Example #1
    def getConfigs(self, path):
        base_path = utils.concatPaths(path, self.config_name)
        base_path = os.path.expanduser(base_path)

        files = []
        for r, _, f in os.walk(base_path):
            for file in f:
                files.append(os.path.join(r, file))

        return files
Example #2
 def test_trailing_slash(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.concatPaths("/test/pth/", "rest/of/path"),
Example #3
 def test_no_trailing_or_leading_slashes(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.concatPaths("/test/pth", "rest/of/path"),
Example #4
def command(args, cfg):
    manager_order = cfg['managers']['order'].splitlines()
    manager_order = [s for s in manager_order if s]

    pkg_path = utils.concatPaths(cfg['paths']['base_path'],

    for integration in manager_order:

        manager = managers[integration](args.verbose)

        # Get a list of packages
        pkgs = manager.getPackages(pkg_path)

        # Update the manager
        print("[" + manager.config_name + "] update")

        if not (args.dry_run):
            if not manager.update():
                print(manager.config_name + " failed to update")

        if args.verbose >= 1 or args.dry_run:
            print(manager.config_name + " updated")

        # Install new packages
        print("[" + manager.config_name + "] install new packages")

        # Compare with the list of full packages because some of the requested
        # packages might be dependencies on others, so .leaves() would be wrong
        new_pkgs = pkgs.difference(manager.list())

        if args.verbose >= 1 or args.dry_run:
            print("The following " + manager.config_name +
                  " packages will be installed")

        if not (args.dry_run):
            if not manager.install(list(new_pkgs)):
                print("Failed to install packages for " + manager.config_name)

        # Uninstall old packages
        print("[" + manager.config_name + "] uninstall old packages")

        # Compare with the packages that aren't dependencies (leaves) so that we
        # don't uninstall a required package
        old_pkgs = manager.leaves().difference(pkgs)

        if args.verbose >= 1 or args.dry_run:
            print("The following " + manager.config_name +
                  " packages will be uninstalled")

        if not (args.dry_run):
            if not manager.uninstall(list(old_pkgs)):
                print("Failed to uninstall packages for " +

        # Update installed packages
        print("[" + manager.config_name + "] update packages")

        if not args.update_all:
            # Don't update packages we can't know have latest versions
            non_updatable_pkgs = manager.list_non_updatable()
            updatable_pkgs = pkgs.difference(non_updatable_pkgs)
            updatable_pkgs = pkgs

        if args.verbose >= 1 or args.dry_run:
            print("The following " + manager.config_name +
                  " packages will be upgraded")

        if not (args.dry_run):
            if not manager.upgrade(list(updatable_pkgs)):
                print("Failed to upgrade packages for " + manager.config_name)
Example #5
import os
from configparser import ConfigParser
import utils

base_path = "~/.config/mpm"
config_file_path = utils.concatPaths(base_path, "config.ini")

default_config = {"paths": {"base_path": base_path,
                            "pkg_path": "pkgs"},
                  "managers": {"order": ""}}

def loadConfig(config_path):
    cfg = ConfigParser()

    # Load defaults


    return cfg
Example #6
def command(args, cfg):
    manager_order = cfg['managers']['order'].splitlines()
    manager_order = [s for s in manager_order if s]

    pkg_path = utils.concatPaths(cfg['paths']['base_path'],

    rows = []
    for integration in manager_order:

        print("[" + integration + "]")
        manager = managers[integration](False)

        # Get listed packages
        pkgs_by_config = manager.getPackagesByConfig(pkg_path)

        all_pkgs = set(reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, pkgs_by_config.values()))

        # Get the packages to be *installed*

        # Compare with the list of full packages because some of the requested
        # packages might be dependencies on others, so .leaves() would be wrong
        new_pkgs = all_pkgs.difference(manager.list())

        # Get the packages to be *uninstalled*

        # Compare with the packages that aren't dependencies (leaves) so that we
        # don't uninstall a required package
        old_pkgs = manager.leaves().difference(all_pkgs)

        # Print new packages
        print(" [new]")
        no_pkgs = True
        for cfg_path in sorted(pkgs_by_config.keys()):

            pkgs = set(pkgs_by_config[cfg_path])
            new_pkgs = pkgs.intersection(new_pkgs)

            if len(new_pkgs) != 0:
                print("  [" + cfg_path + "]")
                for pkg in new_pkgs:
                    print("   " + pkg)
                no_pkgs = False
        if no_pkgs:
            print("  (none)")

        # Print existing packages
        print(" [existing]")
        no_pkgs = True
        for cfg_path in sorted(pkgs_by_config.keys()):

            pkgs = set(pkgs_by_config[cfg_path])
            existing_pkgs = pkgs.difference(new_pkgs.union(old_pkgs))

            if len(existing_pkgs) != 0:
                print("  [" + cfg_path + "]")
                for pkg in existing_pkgs:
                    print("   " + pkg)
                no_pkgs = False
        if no_pkgs:
            print("  (none)")

        # Print new packages
        print(" [old]")
        no_pkgs = True
        for cfg_path in sorted(pkgs_by_config.keys()):

            pkgs = set(pkgs_by_config[cfg_path])
            old_pkgs = pkgs.intersection(old_pkgs)

            if len(old_pkgs) != 0:
                print("  [" + cfg_path + "]")
                for pkg in old_pkgs:
                    print("   " + pkg)
                no_pkgs = False
        if no_pkgs:
            print("  (none)")
