"not finished"
            pprint.pprint( checks )

    #print done_by_input
    print "\n----\n"
    for dsname in done_by_input:
        fractions = None
        if dsname in completion_by_input:
            fractions = itertools.chain.from_iterable([check.values() for check in completion_by_input.values()])
        ## the workflows in the waiting room for the dataset
        using_its = getWorkflowByInput(url, dsname)
        #print using_its
        using_wfos = []
        for using_it in using_its:
            wf = session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.name == using_it).first()
            if wf:
                using_wfos.append( wf )

        #need_sites = int(len(done_by_input[dsname].values())*0.7)+1
        need_sites = len(done_by_input[dsname].values())
        if need_sites > 10:
            need_sites = int(need_sites/2.)
        got = done_by_input[dsname].values().count(True)
        if all([wf.status != 'staging' for wf in using_wfos]):
            ## not a single ds-using wf is in staging => moved on already
            ## just forget about it
            print "presence of",dsname,"does not matter anymore"
            print "\t",done_by_input[dsname]
            print "\t",[wf.status for wf in using_wfos]
            print "\tneeds",need_sites
            continue #??
        ## should the need_sites reduces with time ?
        # with dataset choping, reducing that number might work as a block black-list.

        if all(done_by_input[dsname].values()):
            print dsname,"is everywhere we wanted"
            ## the input dataset is fully transfered, should consider setting the corresponding wf to staged
            for wf in using_wfos:
                if wf.status == 'staging':
                    print wf.name,"is with us. setting staged and move on"
                    wf.status = 'staged'
        elif fractions and len(list(fractions))>1 and set(fractions)==1:
            print dsname,"is everywhere at the same fraction"
            print "We do not want this in the end. we want the data we asked for"
            ## the input dataset is fully transfered, should consider setting the corresponding wf to staged
            for wf in using_wfos:
                if wf.status == 'staging':
                    print wf.name,"is with us everywhere the same. setting staged and move on"
                    wf.status = 'staged'
        elif got >= need_sites:
            print dsname,"is almost everywhere we wanted"
            #print "We do not want this in the end. we want the data we asked for"
            ## the input dataset is fully transfered, should consider setting the corresponding wf to staged
            for wf in using_wfos:
                if wf.status == 'staging':
                    print wf.name,"is almost with us. setting staged and move on"
                    wf.status = 'staged'
            print dsname
            print "\t",done_by_input[dsname]
            print "\tneeds",need_sites
            print "\tgot",got

    for wfid in done_by_wf_id:
        #print done_by_wf_id[wfid].values()
        ## ask that all related transfer get into a valid state
        if all(done_by_wf_id[wfid].values()):
Example #9
def stagor(url, specific=None):
    done_by_wf_id = {}
    done_by_input = {}
    completion_by_input = {}
    good_enough = 100.0
    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(
            Workflow.status == 'staging').all():
        ## implement the grace period for by-passing the transfer.

    for transfer in session.query(Transfer).all():
        if specific and str(transfer.phedexid) != str(specific): continue

        skip = True
        for wfid in transfer.workflows_id:
            tr_wf = session.query(Workflow).get(wfid)
            if tr_wf:
                if tr_wf.status == 'staging':
                    skip = False

        if skip: continue
        if transfer.phedexid < 0: continue

        ## check the status of transfers
        checks = checkTransferApproval(url, transfer.phedexid)
        approved = all(checks.values())
        if not approved:
            print transfer.phedexid, "is not yet approved"
            approveSubscription(url, transfer.phedexid)

        ## check on transfer completion
        checks = checkTransferStatus(url, transfer.phedexid, nocollapse=True)

        if not specific:
            for dsname in checks:
                if not dsname in done_by_input: done_by_input[dsname] = {}
                if not dsname in completion_by_input:
                    completion_by_input[dsname] = {}
                done_by_input[dsname][transfer.phedexid] = all(
                    map(lambda i: i >= good_enough, checks[dsname].values()))
                    transfer.phedexid] = checks[dsname].values()
        if checks:
            print "Checks for", transfer.phedexid, [
                node.values() for node in checks.values()
            done = all(
                    lambda i: i >= good_enough,
                            [node.values() for node in checks.values()]))))
            ## it is empty, is that a sign that all is done and away ?
            print "ERROR with the scubscriptions API of ", transfer.phedexid
            print "Most likely something else is overiding the transfer request. Need to work on finding the replacement automatically, if the replacement exists"
            done = False

        ## the thing above is NOT giving the right number
        #done = False

        for wfid in transfer.workflows_id:
            tr_wf = session.query(Workflow).get(wfid)
            if tr_wf:  # and tr_wf.status == 'staging':
                if not tr_wf.id in done_by_wf_id: done_by_wf_id[tr_wf.id] = {}
                done_by_wf_id[tr_wf.id][transfer.phedexid] = done

        if done:
            ## transfer.status = 'done'
            print transfer.phedexid, "is done"
            print transfer.phedexid, "not finished"

    #print done_by_input
    print "\n----\n"
    for dsname in done_by_input:
        fractions = None
        if dsname in completion_by_input:
            fractions = itertools.chain.from_iterable(
                [check.values() for check in completion_by_input.values()])

        ## the workflows in the waiting room for the dataset
        using_its = getWorkflowByInput(url, dsname)
        #print using_its
        using_wfos = []
        for using_it in using_its:
            wf = session.query(Workflow).filter(
                Workflow.name == using_it).first()
            if wf:

        #need_sites = int(len(done_by_input[dsname].values())*0.7)+1
        need_sites = len(done_by_input[dsname].values())
        if need_sites > 10:
            need_sites = int(need_sites / 2.)
        got = done_by_input[dsname].values().count(True)
        if all([wf.status != 'staging' for wf in using_wfos]):
            ## not a single ds-using wf is in staging => moved on already
            ## just forget about it
            print "presence of", dsname, "does not matter anymore"
            print "\t", done_by_input[dsname]
            print "\t", [wf.status for wf in using_wfos]
            print "\tneeds", need_sites
            continue  #??

        ## should the need_sites reduces with time ?
        # with dataset choping, reducing that number might work as a block black-list.

        if all(done_by_input[dsname].values()):
            print dsname, "is everywhere we wanted"
            ## the input dataset is fully transfered, should consider setting the corresponding wf to staged
            for wf in using_wfos:
                if wf.status == 'staging':
                    print wf.name, "is with us. setting staged and move on"
                    wf.status = 'staged'
        elif fractions and len(list(fractions)) > 1 and set(fractions) == 1:
            print dsname, "is everywhere at the same fraction"
            print "We do not want this in the end. we want the data we asked for"
            ## the input dataset is fully transfered, should consider setting the corresponding wf to staged
            for wf in using_wfos:
                if wf.status == 'staging':
                    print wf.name, "is with us everywhere the same. setting staged and move on"
                    wf.status = 'staged'
        elif got >= need_sites:
            print dsname, "is almost everywhere we wanted"
            #print "We do not want this in the end. we want the data we asked for"
            ## the input dataset is fully transfered, should consider setting the corresponding wf to staged
            for wf in using_wfos:
                if wf.status == 'staging':
                    print wf.name, "is almost with us. setting staged and move on"
                    wf.status = 'staged'
            print dsname
            print "\t", done_by_input[dsname]
            print "\tneeds", need_sites
            print "\tgot", got

    for wfid in done_by_wf_id:
        #print done_by_wf_id[wfid].values()
        ## ask that all related transfer get into a valid state
        if all(done_by_wf_id[wfid].values()):
def transferor(url ,specific = None, talk=True, options=None):
    if options and options.test:
        execute = False
        execute = True

    SI = siteInfo()
    CI = campaignInfo()

    workflow_dependencies = defaultdict(set) ## list of wf.id per input dataset
    data_to_wf = {}
    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status=='considered').all():
        if specific and not specific in wfo.name: continue

        print wfo.name,"to be transfered"
        wfh = workflowInfo( url, wfo.name)

        #injection_time = time.mktime(time.strptime('.'.join(map(str,wfh.request['RequestDate'])),"%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S")) / (60.*60.)
        #now = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) / (60.*60.)
        #if float(now - injection_time) < 4.:
        #    print "It is too soon to transfer", now, injection_time
        #    continue

        (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) = wfh.getIO()
        if options and options.tosites:
            sites_allowed = options.tosites.split(',')
            sites_allowed = getSiteWhiteList( (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) )
        if 'SiteWhitelist' in CI.parameters(wfh.request['Campaign']):
            sites_allowed = CI.parameters(wfh.request['Campaign'])['SiteWhitelist']

        blocks = []
        if 'BlockWhitelist' in wfh.request and wfh.request['BlockWhitelist']:
            blocks = wfh.request['BlockWhitelist']

        can_go = True
        if primary:
            if talk:
                print wfo.name,'reads',', '.join(primary),'in primary'
            ## chope the primary dataset 
            for prim in primary:
                workflow_dependencies[prim].add( wfo.id )
                presence = getDatasetPresence( url, prim )
                prim_location = [site for site,pres in presence.items() if pres[0]==True]
                subscriptions = listSubscriptions( url , prim )
                prim_destination = [site for site in subscriptions]
                prim_to_distribute = [site for site in sites_allowed if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in prim_location])]
                prim_to_distribute = [site for site in prim_to_distribute if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in prim_destination])]
                if len(prim_to_distribute)>0: ## maybe that a parameter we can play with to limit the 
                    if not options or options.chop:
                        spreading = distributeToSites( [[prim]]+getDatasetChops(prim), prim_to_distribute, n_copies = 3, weights=SI.cpu_pledges)
                        spreading = {} 
                        for site in prim_to_distribute: spreading[site]=[prim]
                    can_go = False
                for (site,items) in spreading.items():
                    all_transfers[site].extend( items )

        if secondary:
            if talk:
                print wfo.name,'reads',', '.join(secondary),'in secondary'
            for sec in secondary:
                workflow_dependencies[sec].add( wfo.id )
                presence = getDatasetPresence( url, sec )
                sec_location = [site for site,pres in presence.items() if pres[1]>90.] ## more than 90% of the minbias at sites
                subscriptions = listSubscriptions( url ,sec )
                sec_destination = [site for site in subscriptions] 
                sec_to_distribute = [site for site in sites_allowed if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in sec_location])]
                sec_to_distribute = [site for site in sec_to_distribute if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in sec_destination])]
                if len( sec_to_distribute )>0:
                    for site in sec_to_distribute:
                        all_transfers[site].append( sec )
                        can_go = False
        ## is that possible to do something more
        if can_go:
            print wfo.name,"should just be assigned NOW to",sites_allowed
            wfo.status = 'staged'
            print wfo.name,"needs a transfer"

    #print json.dumps(all_transfers)

    for (site,items_to_transfer) in all_transfers.iteritems():
        items_to_transfer = list(set(items_to_transfer))
        ## convert to storage element
        site_se = SI.CE_to_SE(site)

        ## massage a bit the items
        blocks = [it for it in items_to_transfer if '#' in it]
        datasets = [it for it in items_to_transfer if not '#' in it]

        print "Making a replica to",site,"(CE)",site_se,"(SE) for"
        print "\t",len(blocks),"blocks"
        ## remove blocks if full dataset is send out
        blocks = [block for block in blocks if not block.split('#')[0] in datasets]
        print "\t",len(blocks),"needed blocks"
        print "\t",len(datasets),"datasets"
        print "\t",datasets
        items_to_transfer = blocks + datasets

        ## operate the transfer
        if options and options.stop:
            ## ask to move-on
            answer = raw_input('Continue with that ?')
            if not answer.lower() in ['y','yes','go']:

        if execute:
            result = makeReplicaRequest(url, site_se, items_to_transfer, 'prestaging')
            #result= {'phedex':{'request_created' : [{'id' : fake_id}]}}
            result= {'phedex':{'request_created' : []}}

        if not result:
            print "ERROR Could not make a replica request for",site,items_to_transfer,"pre-staging"
        for phedexid in [o['id'] for o in result['phedex']['request_created']]:
            new_transfer = session.query(Transfer).filter(Transfer.phedexid == phedexid).first()
            if not new_transfer:
                new_transfer = Transfer( phedexid = phedexid)
                session.add( new_transfer )                
            new_transfer.workflows_id = set()
            for transfering in list(set(map(lambda it : it.split('#')[0], items_to_transfer))):
                new_transfer.workflows_id.update( workflow_dependencies[transfering] )
            new_transfer.workflows_id = list(new_transfer.workflows_id)
            ## auto approve it
            if execute:
                approved = approveSubscription(url, phedexid, [site_se])

    for wfid in wf_id_in_prestaging:
        tr_wf = session.query(Workflow).get(wfid)
        if tr_wf and tr_wf.status!='staging':
            if execute:
                tr_wf.status = 'staging'
                if talk:
                    print "setting",tr_wf.name,"to staging"
Example #11
def transferor(url ,specific = None, talk=True, options=None):
    if userLock('transferor'):   return

    if options and options.test:
        execute = False
        execute = True

    SI = siteInfo()
    CI = campaignInfo()
    mcm = McMClient(dev=False)
    dss = DSS()

    print "counting all being handled..."
    being_handled = len(session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'away').all())
    being_handled += len(session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status.startswith('stag')).all())
    being_handled += len(session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status.startswith('assistance')).all())
    max_to_handle = options.maxworkflows
    allowed_to_handle = max(0,max_to_handle - being_handled)
    wf_buffer = 5
    if allowed_to_handle<=wf_buffer: ## buffer for having several wf per transfer
        print "Not allowed to run more than",max_to_handle,"at a time. Currently",being_handled,"and",wf_buffer,"buffer"
        print being_handled,"already being handled",max_to_handle,"max allowed,",allowed_to_handle,"remaining","and",wf_buffer,"buffer"
    print "... done"

    workflow_dependencies = defaultdict(set) ## list of wf.id per input dataset
    print "getting all wf to consider ..."
    cache = getWorkflows(url, 'assignment-approved', details=True)
    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status=='considered').all():
        if specific and not specific in wfo.name: continue
        cache_r =filter(lambda d:d['RequestName']==wfo.name, cache)
        if len(cache_r):
            wfs_and_wfh.append( (wfo, workflowInfo( url, wfo.name, spec=False, request = cache_r[0]) ) )
            wfs_and_wfh.append( (wfo, workflowInfo( url, wfo.name, spec=False) ) )
    print "... done"

    input_sizes = {}
    ## list the size of those in transfer already
    print "getting all wf in staging ..."
    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status=='staging').all():
        wfh = workflowInfo( url, wfo.name, spec=False)
        (_,primary,_,_) = wfh.getIO()
        for prim in primary: 
            input_sizes[prim] = dss.get( prim )
        in_transfer_priority = max(in_transfer_priority, int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']))
        min_transfer_priority = min(min_transfer_priority, int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']))
    print "... done"
    print "Max priority in transfer already",in_transfer_priority
    print "Min priority in transfer already",min_transfer_priority
    in_transfer_already = sum(input_sizes.values())

    #sort by priority higher first
    wfs_and_wfh.sort(cmp = lambda i,j : cmp(int(i[1].request['RequestPriority']),int(j[1].request['RequestPriority']) ), reverse=True)

    ## list the size of all inputs
    print "getting all input sizes ..."
    for (wfo,wfh) in wfs_and_wfh:
        (_,primary,_,_) = wfh.getIO()
        for prim in primary:
            input_sizes[prim] = dss.get( prim )
    print "... done"

    grand_total =  sum(input_sizes.values()) 
    to_transfer = grand_total  - in_transfer_already
    grand_transfer_limit = options.maxtransfer 
    transfer_limit = grand_transfer_limit - in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f GB already being transfered"%in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f GB is the current requested transfer load"%to_transfer
    print "%15.4f GB is the global transfer limit"%grand_transfer_limit
    print "%15.4f GB is the available limit"%transfer_limit

    # the max priority value per dataset.
    max_priority = defaultdict(int)
    needs_transfer=0 ## so that we can count'em
    passing_along = 0
    for (wfo,wfh) in wfs_and_wfh:
        print wfh.request['RequestPriority']
        print wfo.name,"to be transfered"
        #wfh = workflowInfo( url, wfo.name)

        (_,primary,_,_) = wfh.getIO()
        this_load=sum([input_sizes[prim] for prim in primary])
        if ( this_load and (sum(transfer_sizes.values())+this_load > transfer_limit or went_over_budget ) ):
            if went_over_budget:
                print "Transfer has gone over bubget."
                print "Transfer will go over bubget."
            print "%15.4f GB this load"%this_load
            print "%15.4f GB already this round"%sum(transfer_sizes.values())
            print "%15.4f GB is the available limit"%transfer_limit
            if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority!=in_transfer_priority:
                print "Higher priority sample",wfh.request['RequestPriority'],">=",in_transfer_priority,"go-on over budget"
                if not options.go: 
                    print min_transfer_priority,"minimum priority",wfh.request['RequestPriority'],"<",in_transfer_priority,"stop"

        ## throtlle by campaign go
        if not CI.go( wfh.request['Campaign'] ):
            print "No go for",wfh.request['Campaign']
            if not options.go: continue

        ## check if the batch is announced
        for b in mcm.getA('batches',query='contains=%s'% wfo.name):
            is_real = True
            if b['status']=='announced': 

        if not announced:
            print wfo.name,"does not look announced."# skipping?, rejecting?, reporting?"
        if not is_real:
            print wfo.name,"does not appear to be genuine."
            ## prevent any duplication. if the wf is not mentioned in any batch, regardless of status

        ## check on a grace period
        injection_time = time.mktime(time.strptime('.'.join(map(str,wfh.request['RequestDate'])),"%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S")) / (60.*60.)
        now = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) / (60.*60.)
        if float(now - injection_time) < 4.:
            if not options.go and not announced: 
                print "It is too soon to start transfer: %3.2fH remaining"%(now - injection_time)

        passing_along += 1
        if passing_along >= allowed_to_handle:
            if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority!=in_transfer_priority:
                print "Higher priority sample",wfh.request['RequestPriority'],">=",in_transfer_priority,"go-on over",max_to_handle
                print "Not allowed to pass more than",max_to_handle,"at a time. Currently",being_handled,"handled, and adding",passing_along

        (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) = wfh.getIO()
        if options and options.tosites:
            sites_allowed = options.tosites.split(',')
            sites_allowed = getSiteWhiteList( (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) )

        if 'SiteWhitelist' in CI.parameters(wfh.request['Campaign']):
            sites_allowed = CI.parameters(wfh.request['Campaign'])['SiteWhitelist']

        blocks = []
        if 'BlockWhitelist' in wfh.request and wfh.request['BlockWhitelist']:
            blocks = wfh.request['BlockWhitelist']

        can_go = True
        if primary:
            if talk:
                print wfo.name,'reads',', '.join(primary),'in primary'
            ## chope the primary dataset 
            for prim in primary:
                max_priority[prim] = max(max_priority[prim],int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']))
                sites_really_allowed = [site for site in sites_allowed if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer])]
                print "Sites allowed minus the vetoed transfer"
                print sites_really_allowed
                copies_needed = int(0.35*len(sites_really_allowed))+1 ## should just go for a fixed number based if the white list grows that big
                print "Would make",copies_needed,"copies"
                if options.maxcopy>0:
                    copies_needed = min(options.maxcopy,copies_needed)

                ## remove the sites that do not want transfers                
                print "need",copies_needed
                workflow_dependencies[prim].add( wfo.id )
                presence = getDatasetPresence( url, prim )
                prim_location = [site for site,pres in presence.items() if pres[0]==True]
                if len(prim_location) >= copies_needed:
                    print "The output is all fully in place at",len(prim_location),"sites"
                # reduce the number of copies required by existing full copies
                copies_needed = max(0,copies_needed - len(prim_location))
                print "now need",copies_needed
                subscriptions = listSubscriptions( url , prim )
                prim_destination = list(set([site for (site,(tid,decision)) in subscriptions.items() if decision and not any([site.endswith(veto) for veto in ['MSS','Export','Buffer']])]))
                ## need to reject from that list the ones with a full copy already: i.e the transfer corresponds to the copy in place
                prim_destination = [site for site in prim_destination if not site in prim_location]
                ## add transfer dependencies
                latching_on_transfers =  list(set([ tid for (site,(tid,decision)) in subscriptions.items() if decision and site in prim_destination and not any([site.endswith(veto) for veto in ['MSS','Export','Buffer']])]))
                print latching_on_transfers
                for latching in latching_on_transfers:
                    tfo = session.query(Transfer).filter(Transfer.phedexid == latching).first()
                    if not tfo:
                        tfo = Transfer( phedexid = latching)
                        tfo.workflows_id = []
                    if not wfo.id in tfo.workflows_id:
                        print "adding",wfo.id,"to",tfo.id,"with phedexid",latching
                        l = copy.deepcopy( tfo.workflows_id )
                        l.append( wfo.id )
                        tfo.workflows_id = l
                    if not options.test:
                        session.flush() ## regardless of commit later on, we need to let the next wf feeding on this transfer to see it in query
                    can_go = False
                    transfer_sizes[prim] = input_sizes[prim]
                    staging = True

                # reduce the number of copies required by the on-going full transfer : how do we bootstrap on waiting for them ??
                copies_needed = max(0,copies_needed - len(prim_destination))
                print "then need",copies_needed
                if copies_needed == 0:
                    print "The output is either fully in place or getting in full somewhere with",latching_on_transfers
                    can_go = True
                prim_to_distribute = [site for site in sites_allowed if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in prim_location])]
                prim_to_distribute = [site for site in prim_to_distribute if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in prim_destination])]
                ## take out the ones that cannot receive transfers
                prim_to_distribute = [site for site in prim_to_distribute if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer])]
                if len(prim_to_distribute)>0: ## maybe that a parameter we can play with to limit the 
                    if not options or options.chop:
                        spreading = distributeToSites( getDatasetChops(prim), prim_to_distribute, n_copies = copies_needed, weights=SI.cpu_pledges)
                        spreading = {} 
                        for site in prim_to_distribute: spreading[site]=[prim]
                    can_go = False
                    transfer_sizes[prim] = input_sizes[prim]
                    for (site,items) in spreading.items():
                        all_transfers[site].extend( items )

        if secondary:
            if talk:
                print wfo.name,'reads',', '.join(secondary),'in secondary'
            for sec in secondary:
                workflow_dependencies[sec].add( wfo.id )
                presence = getDatasetPresence( url, sec )
                sec_location = [site for site,pres in presence.items() if pres[1]>90.] ## more than 90% of the minbias at sites
                subscriptions = listSubscriptions( url ,sec )
                sec_destination = [site for site in subscriptions] 
                sec_to_distribute = [site for site in sites_allowed if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in sec_location])]
                sec_to_distribute = [site for site in sec_to_distribute if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in sec_destination])]
                sec_to_distribute = [site for site in sec_to_distribute if not  any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer])]
                if len( sec_to_distribute )>0:
                    for site in sec_to_distribute:
                        all_transfers[site].append( sec )
                        can_go = False
        ## is that possible to do something more
        if can_go:
            ## no explicit transfer required this time
            if staging:
                ## but using existing ones
                print wfo.name,"latches on existing transfers, and nothing else"
                wfo.status = 'staging'
                print wfo.name,"should just be assigned NOW to",sites_allowed
                wfo.status = 'staged'
            print "setting status to",wfo.status
            ## there is an explicit transfer required
            if staging:
                ## and also using an existing one
                print wfo.name,"latches on existing transfers"
                if not options.test:
                    wfo.status = 'staging'
                    print "setting status to",wfo.status
            print wfo.name,"needs a transfer"

    #print json.dumps(all_transfers)

    for (site,items_to_transfer) in all_transfers.iteritems():
        items_to_transfer = list(set(items_to_transfer))
        ## convert to storage element
        site_se = SI.CE_to_SE(site)

        ## site that do not want input datasets
        if site in SI.sites_veto_transfer: 
            print site,"does not want transfers"

        ## throttle the transfer size to T2s ? we'd be screwed by a noPU sample properly configured.

        ## massage a bit the items
        blocks = [it for it in items_to_transfer if '#' in it]
        datasets = [it for it in items_to_transfer if not '#' in it]

        if execute:
            print "Making a replica to",site,"(CE)",site_se,"(SE) for"
            print "Would make a replica to",site,"(CE)",site_se,"(SE) for"

        print "\t",len(blocks),"blocks"
        ## remove blocks if full dataset is send out
        blocks = [block for block in blocks if not block.split('#')[0] in datasets]
        print "\t",len(blocks),"needed blocks for",list(set([block.split('#')[0] for block in blocks]))
        print "\t",len(datasets),"datasets"
        print "\t",datasets
        items_to_transfer = blocks + datasets

        ## operate the transfer
        if options and options.stop:
            ## ask to move-on
            answer = raw_input('Continue with that ?')
            if not answer.lower() in ['y','yes','go']:

        if execute:
            result = makeReplicaRequest(url, site_se, items_to_transfer, 'prestaging', priority='normal')
            ## make use of max_priority dataset:priority to set the subscriptions priority
            ## does not function
            once = True
            for item in items_to_transfer:
                bds = item.split('#')[0]
                if max_priority[bds] >= 90000:
                    if once:
                        print "waiting",w,"s before raising priority"
                    ## raise it to high priority
                    print item,"subscription priority raised to high at",site_se
                    #print "This does not work yet properly it seems"
                    print updateSubscription(url, site_se, item, priority='high')
            #result= {'phedex':{'request_created' : [{'id' : fake_id}]}}
            result= {'phedex':{'request_created' : []}}

        if not result:
            print "ERROR Could not make a replica request for",site,items_to_transfer,"pre-staging"
        for phedexid in [o['id'] for o in result['phedex']['request_created']]:
            new_transfer = session.query(Transfer).filter(Transfer.phedexid == phedexid).first()
            print phedexid,"transfer created"
            if not new_transfer:
                new_transfer = Transfer( phedexid = phedexid)
                session.add( new_transfer )                
            new_transfer.workflows_id = set()
            for transfering in list(set(map(lambda it : it.split('#')[0], items_to_transfer))):
                new_transfer.workflows_id.update( workflow_dependencies[transfering] )
            new_transfer.workflows_id = list(new_transfer.workflows_id)
            ## auto approve it
            if execute:
                approved = approveSubscription(url, phedexid, [site_se])

    for wfid in wf_id_in_prestaging:
        tr_wf = session.query(Workflow).get(wfid)
        if tr_wf and tr_wf.status!='staging':
            if execute:
                tr_wf.status = 'staging'
                if talk:
                    print "setting",tr_wf.name,"to staging"
Example #12
def main():

    mysqlconn = MySQLdb.connect(host='dbod-cmsrv1.cern.ch', user='******', passwd="relval", port=5506)

    curs = mysqlconn.cursor()

    curs.execute("use "+dbname+";")

    #curs.execute("lock tables batches write, batches_archive write, workflows write, workflows_archive write, datasets write, clone_reinsert_requests write")

    curs.execute("select * from batches")
    batches_colnames = [desc[0] for desc in curs.description]

    for batch in batches:

        batch_dict= dict(zip(batches_colnames, batch))

        if batch_dict["status"] != "assigned":


        print "   userid ==> "+userid

        curs.execute("select workflow_name from workflows where useridyear = \""+batch_dict["useridyear"]+"\" and useridmonth = \""+batch_dict["useridmonth"]+ "\" and useridday = \""+batch_dict["useridday"]+"\" and useridnum = "+str(batch_dict["useridnum"])+" and batch_version_num ="+str(batch_dict["batch_version_num"])+";")

        for wf in wfs:
            conn  =  httplib.HTTPSConnection(url, cert_file = os.getenv('X509_USER_PROXY'), key_file = os.getenv('X509_USER_PROXY'))
            r1=conn.request('GET','/reqmgr2/data/request?name='+wf[0],headers={"Accept": "application/json"})
            data = r2.read()
            if r2.status != 200:
                #try it again
                conn  =  httplib.HTTPSConnection(url, cert_file = os.getenv('X509_USER_PROXY'), key_file = os.getenv('X509_USER_PROXY'))
                r1=conn.request('GET','/reqmgr2/data/request?name='+wf[0],headers={"Accept": "application/json"})
                data = r2.read()
                if r2.status != 200:
                    #try it a third time
                    conn  =  httplib.HTTPSConnection(url, cert_file = os.getenv('X509_USER_PROXY'), key_file = os.getenv('X509_USER_PROXY'))
                    r1=conn.request('GET','/reqmgr2/data/request?name='+wf[0],headers={"Accept": "application/json"})
                    data = r2.read()
                    if r2.status != 200:
                        os.system('echo \"'+wf[0]+'\" | mail -s \"announcor.py error 1\" [email protected]')
            s = json.loads(data)

            for status in s['result'][0][wf[0]]['RequestTransition']:
                if status['Status'] == "completed" or status['Status'] == "force-complete":
                    #conn  =  httplib.HTTPSConnection(url, cert_file = os.getenv('X509_USER_PROXY'), key_file = os.getenv('X509_USER_PROXY'))
                    #r1=conn.request('GET',"/wmstatsserver/data/isfinished/"+wf[0],headers={"Accept": "application/json"})
                    #data = r2.read()        
                    #s = json.loads(data)
                    #if s['result'][0] == "true":
                    #    n_completed=n_completed+1

        print "datetime.datetime.now() = " + str(datetime.datetime.now())            
        print "n_workflows = " + str(n_workflows)
        print "n_completed = " + str(n_completed)

        if n_workflows != n_completed:


        #if not (string.split('_')[0] == batch_dict["useridyear"] and string.split('_')[1] == batch_dict["useridmonth"] and string.split('_')[2] == batch_dict["useridday"] and string.split('_')[3] == str(batch_dict["useridnum"]) and string.split('_')[4] == str(batch_dict["batch_version_num"])):
        #    continue

        wf_list = []
        for wf in wfs:
            print wf[0]



        needs_assistance = assistance_decision.assistance_decision(job_failure_information)

        if needs_assistance:
            curs.execute("update batches set status=\"assistance\", current_status_start_time=\""+datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S")+"\" where useridyear = \""+batch_dict["useridyear"]+"\" and useridmonth = \""+batch_dict["useridmonth"]+ "\" and useridday = \""+batch_dict["useridday"]+"\" and useridnum = "+str(batch_dict["useridnum"])+" and batch_version_num ="+str(batch_dict["batch_version_num"])+";")
            os.system('echo \"batch_id: '+userid+'\" | mail -s \"a batch of relval workflows needs assistance\" [email protected]')

        #if there is a '\r' character in the body of an e-mail, it does not get sent

        for wf in wf_list:


        print_dsets_and_nevents.print_dsets_and_nevents(dset_nevents_list, userid+".txt")

        ret=os.system("cp "+userid+".txt /afs/cern.ch/user/r/relval/webpage/relval_stats/"+userid+".txt")

        if ret == 0:
            os.system("rm "+userid+".txt")
            os.system('echo \"'+userid+'\" | mail -s \"announcor.py error 2\" [email protected]')

        dsets_list = []    

        for dset_nevents in dset_nevents_list:

        for dset in dsets_list:
            setDatasetStatusDBS3.setStatusDBS3("https://cmsweb.cern.ch/dbs/prod/global/DBSWriter", dset, "VALID", True)

        for wf in wf_list:

        msg = MIMEMultipart()
        reply_to = []
        #send_to = ["*****@*****.**","*****@*****.**"]
        send_to = ["*****@*****.**","*****@*****.**","*****@*****.**"]
        #send_to = ["*****@*****.**"]
        #msg['In-Reply-To'] = hn_message_id
        #msg['References'] = hn_message_id
        msg['From'] = "*****@*****.**"
        msg['reply-to'] = COMMASPACE.join(reply_to)
        msg['To'] = COMMASPACE.join(send_to)
        msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True)
        msg['Subject'] = batch_dict["announcement_title"]
        msg['Message-ID'] = email.Utils.make_msgid()

        messageText="Dear all,\n"
        messageText=messageText+"A batch of relval workflows has finished.\n"
        messageText=messageText+"Batch ID:\n"
        if batch_dict["batch_version_num"] > 0:
            messageText=messageText+"original workflow name ==> clone name:\n"
            curs.execute("select workflow_name,original_workflow_name from workflows where useridyear = \""+batch_dict["useridyear"]+"\" and useridmonth = \""+batch_dict["useridmonth"]+ "\" and useridday = \""+batch_dict["useridday"]+"\" and useridnum = "+str(batch_dict["useridnum"])+" and batch_version_num ="+str(batch_dict["batch_version_num"])+";")
            for workflow in workflows:
                messageText=messageText+workflow[1] + " ==> "+workflow[0] + "\n"
        messageText=messageText+"List of datasets:\n"

        if istherefailureinformation:
        messageText=messageText+"RelVal Batch Manager"

        #put the announcement message into an e-mail to the relval hypernews and also in a url
        output_file = open("/afs/cern.ch/user/r/relval/webpage/relval_announcements/"+userid+".txt", 'w')


            smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP()
            smtpObj.sendmail("*****@*****.**", send_to, msg.as_string())
        except Exception as e:
            print "Error: unable to send email: %s" %(str(e))

        dsets_fnal_disk_list = []
        dsets_cern_disk_list = []
        for dset in dsets_list:

            #print dset.split('/')

            # we were asked to transfer some specific datasets to the cern tier 2
            if dset.split('/')[3] != "RECO" and dset.split('/')[3] != "ALCARECO":

            if dset.split('/')[3] == "GEN-SIM":

            if dset.split('/')[3] == "GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW":

            if dset.split('/')[3]  == "GEN-SIM-RECO":

            if "RelValTTBar" in dset.split('/')[1] and "TkAlMinBias" in dset.split('/')[2] and dset.split('/')[3] != "ALCARECO":

            if "MinimumBias" in dset.split('/')[1] and "SiStripCalMinBias" in dset.split('/')[2] and dset.split('/')[3] != "ALCARECO":

        result=utils.makeReplicaRequest("cmsweb.cern.ch", "T2_CH_CERN", dsets_cern_disk_list, "relval datasets",group="RelVal")
        if result != None:
            phedexid = result['phedex']['request_created'][0]['id']

        result=utils.makeReplicaRequest("cmsweb.cern.ch", "T1_US_FNAL_Disk", dsets_fnal_disk_list, "relval datasets", group = "RelVal")
        if result != None:
            phedexid = result['phedex']['request_created'][0]['id']

        result=utils.makeMoveRequest("cmsweb.cern.ch", "T0_CH_CERN_MSS", dsets_list, "relval datasets", group = "RelVal")
        if result != None:
            phedexid = result['phedex']['request_created'][0]['id']
            #even if you disapprove the subscription at the source, it will still deleted the datasets that are at the source but not subscribed their

        #phedexid = result['phedex']['request_created'][0]['id']

        curs.execute("update batches set status=\"announced\", current_status_start_time=\""+datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S")+"\" where useridyear = \""+batch_dict["useridyear"]+"\" and useridmonth = \""+batch_dict["useridmonth"]+ "\" and useridday = \""+batch_dict["useridday"]+"\" and useridnum = "+str(batch_dict["useridnum"])+" and batch_version_num ="+str(batch_dict["batch_version_num"])+";")
def transferor(url ,specific = None, talk=True, options=None):
    if userLock():   return
    if duplicateLock():  return

    use_mcm = True
    up = componentInfo(mcm=use_mcm, soft=['mcm'])
    if not up.check(): return
    use_mcm = up.status['mcm']

    if options and options.test:
        execute = False
        execute = True

    SI = siteInfo()
    CI = campaignInfo()
    LI = lockInfo()
    NLI = newLockInfo()
    mcm = McMClient(dev=False)
    dss = DSS()

    print "counting all being handled..."
    being_handled = len(session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'away').all())
    being_handled += len(session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status.startswith('stag')).all())
    being_transfered = len(session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'staging').all())
    being_handled += len(session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status.startswith('assistance-')).all())

    max_to_handle = options.maxworkflows
    max_to_transfer = options.maxstaging

    allowed_to_handle = max(0,max_to_handle - being_handled)
    allowed_to_transfer = max(0,max_to_transfer - being_transfered)
    wf_buffer = 5
    if allowed_to_handle<=wf_buffer: ## buffer for having several wf per transfer
        print "Not allowed to run more than",max_to_handle,"at a time. Currently",being_handled,"and",wf_buffer,"buffer"
        print being_handled,"already being handled",max_to_handle,"max allowed,",allowed_to_handle,"remaining","and",wf_buffer,"buffer"

    if allowed_to_transfer <= wf_buffer:
        print "Not allowed to transfer more than",max_to_transfer,"at a time. Currently",being_transfered,"and",wf_buffer,"buffer"
        print being_transfered,"already being transfered",max_to_transfer,"max allowed,",allowed_to_transfer,"remaining","and",wf_buffer,"buffer"

    print "... done"

    workflow_dependencies = defaultdict(set) ## list of wf.id per input dataset
    print "getting all wf to consider ..."
    cache = getWorkflows(url, 'assignment-approved', details=True)
    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status=='considered').all():
        print "\t",wfo.name
        if specific and not specific in wfo.name: continue
        cache_r =filter(lambda d:d['RequestName']==wfo.name, cache)
        if len(cache_r):
            wfs_and_wfh.append( (wfo, workflowInfo( url, wfo.name, spec=False, request = cache_r[0]) ) )
            wfs_and_wfh.append( (wfo, workflowInfo( url, wfo.name, spec=False) ) )
    print "... done"

    transfers_per_sites = defaultdict(int)
    input_sizes = {}
    input_cput = {}
    input_st = {}
    ## list the size of those in transfer already
    print "getting all wf in staging ..."
    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status=='staging').all():
        wfh = workflowInfo( url, wfo.name, spec=False)
        (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) = wfh.getIO()
        sites_allowed = getSiteWhiteList( (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) )
        for site in sites_allowed: ## we should get the actual transfer destination instead of the full white list
            transfers_per_sites[site] += 1 
        #input_cput[wfo.name] = wfh.getComputingTime()
        #input_st[wfo.name] = wfh.getSystemTime()
        for prim in primary:  
            input_sizes[prim] = dss.get( prim )
            print "\t",wfo.name,"needs",input_sizes[prim],"GB"
        in_transfer_priority = max(in_transfer_priority, int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']))
        min_transfer_priority = min(min_transfer_priority, int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']))

    print "... done"
    print "Max priority in transfer already",in_transfer_priority
    print "Min priority in transfer already",min_transfer_priority
    print "transfers per sites"
    print json.dumps( transfers_per_sites, indent=2)
    in_transfer_already = sum(input_sizes.values())
    cput_in_transfer_already = sum(input_cput.values())
    st_in_transfer_already = sum(input_st.values())
    # shuffle first by name
    random.shuffle( wfs_and_wfh )
    #sort by priority higher first
    wfs_and_wfh.sort(cmp = lambda i,j : cmp(int(i[1].request['RequestPriority']),int(j[1].request['RequestPriority']) ), reverse=True)

    ## list the size of all inputs
    print "getting all input sizes ..."
    for (wfo,wfh) in wfs_and_wfh:
        (_,primary,_,_) = wfh.getIO()
        #input_cput[wfo.name] = wfh.getComputingTime()
        #input_st[wfo.name] = wfh.getSystemTime()
        for prim in primary:
            input_sizes[prim] = dss.get( prim )
    print "... done"

    cput_grand_total = sum(input_cput.values())
    cput_to_transfer = cput_grand_total - cput_in_transfer_already
    st_grand_total = sum(input_st.values())
    st_to_transfer = st_grand_total - st_in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f [CPU h] worth already in transfer"%cput_in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f [CPU h] worth is the current requested transfer load"%cput_to_transfer
    print "%15.4f [h] worth of absolute system time in transfer"%( cput_in_transfer_already / SI.availableSlots())
    print "%15.4f [h] worth of absolute system time is the current requested transfer load"%( cput_to_transfer / SI.availableSlots())
    print "%15.4f [h] worth of theoritical system time in transfer"%( st_in_transfer_already )
    print "%15.4f [h] worth of theoritical system time is the current requested transfer load"%( st_to_transfer )

    grand_total =  sum(input_sizes.values()) 
    to_transfer = grand_total  - in_transfer_already
    grand_transfer_limit = options.maxtransfer 
    transfer_limit = grand_transfer_limit - in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f GB already being transfered"%in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f GB is the current requested transfer load"%to_transfer
    print "%15.4f GB is the global transfer limit"%grand_transfer_limit
    print "%15.4f GB is the available limit"%transfer_limit

    max_staging_per_site = options.maxstagingpersite
    # the max priority value per dataset.
    max_priority = defaultdict(int)
    needs_transfer=0 ## so that we can count'em
    passing_along = 0
    destination_cache = {}
    for (wfo,wfh) in wfs_and_wfh:
        print wfh.request['RequestPriority']
        print wfo.name,"to be transfered"
        #wfh = workflowInfo( url, wfo.name)

        (_,primary,_,_) = wfh.getIO()
        this_load=sum([input_sizes[prim] for prim in primary])
        if ( this_load and (sum(transfer_sizes.values())+this_load > transfer_limit or went_over_budget ) ):
            if went_over_budget:
                print "Transfer has gone over bubget."
                print "Transfer will go over bubget."
            print "%15.4f GB this load"%this_load
            print "%15.4f GB already this round"%sum(transfer_sizes.values())
            print "%15.4f GB is the available limit"%transfer_limit
            if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority!=in_transfer_priority:
                print "Higher priority sample",wfh.request['RequestPriority'],">=",in_transfer_priority,"go-on over budget"
                if not options.go: 
                    print min_transfer_priority,"minimum priority",wfh.request['RequestPriority'],"<",in_transfer_priority,"stop"

        ## throtlle by campaign go
        if not CI.go( wfh.request['Campaign'] ):
            print "No go for",wfh.request['Campaign']
            if not options.go: 
                sendEmail("no go for managing","No go for "+wfh.request['Campaign'])

        ## check if the batch is announced

        def check_mcm(wfn):
            if not wfn.startswith('pdmvserv'):
                is_real = True
                for b in mcm.getA('batches',query='contains=%s'% wfo.name):
                    is_real = True
                    if b['status']=='announced': 
                    for b in mcm.getA('batches',query='contains=%s'% wfo.name):
                        is_real = True
                        if b['status']=='announced': 
                    print "could not get mcm batch announcement, assuming not real"
            return announced,is_real

        if not use_mcm:
            announced,is_real = False,True
            announced,is_real = check_mcm( wfo.name )

        if not announced:
            print wfo.name,"does not look announced."# skipping?, rejecting?, reporting?"
        if not is_real:
            print wfo.name,"does not appear to be genuine."
            ## prevent any duplication. if the wf is not mentioned in any batch, regardless of status

        ## check on a grace period
        injection_time = time.mktime(time.strptime('.'.join(map(str,wfh.request['RequestDate'])),"%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S")) / (60.*60.)
        now = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) / (60.*60.)
        if float(now - injection_time) < 4.:
            if not options.go and not announced: 
                print "It is too soon to start transfer: %3.2fH remaining"%(now - injection_time)

        if passing_along >= allowed_to_handle:
            #if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority!=in_transfer_priority:
            if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) >= in_transfer_priority and int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) !=min_transfer_priority:
                ## higher priority, and not only this priority being transfered
                print "Higher priority sample",wfh.request['RequestPriority'],">=",in_transfer_priority,"go-on over",max_to_handle
                print "Not allowed to pass more than",max_to_handle,"at a time. Currently",being_handled,"handled, and adding",passing_along
                if not options.go: break

        if this_load and needs_transfer >= allowed_to_transfer:
            #if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority!=in_transfer_priority:
            if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) >= in_transfer_priority and int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) !=min_transfer_priority:
                ## higher priority, and not only this priority being transfered
                print "Higher priority sample",wfh.request['RequestPriority'],">=",in_transfer_priority,"go-on over",max_to_transfer
                print "Not allowed to transfer more than",max_to_transfer,"at a time. Currently",being_transfered,"transfering, and adding",needs_transfer
                if not options.go: continue

        (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) = wfh.getIO()
        for dataset in list(primary)+list(parent)+list(secondary):
            ## lock everything flat
            NLI.lock( dataset )

        if options and options.tosites:
            sites_allowed = options.tosites.split(',')
            sites_allowed = getSiteWhiteList( (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) )

        if 'SiteWhitelist' in CI.parameters(wfh.request['Campaign']):
            sites_allowed = CI.parameters(wfh.request['Campaign'])['SiteWhitelist']

        if 'SiteBlacklist' in CI.parameters(wfh.request['Campaign']):
            sites_allowed = list(set(sites_allowed) - set(CI.parameters(wfh.request['Campaign'])['SiteBlacklist']))

        ## reduce right away to sites in case of memory limitation
        memory_allowed = SI.sitesByMemory( wfh.request['Memory'] )
        if memory_allowed!=None:
            print "sites allowing", wfh.request['Memory'],"are",memory_allowed
            sites_allowed = list(set(sites_allowed) & set(memory_allowed))

        if not sites_allowed:
            print wfo.name,"has no possible sites to run at"
            print "available for",wfh.request['Memory'],"are",memory_allowed
            sendEmail("no possible sites","%s has no possible sites to run at"%( wfo.name ))

        blocks = []
        if 'BlockWhitelist' in wfh.request and wfh.request['BlockWhitelist']:
            blocks = wfh.request['BlockWhitelist']
        if 'RunWhitelist' in wfh.request and wfh.request['RunWhitelist']:
            ## should make the block selection here

        if 'LumiList' in wfh.request and wfh.request['LumiList']:
            ## same, we could be doing the white list here too

        if blocks:
            print "Reading",len(blocks),"in whitelist"

        can_go = True
        if primary:
            copies_needed_from_CPUh,CPUh = wfh.getNCopies()

            if talk:
                print wfo.name,'reads',', '.join(primary),'in primary'
            ## chope the primary dataset 
            for prim in primary:
                max_priority[prim] = max(max_priority[prim],int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']))
                sites_allowed = [site for site in sites_allowed if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer])]
                print "Sites allowed minus the vetoed transfer"
                print sorted(sites_allowed)

                copies_needed_from_site = int(0.35*len(sites_allowed))+1 ## should just go for a fixed number based if the white list grows that big
                print "Would make",copies_needed_from_site,"copies from site white list"
                copies_needed = copies_needed_from_site

                print "Would make",copies_needed_from_CPUh,"from cpu requirement",CPUh
                copies_needed = copies_needed_from_CPUh

                if options.maxcopy>0:
                    ## stop maxing things out ??
                    #copies_needed = min(options.maxcopy,copies_needed)
                    #print "Maxed to",copies_needed
                    if copies_needed_from_CPUh > options.maxcopy:
                        sendEmail('An example of more than three copies','for %s it could have been beneficial to make %s copies'%( wfo.name, copies_needed_from_CPUh))

                if 'Campaign' in wfh.request and wfh.request['Campaign'] in CI.campaigns and 'maxcopies' in CI.campaigns[wfh.request['Campaign']]:
                    copies_needed_from_campaign = CI.campaigns[wfh.request['Campaign']]['maxcopies']
                    copies_needed = min(copies_needed_from_campaign,copies_needed_from_site)
                    print "Maxed to",copies_needed,"by campaign configuration",wfh.request['Campaign']

                ## remove the sites that do not want transfers                
                workflow_dependencies[prim].add( wfo.id )

                ###### JR 3/8/15 #### deprecating this
                presence = getDatasetPresence( url, prim , within_sites = [SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed])
                prim_location = [site for site,pres in presence.items() if pres[0]==True]
                prim_parts = [site for site,pres in presence.items() if pres[0]==False]
                if len(prim_location) >= copies_needed:
                    print "The output is all fully in place at",len(prim_location),"sites"
                # reduce the number of copies required by existing full copies
                copies_needed = max(0,copies_needed - len(prim_location))
                print "now need",copies_needed
                subscriptions = listSubscriptions( url , prim , sites_allowed )
                prim_destination = list(set([site for (site,(tid,decision)) in subscriptions.items() if decision and not any([site.endswith(veto) for veto in ['MSS','Export','Buffer']])]))
                ## remove the subscription where the dataset is in parts at
                #prim_destination = list(set([site for (site,(tid,decision)) in subscriptions.items() if decision and not any([site.endswith(veto) for veto in ['MSS','Export','Buffer']]) and not site in prim_parts]))
                ## need to reject from that list the ones with a full copy already: i.e the transfer corresponds to the copy in place
                prim_destination = [site for site in prim_destination if not site in prim_location]
                ## add transfer dependencies
                latching_on_transfers =  list(set([ tid for (site,(tid,decision)) in subscriptions.items() if decision and site in prim_destination and not any([site.endswith(veto) for veto in ['MSS','Export','Buffer']])]))
                print latching_on_transfers
                ###### JR 3/8/15 #### deprecating this

                ### new ways of making the whole thing
                destinations,all_block_names = getDatasetDestinations(url, prim, within_sites = [SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed], only_blocks=blocks )
                #destinations,all_block_names = getDatasetDestinations(url, prim, within_sites = [SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed], only_blocks=blocks, group='DataOps')
                #anaops_destinations,anaops_all_block_names = getDatasetDestinations(url, prim, within_sites = [SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed], only_blocks=blocks, group='AnalysisOps' )
                print json.dumps(destinations, indent=2)

                ## get where the dataset is in full and completed
                prim_location = [site for (site,info) in destinations.items() if info['completion']==100 and info['data_fraction']==1]
                ## the rest is places it is going to be
                prim_destination = [site for site in destinations.keys() if not site in prim_location]
                ## need to take out the transfer veto
                prim_destination = [site for site in prim_destination if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer])]
                for dsite in prim_destination:
                    needing_locks[dsite].append( prim )

                if len(prim_location) >= copies_needed:
                    print "The output is all fully in place at",len(prim_location),"sites",prim_location
                copies_needed = max(0,copies_needed - len(prim_location))
                print "now need",copies_needed
                copies_being_made = [ sum([info['blocks'].keys().count(block) for site,info in destinations.items() if site in prim_destination]) for block in all_block_names]

                latching_on_transfers = set()
                [latching_on_transfers.update(info['blocks'].values()) for site,info in destinations.items() if site in prim_destination]
                latching_on_transfers = list(latching_on_transfers)
                #print latching_on_transfers

                ## figure out where all this is going to go
                prim_to_distribute = [site for site in sites_allowed if not SI.CE_to_SE(site) in prim_location]
                prim_to_distribute = [site for site in prim_to_distribute if not SI.CE_to_SE(site) in prim_destination]
                ## take out the ones that cannot receive transfers
                prim_to_distribute = [site for site in prim_to_distribute if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer])]

                if any([transfers_per_sites[site] < max_staging_per_site for site in prim_to_distribute]):
                    ## means there is openings let me go
                    print "There are transfer slots available:",[(site,transfers_per_sites[site]) for site in prim_to_distribute]
                    for site in sites_allowed:
                        #increment accross the board, regardless of real destination: could be changed
                        transfers_per_sites[site] += 1
                    if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority!=in_transfer_priority:
                        print "Higher priority sample",wfh.request['RequestPriority'],">=",in_transfer_priority,"go-on over transfer slots available"
                        print "Not allowed to transfer more than",max_staging_per_site," per site at a time. Going overboard for",[site for site in prim_to_distribute if transfers_per_sites[site]>=max_staging_per_site]
                        if not options.go:
                            allowed = False

                for latching in latching_on_transfers:
                    tfo = session.query(Transfer).filter(Transfer.phedexid == latching).first()
                    if not tfo:
                        tfo = Transfer( phedexid = latching)
                        tfo.workflows_id = []
                    if not wfo.id in tfo.workflows_id:
                        print "adding",wfo.id,"to",tfo.id,"with phedexid",latching
                        l = copy.deepcopy( tfo.workflows_id )
                        l.append( wfo.id )
                        tfo.workflows_id = l
                    if not options.test:
                        session.flush() ## regardless of commit later on, we need to let the next wf feeding on this transfer to see it in query
                    can_go = False
                    transfer_sizes[prim] = input_sizes[prim]
                    staging = True

                # reduce the number of copies required by the on-going full transfer : how do we bootstrap on waiting for them ??
                #copies_needed = max(0,copies_needed - len(prim_destination))
                copies_needed = max(0,copies_needed - min(copies_being_made))
                print "then need",copies_needed
                if copies_needed == 0:
                    print "The output is either fully in place or getting in full somewhere with",latching_on_transfers
                    can_go = True

                if len(prim_to_distribute)>0: ## maybe that a parameter we can play with to limit the 
                    if not options or options.chop:
                        chops,sizes = getDatasetChops(prim, chop_threshold = options.chopsize, only_blocks=blocks)
                        spreading = distributeToSites( chops, prim_to_distribute, n_copies = copies_needed, weights=SI.cpu_pledges, sizes=sizes)
                        transfer_sizes[prim] = sum(sizes)
                        spreading = {} 
                        for site in prim_to_distribute: 
                            if blocks:
                        transfer_sizes[prim] = input_sizes[prim] ## this is approximate if blocks are specified
                    can_go = False
                    print "selected CE destinations",spreading.keys()
                    for (site,items) in spreading.items():
                        all_transfers[site].extend( items )

        if not allowed:
            print "Not allowed to move on with",wfo.name

        if secondary:
            if talk:
                print wfo.name,'reads',', '.join(secondary),'in secondary'
            for sec in secondary:
                workflow_dependencies[sec].add( wfo.id )

                if False:
                    ## new style, failing on minbias
                    if not sec in destination_cache:
                        ## this is barbbaric, and does not show the correct picture on workflow by workflow with different whitelist
                        destination_cache[sec],_ = getDatasetDestinations(url, sec, within_sites = [SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed])
                    destinations = destination_cache[sec]
                    ## truncate location/destination to those making up for >90% of the dataset
                    bad_destinations = [destinations.pop(site) for (site,info) in destinations.items() if info['data_fraction']<0.9]
                    sec_location = [site for (site,info) in destinations.items() if info['completion']>=95]
                    sec_destination = [site for site in destinations.keys() if not site in sec_location]
                    ## old style
                    presence = getDatasetPresence( url, sec )
                    sec_location = [site for site,pres in presence.items() if pres[1]>90.] ## more than 90% of the minbias at sites
                    subscriptions = listSubscriptions( url ,sec )
                    sec_destination = [site for site in subscriptions] 

                for site in sec_location:
                    needing_locks[site].append( sec )
                for site in sec_destination:
                    needing_locks[site].append( sec )

                sec_to_distribute = [site for site in sites_allowed if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in sec_location])]
                sec_to_distribute = [site for site in sec_to_distribute if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in sec_destination])]
                sec_to_distribute = [site for site in sec_to_distribute if not  any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer])]
                if len( sec_to_distribute )>0:
                    sec_size = dss.get( sec )
                    for site in sec_to_distribute:
                        site_se =SI.CE_to_SE(site)
                        if (SI.disk[site_se]*1024.) > sec_size:
                            all_transfers[site].append( sec )
                            can_go = False
                            print "could not send the secondary input to",site_se,"because it is too big for the available disk",SI.disk[site_se]*1024,"GB need",sec_size
                            #sendEmail('secondary input too big','%s is too big (%s) for %s (%s)'%( sec, sec_size, site_se, SI.disk[site_se]*1024))

        ## is that possible to do something more
        if can_go:
            ## no explicit transfer required this time
            if staging:
                ## but using existing ones
                print wfo.name,"latches on existing transfers, and nothing else"
                wfo.status = 'staging'
                print wfo.name,"should just be assigned NOW to",sites_allowed
                wfo.status = 'staged'
            print "setting status to",wfo.status
            ## there is an explicit transfer required
            if staging:
                ## and also using an existing one
                print wfo.name,"latches on existing transfers"
                if not options.test:
                    wfo.status = 'staging'
                    print "setting status to",wfo.status
            print wfo.name,"needs a transfer"

    print "accumulated locks of dataset in place"
    print json.dumps(needing_locks, indent=2)
    for site,items in needing_locks.items():
        for item in items:
            LI.lock( item, SI.CE_to_SE(site), 'usable input')
    print "accumulated transfers"
    print json.dumps(all_transfers, indent=2)

    for (site,items_to_transfer) in all_transfers.iteritems():
        items_to_transfer = list(set(items_to_transfer))

        ## convert to storage element
        site_se = SI.CE_to_SE(site)

        ## site that do not want input datasets
        if site in SI.sites_veto_transfer: 
            print site,"does not want transfers"

        ## throttle the transfer size to T2s ? we'd be screwed by a noPU sample properly configured.

        ## massage a bit the items
        blocks = [it for it in items_to_transfer if '#' in it]
        datasets = [it for it in items_to_transfer if not '#' in it]

        if execute:
            print "Making a replica to",site,"(CE)",site_se,"(SE) for"
            print "Would make a replica to",site,"(CE)",site_se,"(SE) for"

        print "\t",len(blocks),"blocks"
        ## remove blocks if full dataset is send out
        blocks = [block for block in blocks if not block.split('#')[0] in datasets]
        print "\t",len(blocks),"needed blocks for",list(set([block.split('#')[0] for block in blocks]))
        print "\t",len(datasets),"datasets"
        print "\t",datasets
        items_to_transfer = blocks + datasets

        ## operate the transfer
        if options and options.stop:
            ## ask to move-on
            answer = raw_input('Continue with that ?')
            if not answer.lower() in ['y','yes','go']:

        if execute:
            result = makeReplicaRequest(url, site_se, items_to_transfer, 'prestaging', priority='normal')
            ## make use of max_priority dataset:priority to set the subscriptions priority
            ## does not function
            once = True
            for item in items_to_transfer:
                bds = item.split('#')[0]
                if max_priority[bds] >= 90000:
                    if once:
                        print "waiting",w,"s before raising priority"
                    ## raise it to high priority
                    print item,"subscription priority raised to high at",site_se
                    #print "This does not work yet properly it seems"
                    print updateSubscription(url, site_se, item, priority='high')
            #for item in list(set([it.split('#')[0] for it in items_to_transfer])):
            for item in items_to_transfer:
                LI.lock( item, site_se, 'pre-staging')
            #result= {'phedex':{'request_created' : [{'id' : fake_id}]}}
            result= {'phedex':{'request_created' : []}}

        if not result:
            print "ERROR Could not make a replica request for",site,items_to_transfer,"pre-staging"
        for phedexid in [o['id'] for o in result['phedex']['request_created']]:
            new_transfer = session.query(Transfer).filter(Transfer.phedexid == phedexid).first()
            print phedexid,"transfer created"
            if not new_transfer:
                new_transfer = Transfer( phedexid = phedexid)
                session.add( new_transfer )                
            new_transfer.workflows_id = set()
            for transfering in list(set(map(lambda it : it.split('#')[0], items_to_transfer))):
                new_transfer.workflows_id.update( workflow_dependencies[transfering] )
            new_transfer.workflows_id = list(new_transfer.workflows_id)
            ## auto approve it
            if execute:
                approved = approveSubscription(url, phedexid, [site_se])

    for wfid in wf_id_in_prestaging:
        tr_wf = session.query(Workflow).get(wfid)
        if tr_wf and tr_wf.status!='staging':
            if execute:
                tr_wf.status = 'staging'
                if talk:
                    print "setting",tr_wf.name,"to staging"
Example #14
def stagor(url,specific =None, options=None):
    if not componentInfo().check(): return
    SI = global_SI
    CI = campaignInfo()
    UC = unifiedConfiguration()

    done_by_wf_id = {}
    done_by_input = {}
    completion_by_input = {}
    good_enough = 100.0
    lost = json.loads(open('lost_blocks_datasets.json').read())
    still_lost = []
    for dataset in lost:
        l = findLostBlocks(url ,dataset)
        if not l:
            print dataset,"is not really lost"
            still_lost.append( dataset )
    open('lost_blocks_datasets.json','w').write( json.dumps( still_lost, indent=2) )

    cached_transfer_statuses = json.loads(open('cached_transfer_statuses.json').read())

    if options.fast:
        print "doing the fast check of staged with threshold:",options.goodavailability
        for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'staging').all():
            if specific and not specific in wfo.name: continue
            wfi = workflowInfo(url, wfo.name)
            (_,primaries,_,secondaries,sites_allowed) = wfi.getSiteWhiteList()
            if 'SiteWhitelist' in CI.parameters(wfi.request['Campaign']):
                sites_allowed = CI.parameters(wfi.request['Campaign'])['SiteWhitelist']
            if 'SiteBlacklist' in CI.parameters(wfi.request['Campaign']):
                sites_allowed = list(set(sites_allowed) - set(CI.parameters(wfi.request['Campaign'])['SiteBlacklist']))
            se_allowed = [SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed] 
            all_check = True
            n_copies = wfi.getNCopies()
            for dataset in list(primaries):#+list(secondaries) ?
                #print se_allowed
                available = getDatasetBlocksFraction( url , dataset , sites=se_allowed )
                #all_check &= (available >= options.goodavailability)
                all_check &= (available >= n_copies)
                if not all_check: break

            if all_check:
                print "\t\t",wfo.name,"can go staged"
                wfo.status = 'staged'
                print "\t",wfo.name,"can wait a bit more"

    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'staging').all():
        wfi = workflowInfo(url, wfo.name)
        if wfi.request['RequestStatus'] in ['running-open','running-closed','completed']:
            print wfo.name,"is",wfi.request['RequestStatus']
        _,primaries,_,secondaries = wfi.getIO()
        for dataset in list(primaries)+list(secondaries):
            done_by_input[dataset] = {}
            completion_by_input[dataset] = {}
            print wfo.name,"needs",dataset

    ## this loop is very expensive and will not function at some point.
    ## transfer objects should probably be deleted as some point

    for transfer in session.query(Transfer).filter(Transfer.phedexid>0).all():
        if specific  and str(transfer.phedexid)!=str(specific): continue

        for wfid in transfer.workflows_id:
            tr_wf = session.query(Workflow).get(wfid)
            if tr_wf: 
                if tr_wf.status == 'staging':
                    print "\t",transfer.phedexid,"is staging for",tr_wf.name

        if skip: 
            print "setting",transfer.phedexid,"to negative value"
            transfer.phedexid = -transfer.phedexid
        if transfer.phedexid<0: continue

        ## check the status of transfers
        checks = checkTransferApproval(url,  transfer.phedexid)
        approved = all(checks.values())
        if not approved:
            print transfer.phedexid,"is not yet approved"
            approveSubscription(url, transfer.phedexid)

        ## check on transfer completion
        if str(transfer.phedexid) in cached_transfer_statuses:
            ### use a cache for transfer that already looked done
            print "read",transfer.phedexid,"from cache"
            checks = cached_transfer_statuses[str(transfer.phedexid)]
            checks = checkTransferStatus(url, transfer.phedexid, nocollapse=True)

        if not specific:
            for dsname in checks:
                if not dsname in done_by_input: done_by_input[dsname]={}
                if not dsname in completion_by_input: completion_by_input[dsname] = {}
                done_by_input[dsname][transfer.phedexid]=all(map(lambda i:i>=good_enough, checks[dsname].values()))
        if checks:
            print "Checks for",transfer.phedexid,[node.values() for node in checks.values()]
            done = all(map(lambda i:i>=good_enough,list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([node.values() for node in checks.values()]))))
            ## it is empty, is that a sign that all is done and away ?
            print "ERROR with the scubscriptions API of ",transfer.phedexid
            print "Most likely something else is overiding the transfer request. Need to work on finding the replacement automatically, if the replacement exists"
            done = False

        ## the thing above is NOT giving the right number
        #done = False

        for wfid in transfer.workflows_id:
            tr_wf = session.query(Workflow).get(wfid)
            if tr_wf:# and tr_wf.status == 'staging':  
                if not tr_wf.id in done_by_wf_id: done_by_wf_id[tr_wf.id]={}
            ## for those that are in staging, and the destination site is in drain
            #if not done and tr_wf.status == 'staging':

        if done:
            ## transfer.status = 'done'
            print transfer.phedexid,"is done"
            cached_transfer_statuses[str(transfer.phedexid)] = copy.deepcopy(checks)
            print transfer.phedexid,"not finished"
            pprint.pprint( checks )

    open('cached_transfer_statuses.json','w').write( json.dumps( cached_transfer_statuses, indent=2))

    missing_in_action = defaultdict(list)
    #print done_by_input
    print "\n----\n"
    for dsname in done_by_input:
        fractions = None
        if dsname in completion_by_input:
            fractions = itertools.chain.from_iterable([check.values() for check in completion_by_input.values()])
        ## the workflows in the waiting room for the dataset
        using_its = getWorkflowByInput(url, dsname)
        #print using_its
        using_wfos = []
        for using_it in using_its:
            wf = session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.name == using_it).first()
            if wf:
                using_wfos.append( wf )
        if not len(done_by_input[dsname]):
            print "For dataset",dsname,"there are no transfer report. That's an issue."
            for wf in using_wfos:
                if wf.status == 'staging':
                    if UC.get("stagor_sends_back"):
                        print "sending",wf.name,"back to considered"
                        wf.status = 'considered'
                        sendEmail( "send back to considered","%s was send back and might be trouble"% wf.name)
                        print "would send",wf.name,"back to considered"
                        sendEmail( "subscription lagging behind","susbscriptions to get %s running are not appearing in phedex. I would have send it back to considered but that's not good."% wf.name)

        #need_sites = int(len(done_by_input[dsname].values())*0.7)+1
        need_sites = len(done_by_input[dsname].values())
        #if need_sites > 10:            need_sites = int(need_sites/2.)
        got = done_by_input[dsname].values().count(True)
        if all([wf.status != 'staging' for wf in using_wfos]):
            ## not a single ds-using wf is in staging => moved on already
            ## just forget about it
            #print "presence of",dsname,"does not matter anymore"
            #print "\t",done_by_input[dsname]
            #print "\t",[wf.status for wf in using_wfos]
            #print "\tneeds",need_sites
        ## should the need_sites reduces with time ?
        # with dataset choping, reducing that number might work as a block black-list.

        if len(done_by_input[dsname].values()) and all(done_by_input[dsname].values()):
            print dsname,"is everywhere we wanted"
            ## the input dataset is fully transfered, should consider setting the corresponding wf to staged
            for wf in using_wfos:
                if wf.status == 'staging':
                    print wf.name,"is with us. setting staged and move on"
                    wf.status = 'staged'
        elif fractions and len(list(fractions))>1 and set(fractions)==1:
            print dsname,"is everywhere at the same fraction"
            print "We do not want this in the end. we want the data we asked for"
            ## the input dataset is fully transfered, should consider setting the corresponding wf to staged
            for wf in using_wfos:
                if wf.status == 'staging':
                    print wf.name,"is with us everywhere the same. setting staged and move on"
                    wf.status = 'staged'
        elif got >= need_sites:
            print dsname,"is almost everywhere we wanted"
            #print "We do not want this in the end. we want the data we asked for"
            ## the input dataset is fully transfered, should consider setting the corresponding wf to staged
            for wf in using_wfos:
                if wf.status == 'staging':
                    print wf.name,"is almost with us. setting staged and move on"
                    wf.status = 'staged'
            print "incomplete",dsname
            lost = findLostBlocks(url, dsname)
            lost_names = [item['name'] for item in lost]
                known_lost = json.loads(open('lost_blocks_datasets.json').read())
                print "enable to get the known_lost from local json file"
                known_lost = []

            if lost:
                print "We have lost",len(lost),"blocks",lost_names
                #print json.dumps( lost , indent=2 )

            if lost and not dsname in known_lost:
                ## make a deeper investigation of the block location to see whether it's really no-where no-where
                sendEmail('we have lost a few blocks', str(len(lost))+" in total.\nDetails \n:"+json.dumps( lost , indent=2 ))
                rr= open('lost_blocks_datasets.json','w')
                rr.write( json.dumps( known_lost, indent=2))
                ## should the status be change to held-staging and pending on a ticket

            missings = [pid for (pid,d) in done_by_input[dsname].items() if d==False] 
            print "\t",done_by_input[dsname]
            print "\tneeds",need_sites
            print "\tgot",got
            print "\tmissing",missings
            missing_in_action[dsname].extend( missings )

    open('/afs/cern.ch/user/c/cmst2/www/unified/incomplete_transfers.json','w').write( json.dumps(missing_in_action, indent=2) )
    print "Stuck transfers and datasets"
    print json.dumps( missing_in_action, indent=2 )

    print "Going further and make a report of stuck transfers"

    datasets_by_phid = defaultdict(set)
    for dataset in missing_in_action:
        for phid in missing_in_action[dataset]:
            #print dataset,"stuck through",phid
            datasets_by_phid[phid].add( dataset )

    bad_destinations = defaultdict(set)
    bad_sources = defaultdict(set)
    report = ""
    really_stuck_dataset = set()
    for phid,datasets in datasets_by_phid.items():
        issues = checkTransferLag( url, phid , datasets=list(datasets) )
        for dataset in issues:
            for block in issues[dataset]:
                for destination in issues[dataset][block]:
                    (block_size,destination_size,delay,rate,dones) = issues[dataset][block][destination]
                    ## count x_Buffer and x_MSS as one source
                    for d in dones:
                        if d.endswith('Buffer') or d.endswith('Export'):
                            if d.replace('Buffer','MSS').replace('Export','MSS') in dones: 
                                redones.append( d )
                            redones.append( d )
                    dones = list(set( redones ))
                    #dones = filter(lambda s : (s.endswith('Buffer') and not s.replace('Buffer','MSS') in dones) or (not s.endswith('Buffer')) , dones)
                    if delay>7 and rate<0.0004:
                        if len(dones)>1:
                            ## its the destination that sucks
                            bad_destinations[destination].add( block )
                            dum=[bad_sources[d].add( block ) for d in dones]
                        really_stuck_dataset.add( dataset )
                        report += "%s is not getting to %s, out of %s faster than %f [GB/s] since %f [d]\n"%(block,destination,", ".join(dones), rate, delay)
    print "\n"*2

    ## create tickets right away ?
    report+="\nbad sources "+",".join(bad_sources.keys())+"\n"
    for site,blocks in bad_sources.items():
    report+="\nbad destinations "+",".join(bad_destinations.keys())+"\n"
    for site,blocks in bad_destinations.items():

    print report

    open('/afs/cern.ch/user/c/cmst2/www/unified/stuck_transfers.json','w').write( json.dumps(dict([(k,v) for (k,v) in missing_in_action.items() if k in really_stuck_dataset]), indent=2) )
    open('/afs/cern.ch/user/c/cmst2/www/unified/logs/incomplete_transfers.log','w').write( report )
Example #15
def transferor(url ,specific = None, talk=True, options=None):
    if userLock():   return
    if duplicateLock():  return

    use_mcm = True
    up = componentInfo(mcm=use_mcm, soft=['mcm'])
    if not up.check(): return
    use_mcm = up.status['mcm']

    if options and options.test:
        execute = False
        execute = True

    SI = siteInfo()
    CI = campaignInfo()
    NLI = newLockInfo()
    mcm = McMClient(dev=False)
    dss = DSS()

    #allowed_secondary = UC.get('')
    print "counting all being handled..."
    being_handled = len(session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'away').all())
    being_handled += len(session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status.startswith('stag')).all())
    being_transfered = len(session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'staging').all())
    being_handled += len(session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status.startswith('assistance-')).all())

    max_to_handle = options.maxworkflows
    max_to_transfer = options.maxstaging

    allowed_to_handle = max(0,max_to_handle - being_handled)
    allowed_to_transfer = max(0,max_to_transfer - being_transfered)
    wf_buffer = 5
    if allowed_to_handle<=wf_buffer: ## buffer for having several wf per transfer
        print "Not allowed to run more than",max_to_handle,"at a time. Currently",being_handled,"and",wf_buffer,"buffer"
        print being_handled,"already being handled",max_to_handle,"max allowed,",allowed_to_handle,"remaining","and",wf_buffer,"buffer"

    if allowed_to_transfer <= wf_buffer:
        print "Not allowed to transfer more than",max_to_transfer,"at a time. Currently",being_transfered,"and",wf_buffer,"buffer"
        print being_transfered,"already being transfered",max_to_transfer,"max allowed,",allowed_to_transfer,"remaining","and",wf_buffer,"buffer"

    print "... done"

    workflow_dependencies = defaultdict(set) ## list of wf.id per input dataset
    print "getting all wf to consider ..."
    cache = getWorkflows(url, 'assignment-approved', details=True)
    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status.startswith('considered')).all():
        print "\t",wfo.name
        if specific and not specific in wfo.name: continue
        cache_r =filter(lambda d:d['RequestName']==wfo.name, cache)
        if len(cache_r):
            wfs_and_wfh.append( (wfo, workflowInfo( url, wfo.name, spec=False, request = cache_r[0]) ) )
            wfs_and_wfh.append( (wfo, workflowInfo( url, wfo.name, spec=False) ) )
    print "... done"

    transfers_per_sites = defaultdict(int)
    input_sizes = {}
    ignored_input_sizes = {}
    input_cput = {}
    input_st = {}
    ## list the size of those in transfer already
    print "getting all wf in staging ..."
    stucks = json.loads(open('%s/stuck_transfers.json'%monitor_dir).read())
    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status=='staging').all():
        wfh = workflowInfo( url, wfo.name, spec=False)
        #(lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) = wfh.getIO()
        #sites_allowed = getSiteWhiteList( (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary) )
        (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary,sites_allowed) = wfh.getSiteWhiteList()
        for site in sites_allowed: ## we should get the actual transfer destination instead of the full white list
            transfers_per_sites[site] += 1 
        #input_cput[wfo.name] = wfh.getComputingTime()
        #input_st[wfo.name] = wfh.getSystemTime()
        for prim in primary:  
            ds_s = dss.get( prim )
            if prim in stucks: 
                sendLog('transferor', "%s appears stuck, so not counting it %s [GB]"%( prim, ds_s), wfi=wfh)
                ignored_input_sizes[prim] = ds_s
                input_sizes[prim] = ds_s
                sendLog('transferor', "%s needs %s [GB]"%( wfo.name, ds_s), wfi=wfh)
        if in_transfer_priority==None:
            in_transfer_priority = int(wfh.request['RequestPriority'])
            in_transfer_priority = max(in_transfer_priority, int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']))
        if min_transfer_priority==None:
            min_transfer_priority = int(wfh.request['RequestPriority'])
            min_transfer_priority = min(min_transfer_priority, int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']))

    if min_transfer_priority==None or in_transfer_priority ==None:
        print "nothing is lining up for transfer"
        sendEmail("no request in staging","no request in staging")

        print "Ignored input sizes"
        ignored_values = list(ignored_input_sizes.items())
        ignored_values.sort( key = lambda i : i[1] )
        print "\n".join( map(str, ignored_values ) )
        print "Considered input sizes"
        considered_values = list(input_sizes.items())
        considered_values.sort( key = lambda i : i[1] )
        print "\n".join( map(str, considered_values) )
    except Exception as e:
        print "trying to print the summary of input size"
        print str(e)

    print "... done"
    print "Max priority in transfer already",in_transfer_priority
    print "Min priority in transfer already",min_transfer_priority
    print "transfers per sites"
    print json.dumps( transfers_per_sites, indent=2)
    in_transfer_already = sum(input_sizes.values())
    cput_in_transfer_already = sum(input_cput.values())
    st_in_transfer_already = sum(input_st.values())

    ## list the size of all inputs
    primary_input_per_workflow_gb = defaultdict(float)
    print "getting all input sizes ..."
    for (wfo,wfh) in wfs_and_wfh:
        (_,primary,_,_) = wfh.getIO()
        #input_cput[wfo.name] = wfh.getComputingTime()
        #input_st[wfo.name] = wfh.getSystemTime()
        for prim in primary:
            ## do not count it if it appears stalled !
            prim_size = dss.get( prim )
            input_sizes[prim] = prim_size
            primary_input_per_workflow_gb[wfo.name] += prim_size
    print "... done"

    # shuffle first by name
    random.shuffle( wfs_and_wfh )
    # Sort smallest transfers first; allows us to transfer as many as possible workflows.
    def prio_and_size( i, j):
        if int(i[1].request['RequestPriority']) == int(j[1].request['RequestPriority']):
            return cmp(int(primary_input_per_workflow_gb.get(j[0].name, 0)), int(primary_input_per_workflow_gb.get(i[0].name, 0)) )
            return cmp(int(i[1].request['RequestPriority']),int(j[1].request['RequestPriority']))

    #wfs_and_wfh.sort(cmp = prio_and_size, reverse=True)
    #wfs_and_wfh.sort(cmp = lambda i,j : cmp(int(primary_input_per_workflow_gb.get(i[0].name, 0)), int(primary_input_per_workflow_gb.get(j[0].name, 0)) ))
    #sort by priority higher first
    wfs_and_wfh.sort(cmp = lambda i,j : cmp(int(i[1].request['RequestPriority']),int(j[1].request['RequestPriority']) ), reverse=True)

    cput_grand_total = sum(input_cput.values())
    cput_to_transfer = cput_grand_total - cput_in_transfer_already
    st_grand_total = sum(input_st.values())
    st_to_transfer = st_grand_total - st_in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f [CPU h] worth already in transfer"%cput_in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f [CPU h] worth is the current requested transfer load"%cput_to_transfer
    print "%15.4f [h] worth of absolute system time in transfer"%( cput_in_transfer_already / SI.availableSlots())
    print "%15.4f [h] worth of absolute system time is the current requested transfer load"%( cput_to_transfer / SI.availableSlots())
    print "%15.4f [h] worth of theoritical system time in transfer"%( st_in_transfer_already )
    print "%15.4f [h] worth of theoritical system time is the current requested transfer load"%( st_to_transfer )

    grand_total =  sum(input_sizes.values()) 
    to_transfer = grand_total  - in_transfer_already
    grand_transfer_limit = options.maxtransfer
    #grand_transfer_limit = SI.total_disk()*0.25*1024## half of the free sapce in TB->GB
    transfer_limit = grand_transfer_limit - in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f GB already being transfered"%in_transfer_already
    print "%15.4f GB is the current requested transfer load"%to_transfer
    print "%15.4f GB is the global transfer limit"%grand_transfer_limit
    print "%15.4f GB is the available limit"%transfer_limit

    max_staging_per_site = options.maxstagingpersite
    # the max priority value per dataset.
    max_priority = defaultdict(int)
    needs_transfer=0 ## so that we can count'em
    passing_along = 0
    destination_cache = {}
    no_goes = set()

    max_per_round = UC.get('max_per_round').get('transferor',None)
    if max_per_round and not spec:
        wfs_and_wfh = wfs_and_wfh[:max_per_round]
    for (wfo,wfh) in wfs_and_wfh:
        print wfo.name,"to be transfered with priority",wfh.request['RequestPriority']

        if wfh.request['RequestStatus']!='assignment-approved':
            if wfh.request['RequestStatus'] in ['aborted','rejected','rejected-archived','aborted-archived']:
                wfo.status = 'trouble' ## so that we look or a replacement
                wfo.status = 'away'
            wfh.sendLog('transferor', '%s in status %s, setting %s'%( wfo.name,wfh.request['RequestStatus'],wfo.status))

        (_,primary,_,_) = wfh.getIO()
        this_load=sum([input_sizes[prim] for prim in primary])
        no_budget = False
        if ( this_load and (sum(transfer_sizes.values())+this_load > transfer_limit or went_over_budget ) ):
            if went_over_budget:
                wfh.sendLog('transferor', "Transfer has gone over bubget.")
                wfh.sendLog('transferor', "Transfer will go over bubget.")
            wfh.sendLog('transferor', "%15.4f GB this load, %15.4f GB already this round, %15.4f GB is the available limit"%(this_load, sum(transfer_sizes.values()), transfer_limit))
            #if sum(transfer_sizes.values()) > transfer_limit:
            went_over_budget = True
            if in_transfer_priority!=None and min_transfer_priority!=None:
                if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority!=in_transfer_priority:
                    wfh.sendLog('transferor',"Higher priority sample %s >= %s go-on over budget"%( wfh.request['RequestPriority'], in_transfer_priority))
                    if not options.go: 
                        wfh.sendLog('transferor',"%s minimum priority %s < %s : stop"%( min_transfer_priority,wfh.request['RequestPriority'],in_transfer_priority))
                        no_budget = True

        ## throtlle by campaign go
        no_go = False
        if not wfh.go(log=True) and not options.go:
            no_go = True
            no_goes.add( wfo.name )
        allowed_secondary = set()
        for campaign in wfh.getCampaigns():
            if campaign in CI.campaigns and 'secondaries' in CI.campaigns[campaign]:
                allowed_secondary.update( CI.campaigns[campaign]['secondaries'] )
        if secondary:
            if (secondary and allowed_secondary) and (set(secondary)&allowed_secondary!=set(secondary)):
                wfh.sendLog('assignor','%s is not an allowed secondary'%(', '.join(set(secondary)-allowed_secondary)))
                no_go = True

        if no_go:
        ## check if the batch is announced

        def check_mcm(wfn):
            if not wfn.startswith('pdmvserv'):
                is_real = True
                for b in mcm.getA('batches',query='contains=%s'% wfo.name):
                    is_real = True
                    if b['status']=='announced': 
                    for b in mcm.getA('batches',query='contains=%s'% wfo.name):
                        is_real = True
                        if b['status']=='announced': 
                    print "could not get mcm batch announcement, assuming not real"
            return announced,is_real

        if not use_mcm:
            announced,is_real = False,True
            if wfh.request['RequestType'] in ['ReReco']:
                announced,is_real = True,True
                announced,is_real = check_mcm( wfo.name )

        if not announced:
            wfh.sendLog('transferor', "does not look announced.")

        if not is_real:
            wfh.sendLog('transferor', "does not appear to be genuine.")

            ## prevent any duplication. if the wf is not mentioned in any batch, regardless of status

        ## check on a grace period
        injection_time = time.mktime(time.strptime('.'.join(map(str,wfh.request['RequestDate'])),"%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S")) / (60.*60.)
        now = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) / (60.*60.)
        if float(now - injection_time) < 4.:
            if not options.go and not announced: 
                wfh.sendLog('transferor', "It is too soon to start transfer: %3.2fH remaining"%(now - injection_time))

        if passing_along >= allowed_to_handle:
            #if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority!=in_transfer_priority:
            if in_transfer_priority!=None and min_transfer_priority!=None:
                if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) >= in_transfer_priority and int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) !=min_transfer_priority:
                    ## higher priority, and not only this priority being transfered
                    wfh.sendLog('transferor',"Higher priority sample %s >= %s go-on over %s"%( wfh.request['RequestPriority'], in_transfer_priority, max_to_handle))
                    wfh.sendLog('transferor'," Not allowed to pass more than %s at a time. Currently %s handled, and adding %s"%( max_to_handle, being_handled, passing_along))
                    if not options.go: 
                        ## should not allow to jump that fence

        if this_load and needs_transfer >= allowed_to_transfer:
            if in_transfer_priority!=None and min_transfer_priority!=None:
                if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) >= in_transfer_priority and int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) !=min_transfer_priority:
                    ## higher priority, and not only this priority being transfered
                    wfh.sendLog('transferor',"Higher priority sample %s >= %s go-on over %s"%(wfh.request['RequestPriority'], in_transfer_priority,max_to_transfer))
                    wfh.sendLog('transferor',"Not allowed to transfer more than %s at a time. Currently %s transfering, and adding %s"%( max_to_transfer, being_transfered, needs_transfer))
                    if not options.go: 
                        no_budget = True

        if no_budget:

        ## the site white list considers site, campaign, memory and core information
        (lheinput,primary,parent,secondary,sites_allowed) = wfh.getSiteWhiteList()
        if options and options.tosites:
            sites_allowed = options.tosites.split(',')

        for dataset in list(primary)+list(parent)+list(secondary):
            ## lock everything flat
            NLI.lock( dataset )

        if not sites_allowed:
            wfh.sendLog('transferor',"not possible site to run at")
            #sendEmail("no possible sites","%s has no possible sites to run at"%( wfo.name ))
            sendLog('transferor',"%s has no possible sites to run at"%( wfo.name ),level='critical')

        blocks = []
        if 'BlockWhitelist' in wfh.request and wfh.request['BlockWhitelist']:
            blocks = wfh.request['BlockWhitelist']
        if 'RunWhitelist' in wfh.request and wfh.request['RunWhitelist']:
            ## augment with run white list
            for dataset in primary:
                blocks = list(set( blocks + getDatasetBlocks( dataset, runs=wfh.request['RunWhitelist'] ) ))
        if 'LumiList' in wfh.request and wfh.request['LumiList']:
            ## augment with the lumi white list
            blocks = list(set( blocks + getDatasetBlocks( dataset, lumis= wfh.request['LumiList'] ) ))

        if blocks:
            print "Reading",len(blocks),"in block whitelist"

        can_go = True
        primary_destinations = set()
        if primary:
            copies_needed_from_CPUh,CPUh = wfh.getNCopies()

            if talk:
                print wfo.name,'reads',', '.join(primary),'in primary'
            ## chope the primary dataset 
            for prim in primary:
                ## keep track of what needs what
                workflow_dependencies[prim].add( wfo.id )

                max_priority[prim] = max(max_priority[prim],int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']))

                wfh.sendLog('transferor',"Would make %s  from cpu requirement %s"%( copies_needed_from_CPUh, CPUh))
                copies_needed = copies_needed_from_CPUh

                if 'Campaign' in wfh.request and wfh.request['Campaign'] in CI.campaigns and 'maxcopies' in CI.campaigns[wfh.request['Campaign']]:
                    copies_needed_from_campaign = CI.campaigns[wfh.request['Campaign']]['maxcopies']
                    copies_needed = min(copies_needed_from_campaign, copies_needed)
                    wfh.sendLog('transferor',"Maxed to %s by campaign configuration %s"%( copies_needed, wfh.request['Campaign']))

                ### new ways of making the whole thing
                destinations,all_block_names = getDatasetDestinations(url, prim, within_sites = [SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed], only_blocks=blocks )
                print json.dumps(destinations, indent=2)

                ## get where the dataset is in full and completed
                prim_location = [site for (site,info) in destinations.items() if info['completion']==100 and info['data_fraction']==1]
                ## the rest is places it is going to be
                prim_destination = [site for site in destinations.keys() if not site in prim_location]

                if len(prim_location) >= copies_needed:
                    wfh.sendLog('transferor',"The input is all fully in place at %s sites %s"%( len(prim_location), sorted(prim_location)))
                copies_needed = max(0,copies_needed - len(prim_location))
                wfh.sendLog('transferor',"not counting existing copies ; now need %s"% copies_needed)
                copies_being_made = [ sum([info['blocks'].keys().count(block) for site,info in destinations.items() if site in prim_destination]) for block in all_block_names]

                latching_on_transfers = set()
                [latching_on_transfers.update(info['blocks'].values()) for site,info in destinations.items() if site in prim_destination]
                latching_on_transfers = list(latching_on_transfers)
                #print latching_on_transfers

                ## figure out where all this is going to go
                prim_to_distribute = [site for site in sites_allowed if not SI.CE_to_SE(site) in prim_location]
                prim_to_distribute = [site for site in prim_to_distribute if not SI.CE_to_SE(site) in prim_destination]
                ## take out the ones that cannot receive transfers
                prim_to_distribute = [site for site in prim_to_distribute if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer])]

                wfh.sendLog('transferor',"Could be going to: %s"% sorted( prim_to_distribute))
                if not prim_to_distribute or any([transfers_per_sites[site] < max_staging_per_site for site in prim_to_distribute]):
                    ## means there is openings let me go
                    print "There are transfer slots available:",[(site,transfers_per_sites[site]) for site in prim_to_distribute]
                    #for site in sites_allowed:
                    #    #increment accross the board, regardless of real destination: could be changed
                    #    transfers_per_sites[site] += 1
                    if int(wfh.request['RequestPriority']) >= in_transfer_priority and min_transfer_priority!=in_transfer_priority:
                        wfh.sendLog('transferor', "Higher priority sample %s >= %s go-on over transfer slots available"%(wfh.request['RequestPriority'], in_transfer_priority))
                        wfh.sendLog('transferor',"Not allowed to transfer more than %s per site at a time. Going overboard for %s"%( max_staging_per_site, sorted([site for site in prim_to_distribute if transfers_per_sites[site]>=max_staging_per_site])))
                        if not options.go:
                            allowed = False

                for latching in latching_on_transfers:
                    tfo = session.query(Transfer).filter(Transfer.phedexid == int(latching)).first()
                    if not tfo:
                        tfo = session.query(Transfer).filter(Transfer.phedexid == -int(latching)).first()
                    if not tfo:
                        tfo = Transfer( phedexid = latching)
                        tfo.workflows_id = []
                        tfo.phedexid = latching ## make it positive ever

                    if not wfo.id in tfo.workflows_id:
                        print "adding",wfo.id,"to",tfo.id,"with phedexid",latching
                        l = copy.deepcopy( tfo.workflows_id )
                        l.append( wfo.id )
                        tfo.workflows_id = l
                    if not options.test:
                        session.flush() ## regardless of commit later on, we need to let the next wf feeding on this transfer to see it in query
                    can_go = False
                    transfer_sizes[prim] = input_sizes[prim]
                    staging = True

                # reduce the number of copies required by the on-going full transfer : how do we bootstrap on waiting for them ??
                #copies_needed = max(0,copies_needed - len(prim_destination))
                copies_needed = max(0,copies_needed - min(copies_being_made))
                wfh.sendLog('transferor', "Not counting the copies being made ; then need %s"% copies_needed)                    
                if copies_needed == 0:
                    wfh.sendLog('transferor', "The output is either fully in place or getting in full somewhere with %s"% latching_on_transfers)
                    can_go = True
                elif len(prim_to_distribute)==0:
                    wfh.sendLog('transferor', "We are going to need extra copies, but no destinations seems available")
                    prim_to_distribute = [site for site in sites_allowed if not SI.CE_to_SE(site) in prim_location]
                    prim_to_distribute = [site for site in prim_to_distribute if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer])]

                if len(prim_to_distribute)>0: ## maybe that a parameter we can play with to limit the 
                    if not options or options.chop:
                        ### hard include the tape disk andpoint ?
                        #tapes = [site for site in  getDatasetPresence( url, prim, vetos=['T0','T2','T3','Disk']) if site.endswith('MSS')]
                        chops,sizes = getDatasetChops(prim, chop_threshold = options.chopsize, only_blocks=blocks)
                        spreading = distributeToSites( chops, prim_to_distribute, n_copies = copies_needed, weights=SI.cpu_pledges, sizes=sizes)
                        transfer_sizes[prim] = sum(sizes)
                        if not spreading:
                            sendLog('transferor','cannot send %s to any site, it cannot fit anywhere'% prim, level='critical')
                            wfh.sendLog('transferor', "cannot send to any site. %s cannot seem to fit anywhere"%(prim))
                            can_go = False
                        spreading = {} 
                        for site in prim_to_distribute: 
                            if blocks:
                        transfer_sizes[prim] = input_sizes[prim] ## this is approximate if blocks are specified
                    can_go = False
                    wfh.sendLog('transferor', "selected CE destinations %s"%(sorted( spreading.keys())))
                    for (site,items) in spreading.items():
                        all_transfers[site].extend( items )
                        transfers_per_sites[site] += 1
                        primary_destinations.add( site ) 
        if not allowed:
            wfh.sendLog('transferor', "Not allowed to move on with")

        if secondary:

            override_sec_destination = []
            if 'SecondaryLocation' in CI.campaigns[wfh.request['Campaign']]:
                override_sec_destination  = CI.campaigns[wfh.request['Campaign']]['SecondaryLocation']

            print wfo.name,'reads',', '.join(secondary),'in secondary'
            for sec in secondary:

                workflow_dependencies[sec].add( wfo.id )

                if True:
                    ## new style, failing on minbias
                    if not sec in destination_cache:
                        ## this is barbbaric, and does not show the correct picture on workflow by workflow with different whitelist
                        destination_cache[sec],_ = getDatasetDestinations(url, sec) ## NO SITE WHITE LIST ADDED
                        #destination_cache[sec],_ = getDatasetDestinations(url, sec, within_sites = [SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed])

                    ## limit to the site whitelist NOW
                    se_allowed = [SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed]
                    destinations = dict([(k,v) for (k,v) in destination_cache[sec].items() if site in se_allowed])
                    ## truncate location/destination to those making up for >90% of the dataset
                    bad_destinations = [destinations.pop(site) for (site,info) in destinations.items() if info['data_fraction']<0.9]
                    sec_location = [site for (site,info) in destinations.items() if info['completion']>=95]
                    sec_destination = [site for site in destinations.keys() if not site in sec_location]
                    ## old style
                    presence = getDatasetPresence( url, sec )
                    sec_location = [site for site,pres in presence.items() if pres[1]>90.] ## more than 90% of the minbias at sites
                    subscriptions = listSubscriptions( url ,sec )
                    sec_destination = [site for site in subscriptions] 

                sec_to_distribute = [site for site in sites_allowed if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in sec_location])]
                sec_to_distribute = [site for site in sec_to_distribute if not any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in sec_destination])]
                sec_to_distribute = [site for site in sec_to_distribute if not  any([osite.startswith(site) for osite in SI.sites_veto_transfer])]
                if override_sec_destination:
                    ## intersect with where we want the PU to be
                    not_needed_anymore = list(set(sec_to_distribute) - set(override_sec_destination))
                    #sendEmail("secondary superfluous","the dataset %s could be removed from %s"%( sec, not_needed_anymore ))
                    sendLog('transferor', "the dataset %s could be removed from %s"%( sec, not_needed_anymore ))
                    sec_to_distribute = list(set(sec_to_distribute) & set(override_sec_destination))

                if len( sec_to_distribute )>0:
                    print "secondary could go to",sorted(sec_to_distribute)
                    sec_size = dss.get( sec )
                    for site in sec_to_distribute:
                        site_se =SI.CE_to_SE(site)
                        if (SI.disk[site_se]*1024.) > sec_size:
                            all_transfers[site].append( sec )
                            can_go = False
                            print "could not send the secondary input to",site_se,"because it is too big for the available disk",SI.disk[site_se]*1024,"GB need",sec_size
                            if primary_destinations and site in primary_destinations:
                                #sendEmail('secondary input too big','%s is too big (%s) for %s (%s)'%( sec, sec_size, site_se, SI.disk[site_se]*1024))
                                sendLog('transferor', '%s is too big (%s) for %s (%s)'%( sec, sec_size, site_se, SI.disk[site_se]*1024), level='critical')
                    print "the secondary input does not have to be send to site"

        ## is that possible to do something more
        if can_go:
            ## no explicit transfer required this time
            if staging:
                ## but using existing ones
                wfh.sendLog('transferor', "latches on existing transfers, and nothing else, settin staging")
                wfo.status = 'staging'
                wfh.sendLog('transferor', "should just be assigned now to %s"%sorted(sites_allowed))
                wfo.status = 'staged'
            wfh.sendLog('transferor', "setting status to %s"%wfo.status)
            ## there is an explicit transfer required
            if staging:
                ## and also using an existing one
                wfh.sendLog('transferor', "latches on existing transfers")
                if not options.test:
                    wfo.status = 'staging'
                    wfh.sendLog('transferor', "setting status to %s"%wfo.status)
            wfh.sendLog('transferor',"needs a transfer")

    if no_goes:
        #sendEmail("no go for managing","No go for \n"+"\n".join( no_goes ))
        sendLog('transferor', "No go for \n"+"\n".join( no_goes ), level='critical')

    print "accumulated transfers"
    print json.dumps(all_transfers, indent=2)

    for (site,items_to_transfer) in all_transfers.iteritems():
        items_to_transfer = list(set(items_to_transfer))

        ## convert to storage element
        site_se = SI.CE_to_SE(site)

        ## site that do not want input datasets
        if site in SI.sites_veto_transfer: 
            print site,"does not want transfers"

        ## throttle the transfer size to T2s ? we'd be screwed by a noPU sample properly configured.

        ## massage a bit the items
        blocks = [it for it in items_to_transfer if '#' in it]
        block_datasets = list(set([it.split('#')[0] for it in blocks]))
        datasets = [it for it in items_to_transfer if not '#' in it]

        details_text = "Making a replica to %s (CE) %s (SE) for"%( site, site_se)

        #print "\t",len(blocks),"blocks"
        ## remove blocks if full dataset is send out
        blocks = [block for block in blocks if not block.split('#')[0] in datasets]
        #print "\t",len(blocks),"needed blocks for",list(set([block.split('#')[0] for block in blocks]))
        #print "\t",len(datasets),"datasets"
        #print "\t",datasets
        details_text += '\n\t%d blocks'%len(blocks)
        details_text += '\n\t%d needed blocks for %s'%( len(blocks), sorted(list(set([block.split('#')[0] for block in blocks]))))
        details_text += '\n\t%d datasets'% len(datasets)
        details_text += '\n\t%s'%sorted(datasets)
        items_to_transfer = blocks + datasets

        if execute:
            sendLog('transferor', details_text)
            print "Would make a replica to",site,"(CE)",site_se,"(SE) for"
            print details_text

        ## operate the transfer
        if options and options.stop:
            ## ask to move-on
            answer = raw_input('Continue with that ?')
            if not answer.lower() in ['y','yes','go']:

        if execute:
            priority = 'normal'
            cds = [ds for ds in datasets+block_datasets if ds in max_priority]
            if cds and False: ## I don't think this is working. subscription should be updated on the fly and regularly for raising the priority if needed
                ## decide on an overall priority : that's a bit too large though
                if any([max_priority[ds]>=90000 for ds in cds]):
                    priority = 'high'
                elif all([max_priority[ds]<80000 for ds in cds]):
                    priority = 'low'
            result = makeReplicaRequest(url, site_se, items_to_transfer, 'prestaging', priority=priority)
            result= {'phedex':{'request_created' : []}}

        if not result:
            print "ERROR Could not make a replica request for",site,items_to_transfer,"pre-staging"
        for phedexid in [o['id'] for o in result['phedex']['request_created']]:
            new_transfer = session.query(Transfer).filter(Transfer.phedexid == int(phedexid)).first()
            if not new_transfer:
                new_transfer = session.query(Transfer).filter(Transfer.phedexid == -int(phedexid)).first()
            print phedexid,"transfer created"
            if not new_transfer:
                new_transfer = Transfer( phedexid = phedexid)
                session.add( new_transfer )                
                new_transfer.phedexid = phedexid ## make it positive again

            new_transfer.workflows_id = set()
            for transfering in list(set(map(lambda it : it.split('#')[0], items_to_transfer))):
                new_transfer.workflows_id.update( workflow_dependencies[transfering] )
            new_transfer.workflows_id = list(new_transfer.workflows_id)
            ## auto approve it
            if execute:
                approved = approveSubscription(url, phedexid, [site_se])

    for wfid in wf_id_in_prestaging:
        tr_wf = session.query(Workflow).get(wfid)
        if tr_wf and tr_wf.status!='staging':
            if execute:
                tr_wf.status = 'staging'
                if talk:
                    print "setting",tr_wf.name,"to staging"
Example #16
def stagor(url,specific =None, options=None):
    if not componentInfo().check(): return
    SI = siteInfo()
    CI = campaignInfo()
    UC = unifiedConfiguration()

    done_by_wf_id = {}
    done_by_input = {}
    completion_by_input = {}
    good_enough = 100.0
    lost_blocks = json.loads(open('%s/lost_blocks_datasets.json'%monitor_dir).read())
    lost_files = json.loads(open('%s/lost_files_datasets.json'%monitor_dir).read())
    known_lost_blocks = {}
    known_lost_files = {}
    for dataset in set(lost_blocks.keys()+lost_files.keys()):
        b,f = findLostBlocksFiles(url, dataset)
        if dataset in lost_blocks and not b:
            print dataset,"has no really lost blocks"
            known_lost_blocks[dataset] = [i['name'] for i in b]

        if dataset in lost_files and not f: 
            print dataset,"has no really lost files"
            known_lost_files[dataset] = [i['name'] for i in f]

        cached_transfer_statuses = json.loads(open('cached_transfer_statuses.json').read())
        print "inexisting transfer statuses. starting fresh"
        cached_transfer_statuses = {}

    transfer_statuses = {}

    ## pop all that are now in negative values
    for phedexid in cached_transfer_statuses.keys():
        transfers = session.query(Transfer).filter(Transfer.phedexid==int(phedexid)).all()
        if not transfers:
            print phedexid,"does not look relevant to be in cache anymore. poping"
            print cached_transfer_statuses.pop( phedexid )

    ## collect all datasets that are needed for wf in staging, correcting the status of those that are not really in staging
    wfois = []
    needs = defaultdict(list)
    for wfo in session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.status == 'staging').all():
        wfi = workflowInfo(url, wfo.name)
        if wfi.request['RequestStatus'] in ['running-open','running-closed','completed','assigned','acquired']:
            wfi.sendLog('stagor', "is in status %s"%wfi.request['RequestStatus'])
        if not wfi.request['RequestStatus'] in ['assignment-approved']:
            ## should be setting 'away' too
            print wfo.name,"is",wfi.request['RequestStatus']
            sendEmail("wrong status in staging. debug","%s is in %s, should set away."%(wfo.name,wfi.request['RequestStatus']))
        wfois.append( (wfo,wfi) )            
        _,primaries,_,secondaries = wfi.getIO()
        for dataset in list(primaries)+list(secondaries):
            needs[wfo.name].append( dataset)
            done_by_input[dataset] = {}
            completion_by_input[dataset] = {}
            wfi.sendLog('stagor', '%s needs %s'%( wfo.name, dataset))

    open('%s/dataset_requirements.json'%monitor_dir,'w').write( json.dumps( needs, indent=2))

    dataset_endpoints = defaultdict(set)
    endpoint_in_downtime = defaultdict(set)
    #endpoint_completed = defaultdict(set)
    endpoint_incompleted = defaultdict(set)
    #endpoint = defaultdict(set)
    send_back_to_considered = set()
    ## phedexid are set negative when not relevant anymore
    # probably there is a db schema that would allow much faster and simpler query
    for transfer in session.query(Transfer).filter(Transfer.phedexid>0).all():
        if specific  and str(transfer.phedexid)!=str(specific): continue

        for wfid in transfer.workflows_id:
            tr_wf = session.query(Workflow).get(wfid)
            if tr_wf: 
                if tr_wf.status == 'staging':
                    sendLog('stagor',"\t%s is staging for %s"%(transfer.phedexid, tr_wf.name))

        if skip: 
            sendLog('stagor',"setting %s to negative value"%transfer.phedexid)
            transfer.phedexid = -transfer.phedexid
        if transfer.phedexid<0: continue

        ## check the status of transfers
        checks = checkTransferApproval(url,  transfer.phedexid)
        approved = all(checks.values())
        if not approved:
            sendLog('stagor', "%s is not yet approved"%transfer.phedexid)
            approveSubscription(url, transfer.phedexid)

        ## check on transfer completion
        if str(transfer.phedexid) in cached_transfer_statuses:
            ### use a cache for transfer that already looked done
            sendLog('stagor',"read %s from cache"%transfer.phedexid)
            checks = cached_transfer_statuses[str(transfer.phedexid)]
            checks = checkTransferStatus(url, transfer.phedexid, nocollapse=True)
        ## just write this out
        transfer_statuses[str(transfer.phedexid)] = copy.deepcopy(checks)

        if not specific:
            for dsname in checks:
                if not dsname in done_by_input: done_by_input[dsname]={}
                if not dsname in completion_by_input: completion_by_input[dsname] = {}
                done_by_input[dsname][transfer.phedexid]=all(map(lambda i:i>=good_enough, checks[dsname].values()))
        if checks:
            sendLog('stagor',"Checks for %s are %s"%( transfer.phedexid, [node.values() for node in checks.values()]))
            done = all(map(lambda i:i>=good_enough,list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([node.values() for node in checks.values()]))))
            ## it is empty, is that a sign that all is done and away ?
            print "ERROR with the scubscriptions API of ",transfer.phedexid
            print "Most likely something else is overiding the transfer request. Need to work on finding the replacement automatically, if the replacement exists"
            done = False

        ## the thing above is NOT giving the right number
        #done = False

        for wfid in transfer.workflows_id:
            tr_wf = session.query(Workflow).get(wfid)
            if tr_wf:# and tr_wf.status == 'staging':  
                if not tr_wf.id in done_by_wf_id: done_by_wf_id[tr_wf.id]={}
            ## for those that are in staging, and the destination site is in drain
            #if not done and tr_wf.status == 'staging':

        for ds in checks:
            for s,v in checks[ds].items():
                dataset_endpoints[ds].add( s )

        if done:
            ## transfer.status = 'done'
            sendLog('stagor',"%s is done"%transfer.phedexid)
            cached_transfer_statuses[str(transfer.phedexid)] = copy.deepcopy(checks)
            sendLog('stagor',"%s is not finished %s"%(transfer.phedexid, pprint.pformat( checks )))
            pprint.pprint( checks )
            ## check if the destination is in down-time
            for ds in checks:
                sites_incomplete = [SI.SE_to_CE(s) for s,v in checks[ds].items() if v<good_enough]
                sites_incomplete_down = [s for s in sites_incomplete if not s in SI.sites_ready]
                if sites_incomplete_down:
                    sendLog('stagor',"%s are in downtime, while waiting for %s to get there"%( ",".join(sites_incomplete_down), ds))
                #sites_complete = [SI.SE_to_CE(s) for s,v in checks[ds].items() if v>=good_enough]
                #endpoint[ds].update( sites_complete )
                #endpoint[ds].update( sites_incomplete )
                #endpoint_completed[ds].update( sites_complete )
                endpoint_incompleted[ds].update( sites_incomplete )
                endpoint_in_downtime[ds].update( sites_incomplete_down )

    print "End point in down time"
    for k in endpoint_in_downtime: endpoint_in_downtime[k] = list(endpoint_in_downtime[k])
    for k in dataset_endpoints: dataset_endpoints[k] = list(dataset_endpoints[k])
    print json.dumps( endpoint_in_downtime , indent=2)

    open('cached_transfer_statuses.json','w').write( json.dumps( cached_transfer_statuses, indent=2))
    open('%s/transfer_statuses.json'%monitor_dir,'w').write( json.dumps( transfer_statuses, indent=2))
    open('%s/dataset_endpoints.json'%monitor_dir,'w').write( json.dumps(dataset_endpoints, indent=2))

    already_stuck = json.loads( open('%s/stuck_transfers.json'%monitor_dir).read() )
    missing_in_action = defaultdict(list)

    print "-"*10,"Checking on workflows in staging","-"*10
    #forget_about = ['/MinBias_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-pythia8/RunIISummer15GS-MCRUN2_71_V1-v2/GEN-SIM']
    #for what in forget_about:
    #    if not done_by_input[what]:
    #        done_by_input[what] = {'fake':True}

    ## come back to workflows and check if they can go
    available_cache = defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(float))
    presence_cache = defaultdict(dict)
    for wfo,wfi in wfois:
        print "#"*30
        ## the site white list takes site, campaign, memory and core information
        (_,primaries,_,secondaries,sites_allowed) = wfi.getSiteWhiteList(verbose=False)
        se_allowed = [SI.CE_to_SE(site) for site in sites_allowed]
        se_allowed_key = ','.join(se_allowed)
        for need in list(primaries)+list(secondaries):
            if not need in done_by_input:
                wfi.sendLog('stagor',"missing transfer report for %s"%need)
                readys[need] = False      
                ## should warn someone about this !!!
                ## it cannot happen, by construction
                sendEmail('missing transfer report','%s does not have a transfer report'%(need))

            if not done_by_input[need] and need in list(secondaries):
                wfi.sendLog('stagor',"assuming it is OK for secondary %s to have no attached transfers"% need)
                readys[need] = True
                done_by_input[need] = { "fake" : True }

            if len(done_by_input[need]) and all(done_by_input[need].values()):
                wfi.sendLog('stagor',"%s is ready"%need)
                print json.dumps( done_by_input[need] , indent=2)
                readys[need] = True
                wfi.sendLog('stagor',"%s is not ready"%need)
                print json.dumps( done_by_input[need] , indent=2)
                readys[need] = False

        if readys and all(readys.values()):
            if wfo.status == 'staging':
                wfi.sendLog('stagor',"all needs are fullfilled, setting staged")
                wfo.status = 'staged'
                wfi.sendLog('stagor',"all needs are fullfilled, already")
                print json.dumps( readys, indent=2 )
            wfi.sendLog('stagor',"missing requirements")
            copies_needed,_ = wfi.getNCopies()
            jump_ahead = False
            re_transfer = False
            ## there is missing input let's do something more elaborated
            for need in list(primaries):#+list(secondaries):
                if endpoint_in_downtime[need] == endpoint_incompleted[need]:
                    #print need,"is going to an end point in downtime"
                    wfi.sendLog('stagor',"%s has only incomplete endpoint in downtime"%need)

                if not se_allowed_key in available_cache[need]:
                    available_cache[need][se_allowed_key]  = getDatasetBlocksFraction( url , need, sites=se_allowed )
                    if available_cache[need][se_allowed_key] >= copies_needed:
                        wfi.sendLog('stagor',"assuming it is OK to move on like this already for %s"%need)
                        jump_ahead = True

            ## compute a time since staging to filter jump starting ?                    
            # check whether the inputs is already in the stuck list ...
            for need in list(primaries)+list(secondaries):
                if need in already_stuck: 
                    wfi.sendLog('stagor',"%s is stuck, so try to jump ahead"%need)
                    jump_ahead = True
            if jump_ahead or re_transfer:
                details_text = "checking on availability for %s to jump ahead"%wfo.name
                details_text += '\n%s wants %s copies'%(wfo.name,copies_needed)
                copies_needed = max(1,copies_needed-1)
                details_text += '\nlowering by one unit to %s'%copies_needed
                wfi.sendLog('stagor', details_text)
                all_check = True
                prim_where = set()
                for need in list(primaries):
                    if not se_allowed_key in presence_cache[need]:
                        presence_cache[need][se_allowed_key] = getDatasetPresence( url, need , within_sites=se_allowed)
                    presence = presence_cache[need][se_allowed_key]
                    prim_where.update( presence.keys() )
                    available = available_cache[need][se_allowed_key]
                    this_check = (available >= copies_needed)
                    wfi.sendLog('stagor', "%s is available %s times %s"%( need, available, this_check))
                    all_check &= this_check
                    if not all_check: break

                for need in list(secondaries):
                    ## I do not want to check on the secon
                    this_check = all(done_by_input[need].values())
                    wfi.sendLog('stagor',"%s is all transfered %s"%(need, json.dumps(done_by_input[need], indent=2)))
                    all_check&= this_check
                    #if not se_allowed_key in presence_cache[need]:
                    #    presence_cache[need][se_allowed_key] = getDatasetPresence( url, need , within_sites=se_allowed)

                    ## restrict to where the primary is
                    #presence = dict([(k,v) for (k,v) in presence_cache[need][se_allowed_key].items() if k in prim_where])
                    #this_check = all([there for (there,frac) in presence.values()])
                    #print need,"is present at all sites:",this_check
                    #all_check&= this_check

                if all_check:    
                    wfi.sendLog('stagor',"needs are sufficiently fullfilled, setting staged")
                    wfo.status = 'staged'
                    print wfo.name,"has to wait a bit more"
                    wfi.sendLog('stagor',"needs to wait a bit more")
                wfi.sendLog('stagor',"not checking availability")
            if re_transfer:
                wfi.sendLog('stagor',"Sending back to considered because of endpoint in downtime")
                if wfo.status == 'staging':
                    wfo.status = 'considered'
                    send_back_to_considered.add( wfo.name )

    if send_back_to_considered:
        #sendEmail("transfer to endpoint in downtime","sending back to considered the following workflows \n%s"%('\n'.join( send_back_to_considered)))
        sendLog('stagor', "sending back to considered the following workflows \n%s"%('\n'.join( send_back_to_considered)), level='critical')

    print "-"*10,"Checking on non-available datasets","-"*10    
    ## now check on those that are not fully available
    for dsname in available_cache.keys():
        ## squash the se_allowed_key key
        available_cache[dsname] = min( available_cache[dsname].values() )
    for dsname,available in available_cache.items():
        using_its = getWorkflowByInput(url, dsname)
        #print using_its
        using_wfos = []
        for using_it in using_its:
            wf = session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.name == using_it).first()
            if wf:
                using_wfos.append( wf )

        if not len(done_by_input[dsname]):
            print "For dataset",dsname,"there are no transfer report. That's an issue."
            for wf in using_wfos:
                if wf.status == 'staging':
                    if UC.get("stagor_sends_back"):
                        print "sending",wf.name,"back to considered"
                        wf.status = 'considered'
                        #sendEmail( "send back to considered","%s was send back and might be trouble"% wf.name)
                        sendLog('stagor', "%s was send back and might be trouble"% wf.name, level='critical')
                        print "would send",wf.name,"back to considered"
                        #sendEmail( "subscription lagging behind","susbscriptions to get %s running are not appearing in phedex. I would have send it back to considered but that's not good."% wf.name)
                        sendLog('stagor', "susbscriptions to get %s running are not appearing in phedex. I would have send it back to considered but that's not good."% wf.name, level='critical')

        ## not compatible with checking on secondary availability
        #if all([wf.status != 'staging' for wf in using_wfos]):
        #    ## means despite all checks that input is not needed
        #    continue

        if available < 1.:
            print "incomplete",dsname
            ## there is a problem in the method below that it does not account for files stuck in T1*Buffer only
            lost_blocks,lost_files = findLostBlocksFiles( url, dsname )
            lost_block_names = [item['name'] for item in lost_blocks]
            lost_file_names = [item['name'] for item in lost_files]

            if lost_blocks:
                #print json.dumps( lost , indent=2 )
                ## estimate for how much !
                fraction_loss,_,n_missing = getDatasetBlockFraction(dsname, lost_block_names)
                print "We have lost",len(lost_block_names),"blocks",lost_block_names,"for %f%%"%(100.*fraction_loss)
                if fraction_loss > 0.05: ## 95% completion mark
                    #sendEmail('we have lost too many blocks','%s is missing %d blocks, for %d events, %f %% loss'%(dsname, len(lost_block_names), n_missing, fraction_loss))
                    sendLog('stagor', '%s is missing %d blocks, for %d events, %3.2f %% loss'%(dsname, len(lost_block_names), n_missing, 100*fraction_loss), level='warning')
                    ## the workflow should be rejected !
                    for wf in using_wfos: 
                        if wf.status == 'staging':
                            print wf.name,"is doomed. setting to trouble"
                            wf.status = 'trouble'
                            #sendEmail('doomed workflow','%s has too much loss on the input dataset %s. please check on stagor logs https://cmst2.web.cern.ch/cmst2/unified/logs/stagor/last.log'%(wf.name, dsname))
                            sendLog('stagor', '%s has too much loss on the input dataset %s. Missing  %d blocks, for %d events, %3.2f %% loss'%(wf.name, dsname, len(lost_block_names), n_missing, 100*fraction_loss), level='critical')
                    ## probably enough to make a ggus and remove
                    if not dsname in known_lost_blocks:
                        #sendEmail('we have lost a few blocks', '%s is missing %d blocks, for %d events, %f %% loss\n\n%s'%(dsname, len(lost_block_names), n_missing, fraction_loss, '\n'.join( lost_block_names ) ))
                        sendLog('stagor', '%s is missing %d blocks, for %d events, %f %% loss\n\n%s'%(dsname, len(lost_block_names), n_missing, fraction_loss, '\n'.join( lost_block_names ) ), level='critical')
                        known_lost_blocks[dsname] = [i['name'] for i in lost_blocks]
            if lost_files:
                fraction_loss,_,n_missing = getDatasetFileFraction(dsname, lost_file_names)
                print "We have lost",len(lost_file_names),"files",lost_file_names,"for %f%%"%fraction_loss
                if fraction_loss > 0.05:
                    #sendEmail('we have lost too many files','%s is missing %d files, for %d events, %f %% loss'%(dsname, len(lost_file_names),n_missing, fraction_loss))
                    sendLog('stagor', '%s is missing %d files, for %d events, %f %% loss'%(dsname, len(lost_file_names),n_missing, fraction_loss), level='critical')
                    for wf in using_wfos:
                        if wf.status == 'staging':
                            print wf.name,"is doomed. setting to trouble"
                            wf.status = 'trouble'
                    ## probably enough to make a ggus and remove    
                    if not dsname in known_lost_files:
                        #sendEmail('we have lost a few files','%s is missing %d files, for %d events, %f %% loss\n\n%s'%(dsname, len(lost_file_names),n_missing, fraction_loss, '\n'.join(lost_file_names)))
                        sendLog('stagor', '%s is missing %d files, for %d events, %f %% loss\n\n%s'%(dsname, len(lost_file_names),n_missing, fraction_loss, '\n'.join(lost_file_names)), level='critical')
                        known_lost_files[dsname] = [i['name'] for i in lost_files]

                ## should the status be change to held-staging and pending on a ticket

            missings = [pid for (pid,d) in done_by_input[dsname].items() if d==False] 
            print "\t",done_by_input[dsname]
            print "\tneeds",len(done_by_input[dsname])
            print "\tgot",done_by_input[dsname].values().count(True)
            print "\tmissing",missings
            missing_in_action[dsname].extend( missings )

    rr= open('%s/lost_blocks_datasets.json'%monitor_dir,'w')
    rr.write( json.dumps( known_lost_blocks, indent=2))

    rr= open('%s/lost_files_datasets.json'%monitor_dir,'w')
    rr.write( json.dumps( known_lost_files, indent=2))

    open('%s/incomplete_transfers.json'%monitor_dir,'w').write( json.dumps(missing_in_action, indent=2) )
    print "Stuck transfers and datasets"
    print json.dumps( missing_in_action, indent=2 )

    print "Going further and make a report of stuck transfers"

    datasets_by_phid = defaultdict(set)
    for dataset in missing_in_action:
        for phid in missing_in_action[dataset]:
            #print dataset,"stuck through",phid
            datasets_by_phid[phid].add( dataset )

    bad_destinations = defaultdict(set)
    bad_sources = defaultdict(set)
    report = ""
    really_stuck_dataset = set()
    transfer_timeout = UC.get("transfer_timeout")
    transfer_lowrate = UC.get("transfer_lowrate")
    for phid,datasets in datasets_by_phid.items():
        issues = checkTransferLag( url, phid , datasets=list(datasets) )
        for dataset in issues:
            for block in issues[dataset]:
                for destination in issues[dataset][block]:
                    (block_size,destination_size,delay,rate,dones) = issues[dataset][block][destination]
                    ## count x_Buffer and x_MSS as one source
                    for d in dones:
                        if d.endswith('Buffer') or d.endswith('Export'):
                            if d.replace('Buffer','MSS').replace('Export','MSS') in dones: 
                                redones.append( d )
                            redones.append( d )
                    dones = list(set( redones ))
                    #dones = filter(lambda s : (s.endswith('Buffer') and not s.replace('Buffer','MSS') in dones) or (not s.endswith('Buffer')) , dones)
                    if delay>transfer_timeout and rate<transfer_lowrate:
                        if len(dones)>1:
                            ## its the destination that sucks
                            bad_destinations[destination].add( block )
                            dum=[bad_sources[d].add( block ) for d in dones]
                        really_stuck_dataset.add( dataset )
                        print "add",dataset,"to really stuck"
                        report += "%s is not getting to %s, out of %s faster than %f [GB/s] since %f [d]\n"%(block,destination,", ".join(dones), rate, delay)
    print "\n"*2

    ## create tickets right away ?
    report+="\nbad sources "+",".join(bad_sources.keys())+"\n"
    for site,blocks in bad_sources.items():
    report+="\nbad destinations "+",".join(bad_destinations.keys())+"\n"
    for site,blocks in bad_destinations.items():

    print '\n'*2,"Datasets really stuck"
    print '\n'.join( really_stuck_dataset )

    print '\n'*2,"report written at https://cmst2.web.cern.ch/cmst2/unified/logs/incomplete_transfers.log"
    print report

    stuck_transfers = dict([(k,v) for (k,v) in missing_in_action.items() if k in really_stuck_dataset])
    print '\n'*2,'Stuck dataset transfers'
    print json.dumps(stuck_transfers , indent=2)
    open('%s/stuck_transfers.json'%monitor_dir,'w').write( json.dumps(stuck_transfers , indent=2) )
    open('%s/logs/incomplete_transfers.log'%monitor_dir,'w').write( report )
Example #17
def outcleanor(url, options):

    if options.approve:
        for user in ['*Vlimant']:#,'*Cremonesi']:
            deletes = listDelete( url , user = user)
            for (site,who,tid) in deletes:
                if 'MSS' in site: continue### ever
                print site,who,tid
                print "approving deletion"
                print approveSubscription(url, tid, nodes = [site], comments = 'Production cleaning by data ops')


    sites_and_datasets = defaultdict(list)
    our_copies = defaultdict(list)
    wf_cleaned = {}
    wfs = []
    for fetch in options.fetch.split(','):

    random.shuffle( wfs )
    last_answer = None
    for wfo in wfs :
        if options.number and len(wf_cleaned)>= options.number:
            print "Reached",options.number,"cleaned"
        print '-'*100
        wfi = workflowInfo(url, wfo.name)
        goes = {} # boolean per output
        for dataset in wfi.request['OutputDatasets']:
            goes[dataset] = False
            keep_one_out = True
            status = getDatasetStatus( dataset )
            print "\n\tLooking at",dataset,status,"\n"
            vetoes = None
            if status == 'INVALID':
                vetoes = ['Export','Buffer'] ## can take themselves out
                keep_one_out = False # just wipe clean

            elif status == None:
                print dataset,"actually does not exist. skip"
                goes[dataset] = True

            elif status in ['PRODUCTION','VALID'] and wfo.status in ['forget','trouble']:
                print dataset,"should probably be invalidated. (",wfo.status,") skip"
                keep_one_out = False # just wipe clean
                continue ## you are not sure. just skip it for the time being

            elif status == 'PRODUCTION' and wfo.status in ['clean']:
                print dataset,"should probably be set valid .skip"
                continue ## you are not sure. just skip it for the time being

            if status == 'VALID' and dataset.startswith('/MinBias'):
                print "This is a /MinBias. skip"

            if '/DQM' in dataset:
                keep_one_out = False

            total_size = getDatasetSize( dataset )
            our_presence = getDatasetPresence(url, dataset, complete=None, group="DataOps", vetoes=vetoes)
            also_our_presence = getDatasetPresence(url, dataset, complete=None, group="", vetoes=vetoes)
            ## merge in one unique dict
            for site in also_our_presence:
                if site in our_presence:
                    there,frac = our_presence[site]
                    other,ofrac = also_our_presence[site]
                    our_presence[site] = (max(there,other),max(frac,ofrac))
                    our_presence[site] = also_our_presence[site]
            if our_presence: print our_presence

            ## analysis ops copies need to be taken into account
            anaops_presence = getDatasetPresence(url, dataset, complete=None, group="AnalysisOps")
            own_by_anaops = anaops_presence.keys()
            ## all our copies
            to_be_cleaned = our_presence.keys()
            if not len(to_be_cleaned):
                print "nowhere to be found of ours,",len(own_by_anaops),"in analysi ops pool"
                goes[dataset] = True

            print "Where we own bits of dataset"
            print to_be_cleaned

            if len(own_by_anaops):
                ## remove site with the anaops copies
                to_be_cleaned = list(set(to_be_cleaned) - set(own_by_anaops))
                keep_one_out = False ## in that case, just remove our copies
                print "Own by anaops (therefore not keep a copy of ours)"
                print own_by_anaops
                ## we should not be looking at anything that was not passed to DDM, otherwise we'll be cutting the grass under our feet
                using_the_same = getWorkflowByInput(url, dataset, details=True)
                conflict = False
                for other in using_the_same:
                    if other['RequestName'] == wfo.name: continue
                    if other['RequestType'] == 'Resubmission': continue
                    if not other['RequestStatus'] in ['announced','normal-archived','aborted','rejected','aborted-archived','rejected-archived','closed-out','None',None]:
                        print other['RequestName'],'is in status',other['RequestStatus'],'preventing from cleaning',dataset
                if conflict:

                ## not being used. a bit less dangerous to clean-out
                ## keep one full copy out there
                full_copies = [site for (site,(there,fract)) in our_presence.items() if there]
                if keep_one_out:
                    if not len(full_copies):
                        print "we do not own a full copy of",dataset,status,wfo.status,".skip"
                    stay_there = random.choice( full_copies ) #at a place own by ops
                    print "Where we keep a full copy", stay_there
                    to_be_cleaned.remove( stay_there )
                    our_copies[stay_there].append( dataset )
                    print "We do not want to keep a copy of ",dataset,status,wfo.status

            if len(to_be_cleaned):
                print "Where we can clean"
                print to_be_cleaned
                for site in to_be_cleaned:
                    sites_and_datasets[site].append( (dataset, total_size*our_presence[site][1]/100., status) )
                goes[dataset] = True
                print "no cleaning to be done"
                goes[dataset] = True

        print wfo.name,"scrutinized"
        if all(goes.values()):
            print "\t",wfo.name,"can toggle -out"
        def ask():
            global last_answer
            last_answer = raw_input('go on ?')
            return last_answer
        if options.auto or ask() in ['y','']:
            if all(goes.values()):
                wfo.status = wfo.status+'-out'
                wf_cleaned[wfo.name] = wfo.status
        elif last_answer in ['q','n']:

    if options.auto:
    elif last_answer in ['q']:

    print "Potential cleanups"
    for (site,items) in sites_and_datasets.items():
        cleanup = sum([size for (_,size,_) in items])
        print "\n\t potential cleanup of","%8.4f"%cleanup,"GB at ",site
        print "\n".join([ds+" "+st for ds,_,st in items])
        datasets = [ ds for ds,_,st in items]

    print "Copies and bits we are going to delete"
    print json.dumps( sites_and_datasets, indent=2)

    print "Copies we are keeping"
    print json.dumps( our_copies, indent=2 )     

    print "Workflows cleaned for output"
    print json.dumps( wf_cleaned, indent=2 )
    stamp = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime())
    open('outcleaning_%s.json'%stamp,'w').write( json.dumps( sites_and_datasets, indent=2))
    open('keepcopies_%s.json'%stamp,'w').write( json.dumps( our_copies, indent=2))
    open('wfcleanout_%s.json'%stamp,'w').write( json.dumps( wf_cleaned, indent=2))

    if (not options.test) and (options.auto or raw_input("Satisfied ? (y will trigger status change and deletion requests)") in ['y']):
        for (site,items) in sites_and_datasets.items():
            datasets = [ ds for ds,_,st in items]
            print "making deletion to",site
            result = makeDeleteRequest(url, site, datasets, "Cleanup output after production. DataOps will take care of approving it.")
            print result
            ## approve it right away ?
            if 'MSS' in site: continue
            if 'Export' in site: continue
            if 'Buffer' in site: continue
            for did in [item['id'] for item in result['phedex']['request_created']]:
                print "auto-approve disabled, but ready"
                #approveSubscription(url, did, nodes = [site], comments = 'Auto-approving production cleaning deletion')
        print "Not making the deletion and changing statuses"
Example #18
def stagor(url,specific =None, good_enough = 99.9):
    done_by_wf_id = {}
    done_by_input = {}
    for transfer in session.query(Transfer).all():
        if specific  and str(transfer.phedexid)!=str(specific): continue

        for wfid in transfer.workflows_id:
            tr_wf = session.query(Workflow).get(wfid)
            if tr_wf: 
                if tr_wf.status == 'staging':

        if skip: continue
        if transfer.phedexid<0: continue

        ## check the status of transfers
        checks = checkTransferApproval(url,  transfer.phedexid)
        approved = all(checks.values())
        if not approved:
            print transfer.phedexid,"is not yet approved"
            approveSubscription(url, transfer.phedexid)

        ## check on transfer completion
        checks = checkTransferStatus(url, transfer.phedexid)

        if not specific:
            for dsname in checks:
                if not dsname in done_by_input: done_by_input[dsname]={}
                done_by_input[dsname][transfer.phedexid]=all(map(lambda i:i>good_enough, checks[dsname].values()))
        if checks:
            done = all(map(lambda i:i>good_enough,list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([node.values() for node in checks.values()]))))
            ## it is empty, is that a sign that all is done and away ?
            print "ERROR with the scubscriptions API"
            done = False

        ## the thing above is NOT giving the right number
        #done = False

        for wfid in transfer.workflows_id:
            tr_wf = session.query(Workflow).get(wfid)
            if tr_wf:# and tr_wf.status == 'staging':  
                if not tr_wf.id in done_by_wf_id: done_by_wf_id[tr_wf.id]={}

        if done:
            ## transfer.status = 'done'
            print transfer.phedexid,"is done"
            print transfer.phedexid,"not finished"
            pprint.pprint( checks )

    #print done_by_input
    print "\n----\n"
    for dsname in done_by_input:
        if all(done_by_input[dsname].values()):
            print dsname,"is everywhere we wanted"
            ## the input dataset is fully transfered, should consider setting the corresponding wf to staged
            using_its = getWorkflowByInput(url, dsname)
            #print using_its
            for using_it in using_its:
                wf = session.query(Workflow).filter(Workflow.name == using_it).first()
                if wf and wf.status == 'staging':
                    print wf.name,"is with us. setting staged and move on"
                    wf.status = 'staged'
            print dsname,done_by_input[dsname]

    for wfid in done_by_wf_id:
        #print done_by_wf_id[wfid].values()
        ## ask that all related transfer get into a valid state
        if all(done_by_wf_id[wfid].values()):