def do_whois(self, args): '''查看用户信息,参数为用户昵称''' if len(args) != 1: self.msg.reply('错误:你想知道关于谁的信息?') return u = get_user_by_nick(args[0]) if u is None: self.msg.reply(u'Sorry,查无此人。') return now = status = u.avail addtime = (u.add_date + timezone).strftime('%Y年%m月%d日 %H时%M分').decode('utf-8') allowpm = u'否' if u.reject_pm else u'是' if u.snooze_before is not None and u.snooze_before > now: status += u' (snoozing)' if u.black_before is not None and u.black_before > now: status += u' (已禁言)' r = [] r.append(u'昵称:\t%s' % u.nick) if self.sender.is_admin: r.append(u'JID:\t%s' % u.jid) r.append(u'状态:\t%s' % status) r.append(u'消息数:\t%d' % u.msg_count) r.append(u'消息总量:\t%s' % utils.filesize(u.msg_chars)) r.append(u'加入时间:\t%s' % addtime) r.append(u'接收私信:\t%s' % allowpm) r.append(u'自我介绍:\t%s' % u.intro) self.msg.reply(u'\n'.join(r).encode('utf-8'))
def do_chatty(self, args): '''消息数排行''' r = [] for u in User.gql('ORDER BY msg_count ASC'): m = u.nick m = u'* %s:\t%5d条,共 %s' % ( u.nick, u.msg_count, utils.filesize(u.msg_chars)) r.append(m) n = len(r) r.insert(0, u'消息数量排行:') r.append(u'共 %d 人。' % n) self.msg.reply(u'\n'.join(r).encode('utf-8'))
def do_iam(self, args): '''查看自己的信息''' u = self.sender addtime = (u.add_date + timezone).strftime('%Y年%m月%d日 %H时%M分').decode('utf-8') allowpm = u'否' if u.reject_pm else u'是' r = [] r.append(u'昵称:\t%s' % u.nick) r.append(u'JID:\t%s' % u.jid) r.append(u'资源:\t%s' % u' '.join(u.resources)) r.append(u'消息数:\t%d' % u.msg_count) r.append(u'消息总量:\t%s' % utils.filesize(u.msg_chars)) r.append(u'加入时间:\t%s' % addtime) r.append(u'命令前缀:\t%s' % u.prefix) r.append(u'接收私信:\t%s' % allowpm) r.append(u'自我介绍:\t%s' % u.intro) self.msg.reply(u'\n'.join(r).encode('utf-8'))
def convert_worker(target_format, message, url, config, bot): """Generic process spawned every time user sends a link or a file""" input_filename = "".join([config["temp_path"], utils.random_string()]) output_filename = "".join( [config["temp_path"], utils.random_string(), ".", target_format]) # Tell user that we are working status_message = bot.reply_to(message, text.starting, parse_mode="HTML") def update_status_message(new_text): bot.edit_message_text(, message_id=status_message.message_id, text=new_text, parse_mode="HTML") # Try to download URL try: r = requests.get(url, stream=True) except: update_status_message(text.error.downloading) return # Check file size if int(r.headers.get("Content-Length", "0")) >= MAXIMUM_FILESIZE_ALLOWED: update_status_message(text.error.huge_file) return # Download the file update_status_message(text.downloading) chunk_size = 4096 raw_input_size = 0 try: with open(input_filename, "wb") as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size): f.write(chunk) raw_input_size += chunk_size # Download files without Content-Length, but apply standard limit to them if raw_input_size >= MAXIMUM_FILESIZE_ALLOWED: update_status_message(text.error.huge_file) utils.rm(input_filename) return except: update_status_message(text.error.downloading) bot.reply_to(message, f"HTTP {r.status_code}") return # Start ffmpeg ffmpeg_process = None if target_format == "mp4": ffmpeg_process = subprocess.Popen([ "ffmpeg", "-v", "error", "-threads", str(config["ffmpeg_threads"]), "-i", input_filename, "-map", "V:0?", # select video stream "-map", "0:a?", # ignore audio if doesn't exist "-c:v", "libx264", # specify video encoder "-max_muxing_queue_size", "9999", # "-movflags", "+faststart", # optimize for streaming "-preset", "veryslow", # "-timelimit", "900", # prevent DoS (exit after 15 min) "-vf", "pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2", # output_filename, ]) elif target_format == "png": ffmpeg_process = subprocess.Popen([ "ffmpeg", "-v", "error", "-threads", str(config["ffmpeg_threads"]), "-thread_type", "slice", "-i", input_filename, "-timelimit", "60", # prevent DoS (exit after 15 min) output_filename, ]) # Update progress while ffmpeg is alive old_progress = "" while ffmpeg_process.poll() == None: try: raw_output_size = utils.filesize(output_filename) except FileNotFoundError: raw_output_size = 0 if raw_output_size >= MAXIMUM_FILESIZE_ALLOWED: update_status_message(text.error.huge_file) ffmpeg_process.kill() utils.rm(output_filename) input_size = utils.bytes2human(raw_input_size) output_size = utils.bytes2human(raw_output_size) progress = f"{output_size} / {input_size}" # Update progress only if it changed if progress != old_progress: update_status_message(text.converting.format(progress)) old_progress = progress time.sleep(2) # Exit in case of error with ffmpeg if ffmpeg_process.returncode != 0: update_status_message(text.error.converting) # Clean up and close pipe explicitly utils.rm(output_filename) return # Check output file size output_size = utils.filesize(output_filename) if output_size >= MAXIMUM_FILESIZE_ALLOWED: update_status_message(text.error.huge_file) # Clean up and close pipe explicitly utils.rm(output_filename) return # Default params for sending operation data = { "chat_id":, "reply_to_message_id": message.message_id } if target_format == "mp4": data.update({"supports_streaming": True}) # 1. Get video duration in seconds video_duration = [ "ffprobe", "-v", "error", "-select_streams", "v:0", "-show_entries", "format=duration", "-of", "default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1", output_filename, ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ).stdout.decode("utf-8").strip() video_duration = round(float(video_duration)) data.update({"duration": video_duration}) # 2. Get video height and width video_props = [ "ffprobe", "-v", "error", "-select_streams", "v:0", "-show_entries", "stream=width,height", "-of", "csv=s=x:p=0", output_filename, ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ).stdout.decode("utf-8").strip() video_width, video_height = video_props.split("x") data.update({"width": video_width, "height": video_height}) # 3. Take one frame from the middle of the video update_status_message(text.generating_thumbnail) thumbnail = "".join( [config["temp_path"], utils.random_string(), ".jpg"]) generate_thumbnail_process = subprocess.Popen([ "ffmpeg", "-v", "error", "-i", output_filename, "-vcodec", "mjpeg", "-vframes", "1", "-an", "-f", "rawvideo", "-ss", str(int(video_duration / 2)), # keep the limit of 90px height/width (Telegram API) while preserving the aspect ratio "-vf", "scale='if(gt(iw,ih),90,trunc(oh*a/2)*2)':'if(gt(iw,ih),trunc(ow/a/2)*2,90)'", thumbnail, ]) # While process is alive (i.e. is working) while generate_thumbnail_process.poll() == None: time.sleep(1) # Exit in case of error with ffmpeg if generate_thumbnail_process.returncode != 0: update_status_message(text.error.generating_thumbnail) return update_status_message(text.uploading) "{}/sendVideo".format( config["telegram_token"]), data=data, files=[ ("video", (utils.random_string() + ".mp4", open(output_filename, "rb"), "video/mp4")), ("thumb", (utils.random_string() + ".jpg", open(thumbnail, "rb"), "image/jpeg")), ], ) utils.rm(input_filename) utils.rm(output_filename) utils.rm(thumbnail) elif target_format == "png": # Upload to Telegram update_status_message(text.uploading) "{}/sendPhoto".format( config["telegram_token"]), data=data, files=[("photo", (utils.random_string() + ".png", open(output_filename, "rb"), "image/png"))], ) "{}/sendDocument".format( config["telegram_token"]), data=data, files=[("document", (utils.random_string() + ".png", open(output_filename, "rb"), "image/png"))], ) utils.rm(input_filename) utils.rm(output_filename) bot.delete_message(, status_message.message_id)
def live(audio_recognizer, audio_producer, audio2video, scaler, host): import Oger me = mp.current_process() print, 'PID', context = zmq.Context() mic = context.socket(zmq.SUB) mic.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, MIC)) mic.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'') speaker = context.socket(zmq.PUSH) speaker.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, SPEAKER)) camera = context.socket(zmq.SUB) camera.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, CAMERA)) camera.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'') projector = context.socket(zmq.PUSH) projector.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, PROJECTOR)) stateQ = context.socket(zmq.SUB) stateQ.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, STATE)) stateQ.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'') eventQ = context.socket(zmq.SUB) eventQ.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, EVENT)) eventQ.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'') snapshot = context.socket(zmq.REQ) snapshot.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, SNAPSHOT)) snapshot.send(b'Send me the state, please') state = snapshot.recv_json() sender = context.socket(zmq.PUSH) sender.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, EXTERNAL)) sender.send_json('register {}'.format( poller = zmq.Poller() poller.register(mic, zmq.POLLIN) poller.register(camera, zmq.POLLIN) poller.register(stateQ, zmq.POLLIN) poller.register(eventQ, zmq.POLLIN) previous_prediction = [] # Approximately 10 seconds of audio/video error = deque(maxlen=3400) audio = deque(maxlen=3400) video = deque(maxlen=80) while True: events = dict(poller.poll()) if stateQ in events: state = stateQ.recv_json() if mic in events: new_audio = np.atleast_2d(recv_array(mic)) if state['record']: scaled_signals = scaler.transform(new_audio) audio.append(np.ndarray.flatten(scaled_signals)) if len(previous_prediction): error.append(scaled_signals[:,idxs].flatten() - previous_prediction.flatten()) previous_prediction = audio_recognizer(scaled_signals[:,idxs]) # This would not be necessary in a centralized recognizer if camera in events: new_video = recv_array(camera) if state['record']: video.append(new_video) if eventQ in events: pushbutton = eventQ.recv_json() if 'reset' in pushbutton: error.clear() audio.clear() video.clear() previous_prediction = [] if 'rmse' in pushbutton: rmse = np.sqrt((np.array(list(error)).flatten() ** 2).mean()) sender.send_json('{} RMSE {}'.format(, rmse)) if 'respond' in pushbutton and pushbutton['respond'] == audio_data = np.array(list(audio)) video_data = np.array(list(video)) print '{} chosen to respond. Audio data: {} Video data: {}'.format(, audio_data.shape, video_data.shape) if audio_data.size == 0 and video_data.size == 0: print '*** Audio data and video data arrays are empty. Aborting the response. ***' continue row_diff = audio_data.shape[0] - audio_producer.length if row_diff < 0: audio_data = np.vstack([ audio_data, np.zeros((-row_diff, audio_data.shape[1])) ]) else: audio_data = audio_data[:audio_producer.length] sound = audio_producer(audio_data) stride = audio_producer.length/audio2video.length projection = audio2video(audio_data[audio_data.shape[0] - stride*audio2video.length::stride]) # DREAM MODE: You can train a network with zero audio input -> video output, and use this # to recreate the original training sequence with scary accuracy... for row in projection: send_array(projector, row) for row in scaler.inverse_transform(sound): send_array(speaker, row) if 'save' in pushbutton: filename = '{}.{}'.format(pushbutton['save'], pickle.dump((audio_recognizer, audio_producer, audio2video, scaler, host), file(filename, 'w')) print '{} saved as file {} ({})'.format(, filename, filesize(filename))
def live(audio_recognizer, audio_producer, audio2video, scaler, host): import Oger me = mp.current_process() print, 'PID', context = zmq.Context() mic = context.socket(zmq.SUB) mic.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, MIC)) mic.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'') speaker = context.socket(zmq.PUSH) speaker.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, SPEAKER)) camera = context.socket(zmq.SUB) camera.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, CAMERA)) camera.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'') projector = context.socket(zmq.PUSH) projector.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, PROJECTOR)) stateQ = context.socket(zmq.SUB) stateQ.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, STATE)) stateQ.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'') eventQ = context.socket(zmq.SUB) eventQ.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, EVENT)) eventQ.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'') snapshot = context.socket(zmq.REQ) snapshot.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, SNAPSHOT)) snapshot.send(b'Send me the state, please') state = snapshot.recv_json() sender = context.socket(zmq.PUSH) sender.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, EXTERNAL)) sender.send_json('register {}'.format( poller = zmq.Poller() poller.register(mic, zmq.POLLIN) poller.register(camera, zmq.POLLIN) poller.register(stateQ, zmq.POLLIN) poller.register(eventQ, zmq.POLLIN) previous_prediction = [] # Approximately 10 seconds of audio/video error = deque(maxlen=3400) audio = deque(maxlen=3400) video = deque(maxlen=80) while True: events = dict(poller.poll()) if stateQ in events: state = stateQ.recv_json() if mic in events: new_audio = np.atleast_2d(recv_array(mic)) if state['record']: scaled_signals = scaler.transform(new_audio) audio.append(np.ndarray.flatten(scaled_signals)) if len(previous_prediction): error.append(scaled_signals[:, idxs].flatten() - previous_prediction.flatten()) previous_prediction = audio_recognizer( scaled_signals[:, idxs] ) # This would not be necessary in a centralized recognizer if camera in events: new_video = recv_array(camera) if state['record']: video.append(new_video) if eventQ in events: pushbutton = eventQ.recv_json() if 'reset' in pushbutton: error.clear() audio.clear() video.clear() previous_prediction = [] if 'rmse' in pushbutton: rmse = np.sqrt((np.array(list(error)).flatten()**2).mean()) sender.send_json('{} RMSE {}'.format(, rmse)) if 'respond' in pushbutton and pushbutton['respond'] == audio_data = np.array(list(audio)) video_data = np.array(list(video)) print '{} chosen to respond. Audio data: {} Video data: {}'.format(, audio_data.shape, video_data.shape) if audio_data.size == 0 and video_data.size == 0: print '*** Audio data and video data arrays are empty. Aborting the response. ***' continue row_diff = audio_data.shape[0] - audio_producer.length if row_diff < 0: audio_data = np.vstack([ audio_data, np.zeros((-row_diff, audio_data.shape[1])) ]) else: audio_data = audio_data[:audio_producer.length] sound = audio_producer(audio_data) stride = audio_producer.length / audio2video.length projection = audio2video( audio_data[audio_data.shape[0] - stride * audio2video.length::stride]) # DREAM MODE: You can train a network with zero audio input -> video output, and use this # to recreate the original training sequence with scary accuracy... for row in projection: send_array(projector, row) for row in scaler.inverse_transform(sound): send_array(speaker, row) if 'save' in pushbutton: filename = '{}.{}'.format(pushbutton['save'], pickle.dump((audio_recognizer, audio_producer, audio2video, scaler, host), file(filename, 'w')) print '{} saved as file {} ({})'.format(, filename, filesize(filename))