def test_flat_alias(self): f = fabfile("") with path_prefix(f): docs, funcs = load_fabfile(f) eq_(len(funcs), 2) ok_("foo" in funcs) ok_("foo_aliased" in funcs)
def test_nested_alias(self): f = fabfile("") with path_prefix(f): docs, funcs = load_fabfile(f) ok_("nested" in funcs) eq_(len(funcs["nested"]), 2) ok_("foo" in funcs["nested"]) ok_("foo_aliased" in funcs["nested"])
def test_class_based_tasks_are_found_with_proper_name(self): """ Wrapped new-style tasks should preserve their function names """ module = fabfile('') with path_prefix(module): docs, funcs = load_fabfile(module) eq_(len(funcs), 1) ok_('foo' in funcs)
def test_exception_exclusion(self): """ Exception subclasses should not be considered as tasks """ exceptions = fabfile("") with path_prefix(exceptions): docs, funcs = load_fabfile(exceptions) ok_("some_task" in funcs) ok_("NotATask" not in funcs)
def test_newstyle_task_presence_skips_classic_task_modules(self): """ Classic-task-only modules shouldn't add tasks if any new-style tasks exist """ module = fabfile('deep') with path_prefix(module): docs, funcs = load_fabfile(module) eq_(len(funcs), 1) ok_('submodule.classic_task' not in _task_names(funcs))
def test_recursion_steps_into_nontask_modules(self): """ Recursive loading will continue through modules with no tasks """ module = fabfile('deep') with path_prefix(module): docs, funcs = load_fabfile(module) eq_(len(funcs), 1) ok_('submodule.subsubmodule.deeptask' in _task_names(funcs))
def test_task_decorator_plays_well_with_others(self): """ @task, when inside @hosts/@roles, should not hide the decorated task. """ module = fabfile('decorator_order') with path_prefix(module): docs, funcs = load_fabfile(module) # When broken, crawl() finds None for 'foo' instead. eq_(crawl('foo', funcs), funcs['foo'])
def test_should_load_decorated_tasks_only_if_one_is_found(self): """ If any new-style tasks are found, *only* new-style tasks should load """ module = fabfile('') with path_prefix(module): docs, funcs = load_fabfile(module) eq_(len(funcs), 1) ok_('foo' in funcs)
def test_explicit_discovery(self): """ If __all__ is present, only collect the tasks it specifies """ explicit = fabfile("") with path_prefix(explicit): docs, funcs = load_fabfile(explicit) eq_(len(funcs), 1) ok_("foo" in funcs) ok_("bar" not in funcs)
def test_implicit_discovery(self): """ Default to automatically collecting all tasks in a fabfile module """ implicit = fabfile("") with path_prefix(implicit): docs, funcs = load_fabfile(implicit) eq_(len(funcs), 2) ok_("foo" in funcs) ok_("bar" in funcs)
def test_class_based_tasks_are_found_with_variable_name(self): """ A new-style tasks with undefined name attribute should use the instance variable name. """ module = fabfile('') with path_prefix(module): docs, funcs = load_fabfile(module) eq_(len(funcs), 1) ok_('foo' in funcs) eq_(funcs['foo'].name, 'foo')
def test_class_based_tasks_are_found_with_proper_name(self): """ Wrapped new-style tasks should preserve their function names """ module = fabfile("") from fabric.state import env with path_prefix(module): docs, funcs = load_fabfile(module) eq_(len(funcs), 1) ok_("foo" in funcs)
def test_class_based_tasks_are_found_with_variable_name(self): """ A new-style tasks with undefined name attribute should use the instance variable name. """ module = fabfile("") from fabric.state import env with path_prefix(module): docs, funcs = load_fabfile(module) eq_(len(funcs), 1) ok_("foo" in funcs) eq_(funcs["foo"].name, "foo")
def test_default_task_loading(): """ crawl() should return default tasks where found, instead of module objs """ docs, tasks = load_fabfile(fabfile('default_tasks')) ok_(isinstance(crawl('mymodule', tasks), Task))
def list_output(module, format_, expected): module = fabfile(module) with path_prefix(module): docstring, tasks = load_fabfile(module) with patched_context(fabric.state, 'commands', tasks): eq_output(docstring, format_, expected)