def main(): for i in range(5): file125 = data_dir + 'gal%s_UV_F125_scale_04_psfmatch.fits' % (i + 1) hd = photflam = float(hd[1].header['PHOTFLAM']) data_125 = hd[1].data section_gal = 'NULIRG%s' % (int(i + 1)) params, params_gal = basic_params(config_file, 'basic', section_gal) cent_x, cent_y = UV_centers_drz(file125) print('=============================================\n') print('<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<ULIRG %s>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n' % (i + 1)) print('=============================================\n') print('Original shape', data_125.shape) print('UV 125 centers --> (%s, %s)' % (cent_x, cent_y)) for extension in ext_list: data_ext = sum_ext(data_125, data_dir, i, extension) #'A_lmfit_x' fits.writeto('%s/ULIRG%s_pos_m/%s%s_no_mask.fits' % (extension, data_dir, i + 1, i + 1), data=data_lya, overwrite=True)
def main(config_file): for i in range(5): section_gal = 'NULIRG%s' % (int(i + 1)) params, params_gal = basic_params(config_file, 'basic', section_gal) combine_FLT(params, params_gal)
def main(config_file): #im_drz =[(1320.2164578776137, 4232.254568212932),(3133.44270371664, 5998.802594324208),(1077.9077757159448, 1782.7589540070876),(4144.009171783876, 5989.1062047339765),(5859.227208853262, 4226.265089816052)] im_drz =[(1320.2164578776137, 4232.254568212932),(3133.44270371664, 5998.802594324208),(1078.92343744, 1784.99832295),(4144.009171783876, 5989.1062047339765),(5859.227208853262, 4226.265089816052)] for i in range(5): section_gal = 'NULIRG%s' % (int(i + 1)) params, params_gal = basic_params(config_file, 'basic', section_gal) drizconfig = params['wfc_config'] psfscale = float(params['psfscale']) order = int(params['order']) defkey = params['defkey'] gal_name = params_gal['name'] primary_dir = params['data_dir'] + gal_name + '/' txt_dir = primary_dir + 'HA_PSF/TXT/' call('./tiny1') psf_out_dir = params['data_dir'] + 'OPTICAL_PSF/' for j in range(2): outpsf = params['outpsf']+'_%s_gal%s'%(filt[j], i+1) imlist = txt_dir + 'imlist%s_gal%s.txt' % (filt[j], i + 1) loclist = params['config_dir'] + 'loclist%s_gal%s.txt' % (filt[j], i + 1) tinybase = params['config_dir'] + 'tinybase%s_gal%s_v3.txt' % (filt[j], i + 1) simpos = params['config_dir']+ 'simpos%s_gal%s.txt' % (filt[j], i + 1) ha_psf(config_file, im_drz, psf_out_dir, i, imlist,loclist,tinybase,simpos,drizconfig, outpsf, psfscale,order,defkey) tmp_files = glob.glob(os.getcwd()+ '/psf*') [shutil.move(x,psf_out_dir+'RAW_PSF/'+os.path.basename(x) ) for x in tmp_files]
def main(config_file): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, fromfile_prefix_chars='@') # parser.add_argument('imlst', type=str) # parser.add_argument('refdata', type=str) parser.add_argument('--noupd', action='store_true', help='do not update ' + 'header(s), print to std output instead') parser.add_argument('--hdrkey', type=str, default='DFOC_MOD', help='header keyword') args = parser.parse_args() keys = ['galaxy', 'filter', 'exposures', 'defocus'] dict_defoc = OrderedDict.fromkeys(keys) for x in keys: dict_defoc[x] = [] for i in range(5): section_gal = 'NULIRG%s' % (int(i + 1)) params, params_gal = basic_params(config_file, 'basic', section_gal) refdata = params['psf_defocus'] gal_name = params_gal['name'] primary_dir = params['data_dir'] + gal_name + '/' txt_dir = primary_dir + 'HA_PSF/TXT/' for j in range(2): imlist_file = primary_dir + 'HA_PSF/TXT/' + 'imlist%s_gal%s.txt' % (filt[j], i + 1) #loclist = txt_dir + 'loclist%s_gal%s.txt' % (filt[j], i + 1) simpos = txt_dir + 'simpos%s_gal%s.txt' % (filt[j], i + 1) images = params_gal['f%s' % (filt[j])].split(',') ar = [] simpos_ra = [] simpos_dec = [] #loc_x = [] #loc_y = [] for x in images: name = primary_dir + 'HA_FLC/FITS/jcmc%s_flc.fits' % (x) ar.append(name) cent_x, cent_y, cent_ra, cent_dec = UV_centers(params, params_gal, i) # cent_x is UV center simpos_ra.append(cent_ra) simpos_dec.append(cent_dec) #pixx, pixy = FLC_centers(cent_ra, cent_dec, ar[1]) # loc_x.append(pixx) # loc_y.append(pixy) with open(simpos, 'w') as f: [f.write("%s \t %s \n" % (simpos_ra[m], simpos_dec[m])) for m in range(len(ar))] with open(imlist_file, 'w') as f: [f.write("%s\n" % item) for item in ar] meandef = findfocus(imlist_file, refdata, args.noupd, args.hdrkey) print('Mean defocus of frames filter %s galaxy %s===> %s' % (filt[j], i + 1, str(meandef))) dict_defoc['galaxy'].append('gal_%s' % (i + 1)) dict_defoc['filter'].append('f' + filt[j]) dict_defoc['exposures'].append(images[0] + '_' + images[1]) dict_defoc['defocus'].append(meandef) df = pd.DataFrame(dict_defoc) df.to_csv(os.path.dirname(config_file) + 'defocus_ULIRG.txt', index=False)
def main(config_file): for i in range(5): section_gal = 'NULIRG%s' % (int(i + 1)) params, params_gal = basic_params(config_file, 'basic', section_gal) for j in range(4): psf_match(params, params_gal, i, j)
def main(config_file): for i in range(5): section_gal = 'NULIRG%s' % (int(i + 1)) params, params_gal = basic_params(config_file, 'basic', section_gal) gal_name = params_gal['name'] primary_dir = params['data_dir'] + gal_name + '/' for j in range(2): filename = primary_dir + "gal%s_%s.fits" % (i + 1, a[j]) fileout = filename.replace('.fits', '_psfmatch.fits') ker = "ker%s_gal%s_ref165_rotate.fits" % (filt[j], i + 1) print( " i m running slowly. Takes 10 minutes for each galaxy filter = %s \n" % (filt[j])) print(filename, ker) psf_match(filename, fileout, ker) print("convolution data done galaxy %s \n" % (i + 1))
def main(config_file): first_run = True dark_perform = True for i in range(5): section_gal = 'NULIRG%s' % (int(i + 1)) params, params_gal = basic_params(config_file, 'basic', section_gal) gal_name = params_gal['name'] global primary_dir primary_dir = params['data_dir'] + gal_name + '/' if first_run: remove_files('sky') if dark_perform: remove_files('drk') tab, bad, dark, primary_dir = rotate(params, params_gal, dark_perform) xreg(params, params_gal, tab, bad, dark, primary_dir, dark_perform)
def main(config_file): for i in range(5): section_gal = 'NULIRG%s' % (int(i + 1)) params, params_gal = basic_params(config_file, 'basic', section_gal) tab =['flt_files'], format='csv') gal_name = params_gal['name'] primary_dir = params['data_dir'] + gal_name + '/' for j in range(2): for k in range(len(tab)): if tab['galaxy'][k] == gal_name and tab['filtername'][ k] == 'F775W': angle = float(tab['orientation'][k]) print(angle) psf = params['hapsf_dir'] + 'PSF_%s_gal%s.fits' % (filt[j], i + 1) psf_rot = psf.replace('gal%s' % (i + 1), 'gal%s_rotate' % (i + 1)) psf_cut = psf_rot.replace("rotate", "rotate_cut") psf_rotate(psf, psf_rot, angle) size = 130 psf_cutting(psf, angle, psf_rot, psf_cut, size) psf165 = params['hapsf_dir'] + 'f165psf.fits' data = fits.getdata(psf165) print(data.shape, data.sum()) hdu = data = hdu[0].data hdu[0].data = data / data.sum() hdu.writeto(psf_cut, overwrite=True) hdu.close() print(data.shape, data.sum()) for j in range(2): psf_cut = params['hapsf_dir'] + 'PSF_%s_gal%s_rotate_cut.fits' % ( filt[j], i + 1) psfref = params['hapsf_dir'] + 'PSF_775_gal%s_rotate_cut.fits' % ( i + 1) # 'f165psf.fits' # ker = psf_matching(i, filt[j], psf_cut, psfref) ker_rot = ker.replace('165', '165_rotate') # rotate kernels psf_rotate(ker, ker_rot, -angle)
def main(config_file): for i in range(5): section_gal = 'NULIRG%s' % (int(i + 1)) params, params_gal = basic_params(config_file, 'basic', section_gal) drizzle_SBC(params, params_gal, i)
def for i in range(5): file125 = 'gal%s_UV_F125_scale_04_psfmatch.fits'%(i+1) hd = photflam = float(hd[1].header['PHOTFLAM']) data_125 = hd[1].data section_gal = 'NULIRG%s' % (int(i + 1)) params, params_gal = basic_params(config_file, 'basic', section_gal) cent_x, cent_y = UV_centers_drz(file125) print ('=============================================\n') print ('<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<ULIRG %s>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n'%(i+1)) print ('=============================================\n') print ('Original shape', data.shape) print ('UV 125 centers --> (%s, %s)'% (cent_x, cent_y)) print (' ----> Making annuli masks\n') width = 4.0 aper_lim = 300 if i ==4: aper_lim = 300*0.158/0.131 nx = data_125.shape[0] ny = data_125.shape[1] rad1, rad_annulus, masks, masks_annulus = masks_circular(cent_x, cent_y, width, aper_lim, nx, ny) ################## computing center boxes ################ if i ==1: x = [150, 150, 150, 350, 350, 350, 550, 550, 550] y = [150, 350, 550, 150, 350, 550, 150, 350, 550] elif i ==2: x = [150, 150, 150, 150, 350, 350, 350, 350, 550, 550, 550, 550, 750, 750, 750, 750] y = [150, 350, 550, 750, 150, 350, 550, 750, 150, 350, 550, 750, 150, 350, 550, 750] else: x = [350, 350, 350, 550, 550, 550, 750, 750, 750] y = [350, 550, 750, 350, 550, 750, 350, 550, 750] fig,((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2,2, figsize = (30,22)) [plot_rectangle(x[i],y[i], szx, szy, color[i], ax1) for i in range(len(x))] norm = ImageNormalize(data_125, stretch=AsinhStretch()) img = ax1.imshow(data_125, origin = 'lower', vmin =0.0005, vmax = 0.001, norm = norm, cmap =, zorder =0) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax1) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.0) cbar = plt.colorbar(img,cax=cax, orientation='vertical') cbar.minorticks_on data_lya = sum_ext(i, 'A_lmfit_x') err_lya = sum_ext(i, 'A_lmfit_err') ### positive flux cond #data_all[data_all<0] = 0.0 cond_positive = data_lya < 0.0 cond_negative = data_lya > 0.0 #### SN >1 condition SN_all = abs(data_lya/err_lya) #SN_add = data_lya + err_lya #SN_diff = data_lya - err_lya #cond_sn = np.isnan(SN_all) #SN_all[cond_sn] = 0.0 #SN_all[cond_sn_tot] = 0.0 b_all = sum_ext(i, 'b_lmfit_x') cond_b = abs(abs(b_all)-3) <1e-5 status_all = sum_ext(i, 'status_lmfit_x') cond_status = status_all == 0 data_neg = np.copy(data_all) data_test = np.copy(data_all) aper_total = [len(data_neg[masks_annulus[k]]) for k in range(len(rad1)-1) ] aper_nonzero_total = [non_zero(data_test[masks_annulus[k]]) for k in range(len(rad1)-1) ] cond_test = cond_sn_tot + cond_b + cond_status data_test[cond_test] = 0.0 aper_nonzero_total_cutoff = [non_zero(data_test[masks_annulus[k]]) for k in range(len(rad1)-1) ] cond_all = cond_sn_tot + cond_b + cond_status + cond_positive data_all[cond_all] = 0.0 SN_add[cond_all] = 0.0 SN_diff[cond_all] = 0.0 cond_neg = cond_sn_tot + cond_b + cond_status + cond_negative data_neg[cond_neg] = 0.0 #data_neg = abs(data_neg) #img = ax1.imshow(data_all, origin = 'lower', vmin =-1e-15, vmax = 1e-20, norm = norm, cmap =, zorder =0) fits.writeto('./ULIRG%s_test/data%s.fits'%(i+1, i+1), data = data_test, overwrite = True) fits.writeto('./ULIRG%s_test/SN%s.fits'%(i+1, i+1), data = SN_all, overwrite = True) fits.writeto('./ULIRG%s_test/b%s.fits'%(i+1, i+1), data = b_all, overwrite = True) fits.writeto('./ULIRG%s_test/status%s.fits'%(i+1, i+1), data = status_all, overwrite = True) aper_SN_low = [np.mean(SN_add[masks_annulus[k]]) for k in range(len(rad1)-1) ] aper_SN_high = [np.mean(SN_diff[masks_annulus[k]]) for k in range(len(rad1)-1) ] sum_SN_low = [np.sum(SN_add[masks[k]]) for k in range(len(rad1)) ] sum_SN_high = [np.sum(SN_diff[masks[k]]) for k in range(len(rad1)) ] sum_125 = [np.sum(data_all[masks[k]]) for k in range(len(rad1)) ] aper_125 = [np.mean(data_all[masks_annulus[k]]) for k in range(len(rad1)-1) ] sum_125_neg = [np.sum(abs(data_neg[masks[k]])) for k in range(len(rad1)) ] aper_125_neg = [np.mean(abs(data_neg[masks_annulus[k]])) for k in range(len(rad1)-1) ] sum_UV = [np.nansum(data[masks[k]]*photflam*150) for k in range(len(rad1)) ] aper_UV = [np.nanmean(data[masks_annulus[k]]*photflam*150) for k in range(len(rad1)-1) ] aper_nonzero = [non_zero(data_all[masks_annulus[k]]) for k in range(len(rad1)-1) ] aper_nonzero_neg = [non_zero(data_neg[masks_annulus[k]]) for k in range(len(rad1)-1) ] rad_kpc = [rad*0.04*scale[i] for rad in rad1] rad_annulus_kpc = [rad*0.04*scale[i] for rad in rad_annulus] diff = [(-aper_125_neg[k] + aper_125[k]) for k in range(len (rad_annulus))] diff_sum = [(-sum_125_neg[k] + sum_125[k]) for k in range(len (rad1))] #norm_sum = [x1/sum_125[-1] for x1 in sum_125] #low = [aper_125[i] -aper_125[i] /aper_SN[i] for i in range(len (rad_annulus))] #high = [aper_125[i] +aper_125[i]/aper_SN[i] for i in range(len (rad_annulus))] ax4.plot(rad_kpc, sum_125, 'r', label = r'$Ly\alpha$ positive') ax4.fill_between(rad_kpc, sum_SN_low, sum_SN_high, alpha =0.1, color = 'b', zorder =1) ax4.plot(rad_kpc, sum_125_neg, 'g', label = r'abs($Ly\alpha$ negative)') ax4.plot(rad_kpc, diff_sum, 'b', label = r'($Ly\alpha$ total)') ax4.plot(rad_kpc, sum_UV, 'k', label = 'F125 flux') ax3.plot(rad_annulus_kpc, aper_125, 'r', label = r'$Ly\alpha$ positive') ax3.fill_between(rad_annulus_kpc, aper_SN_low, aper_SN_high, alpha =0.1, color = 'b', zorder =1) ax3.plot(rad_annulus_kpc, aper_125_neg, 'g', label = r'abs($Ly\alpha$ negative)') ax3.plot(rad_annulus_kpc, diff, 'b', label = r'($Ly\alpha$ total)') ax3.plot(rad_annulus_kpc, aper_UV, 'k', lw = 2.0, label = 'F125 flux') theoretical = [2*np.pi*k*width for k in rad_annulus] ax2.plot(rad_annulus_kpc, theoretical, color = 'k', zorder =2,lw = 2.0, label = 'Expected') ax2.fill_between(rad_annulus_kpc, aper_total, alpha =0.1, color = 'b', zorder =1, label = 'Total') ax2.fill_between(rad_annulus_kpc, aper_nonzero_total, alpha =0.2, color = 'c', zorder =1, label = 'Total non-zero') ax2.fill_between(rad_annulus_kpc, aper_nonzero_total_cutoff, alpha =0.3, color = 'm', zorder =1, label = 'Quality fit cutoff') ax2.fill_between(rad_annulus_kpc, aper_nonzero, alpha =0.3, color = 'r', zorder =2, label ='Positive') ax2.fill_between(rad_annulus_kpc, aper_nonzero_neg, alpha =0.6, color = 'g', zorder =3, label = 'Negative') ''' #testing the total counts test = [aper_nonzero[k] + aper_nonzero_neg[k]- aper_nonzero_total_cutoff[k] for k in range(len (rad_annulus))] ax1.fill_between(rad_annulus_kpc, test, alpha =0.5, color = 'g', zorder =2, label = 'negative') ''' #ax2.plot(rad_annulus_kpc, aper_UV, ) ax3.set_xlim(0, 32) ax4.set_xlim(0, 32) ax2.set_xlim(0, 32) ax2.set_yscale('log') ax2.set_ylabel('Number of points') ax2.set_xlabel('Distance from UV center [kpc]') ax3.set_ylabel(r'Aperture mean Flux[in ergs-$s^{-1}$-$cm^{-2}$-arcsec$^{-2}$]') ax3.set_xlabel('Distance from UV center [kpc]') ax3.set_yscale('log') ax3.axvline(x = petro_all[i], color = 'm', linestyle='--', label = r'$2\times R_p$') ax4.axvline(x = petro_all[i], color = 'm', linestyle = '--', label = r'$2\times R_p$') ax2.legend(loc ='lower left') ax3.legend(loc ='upper right') ax1.set_xlim(0,1000) ax1.set_ylim(0,1000) ax1.plot(cent_x, cent_y, marker ='x', color = 'b', mew=5, ms=20) circle(cent_x, cent_y, aper_lim, 'c', ax1) circle(cent_x, cent_y, petro_all[i]/(0.05*scale[i]), 'm', ax1) new_label_x = np.linspace((cent_x-sz[i]), (cent_x+sz[i]), 10)#*0.05*phys ) new_label_y = np.linspace((cent_y-sz[i]), (cent_y+sz[i]), 10)#*0.05*phys ) ar_x = np.round((new_label_x- cent_x)*0.04*scale[i] ) ar_y = np.round((new_label_y - cent_y)*0.04*scale[i] ) ax1.set_yticks(new_label_y) ax1.set_yticklabels(int(x) for x in (ar_y)) ax1.set_xticks(new_label_x) ax1.set_xticklabels((int(x) for x in (ar_x))) ax1.set_xlabel('kpc') ax1.set_ylabel('kpc') ax1.set_aspect(1.) ax4.legend(loc = 'upper left') ax4.set_ylabel(r'Cumulative Flux[in ergs-$s^{-1}$-$cm^{-2}$-arcsec$^{-2}$]') ax4.set_xlabel('Distance from UV center [kpc]') keys = ['radius', 'Lya_pos', 'UV', 'Lya_neg', 'Lya_total', ] dict_annuli = OrderedDict.fromkeys(keys) dict_annuli['radius'] = rad_annulus_kpc dict_annuli['Lya_pos'] = aper_125 dict_annuli['UV'] = aper_UV dict_annuli['Lya_neg'] = aper_125_neg dict_annuli['Lya_total'] = diff df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_annuli) df.to_csv('ULIRG%s_annuli.csv'%(i+1), columns = keys, index = True) dict_sum = OrderedDict.fromkeys(keys) dict_sum['radius'] = rad_kpc dict_sum['Lya_pos'] = sum_125 dict_sum['UV'] = sum_UV dict_sum['Lya_neg'] = sum_125_neg dict_sum['Lya_total'] = diff_sum df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_sum) df.to_csv('ULIRG%s_sum.csv'%(i+1), columns = keys, index = True) ax1.set_title('ULIRG %s F125 image'%(i+1), fontsize = 15) fig.savefig('ULIRG%s_radial.png'%(i+1), dvi = 400)