Example #1
def ensemble_net_histogram_plot(param=0.5, sig=0, NTraj=20):

    ### change here to load a different network model
    net_file = '.\Models\\fbm_reg_ensemble_10_steps_' + np.str(
        NTraj) + '_traj.h5'
    reg_model = load_model(net_file)

    Hnet = np.zeros([200, 1])
    Hmsd = np.zeros([200, 1])

    for k in range(200):
        X = np.zeros([1, NTraj, 9, 1])
        Y = np.zeros([1, NTraj, 9, 1])
        Xmsd = np.zeros([2, NTraj, 10])

        for i in range(NTraj):
            H = np.random.uniform(low=param - 0.05, high=param + 0.05)
            x, y, t = fbm_diffusion(n=100, H=H, T=4)
            nx = sig * np.random.randn(len(x), )
            ny = sig * np.random.randn(len(x), )
            x = x + nx
            y = y + ny
            Xmsd[0, i, :] = x[25:35]
            Xmsd[1, i, :] = y[25:35]

            dx = np.diff(x[25:35], axis=0)
            dy = np.diff(y[25:35], axis=0)

            X[0, i, :, 0] = autocorr(dx / (1e-10 + np.std(dx)))
            Y[0, i, :, 0] = autocorr(dy / (1e-10 + np.std(dy)))

        tVec, MSD_mat = matrix_of_MSDs(Xmsd)
        emsd = np.mean(MSD_mat, axis=0)
        a, b = curve_fit(curve_func, np.log(tVec),
                         np.log(1e-10 + emsd.ravel()))

        Hx = reg_model.predict(X)
        Hy = reg_model.predict(Y)

        Hnet[k, 0] = np.mean([Hx, Hy])
        Hmsd[k, 0] = a[1] / 2

    plt.hist(Hmsd, alpha=0.5)
    plt.hist(Hnet, alpha=0.5)
    plt.legend(['Ensemble MSD estimation (10 steps)', 'Net estimation'])
    plt.xlim([0, 1])
    plt.title('Comparison to Ensemble MSD (10 step tracks)')

    return Hnet, Hmsd
Example #2
def predict_1D(x, stepsActual, reg_model):

    if len(x) < stepsActual:
        return 0

    dx = (np.diff(x[:stepsActual], axis=0)[:, 0])
    dx = autocorr((dx - np.mean(dx)) / (np.std(dx) + 1e-10))
    dx = np.reshape(dx, [1, np.size(dx), 1])
    pX = reg_model.predict(dx)

    return pX
Example #3
def plotacf(ax, lc, peaks=True, detrend_order=2, acf_kwargs={}, pk_kwargs={}):
    lag, power = utils.autocorr(
        lc.t, lc.flux - utils.trend(lc.t, lc.flux, detrend_order))
    pks, wts, _ = utils.candidates(lag, power)
    ax.plot(lag, power, label='ACF', **acf_kwargs)
    if peaks and (len(pks) > 0):
        if 'alpha' in pk_kwargs:
            wts = pk_kwargs['alpha'] * np.ones_like(w)
            wts /= max(wts)
        for i, (p, w) in enumerate(zip(pks, wts)):
            if i == 0:
                ax.axvline(p, alpha=w, **pk_kwargs, label='candidate periods')
            ax.axvline(p, alpha=w, **pk_kwargs)
    return ax
Example #4
def MT_net_on_file(file):

    f = scipy.io.loadmat(file)
    for k in f.keys():
        if k[0] == '_':
        varName = k
        data = f[varName]
        NAxes = (np.shape(data)[1] - 1)

    numTraj = len(np.unique(data[:, NAxes]))

    # supplied networks can recive up to 150 short trajectories (with increments of 10)
    if numTraj > 150:
        data = data[:1500, :]
        numTraj = 150

    # supplied networks run on a set number of trajectories (10,20,30,...140,150)
    if numTraj % 10 > 0:
        numTraj = numTraj - numTraj % 10
        data = data[:numTraj * 10, :]

    Xmat = np.zeros([NAxes, numTraj, 9, 1])
    for i in range(numTraj):
        for j in range(NAxes):
            x = data[np.argwhere(data[:, NAxes] == i + 1), j]

            dx = np.diff(x, axis=0)
            dx = autocorr(dx[:, 0] / (1e-10 + np.std(dx[:, 0])))
            Xmat[j, i, :, 0] = dx

    ### change here to load a different network model
    net_file = '.\Models\\fbm_reg_ensemble_10_steps_' + np.str(
        numTraj) + '_traj.h5'
    reg_model = load_model(net_file)

    prediction = reg_model.predict(Xmat)

    return prediction
Example #5
def ensemble_net_estimation_rmse(param=0.5, sig=0):
    numTraj = np.arange(10, 151, 10)
    rmseMSD = np.zeros([len(numTraj), 500], dtype=np.float64)
    rmseNET = np.zeros([len(numTraj), 500], dtype=np.float64)
    HMSDVec = np.zeros([500, len(numTraj)])
    HNetVec = np.zeros([500, len(numTraj)])

    for nt, nt_ind in zip(numTraj, range(len(numTraj))):
        net_file = '.\Models\\fbm_reg_ensemble_10_steps_' + np.str(
            nt) + '_traj.h5'
        reg_model = load_model(net_file)

        for k in range(500):

            Xnet = np.zeros([1, nt, 9, 1])
            Ynet = np.zeros([1, nt, 9, 1])

            Xmsd = np.zeros([2, nt, 10])

            for i in range(nt):
                H = np.random.uniform(low=param - 0.05, high=param + 0.05)
                x, y, t = fbm_diffusion(n=100, H=H, T=4)

                x = x + sig * np.random.randn(len(x), )  # add noise
                y = y + sig * np.random.randn(len(x), )

                dx = np.diff(x[25:35], axis=0)
                dy = np.diff(y[25:35], axis=0)

                Xnet[0, i, :, 0] = autocorr(dx / (1e-10 + np.std(dx)))
                Ynet[0, i, :, 0] = autocorr(dy / (1e-10 + np.std(dy)))

                Xmsd[0, i, :] = x[25:35]
                Xmsd[1, i, :] = y[25:35]

            tVec, MSD_mat = matrix_of_MSDs(Xmsd)

            emsd = np.mean(MSD_mat, axis=0)
            a, b = curve_fit(curve_func, np.log(tVec),
                             np.log(1e-10 + emsd.ravel()))
            HMSDVec[k, nt_ind] = a[1] / 2
            Hx = reg_model.predict(Xnet)
            Hy = reg_model.predict(Ynet)

            HNetVec[k, nt_ind] = np.mean([Hx, Hy])
        rmseMSD[nt_ind, ] = np.sqrt(np.mean((HMSDVec[:, nt_ind] - param)**2))
        rmseNET[nt_ind, ] = np.sqrt(np.mean((HNetVec[:, nt_ind] - param)**2))

    plt.plot(numTraj, np.mean(rmseMSD, axis=1))
    plt.plot(numTraj, np.mean(rmseNET, axis=1))
    plt.xlabel('Number of trajectories used in ensemble MSD')
    plt.ylim([0, 0.25])
    plt.xlim([10, 150])
    plt.xticks(np.arange(10, 151, 20))
    plt.legend(['RMSE ensemble MSD', 'RMSE MT network'])

    EMSD_err = np.std(HMSDVec, axis=0)
    EMSD_plot = np.mean(HMSDVec, axis=0)
    net_plot = np.mean(HNetVec, axis=0)
    net_err = np.std(HNetVec, axis=0)

    # Create the plot object
    _, ax = plt.subplots()
            label='MSD estimation')
            label='Network estimation')
    # Shade the confidence interval
                    EMSD_plot - EMSD_err,
                    EMSD_plot + EMSD_err,
                    net_plot - net_err,
                    net_plot + net_err,
    ax.set_title('Value convergence')
    ax.set_xlabel('Number of trajectories used in ensemble MSD')
    ax.set_ylim([param - 0.3, param + 0.3])
    ax.set_xlim([10, 150])
    ax.set_xticks(np.arange(10, 151, 20))

    return rmseMSD, rmseNET, HMSDVec, HNetVec
def AR_est_YW(x, order, rxx=None):
    r"""Determine the autoregressive (AR) model of a random process x using
    the Yule Walker equations. The AR model takes this convention:

    .. math::

      x(n) = a(1)x(n-1) + a(2)x(n-2) + \dots + a(p)x(n-p) + e(n)

    where e(n) is a zero-mean white noise process with variance sig_sq,
    and p is the order of the AR model. This method returns the a_i and

    The orthogonality property of minimum mean square error estimates
    states that

    .. math::

      E\{e(n)x^{*}(n-k)\} = 0 \quad 1\leq k\leq p

    Inserting the definition of the error signal into the equations above
    yields the Yule Walker system of equations:

    .. math::

      R_{xx}(k) = \sum_{i=1}^{p}a(i)R_{xx}(k-i) \quad1\leq k\leq p

    Similarly, the variance of the error process is

    .. math::

      E\{e(n)e^{*}(n)\}   = E\{e(n)x^{*}(n)\} = R_{xx}(0)-\sum_{i=1}^{p}a(i)R^{*}(i)

    x : ndarray
        The sampled autoregressive random process

    order : int
        The order p of the AR system

    rxx : ndarray (optional)
        An optional, possibly unbiased estimate of the autocorrelation of x

    ak, sig_sq : The estimated AR coefficients and innovations variance

    if rxx is not None and type(rxx) == np.ndarray:
        r_m = rxx[:order + 1]
        r_m = utils.autocorr(x)[:order + 1]

    Tm = linalg.toeplitz(r_m[:order])
    y = r_m[1:]
    ak = linalg.solve(Tm, y)
    sigma_v = r_m[0].real - np.dot(r_m[1:].conj(), ak).real
    return ak, sigma_v
def AR_est_LD(x, order, rxx=None):
    r"""Levinson-Durbin algorithm for solving the Hermitian Toeplitz
    system of Yule-Walker equations in the AR estimation problem

    .. math::

       T^{(p)}a^{(p)} = \gamma^{(p+1)}


    .. math::

       T^{(p)} &= \begin{pmatrix}
          R_{0} & R_{1}^{*} & \cdots & R_{p-1}^{*}\\
          R_{1} & R_{0} & \cdots & R_{p-2}^{*}\\
          \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots\\
          R_{p-1}^{*} & R_{p-2}^{*} & \cdots & R_{0}
       a^{(p)} &=\begin{pmatrix} a_1 & a_2 & \cdots a_p \end{pmatrix}^{T}\\
       \gamma^{(p+1)}&=\begin{pmatrix}R_1 & R_2 & \cdots & R_p \end{pmatrix}^{T}

    and :math:`R_k` is the autocorrelation of the kth lag


    x : ndarray
      the zero-mean stochastic process
    order : int
      the AR model order--IE the rank of the system.
    rxx : ndarray, optional
      (at least) order+1 samples of the autocorrelation sequence


    ak, sig_sq
      The AR coefficients for 1 <= k <= p, and the variance of the
      driving white noise process


    if rxx is not None and type(rxx) == np.ndarray:
        rxx_m = rxx[:order + 1]
        rxx_m = utils.autocorr(x)[:order + 1]
    w = np.zeros((order + 1, ), rxx_m.dtype)
    # intialize the recursion with the R[0]w[1]=r[1] solution (p=1)
    b = rxx_m[0].real
    w_k = rxx_m[1] / b
    w[1] = w_k
    p = 2
    while p <= order:
        b *= 1 - (w_k * w_k.conj()).real
        w_k = (rxx_m[p] - (w[1:p] * rxx_m[1:p][::-1]).sum()) / b
        # update w_k from k=1,2,...,p-1
        # with a correction from w*_i i=p-1,p-2,...,1
        w[1:p] = w[1:p] - w_k * w[1:p][::-1].conj()
        w[p] = w_k
        p += 1
    b *= 1 - (w_k * w_k.conj()).real
    return w[1:], b
Example #8
def autocorrelation(data,
                        1: 10,
                        2: 8,
                        3: 6,
                        4: 5,
                        5: 4
    Generate bar plot of a series, usually autocorrelation
    or autocovariance.

        data: array or list
            A trace from an MCMC sample.

        name: string
            The name of the object.

        format (optional): string
            Graphic output format (defaults to png).

        suffix (optional): string
            Filename suffix.

        path (optional): string
            Specifies location for saving plots (defaults to local directory).

    # If there is just one data series, wrap it in a list
    if rank(data) == 1:
        data = [data]

    # Number of plots per page
    rows = min(len(data), 4)

    for i, values in enumerate(data):
        if verbose > 0:
            print 'Plotting', name + suffix

        if not i % rows:
            # Generate new figure
            figure(figsize=(10, 6))

        # New subplot
        subplot(rows, 1, i - (rows * (i / rows)) + 1)
        x = arange(maxlag)
        y = [autocorr(values, lag=i) for i in x]

        bar(x, y)

        # Set axis bounds
        ylim(-1.0, 1.0)
        xlim(0, len(y))

        # Plot options
        ylabel(name, fontsize='x-small')
        tlabels = gca().get_yticklabels()
        setp(tlabels, 'fontsize', fontmap[rows])
        tlabels = gca().get_xticklabels()
        setp(tlabels, 'fontsize', fontmap[rows])

        # Save to file
        if not (i + 1) % rows or i == len(values) - 1:

            # Label X-axis on last subplot
            xlabel('Lag', fontsize='x-small')

            if not os.path.exists(path):
            if rows > 4:
                # Append plot number to suffix, if there will be more than one
                suffix += '_%i' % i
            savefig("%s%s%s.%s" % (path, name, suffix, format))