def anadir(self, widget): Selector = gtk.FileChooserDialog( _("Seleccione un archivo"), None, gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN, (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) Selector.set_default_response(gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL) if utils.Archivo_d != None: Echo = if Echo == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: File = Selector.get_filename() print 'ARCHIVO' print File utils.compress(File, utils.Archivo_d) print 'AÑADIDO' utils.decompress(utils.Archivo_d, Hboxx) print 'DESCOMPRIMIDO' Selector.destroy() elif Echo == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL: Selector.destroy() if utils.Archivo_d == None: self.errores('Copiar_a_nada') os.chdir('/tmp/Compress/Work') self.set_model(self.construir_lista()) Uri.set_text(os.getcwd())
def descomprimir_final(self, widget, dire): utils.decompress(utils.Archivos, Hboxx, dire, 'Descomprimir') Hboxx.hide() os.chdir(dire) Uri.set_text(os.getcwd()) self.set_model(self.construir_lista())
def download_file(url, save_path, override, chunksize=65535): downloaded = 0 if os.path.exists(save_path) and override: + ' will be overridden.') elif os.path.exists(save_path): # Resume download downloaded = os.stat(save_path).st_size local_timestamp = os.path.getctime(save_path)"{} already exists. Send resume request after {} bytes".format( save_path, downloaded)) # raise FileExistsError() old_downloaded = downloaded headers = {} if downloaded: headers['Range'] = 'bytes={}-'.format(downloaded) headers['If-Unmodified-Since'] = timestamp2time(local_timestamp) + ' is saved as ' + save_path) res = requests.get(url, headers=headers, stream=True, timeout=15) mode = 'wb+' content_len = int(res.headers.get('content-length')) # Check if server supports range feature, and works as expected. if res.status_code == 206: # Content range is in format `bytes 327675-43968289/43968290`, check # if it starts from where we requested. content_range = res.headers.get('content-range') # If file is already downloaded, it will reutrn `bytes */43968290`. if content_range and \ int(content_range.split(' ')[-1].split('-')[0]) == downloaded: mode = 'ab+' elif res.status_code == 416: # 416 means Range field not support # TODO:需要重新下载吗 logger.warning("Range not support. Redownloading...") urlretrieve(url, save_path, reporthook=reporthook4urlretrieve) return elif res.status_code == 412: # 如果所请求的资源在指定的时间之后发生了修改,那么会返回 412 (Precondition Failed) 错误。 logger.warning("Resource Changed, should override. Redownloading...") urlretrieve(url, save_path, reporthook=reporthook4urlretrieve) return file_origin_size = content_len + old_downloaded with open(save_path, mode) as f: for chunk in res.iter_content(chunksize): f.write(chunk) downloaded += len(chunk) # TODO:如何显示下载进度 flush_print('Downloading %s %.2f%%: %d | %d' % (save_path, downloaded / file_origin_size * 100, downloaded, file_origin_size)) # urlretrieve(url, save_path, reporthook=reporthook4urlretrieve) print() decompress(save_path)
def download_file(url, save_path, override): if os.path.exists(save_path) and override: # pragma: no cover os.remove(save_path) + ' will be overridden.') + ' is saved as ' + save_path) urlretrieve(url, save_path, reporthook=reporthook4urlretrieve) print() decompress(save_path)
def test_compress_decompress(teardown_env, filesize): generate_file(filesize=filesize) compress('_test') decompress('_test_decomp') source_file_data = get_content('_test') dest_file_data = get_content('_test_decomp') assert source_file_data == dest_file_data
def download_file(url, save_path, override): if os.path.exists(save_path) and override: + ' will be overridden.') elif os.path.exists(save_path): raise FileExistsError() + ' is saved as ' + save_path) urlretrieve(url, save_path, reporthook=reporthook4urlretrieve) print() decompress(save_path)
def open(self, widget, clickeado=False): # Abrir if not clickeado: try: utils.decompress(utils.Archivos, Hboxx, '/tmp/Compress/Work', 'Abrir') utils.Archivo_d = Uri.get_text() + "/" + utils.Archivos os.chdir('/tmp/Compress/Work') except: utils.Abrir(Hboxx, entrada) if clickeado: utils.Abrir(Hboxx, entrada) Uri.set_text(os.getcwd()) self.set_model(self.construir_lista())
def search(cls, words): doc_array = None words = [to_ascii(w).lower() for w in words] for word in words: kw = Keyword.get(word, readonly=True) if not kw: return if doc_array is None: doc_array = kw.documents else: doc_array &= kw.documents limit, offset = limit_offset() ids = list(ranks(doc_array)) ctx.cursor.execute( 'SELECT id, uri, content from document ' \ 'WHERE content is not null and id in (%s) ' \ 'ORDER BY score desc limit %s offset %s' % ( ','.join(str(i) for i in ids), limit, offset) ) for doc_id, uri, content in ctx.cursor: match = None for line in decompress(content).splitlines(): idx = to_ascii(line).lower().find(words[0]) if idx < 0: continue match = get_match_context(idx, line) break yield doc_id, uri, match, content
def copy(self, widget, W=False): try: self.Copiado = utils.Archivos if not W: try: shutil.copy(os.getcwd() + "/" + utils.Archivos, '/tmp/Compress/') except: shutil.copytree(os.getcwd() + "/" + utils.Archivos, '/tmp/Compress/' + utils.Archivos) if W: try: utils.compress("./" + utils.Archivos, utils.Archivo_d) utils.decompress(utils.Archivo_d, Hboxx) except: self.errores('Copiar_a_nada') except: self.errores('Copiar')
def by_id(cls, doc_id): ctx.cursor.execute('SELECT content ' 'FROM document WHERE id = ?', (doc_id, )) res = next(ctx.cursor, None) if res is None: return None content, = res if content is not None: content = decompress(content) return content
def open_diario(self, widget): # Abrir un zip desde el diario. chooser = ObjectChooser() resultado = if resultado == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT: Archivo_s = chooser.get_selected_object() Archivo = Archivo_s.get_file_path() try: print Archivo utils.Archivo_d = Archivo utils.decompress(Archivo, Hboxx, '/tmp/Compress/Work', 'Abrir', True) except IOError: Mensaje = _("""Oh..Parece que no selecciono un archivo zip""") info = gtk.MessageDialog(type=gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING, buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_OK, message_format=Mensaje) a = if a == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: info.destroy() self.set_model(self.construir_lista()) Uri.set_text(os.getcwd())
def create_word_embedding(infile, outfile, min_count, size, downsample, estimator, negative): def run_on(actual_infile): assert estimator in ['skipgram', 'cbow'] use_cbow = estimator == 'cbow' sample = 10e-3 if not downsample: sample = 1[ 'tools/word2vec/word2vec' \ , '-train', actual_infile \ , '-output', outfile \ , '-min-count', str(min_count) \ , '-size', str(size) \ , '-sample', str(sample) \ , '-negative', str(negative) \ , '-cbow', str(int(use_cbow)) ]) compress_flag = False outfilep = PurePath(outfile) if outfilep.suffix == '.gz': outfile = str(outfilep.parent / outfilep.stem) compress_flag = True infilep = PurePath(infile) if infilep.suffix == '.gz': rndstr = ''.join(random.choice(list(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits)) for _ in range(10)) tmp_filename = '/tmp/' + infilep.stem + rndstr try: decompress(infile, keep=True, outfile=tmp_filename) run_on(tmp_filename) finally: if os.path.exists(tmp_filename): os.remove(tmp_filename) else: run_on(infile) if compress_flag: compress(outfile)
def read(cls, uri): ctx.cursor.execute( 'SELECT id, score, content, referer, distance ' 'FROM document WHERE uri = ?', (uri, )) res = next(ctx.cursor, None) if res is None: return None id, score, content, referer, distance = res if content is not None: content = decompress(content) return Document(id, uri, score=score, content=content, referer=referer, distance=distance)
import os # load files ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) clmap = { 0: 'unknown', 1: 'mini', 2: 'punk', 3: 'latin', 4: 'rock', 5: 'techno', 6: 'jazz', 7: 'electro' } # database client = MongoClient('localhost', 27017) db = client.bheat collection = db.origset # generate compressed numpy array for each class of beats for k, v in clmap.iteritems(): db_beats = collection.find({'class': k}) class_seq = [] for i, b in enumerate(db_beats): # get np_seq np_seq = utils.decompress(b['zip'], b['bar']) class_seq.append(np_seq) class_seq = np.array(class_seq) np.savez_compressed(ROOT + '/cache/'+v+'.npz', class_seq) print('saved', v)
collection.find({ 'bar': 128, 'class': 0 }, { '_id': 1, 'theme_index': 1, 'zip': 1, 'bar': 1 })) ids = [t['_id'] for t in c0_b] c0_themes = [] for t in c0_b: # get np_seq np_seq = utils.decompress(t['zip'], t['bar']) tt = np.copy(np_seq[t['theme_index']]) c0_themes.append(tt) c0_themes = np.array(c0_themes) identified = { 'unknown': [20, 21, 1, 3, 19, 22], 'mini': [5, 8, 31, 30, 33, 36], 'punk': [0, 2], 'latin': [4], 'rock': [6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 29, 39, 23, 32, 37, 38, 13], 'techno': [9, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44], 'jazz': [24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 18, 34, 35], 'electro': [45, 46] }
labels = labels['arr_0'] # get ids for mongo # database client = MongoClient('localhost', 27017) db = client.bheat collection = db.origset # get class 0 themes c0_b = list(collection.find({'bar': 128, 'class': 0}, {'_id': 1, 'theme_index': 1, 'zip': 1, 'bar': 1})) ids = [t['_id'] for t in c0_b] c0_themes = [] for t in c0_b: # get np_seq np_seq = utils.decompress(t['zip'], t['bar']) tt = np.copy(np_seq[t['theme_index']]) c0_themes.append(tt) c0_themes = np.array(c0_themes) identified = { 'unknown': [20, 21, 1, 3, 19, 22], 'mini': [5, 8, 31, 30, 33, 36], 'punk': [0, 2], 'latin': [4], 'rock': [6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 29, 39, 23, 32, 37, 38, 13], 'techno': [9, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44], 'jazz': [24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 18, 34, 35], 'electro': [45, 46] }
imgBlueComponent = utils.getImageComponent('blue', image) utils.imgDisplay("blue", imgBlueComponent) cv2.imwrite("blue-component.jpg", imgBlueComponent) imgGreenComponent = utils.getImageComponent('green', image) utils.imgDisplay("green", imgGreenComponent) cv2.imwrite("green-component.jpg", imgGreenComponent) for m in [1, 2, 3, 4]: # Compress the image compressedImage = utils.compress(image, m)'image1.npy', image)'decompressedm{}.npy'.format(m), compressedImage) decompressedImage = utils.decompress(compressedImage, m) cv2.imwrite('decompressedm{}.bmp'.format(m), decompressedImage) utils.imgDisplay('OriginalImage', decompressedImage) imgRedComponent = utils.getImageComponent('red', decompressedImage) utils.imgDisplay("red", imgRedComponent) imgBlueComponent = utils.getImageComponent('blue', decompressedImage) utils.imgDisplay("blue", imgBlueComponent) imgGreenComponent = utils.getImageComponent('green', decompressedImage) utils.imgDisplay("green", imgGreenComponent) #find and show the psnr psnr = 255**2 psnr = psnr / (np.square(np.subtract(image, decompressedImage)).mean()) psnr = 10 * np.log10(psnr) print("at m=" + str(m) + " PSNR=" + str(psnr))
def test_decompress_zip(self): test_dir = '/tmp/test_zip' files = utils.decompress('tests/files/', test_dir) self.assertEquals(files, [os.path.join(test_dir, 'dummy.csv')]) shutil.rmtree(test_dir)
def test_decompress_invalid_type(self): utils.decompress('tests/files/dummy.csv', '/tmp/test_invalid_type')
'bar': 128, 'diversity': { '$gt': 0.08 }, 'gridicity': { '$lt': 0.75 }, }).limit(100)) # select random shuffle(beats) # decompress in numpy alll = [] for i, beat in enumerate(beats): np_beat = utils.decompress(beat['zip'], beat['bar']) for j, np_bar in enumerate(np_beat): alll.append(np_bar) alll = np.array(alll) print "before:", alll.shape # downsample alll = utils.map2twelve(alll) print "down-sampled:", alll.shape alll = utils.clean_and_unique_beats(alll) print "after:", alll.shape alll_f = alll.reshape(( alll.shape[0], alll.shape[1] * 12,
def compress_decompress(): compress('_test') decompress('_test_decomp')
from pymongo import MongoClient import numpy as np import utils import os # load files ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # database client = MongoClient('localhost', 27017) db = client.bheat collection = db.origset beats = collection.find({'bar': 128, 'class': {'$exists': True}}) for i, b in enumerate(beats): # get np_seq np_seq = utils.decompress(b['zip'], b['bar']) theme = np_seq[b['theme_index']] # compute drum mean dm = theme.mean(axis=0) dm = np.delete(dm, np.s_[15::], 0) ntheme = None # repare shifted beats if b['class'] == 0 and dm[0] > 0.0: # potentiatlly shifted beat if theme[0][0] > 0.0: rotate = 0 while theme[0][0] == 0.0: rotate -= 1 theme = np.roll(theme, rotate, axis=0) # rotated, we fix all the sequence np_seq = np.roll(np_seq, rotate, axis=1)
def _get_data(self, key): data = self._reader[key] data = decompress(key, data) return data.decode(self.codec, "ignore")
def _get_data(self, key): data = self._reader[key] data = decompress(key, data) return data.decode(self.codec, 'ignore')