def save(self, enable=True): if self.theme == '': enable = False try: if os.path.isfile(self.modulesPath) and os.path.isfile(self.boot): if enable: # Edit grub cmd = 'sed -i -e \'/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/ c GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"\' %s' % self.boot os.system(cmd) cmd = 'sed -i -e \'/GRUB_GFXMODE=/ c GRUB_GFXMODE=%s\' %s' % (self.resolution, self.boot) os.system(cmd) else: # Edit grub cmd = 'sed -i -e \'/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/ c GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet"\' %s' % self.boot os.system(cmd) # Read grub for debugging purposes f = open(self.boot, 'r') newGrub = f.close() print '\nNew grub:\n%s\n' % newGrub # Set the theme if enable: chroot_exec('%s %s' % (self.setThemePath, self.theme)) chroot_exec('update-grub') else: print 'Plymouth unconfigured - cannot find: %s or %s' % (self.modulesPath, self.boot) except Exception, detail: print detail
def do_configure_grub(self, our_total, our_current): self.update_progress(pulse=True, total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Configuring bootloader")) print " --> Running grub-mkconfig" chroot_exec("grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg") grub_output = getoutput("chroot /target/ /bin/sh -c \"grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg\"") grubfh = open("/var/log/live-installer-grub-output.log", "w") grubfh.writelines(grub_output) grubfh.close()
def languageSpecific(self): self.our_current += 1 localizeConf = os.path.join(self.scriptDir, "localize/%s" % self.language) if os.path.exists(localizeConf): try: print " --> Localizing %s" % self.edition config = get_config_dict(localizeConf) packages = config.get(self.edition, "").strip() if packages != "": self.update_progress( total=self.our_total, current=self.our_current, message=_("Install additional localized packages"), ) chroot_exec("apt-get --yes --force-yes install %s" % packages) except Exception as detail: msg = "ERROR: %s" % detail print msg self.update_progress(total=self.our_total, current=self.our_current, message=msg)
def finish_install(self, setup): # Steps: our_total = 11 our_current = 4 # write host+hostname infos print " --> Writing hostname" our_current += 1 self.update_progress(total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Setting hostname")) hostnamefh = open("/target/etc/hostname", "w") hostnamefh.write("%s\n" % setup.hostname) hostnamefh.close() hostsfh = open("/target/etc/hosts", "w") hostsfh.write("\tlocalhost\n") hostsfh.write("\t%s\n" % setup.hostname) hostsfh.write("# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts\n") hostsfh.write("::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback\n") hostsfh.write("fe00::0 ip6-localnet\n") hostsfh.write("ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix\n") hostsfh.write("ff02::1 ip6-allnodes\n") hostsfh.write("ff02::2 ip6-allrouters\n") hostsfh.write("ff02::3 ip6-allhosts\n") hostsfh.close() # set the locale print " --> Setting the locale" our_current += 1 self.update_progress(total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Setting locale")) os.system("echo \"%s.UTF-8 UTF-8\" >> /target/etc/locale.gen" % setup.language) chroot_exec("locale-gen") os.system("echo \"\" > /target/etc/default/locale") chroot_exec("update-locale LANG=\"%s.UTF-8\"" % setup.language) chroot_exec("update-locale LANG=%s.UTF-8" % setup.language) # set the timezone print " --> Setting the timezone" os.system("echo \"%s\" > /target/etc/timezone" % setup.timezone) os.system("cp /target/usr/share/zoneinfo/%s /target/etc/localtime" % setup.timezone) # localizing print " --> Localizing packages" self.update_progress(total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Localizing packages")) if setup.language != "en_US": os.system("mkdir -p /target/debs") language_code = setup.language if "_" in setup.language: language_code = setup.language.split("_")[0] l10ns = getoutput("find /lib/live/mount/medium/pool | grep 'l10n-%s\\|hunspell-%s'" % (language_code, language_code)) for l10n in l10ns.split("\n"): os.system("cp %s /target/debs/" % l10n) chroot_exec("dpkg -i /debs/*") os.system("rm -rf /target/debs") # set the keyboard options.. print " --> Setting the keyboard" our_current += 1 self.update_progress(total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Setting keyboard options")) consolefh = open("/target/etc/default/console-setup", "r") newconsolefh = open("/target/etc/default/", "w") for line in consolefh: line = line.rstrip("\r\n") if(line.startswith("XKBMODEL=")): newconsolefh.write("XKBMODEL=\"%s\"\n" % setup.keyboard_model) elif(line.startswith("XKBLAYOUT=")): newconsolefh.write("XKBLAYOUT=\"%s\"\n" % setup.keyboard_layout) elif(line.startswith("XKBVARIANT=") and setup.keyboard_variant is not None): newconsolefh.write("XKBVARIANT=\"%s\"\n" % setup.keyboard_variant) else: newconsolefh.write("%s\n" % line) consolefh.close() newconsolefh.close() chroot_exec("rm /etc/default/console-setup") chroot_exec("mv /etc/default/ /etc/default/console-setup") consolefh = open("/target/etc/default/keyboard", "r") newconsolefh = open("/target/etc/default/", "w") for line in consolefh: line = line.rstrip("\r\n") if(line.startswith("XKBMODEL=")): newconsolefh.write("XKBMODEL=\"%s\"\n" % setup.keyboard_model) elif(line.startswith("XKBLAYOUT=")): newconsolefh.write("XKBLAYOUT=\"%s\"\n" % setup.keyboard_layout) elif(line.startswith("XKBVARIANT=") and setup.keyboard_variant is not None): newconsolefh.write("XKBVARIANT=\"%s\"\n" % setup.keyboard_variant) else: newconsolefh.write("%s\n" % line) consolefh.close() newconsolefh.close() chroot_exec("rm /etc/default/keyboard") chroot_exec("mv /etc/default/ /etc/default/keyboard") # write MBR (grub) print " --> Configuring Grub" our_current += 1 if(setup.grub_device is not None): self.update_progress(pulse=True, total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Installing bootloader")) print " --> Running grub-install" chroot_exec("grub-install --force %s" % setup.grub_device) self.do_configure_grub(our_total, our_current) grub_retries = 0 while (not self.do_check_grub(our_total, our_current)): self.do_configure_grub(our_total, our_current) grub_retries = grub_retries + 1 if grub_retries >= 5: self.error_message(message=_("WARNING: The grub bootloader was not configured properly! You need to configure it manually.")) break # recreate initramfs (needed in case of skip_mount also, to include things like mdadm/dm-crypt/etc in case its needed to boot a custom install) print " --> Configuring Initramfs" our_current += 1 chroot_exec("/usr/sbin/update-initramfs -t -u -k all") kernelversion = getoutput("uname -r") chroot_exec("/usr/bin/sha1sum /boot/initrd.img-%s > /var/lib/initramfs-tools/%s" % (kernelversion,kernelversion)) # Clean APT print " --> Cleaning APT" our_current += 1 self.update_progress(pulse=True, total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Cleaning APT")) os.system("chroot /target/ /bin/sh -c \"dpkg --configure -a\"") chroot_exec("sed -i 's/^deb cdrom/#deb cdrom/' /etc/apt/sources.list") chroot_exec("apt-get -y --force-yes autoremove") # now unmount it print " --> Unmounting partitions" os.system("umount --force /target/dev/shm") os.system("umount --force /target/dev/pts") if setup.gptonefi: os.system("umount --force /target/boot/efi") os.system("umount --force /target/media/cdrom") os.system("umount --force /target/dev/") os.system("umount --force /target/sys/") os.system("umount --force /target/proc/") os.system("rm -f /target/etc/resolv.conf") os.system("mv /target/etc/resolv.conf.bk /target/etc/resolv.conf") if(not setup.skip_mount): for partition in setup.partitions: if(partition.mount_as is not None and partition.mount_as != "" and partition.mount_as != "/" and partition.mount_as != "swap"): self.do_unmount("/target" + partition.mount_as) self.do_unmount("/target") self.do_unmount("/source") self.update_progress(done=True, message=_("Installation finished")) print " --> All done"
def init_install(self, setup): # mount the media location. print " --> Installation started" if(not os.path.exists("/target")): if (setup.skip_mount): self.error_message(message=_("ERROR: You must first manually mount your target filesystem(s) at /target to do a custom install!")) return os.mkdir("/target") if(not os.path.exists("/source")): os.mkdir("/source") # find the squashfs.. if(not os.path.exists( print "Base filesystem does not exist! Critical error (exiting)." self.error_message(message=_("ERROR: Something is wrong with the installation medium! This is usually caused by burning tools which are not compatible with LMDE (YUMI or other multiboot tools). Please burn the ISO image to DVD/USB using a different tool.")) return os.system("umount --force /target/dev/shm") os.system("umount --force /target/dev/pts") os.system("umount --force /target/dev/") os.system("umount --force /target/sys/") os.system("umount --force /target/proc/") if (not setup.skip_mount): self.step_format_partitions(setup) self.step_mount_partitions(setup) else: self.step_mount_source(setup) # Transfer the files SOURCE = "/source/" DEST = "/target/" EXCLUDE_DIRS = "home/* dev/* proc/* sys/* tmp/* run/* mnt/* media/* lost+found source".split() our_current = 0 # assume: #(files to copy) ~= #(used inodes on /) our_total = int(getoutput("df --inodes /{src} | awk '/^.+?\/{src}$/{{ print $3 }}'".format(src=SOURCE.strip('/')))) print " --> Copying {} files".format(our_total) rsync_filter = ' '.join('--exclude=' + SOURCE + d for d in EXCLUDE_DIRS) rsync = shell_exec("rsync --verbose --archive --no-D --acls " "--hard-links --xattrs {rsync_filter} " "{src}* {dst}".format(src=SOURCE, dst=DEST, rsync_filter=rsync_filter), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) while rsync.poll() is None: line = rsync.stdout.readline() if not line: time.sleep(0.1) else: our_current = min(our_current + 1, our_total) self.update_progress(total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Copying %s" % line)) print "Copying " + line print "rsync exited with returncode: " + str(rsync.poll()) # Steps: our_total = 11 our_current = 0 # chroot print " --> Chrooting" self.update_progress(total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Entering the system ...")) os.system("mount --bind /dev/ /target/dev/") os.system("mount --bind /dev/shm /target/dev/shm") os.system("mount --bind /dev/pts /target/dev/pts") os.system("mount --bind /sys/ /target/sys/") os.system("mount --bind /proc/ /target/proc/") os.system("mv /target/etc/resolv.conf /target/etc/resolv.conf.bk") os.system("cp -f /etc/resolv.conf /target/etc/resolv.conf") kernelversion = getoutput("uname -r") os.system("cp /lib/live/mount/medium/live/vmlinuz /target/boot/vmlinuz-%s" % kernelversion) os.system("cp /lib/live/mount/medium/live/initrd.img /target/boot/initrd.img-%s" % kernelversion) if (setup.gptonefi): os.system("mkdir -p /target/boot/efi/EFI/linuxmint") os.system("cp /lib/live/mount/medium/EFI/BOOT/grubx64.efi /target/boot/efi/EFI/linuxmint") os.system("mkdir -p /target/debs") os.system("cp /lib/live/mount/medium/pool/main/g/grub2/grub-efi* /target/debs/") os.system("cp /lib/live/mount/medium/pool/main/e/efibootmgr/efibootmgr* /target/debs/") chroot_exec("dpkg -i /debs/*") os.system("rm -rf /target/debs") # Detect cdrom device # TODO : properly detect cdrom device # Mount it # os.system("mkdir -p /target/media/cdrom") # if (int(os.system("mount /dev/sr0 /target/media/cdrom"))): # print " --> Failed to mount CDROM. Install will fail" # chroot_exec("apt-cdrom -o Acquire::cdrom::AutoDetect=false -m add") # remove live-packages (or w/e) print " --> Removing live packages" our_current += 1 self.update_progress(total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Removing live configuration (packages)")) with open("/lib/live/mount/medium/live/filesystem.packages-remove", "r") as fd: line ='\n', ' ') chroot_exec("apt-get remove --purge --yes --force-yes %s" % line) # add new user print " --> Adding new user" our_current += 1 self.update_progress(total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Adding new user to the system")) chroot_exec('adduser --disabled-login --gecos "{real_name}" {username}'.format(real_name=setup.real_name.replace('"', r'\"'), username=setup.username)) for group in 'adm audio bluetooth cdrom dialout dip fax floppy fuse lpadmin netdev plugdev powerdev sambashare scanner sudo tape users vboxusers video'.split(): chroot_exec("adduser {user} {group}".format(user=setup.username, group=group)) fp = open("/target/tmp/.passwd", "w") fp.write(setup.username + ":" + setup.password1 + "\n") fp.write("root:" + setup.password1 + "\n") fp.close() chroot_exec("cat /tmp/.passwd | chpasswd") os.system("rm -f /target/tmp/.passwd") # Set autologin for user if they so elected if setup.autologin: # LightDM chroot_exec(r"sed -i -r 's/^#?(autologin-user)\s*=.*/\1={user}/' /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf".format(user=setup.username)) # MDM chroot_exec(r"sed -i -r -e '/^AutomaticLogin(Enable)?\s*=/d' -e 's/^(\[daemon\])/\1\nAutomaticLoginEnable=true\nAutomaticLogin={user}/' /etc/mdm/mdm.conf".format(user=setup.username)) # GDM3 chroot_exec(r"sed -i -r -e '/^(#\s*)?AutomaticLogin(Enable)?\s*=/d' -e 's/^(\[daemon\])/\1\nAutomaticLoginEnable=true\nAutomaticLogin={user}/' /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf".format(user=setup.username)) # KDE4 chroot_exec(r"sed -i -r -e 's/^#?(AutomaticLoginEnable)\s*=.*/\1=true/' -e 's/^#?(AutomaticLoginUser)\s*.*/\1={user}/' /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc".format(user=setup.username)) # LXDM chroot_exec(r"sed -i -r -e 's/^#?(autologin)\s*=.*/\1={user}/' /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf".format(user=setup.username)) # SLiM chroot_exec(r"sed -i -r -e 's/^#?(default_user)\s.*/\1 {user}/' -e 's/^#?(auto_login)\s.*/\1 yes/' /etc/slim.conf".format(user=setup.username)) # Add user's face os.system("cp /tmp/live-installer-face.png /target/home/%s/.face" % setup.username) chroot_exec("chown %s:%s /home/%s/.face" % (setup.username, setup.username, setup.username)) # Make the new user the default user in KDM if os.path.exists('/target/etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc'): defUsrCmd = "sed -i 's/^#DefaultUser=.*/DefaultUser="******"/g' " + kdmrcPath print defUsrCmd os.system(defUsrCmd) # write the /etc/fstab print " --> Writing fstab" our_current += 1 self.update_progress(total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Writing filesystem mount information to /etc/fstab")) if not os.path.exists("/target/etc/fstab"): os.system("echo '#### Static Filesystem Table File' > /target/etc/fstab") if not setup.skip_mount: with open("/target/etc/fstab", "a") as fstab: for part in setup.partitions: if not part.mount_as: continue uuid = getoutput('blkid -s UUID -o value ' + part.partition.path) or part.partition.path fsck = 0 if part.type in ('ntfs', 'swap') else 1 if part.mount_as == '/' else 2 opts = 'rw,errors=remount-ro' if 'ext' in part.type else 'defaults' fs = 'vfat' if part.type.startswith('fat') else part.type fstab.write('{uuid}\t{part.mount_as}\t{fs}\t{opts}\t0\t{fsck}\n'.format(**locals()))
def exec_cmd(self, command): if self.setup.oem_setup: shell_exec(command) else: chroot_exec(command, self.setup.target_dir)
def finish_install(self, setup): # Steps: our_total = 11 our_current = 4 # write host+hostname infos print " --> Writing hostname" our_current += 1 self.update_progress(total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Setting hostname")) hostnamefh = open("/target/etc/hostname", "w") hostnamefh.write("%s\n" % setup.hostname) hostnamefh.close() hostsfh = open("/target/etc/hosts", "w") hostsfh.write("\tlocalhost\n") hostsfh.write("\t%s\n" % setup.hostname) hostsfh.write("# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts\n") hostsfh.write("::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback\n") hostsfh.write("fe00::0 ip6-localnet\n") hostsfh.write("ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix\n") hostsfh.write("ff02::1 ip6-allnodes\n") hostsfh.write("ff02::2 ip6-allrouters\n") hostsfh.write("ff02::3 ip6-allhosts\n") hostsfh.close() # set the locale print " --> Setting the locale" our_current += 1 self.update_progress(total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Setting locale")) shell_exec("echo \"%s.UTF-8 UTF-8\" >> /target/etc/locale.gen" % setup.language) chroot_exec("locale-gen") shell_exec("echo \"\" > /target/etc/default/locale") chroot_exec("update-locale LANG=\"%s.UTF-8\"" % setup.language) chroot_exec("update-locale LANG=%s.UTF-8" % setup.language) # set the timezone print " --> Setting the timezone" shell_exec("echo \"%s\" > /target/etc/timezone" % setup.timezone) shell_exec("cp /target/usr/share/zoneinfo/%s /target/etc/localtime" % setup.timezone) # localizing if setup.language != "en_US": if os.path.exists("/lib/live/mount/medium/pool"): print " --> Localizing packages" our_current += 1 self.update_progress(total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Localizing packages")) shell_exec("mkdir -p /target/debs") language_code = setup.language if "_" in setup.language: language_code = setup.language.split("_")[0] l10ns = getoutput("find /lib/live/mount/medium/pool | grep 'l10n-%s\\|hunspell-%s'" % (language_code, language_code)) for l10n in l10ns.split("\n"): shell_exec("cp %s /target/debs/" % l10n) chroot_exec("dpkg -i /debs/*") shell_exec("rm -rf /target/debs") if hasInternetConnection: # [XK] Localize when not LMDE loc = Localize(setup.language, our_total, our_current) loc.set_progress_hook(self.update_progress) loc.start() our_current = loc.our_current # [XK] Configure Plymouth our_current += 1 if os.path.exists('/target/bin/plymouth'): print " --> Configuring Plymouth" self.update_progress(pulse=True, total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Configuring Plymouth")) plymouth = PlymouthSave() # [XK] Install multimedia our_current += 1 if setup.multimedia_enable: if hasInternetConnection: print " --> Install multimedia" self.update_progress(pulse=True, total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Install multimedia")) packages = "libdvdcss2" if isAmd64: packages += " w64codecs" else: packages += " w32codecs" chroot_exec("apt-get install --assume-yes -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold --force-yes %s" % packages) # [XK] Configure sensors our_current += 1 if os.path.exists('/target/usr/sbin/sensors-detect'): print " --> Configuring sensors" self.update_progress(pulse=True, total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Configuring sensors")) chroot_exec('/usr/bin/yes YES | /usr/sbin/sensors-detect') # [XK] Remove VirtualBox when not installing to VirtualBox if not runningInVirtualBox(): print " --> Remove VirtualBox" self.update_progress(pulse=True, total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Removing VirtualBox")) chroot_exec("apt-get purge --assume-yes -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold --force-yes virtualbox*") # set the keyboard options.. print " --> Setting the keyboard" our_current += 1 self.update_progress(total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Setting keyboard options")) consolefh = open("/target/etc/default/console-setup", "r") newconsolefh = open("/target/etc/default/", "w") for line in consolefh: line = line.rstrip("\r\n") if(line.startswith("XKBMODEL=")): newconsolefh.write("XKBMODEL=\"%s\"\n" % setup.keyboard_model) elif(line.startswith("XKBLAYOUT=")): newconsolefh.write("XKBLAYOUT=\"%s\"\n" % setup.keyboard_layout) elif(line.startswith("XKBVARIANT=") and setup.keyboard_variant is not None): newconsolefh.write("XKBVARIANT=\"%s\"\n" % setup.keyboard_variant) else: newconsolefh.write("%s\n" % line) consolefh.close() newconsolefh.close() chroot_exec("rm /etc/default/console-setup") chroot_exec("mv /etc/default/ /etc/default/console-setup") consolefh = open("/target/etc/default/keyboard", "r") newconsolefh = open("/target/etc/default/", "w") for line in consolefh: line = line.rstrip("\r\n") if(line.startswith("XKBMODEL=")): newconsolefh.write("XKBMODEL=\"%s\"\n" % setup.keyboard_model) elif(line.startswith("XKBLAYOUT=")): newconsolefh.write("XKBLAYOUT=\"%s\"\n" % setup.keyboard_layout) elif(line.startswith("XKBVARIANT=") and setup.keyboard_variant is not None): newconsolefh.write("XKBVARIANT=\"%s\"\n" % setup.keyboard_variant) else: newconsolefh.write("%s\n" % line) consolefh.close() newconsolefh.close() chroot_exec("rm /etc/default/keyboard") chroot_exec("mv /etc/default/ /etc/default/keyboard") # write MBR (grub) print " --> Configuring Grub" our_current += 1 if(setup.grub_device is not None): self.update_progress(pulse=True, total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Installing bootloader")) print " --> Running grub-install" chroot_exec("grub-install --force %s" % setup.grub_device) self.do_configure_grub(our_total, our_current) grub_retries = 0 while (not self.do_check_grub(our_total, our_current)): self.do_configure_grub(our_total, our_current) grub_retries = grub_retries + 1 if grub_retries >= 5: self.error_message(message=_("WARNING: The grub bootloader was not configured properly! You need to configure it manually.")) break # recreate initramfs (needed in case of skip_mount also, to include things like mdadm/dm-crypt/etc in case its needed to boot a custom install) print " --> Configuring Initramfs" our_current += 1 # [XK] Running update-initramfs takes a long time: check if it is necessary initrd = "/boot/initrd.img-".format(getoutput("uname -r")) update = os.path.getmtime(initrd) < time.time() - 86400 if os.path.isfile(initrd) else True if update: self.update_progress(pulse=True, total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Configuring initramfs")) chroot_exec("/usr/sbin/update-initramfs -t -u -k all") kernelversion = getoutput("uname -r") chroot_exec("/usr/bin/sha1sum /boot/initrd.img-%s > /var/lib/initramfs-tools/%s" % (kernelversion,kernelversion)) # Clean APT print " --> Cleaning APT" our_current += 1 self.update_progress(pulse=True, total=our_total, current=our_current, message=_("Cleaning APT")) shell_exec("chroot /target/ /bin/sh -c \"dpkg --configure -a\"") chroot_exec("sed -i 's/^deb cdrom/#deb cdrom/' /etc/apt/sources.list") chroot_exec("apt-get -y --force-yes autoremove") # now unmount it print " --> Unmounting partitions" shell_exec("umount --force /target/dev/shm") shell_exec("umount --force /target/dev/pts") if setup.gptonefi: shell_exec("umount --force /target/boot/efi") shell_exec("umount --force /target/media/cdrom") shell_exec("umount --force /target/dev/") shell_exec("umount --force /target/sys/") shell_exec("umount --force /target/proc/") shell_exec("rm -f /target/etc/resolv.conf") shell_exec("mv /target/etc/resolv.conf.bk /target/etc/resolv.conf") if(not setup.skip_mount): for partition in setup.partitions: if(partition.mount_as is not None and partition.mount_as != "" and partition.mount_as != "/" and partition.mount_as != "swap"): self.do_unmount("/target" + partition.mount_as) self.do_unmount("/target") self.do_unmount("/source") self.update_progress(done=True, message=_("Installation finished")) print " --> All done"
def applications(self): if self.language != "en_US": # Localize KDE self.our_current += 1 if self.isPackageInstalled("kde-runtime"): print " --> Localizing KDE" self.update_progress(total=self.our_total, current=self.our_current, message=_("Localizing KDE")) lan = "".join(self.locale) package = "kde-l10n-%s" % lan print " > package = %s" % package if not self.doesPackageExist(package): lan = self.locale[0] package = "kde-l10n-%s" % lan print " > package = %s" % package if not self.doesPackageExist(package): package = "" if package != "": chroot_exec("apt-get install --yes --force-yes %s" % package) # Localize LibreOffice self.our_current += 1 if self.isPackageInstalled("libreoffice"): print " --> Localizing LibreOffice" self.update_progress( total=self.our_total, current=self.our_current, message=_("Localizing LibreOffice") ) lan = "-".join(self.locale) package = "libreoffice-l10n-%s" % lan print " > package = %s" % package if not self.doesPackageExist(package): lan = self.locale[0] package = "libreoffice-l10n-%s" % lan print " > package = %s" % package if not self.doesPackageExist(package): package = "" if package != "": chroot_exec("apt-get install --yes --force-yes %s" % package) chroot_exec("apt-get install --yes --force-yes libreoffice-help-%s" % lan) chroot_exec("apt-get install --yes --force-yes myspell-%s" % lan) # Localize AbiWord self.our_current += 1 if self.isPackageInstalled("abiword"): print " --> Localizing AbiWord" self.update_progress(total=self.our_total, current=self.our_current, message=_("Localizing AbiWord")) chroot_exec("apt-get install --yes --force-yes aspell-%s" % self.locale[0]) # Localize Firefox self.our_current += 1 isESR = self.isPackageInstalled("firefox-esr") if isESR or self.isPackageInstalled("firefox"): esr = "" if isESR: esr = "esr-" print " --> Localizing Firefox" self.update_progress(total=self.our_total, current=self.our_current, message=_("Localizing Firefox")) lan = "-".join(self.locale) package = "firefox-%sl10n-%s" % (esr, lan) print " > package = %s" % package if not self.doesPackageExist(package): lan = self.locale[0] package = "firefox-%sl10n-%s" % (esr, lan) print " > package = %s" % package if not self.doesPackageExist(package): package = "" if package != "": chroot_exec("apt-get install --yes --force-yes %s" % package) self.localizePref("/etc/skel/.mozilla/firefox/mwad0hks.default/prefs.js") # Localize Thunderbird self.our_current += 1 if self.isPackageInstalled("thunderbird"): print " --> Localizing Thunderbird" self.update_progress( total=self.our_total, current=self.our_current, message=_("Localizing Thunderbird") ) lan = "-".join(self.locale) package = "thunderbird-l10n-%s" % lan print " > package = %s" % package if not self.doesPackageExist(package): lan = self.locale[0] package = "thunderbird-l10n-%s" % lan print " > package = %s" % package if not self.doesPackageExist(package): package = "" if package != "": chroot_exec("apt-get install --yes --force-yes %s" % package) self.localizePref("/etc/skel/.thunderbird/pjzwmea6.default/prefs.js")
def start(self): self.our_current += 1 self.update_progress(total=self.our_total, current=self.our_current, message=_("Update apt cache")) chroot_exec("apt-get update") self.applications() self.languageSpecific()