def main() :
    parser = optparse.OptionParser()
    parser.add_option('--email',        default='*****@*****.**')
    parser.add_option('--message',      default='all jobs done, bam!')
    parser.add_option('--polleverysec', default=60*5, type='int')
    parser.add_option('--subject',      default='All jobs done')
    parser.add_option('--user',         default=os.environ['USER'])
    (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() 
    receiver  =
    username  = opts.user
    message   = opts.message
    subject   = opts.subject
    everyNsec = opts.polleverysec
    nChecksDone = 0
    countJobsCmd="qstat -u %(user)s | grep %(user)s | wc -l"% {'user':username}
    nJobsRunning = int(getCommandOutput(countJobsCmd)['stdout'])    
    while nJobsRunning > 0 :
        nJobsRunning = int(getCommandOutput(countJobsCmd)['stdout'])
        nChecksDone += 1
    message = message+("\n(after %(nchk)d checks every %(nsec)d sec)"
                       %{'nchk' : nChecksDone, 'nsec' : everyNsec})
    mailCmd = ("echo \"%(msg)s\" | mail -s \"%(sbj)s\" %(dest)s"
               % {'dest' : receiver, 'msg' : message, 'sbj':subject})
Example #2
def main():
    parser = optparse.OptionParser()
    parser.add_option('--email', default='*****@*****.**')
    parser.add_option('--message', default='all jobs done, bam!')
    parser.add_option('--polleverysec', default=60 * 5, type='int')
    parser.add_option('--subject', default='All jobs done')
    parser.add_option('--user', default=os.environ['USER'])
    (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
    receiver =
    username = opts.user
    message = opts.message
    subject = opts.subject
    everyNsec = opts.polleverysec
    nChecksDone = 0
    countJobsCmd = "qstat -u %(user)s | grep %(user)s | wc -l" % {
        'user': username
    nJobsRunning = int(getCommandOutput(countJobsCmd)['stdout'])
    while nJobsRunning > 0:
        nJobsRunning = int(getCommandOutput(countJobsCmd)['stdout'])
        nChecksDone += 1
    message = message + ("\n(after %(nchk)d checks every %(nsec)d sec)" % {
        'nchk': nChecksDone,
        'nsec': everyNsec
    mailCmd = ("echo \"%(msg)s\" | mail -s \"%(sbj)s\" %(dest)s" % {
        'dest': receiver,
        'msg': message,
        'sbj': subject
def git_info(path):
    cmd = 'git describe --tags --dirty'
    out = getCommandOutput(cmd, cwd=path)
    tag_info = out['stdout'].strip()
    cmd = 'git status'
    modified_files = getCommandOutput(cmd, cwd=path)['stdout'].splitlines()
    modified_files = [l for l in modified_files if 'modified:' in l]
    return "{0} {1}".format(tag_info,
                            ('\n'.join(['']+modified_files) if modified_files else ''))
def git_info(path):
    cmd = 'git describe --tags --dirty'
    out = getCommandOutput(cmd, cwd=path)
    tag_info = out['stdout'].strip()
    cmd = 'git status'
    modified_files = getCommandOutput(cmd, cwd=path)['stdout'].splitlines()
    modified_files = [l for l in modified_files if 'modified:' in l]
    return "{0} {1}".format(
        tag_info, ('\n'.join([''] + modified_files) if modified_files else ''))
def svn_info(path):
    # get tag or last rev
    cmd = 'svn info '+path
    out = getCommandOutput(cmd)
    url_origin = first([l for l in out['stdout'].splitlines() if 'URL: ' in l])
    url_origin = url_origin.replace('/', ' ').split() if url_origin else []
    tag = url_origin[url_origin.index('tags')+1] if 'tags' in url_origin else None
    last_rev = first(first([l for l in out['stdout'].splitlines() if 'Last Changed Rev:' in l]).split()[::-1])
    # get list of modified files
    cmd = 'svn status '+path
    out = getCommandOutput(cmd)
    modified_files = [l for l in out['stdout'].splitlines() if l.startswith('M ')]
    return "{0} {1}".format(tag if tag else last_rev,
                            ('\n'.join(['']+modified_files) if modified_files else ''))
Example #6
def main():
    options = parse_options()
    exe     = options.executable
    inputdf = options.input
    include = options.include_regexp
    exclude = options.exclude_regexp
    tag     = options.tag
    verbose = options.verbose
    submit  = options.submit

    datasets = dataset.build_all_datasets_from_dir_or_file(inputdf)
    datasets = utils.filterWithRegexp (datasets, include, lambda _: if include else datasets
    datasets = utils.excludeWithRegexp(datasets, exclude, lambda _: if exclude else datasets

    for dset in datasets :
        if not get_filelist(
            print "# skipping (missing filelist) {0}".format(
        script = get_batch_script(dset, options)
        if not script:
            if verbose : print "skipping (do-not-overwrite) {0}".format(
        cmd = "sbatch %s" % script
        if verbose : print cmd
        if submit :
            out = utils.getCommandOutput(cmd)
            if verbose : print out['stdout']
    if not submit : print "This was a dry run; use '--submit' to actually submit the jobs"
Example #7
def main():
    options = parse_options()
    exe = options.executable
    inputdf = options.input
    include = options.include_regexp
    exclude = options.exclude_regexp
    tag = options.tag
    verbose = options.verbose
    submit = options.submit

    datasets = dataset.build_all_datasets_from_dir_or_file(inputdf)
    datasets = utils.filterWithRegexp(
        datasets, include, lambda _: if include else datasets
    datasets = utils.excludeWithRegexp(
        datasets, exclude, lambda _: if exclude else datasets

    for dset in datasets:
        if not get_filelist(
            print "# skipping (missing filelist) {0}".format(
        script = get_batch_script(dset, options)
        if not script:
            if verbose:
                print "skipping (do-not-overwrite) {0}".format(
        cmd = "sbatch %s" % script
        if verbose: print cmd
        if submit:
            out = utils.getCommandOutput(cmd)
            if verbose: print out['stdout']
    if not submit:
        print "This was a dry run; use '--submit' to actually submit the jobs"
Example #8
def submit_batch_fill_job_per_group(group, opts):
    options_dict = vars(opts)
    group_name = if hasattr(group, 'name') else group
    systematic = opts.syst if hasattr(opts, 'syst') and opts.syst else None
    verbose = opts.verbose
    options_dict['group'] = group_name
    options_with_value = dict((k,v) for k,v in options_dict.iteritems() if v and v is not True)
    # note to self: the line below assumes that the argument-less options have a default=False
    options_with_toggle = dict((k,v) for k,v in options_dict.iteritems() if v and v is True and k!="batch")
    def escape_regex(v) : return v if v!='.*' else "'.*'"
    def back_to_dash(v) : return v.replace('_','-')
    cmd_line_options = ' '.join(["--%s %s"%(back_to_dash(k), escape_regex(str(v)))
                                 for k,v in options_with_value.iteritems()]
                                +["--%s"%back_to_dash(k) for k in options_with_toggle.keys()])
    template = 'batch/templates/'
    default_log_dir = opts.output_dir.replace('out/', 'log/')
    if default_log_dir.count('/histos')==1:
        default_log_dir = default_log_dir.replace('/histos','')
    log_dir = mkdirIfNeeded(opts.log_dir if opts.log_dir else default_log_dir)
    script_dir = mkdirIfNeeded('batch/plot_emu')
    script_name = os.path.join(script_dir, group_name+("_{0}".format(systematic) if systematic else '')+'.sh')
    log_name = log_dir+'/'+group_name+("_{0}".format(systematic) if systematic else '')+'.log'
    script_file = open(script_name, 'w')
                      .replace('%(opt)s', cmd_line_options)
                      .replace('%(logfile)s', log_name)
                      .replace('%(jobname)s', group_name)
                      .replace('%(queue)s', opts.queue))
    cmd = "sbatch %s"%script_name
    if verbose : print cmd
    out = getCommandOutput(cmd)
    if verbose : print out['stdout']
    if out['stderr'] : print  out['stderr']
Example #9
def GenerateVersionFile():
    # TODO: fix it.
    if HOST_OS == 'win': return
    versionInfo = utils.getCommandOutput(
        os.path.join('..', '..', 'dartium_tools', ''))
    file = open(VERSION_FILE, 'w')
Example #10
def GenerateVersionFile():
  # TODO: fix it.
  if HOST_OS == 'win': return
  versionInfo = utils.getCommandOutput(os.path.join('..', '..',
  file = open(VERSION_FILE, 'w')
Example #11
def main():
    parser = optparse.OptionParser()
    parser.add_option('--from-address', default='*****@*****.**')
    parser.add_option('--to-address', default='*****@*****.**')
    parser.add_option('--message', default='all jobs done, bam!')
    parser.add_option('--polleverysec', default=60 * 5, type='int')
    parser.add_option('--subject', default='jobs done from `pwd`')
    parser.add_option('--user', default=os.environ['USER'])
    parser.add_option('--exec-cmd', help='on completion, execute this command')
    (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
    receiver = opts.to_address
    username = opts.user
    message = opts.message
    subject = opts.subject
    everyNsec = opts.polleverysec
    nChecksDone = 0
    countJobsCmd = "qstat -u %(user)s | grep %(user)s | egrep '(Q|R)' | wc -l" % {
        'user': username
    nJobsRunning = int(getCommandOutput(countJobsCmd)['stdout'])
    while nJobsRunning > 0:
        nJobsRunning = int(getCommandOutput(countJobsCmd)['stdout'])
        nChecksDone += 1
    preamble = "From: %s \n" % opts.from_address

    message = preamble + message
    message += ("\n(after %(nchk)d checks every %(nsec)d sec)" % {
        'nchk': nChecksDone,
        'nsec': everyNsec
    subject = opts.subject
    mailCmd = ("echo -e \"%(msg)s\" | mail -s \"%(sbj)s\" %(dest)s" % {
        'dest': receiver,
        'msg': message,
        'sbj': subject
    print mailCmd
    if opts.exec_cmd:
        print "now executing {}".format(opts.exec_cmd)
        out = getCommandOutput(opts.exec_cmd)
        print out['stdout']
        print out['stderr']
def merge(input_files=[], output_filename=''):
    "hadd a list of input files; return name merged file"
    input_files = [f for f in input_files if f is not output_filename]
    cmd = "hadd %s %s" % (output_filename, ' '.join(input_files))
    out = utils.getCommandOutput(cmd)
    if out['returncode']!=0:['stdout'])
    return output_filename if out['returncode']==0 else None
Example #13
def merge(input_files=[], output_filename=''):
    "hadd a list of input files; return name merged file"
    input_files = [f for f in input_files if f is not output_filename]
    cmd = "hadd %s %s" % (output_filename, ' '.join(input_files))
    out = utils.getCommandOutput(cmd)
    if out['returncode'] != 0:['stdout'])
    return output_filename if out['returncode'] == 0 else None
Example #14
def checkFileExists(file):
   if isRemote(file):
      if isSRAID(file):
         file = utils.translateToSRAURL(settings, file)
      result = utils.getCommandOutput("curl -L -I %s && echo $?"%(file), False)
      if result == "":
         return False
      return True
      return os.path.exists(file)
Example #15
def checkFileExists(file):
    if isRemote(file):
        if isSRAID(file):
            file = utils.translateToSRAURL(settings, file)
        result = utils.getCommandOutput("curl -L -I %s && echo $?" % (file),
        if result == "":
            return False
        return True
        return os.path.exists(file)
def svn_info(path):
    # get tag or last rev
    cmd = 'svn info ' + path
    out = getCommandOutput(cmd)
    url_origin = first([l for l in out['stdout'].splitlines() if 'URL: ' in l])
    url_origin = url_origin.replace('/', ' ').split() if url_origin else []
    tag = url_origin[url_origin.index('tags') +
                     1] if 'tags' in url_origin else None
    last_rev = first(
            l for l in out['stdout'].splitlines() if 'Last Changed Rev:' in l
    # get list of modified files
    cmd = 'svn status ' + path
    out = getCommandOutput(cmd)
    modified_files = [
        l for l in out['stdout'].splitlines() if l.startswith('M ')
    return "{0} {1}".format(
        tag if tag else last_rev,
        ('\n'.join([''] + modified_files) if modified_files else ''))
Example #17
def getTagOrRev(dir) :
    "tag if available, otherwise rev"
    cmd = 'svn info '+dir
    res = getCommandOutput(cmd)
    lines = res['stdout'].split('\n')
    urlLine = next((l for l in lines if l.startswith('URL:')),      None)
    revLine = next((l for l in lines if l.startswith('Revision:')), None)
    if not urlLine or not revLine : return
    pkg = extractPkg(urlLine)
    tag = extractTag(urlLine)
    rev = extractRev(revLine)
    assert tag or rev, "cannot extract info for %s"%dir
    return "%s @ %s"%(pkg, tag if tag else rev)
Example #18
def submit_batch_fill_job_per_group_per_selection(group=None,
    "if we are processing cached selections, we can submit one job per selection"
    options_dict = vars(opts)
    group_name = if hasattr(group, 'name') else group
    systematic = opts.syst if hasattr(opts, 'syst') and opts.syst else None
    verbose = opts.verbose
    options_dict['group'] = group_name
    options_dict['region'] = selection
    options_dict['regions'] = None
    options_with_value = dict(
        (k, v) for k, v in options_dict.iteritems() if v and v is not True)
    # note to self: the line below assumes that the argument-less options have a default=False
    options_with_toggle = dict((k, v) for k, v in options_dict.iteritems()
                               if v and v is True and k != "batch")

    def escape_regex(v):
        return v if v != '.*' else "'.*'"

    def back_to_dash(v):
        return v.replace('_', '-')

    cmd_line_options = ' '.join([
        "--%s %s" % (back_to_dash(k), escape_regex(str(v)))
        for k, v in options_with_value.iteritems()
    ] + ["--%s" % back_to_dash(k) for k in options_with_toggle.keys()])
    template = 'batch/templates/'
    default_log_dir = opts.output_dir.replace('out/', 'log/')
    if default_log_dir.count('/histos') == 1:
        default_log_dir = default_log_dir.replace('/histos', '')
    log_dir = mkdirIfNeeded(opts.log_dir if opts.log_dir else default_log_dir)
    script_dir = mkdirIfNeeded('batch/plot_emu')
    script_name = os.path.join(
        script_dir, group_name + '_' + selection +
        ("_{0}".format(systematic) if systematic else '') + '.sh')
    log_name = log_dir + '/' + group_name + '_' + selection + (
        "_{0}".format(systematic) if systematic else '') + '.log'
    script_file = open(script_name, 'w')
        open(template).read().replace('%(opt)s', cmd_line_options).replace(
                              group_name + '_' + selection).replace(
                                  '%(queue)s', opts.queue))
    cmd = "sbatch %s" % script_name
    if verbose: print cmd
    out = getCommandOutput(cmd)
    if verbose: print out['stdout']
    if out['stderr']: print out['stderr']
def main() :
    parser = optparse.OptionParser()
    parser.add_option('--from-address', default='*****@*****.**')
    parser.add_option('--to-address',   default='*****@*****.**')
    parser.add_option('--message',      default='all jobs done, bam!')
    parser.add_option('--polleverysec', default=60*5, type='int')
    parser.add_option('--subject',      default='jobs done from `pwd`')
    parser.add_option('--user',         default=os.environ['USER'])
    parser.add_option('--exec-cmd', help='on completion, execute this command')
    (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() 
    receiver  = opts.to_address
    username  = opts.user
    message   = opts.message
    subject   = opts.subject
    everyNsec = opts.polleverysec
    nChecksDone = 0
    countJobsCmd="qstat -u %(user)s | grep %(user)s | egrep '(Q|R)' | wc -l"% {'user':username}
    nJobsRunning = int(getCommandOutput(countJobsCmd)['stdout'])    
    while nJobsRunning > 0 :
        nJobsRunning = int(getCommandOutput(countJobsCmd)['stdout'])
        nChecksDone += 1
    preamble = "From: %s \n"%opts.from_address
    message = preamble+message
    message += ("\n(after %(nchk)d checks every %(nsec)d sec)"
                %{'nchk' : nChecksDone, 'nsec' : everyNsec})
    subject = opts.subject
    mailCmd = ("echo -e \"%(msg)s\" | mail -s \"%(sbj)s\" %(dest)s"
               % {'dest' : receiver, 'msg' : message, 'sbj':subject})
    print mailCmd
    if opts.exec_cmd:
        print "now executing {}".format(opts.exec_cmd)
        out = getCommandOutput(opts.exec_cmd)
        print out['stdout']
        print out['stderr']
def runFill(opts) :
    batchMode    = opts.batch
    inputFakeDir = opts.input_fake
    inputGenDir  = opts.input_gen
    outputDir    = opts.output_dir
    sysOption    = opts.syst
    excludedSyst = opts.exclude
    verbose      = opts.verbose

    if verbose : print "filling histos"
    systematics = ['NOM']
    anySys = sysOption==None
    if sysOption=='fake'   or anySys : systematics += systUtils.fakeSystVariations()
    if sysOption=='object' or anySys : systematics += systUtils.mcObjectVariations()
    if sysOption=='weight' or anySys : systematics += systUtils.mcWeightVariations()
    if sysOption and sysOption.count(',') : systematics = [s for s in systUtils.getAllVariations() if s in sysOption.split(',')]
    elif sysOption in systUtils.getAllVariations() : systematics = [sysOption]
    elif not anySys and len(systematics)==1 and sysOption!='NOM' : raise ValueError("Invalid syst %s"%str(sysOption))
    if excludedSyst : systematics = [s for s in systematics if s not in filterWithRegexp(systematics, excludedSyst)]

    if verbose : print "about to loop over these systematics:\n %s"%str(systematics)
    for syst in systematics :
        if batchMode :
            newOptions  = " --input-gen %s" % opts.input_gen
            newOptions += " --input-fake %s" % opts.input_fake
            newOptions += " --output-dir %s" % opts.output_dir
            newOptions += " --verbose %s" % opts.verbose
            newOptions += " --syst %s" % syst
            template = 'batch/templates/'
            script = "batch/"%syst
            scriptFile = open(script, 'w')
                             .replace('%(opt)s', newOptions)
                             .replace('%(logfile)s', 'log/hft/fill_'+syst+'.log')
                             .replace('%(jobname)s', 'fill_'+syst))
            cmd = "sbatch %s"%script
            if verbose : print cmd
            out = getCommandOutput(cmd)
            if verbose : print out['stdout']
            if out['stderr'] : print  out['stderr']
        if verbose : print '---- filling ',syst
        samplesPerGroup = allSamplesAllGroups()
        [s.setSyst(syst) for g, samples in samplesPerGroup.iteritems() for s in samples]
        counters, histos = countAndFillHistos(samplesPerGroup=samplesPerGroup, syst=syst, verbose=verbose, outdir=outputDir)
        saveHistos(samplesPerGroup, histos, outputDir, verbose)
Example #21
    def __init__(self, args) :
        for key,value in args.iteritems() :
        if any(self.signalExampleToStack) : assert self.smOnly

        self.toPrint = []
        self.ewkType = "function" if self.REwk else "var"
        self.label = "CMS Preliminary 2011       1.1 fb^{-1}          #sqrt{s} = 7 TeV"
        self.obsLabel = "Data" if not hasattr(self, "toyNumber") else "Toy %d"%self.toyNumber

        self.plotsDir = "plots"
        utils.getCommandOutput("mkdir %s"%self.plotsDir)
        if not self.smOnly :
            self.signalDesc = "signal"
            self.signalDesc2 = "xs/xs^{nom} = %4.2e #pm %4.2e; #rho = %4.2f"%(self.wspace.var("f").getVal(), self.wspace.var("f").getError(), self.wspace.var("rhoSignal").getVal())

        self.width1 = 2
        self.width2 = 3 = r.kAzure+6
        self.sig = r.kPink+7
        self.ewk = r.kBlue+1
        self.qcd = r.kGreen+3
Example #22
def submit_batch_fill_job_per_group(group, opts):
    options_dict = vars(opts)
    group_name = if hasattr(group, 'name') else group
    verbose = opts.verbose
    options_dict['group'] = group_name
    options_with_value = dict(
        (k, v) for k, v in options_dict.iteritems() if v and v is not True)
    # note to self: the line below assumes that the argument-less options have a default=False
    options_with_toggle = dict((k, v) for k, v in options_dict.iteritems()
                               if v and v is True and k != "batch")

    def escape_regex(v):
        return v if v != '.*' else "'.*'"

    def back_to_dash(v):
        return v.replace('_', '-')

    cmd_line_options = ' '.join([
        "--%s %s" % (back_to_dash(k), escape_regex(str(v)))
        for k, v in options_with_value.iteritems()
    ] + ["--%s" % back_to_dash(k)
         for k in options_with_toggle.keys()] + ['--just-fill'])
    template = 'batch/templates/'
    default_log_dir = opts.output_dir.replace('out/', 'log/')
    if default_log_dir.count('/histos') == 1:
        default_log_dir = default_log_dir.replace('/histos', '')
    log_dir = mkdirIfNeeded(opts.log_dir if opts.log_dir else default_log_dir)
    script_dir = mkdirIfNeeded('batch/plot_by_source')
    script_name = os.path.join(script_dir, group_name + '.sh')
    log_name = log_dir + '/' + group_name + '.log'
    script_file = open(script_name, 'w')
        open(template).read().replace('%(opt)s', cmd_line_options).replace(
                              group_name).replace('%(queue)s', opts.queue))
    cmd = "sbatch %s" % script_name
    if verbose: print cmd
    out = getCommandOutput(cmd)
    if verbose: print out['stdout']
    if out['stderr']: print out['stderr']
        'outdir': outdir,
        'sample': sample,
        'tag': batchTag
    outlog = outLogTemplate % {
        'logdir': logdir,
        'sample': sample,
        'tag': batchTag
    script = outScriptTemplate % {'batdir': batdir, 'sample': sample}
    fileExists = os.path.exists(script)
    if overwrite or not fileExists:
        fillInScriptTemplate(sample, input, output, otherOptions, script,
    elif fileExists:
        print "warning, not overwriting existing script '%s'" % script
    cmd = "qsub " \
          "-j oe -V " \
          "-N %(jobname)s " \
          "-o %(outlog)s " \
          " %(scripname)s" \
          % \
          {'jobname':"%s%s"%(sample, batchTag), 'outlog':outlog, 'scripname':script}
    print cmd
    if submit:
        out = getCommandOutput(cmd)
        if verbose: print out['stdout']

if not submit:
    print "This was a dry run; use '--submit' to actually submit the jobs"
def getGitSha(dir) :
    def extrackPkg(dir) : return os.path.basename(dir.rstrip(' /'))
    if not os.path.isdir("%s/.git"%dir) : return
    cmd = "git --git-dir=%s/.git --work-tree=%s describe"%(dir, dir)
    res = getCommandOutput(cmd)
    return "%s @ %s"%(extrackPkg(dir), res['stdout'].strip())
Example #25
import sys
import utils

pat = sys.argv[1]

nums = [int(f.replace(pat,'').replace('.root','')) for f in utils.getCommandOutput("ls %s*.root"%pat)["stdout"].split()]
print ','.join([str(s) for s in sorted(set(range(max(nums))) - set(nums))])
    group =
    if dataset.isNotToBeMerged : continue
    if not, group) : continue
    if not group : print "warning, invalid group '%s' for '%s'"%(group, rf)
    if verbose and group not in filenamesByGroup : print "adding group '%s'"%group
    if allBkg and dataset.isMcBackground : filenamesByGroup['allBkg'].append(rf)
    if allBkgButHf and dataset.isMcBackground and not dataset.isHeavyFlavor :

nGroupsToMerge = len(filenamesByGroup.keys())
groupCounter = 0
logFilename = outdir+"merge_%s.log"'%Y-%m-%d')
logFile     = open(logFilename, 'w')
for group, files in filenamesByGroup.iteritems() :
    groupCounter += 1
    if verbose :
        print "[%d/%d] %s (%d files)"%(groupCounter, nGroupsToMerge, group, len(files))
    outfile = outdir+'/'+group+'_'+tag+'.root'
    if overwrite and os.path.isfile(outfile) : os.remove(outfile)
    if debug : print "hadd %s\n\t%s"%(outfile, '\n\t'.join(files))
    cmd = "hadd %s %s" % (outfile, ' '.join(files))
    out = 0 if dryrun else getCommandOutput(cmd)
    success = dryrun or out['returncode']==0
    if not success : print "'%s' failed..."%group
    if debug : print out['stderr']+'\n'+out['stdout']
if verbose : print "hadd commands logged to '%s'"%logFilename
Example #27
    if silentInstall:
       dl = 'n'
    elif lightInstall:
       dl = 'n'
       dl = raw_input("Enter Y/N: ")
    if dl == 'y' or dl == 'Y':
        archive = "glimmer-mg-0.3.1.tar.gz"
        os.system("curl -L -o %s" %(archive, archive))
        os.system("tar -C ./Utilities/ -xvf %s" % archive)
        os.system("rm %s"%archive)
        os.system("python ./Utilities/glimmer-mg/")

# check the number of files the DB currently is and see if we have the expected number
dbResult = utils.getCommandOutput("perl ./Utilities/perl/ refseq_protein --numpartitions", False)
if dbResult == "":
   print "Error: could not connect to NCBI, will not be installing refseq protein DB"
   (dbName, numPartitions) = dbResult.split("\t", 1) 
   print "Checking whether %s is complete. Expecting %d partitions.\n"%(dbName, int(numPartitions))
   numPartitions = int(numPartitions) - 1

   if not os.path.exists("./Utilities/DB/refseq_protein.pal") or not os.path.exists("./Utilities/DB/refseq_protein.%02d.psq"%(int(numPartitions))) or not os.path.exists("./Utilities/DB/allprots.faa"):
       print "refseq protein DB not found or incomplete, needed for Annotate step, download now?"
       if silentInstall:
          dl = 'y'
       elif lightInstall:
          dl = 'n'
          dl = raw_input("Enter Y/N: ")

for sample in sampleNames :
    missList, regexUnmatch = not listExists(sample), not, sample)
    if missList or regexUnmatch:
        msg = "# skipping %s (%s)" % (sample, 'no list' if missList else 'regex unmatch')
        print msg
    input      = inputTemplate%{'sample':sample}
    output     = outRootTemplate  %{'outdir':outdir, 'sample':sample, 'tag':batchTag}
    outlog     = outLogTemplate   %{'logdir':logdir, 'sample':sample, 'tag':batchTag}
    script = outScriptTemplate%{'batdir':batdir, 'sample':sample}
    fileExists = os.path.exists(script)
    if overwrite or not fileExists :
        fillInScriptTemplate(sample, input, output, otherOptions, script, template)
    elif fileExists : print "warning, not overwriting existing script '%s'"%script
    cmd = "qsub " \
          "-j oe -V " \
          "-N %(jobname)s " \
          "-o %(outlog)s " \
          " %(scripname)s" \
          % \
          {'jobname':"%s%s"%(sample, batchTag), 'outlog':outlog, 'scripname':script}
    print cmd
    if submit :
        out = getCommandOutput(cmd)
        if verbose : print out['stdout']

if not submit : print "This was a dry run; use '--submit' to actually submit the jobs"