Example #1
    def next_step(self, things, data):
        zombies = [
            thing for thing in things.values() if isinstance(thing, Zombie)

        if zombies:
            target = closest(self, zombies)
            if distance(self, target) > self.weapon.max_range:
                best_move = closest(target, adjacent_positions(self))
                obstacle = things.get(best_move)
                if obstacle:
                    if isinstance(obstacle, Player):
                        # zombie not in range. Player blocking path. Heal it.
                        return 'heal', obstacle
                        # zombie not in range. Obstacle in front. Shoot it.
                        self.status = u'shooting obstacle to chase target'
                        return 'attack', obstacle
                    # zombie not in range. Not obstacle. Move.
                    self.status = u'chasing target'
                    return 'move', best_move
                # zombie in range. Shoot it.
                self.status = u'shooting target'
                return 'attack', target
            # no zombies. Heal.
            self.status = u'no targets, healing'
            return 'heal', self
Example #2
    def next_step(self, things, t):
        zombies = [thing for thing in things.values()
                   if isinstance(thing, Zombie)]

        if zombies:
            target = closest(self, zombies)
            if distance(self, target) > self.weapon.max_range:
                best_move = closest(target, adjacent_positions(self))
                obstacle = things.get(best_move)
                if obstacle:
                    if isinstance(obstacle, Player):
                        # zombie not in range. Player blocking path. Heal it.
                        return 'heal', obstacle
                        # zombie not in range. Obstacle in front. Shoot it.
                        self.status = u'shooting obstacle to chase target'
                        return 'attack', obstacle
                    # zombie not in range. Not obstacle. Move.
                    self.status = u'chasing target'
                    return 'move', best_move
                # zombie in range. Shoot it.
                self.status = u'shooting target'
                return 'attack', target
            # no zombies. Heal.
            self.status = u'no targets, healing'
            return 'heal', self
Example #3
    def next_step(self, things):
        print('Which action?')
        print('w, a, s, d: movement (up, left down, right, like all games)')
        print('j: attack closest zombie')
        print('k: heal self')
        print('l: heal closest player')
        if sys.version_info > (3,):
            action = input()
            action = raw_input()

        if not action:
            self.status = 'sitting idle'
            action = None
        elif action in 'wasd':
            deltas = {
                'w': (0, -1),
                's': (0, 1),
                'a': (-1, 0),
                'd': (1, 0),

            delta = deltas[action]

            self.status = u'walking'
            action = 'move'
            target = (self.position[0] + delta[0],
                      self.position[1] + delta[1])
        elif action == 'j':
            zombies = [thing for thing in things.values()
                       if isinstance(thing, Zombie)]

            if zombies:
                self.status = u'shooting closest zombie'
                action = 'attack'
                target = closest(self, zombies)
                self.status = u'killing flies, because no zombies left'
                action = None
        elif action == 'k':
            self.status = u'healing self'
            return 'heal', self
        elif action == 'l':
            players = [thing for thing in things.values()
                       if isinstance(thing, Player) and thing is not self]

            if players:
                self.status = u'healing closest friend'
                action = 'heal'
                target = closest(self, players)
                self.status = u'healing flies, because no players left'
                action = None
            action = None
            self.status = u'confused, trying something which is not a valid action'

        if action:
            return action, target
Example #4
 def reach_objective(self, things, zombies, players, walls, boxes, data):
     available = set(self.objectives)
     for player in players:
     destination = closest(self, available)
     return self.go_to(destination, things, zombies, players, walls, boxes,
Example #5
    def next_step(self, things, t):
        if self.life < self.vida:
            if self.next_move == 'move':
                action = self.next_move
                target = tuple(random.choice(emptyPlace(self, things)))
                self.next_move = 'heal'
            elif self.next_move == 'heal':
                action = self.next_move
                target = self
                self.vida = self.life
                self.next_move = 'move'
                self.next_move = 'move'

            target = getClosestZombie(self, things)
            if (canAttack(self, target)):
                action = 'attack'
                action = 'move'
                target = closest(target, possible_moves(self, things))
            name = target.name
            name = target
        self.status = str(action)  #, str(name)#, self.weapon.max_range
        self.vida = self.life
        if action:
            return action, target
Example #6
    def next_step(self, things):
        '''Zombies attack if in range, else move in direction of players.'''
        action = None

        # possible targets for movement and attack
        humans = [thing for thing in things.values()
                  if isinstance(thing, Player)]
        positions = possible_moves(self.position, things)

        if humans:
            # targets available
            target = closest(self, humans)

            if distance(self.position, target.position) < self.weapon.max_range:
                # target in range, attack
                action = 'attack', target
                # target not in range, _try_ to move
                if positions:
                    by_distance = lambda position: distance(target.position,
                    best_position = sorted(positions, key=by_distance)[0]
                    action = 'move', best_position
            # no targets, just wander around
            if positions:
                action = 'move', random.choice(positions)

        return action
Example #7
	def next_step(self, things,t):
		if self.life < self.vida :
			if self.next_move == 'move':
				action = self.next_move
				target = tuple(random.choice(emptyPlace(self,things)))
				self.next_move = 'heal'
			elif self.next_move == 'heal':
				action = self.next_move
				target = self
				self.vida = self.life
				self.next_move = 'move'
				self.next_move = 'move'

			target = getClosestZombie(self,things)
			if (canAttack(self,target)):
				action = 'attack'
				action = 'move'
				target = closest(target,possible_moves(self,things))
			name = target.name
			name = target
		self.status = str(action)#, str(name)#, self.weapon.max_range
		self.vida = self.life
		if action:
			return action, target
def drop_strikes(arr, num, exp):
    median = (min(arr) + max(arr)) / 2
    xu = np.geomspace(median, max(arr), int(num / 2))
    xl = min(arr) + median - np.geomspace(min(arr), median, int(num / 2))
    x = np.sort(np.hstack([xl, xu[1:]]))
    x = [utils.closest(arr, i) for i in x]
    return [i if i in x else np.nan for i in arr], exp
Example #9
 def shoot_zombies(self, zombies):
     target = closest(self, zombies)
     in_range = distance(self, target) < self.weapon.max_range
     if in_range:
         self.status = u'need_support'
         return 'attack', target
     return None, None
Example #10
 def track_zombies(self, things, zombies, players, walls, boxes, data):
     closest_zombie = closest(self, zombies)
     if closest_zombie:
         self.status = u'tracking zombies'
         return self.go_to(closest_zombie.position, things, zombies,
                           players, walls, boxes, data)
     return None, None
Example #11
    def get_next_move(self, player, things):
        if self.start_t is None:
            self.start_t = S.tick

        result = None
        g = self.map
        current = g[player.position]
        winner = None

        if player.life < 70 and random.random() < 0.3:
            result = ('heal', player)
        #elif player.life < 40:
        #        result = ('heal', player)
            #print "evaluating", self, self.position
            moves = utils.possible_moves(player, things)
            for pos in moves:
                #print pos, g[pos], current
                if g[pos] < current:
                    winner = pos

            if winner:
                result = ('move', winner)
                target = closest(
                    [x for x in things.values() if isinstance(x, Zombie)])
                if target is not None:
                    if utils.distance(target,
                                      player) <= player.weapon.max_range:
                        result = ('attack', target)

        # if result is None:
        #     if random.random() < 0.25:
        #         moves = utils.possible_moves(self, things)
        #         if moves:
        #             pos = random.choice(moves)
        #             result = ('move', pos)

        if result is None:
            result = ('heal', player)

        if result[0] in ('attack', 'move'):
            S.last_action = S.tick

        if S.tick - S.last_action > self.wait:
            S.next_strategy = self.next_strategy
            S.last_action = S.tick

        if S.tick - self.start_t > self.timeout:
            S.next_strategy = self.next_strategy
            S.last_action = S.tick

        return result
Example #12
 def help_critical_teammates(self, things, players):
     critical = [
         player for player in players
         if player.life > 0 and player.status == 'critical'
     if critical:
         closest_critical = closest(self, critical)
         if distance(self, closest_critical) < core.HEALING_RANGE:
             self.status = u'heal ' + closest_critical.name
             return 'heal', closest_critical
     return None, None
Example #13
    def next_step(self, things):
        zombies = [thing for thing in things.values()
                   if isinstance(thing, Zombie)]

        if zombies:
            self.status = u'shooting stuff'
            target = closest(self, zombies)
            return 'attack', target
            self.status = u'waiting for targets'
            return None
Example #14
    def next_step(self, things, t):
        zombies = [
            thing for thing in things.values() if isinstance(thing, Zombie)

        if zombies:
            self.status = u'shooting stuff'
            target = closest(self, zombies)
            return 'attack', target
            self.status = u'waiting for targets'
            return None
Example #15
    def alive_players_together(self):
        '''Are the alive players together (close to each other)?'''
        alive_players = self.get_alive_players()

        for player in alive_players:
            others = [other for other in alive_players
                      if other is not player and other.life > 0]
            closest_other = closest(player, others)
            if closest_other:
                if distance(player.position, closest_other.position) > 2:
                    return False
        return True
Example #16
    def get_next_move(self, player, things):
        if self.start_t is None:
            self.start_t = S.tick

        result = None
        g = self.map
        current = g[player.position]
        winner = None

        if player.life < 70 and random.random() < 0.3:
            result = ('heal', player)
        #elif player.life < 40:
        #        result = ('heal', player)
            #print "evaluating", self, self.position
            moves = utils.possible_moves(player, things)
            for pos in moves:
                #print pos, g[pos], current
                if g[pos] < current:
                    winner = pos

            if winner:
                result = ('move', winner)
                target = closest(player, [x for x in things.values() if isinstance(x, Zombie)])
                if target is not None:
                    if utils.distance(target, player) <= player.weapon.max_range:
                        result = ('attack', target)

        # if result is None:
        #     if random.random() < 0.25:
        #         moves = utils.possible_moves(self, things)
        #         if moves:
        #             pos = random.choice(moves)
        #             result = ('move', pos)

        if result is None:
            result = ('heal', player)

        if result[0] in ('attack', 'move'):
            S.last_action = S.tick

        if S.tick - S.last_action > self.wait:
            S.next_strategy = self.next_strategy
            S.last_action = S.tick

        if S.tick - self.start_t > self.timeout:
            S.next_strategy = self.next_strategy
            S.last_action = S.tick

        return result
Example #17
def analogy(w1, w2, w3, n=5, filter_given=True):
    print('%s : %s :: %s : ???' % (w1, w2, w3))

    # w2 - w1 + w3 = w4
    closest_ = closest(get_word_vec(w2) - get_word_vec(w1) + get_word_vec(w3))

    # optionally filter out given words
    if filter_given:
        closest_words = [t for t in closest_ if t[0] not in [w1, w2, w3]]


    return closest_words
Example #18
    def next_step(self, things, t):
        """Zombies attack if in range, else move in direction of players."""
        action = None

        # possible targets for movement and attack
        humans = [
            thing for thing in things.values() if isinstance(thing, Player)
        positions = possible_moves(self.position, things)

        if humans:
            # targets available
            target = closest(self, humans)

            if distance(self.position,
                        target.position) < self.weapon.max_range:
                # target in range, attack
                action = 'attack', target
                # target not in range, _try_ to move
                if positions:
                    # move
                    best_position = closest(target, positions)
                    action = 'move', best_position
                    # if blocked by obstacles, try to break them
                    adjacent = sort_by_distance(target,
                    for position in adjacent:
                        thing = things.get(position)
                        if isinstance(thing, (Box, Wall)):
                            return 'attack', thing
            # no targets, just wander around
            if positions:
                action = 'move', random.choice(positions)

        return action
Example #19
    def next_step(self, things, t):
        '''Zombies attack if in range, else move in direction of players.'''
        action = None

        # possible targets for movement and attack
        humans = [thing for thing in things.values()
                  if isinstance(thing, Player)]
        positions = possible_moves(self.position, things)

        if humans:
            # targets available
            target = closest(self, humans)

            if distance(self.position, target.position) < self.weapon.max_range:
                # target in range, attack
                action = 'attack', target
                # target not in range, _try_ to move
                if positions:
                    # move
                    best_position = closest(target, positions)
                    action = 'move', best_position
                    # if blocked by obstacles, try to break them
                    adyacents = sort_by_distance(target,
                    for position in adyacents:
                        thing = things.get(position)
                        if isinstance(thing, (Box, Wall)):
                            return 'attack', thing
            # no targets, just wander around
            if positions:
                action = 'move', random.choice(positions)

        return action
Example #20
    def get_next_move(self, player, things):
        result = None

        if player.life < 70 and random.random() < 0.3:
            result = ('heal', player)
            target = closest(player, [x for x in things.values() if isinstance(x, Zombie)])
            if target is not None:
                if utils.distance(target, player) <= player.weapon.max_range:
                    result = ('attack', target)

        if result is None:
            result = ('heal', player)

        return result, False, "Waiting"
Example #21
    def get_next_move(self, player, things):
        result = None

        if player.life < 70 and random.random() < 0.3:
            result = ('heal', player)
            target = closest(
                player, [x for x in things.values() if isinstance(x, Zombie)])
            if target is not None:
                if utils.distance(target, player) <= player.weapon.max_range:
                    result = ('attack', target)

        if result is None:
            result = ('heal', player)

        return result, False, "Waiting"
 def detect_rect(self, gray):
     Detects large rectangular shape on the image
     :param gray:
     # get corners
     features = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(gray, 500, 0.01, 10)
     corners = features.squeeze()
     # get some number of corners closest to corresponding frame corners
     corner_candidates = list(
             lambda p: closest(corners, p[0], p[1], HoloDetector.
             ((0, 0), (0, gray.shape[0]), (gray.shape[1], gray.shape[0]),
              (gray.shape[1], 0))))
     # check for rectangularity and get a maximum area rectangle
     combs = itertools.product(*corner_candidates)
     max_rect = None
     max_area = 0
     for c1, c2, c3, c4 in combs:
         angles = [
             angle(c1 - c2, c3 - c2),
             angle(c2 - c3, c4 - c3),
             angle(c1 - c4, c3 - c4)
         if np.allclose(angles, np.pi / 2, rtol=0.05):
             area = la.norm(c2 - c1) * la.norm(c3 - c2)
             if area > max_area:
                 max_rect = [c1, c2, c3, c4]
                 max_area = area
     if self.debug:
         self.dbg_images['corners'] = self.cur_img.copy()
         for c in range(4):
             # draw candidates
             if corner_candidates:
                         lambda p: cv2.circle(self.dbg_images['corners'],
                                              tuple(p), 4, (0, 0, 255), 4),
             # draw selected rect
             if max_rect:
                 cv2.circle(self.dbg_images['corners'], tuple(max_rect[c]),
                            7, (0, 255, 0), 4)
     return max_rect, max_area
Example #23
    def get_next_move(self, player, things):
        result = None

        if player.life < 70 and random.random() < 0.3:
            result = ('heal', player)
            target = closest(player, [x for x in things.values() if isinstance(x, Zombie)])
            if target is not None:
                if utils.distance(target, player) <= player.weapon.max_range:
                    result = ('attack', target)

        done = False
        if not self.location in things:
            done = True
            if result is None:
                result = ('attack', things[self.location])

        return result, done, "Destroy(%s)" % (self.location,)
Example #24
    def get_next_move(self, player, things):
        result = None

        if player.life < 70 and random.random() < 0.3:
            result = ('heal', player)
            target = closest(
                player, [x for x in things.values() if isinstance(x, Zombie)])
            if target is not None:
                if utils.distance(target, player) <= player.weapon.max_range:
                    result = ('attack', target)

        done = False
        if not self.location in things:
            done = True
            if result is None:
                result = ('attack', things[self.location])

        return result, done, "Destroy(%s)" % (self.location, )
def getClosestZombie(self, things):
    zombies = []
    other = [thing for thing in things.values() if isinstance(thing, Zombie)]
    zombies = closest(self, other)
    return zombies
_, temp = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(clientID, temp, -1,
vert.insert(0, temp)
_, temp = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(clientID, 'End',
_, temp = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(clientID, temp, -1,

# add edges for start and end vertices
for ridge in ridgeVert:
    ridge[0] += 1
    ridge[1] += 1

closest = ut.closest(vert[0], vert, connectStart)
for i in range(connectStart):
    ridgeVert.insert(i, [0, closest[i]])
    ridgeGaps.insert(i, None)

closest = ut.closest(vert[-1], vert, connectEnd)
for i in range(connectEnd):
    ridgeVert.append([len(vert) - 1, closest[i]])

# use already simulated costs
# with open('data\\dense\\ec5.txt', 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as f:
#     ec = f.readline().split()
# ec = [float(i) for i in ec]

# evaluate edges using heuristics and find path for experimental evaluation
Example #27
 def set_target_to_kill(self, zombies):
     if ((self.target_to_kill == None) or (self.target_to_kill.life <= 0)):
         self.target_to_kill = closest(self, zombies)
Example #28
def getClosestZombie(self,things):
	zombies = []
	other = [thing for thing in things.values() if isinstance(thing, Zombie)]
	zombies = closest(self, other)
	return zombies
Example #29
    def get_next_move(self, player, things):
        if self.start_tick is None:
            self.start_tick = S.tick

        if self.map is None:
            self.map = GoalDistanceMap(self.goal, things)

        result = None
        done = False
        g = self.map
        current = g[player.position]
        winner = None

        if player.life < 70 and random.random() < 0.3:
            result = ('heal', player)
        elif player.life < 50:
            result = ('heal', player)
            #print "evaluating", self, self.position
            moves = utils.possible_moves(player, things)
            for pos in moves:
                #print pos, g[pos], current
                if g[pos] < current:
                    winner = pos

            if winner:
                result = ('move', winner)
                target = closest(player, [x for x in things.values() if isinstance(x, Zombie)])
                if target is not None:
                    if utils.distance(target, player) <= player.weapon.max_range:
                        result = ('attack', target)

                        # target = closest(player, [x for x in things.values() if isinstance(x, Zombie)])
                        # if target is not None:
                        #     if utils.distance(target, player) <= 1.5:
                        #         result = ('attack', target)

                        # if result is not None:
                        #     moves = utils.possible_moves(player, things)
                        #     random.shuffle(moves)
                        #     for pos in moves:
                        #             #print pos, g[pos], current
                        #             if g[pos] < current:
                        #                 winner = pos

                        #     if winner:
                        #         result = ('move', winner)
                        #     else:
                        #         target = closest(player, [x for x in things.values() if isinstance(x, Zombie)])
                        #         if target is not None:
                        #             if utils.distance(target, player) <= player.weapon.max_range:
                        #                 result = ('attack', target)

        # if result is None:
        #     if random.random() < 0.25:
        #         moves = utils.possible_moves(self, things)
        #         if moves:
        #             pos = random.choice(moves)
        #             result = ('move', pos)

        if result is None:
            result = ('heal', player)

        if result[0] in ('attack', 'move'):
            S.last_action = S.tick

        if S.tick - S.last_action > self.wait:
            done = True
            S.last_action = S.tick

        if S.tick - self.start_tick > self.timeout:
            done = True
        return result, done, "Rush(%s)" % (self.goal,)
Example #30
 def set_target_to_kill(self, zombies):
     if ((self.target_to_kill == None) or (self.target_to_kill.life <= 0)):
         self.target_to_kill = closest(self, zombies)
_, temp = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(clientID, temp, -1,
vertices.insert(0, temp)
_, temp = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(clientID, 'End',
_, temp = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(clientID, temp, -1,

# add edges for start and end vertices
for ridge in edges:
    ridge[0] += 1
    ridge[1] += 1

closest = ut.closest(vertices[0], vertices, connectStart)
for i in range(connectStart):
    edges.insert(i, [0, closest[i]])
    gaps.insert(i, None)

closest = ut.closest(vertices[-1], vertices, connectEnd)
for i in range(connectEnd):
    edges.append([len(vertices) - 1, closest[i]])

# load the paths
paths = []
with open('data\\splitting\\maze_heuristika-15-200.txt',
          encoding='utf-8') as f:
    for i in range(quadsNum):
Example #32
    def __init__(self, raw_data, profile, *, slot_number=0):
        self._raw_data = raw_data
        self.profile = profile

        tag = raw_data.get('tag', {})
        extras = tag.get('ExtraAttributes', {})

        self.slot_number = slot_number
        self.stack_size = self._raw_data.get('Count', 1)

        # Load item name and description
        self.name = re.sub('§.', '', tag.get('display', {}).get('Name', ''))
        self.internal_name = extras.get('id', '')

        self.description = tag.get('display', {}).get('Lore', [])
        self.description_clean = [re.sub('§.', '', line) for line in self.description]

        # Load item extra attributes
        self.hot_potatos = extras.get('hot_potato_count', 0)
        self.anvil_uses = extras.get('anvil_uses', 0) - self.hot_potatos
        self.collection_date = extras.get('timestamp', '')  # ex: 'timestamp': '2/16/20 9:24 PM'
        self.runes = extras.get('runes', {})  # ex: 'runes': {'ZOMBIE_SLAYER': 3}
        self.enchantments = extras.get('enchantments', {})
        self.reforge = extras.get('modifier', None)
        self.recombobulation = False
        if 'rarity_upgrades' in extras:
            if extras['rarity_upgrades'] == 1:
                self.recombobulation = True
        self.dungeon = 'dungeon_item_level' in extras
        self.dungeon_level = None
        if self.dungeon:
            self.dungeon_level = extras['dungeon_item_level']

        # Load item rarity and item from last line of description clean
        self.rarity = None
        self.type = None
        if self.description_clean:
            last_line = self.description_clean[-1].split()
            # remove extra 'a' from recombobulated item description last line
            if self.recombobulation:

            self.rarity = last_line[0].lower()
            if len(last_line) > 1:
                self.type = last_line[1].lower()
                if (self.dungeon or last_line[1].lower() == 'dungeon') and len(last_line) > 2:
                    # In case some dungeon item doesnt have 'dungeon_item_level' attribute
                    if not self.dungeon:
                        self.dungeon = True
                        self.dungeon_level = 0
                    self.type = last_line[2].lower()

        # Load item from backpacks
        self.contents = None
        if self.internal_name == 'NEW_YEAR_CAKE_BAG' or self.internal_name.endswith('_BACKPACK'):
            for key, value in extras.items():
                if key == 'new_year_cake_bag_data' or key.endswith('_backpack_data'):
                    self.contents = decode_inventory_data(value, profile, backpack=True)

        # Load item stats
        stats, reforge_stat, dungeon_bonus = get_stats_from_description(self.description_clean, dungeon=self.dungeon)
        self.stats = ItemStats(stats, item=self, dungeon=self.dungeon)
        self.stats.reforge_stat = reforge_stat
        if self.dungeon:
            self.stats.dungeon_bonus += self.dungeon_level / 10

        # Check and get profile's catacomb dungeon bonus + level based on dungeon bonus from description.
        # Only when the item is a dungeon item + there's a dungeon bonus from item and profile dungeon level hasn't been set.
        if self.dungeon and dungeon_bonus > 1.00 and self.profile.dungeon_skill == 0:
            relative_dungeon_bonus = (dungeon_bonus - (1 + self.dungeon_level / 10)) * 100
            total_dungeon_bonus, dungeon_level = closest(ACCUMULATED_CATACOMB_LEVEL_REWARDS['dungeon bonus'],
            self.profile.dungeon_skill = dungeon_level
            self.profile.stats.dungeon_bonus += total_dungeon_bonus / 100

Example #33
        changeSpeedTime = time.time()
    if (time.time() - radar > 30 + np.random.randint(10)):
        listCars = utils.checkSpeedPoint(listCars, df)
        listCars = utils.rewardPoint(listCars)
        listCars = utils.checkAccidentPoint(listCars, df)
        listToBlit = utils.toBlit(listCars)
        radar = time.time()

    for event in pygame.event.get():

        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            crashed = True
        elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
            x0, x1 = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
            whichLane, corner = utils.closest(listLanes.get_listLanes(),\
                    [x0,x1], numberVertices)
        elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
            x0, x1 = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
            newListCar, flatten = listLanes.update(x0,x1, flatten, whichLane, \
                                    corner, listCars.get_listCars(),\


    for l in range(len(listCars.get_listCars())):
        listStart, listCars, listLanes, flatten =\
                    utils.updatePosition(l, listStart, listCars, \
                                listLanes, distSecur, \
                                flatten, [listPassingLine, listPassingLine2,\
                                        listPassingLine3, listPassingLine4],\
Example #34
    def get_next_move(self, player, things):
        if self.start_tick is None:
            self.start_tick = S.tick

        if self.map is None:
            self.map = GoalDistanceMap(self.goal, things)

        result = None
        done = False
        g = self.map
        current = g[player.position]
        winner = None

        if player.life < 70 and random.random() < 0.3:
            result = ('heal', player)
        elif player.life < 50:
            result = ('heal', player)
            #print "evaluating", self, self.position
            moves = utils.possible_moves(player, things)
            for pos in moves:
                #print pos, g[pos], current
                if g[pos] < current:
                    winner = pos

            if winner:
                result = ('move', winner)
                target = closest(
                    [x for x in things.values() if isinstance(x, Zombie)])
                if target is not None:
                    if utils.distance(target,
                                      player) <= player.weapon.max_range:
                        result = ('attack', target)

                        # target = closest(player, [x for x in things.values() if isinstance(x, Zombie)])
                        # if target is not None:
                        #     if utils.distance(target, player) <= 1.5:
                        #         result = ('attack', target)

                        # if result is not None:
                        #     moves = utils.possible_moves(player, things)
                        #     random.shuffle(moves)
                        #     for pos in moves:
                        #             #print pos, g[pos], current
                        #             if g[pos] < current:
                        #                 winner = pos

                        #     if winner:
                        #         result = ('move', winner)
                        #     else:
                        #         target = closest(player, [x for x in things.values() if isinstance(x, Zombie)])
                        #         if target is not None:
                        #             if utils.distance(target, player) <= player.weapon.max_range:
                        #                 result = ('attack', target)

        # if result is None:
        #     if random.random() < 0.25:
        #         moves = utils.possible_moves(self, things)
        #         if moves:
        #             pos = random.choice(moves)
        #             result = ('move', pos)

        if result is None:
            result = ('heal', player)

        if result[0] in ('attack', 'move'):
            S.last_action = S.tick

        if S.tick - S.last_action > self.wait:
            done = True
            S.last_action = S.tick

        if S.tick - self.start_tick > self.timeout:
            done = True
        return result, done, "Rush(%s)" % (self.goal, )
    def updateScale(self):
        self.unit = self.scale * self.pixelRatio

        self.axisStep = closest(self.scaleRange, 1 / self.scale)
        self.unitStep = self.unit * self.axisStep
Example #36
    def next_step(self, things, t):
        print('Which action?')
        print('w, a, s, d: movement (up, left down, right, like all games)')
        print('j: attack closest zombie')
        print('k: heal self')
        print('l: heal closest player')
        if sys.version_info > (3, ):
            action = input()
            action = raw_input()

        if not action:
            self.status = 'sitting idle'
            action = None
        elif action in 'wasd':
            deltas = {
                'w': (0, -1),
                's': (0, 1),
                'a': (-1, 0),
                'd': (1, 0),

            delta = deltas[action]

            self.status = u'walking'
            action = 'move'
            target = (self.position[0] + delta[0], self.position[1] + delta[1])
        elif action == 'j':
            zombies = [
                thing for thing in things.values()
                if isinstance(thing, Zombie)

            if zombies:
                self.status = u'shooting closest zombie'
                action = 'attack'
                target = closest(self, zombies)
                self.status = u'killing flies, because no zombies left'
                action = None
        elif action == 'k':
            self.status = u'healing self'
            return 'heal', self
        elif action == 'l':
            players = [
                thing for thing in things.values()
                if isinstance(thing, Player) and thing is not self

            if players:
                self.status = u'healing closest friend'
                action = 'heal'
                target = closest(self, players)
                self.status = u'healing flies, because no players left'
                action = None
            action = None
            self.status = u'confused, pressing random keys'

        if action:
            return action, target
Example #37
    def next_step(self, things, t):
        # action = random.choice(('move', 'attack', 'heal'))
        if self.life <= self.MAX_LIFE * .4: #max_heal_threshold(self):
            self.status = "I'm dieing!"
            return 'heal', self
        zombies = [thing for thing in things.values() if isinstance(thing, Zombie)]
        closest_zombie = closest(self, zombies)
        players = [thing for thing in things.values() if isinstance(thing, Player)]
        other_players = set(players) - set([self])
        zombie_locations = [position for position, thing in things if isinstance(thing, Zombie)]
        moves = possible_moves(self, things) 
        if moves and len([1 for move in moves if move in zombie_locations]) == 3:
            assert len(moves) == 1
            self.status = "I'm surrounded!"
            return 'move', moves[0]
        #if closest_zombie and len(list(filter(lambda z: distance(self, z) <= 3, zombies))) > 5:
        #    self.status = "I'm surrounded!"
        #    return 'attack', closest_zombie
        if other_players and closest_zombie and len(list(filter(lambda z: distance(self, z) <= closest_zombie.weapon.max_range, zombies))) > 1:
            avgx = int(sum(player.position[0] for player in other_players) / len(other_players))
            avgy = int(sum(player.position[0] for player in other_players) / len(other_players))
            moves = astar(self.position, (avgx, avgy), closed=set(things.keys()) - set([(avgx, avgy)]), goal_met=distance_goal_fn(core.HEALING_RANGE))
            if moves:
                self.status = 'This is a little overwhelming'
                return 'move', moves[0]
        players.sort(key=lambda x: x.life)

        if closest_zombie:
            moves_left_predicted = distance(self, closest_zombie) - closest_zombie.weapon.max_range #self.weapon.max_range
            moves_left_predicted = 9999

        if moves_left_predicted - 1 > 0:
            if not closest_zombie:
                players_to_heal = players
                players_to_heal = list(filter(lambda p: (distance(self, p) - core.HEALING_RANGE) < moves_left_predicted, players))
            if players_to_heal:
                player_to_heal = players_to_heal[0]
                if player_to_heal.life <= max_heal_threshold(self):
                    self.status = 'healing ' + player_to_heal.name
                    if distance(self, player_to_heal) < core.HEALING_RANGE:
                        return 'heal', player_to_heal
                        moves = astar(self.position, player_to_heal.position, closed=things.keys(), goal_met=distance_goal_fn(core.HEALING_RANGE))
                        if moves:
                            return 'move', moves[0]
                            self.status = "Healing (can't reach " + player_to_heal.name + ')'
                            return 'heal', self
                    if self.life < min_heal_threshold(self):
                        self.status = "Nobody makes me bleed my own blood!"
                        return 'heal', self
                        self.status = "If it bleeds, we can kill it..."
                        if closest_zombie and distance(self, closest_zombie) <= self.weapon.max_range:
                            return 'attack', closest_zombie
                            if closest_zombie:
                                moves = astar(self.position, closest_zombie.position, closed=things.keys(), goal_met=distance_goal_fn(self.weapon.max_range))
                                moves = []
                            if moves:
                                return 'move', moves[0]
                                self.status = "Healing (can't attack)"
                                return 'heal', self

                if self.life < min_heal_threshold(self):
                    self.status = "Nobody makes me bleed my own blood!"
                    return 'heal', self
                    self.status = "WE'RE INVINCIBLE!"
                    if closest_zombie and distance(self, closest_zombie) <= self.weapon.max_range:
                        return 'attack', closest_zombie
                        if closest_zombie:
                            moves = astar(self.position, closest_zombie.position, closed=things.keys(), goal_met=distance_goal_fn(self.weapon.max_range))
                            moves = []
                        if moves:
                            return 'move', moves[0]
                            self.status = "Healing (can't attack)"
                            return 'heal', self
            self.status = "DIE!"
            return 'attack', closest_zombie