Example #1
 def get_item_value(self, resource, context, item, column, cache={}):
     item_brain, item_resource = item
     if column == 'title':
         value = get_name(item_brain)
         href = '%s/' % context.get_link(item_resource)
         return value, href
     elif column == 'company':
         p_company = item_brain.crm_p_company
         if not p_company:
             return u''
         crm = get_crm(resource)
         company = crm.get_resource('companies/' + p_company)
         href = context.get_link(company)
         title = company.get_title()
         return title, href
     elif column == 'email':
         value = item_brain.crm_p_email
         href = 'mailto:%s' % value
         return value, href
     elif column == 'phones':
         return Phones(item_brain, 'crm_p_phone', 'crm_p_mobile')
     elif column == 'crm_p_assured':
         value = item_brain.crm_p_assured
         return format_amount(value, context)
     elif column == 'crm_p_probable':
         value = item_brain.crm_p_probable
         return format_amount(value, context)
     elif column.startswith('crm_m_'):
         # CSV export
         contact_name = item_brain.name
         mission_brain = cache.get(contact_name)
         if mission_brain is None:
             crm = get_crm(resource)
             query = AndQuery(
                     PhraseQuery('format', 'mission'),
                     PhraseQuery('crm_m_contact', item_brain.name))
             results = context.root.search(query)
             last_missions = results.get_documents(sort_by='mtime',
                     reverse=True, size=1)
             if not last_missions:
                 return None
             mission_brain = cache[contact_name] = last_missions[0]
         if column == 'crm_m_title':
             column = 'title'
         return getattr(mission_brain, column)
     proxy = super(CRM_SearchContacts, self)
     return proxy.get_item_value(resource, context, item, column,
Example #2
    def get_items(self, resource, context, *args):
        # Get the parameters from the query
        query = context.query
        search_text = query['search_text'].strip()
        field = query['search_type']
        m_status = query['crm_m_status']

        # Build the query
        args = list(args)
        args.append(PhraseQuery('format', 'mission'))
        args.append(PhraseQuery('crm_m_contact', resource.name))
        missions = resource.parent.parent.get_resource('missions')
        abspath = str(missions.get_canonical_path())
        args.append(PhraseQuery('parent_path', abspath))
        if search_text:
            args.append(PhraseQuery(field, search_text))
        # Insert status filter
        if m_status:
            status_query = []
            for s in m_status:
                status_query.append(PhraseQuery('crm_m_status', s))
        if len(args) == 1:
            query = args[0]
            query = AndQuery(*args)

        # Ok
        crm = get_crm(resource)
        base_path_query = get_crm_path_query(crm)
        return context.root.search(AndQuery(query, base_path_query))
Example #3
 def get_default_company(self, resource, context):
     m_contact = resource.get_property('crm_m_contact')
     if not m_contact:
         return None
     crm = get_crm(resource)
     contact = crm.get_resource('contacts/' + m_contact[0])
     p_company = contact.get_property('crm_p_company')
     return crm.get_resource('companies/' + p_company)
Example #4
    def action(self, resource, context, form):
        company = resource.add_company()

        Company_EditForm.action(self, company, context, form)
        if is_thingy(context.message, ERROR):

        crm = get_crm(resource)
        goto = "%s/contacts/;new_contact?crm_p_company=%s" % (context.get_link(crm), company.name)
        return context.come_back(MSG_NEW_COMPANY, goto)
Example #5
 def get_items(self, resource, context, *args):
     # Build the query
     args = list(args)
     args.append(PhraseQuery('crm_m_contact', resource.name))
     if len(args) == 1:
         query = args[0]
         query = AndQuery(*args)
     # Ok
     crm = get_crm(resource)
     base_path_query = get_crm_path_query(crm)
     return context.root.search(AndQuery(query, base_path_query))
Example #6
    def get_options(cls):
        context = get_context()
        crm = get_crm(context.resource)
        parent_path = '%s/contacts' % crm.get_abspath()
        root = context.root
        results = root.search(format='contact', parent_path=parent_path)
        options = []
        for brain in results.get_documents(sort_by='crm_p_lastname'):
                'name': brain.name,
                'value': brain.title})

        return options
Example #7
def send_notification(resource, context, form, changes, new=False):
    # From
    user = context.user
    user_title = user.get_title()
    user_email = user.get_property('email')
    # To
    to_addrs = set(form['crm_m_cc'])
    if form['crm_m_assigned']:
    # Except sender
    if user.name in to_addrs:
    if not to_addrs:
    # Subject
    crm_title = get_crm(resource).get_title() or u"CRM"
    mission_name = resource.name
    mission_title = resource.get_property('title')
    subject = u"[%s #%s] %s" % (crm_title, mission_name, mission_title)
    # Body
    mission_uri = context.uri.resolve(context.get_link(resource))
    # Changes
    changes.insert(0, u"-" * 76)
    header = CHANGES_LINE.gettext(what=u"What", removed=u"Removed",
    changes.insert(0, header)
    changes = u"\n".join(changes)
    # New comment
    comment = u""
    if form.get('comment'):
        n = len(resource.get_property('comment')) - 1
        now = context.format_datetime(context.timestamp)
        comment = [COMMENT_LINE.gettext(n=n, user_title=user_title,
            user_email=user_email, date=now)]
        comment_value = form['comment']
        if type(comment_value) is Property:
            comment_value = comment_value.value
        comment = u"\n".join(comment)
    body = BODY.gettext(mission_uri=mission_uri,
            mission_name=mission_name, mission_title=mission_title,
            user_title=user_title, user_email=user_email, changes=changes,
    # Send
    root = context.root
    for to_addr in to_addrs:
        user = root.get_user(to_addr)
        if not user:
        to_addr = user.get_property('email')
        root.send_email(to_addr, subject, text=body)
Example #8
    def action_add_contact(self, resource, context, form):
        # Save changes
        m_contact = resource.get_property('crm_m_contact')
        m_contact = list(set(m_contact + form['ids']))
        resource.set_property('crm_m_contact', m_contact)

        # Reindex contacts so they know about the mission
        crm = get_crm(resource)
        contacts = crm.get_resource('contacts')
        for contact_id in form['ids']:
            contact = contacts.get_resource(contact_id)

        context.message = MSG_CONTACT_ADDED
Example #9
    def _get_query(self, resource, context, *args):
        crm = get_crm(resource)
        search_term = context.query['search_term'].strip()
        tags = context.query['tags']

        # Build the query
        args = list(args)
        args.append(PhraseQuery('format', self.search_format))
        if search_term:
            args.append(PhraseQuery('text', search_term))
        if tags:
            args.append(PhraseQuery('tags', tags))

        return AndQuery(*args)
Example #10
    def action(self, resource, context, form, new=False):
        # First compute differences
        changes = get_changes(resource, context, form, new=new)

        # Save changes
        super(Mission_EditForm, self).action(resource, context, form)
        if is_thingy(context.message, ERROR):

        # Reindex contacts to update Opp/Proj/NoGo, p_assured and p_probable
        crm = get_crm(resource)
        contacts = crm.get_resource('contacts')
        for contact_id in resource.get_property('crm_m_contact'):
            contact = contacts.get_resource(contact_id)

        # Send notification to CC
        send_notification(resource, context, form, changes, new=new)
Example #11
    def action(self, resource, context, form):
        crm = get_crm(resource)
        contacts = crm.get_resource('contacts')
        missions = crm.get_resource('missions')
        # Split values contact/mission
        p_values = {}
        m_values = {}
        for key, value in form.iteritems():
            if key.startswith('crm_p_'):
                p_values[key] = value
            elif key.startswith('crm_m_'):
                m_values[key] = value
            elif key.startswith('mission_'):
                m_values[key[8:]] = value
        # Add contact
        contact = contacts.add_contact(**p_values)
        # Add mission if title is defined
        language = resource.get_edit_languages(context)[0]
        if form['mission'] or m_values['title'][language]:
            if form['mission']:
                # Link to existing mission
                missions = resource.get_resource('../missions')
                mission = missions.get_resource(form['mission'])
                m_contact = mission.get_property('crm_m_contact')
                m_contact = list(set(m_contact + [contact.name]))
                mission.set_property('crm_m_contact', m_contact)
                #changes = get_changes(mission, context, m_values)
                #send_notification(mission, context, m_values, changes)
            elif m_values['title'][language]:
                # Create new mission and link to it
                m_values['crm_m_contact'] = contact.name
                if m_values['comment']:
                    m_values['comment'] = Property(m_values['comment'],
                            date=context.timestamp, author=context.user.name)
                mission = missions.add_mission(**m_values)
                changes = get_changes(mission, context, m_values, new=True)
                send_notification(mission, context, m_values, changes,
            goto = context.get_link(mission)
            return context.come_back(MSG_CONTACT_ADDED, goto=goto)
            goto = context.get_link(contact)

        return context.come_back(MSG_NEW_RESOURCE, goto=goto)
Example #12
    def get_options(cls):
        context = get_context()
        crm = get_crm(context.resource)
        parent_path = '%s/companies' % crm.get_abspath()
        root = context.root
        results = root.search(format='company', parent_path=parent_path)
        options = []
        # FIXME catalog case-independant sort
        for brain in results.get_documents():
            value = brain.title
            # Reduce the length of the title
            if len(value) > 63:
                value = '%s...%s' % (value[:30], value[-30:])
                'name': brain.name,
                'value': value,
                'sort_value': value.lower().translate(transmap)})

        # FIXME move hack to a catalog index

        return options
Example #13
 def get_item_value(self, resource, context, item, column, cache={}):
     item_brain, item_resource = item
     if column == 'checkbox':
         parent = item_resource.parent
         if parent is None:
             return None
         if item_resource.name in parent.__fixed_handlers__:
             return None
         id = resource.get_canonical_path().get_pathto(item_brain.abspath)
         id = str(id)
         return id, False
     elif column == 'alert':
         return get_alert_icon(item_brain.crm_m_alert, context)
     elif column == 'crm_m_alert':
         alert = item_brain.crm_m_alert
         if alert:
             return alert.date()
         return None
     elif column == 'status':
         # Status
         return ShortStatusIcon(item_brain.crm_m_status)
     elif column in ('contacts', 'contacts_csv'):
         m_contacts = item_brain.crm_m_contact
         query = [PhraseQuery('name', name) for name in m_contacts]
         if len(query) == 1:
             query = query[0]
             query = OrQuery(*query)
         crm = get_crm(resource)
         query = AndQuery(get_crm_path_query(crm), query)
         query = AndQuery(PhraseQuery('format', 'contact'), query)
         results = context.root.search(query)
         if column == 'contacts':
             pattern = u'<a href="{link}">{lastname}<br/>{firstname}</a>'
             pattern = u"{lastname} {firstname}"
         names = []
         for brain in results.get_documents(sort_by='crm_p_lastname'):
             link = context.get_link(brain)
             lastname = brain.crm_p_lastname.upper()
             firstname = brain.crm_p_firstname
             names.append(pattern.format(link=link, lastname=lastname,
         if column == 'contacts':
             return MSG(u"<br/>".join(names), format='html')
         return u"\n".join(names)
     elif column == 'company':
         contact_id = item_brain.crm_m_contact[0]
         contact = resource.get_resource('contacts/' + contact_id)
         p_company = contact.get_property('crm_p_company')
         if not p_company:
             return u""
         company = resource.get_resource('companies/' + p_company)
         title = company.get_title()
         href = context.get_link(company)
         return title, href
     elif column == 'assigned':
         user_id = item_brain.crm_m_assigned
         return context.root.get_user_title(user_id)
     return super(CRM_SearchMissions, self).get_item_value(resource,
             context, item, column, cache=cache)
Example #14
File: menus.py Project: hforge/crm
 def get_crm_path_query(self, context):
     return get_crm_path_query(get_crm(context.resource))