Example #1
    def step(self):
        self.energy -= 2
        self.age = self.age + 1
        if self.energy <= 0 or self.age > 300:

        neighbor_space = choose_neighbor(self.location)
        neighbor = g.creatures.get(neighbor_space)
        if neighbor:
            if type(neighbor) == SimPlant:
                color_similarity = compare_color([self.r, self.g, self.b],
                                                 [neighbor.r, neighbor.g, neighbor.b])
                if random.random() < color_similarity:
                    self.energy = self.energy + neighbor.energy
                    neighbor = None

            elif type(neighbor) == self.__class__:
                might_have_space = True
                while self.energy > 70 and might_have_space:
                    child_space = find_or_make_empty_space(
                        self.location, victims=[SimPlant])

                    if child_space:
                        self.energy = self.energy - 20
                        g.creatures[child_space] = breed(
                            self, neighbor, loc=child_space)
                        might_have_space = False

        if not neighbor:  # either was empty or got eaten.
            old_loc = self.location
            self.location = neighbor_space
            g.creatures[neighbor_space] = self
            del g.creatures[old_loc]

        self.energy = min(200, self.energy)
        if self.energy == 200:  # SOO MUCH ENERGY! GONNA BUD
            child_space = find_or_make_empty_space(self.location, victims=[SimPlant])
            if child_space:
                g.creatures[child_space] = bud(self, loc=child_space)
                self.energy == 100
Example #2
    def step_subclass(self):
        self.energy -= self.metabolism
        self.age = self.age + 1
        if self.energy <= 0 or self.age > self.max_age:

        neighbor_space = choose_neighbor(self.location)
        neighbor = g.creatures.get(neighbor_space)
        if neighbor:
            if type(neighbor) == SimPlant:
                color_similarity = compare_color([self.h, self.s, self.l],
                                                 [neighbor.h, neighbor.s, neighbor.l])
                eat_chance = chance_to_eat([self.h, self.s, self.l],
                                                 [neighbor.h, neighbor.s, neighbor.l])
                if random.random() < eat_chance:
                    self.energy = self.energy + neighbor.energy * color_similarity
                    self.energy = min(self.max_energy, self.energy)
                    neighbor = None

            elif type(neighbor) == self.__class__:
                if self.energy > self.min_breed_energy:
                    child_space = find_or_make_empty_space(
                        self.location, victims=[SimPlant])

                    if child_space:
                        self.energy = self.energy - self.breed_energy_loss
                        g.creatures[child_space] = breed(
                            self, neighbor, loc=child_space)

        if not neighbor:  # either was empty or got eaten.
            # move there

        if self.energy > self.min_bud_energy:  # SOO MUCH ENERGY! GONNA BUD
            child_space = find_or_make_empty_space(self.location, victims=[SimPlant])
            if child_space:
                g.creatures[child_space] = bud(self, loc=child_space)
                self.energy == self.energy - self.bud_energy_loss
Example #3
def chance_to_eat(color1, color2):
    similarity = compare_color(color1, color2)
    return 0.4 * (similarity**4 + 0.05) # small constant chance to eat