Example #1
File: cis7.py Project: Nemie/syco
    chage --list {}| \
    grep "^Number of days of warning before password expires"| \
    grep -v ": 7$"

print_header("7.2 Disable System Accounts (Scored)")
    awk -F: '($1!="root" && $1!="sync" && $1!="shutdown" && $1!="halt" && $3<500 && $7!="/sbin/nologin") {print}' /etc/passwd

print_header("7.3 Set Default Group for root Account (Scored)")
    "grep ^root /etc/passwd | cut -f4 -d:",

print_header("7.4 Set Default umask for Users (Scored)")
check_equal_re("grep 'umask 077' /etc/bashrc",    ".*umask 077.*")
check_equal_re("grep 'umask 077' /etc/profile",   ".*umask 077.*")
check_equal_re("grep 'umask 077' /etc/csh.cshrc", ".*umask 077.*")

print_header("7.5 Lock Inactive User Accounts (Scored)")
    "useradd -D | grep INACTIVE",
Example #2
File: cis6.py Project: Nemie/syco
from utils import check_empty, check_equal, check_equal_re, check_equals, check_not_empty, check_return_code, print_header, view_output, print_warning, print_info

print_header("6 System Access, Authentication and Authorization")

print_header("6.1 Configure cron and anacron")

print_header("6.1.1 Enable anacron Daemon (Scored)")
check_equal("rpm -q anacron", "package anacron is not installed")
print_info("Not installed syco servers.")

print_header("6.1.2 Enable crond Daemon (Scored)")
    "chkconfig --list crond",

print_header("6.1.3 Set User/Group Owner and Permission on /etc/anacrontab (Scored)")
check_equal('stat -c "%a %u %g" /etc/anacrontab | egrep "600 0 0"', "600 0 0")

print_header("6.1.4 Set User/Group Owner and Permission on /etc/crontab (Scored)")
check_equal('stat -c "%a %u %g" /etc/crontab | egrep "600 0 0"', "600 0 0")

print_header("6.1.5 Set User/Group Owner and Permission on /etc/cron.hourly (Scored)")
check_equal('stat -c "%a %u %g" /etc/cron.hourly | egrep "600 0 0"', "600 0 0")

Example #3
from utils import check_empty, check_equal, check_equal_re, check_equals, check_not_empty, check_return_code, print_header, view_output, print_warning, print_info

print_header("6 System Access, Authentication and Authorization")

print_header("6.1 Configure cron and anacron")

print_header("6.1.1 Enable anacron Daemon (Scored)")
check_equal("rpm -q anacron", "package anacron is not installed")
print_info("Not installed syco servers.")

print_header("6.1.2 Enable crond Daemon (Scored)")
check_equal_re("chkconfig --list crond",

    "6.1.3 Set User/Group Owner and Permission on /etc/anacrontab (Scored)")
check_equal('stat -c "%a %u %g" /etc/anacrontab | egrep "600 0 0"', "600 0 0")

    "6.1.4 Set User/Group Owner and Permission on /etc/crontab (Scored)")
check_equal('stat -c "%a %u %g" /etc/crontab | egrep "600 0 0"', "600 0 0")

    "6.1.5 Set User/Group Owner and Permission on /etc/cron.hourly (Scored)")
check_equal('stat -c "%a %u %g" /etc/cron.hourly | egrep "600 0 0"', "600 0 0")
Example #4
File: cis5.py Project: ysoldak/syco
__version__ = "1.0.0"
__status__ = "Production"

from utils import check_empty, check_equal, check_equal_re, check_equals, check_not_empty, check_return_code, print_header, view_output, print_warning, print_info

import config

print_header("5 Logging and Auditing")

print_header("5.1 Configure Syslog")

print_header("5.1.1 Install the rsyslog package (Scored)")
check_equal_re("rpm -q rsyslog", "rsyslog.*")

print_header("5.1.2 Activate the rsyslog Service (Scored)")
check_equal("rpm -q syslog", "package syslog is not installed")
check_empty("chkconfig --list | grep syslog")
check_equal_re("chkconfig --list rsyslog",

print_header("5.1.3 Configure /etc/rsyslog.conf (Not Scored)")
    "Manually review the contents of the /etc/rsyslog.conf file to ensure appropriate logging is set. "
view_output("ls -l /var/log/")
Example #5
File: cis5.py Project: Nemie/syco

from utils import check_empty, check_equal, check_equal_re, check_equals, check_not_empty, check_return_code, print_header, view_output, print_warning, print_info

import config

print_header("5 Logging and Auditing")

print_header("5.1 Configure Syslog")

print_header("5.1.1 Install the rsyslog package (Scored)")
    "rpm -q rsyslog",

print_header("5.1.2 Activate the rsyslog Service (Scored)")
    "rpm -q syslog",
    "package syslog is not installed"
check_empty("chkconfig --list | grep syslog")
    "chkconfig --list rsyslog",

Example #6
File: cis4.py Project: Nemie/syco
    "grep NETWORKING_IPV6 /etc/sysconfig/network",

    "grep IPV6INIT /etc/sysconfig/network",

print_header("4.5 Install TCP Wrappers")

print_header("4.5.1 Install TCP Wrappers (Not Scored)")
    "rpm -q tcp_wrappers",

print_header("4.5.2 Create /etc/hosts.allow (Not Scored)")
print_warning("Check manually to verify hosts.")
view_output("cat /etc/hosts.allow")

print_header("4.5.3 Verify Permissions on /etc/hosts.allow (Scored)")
    'stat -c "%a" /etc/hosts.allow | egrep "644"',

Example #7
File: cis4.py Project: ysoldak/syco
print_header("4.4.2 Disable IPv6 (Not Scored)")
check_equals('grep ipv6 /etc/modprobe.d/*', ('options ipv6 disable=1'))
check_equal('grep net-pf-10 /etc/modprobe.d/*', 'alias net-pf-10 off')
check_equal("grep NETWORKING_IPV6 /etc/sysconfig/network",

check_equal("grep IPV6INIT /etc/sysconfig/network", "IPV6INIT=no")

print_header("4.5 Install TCP Wrappers")

print_header("4.5.1 Install TCP Wrappers (Not Scored)")
check_equal_re("rpm -q tcp_wrappers", "tcp_wrappers-.*")

print_header("4.5.2 Create /etc/hosts.allow (Not Scored)")
print_warning("Check manually to verify hosts.")
view_output("cat /etc/hosts.allow")

print_header("4.5.3 Verify Permissions on /etc/hosts.allow (Scored)")
check_equal('stat -c "%a" /etc/hosts.allow | egrep "644"', "644")

print_header("4.5.4 Create /etc/hosts.deny (Not Scored)")
check_equal('grep "ALL: ALL" /etc/hosts.deny', "ALL: ALL")
