Example #1
    def __process_block(self, block_ints: List[int],
                        is_encrypt: bool) -> List[int]:
        """Process the input block's integers (works in both ways)."""
        block_int = bin_join(block_ints, BYTE_BITS)
        l, r = bin_split(block_int, BLOCK_BITS, SUBBLOCK_BITS)

        l, r = _process_subblocks(l, r, self.__p, self.__s, is_encrypt)

        output_bin = bin_join([l, r], SUBBLOCK_BITS)
        return bin_split(output_bin, BLOCK_BITS, BYTE_BITS)
Example #2
File: idea.py Project: std0/pycrypt
    def __process_block(self, block_ints: List[int]) -> List[int]:
        """Process the input block's integers (works in both ways)."""
        block_bin = bin_join(block_ints, BYTE_BITS)
        [x1, x2, x3, x4] = bin_split(block_bin, BLOCK_BITS, SUBBLOCK_BITS)

        for i in range(ROUNDS_N):
            y1, y2, y3, y4 = _ka_layer(x1, x2, x3, x4, self.__subkeys[i][:4])
            x1, x2, x3, x4 = _ma_layer(y1, y2, y3, y4, self.__subkeys[i][4:])

        y1, y2, y3, y4 = _ka_layer(x1, x3, x2, x4, self.__subkeys[ROUNDS_N])
        output_bin = bin_join([y1, y2, y3, y4], SUBBLOCK_BITS)
        output_ints = bin_split(output_bin, BLOCK_BITS, BYTE_BITS)

        return output_ints
Example #3
    def _encrypt_block_ints(self, block_ints: List[int]) -> List[int]:
        """Encrypt the text block's integers."""
        s = self.__s

        # Join individual block bytes into 4 registers.
        regs = []
        for i in range(0, len(block_ints), 4):
            reg = bin_join(block_ints[i:i + 4], BYTE_BITS)

        [a, b, c, d] = regs

        b = (b + s[0]) % MOD
        d = (d + s[1]) % MOD
        for i in range(1, R + 1):
            t = rotl((b * (2 * b + 1)) % MOD, LG_W, W)
            u = rotl((d * (2 * d + 1)) % MOD, LG_W, W)
            a = (rotl(a ^ t, u, W) + s[2 * i]) % MOD
            c = (rotl(c ^ u, t, W) + s[2 * i + 1]) % MOD
            (a, b, c, d) = (b, c, d, a)
        a = (a + s[2 * R + 2]) % MOD
        c = (c + s[2 * R + 3]) % MOD

        cipher_int = bin_join([a, b, c, d], W)
        cipher_ints = bin_split(cipher_int, BLOCK_BITS, BYTE_BITS)

        return cipher_ints
Example #4
    def _decrypt_block_ints(self, block_ints: List[int]) -> List[int]:
        """Decrypt the cipher block's integers."""
        s = self.__s

        # Join individual block bytes into 4 registers.
        regs = []
        for i in range(0, len(block_ints), 4):
            reg = bin_join(block_ints[i:i + 4], BYTE_BITS)

        [a, b, c, d] = regs

        c = (c - s[2 * R + 3]) % MOD
        a = (a - s[2 * R + 2]) % MOD
        for j in range(R, 0, -1):
            (a, b, c, d) = (d, a, b, c)
            u = rotl((d * (2 * d + 1)) % MOD, LG_W, W)
            t = rotl((b * (2 * b + 1)) % MOD, LG_W, W)
            c = (rotr((c - s[2 * j + 1]) % MOD, t, W) ^ u)
            a = (rotr((a - s[2 * j]) % MOD, u, W) ^ t)
        d = (d - s[1]) % MOD
        b = (b - s[0]) % MOD

        text_int = bin_join([a, b, c, d], W)
        text_ints = bin_split(text_int, BLOCK_BITS, BYTE_BITS)

        return text_ints
Example #5
File: idea.py Project: std0/pycrypt
def _generate_subkeys(key_ints: List[int]) -> BlockSubkeys:
    """Generate the subkeys from the given key."""
    key_bin = bin_join(key_ints, BYTE_BITS)

    subkeys = []
    while len(subkeys) < SUBKEYS_N:
        subkeys += bin_split(key_bin, KEY_BITS, SUBKEY_BITS)
        key_bin = rotl(key_bin, 25, KEY_BITS)

    subkeys = subkeys[:SUBKEYS_N]

    step = SUBKEYS_N // ROUNDS_N
    subkeys = [subkeys[i:i + step] for i in range(0, len(subkeys), step)]

    return subkeys
Example #6
    def __get_subkey(self, round_n: int) -> List[int]:
        """Function used for subkey generation by shifted cyclic reading of
        32-bit key."""
        key_ints = self.__key_ints

        bytes_cut = round_n // BYTE_BITS
        bits_cut = round_n % BYTE_BITS

        # +1 because in order to slice we need to have some extra bits.
        req_key_length = bytes_cut + self.key_bytes + 1
        while len(key_ints) < req_key_length:
            key_ints += key_ints

        key_ints = key_ints[bytes_cut:req_key_length]
        subkey = bin_join(key_ints, BYTE_BITS)
        subkey_width = len(key_ints) * BYTE_BITS

        key_bits = self.key_bytes * BYTE_BITS
        subkey = bin_slice(subkey, bits_cut, key_bits + bits_cut, subkey_width)

        subkey_ints = bin_split(subkey, key_bits, BYTE_BITS)

        return subkey_ints
Example #7
def _f(subblock: int, s: SBoxes) -> int:
    """F-function, which is used is subblock processing."""
    [x1, x2, x3, x4] = bin_split(subblock, SUBBLOCK_BITS, F_SUBBLOCK_BITS)
    return _add(_add(s[0][x1], s[1][x2]) ^ s[2][x3], s[3][x4])