def segment_board_from_edges(img, edges):

    intersections = []

    for i in range(4):
        intersection = utils.find_intersection(edges[i], edges[(i + 1) % 4])
        intersections.append((int(intersection[0]), int(intersection[1])))

    return segment_board(img, intersections)
Example #2
def get_intersections(lines):
    intersections = []
    for i in range(len(lines)):
        for j in range(i + 1, len(lines)):
            intersection = utils.find_intersection(lines[i], lines[j])
            if intersection is not None:
                        (int(intersection[0]), int(intersection[1])))
                except OverflowError:
    return intersections
Example #3
 def move(self, colliders):
     rem_vel_x = self.velocity_x
     rem_vel_y = self.velocity_y
     while rem_vel_x or rem_vel_y:  # while the ball can still move
         target_pos = Vector(rem_vel_x, rem_vel_y) +
         for collider in colliders:
             point1, point2 = collider
             bounce_pos = utils.find_intersection(*, *target_pos, *point1, *point2)
             if bounce_pos is None:
                 continue  # Will never collide unless angle changes
             distance_bounce = utils.distance(*, *bounce_pos) - self.radius
             distance_target = utils.distance(*, *target_pos)
             if distance_bounce > distance_target:
                 continue  # Did not collide yet
             if not utils.is_between(*collider, bounce_pos):
                 continue # Moves past collider
         else:  # Did not collide with any collider -> free to move
             self.center_x += rem_vel_x * self.mod
             self.center_y += rem_vel_y * self.mod
         dist_x = utils.to_zero(bounce_pos[0] - self.center_x, rem_vel_x)
         dist_y = utils.to_zero(bounce_pos[1] - self.center_y, rem_vel_y)
         rem_vel_x -= dist_x
         rem_vel_y -= dist_y
         if collider[0][0] == collider[1][0]:  # collider is vertical
             dist_x = -dist_x
             rem_vel_x = -rem_vel_x
             self.velocity_x = -self.velocity_x
         elif collider[0][1] == collider[1][1]:  # collider is horizontal
             dist_y = -dist_y
             rem_vel_y = -rem_vel_y
             self.velocity_y = -self.velocity_y
             raise ValueError("Collider", collider, "has to be a straight line")
         self.center_x += dist_x * self.mod
         self.center_y += dist_y * self.mod
         self.mod += .1
    # set to validate after injection
    print("Validating all the sameAs links in " + val_path)
    val_set = inj.extract_sameas(val_path)
    V = len(val_set)

    # the golden standard i.e. all the correct sameAs
    gold_set = inj.extract_sameas(refalign_path)
    G = len(gold_set)

    # sanity check
    assert int(G / V) == int(1 / (1 + ratio))

    # validate the sameAs links
    wrong_sameas = val.invalidate_sameas(val_set, g_source, g_target, depth)
    inters = ut.find_intersection(wrong_sameas, error_links)
    end_time = tm.time()

    # print("#False sameAs links found: \t%d" % len(wrong_sameas))
    # print("#Error links injected: \t\t%d" % len(error_links))
    # print("#SameAs links to validate: \t%d" % V)
    # print("#False sameAs links found among the injected ones: \t%d\n" % len(inters))

    precision = len(inters) / len(error_links)
    recall = len(inters) / len(wrong_sameas) if len(wrong_sameas) != 0 else 0
    time = end_time - start_time

    print("Precision:\t", precision)
    print("Recall:\t\t", recall)
    print("Running time:\t %f s" % time)
Example #5
    def forward(self):
        This is the main function that imports other modules to achieve 
        the proposed goal of iterative and adaptive sampling. 
        all_maps_dict (dict): Dictionary of image path:best saliency map dict.

        all_maps_dict = {}
        for img_path in tqdm(glob.glob(self.query_path)):
            self.im_path = img_path
            img = self.read_tensor(self.im_path)
            img = img.cuda()
            self.LRPF = LRPFSA(img, self.model_name, self.lambda_fac,
                               self.t_thresh, net_in_size)
            # Annotations were named comparable to images
            im_name = img_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
            init_sal = self.get_initial_map(img)
            # Setting the best deletion and insertion area to 100000 and 0 for max and min value.
            best_del_area = 100000
            best_iou = 0
            for n, i in enumerate(range(self.k)):
                new_sal, Har_mask = self.LRPF.forward(init_sal)
                # Loading annotations for evaluation
                mask = cv2.imread(
                                      im_name.split('_')[0]), 0)
                mask = mask / 255
                mask = cv2.resize(mask, (net_in_size, net_in_size))
                # Calculate the IoU between thresholded saliency map and segmentation annotation
                # and evaluating to store the best saliency map for viewing
                if self.save_final_sal == True:
                    iou = get_iou_(mask, Har_mask)
                    f1 = f1_score(mask.flatten().round(),
                    point_game = pointing_game_score(mask, Har_mask)
                    area_del, area_ins = self.evaluate(img, new_sal)
                    # IoU set as selection criteria
                    if iou > best_iou:
                        best_iou = iou
                        best_sal = new_sal
                # Attentuation factor for window size and stride.
                    window_size=int(self.init_window_size - ((n + 1) * 1.5)),
                    stride=int(self.init_stride - (0.2 * n)),
                # Obtaining sampling regions for next iteration.
                new_Har_masks =
                    self.explainer.masks, Har_mask),
                # Loading new masks for use in next iteration
                self.explainer.masks = new_Har_masks.cuda()
                self.explainer.N = new_Har_masks.size(0)
                init_sal = self.get_initial_map(img)
            # Saving the best saliency map for each query image.
            if self.save_final_sal == True:
                all_maps_dict[self.im_path] = best_sal
                         self.im_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '.npy'),
                plt.imshow(best_sal, cmap='jet')
                plt.savefig(self.save_path + self.im_path.split('/')[-1])
        return all_maps_dict
Example #6
    def update(self):
        focus, directrix = self.parents
        fx, fy = focus.coord
        d1x, d1y = directrix.parents[0].coord
        d2x, d2y = directrix.parents[1].coord

        mdist = dist((fx, fy), directrix) * .5
        mpoints = (fx + mdist, fy), (fx - mdist, fy), (fx, fy + mdist), (fx, fy - mdist)
        mpoint = filter(lambda x: round(dist((fx, fy), x), 1) == round(dist(x, directrix), 1), mpoints)

        if mpoint:
            mx, my = mpoint[0]

        line1 = (fx, fy), (fx + 1, fy + 1)
        line2 = (fx, fy), (fx + 1, fy - 1)
        d = (d1x, d1y), (d2x, d2y)

        int1 = find_intersection(line1, d)
        int2 = find_intersection(line2, d)

        if int1 and int2:
            t1x,t1y = int1
            t2x,t2y = int2
        elif int1 and not int2:
            t1x,t1y = int1
            t2x,t2y = mx,my
        elif not int1 and int2:
            t1x,t1y = mx,my
            t2x,t2y = int2

        int1_points = (t1x, fy), (fx, t1y)
        int2_points = (t2x, fy), (fx, t2y)

        int1 = filter(
            lambda x: round(dist(x, directrix), 1) == round(dist(x, (fx, fy)), 1),
        int2 = filter(
            lambda x: round(dist(x, directrix), 1) == round(dist(x, (fx, fy)), 1),

        if int1:
            t1x, t1y = int1[0]

        if int2:
            t2x, t2y = int2[0]

        # Determine the extreme points.
        far1_points = (t1x - 2000, t1y), (t1x + 2000, t1y), (t1x, t1y - 2000), (t1x, t1y + 2000)
        far2_points = (t2x - 2000, t2y), (t2x + 2000, t2y), (t2x, t2y - 2000), (t2x, t2y + 2000)

        far1 = filter(
            lambda x: round(dist(x, directrix), 1) == round(dist(x, (fx, fy)), 1),
        far2 = filter(
            lambda x: round(dist(x, directrix), 1) == round(dist(x, (fx, fy)), 1),

        if far1:
            far1x, far1y = far1[0]

        if far2:
            far2x, far2y = far2[0]

        if int1 and int2 and far1 and far2:
            c.coords(self.handle, far1x, far1y, t1x, t1y, mx, my, t2x, t2y, far2x, far2y)
Example #7
    def update(self):
        line, p = self.parents
        px, py = p.coord

        # Get the distance between the point and the line.
        pl_dist = dist((px, py), line)
        r = pl_dist + 50

        # Find the four points where the circle lines from p intersect the line.
        cp = (px + r, py), (px, py + r), (px - r, py), (px, py - r)
        intersections = []
        intersections.append(find_intersection((cp[0], cp[1]), (line.parents[0].coord, line.parents[1].coord)))
        intersections.append(find_intersection((cp[1], cp[2]), (line.parents[0].coord, line.parents[1].coord)))
        intersections.append(find_intersection((cp[2], cp[3]), (line.parents[0].coord, line.parents[1].coord)))
        intersections.append(find_intersection((cp[3], cp[0]), (line.parents[0].coord, line.parents[1].coord)))
        intersections = [intersection for intersection in intersections if intersection]

        def on_circle(point):
            d = round(dist(p.coord, point), 1)
            radius = round(r, 1)
            return d == radius

        # Get only the points on the circle radius r from p.
        intersections = filter(on_circle, intersections)

        if len(intersections) == 2:
            p1,p2 = intersections
            midp = (p1[0] + p2[0])*.5, (p1[1] + p2[1])*.5
            k = dist(p1, midp)

            def circle_points((cx,cy), radius):
                return (
                    (cx + radius, cy), (cx - radius, cy),
                    (cx, cy + radius), (cx, cy - radius))

            def find_closest(f1, f2):
                f1x, f1y = f1
                f2x, f2y = f2

                # The circle points k from f1.
                f1c = ((f1x + k, f1y), (f1x, f1y + k), (f1x - k, f1y), (f1x, f1y - k))
                # The circle points k from f2.
                f2c = ((f2x + k, f2y), (f2x, f2y + k), (f2x - k, f2y), (f2x, f2y - k))

                # Find the two points x such that f1x == f2x.
                near_points = set(filter(
                    lambda x: dist(f1, x) == dist(f2, x),
                    f1c + f2c))

                return near_points

            def make_arms(ax,ay):
                step = .1
                test_points = ((ax + step, ay), (ax, ay + step), (ax - step, ay), (ax, ay - step))

                free_points = filter(
                    lambda x:
                        dist(p1, x) > dist(p1, (ax, ay)) and \
                        dist(p2, x) > dist(p2, (ax, ay)),

                if len(free_points) == 1:
                    bx, by = free_points[0]

                    if bx < ax:
                        cx = 0
                    elif bx > ax:
                        cx = 2000
                    elif bx == ax:
                        cx = ax

                    if by < ay:
                        cy = 0
                    elif by > ay:
                        cy = 2000
                    elif by == ay:
                        cy = ay

                elif len(free_points) == 2:
                    b1x, b1y = free_points[0]
                    b2x, b2y = free_points[1]

                    if min(b1x,b2x) < ax:
                        cx = 0
                    elif max(b1x,b2x) > ax:
                        cx = 2000
                    elif b1x == ax and b2x == ax:
                        cx = ax

                    if min(b1y,b2y) < ay:
                        cy = 0
                    elif max(b1y,b2y) > ay:
                        cy = 2000
                    elif b1y == ay and b2y == ay:
                        cy = ay

                return cx, cy

            def make_midset(f1, f2):
                # Make the middle segment.
                np = find_closest(f1, f2)
                if len(np) == 2:
                    np1, np2 = np
                    np1x, np1y = np1
                    np2x, np2y = np2

                    c.coords(self.handle, np1x, np1y, np2x, np2y)
                    cx, cy = make_arms(np1x, np1y)
                    dx, dy = make_arms(np2x, np2y)
                    c.coords(self.block1, np1x, np1y, cx, cy) 
                    c.coords(self.block2, np2x, np2y, dx, dy)

            # The midset.
            make_midset(p1, p2)
    def _find_best_fit(self, puzzle):
        calculate the best fit for a given word.
        Prefer words with intersections over non intersecting spaces
        :return: position (x, y) in the puzzle_matrix

        word = puzzle['answer']

        # if first word
        if len(self.filled_pos) == 0:
            x = random.randint(0, 4)
            y = random.randint(0, 4)
            print("first_word: {} x:{} y:{}".format(word, x, y))
            print("will_fit: {}".format(will_fit[ACROSS](x, y,
            if will_fit[ACROSS](x, y, length(word, self.lang)):
                puzzle['orientation'] = "across"
                # puzzle['position'] = t + 1
                puzzle['startx'] = x + 1
                puzzle['starty'] = y + 1
                self._fill_word_in_matrix(word, ACROSS, (x, y))
                return puzzle

        # first find the location where it overlaps.. then move to the other ones to keep it interesting
        for key in self.filled_pos:
            #the orientation for this word should be perpendicular to the one we are trying to match
            pos = int(not self.filled_pos[key]['orientation'])
            # find the intersecting letters between the two words
            intersect = find_intersection(key, word, self.lang)
            print("trying to intersect filled_word={} with word={}".format(
                key, word))
            if len(intersect) == 0:
                # no letters matched.. lets find the next
                a = [-10, -10]
                print("intersecting letters={}".format(intersect))
                for letter in intersect:
                    indexes1 = find_all_char_pos(key, letter, self.lang)
                    for index in indexes1:
                        # index = filled_pos[key]['word'].find(letter)
                        print("location of the letter={} in word={} is {}".
                              format(letter, key, index))
                        filled_word_pos = self.filled_pos[key]['position']
                        a[pos] = filled_word_pos[pos] + index
                        indexes2 = find_all_char_pos(word, letter, self.lang)
                        for index2 in indexes2:
                            # index2 = word.find(letter)
                            print("location of the letter={} in word={} is {}".
                                  format(letter, word, index2))
                              ['orientation']] = filled_word_pos[int(
                                  not pos)] - index2
                            print("looking for match in location={}".format(a))
                                a[0], a[1], length(word, self.lang))))
                            if will_fit[pos](a[0], a[1],
                                             length(word, self.lang)):
                                if not self._check_overlap(
                                        word, pos, a[0], a[1]):
                                        word, pos, (a[0], a[1]))
                                        self.puzzle_matrix, self.height)
                                        'orientation'] = "down" if pos else "across"
                                    # puzzle['position'] = t + 1
                                    puzzle['startx'] = a[0] + 1
                                    puzzle['starty'] = a[1] + 1
                                    return puzzle
        # if we are still here then we havent found a place for this word
        # fill it in an empty space
        free_blocks_across = calculate_free_rows(self.puzzle_matrix,
        print("@@@@@@filling a random across free_blocks_across={}".format(
        for key, val in sorted(free_blocks_across.items()):
            print("key={} val={}".format(key, val))
            if key >= length(word, self.lang):
                pos = val.pop(random.randint(0, len(val) - 1))
                if will_fit[ACROSS](pos[0], pos[1], length(
                        word, self.lang)) and not self._check_overlap(
                            word, ACROSS, pos[0], pos[1]):
                    self._fill_word_in_matrix(word, ACROSS, (pos))
                    puzzle['orientation'] = "across"
                    # puzzle['position'] = t + 1
                    puzzle['startx'] = pos[0] + 1
                    puzzle['starty'] = pos[1] + 1
                    return puzzle