def interpolate(self, interpdf, output_path, generate_plots= True, format= 'csv'): """ Function that makes Kringe interpolation on the preprocessed wl data. Inputs: format: 'csv' : generates csv files in folder output_path/csv_files 'tif': generates tif files in folder output_path/tif_files """ # Get raster of Wadden Sea extent, dims, crs, ws = utils.get_raster_wadden_sea() # grid to make interpolation on x= np.linspace(extent[0], extent[2], dims[0]) y = np.linspace(extent[1],extent[3], dims[1]) # For each date, make an interpolation using data, on grid x,y #for row in range(interpdf.shape[0]): for row in [0]: print('Interpolating data at index %d ...'%row) date= interpdf.loc[row,'date'] no_obs = int(len(interpdf.iloc[row, 1:].dropna().values)/3.) data = interpdf.iloc[row, 1:].dropna().values.reshape(no_obs, 3) # Do the linear interpolation UK = OrdinaryKriging(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model='power', coordinates_type= 'euclidean', verbose= False, enable_plotting= False) # kriged points and the variance. z, ss = UK.execute('grid',x,y) watlev =*ws watlev1 = np.where(watlev !=0, watlev, np.nan) if (format == 'tif'): #Convert array to raster. opath= os.path.join(output_path,'tif_files/') if not os.path.exists(opath): os.makedirs(opath) utils.array2raster(463, extent[0], extent[3], crs, watlev, opath, raster_name= 'wl_%d-%02d-%02d.tif'%(date.year,date.month, ) if (format== 'csv'): opath= os.path.join(output_path,'csv_files/') if not os.path.exists(opath): os.makedirs(opath) table= utils.arraytocsv(watlev1, dims[0], dims[1]) table.rename(columns={'value': 'water_level'}, inplace= True) table.to_csv(opath+'wl_%d-%02d-%02d.csv'%(date.year,date.month,, index= False) #Create plot if true: if (generate_plots): path= os.path.join(output_path, 'plots/') if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) self.plotting(path, watlev1, interpdf.loc[row,'date'] , ofilename= '%05d.png'%row)
def save_images(fetches, step=None): image_dir = os.path.join(a.output_dir, "images") if not os.path.exists(image_dir): os.makedirs(image_dir) for i, in_path in enumerate(fetches["imnames"]): name, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(in_path.decode("utf8"))) for kind in ["inputs1", "inputs2", "outputs", "targets"]: filename = name + "-" + kind + ".tif" if step is not None: filename = "%08d-%s" % (step, filename) out_path = os.path.join(image_dir, filename) contents = fetches[kind][i] if kind is "targets": array2raster(out_path, [0, 0], 200, 200, contents.transpose(2, 0, 1), 4) elif kind is "outputs": array2raster(out_path, [0, 0], 800, 800, contents.reshape(800, 800, 4).transpose(2, 0, 1), 4) elif kind is "inputs1": array2raster(out_path, [0, 0], 800, 800, contents.reshape(800, 800, 4).transpose(2, 0, 1), 4) else: array2raster(out_path, [0, 0], 800, 800, contents.reshape(800, 800), 1)
def test_rast2array2rast(self): ds = gdal.Open(self.template_fn) array = utils.ds2array(ds) self.assertEquals(array.shape, (45, 54)) rast_fn = utils.array2raster(array, self.template_fn) self.assertEqual(rast_fn, '/tmp/output_dummy_single_band.tif') os.remove(rast_fn)
def save_images(fetches, step=None): image_dir = os.path.join(a.output_dir, "images") if not os.path.exists(image_dir): os.makedirs(image_dir) for i in range((fetches["outputs_1"].shape[0])): name = '%d' % i for kind in ["outputs", "targets"]: if a.mode == "train": filename = "train-" + name + "-" + kind + ".tif" if step is not None: filename = "%08d-%s" % (step, filename) else: name = '%d' % (i + a.batch_size * step) filename = "test-" + name + "-" + kind + ".tif" out_path = os.path.join(image_dir, filename) contents = fetches[kind][i] if kind in ["outputs", "targets"]: array2raster(out_path, [0, 0], 128, 128, contents.transpose(2, 0, 1), 4)
def test_array2raster_invalid_dim(self): ds = gdal.Open(self.template_fn) array = utils.ds2array(ds) utils.array2raster(array.transpose(), self.template_fn)
} } test_cnt = { 32: { "QB": 486, "GF-2": 3965, "QB_origin": 486, "GF-2_origin": 3965 }, 64: { "QB": 117, "GF-2": 960, "QB_origin": 117, "GF-2_origin": 960 } } cnt = train_cnt[blk][satellite] if mode == 'train' else test_cnt[blk][ satellite] dataDir = '/data/zh/PSData/Dataset/%s/%s_%d' % (satellite, mode, blk) rasterOrigin = (-123.25745, 45.43013) for num in range(cnt): dt_pan = gdal.Open('%s/%d_pan.tif' % (dataDir, num)).ReadAsArray() dt_pan_d = cv2.resize(cv2.resize(dt_pan, (blk, blk)), (blk * 4, blk * 4)) array2raster('%s/%d_pan_d.tif' % (dataDir, num), rasterOrigin, 2.4, 2.4, dt_pan_d, 1) print("done")
def interpolate(self, generate_plots=True, format='csv'): """ Function that makes Kringe interpolation on the concatenated surge data. Inputs: format: 'csv' : generates csv files in folder output_path/csv_files 'tif': generates tif files in folder output_path/tif_files """ # Get the surge in format: date| x1|y1|wl1|...|xn|yn|wln| surgedf = self.concat_surge_tables() # Get raster of Wadden Sea extent, dims, crs, ws = utils.get_raster_wadden_sea() # grid to make interpolation on x = np.linspace(extent[0], extent[2], dims[0]) y = np.linspace(extent[1], extent[3], dims[1]) # For each date, make an interpolation using data, on grid x,y #for index, row in surgedf.iterrows(): # date= row['date'] #for row in [0]: for row in range(surgedf.shape[0]): print('Interpolating data at index %d ...' % row) date = surgedf.loc[row, 'date'] no_obs = int(len(surgedf.iloc[row, 1:].dropna().values) / 3.) data = surgedf.iloc[row, 1:].dropna().values.reshape(no_obs, 3) # Do the linear interpolation UK = OrdinaryKriging(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model='power', coordinates_type='euclidean', verbose=False, enable_plotting=False) # kriged points and the variance. z, ss = UK.execute('grid', x, y) surge = * ws # To get the surge in points inside Wadden and not in the whole bbox surge1 = np.where(surge != 0, surge, np.nan) if (format == 'tif'): #Convert array to raster. opath = os.path.join(self.opath, 'tif_files/') if not os.path.exists(opath): os.makedirs(opath) utils.array2raster(463, extent[0], extent[3], crs, surge, opath, raster_name='surge_%d-%02d-%02d.tif' % (date.year, date.month, if (format == 'csv'): opath = os.path.join(self.opath, 'csv_files/') if not os.path.exists(opath): os.makedirs(opath) table = utils.arraytocsv(surge1, dims[0], dims[1]) table.rename(columns={'value': 'surge'}, inplace=True) table.to_csv(opath + 'surge_%d-%02d-%02d.csv' % (date.year, date.month,, index=False) if (generate_plots): path = os.path.join(self.opath, 'plots/') if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) self.plotting(path, surge1, surgedf.loc[row, 'date'], ofilename='%05d.png' % row)
h, w = rawMul.shape[:2] h = h // 4 * 4 w = w // 4 * 4 imgMul = cv2.resize(rawMul, (w, h)) imgLR = cv2.resize(imgMul, (w // 4, h // 4)) imgLR_U = cv2.resize(imgLR, (w, h)) imgPan = cv2.resize(rawPan, (w, h)) imgPan_D = upsample(downsample(imgPan)) imgMul = imgMul.transpose(2, 0, 1) imgLR = imgLR.transpose(2, 0, 1) imgLR_U = imgLR_U.transpose(2, 0, 1) array2raster(newMul, rasterOrigin, 2.4, 2.4, imgMul, 4) # mul array2raster(newLR_U, rasterOrigin, 2.4, 2.4, imgLR_U, 4) # lr_u array2raster(newLR, rasterOrigin, 2.4, 2.4, imgLR, 4) # lr array2raster(newPan, rasterOrigin, 2.4, 2.4, imgPan, 1) # pan array2raster(newPan_D, rasterOrigin, 2.4, 2.4, imgPan_D, 1) # pan_d print('mul:', imgMul.shape, ' lr_u:', imgLR_U.shape, ' lr:', imgLR.shape, ' pan:', imgPan.shape, ' pan_d:', imgPan_D.shape) print('done%s' % i) # origin # MUL(crop 1/4) -> mul_o(1), mul_o_u(1*4) # PAN(crop 1/4) -> pan_o(1), pan_o_d(1/4*4) for i in imagesIndex2: newMul_o = '%s/Dataset/%s/%d_mul_o.tif' % (dataDir, satellite, i) newMul_o_u = '%s/Dataset/%s/%d_mul_o_u.tif' % (dataDir, satellite, i)
img_mul = dt_mul.ReadAsArray() # (c, h, w) img_lr = dt_lr.ReadAsArray() img_lr_u = dt_lr_u.ReadAsArray() img_pan = dt_pan.ReadAsArray() img_pan_d = dt_pan_d.ReadAsArray() XSize = dt_lr.RasterXSize YSize = dt_lr.RasterYSize sample = int (XSize * YSize / blk / blk * ratio) for _ in range(sample): x = random.randint(0, XSize - blk) y = random.randint(0, YSize - blk) array2raster('%s/%d_mul.tif' % (trainDir, trainCount), rasterOrigin, 2.4, 2.4, img_mul[:, y * 4:(y + blk) * 4, x * 4:(x + blk) * 4], 4) array2raster('%s/%d_lr_u.tif' % (trainDir, trainCount), rasterOrigin, 2.4, 2.4, img_lr_u[:, y * 4:(y + blk) * 4, x * 4:(x + blk) * 4], 4) array2raster('%s/%d_lr.tif' % (trainDir, trainCount), rasterOrigin, 2.4, 2.4, img_lr[:, y:(y + blk), x:(x + blk)], 4) array2raster('%s/%d_pan.tif' % (trainDir, trainCount), rasterOrigin, 2.4, 2.4, img_pan[y * 4:(y + blk) * 4, x * 4:(x + blk) * 4], 1) array2raster('%s/%d_pan_d.tif' % (trainDir, trainCount), rasterOrigin, 2.4, 2.4, img_pan_d[y * 4:(y + blk) * 4, x * 4:(x + blk) * 4], 1) trainCount += 1 print ("done %d" % num) record.write("%d\n" % trainCount) record.close()
def interpolate(self, generate_plots=True, format='csv'): """ Interpolated the concatenated data. """ self.concatenate_clean_tables() # update salinity to desired structure # Get of Wadden Sea extent, dims, crs, ws = utils.get_raster_wadden_sea() # grid to make interpolation on x = np.linspace(extent[0], extent[2], dims[0]) y = np.linspace(extent[1], extent[3], dims[1]) # For each date, make an interpolation using data, on grid x,y #for row in [0]: for row in range(self.salinity.shape[0]): print('Interpolating data at index %d ...' % row) date = self.salinity.loc[row, 'time'] no_obs = int(len(self.salinity.iloc[row, 1:].dropna().values) / 3.) data = self.salinity.iloc[row, 1:].dropna().values.reshape( no_obs, 3) #x, y, salinity # Do the linear interpolation UK = OrdinaryKriging(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model='power', coordinates_type='euclidean', verbose=False, enable_plotting=False) # kriged points and the variance. z, ss = UK.execute('grid', x, y) salinity = * ws # on land, salinity is zero salinity1 = np.where(salinity != 0, salinity, np.nan) if (format == 'tif'): #Convert array to raster. opath = os.path.join(self.opath, 'tif_files/') if not os.path.exists(opath): os.makedirs(opath) utils.array2raster(463, extent[0], extent[3], crs, salinity, opath, raster_name='salinity_%d-%02d-%02d.tif' % (date.year, date.month, if (format == 'csv'): opath = os.path.join(self.opath, 'csv_files/') if not os.path.exists(opath): os.makedirs(opath) table = utils.arraytocsv(salinity1, dims[0], dims[1]) table.rename(columns={'value': 'salinity'}, inplace=True) table.to_csv(opath + 'salinity_%d-%02d-%02d.csv' % (date.year, date.month,, index=False) if (generate_plots): path = os.path.join(self.opath, 'plots/') if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) self.plotting(path, salinity1, self.salinity.loc[row, 'time'], ofilename='%05d.png' % row)