def getSlideDimensionsFromFirstLayer(self, n=None): """Returns the [width, height] of the first slide layer""" if n is None: n = self.__deck.getIndex() layers = self.__deck.getSlideLayers(n) # return some default reasonable value if this is an empty slide if len(layers) == 0: return [640.0, 480.0] ftype = utils.getFileType(layers[0]) # This may be optimizable to avoid having to open the first layer to get its size, # or at least keeping it around to re-use it when the slide is first # rendered if ftype == "svg": handle = Rsvg.Handle.new_from_file(layers[0]) return [handle.width, handle.height] elif ftype == "png": surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(layers[0]) return [float(surface.get_width()), float(surface.get_height())] elif ftype == "jpg": pbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(layers[0]) return [float(pbuf.get_width()), float(pbuf.get_height())] else: return [640.0, 480.0]
def getSlideDimensionsFromFirstLayer(self, n=None): """Returns the [width, height] of the first slide layer""" if n is None: n = self.__deck.getIndex() layers = self.__deck.getSlideLayers(n) # return some default reasonable value if this is an empty slide if len(layers) == 0: return [640.0, 480.0] ftype = utils.getFileType(layers[0]) # This may be optimizable to avoid having to open the first layer to get its size, # or at least keeping it around to re-use it when the slide is first rendered if ftype == "svg": f = open(layers[0], 'rb') svg_data = f.close() handle = rsvg.Handle(data=svg_data) a, b, w, h = handle.get_dimension_data() return [w,h] elif ftype == "png": surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(layers[0]) return [float(surface.get_width()), float(surface.get_height())] elif ftype == "jpg": pbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(layers[0]) return [float(pbuf.get_width()), float(pbuf.get_height())] else: return [640.0, 480.0]
def main(onlyfiles=None): if (onlyfiles == None): mypath = getcwd() + r'/pdfs/' onlyfiles = [f for f in listdir(mypath) if isfile(join(mypath, f))] print(onlyfiles) for file in onlyfiles: if (utils.getFileType(file) == '.PDF' or utils.getFileType(file) == '.pdf'): utils.pdfToImg(file) else: utils.saveImgOnRightFolder(file) utils.invertColor(file) a = Contour(file) a.start() newContours = a.filterCountours() a.saveContours(newContours) a.saveCSVs(newContours)
def read_file(self, file_path): self.__logger.debug("read_file " + str(file_path)) print 'read_file:', file_path ftype = utils.getFileType(file_path) z = zipfile.ZipFile(file_path, "r") for i in z.infolist(): f = open(os.path.join(self.__deck_dir, i.filename), "wb") f.write( f.close() z.close() self.__deck.reload() print 'read_file: before', self.__deck.get_title(), self.metadata['title'] self.__makeTB.decktitle_set_new(self.metadata['title']) print 'read_file: after', self.__deck.get_title() newindex = 0 if 'current_index' in self.metadata: newindex = int(self.metadata.get('current_index', '0')) self.__deck.goToIndex(newindex, is_local=False)
def read_file(self, file_path): self.__logger.debug("read_file " + str(file_path)) print 'read_file:', file_path ftype = utils.getFileType(file_path) z = zipfile.ZipFile(file_path, "r") for i in z.infolist(): f = open(os.path.join(self.__deck_dir, i.filename), "wb") f.write( f.close() z.close() self.__deck.reload() print 'read_file: before', self.__deck.get_title(), self.metadata['title'] self.__makeTB.decktitle_set_new(self.metadata['title']) print 'read_file: after', self.__deck.get_title() self.__toolbox.set_current_toolbar(NAVIGATION_TOOLBAR) newindex = 0 if 'current_index' in self.metadata: newindex = int(self.metadata.get('current_index', '0')) self.__deck.goToIndex(newindex, is_local=False)
def renderSlideToSurface(self, surface, n=None): if n is None: n = self.__deck.getIndex() timerstart = time.time() self.__logger.debug("rendering slide " + str(n)) ##ctx = gtk.gdk.CairoContext(cairo.Context(surface)) ctx = cairo.Context(surface) self.__logger.debug("Got context at " + str(time.time() - timerstart)) # Get the slide dimensions and set up a Cairo transformation matrix srcw, srch = self.getSlideDimensions(n) if srcw > 640: srcw = 640 if srch > 480: srch = 480 targw = float(surface.get_width()) targh = float(surface.get_height()) x_scale = targw / srcw y_scale = targh / srch print 'rendering slide', str( n), "w=", targw, srcw, x_scale, "h=", targh, srch, y_scale self.__logger.debug("Surface is " + str(targw) + "x" + str(targh)) scale = x_scale if y_scale < x_scale: scale = y_scale if scale < .98 or scale > 1.02: ctx.transform(cairo.Matrix(scale, 0, 0, scale, 0, 0)) self.__logger.debug("Got transformation matrix at " + str(time.time() - timerstart)) # Paint the slide background ctx.set_source_rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) ctx.rectangle(0, 0, srcw, srch) ctx.fill() self.__logger.debug("Filled background at " + str(time.time() - timerstart)) # Paint the layers layers = self.__deck.getSlideLayers(n) self.__logger.debug("Got layers at " + str(time.time() - timerstart)) for layer in layers: type = utils.getFileType(layer) print 'Drawing layer ', type, layer self.__logger.debug("Drawing layer " + str(layer) + " " + str(scale) + " at " + str(time.time() - timerstart)) print 'drawing layer', type, str(layer) if type == "svg": handle = Rsvg.Handle.new_from_file(layer) handle.render_cairo(ctx) elif type == "png": png_surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(layer) self.__logger.debug("Got PNG surface at " + str(time.time() - timerstart)) ctx.set_source_surface(png_surface, 0, 0) ctx.rectangle(0, 0, png_surface.get_width(), png_surface.get_height()) ctx.fill() elif type == "jpg": jpg_pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(layer) self.__logger.debug("Got JPG pixbuf at " + str(time.time() - timerstart)) ctx.set_source_pixbuf(jpg_pixbuf, 0, 0) ctx.rectangle(0, 0, jpg_pixbuf.get_width(), jpg_pixbuf.get_height()) ctx.fill() elif type == "html": # use hulahop to display print 'html slide', self.__htmlflag, layer scrn4 = self.__activity.set_screen(3) if self.__htmlflag: scrn4.add(self.__wv) self.__htmlflag = False self.__wv.load_uri('file://' + layer) self.__logger.debug("Finished drawing layer at " + str(time.time() - timerstart))
def renderSlideToSurface(self, surface, n=None): if n is None: n = self.__deck.getIndex() timerstart = time.time() self.__logger.debug("rendering slide " + str(n)) ctx = gtk.gdk.CairoContext(cairo.Context(surface)) #ctx = cairo.Context(surface) self.__logger.debug("Got context at " + str(time.time() - timerstart)) # Get the slide dimensions and set up a Cairo transformation matrix srcw, srch = self.getSlideDimensions(n) if srcw > 640: srcw = 640 if srch > 480: srch = 480 targw = float(surface.get_width()) targh = float(surface.get_height()) x_scale = targw/srcw y_scale = targh/srch print 'rendering slide', str(n), "w=", targw, srcw, x_scale, "h=", targh, srch, y_scale self.__logger.debug("Surface is " + str(targw) + "x" + str(targh)) scale = x_scale if y_scale < x_scale: scale = y_scale if scale < .98 or scale > 1.02: ctx.transform(cairo.Matrix(scale, 0, 0, scale, 0, 0)) self.__logger.debug("Got transformation matrix at " + str(time.time() - timerstart)) # Paint the slide background ctx.set_source_rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) ctx.rectangle(0, 0, srcw, srch) ctx.fill() self.__logger.debug("Filled background at " + str(time.time() - timerstart)) # Paint the layers layers = self.__deck.getSlideLayers(n) self.__logger.debug("Got layers at " + str(time.time() - timerstart)) for layer in layers: type = utils.getFileType(layer) print 'Drawing layer ', type, layer self.__logger.debug("Drawing layer " + str(layer) +" " + str(scale) + " at " + str(time.time() - timerstart)) print 'drawing layer', type, str(layer) if type == "svg": f = open(layer, "rb") svg_data = f.close() handle = rsvg.Handle(data=svg_data) handle.render_cairo(ctx) elif type == "png": png_surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(layer) self.__logger.debug("Got PNG surface at "+ str(time.time() - timerstart)) ctx.set_source_surface(png_surface, 0, 0) ctx.rectangle(0, 0, png_surface.get_width(), png_surface.get_height()) ctx.fill() elif type == "jpg": jpg_pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(layer) self.__logger.debug("Got JPG pixbuf at "+ str(time.time() - timerstart)) ctx.set_source_pixbuf(jpg_pixbuf, 0, 0) ctx.rectangle(0, 0, jpg_pixbuf.get_width(), jpg_pixbuf.get_height()) ctx.fill() elif type == "html": #use hulahop to display print 'html slide', self.__htmlflag, layer scrn4 = self.__activity.set_screen(3) if self.__htmlflag: scrn4.add(self.__wv) self.__htmlflag = False self.__wv.load_uri('file://' + layer) self.__logger.debug("Finished drawing layer at "+ str(time.time() - timerstart))
def render_slide_to_surface(self, surface, n=None): if n is None: n = self.__arbiter.get_slide_index() timerstart = time.time() self.__logger.debug("rendering slide " + str(n)) ctx = gtk.gdk.CairoContext(cairo.Context(surface)) #ctx = cairo.Context(surface) self.__logger.debug("Got context at " + str(time.time() - timerstart)) # Get the slide dimensions and set up a Cairo transformation matrix srcw, srch = self.getSlideDimensions(n) targw = float(surface.get_width()) targh = float(surface.get_height()) x_scale = targw/srcw y_scale = targh/srch self.__logger.debug("Surface is " + str(targw) + "x" + str(targh)) scale = x_scale if y_scale < x_scale: scale = y_scale if scale < .98 or scale > 1.02: ctx.transform(cairo.Matrix(scale, 0, 0, scale, 0, 0)) self.__logger.debug("Got transformation matrix at " + str(time.time() - timerstart)) # Paint the slide background ctx.set_source_rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) ctx.rectangle(0, 0, srcw, srch) ctx.fill() self.__logger.debug("Filled background at " + str(time.time() - timerstart)) # Paint the layers layers = self.__arbiter.get_slide_layers(n) self.__logger.debug("Got layers at " + str(time.time() - timerstart)) for layer in layers: type = utils.getFileType(layer) self.__logger.debug("Drawing layer " + str(layer) +" " + str(scale) + " at " + str(time.time() - timerstart)) if type == "svg": f = open(layer, "rb") svg_data = f.close() handle = rsvg.Handle(data=svg_data) handle.render_cairo(ctx) elif type == "png": png_surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(layer) self.__logger.debug("Got PNG surface at "+ str(time.time() - timerstart)) ctx.set_source_surface(png_surface, 0, 0) ctx.rectangle(0, 0, png_surface.get_width(), png_surface.get_height()) ctx.fill() elif type == "jpg": jpg_pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(layer) self.__logger.debug("Got JPG pixbuf at "+ str(time.time() - timerstart)) ctx.set_source_pixbuf(jpg_pixbuf, 0, 0) ctx.rectangle(0, 0, jpg_pixbuf.get_width(), jpg_pixbuf.get_height()) ctx.fill() self.__logger.debug("Finished drawing layer at "+ str(time.time() - timerstart))