def translate(self, source): assert len(source.size()) == 2 device = get_default_device() # Toggle eval mode to disable dropout self._encoder.eval() self._decoder.eval() with torch.no_grad(): encoder_output, hidden = self._encoder(source, None) translation = torch.zeros(len(source), self._max_length + 1, 1, dtype=torch.long, device=device) translation[:, 0, 0] = START_OF_SENTENCE_INDEX for i in range(self._max_length): decoder_output, hidden = self._decoder(translation[:, i], hidden, encoder_output) _, token_indices = translation[:, i + 1, 0] = token_indices.squeeze() # Slice off <SOS> token return translation[:, 1:, 0]
def load_from_args(cls, args): vocab = Bivocabulary.create(args.source_language, args.target_language, args.reverse) train_sentences = args.train_file train_pairs = (vocab.add_sentence_pair(pair) for pair in train_sentences) dev_pairs = (vocab.add_sentence_pair(pair) for pair in args.dev_file) index = 1 if args.reverse else 0 device = get_default_device() test_sources = (vocab.source.add_sentence( sentence.split('|||', 1)[index]) for sentence in args.test_file) test_tensors = tuple( torch.tensor(s, dtype=torch.long, device=device).unsqueeze(0) for s in test_sources) train_batches = _batch_by_source(train_pairs, batch_size=args.train_batch_size) dev_batches = _batch_by_source(dev_pairs) return cls(vocab, train_batches, dev_batches, test_tensors)
def __init__(self, model: torch.nn.Module, optimizer, criterion, name: str, bag_of_ops, rl_agent=None, M=8, rl_n_steps=16, normalize=None, device=None): if device is None: device = get_default_device() self.device = device # main model self.model = self.optimizer = optimizer self.criterion = criterion = name self.best_acc = 0 self.rl_agent = rl_agent self.rl_n_steps = rl_n_steps self.bag_of_ops = bag_of_ops self.M = M self.random_erasing = torchvision.transforms.RandomErasing( p=1, scale=(0.25, 0.25), ratio=(1., 1.)) self.normalize = normalize self.writer = SummaryWriter(f'runs/{name}')
def __init__(self, net: nn.Module, name: str, lr=0.00035, grad_norm=0.5, batch_size=1, epsilon=0.2, ent_coef=1e-5, online=True, augmentation=None, device=None): if device: self.device = device else: self.device = get_default_device() = = name self.optimizer = optim.Adam(, lr=lr) self.grad_norm = grad_norm self.memory = deque(maxlen=256) self.batch_size = batch_size self.epsilon = epsilon self.ent_coef = ent_coef = online self.augmentation = augmentation
def create_from_args(cls, args, vocab, max_length): device = get_default_device() encoder = build_encoder(args, vocab).to(device) decoder = build_decoder(args, vocab).to(device) return cls(encoder, decoder, max_length)
def predict_image(img, model): #get default device device = get_default_device() # Convert to a batch of 1 xb = to_device(img.unsqueeze(0), device) # Get predictions from model yb = model(xb) # Pick index with highest probability _, preds = torch.max(yb, dim=1) # Retrieve the class label return classes[preds[0].item()]
def train(self, source, target, target_lens, optimizer, criterion, teacher_force_percent=0.0): # tests assert len(source.size()) == 2 assert len(target.size()) == 2 assert len(target_lens.size()) == 1 assert source.size(0) == target.size(0) == target_lens.size(0) device = get_default_device() optimizer.zero_grad() # Toggle training mode so dropout is enabled self._encoder.train() self._decoder.train() # Run input_tensor word-by-word through encoder encoder_output, hidden = self._encoder(source, None) # Run encoder output through decoder to build up target_tensor last_translated_tokens = torch.full((len(source), 1), START_OF_SENTENCE_INDEX, dtype=torch.long, device=device) loss = 0.0 for i in range(target.size(1)): decoder_output, hidden = self._decoder(last_translated_tokens, hidden, encoder_output) # Next input fed through is the most likely token from this # iteration _, most_likely_token_indices = decoder_output.topk(1) last_translated_tokens = \ most_likely_token_indices.squeeze(1).detach() # Apply teacher forcing probabilistically per token (across batch) if random.random() < teacher_force_percent: last_translated_tokens = target[:, i:i + 1] loss += criterion(decoder_output.squeeze(1), target[:, i], i < target_lens) # Backprop loss.backward() optimizer.step() return loss.item()
def predict_fn(input_object, model): print('Inferring class of input data.') tfms = get_transform() input_data = tfms(input_object) device = get_default_device() output = predict_image(input_data, model) return output
def model_fn(model_dir): """Load the PyTorch model from the `model_dir` directory.""" print("Loading model.") # Determine the device and construct the model. device = get_default_device() model = Cifar10CnnModel() # Load the store model parameters. model_path = os.path.join(model_dir, 'model.pth') with open(model_path, 'rb') as f: model.load_state_dict(torch.load(f, map_location=device)) print("Done loading model.") return model
def _make_minibatch_pair(pairs): device = get_default_device() sources, targets = map(tuple, zip(*pairs)) target_lens = torch.tensor([len(target) for target in targets], device=device) pad_len = target_lens.max().item() targets_padded = tuple( (target + (0, ) * pad_len)[:pad_len] for target in targets) source_minibatch = torch.tensor(sources, dtype=torch.long, device=device) target_minibatch = torch.tensor(targets_padded, dtype=torch.long, device=device) return source_minibatch, target_minibatch, target_lens
def train(self, criterion, epoch_count=200, log_interval=50): """Train on MQ2007 dataset with ListNet algorithm""" k_vals = [1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50] ndcg_ks_list = [] err_ks_list = [] device = utils.get_default_device() for fold in range(1, 6): print(f"Fold {fold}") full_model = None if self.model == "simple_one_layer": full_model = utils.to_device( models.SimpleOneLayerLinear(self.feature_count), device) else: full_model = utils.to_device( models.SimpleThreeLayerLinear(self.feature_count), device) optimizer = optim.Adam(full_model.parameters(), lr=self.lrate, weight_decay=self.weight_decay) path = 'resources/' + ('MQ2007' if self.use_mq2007 else 'MQ2008') + \ '/Fold' +str(fold) + '/' train_iter = utils.DeviceDataLoader( data_loader.get_ms_dataset(path + 'train.txt'), device) valid_iter = utils.DeviceDataLoader( data_loader.get_ms_dataset(path + 'vali.txt', shuffle=False), device) test_iter = utils.DeviceDataLoader( data_loader.get_ms_dataset(path + 'test.txt', shuffle=False), device) super(MQ200XTrainer, self).__init__(name="ListNet", train_iter=train_iter, valid_iter=valid_iter, test_iter=test_iter, full_model=full_model, criterion=criterion, optimizer=optimizer) ndcg_ks, err_ks = super(MQ200XTrainer, self).run_training( epoch_count, k_vals=k_vals, log_interval=log_interval) ndcg_ks_list.append(ndcg_ks) err_ks_list.append(err_ks) return dump_metrics(k_vals, ndcg_ks_list, err_ks_list)
def eval(): model_path = os.path.join(constant.MODEL_DIR, constant.TRAINED_MODEL) device = get_default_device() c3d = model.C3D(constant.NUM_CLASSES) c3d.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path)), non_blocking=True, dtype=torch.float) c3d.eval() print(model_path) testset = UCF101DataSet(framelist_file=constant.TEST_LIST, clip_len=constant.CLIP_LENGTH, crop_size=constant.CROP_SIZE, split="testing") testloader = testset, batch_size=constant.TEST_BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=False, num_workers=8) total_predict_label = [] total_accuracy = [] for (i, data) in enumerate(testloader, 0): inputs, labels = data['clip'].to( device, dtype=torch.float), data['label'].to(device) _, outputs = c3d(inputs).max(1) total = labels.size(0) correct = (outputs == labels).sum().item() accuracy = float(correct) / float(total) print("iteration %d, accuracy = %g" % (i, accuracy)) total_predict_label.append(outputs) total_accuracy.append(accuracy) total_accuracy = np.array(total_accuracy) total_predict_label = np.array(total_predict_label) print(model_path) print("Final accuracy", np.mean(total_accuracy))
def RUN(batchsize, lr): #batchsize=config.batchsize #lr=config.learning_rate #num_epochs=config.num_epochs num_epochs = 50 device = config.device if device == None: device = utils.get_default_device() label_dict = utils.create_label_dict(config.symbols) revdict = {} for i, sym in enumerate(config.symbols): revdict[i] = sym model = InceptFC.FC_Model() #model=Resnet.ResNet50(3,97) print(config.checkpath) checkpoint = torch.load(config.checkpath, map_location=device) model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model_state_dict']) print("MODEL LOADED") model.train() for name, child in model.named_children(): if name in ['conv_block1', "conv_block2", "conv1"]: print(name + ' is frozen') for param in child.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False else: print(name + ' is unfrozen') for param in child.parameters(): param.requires_grad = True optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, model.parameters()), lr=lr, weight_decay=lr / 10.) finepath = config.data_dir_path myvalpath = "/home/ubuntu/data/ocr/kdeval/good/images/" valid_paths = [ join(myvalpath, f) for f in listdir(myvalpath) if isfile(join(myvalpath, f)) ] refinement_ratio = [0.5] checkpath = os.path.dirname(config.checkpath) checkpath = join(checkpath, "FineTune2") os.system('mkdir -p ' + checkpath) p = 'runs/Inceptfinalrun/hypergridfine_tune/LR' + str(int( 1000000 * lr)) + 'BS' + str(batchsize) writer = SummaryWriter(p) fineds = [f for f in listdir(finepath) if isfile(join(finepath, f))] for epoch_fine in range(num_epochs): random.shuffle(fineds) ds_train = DataUtils.FINEIMGDS(label_dict, finepath, fineds) train_gen =, batch_size=batchsize, shuffle=True, num_workers=6, pin_memory=True) train_gen = DataUtils.DeviceDataLoader(train_gen, device) result = ModelUtils.fit_fine(model, train_gen, optimizer) loss_epoch = result.item() print("MEAN LOSS ON EPOCH {} is : {}".format(epoch_fine, loss_epoch)) ## SAVE WEIGHT AFTER FINETUNE PER EPOCH '''{ 'epoch': epoch_fine, 'model_state_dict': model.state_dict(), 'optimizer_state_dict': optimizer.state_dict(), 'loss': loss_epoch, }, os.path.join(checkpath, 'fine-epoch-{}.pt'.format(epoch_fine))) ''' ## WRITER TENSORBOARD writer.add_scalar('Training loss per epoch', loss_epoch, epoch_fine) ############################################################### ####### CHECK FOR VALIDATION+ pdf_acc = [] weight = [] for imgpath in tqdm(valid_paths, desc="TEST"): with, 'rb') as image_file: content = jsonpath = "/home/ubuntu/data/ocr/kdeval/good/json/" + os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(imgpath))[0] + ".json" with open(jsonpath) as f: bounds = json.load(f) bounds = bounds_refine(bounds, imgpath, 0.48) #print("Characters in Image=",len(bounds)) ds = get_ds(imgpath, bounds) ds_train = DataUtils.EVALIMGDS(label_dict, ds) train_gen =, batch_size=64, shuffle=False, num_workers=6, pin_memory=True) train_gen = DataUtils.DeviceDataLoader(train_gen, device) result = ModelUtils.evaluate(model, train_gen) pdf_acc.append(len(bounds) * result['val_acc']) weight.append(len(bounds)) print("EPOCHFINE={} Validation Accuracy Mean on GOOD pdf is {}".format( epoch_fine, sum(pdf_acc) / sum(weight))) writer.add_scalar('validation acc per epoch', sum(pdf_acc) / sum(weight), epoch_fine)
ds.append((im1,label)) labels.append(label) coord.append((bound["vertices"][0]['x'], bound["vertices"][0]['y'], bound["vertices"][2]['x'], bound["vertices"][2]['y'])) + '_handwritten.png') return ds,coord,labels,wordid,seq if __name__ =='__main__': device=config.device if device==None: device = utils.get_default_device() label_dict=utils.create_label_dict(config.symbols) revdict={} for i,sym in enumerate(config.symbols): revdict[i]=sym model=InceptFC.FC_Model() #model=Resnet.ResNet50(3,97) print(config.checkpath) checkpoint=torch.load(config.checkpath, map_location=device) model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model_state_dict']) print("MODEL LOADED") model.train() pdf_acc=[] weight=[] mypath=join(config.pdfdata,"images")
import torch import models.concrete.single from dataloader import VisionDataset from opts import parse_args from training import Trainer from utils import AverageMeter, get_logger, save_pretrained_model, load_pretrained_model, \ get_default_device device = get_default_device() def exp1(opt): model = getattr(models.concrete.single, opt.model)(opt).to(device) opt.exp_name += opt.model vd = VisionDataset(opt, class_order=list(range(10))) optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.001, momentum=0.9) logger = get_logger(folder=opt.log_dir + '/' + opt.exp_name + '/')'Running with device {device}')"==> Opts for this training: " + str(opt)) trainer = Trainer(opt, logger, device=device) # pretraining if opt.num_pretrain_classes > 0: try:'Trying to load pretrained model...') model = load_pretrained_model(opt, model, logger) pretrain = False
def train(): # initialize the model model_path = os.path.join(constant.MODEL_DIR, constant.PRETRAINED_MODEL) c3d = model.C3D(constant.NUM_CLASSES) print(model_path) device = get_default_device() if device == torch.device('cpu'): pretrained_param = torch.load(model_path, map_location='cpu') else: pretrained_param = torch.load(model_path) to_load = {} for key in pretrained_param.keys(): if 'conv' in key: to_load[key] = pretrained_param[key] else: to_load[key] = c3d.state_dict()[key] c3d.load_state_dict(to_load) print(c3d.state_dict()) train_params = [{'params': c3d.get_conv_1x_lr_param(), 'weight_decay': constant.WEIGHT_DECAY}, {'params': c3d.get_conv_2x_lr_param(), 'lr': constant.BASE_LR * 2}, {'params': c3d.get_fc_1x_lr_param(), 'weight_decay': constant.WEIGHT_DECAY}, {'params': c3d.get_fc_2x_lr_param(), 'lr': constant.BASE_LR * 2}] # import input data trainset = UCF101DataSet(framelist_file=constant.TRAIN_LIST, clip_len=constant.CLIP_LENGTH, crop_size=constant.CROP_SIZE, split="training") trainloader =, batch_size=constant.TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, num_workers=10), non_blocking=True, dtype=torch.float) c3d.train() # define loss function (Cross Entropy loss) criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() # define optimizer optimizer = optim.SGD(train_params, lr=constant.BASE_LR, momentum=constant.MOMENTUM, weight_decay=0) print(optimizer.state_dict()) # define lr schedule scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=constant.LR_DECAY_STEP_SIZE, gamma=constant.LR_DECAY_GAMMA) writer = SummaryWriter() for epoch in range(constant.NUM_EPOCHES): running_loss = 0.0 running_accuracy = 0.0 scheduler.step() for i, data in enumerate(trainloader, 0): step = epoch * len(trainloader) + i inputs, labels = data['clip'].to(device, dtype=torch.float), data['label'].to( device=device, dtype=torch.int64) optimizer.zero_grad() outputs = c3d(inputs) loss = criterion(outputs, labels) loss.backward() optimizer.step() running_loss += loss.item() print('Step %d, loss: %.3f' % (i, loss.item())) writer.add_scalar('Train/Loss', loss.item(), step) outputs = nn.Softmax(dim=1)(outputs) _, predict_label = outputs.max(1) correct = (predict_label == labels).sum().item() accuracy = float(correct) / float(constant.TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE) running_accuracy += accuracy writer.add_scalar('Train/Accuracy', accuracy, step) print("iteration %d, accuracy = %.3f" % (i, accuracy)) if i % 100 == 99: print('[%d, %5d] loss: %.3f' % (epoch + 1, i + 1, running_loss / 100)) print('[%d, %5d] accuracy: %.3f' % (epoch + 1, i + 1, running_accuracy / 100)) running_loss = 0.0 running_accuracy = 0.0 if step % 10000 == 9999:, os.path.join( constant.MODEL_DIR, '%s-%s-%d' % (constant.TRAIN_MODEL_NAME,, step + 1))) print('Finished Training') writer.close()