Example #1
def member_dict_from_request(request, actor, join_or_renew):
    """Creates and returns a dict of member info from the request.
    new_or_renew should be "join" if this is (or expected to be) for a new
    member, or "renew" for a member being renewed.


    # Make sure the user/form/request isn't trying to mess with fields that it
    # shouldn't be.
    for name, field in config.MEMBER_FIELDS._asdict().items():
        if not field.form_field and request.POST.get(name) is not None:
            # This causes the request processing to stop
            webapp2.abort(400, detail='invalid field')

        if field.values is not None and request.POST.get(name) is not None \
           and not set(request.POST.get(name).split(config.MULTIVALUE_DIVIDER)).issubset(field.values):
            # This causes the request processing to stop
            webapp2.abort(400, detail='invalid field value')

    member = config.validate_member(request.POST)

    if not member:
        # This causes the request processing to stop
        webapp2.abort(400, detail='invalid input')

    # We didn't validate the geoposition above, so do it now
    geoposition = request.POST.get('geoposition', '')  # TODO: don't hardcode field name
    geoposition_required = config.MEMBER_FIELDS.joined_latlong.required \
                            if join_or_renew == 'join' else \
    if not utils.latlong_validator(geoposition, geoposition_required):
        webapp2.abort(400, detail='invalid input')
    geoaddress = helpers.address_from_latlong(geoposition)

    if join_or_renew == 'join':
        # Set the GUID field
        member[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.id.name] = str(uuid.uuid4())
        # Set the timestamps
        member[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.joined.name] = utils.current_datetime()
        member[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.joined_by.name] = actor
        member[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.joined_latlong.name] = geoposition
        member[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.joined_address.name] = geoaddress

    # These get set regardless of mode
    member[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.renewed.name] = utils.current_datetime()
    member[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.renewed_by.name] = actor
    member[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.renewed_latlong.name] = geoposition
    member[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.renewed_address.name] = geoaddress

    member[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.address_latlong.name] = helpers.latlong_for_record(

    # We want the "MailChimp Updated" field to be cleared, regardless of mode
    member[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.mailchimp_updated.name] = ''

    return member
Example #2
def member_dict_from_request(request, actor, join_or_renew):
    """Creates and returns a dict of member info from the request.
    new_or_renew should be "join" if this is (or expected to be) for a new
    member, or "renew" for a member being renewed.


    # Make sure the user/form/request isn't trying to mess with fields that it
    # shouldn't be.
    for name, field in config.MEMBER_FIELDS._asdict().items():
        if not field.form_field and request.POST.get(name) is not None:
            # This causes the request processing to stop
            webapp2.abort(400, detail='invalid field')

        if field.values is not None and request.POST.get(name) is not None \
           and not set(request.POST.get(name).split(config.MULTIVALUE_DIVIDER)).issubset(field.values):
            # This causes the request processing to stop
            webapp2.abort(400, detail='invalid field value')

    member = config.validate_member(request.POST)

    if not member:
        # This causes the request processing to stop
        webapp2.abort(400, detail='invalid input')

    # We didn't validate the geoposition above, so do it now
    geoposition = request.POST.get('geoposition',
                                   '')  # TODO: don't hardcode field name
    geoposition_required = config.MEMBER_FIELDS.joined_latlong.required \
                            if join_or_renew == 'join' else \
    if not utils.latlong_validator(geoposition, geoposition_required):
        webapp2.abort(400, detail='invalid input')
    geoaddress = helpers.address_from_latlong(geoposition)

    if join_or_renew == 'join':
        # Set the GUID field
        member[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.id.name] = str(uuid.uuid4())
        # Set the timestamps
        member[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.joined.name] = utils.current_datetime()
        member[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.joined_by.name] = actor
        member[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.joined_latlong.name] = geoposition
        member[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.joined_address.name] = geoaddress

    # These get set regardless of mode
    member[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.renewed.name] = utils.current_datetime()
    member[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.renewed_by.name] = actor
    member[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.renewed_latlong.name] = geoposition
    member[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.renewed_address.name] = geoaddress

           name] = helpers.latlong_for_record(config.MEMBER_FIELDS, member)

    # We want the "MailChimp Updated" field to be cleared, regardless of mode
    member[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.mailchimp_updated.name] = ''

    return member
Example #3
def send_msg_to_MQ(
        msg_data):  # Build connection -> build channel -> send message
    connection = BlockingConnection(
    channel = connection.channel()
    result = channel.queue_declare(
        queue='un_judged')  # 声明消息队列,消息将在这个队列传递,如不存在,则创建
    @key='TaskID' value->str # 自动生成唯一的任务ID (自动生成)
    @key='studentNumber' value->str # 学号
    @key='code' value->str # 需要评判的代码
    @key='time' value->str # 当前的时间 (自动生成)
    TID = gen_task_ID(msg_data['studentNumber'])
    message = json.dumps({
        'TaskID': TID,
        'code': msg_data['code'],
        'time': current_datetime(),
        'studentNumber': msg_data['studentNumber']
    })  # build msg
    channel.basic_publish(exchange='', routing_key='un_judged',
                          body=message)  # 向队列插入数值 routing_key是队列名
    return TID
Example #4
def authorize_new_user(request, user):
    """Creates a new member with the data in the reqeust.


    new_user = config.validate_obj_against_fields(request.POST,

    if not new_user:
        # This causes the request processing to stop
        webapp2.abort(400, detail='invalid input')

    # Check if this user (i.e., email) is already authorized
    # NOTE: We're putting "" around the second %s because otherwise the query
    # gives an error.
    querystring = '%s=="%s"' % (config.AUTHORIZED_FIELDS.email.name,
    existing_user = _get_single_list_entry(querystring,
    if existing_user:
        # This causes the request processing to stop
        webapp2.abort(400, detail='user email address already authorized')

    # Set the GUID field
    new_user[config.AUTHORIZED_FIELDS.id.name] = str(uuid.uuid4())
    # Set the timestamps
    new_user[config.AUTHORIZED_FIELDS.created.name] = utils.current_datetime()
    new_user[config.AUTHORIZED_FIELDS.created_by.name] = user.email()

Example #5
File: forms.py Project: saml/simple
def parse_form_for_post(form, post):
    title = form.get('title')
    readable_id = form.get('readable_id')
    text_type = form.get('text_type')
    created_at = form.get('created_at')
    if created_at is not None:
        created_at = dateutil.parser.parse(created_at)
        if created_at.tzinfo:
            created_at = created_at.astimezone(pytz.utc)

    updated_at = current_datetime()
    text = form.get('text', '')
    is_draft = any(form.getlist("draft", type=int))

    old_url = full_url_of(post)
    was_draft = post.draft

    post.text = text
    post.text_type = text_type
    post.draft = is_draft
    post.updated_at = updated_at
    post.created_at = created_at
    post.readable_id = readable_id
    post.title = title

    if not was_draft:
        return old_url
    return None
Example #6
def authorize_new_user(request, user):
    """Creates a new member with the data in the reqeust.


    new_user = config.validate_obj_against_fields(request.POST,

    if not new_user:
        # This causes the request processing to stop
        webapp2.abort(400, detail='invalid input')

    # Check if this user (i.e., email) is already authorized
    # NOTE: We're putting "" around the second %s because otherwise the query
    # gives an error.
    querystring = '%s=="%s"' % (config.AUTHORIZED_FIELDS.email.name,
    existing_user = _get_single_list_entry(querystring,
    if existing_user:
        # This causes the request processing to stop
        webapp2.abort(400, detail='user email address already authorized')

    # Set the GUID field
    new_user[config.AUTHORIZED_FIELDS.id.name] = str(uuid.uuid4())
    # Set the timestamps
    new_user[config.AUTHORIZED_FIELDS.created.name] = utils.current_datetime()
    new_user[config.AUTHORIZED_FIELDS.created_by.name] = user.email()

    _add_new_row(new_user, config.AUTHORIZED_SPREADSHEET_KEY,
Example #7
def renew_member_by_email_or_paypal_id(email, paypal_payer_id, member_dict):
    """Looks in any email fields for the given email address and in the payer
    ID field for `paypal_payer_id`. Updates member entry from `member_dict`.
    Returns True if the member was found and renewed.
    querystring = '%s=="%s" or %s=="%s" or %s=="%s"' % (
        config.MEMBER_FIELDS.paypal_payer_id.name, paypal_payer_id,
        config.MEMBER_FIELDS.email.name, email,
        config.MEMBER_FIELDS.paypal_email.name, email)
    list_entry = _get_single_list_entry(querystring,

    # TODO: Refactor this duplication
    member_dict[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.renewed.name] = utils.current_datetime()
        config.MEMBER_FIELDS.renewed_by.name] = config.PAYPAL_ACTOR_NAME
    member_dict[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.renewed_latlong.name] = ''
    member_dict[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.renewed_address.name] = ''

    # HACK: In theory we should be updating the address geoposition here. But
    # we "know" that the address isn't changing. Make sure this is better when
    # we refactor this stuff.
    #member_dict[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.address_latlong.name] = helpers.latlong_for_record(config.MEMBER_FIELDS, member_dict)

    # We're not bothering to clear the "MailChimp Updated" field here, since we
    # know that no interesting fields are changing in the member row

    if list_entry:
        _update_record(config.MEMBER_FIELDS, list_entry, member_dict)
        return True

    return False
Example #8
def authorize_new_user(request: flask.Request, current_user_email: str):
    """Creates a new member with the data in the request.
    Calls flask.abort on bad input.


    new_user = config.validate_obj_against_fields(request.values,

    if not new_user:
            'gapps.authorize_new_user: config.validate_obj_against_fields failed'
        # This causes the request processing to stop
        flask.abort(400, description='invalid input')

    # Check if this user (i.e., email) is already authorized
    if is_user_authorized(request.values.get(_S.authorized.fields.email.name)):
        # This causes the request processing to stop
        flask.abort(400, description='user email address already authorized')

    # Set the GUID field
    new_user[_S.authorized.fields.id.name] = str(uuid.uuid4())
    # Set the timestamps
    new_user[_S.authorized.fields.created.name] = utils.current_datetime()
    new_user[_S.authorized.fields.created_by.name] = current_user_email

    # Don't record a demo user's email address
    if config.DEMO:
        new_user[_S.authorized.fields.created_by.name] = '*****@*****.**'

    sheetdata.Row(dct=new_user, sheet=_S.authorized).append()
Example #9
def renew_member_by_email_or_paypal_id(email, paypal_payer_id, member_dict):
    """Looks in any email fields for the given email address and in the payer
    ID field for `paypal_payer_id`. Updates member entry from `member_dict`.
    Returns True if the member was found and renewed.
    querystring = '%s=="%s" or %s=="%s" or %s=="%s"' % (
    list_entry = _get_single_list_entry(querystring,

    # TODO: Refactor this duplication
    member_dict[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.renewed.name] = utils.current_datetime()
    member_dict[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.renewed_by.name] = config.PAYPAL_ACTOR_NAME
    member_dict[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.renewed_latlong.name] = ''
    member_dict[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.renewed_address.name] = ''

    # HACK: In theory we should be updating the address geoposition here. But
    # we "know" that the address isn't changing. Make sure this is better when
    # we refactor this stuff.
    #member_dict[config.MEMBER_FIELDS.address_latlong.name] = helpers.latlong_for_record(config.MEMBER_FIELDS, member_dict)

    # We're not bothering to clear the "MailChimp Updated" field here, since we
    # know that no interesting fields are changing in the member row

    if list_entry:
        _update_record(config.MEMBER_FIELDS, list_entry, member_dict)
        return True

    return False
Example #10
def volunteer_dict_from_request(request: flask.Request, actor: str) -> dict:
    """Creates and returns a dict of volunteer info from the request.
    `actor` is the ID/email of the person or entity that is triggering this.

    logging.debug('gapps.volunteer_dict_from_request: %s',

    # Make sure the user/form/request isn't trying to mess with fields that it
    # shouldn't be.
    for name, field in _S.volunteer.fields._asdict().items():
        if not field.form_field and request.values.get(name) is not None:
            # This causes the request processing to stop
            flask.abort(400, description='invalid field')

        if field.values is not None and request.values.get(name) is not None \
           and not set(request.values.get(name).split(config.MULTIVALUE_DIVIDER)).issubset(field.values):
            # This causes the request processing to stop
            flask.abort(400, description='invalid field value')

    volunteer = config.validate_volunteer(request.values)

    if not volunteer:
            'gapps.volunteer_dict_from_request: config.validate_volunteer failed'
        # This causes the request processing to stop
        flask.abort(400, description='invalid input')

    # We didn't validate the geoposition above, so do it now
    geoposition = request.values.get(_GEOPOSITION_VALUE_KEY, '')
    geoposition_required = _S.volunteer.fields.joined_latlong.required
    if not utils.latlong_validator(geoposition, geoposition_required):
            'gapps.volunteer_dict_from_request: utils.latlong_validator failed'
        flask.abort(400, description='invalid input')
    geoaddress = helpers.address_from_latlong(geoposition)

    # Set the GUID field
    volunteer[_S.volunteer.fields.id.name] = str(uuid.uuid4())
    # Set the timestamps
    volunteer[_S.volunteer.fields.joined.name] = utils.current_datetime()
    volunteer[_S.volunteer.fields.joined_by.name] = actor
    volunteer[_S.volunteer.fields.joined_latlong.name] = geoposition
    volunteer[_S.volunteer.fields.joined_address.name] = geoaddress

    volunteer[_S.volunteer.fields.address_latlong.name] = \
        helpers.latlong_for_record(_S.volunteer.fields, volunteer)

    return volunteer
Example #11
    def parse(self):
        response = requests.get(self.url).text
        bs = BeautifulSoup(response, "html.parser")

        for each in bs.find('div', class_='lft').find_all('li', onmouseover=True):
            rows = [i.text for i in each.find_all('span')]
            tmp = rows[2].split()
            status = add_status(tmp[1][0], tmp[0], "-")

            item = dict(
                price=rows[1].replace(",", ""),
                rate=tmp[1][:-3].replace("+", ""),
Example #12
def process_mailchimp_updates():
    """Checks Members and Volunteers spreadsheets for records that need updating
    in MailChimp.

    # See comment in `cull_members_sheet()` for why we're using `taskqueue`
    # to process these records one at a time.

    googledata = GoogleData()

    for fields, spreadsheet_key, worksheet_key, mailchimp_upsert in (
         config.MEMBERS_WORKSHEET_KEY, mailchimp.upsert_member_info),
         config.VOLUNTEERS_WORKSHEET_KEY, mailchimp.upsert_volunteer_info),

        querystring = '%s==""' % (fields.mailchimp_updated.name, )
        list_entries = googledata.get_list_entries(spreadsheet_key,

        for entry in list_entries:
            entry_dict = entry.to_dict()

            if not entry_dict.get(fields.id.name):
                logging.error('Member missing ID value: %s', entry_dict)

            if not entry_dict.get(fields.email.name):
                # If there's no email, we don't add to MailChimp

            # Updated MailChimp

            # Set the MailChimp update datetime

            # Update the spreadsheet

            # We've updated one record successfully. Enqueue another run and exit.
Example #13
def volunteer_dict_from_request(request, actor):
    """Creates and returns a dict of volunteer info from the request.


    # Make sure the user/form/request isn't trying to mess with fields that it
    # shouldn't be.
    for name, field in config.VOLUNTEER_FIELDS._asdict().items():
        if not field.form_field and request.POST.get(name) is not None:
            # This causes the request processing to stop
            webapp2.abort(400, detail='invalid field')

        if field.values is not None and request.POST.get(name) is not None \
           and not set(request.POST.get(name).split(config.MULTIVALUE_DIVIDER)).issubset(field.values):
            # This causes the request processing to stop
            webapp2.abort(400, detail='invalid field value')

    volunteer = config.validate_volunteer(request.POST)

    if not volunteer:
        # This causes the request processing to stop
        webapp2.abort(400, detail='invalid input')

    # We didn't validate the geoposition above, so do it now
    geoposition = request.POST.get('geoposition',
                                   '')  # TODO: don't hardcode field name
    geoposition_required = config.VOLUNTEER_FIELDS.joined_latlong.required
    if not utils.latlong_validator(geoposition, geoposition_required):
        webapp2.abort(400, detail='invalid input')
    geoaddress = helpers.address_from_latlong(geoposition)

    # Set the GUID field
    volunteer[config.VOLUNTEER_FIELDS.id.name] = str(uuid.uuid4())
    # Set the timestamps
    volunteer[config.VOLUNTEER_FIELDS.joined.name] = utils.current_datetime()
    volunteer[config.VOLUNTEER_FIELDS.joined_by.name] = actor
    volunteer[config.VOLUNTEER_FIELDS.joined_latlong.name] = geoposition
    volunteer[config.VOLUNTEER_FIELDS.joined_address.name] = geoaddress

    volunteer[config.VOLUNTEER_FIELDS.address_latlong.name] = \
        helpers.latlong_for_record(config.VOLUNTEER_FIELDS, volunteer)

    return volunteer
Example #14
def process_mailchimp_updates():
    """Checks Members and Volunteers spreadsheets for records that need updating
    in MailChimp.

    # See comment in `cull_members_sheet()` for why we're using `taskqueue`
    # to process these records one at a time.

    googledata = GoogleData()

    for fields, spreadsheet_key, worksheet_key, mailchimp_upsert in (
            (config.MEMBER_FIELDS, config.MEMBERS_SPREADSHEET_KEY, config.MEMBERS_WORKSHEET_KEY, mailchimp.upsert_member_info),
            (config.VOLUNTEER_FIELDS, config.VOLUNTEERS_SPREADSHEET_KEY, config.VOLUNTEERS_WORKSHEET_KEY, mailchimp.upsert_volunteer_info),

        querystring = '%s==""' % (fields.mailchimp_updated.name,)
        list_entries = googledata.get_list_entries(spreadsheet_key,

        for entry in list_entries:
            entry_dict = entry.to_dict()

            if not entry_dict.get(fields.id.name):
                logging.error('Member missing ID value: %s', entry_dict)

            if not entry_dict.get(fields.email.name):
                # If there's no email, we don't add to MailChimp

            # Updated MailChimp

            # Set the MailChimp update datetime

            # Update the spreadsheet

            # We've updated one record successfully. Enqueue another run and exit.
Example #15
def volunteer_dict_from_request(request, actor):
    """Creates and returns a dict of volunteer info from the request.


    # Make sure the user/form/request isn't trying to mess with fields that it
    # shouldn't be.
    for name, field in config.VOLUNTEER_FIELDS._asdict().items():
        if not field.form_field and request.POST.get(name) is not None:
            # This causes the request processing to stop
            webapp2.abort(400, detail='invalid field')

        if field.values is not None and request.POST.get(name) is not None \
           and not set(request.POST.get(name).split(config.MULTIVALUE_DIVIDER)).issubset(field.values):
            # This causes the request processing to stop
            webapp2.abort(400, detail='invalid field value')

    volunteer = config.validate_volunteer(request.POST)

    if not volunteer:
        # This causes the request processing to stop
        webapp2.abort(400, detail='invalid input')

    # We didn't validate the geoposition above, so do it now
    geoposition = request.POST.get('geoposition', '')  # TODO: don't hardcode field name
    geoposition_required = config.VOLUNTEER_FIELDS.joined_latlong.required
    if not utils.latlong_validator(geoposition, geoposition_required):
        webapp2.abort(400, detail='invalid input')
    geoaddress = helpers.address_from_latlong(geoposition)

    # Set the GUID field
    volunteer[config.VOLUNTEER_FIELDS.id.name] = str(uuid.uuid4())
    # Set the timestamps
    volunteer[config.VOLUNTEER_FIELDS.joined.name] = utils.current_datetime()
    volunteer[config.VOLUNTEER_FIELDS.joined_by.name] = actor
    volunteer[config.VOLUNTEER_FIELDS.joined_latlong.name] = geoposition
    volunteer[config.VOLUNTEER_FIELDS.joined_address.name] = geoaddress

    volunteer[config.VOLUNTEER_FIELDS.address_latlong.name] = \
        helpers.latlong_for_record(config.VOLUNTEER_FIELDS, volunteer)

    return volunteer
    def __init__(self, name, work_dir, data_dir, output_root):
        super(Configuration, self).__init__()
        # file related params
        self.work_dir = work_dir
        self.data_dir = data_dir
        self.vocab_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'vocabulary')
        self.embed_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'glove_embedding.npy')
        self.vocab_size = line_count(self.vocab_path, skip_empty=True)

        with setups(self):
            with immutables(self):
                self.start_time = current_datetime()
                self.name = name
                self.output_dir = os.path.join(output_root, name)
                self.train_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'trainyiseg.csv')
                self.train_eval_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'trainyiseg_eval.csv')
                self.valid_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'validyiseg.csv')
                self.test_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'testayiseg.csv')
                self.model_path = os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'model')
                self.elmo_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'elmo', 'model')
                self.num_aspects = 20
                self.visible_gpus = '0'  # visible GPUs
                self.num_gpus = len(self.visible_gpus.split(','))
                os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = self.visible_gpus

        with structures(self):
            self.hidden_size = 512
            self.embed_size = 300
            self.atn_units = 300
            self.num_layers = 1
            self.use_elmo = False

        with learning(self):
            # training process params
            self.load_embed = True
            self.keep_prob = 0.65
            self.rnn_kernel_keep_prob = 0.8
            self.max_epoch = 50
            self.grad_clip_max_norm = 5.0
            self.early_stop_epoch = 10

            # input params
            self.batch_size = 64
            self.eval_batch_size = 64
Example #17
def renew_member_by_email_or_paypal_id(email: str, paypal_payer_id: str,
                                       member_dict: dict) -> bool:
    """Looks in any email fields for the given email address and in the payer
    ID field for `paypal_payer_id`. Updates member entry from `member_dict`.
    Returns True if the member was found and renewed.

    if not email and not paypal_payer_id:
            'gapps.renew_member_by_email_or_paypal_id: email and paypal_payer_id empty'
        return False

    def matcher(d):
        if paypal_payer_id and (d[_S.member.fields.paypal_payer_id.name]
                                == paypal_payer_id):
            return True
        if email and (d[_S.member.fields.email.name] == email) or (
                d[_S.member.fields.paypal_email.name] == email):
            return True
        return False

    row = sheetdata.Row.find(_S.member, matcher)

    if not row:
        return False

    member_dict[_S.member.fields.renewed.name] = utils.current_datetime()
    member_dict[_S.member.fields.renewed_by.name] = config.PAYPAL_ACTOR_NAME
    member_dict[_S.member.fields.renewed_latlong.name] = ''
    member_dict[_S.member.fields.renewed_address.name] = ''

    # HACK: In theory we should be updating the address geoposition here. But
    # we "know" that the address isn't changing. Make sure this is better when
    # we refactor this stuff.
    #member_dict[_S.member.fields.address_latlong.name] = helpers.latlong_for_record(_S.member.fields, member_dict)

    # We're not bothering to clear the "MailChimp Updated" field here, since we
    # know that no interesting fields are changing in the member row

    return True
Example #18
def process_mailchimp_updates():
    """Checks Members and Volunteers spreadsheets for records that need updating
    in MailChimp.

    for sheet, mailchimp_upsert in (
        (_S.member, mailchimp.upsert_member_info),
        (_S.volunteer, mailchimp.upsert_volunteer_info),

        rows = sheetdata.find_rows(
            sheet, lambda d: not d[sheet.fields.mailchimp_updated.name])

        rows_to_update = []

        for row in rows:
            if not row.dict.get(sheet.fields.id.name):
                logging.error('Member or Volunteer missing ID value: %s',

            if not row.dict.get(sheet.fields.email.name):
                # If there's no email, we don't add to MailChimp

            # Set the MailChimp update datetime
                     name] = utils.current_datetime()

            # Update MailChimp. Note that this involves a network call.
            # TODO: Is there a bulk upsert for Mailchimp?


        sheetdata.update_rows(sheet, rows_to_update)
Example #19
def member_dict_from_request(request: flask.Request, actor: str,
                             join_or_renew: str) -> dict:
    """Creates and returns a dict of member info from the request.
    new_or_renew should be "join" if this is (or expected to be) for a new
    member, or "renew" for a member being renewed.
    `actor` is the ID/email of the person or entity that is triggering this.


    # Make sure the user/form/request isn't trying to mess with fields that it
    # shouldn't be.
    for name, field in _S.member.fields._asdict().items():
        if not field.form_field and request.values.get(name) is not None:
            # There is a field provided in the request that isn't one that's allowed to be
            # set via the form. This can be achieved by an attacker by modifying the page
            # elements. This causes the request processing to stop.
            flask.abort(400, description='invalid field')

        if field.values is not None and request.values.get(name) is not None \
            and not set(request.values.get(name).split(config.MULTIVALUE_DIVIDER)).issubset(field.values):
            # This field has a restricted set of allowed values, and the form has provided
            # one that isn't allowed. This causes the request processing to stop.
            flask.abort(400, description='invalid field value')

    member = config.validate_member(request.values)

    if not member:
            'gapps.member_dict_from_request: config.validate_member failed')
        # This causes the request processing to stop
        flask.abort(400, description='invalid input')

    # We didn't validate the geoposition above, so do it now
    geoposition = request.values.get(_GEOPOSITION_VALUE_KEY, '')
    geoposition_required = _S.member.fields.joined_latlong.required \
                            if join_or_renew == 'join' else \
    if not utils.latlong_validator(geoposition, geoposition_required):
            'gapps.member_dict_from_request: utils.latlong_validator failed')
        flask.abort(400, description='invalid input')
    geoaddress = helpers.address_from_latlong(geoposition)

    if join_or_renew == 'join':
        # Set the GUID field
        member[_S.member.fields.id.name] = str(uuid.uuid4())
        # Set the timestamps
        member[_S.member.fields.joined.name] = utils.current_datetime()
        member[_S.member.fields.joined_by.name] = actor
        member[_S.member.fields.joined_latlong.name] = geoposition
        member[_S.member.fields.joined_address.name] = geoaddress

    # These get set regardless of mode
    member[_S.member.fields.renewed.name] = utils.current_datetime()
    member[_S.member.fields.renewed_by.name] = actor
    member[_S.member.fields.renewed_latlong.name] = geoposition
    member[_S.member.fields.renewed_address.name] = geoaddress

    member[_S.member.fields.address_latlong.name] = helpers.latlong_for_record(
        _S.member.fields, member)

    # We want the "MailChimp Updated" field to be cleared, regardless of mode
    member[_S.member.fields.mailchimp_updated.name] = ''

    # Fields clear if we're in demo mode. We don't want to record a demo user's email address.
    if config.DEMO:
        member[_S.member.fields.joined_by.name] = '*****@*****.**'
        member[_S.member.fields.renewed_by.name] = '*****@*****.**'
        member[_S.member.fields.joined_latlong.name] = ''
        member[_S.member.fields.joined_address.name] = 'Demo'
        member[_S.member.fields.renewed_latlong.name] = ''
        member[_S.member.fields.renewed_address.name] = 'Demo'

    return member