Example #1
    def plot_dNdpT(self, pid_selection):
        Plot dNdpT particles in pid_selection

        pid_selection : str
            Either all charged particles ('ch') or 'pi', 'K' or 'p'
        log.info("1/N_evts  dN_ch/dpT plots")
        figs = []
        for sums_est_dir, res_est_dir in zip(get_est_dirs(self.sums, self.considered_ests),
                                             get_est_dirs(self.results_post, self.considered_ests)):
            if sums_est_dir.GetName() != res_est_dir.GetName():
                raise IndexError("Order of estimator dirs is different in sums and results_post")
            res_dir_str = res_est_dir.GetPath().split(":")[1]
            fig = Figure()
            fig.plot.palette = 'colorblind'
            # fig.plot.ncolors = 5
            fig.legend.position = 'tr'
            fig.ytitle = "1/N_{evts} dN/dp_{T} (" + make_estimator_title(sums_est_dir.GetName()) + ")"
            fig.xtitle = "p_{T} (GeV)"
            fig.plot.logy = True
            hists = []
            if pid_selection == 'ch':
                fig.legend.title = "#pi^{#pm}, K^{#pm}, p, #Lambda, #Xi, #Omega"
                pid_numbers = [kPIMINUS, kPIPLUS, kKMINUS, kKPLUS, kPROTON, kANTIPROTON,
                               kLAMBDA, kANTILAMBDA, kXI, kANTIXI, kOMEGAMINUS, kOMEGAPLUS]
            if pid_selection == 'pi':
                fig.legend.title = "#pi^{#pm}"
                pid_numbers = [kPIMINUS, kPIPLUS]
            if pid_selection == 'K':
                fig.legend.title = "K^{#pm}"
                pid_numbers = [kKMINUS, kKPLUS]
            if pid_selection == 'p':
                fig.legend.title = "p, #bar{p}"
                pid_numbers = [kPROTON, kANTIPROTON]

            for perc_bin, classifier_bin in zip(self.perc_bins[sums_est_dir.GetName()], self.nch_edges[sums_est_dir.GetName()]):
                hists.append(get_pT_distribution(res_est_dir, pid_numbers, classifier_bin, normalized=False))
                hists[-1].title = "{0}%-{1}%".format(perc_bin[1] * 100, perc_bin[0] * 100)

            # add MB last to be consistent with colors in other plots; the very first and very last bin we look at
            classifier_bin_mb = (self.nch_edges[sums_est_dir.GetName()][0][0], self.nch_edges[sums_est_dir.GetName()][-1][-1])
            hists.append(get_pT_distribution(res_est_dir, pid_numbers, classifier_bin_mb, normalized=False))
            hists[-1].title = "MB"

            # scale by bin width
            [h.Scale(1, "width") for h in hists]

            [fig.add_plottable(p, p.title) for p in hists]
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f_out, "dN{0}dpT".format(pid_selection), res_dir_str)
        return figs
Example #2
    def plot_dNdpT(self, pid_selection):
        Plot dNdpT particles in pid_selection

        pid_selection : str
            Either all charged particles ('ch') or 'pi', 'K' or 'p'
        log.info("1/N_evts  dN_ch/dpT plots")
        figs = []
        for sums_est_dir, res_est_dir in zip(get_est_dirs(self.sums, self.considered_ests),
                                             get_est_dirs(self.results_post, self.considered_ests)):
            if sums_est_dir.GetName() != res_est_dir.GetName():
                raise IndexError("Order of estimator dirs is different in sums and results_post")
            res_dir_str = res_est_dir.GetPath().split(":")[1]
            fig = Figure()
            fig.plot.palette = 'colorblind'
            # fig.plot.ncolors = 5
            fig.legend.position = 'tr'
            fig.ytitle = "1/N_{evts} dN/dp_{T} (" + make_estimator_title(sums_est_dir.GetName()) + ")"
            fig.xtitle = "p_{T} (GeV)"
            fig.plot.logy = True
            hists = []
            if pid_selection == 'ch':
                fig.legend.title = "#pi^{#pm}, K^{#pm}, p, #Lambda, #Xi, #Omega"
                pid_numbers = [kPIMINUS, kPIPLUS, kKMINUS, kKPLUS, kPROTON, kANTIPROTON,
                               kLAMBDA, kANTILAMBDA, kXI, kANTIXI, kOMEGAMINUS, kOMEGAPLUS]
            if pid_selection == 'pi':
                fig.legend.title = "#pi^{#pm}"
                pid_numbers = [kPIMINUS, kPIPLUS]
            if pid_selection == 'K':
                fig.legend.title = "K^{#pm}"
                pid_numbers = [kKMINUS, kKPLUS]
            if pid_selection == 'p':
                fig.legend.title = "p, #bar{p}"
                pid_numbers = [kPROTON, kANTIPROTON]

            for perc_bin, classifier_bin in zip(self.perc_bins[sums_est_dir.GetName()], self.nch_edges[sums_est_dir.GetName()]):
                hists.append(get_pT_distribution(res_est_dir, pid_numbers, classifier_bin, normalized=False))
                hists[-1].title = "{0}%-{1}%".format(perc_bin[1] * 100, perc_bin[0] * 100)

            # add MB last to be consistent with colors in other plots; the very first and very last bin we look at
            classifier_bin_mb = (self.nch_edges[sums_est_dir.GetName()][0][0], self.nch_edges[sums_est_dir.GetName()][-1][-1])
            hists.append(get_pT_distribution(res_est_dir, pid_numbers, classifier_bin_mb, normalized=False))
            hists[-1].title = "MB"

            # scale by bin width
            [h.Scale(1, "width") for h in hists]

            [fig.add_plottable(p, p.title) for p in hists]
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f, "dN{0}dpT".format(pid_selection), res_dir_str)
        return figs
Example #3
    def plot_particle_ratios_vs_estmult(self, pids1, pids2, scale=None, ytitle=''):
        ratio_vs_estmult_dir = (self.results_post.GetPath().split(":")[1]  # file.root:/internal/root/path
                                + '/pid_ratios_vs_estmult')
        fig = Figure()
        if not ytitle:
            fig.ytitle = ", ".join(pids1) + " / " + ", ".join(pids2)
            fig.ytitle = ytitle

        for est_dir in get_est_dirs(self.sums, self.considered_ests):
            h3d = asrootpy(est_dir.FindObject("fNch_pT_pid"))
            pids1hists = [get_identified_vs_mult(h3d, pdg) for pdg in pids1]
            pids2hists = [get_identified_vs_mult(h3d, pdg) for pdg in pids2]

            pids1_px = sum(pids1hists)
            pids2_px = sum(pids2hists)
            ratio1d = pids1_px / pids2_px

            fig.xtitle = "N_{ch}|_{" + make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName()) + "}"

            if scale:
                fig.add_plottable(ratio1d, legend_title=make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName()))
                name = "_".join(pids1) + "_div_" + "_".join(pids2)
                fig.save_to_root_file(self.f, name, ratio_vs_estmult_dir)
Example #4
    def plot_particle_ratios_vs_estmult(self, pids1, pids2, scale=None, ytitle=''):
        ratio_vs_estmult_dir = (self.results_post.GetPath().split(":")[1]  # file.root:/internal/root/path
                                + '/pid_ratios_vs_estmult')
        fig = Figure()
        if not ytitle:
            fig.ytitle = ", ".join(pids1) + " / " + ", ".join(pids2)
            fig.ytitle = ytitle

        for est_dir in get_est_dirs(self.sums, self.considered_ests):
            h3d = asrootpy(est_dir.FindObject("fNch_pT_pid"))
            pids1hists = [get_identified_vs_mult(h3d, pdg) for pdg in pids1]
            pids2hists = [get_identified_vs_mult(h3d, pdg) for pdg in pids2]

            pids1_px = sum(pids1hists)
            pids2_px = sum(pids2hists)
            ratio1d = pids1_px / pids2_px

            fig.xtitle = "N_{ch}|_{" + make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName()) + "}"

            if scale:
                fig.add_plottable(ratio1d, legend_title=make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName()))
                name = "_".join(pids1) + "_div_" + "_".join(pids2)
                fig.save_to_root_file(self.f_out, name, ratio_vs_estmult_dir)
Example #5
    def plot_meanpt_vs_ref_mult_for_pids(self):
        log.info("Creating mean pT plots")
        figs = []
        for sums_est_dir, res_est_dir in zip(get_est_dirs(self.sums, self.considered_ests),
                                             get_est_dirs(self.results_post, self.considered_ests)):
            if sums_est_dir.GetName() != res_est_dir.GetName():
                raise IndexError("Order of estimator dirs is different in sums and results_post")
            res_dir_str = res_est_dir.GetPath().split(":")[1]
            corr_hist = get_correlation_histogram(self.sums, sums_est_dir.GetName(), "EtaLt05")
            # Get the <pT> per classifier bin; then, re-map the classifier value to the reference classifier (eg EtaLt05)
            # This might not make a lot of sense, actually. Maybe it would be much more telling if I were to
            # put the percentile bins on the x-axis? As in the highest 1% of that classifier has a <pT> of ...
            graphs = []
            graphs.append(remap_x_values(get_meanpt_vs_estmult(res_est_dir, [kPI0, kPIMINUS, kPIPLUS]), corr_hist))
            graphs[-1].title = "#pi"
            graphs.append(remap_x_values(get_meanpt_vs_estmult(res_est_dir, [kKMINUS, kKPLUS]), corr_hist))
            graphs[-1].title = "K^{#pm}"
            graphs.append(remap_x_values(get_meanpt_vs_estmult(res_est_dir, [kPROTON, kANTIPROTON]), corr_hist))
            graphs[-1].title = "p"
            graphs.append(remap_x_values(get_meanpt_vs_estmult(res_est_dir, [kK0S]), corr_hist))
            graphs[-1].title = "K^{0}_{S}"
            graphs.append(remap_x_values(get_meanpt_vs_estmult(res_est_dir, [kLAMBDA, kANTILAMBDA]), corr_hist))
            graphs[-1].title = "#Lambda"
            graphs.append(remap_x_values(get_meanpt_vs_estmult(res_est_dir, [kXI, kANTIXI]), corr_hist))
            graphs[-1].title = "#Xi"
            graphs.append(remap_x_values(get_meanpt_vs_estmult(res_est_dir, [kOMEGAMINUS, kOMEGAPLUS]), corr_hist))
            graphs[-1].title = "#Omega"
            # sanitize graphs:
            for g in graphs:

            fig = Figure()
            fig.plot.palette = 'root'
            fig.plot.ncolors = 7
            fig.plot.xmin = 0
            fig.plot.xmax = 40
            fig.plot.ymin = 0.3
            fig.plot.ymax = 2.1
            fig.ytitle = "<p_{T}>"
            fig.xtitle = "N_{ch}|_{|#eta|<0.5}"
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(sums_est_dir.GetName())
            [fig.add_plottable(g, g.title) for g in graphs]
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f, "mean_pt", res_dir_str)
        return figs
Example #6
    def plot_meanpt_vs_ref_mult_for_pids(self):
        log.info("Creating mean pT plots")
        figs = []
        for sums_est_dir, res_est_dir in zip(get_est_dirs(self.sums, self.considered_ests),
                                             get_est_dirs(self.results_post, self.considered_ests)):
            if sums_est_dir.GetName() != res_est_dir.GetName():
                raise IndexError("Order of estimator dirs is different in sums and results_post")
            res_dir_str = res_est_dir.GetPath().split(":")[1]
            corr_hist = get_correlation_histogram(self.sums, sums_est_dir.GetName(), "EtaLt05")
            # Get the <pT> per classifier bin; then, re-map the classifier value to the reference classifier (eg EtaLt05)
            # This might not make a lot of sense, actually. Maybe it would be much more telling if I were to
            # put the percentile bins on the x-axis? As in the highest 1% of that classifier has a <pT> of ...
            graphs = []
            graphs.append(remap_x_values(get_meanpt_vs_estmult(res_est_dir, [kPI0, kPIMINUS, kPIPLUS]), corr_hist))
            graphs[-1].title = "#pi"
            graphs.append(remap_x_values(get_meanpt_vs_estmult(res_est_dir, [kKMINUS, kKPLUS]), corr_hist))
            graphs[-1].title = "K^{#pm}"
            graphs.append(remap_x_values(get_meanpt_vs_estmult(res_est_dir, [kPROTON, kANTIPROTON]), corr_hist))
            graphs[-1].title = "p"
            graphs.append(remap_x_values(get_meanpt_vs_estmult(res_est_dir, [kK0S]), corr_hist))
            graphs[-1].title = "K^{0}_{S}"
            graphs.append(remap_x_values(get_meanpt_vs_estmult(res_est_dir, [kLAMBDA, kANTILAMBDA]), corr_hist))
            graphs[-1].title = "#Lambda"
            graphs.append(remap_x_values(get_meanpt_vs_estmult(res_est_dir, [kXI, kANTIXI]), corr_hist))
            graphs[-1].title = "#Xi"
            graphs.append(remap_x_values(get_meanpt_vs_estmult(res_est_dir, [kOMEGAMINUS, kOMEGAPLUS]), corr_hist))
            graphs[-1].title = "#Omega"
            # sanitize graphs:
            for g in graphs:

            fig = Figure()
            fig.plot.palette = 'root'
            fig.plot.ncolors = 7
            fig.plot.xmin = 0
            fig.plot.xmax = 40
            fig.plot.ymin = 0.3
            fig.plot.ymax = 2.1
            fig.ytitle = "<p_{T}>"
            fig.xtitle = "N_{ch}|_{|#eta|<0.5}"
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(sums_est_dir.GetName())
            [fig.add_plottable(g, g.title) for g in graphs]
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f_out, "mean_pt", res_dir_str)
        return figs
Example #7
 def make_results_dir(self):
     self.f_out.mkdir('MultEstimators/' + self.results_dir_name, recurse=True)
     for est_dir in get_est_dirs(self.sums, self.considered_ests):
             resdir = self.f_out.MultEstimators.__getattr__(self.results_dir_name).mkdir(est_dir.GetName())
Example #8
 def make_results_dir(self):
     self.f.mkdir('MultEstimators/' + self.results_dir_name, recurse=True)
     for est_dir in get_est_dirs(self.sums, self.considered_ests):
             resdir = self.f.MultEstimators.__getattr__(self.results_dir_name).mkdir(est_dir.GetName())
Example #9
    def plot_pT_HM_div_pt_MB(self, scale_nMPI):
        log.info("Plot dN_{HM}/dpT / dN_{MB}/dpT ratios scaled with nMPI")
        figs = []
        for sums_est_dir, res_est_dir in zip(get_est_dirs(self.sums, self.considered_ests),
                                             get_est_dirs(self.results_post, self.considered_ests)):
            if sums_est_dir.GetName() != res_est_dir.GetName():
                raise IndexError("Order of estimator dirs is different in sums and results_post")
            res_dir_str = res_est_dir.GetPath().split(":")[1]
            fig = Figure()
            fig.plot.palette = 'root'
            fig.plot.ncolors = 7
            fig.xtitle = "p_{T} (GeV)"
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(sums_est_dir.GetName())
            if scale_nMPI:
                fig.ytitle = ("#left[ #frac{dN^{HM}}{dp_{T}} / #frac{dN^{MB}}{dp_{T}} #right] "
                              "#times #left[ #frac{<N_{MPI}^{MB}>}{<N_{MPI}^{HM}>} #right]")
                fig.ytitle = "#frac{dN^{HM}}{dp_{T}} / #frac{dN^{MB}}{dp_{T}}"

            charged_particles = [kPIMINUS, kPIPLUS, kKMINUS, kKPLUS, kPROTON, kANTIPROTON,
                                 kLAMBDA, kANTILAMBDA, kXI, kANTIXI, kOMEGAMINUS, kOMEGAPLUS]

            # get the MB distribution which will be used to devide the nch-binned distributions
            classifier_bin_mb = (self.nch_edges[sums_est_dir.GetName()][0][0],
            pt_dist_mb = get_pT_distribution(res_est_dir, charged_particles, classifier_bin_mb, normalized=False)
            mean_nmpi_mb = get_mean_nMPI(sums_est_dir, classifier_bin_mb)

            for perc_bin, classifier_bin in zip(self.perc_bins[sums_est_dir.GetName()],
                # get the pt distribution in this Nch interval
                pt_dist_in_interval = get_pT_distribution(res_est_dir, charged_particles,
                                                          classifier_bin, normalized=False)
                title = "{0}%-{1}%".format(perc_bin[1] * 100, perc_bin[0] * 100)
                if scale_nMPI:
                    mean_nmpi_hm = get_mean_nMPI(sums_est_dir, classifier_bin)
                    fig.add_plottable((pt_dist_in_interval / pt_dist_mb) * (mean_nmpi_mb / mean_nmpi_hm), title)
                    name = "pt_hm_div_pt_mb_scaled_nMPI"
                    fig.add_plottable((pt_dist_in_interval / pt_dist_mb), title)
                    name = "pt_hm_div_pt_mb"
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f, name, res_dir_str)
        return figs
Example #10
    def plot_pT_HM_div_pt_MB(self, scale_nMPI):
        log.info("Plot dN_{HM}/dpT / dN_{MB}/dpT ratios scaled with nMPI")
        figs = []
        for sums_est_dir, res_est_dir in zip(get_est_dirs(self.sums, self.considered_ests),
                                             get_est_dirs(self.results_post, self.considered_ests)):
            if sums_est_dir.GetName() != res_est_dir.GetName():
                raise IndexError("Order of estimator dirs is different in sums and results_post")
            res_dir_str = res_est_dir.GetPath().split(":")[1]
            fig = Figure()
            fig.plot.palette = 'root'
            fig.plot.ncolors = 7
            fig.xtitle = "p_{T} (GeV)"
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(sums_est_dir.GetName())
            if scale_nMPI:
                fig.ytitle = ("#left[ #frac{dN^{HM}}{dp_{T}} / #frac{dN^{MB}}{dp_{T}} #right] "
                              "#times #left[ #frac{<N_{MPI}^{MB}>}{<N_{MPI}^{HM}>} #right]")
                fig.ytitle = "#frac{dN^{HM}}{dp_{T}} / #frac{dN^{MB}}{dp_{T}}"

            charged_particles = [kPIMINUS, kPIPLUS, kKMINUS, kKPLUS, kPROTON, kANTIPROTON,
                                 kLAMBDA, kANTILAMBDA, kXI, kANTIXI, kOMEGAMINUS, kOMEGAPLUS]

            # get the MB distribution which will be used to devide the nch-binned distributions
            classifier_bin_mb = (self.nch_edges[sums_est_dir.GetName()][0][0],
            pt_dist_mb = get_pT_distribution(res_est_dir, charged_particles, classifier_bin_mb, normalized=False)
            mean_nmpi_mb = get_mean_nMPI(sums_est_dir, classifier_bin_mb)

            for perc_bin, classifier_bin in zip(self.perc_bins[sums_est_dir.GetName()],
                # get the pt distribution in this Nch interval
                pt_dist_in_interval = get_pT_distribution(res_est_dir, charged_particles,
                                                          classifier_bin, normalized=False)
                title = "{0}%-{1}%".format(perc_bin[1] * 100, perc_bin[0] * 100)
                if scale_nMPI:
                    mean_nmpi_hm = get_mean_nMPI(sums_est_dir, classifier_bin)
                    fig.add_plottable((pt_dist_in_interval / pt_dist_mb) * (mean_nmpi_mb / mean_nmpi_hm), title)
                    name = "pt_hm_div_pt_mb_scaled_nMPI"
                    fig.add_plottable((pt_dist_in_interval / pt_dist_mb), title)
                    name = "pt_hm_div_pt_mb"
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f_out, name, res_dir_str)
        return figs
Example #11
 def plot_event_counters(self):
     log.info("Creating event counters")
     for est_dir in get_est_dirs(self.sums, self.considered_ests):
         results_est_dir = self.results_post.__getattr__(est_dir.GetName())
         # Nasty, but just use a reference estimator here...
         corr = get_correlation_histogram(self.sums, est_dir.GetName(), "EtaLt05")
         counter = asrootpy(corr.ProjectionX())
         counter.name = "event_counter"
         path = results_est_dir.GetPath().split(":")[1]  # file.root:/internal/root/path
Example #12
 def plot_event_counters(self):
     log.info("Creating event counters")
     for est_dir in get_est_dirs(self.sums, self.considered_ests):
         results_est_dir = self.results_post.__getattr__(est_dir.GetName())
         # Nasty, but just use a reference estimator here...
         corr = get_correlation_histogram(self.sums, est_dir.GetName(), "EtaLt05")
         counter = asrootpy(corr.ProjectionX())
         counter.name = "event_counter"
         path = results_est_dir.GetPath().split(":")[1]  # file.root:/internal/root/path
Example #13
 def _find_nch_edges_from_percentile_edges(self):
     nch_edges = {}
     estimators_to_be_removed = []
     for est_dir in get_est_dirs(self.results_post, self.considered_ests):
         event_counter = est_dir.event_counter
             nch_edges[est_dir.GetName()] = [percentile_bin_to_binidx_bin(perc_bin, event_counter)
                                             for perc_bin in self.perc_bins[est_dir.GetName()]]
         except ValueError, e:
             print "Error occured for classifier " + est_dir.GetName()
             print e
             print self.perc_bins[est_dir.GetName()]
             print "You can change the percentile bins in the beginning of this script"
             print "For the following, this estimator is removed"
Example #14
 def _find_nch_edges_from_percentile_edges(self):
     nch_edges = {}
     estimators_to_be_removed = []
     for est_dir in get_est_dirs(self.results_post, self.considered_ests):
         event_counter = est_dir.event_counter
             nch_edges[est_dir.GetName()] = [percentile_bin_to_binidx_bin(perc_bin, event_counter)
                                             for perc_bin in self.perc_bins[est_dir.GetName()]]
         except ValueError, e:
             print "Error occured for classifier " + est_dir.GetName()
             print e
             print self.perc_bins[est_dir.GetName()]
             print "You can change the percentile bins in the beginning of this script"
             print "For the following, this estimator is removed"
Example #15
    def plot_nMPI_vs_Nch(self):
        log.info("Creating nMPI(Nch) summary plot")
        summary_fig = Figure()
        summary_fig.xtitle = "N_{ch}^{est}"
        summary_fig.ytitle = "<N_{MPI}>"
        summary_fig.plot.palette = 'root'
        summary_fig.legend.position = 'br'
        summary_fig.plot.logy = True
        summary_fig.plot.ymin = 1

        for est_dir in get_est_dirs(self.sums, self.considered_ests):
            h_tmp = asrootpy(get_correlation_histogram(self.sums, est_dir.GetName(), "nMPI").ProfileX())
            summary_fig.add_plottable(h_tmp, make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName()))

        path = self.results_post.GetPath().split(":")[1]  # file.root:/internal/root/path
        summary_fig.save_to_root_file(self.f, "nMPI_summary", path=path)
        return [summary_fig]
Example #16
    def plot_nMPI_vs_Nch(self):
        log.info("Creating nMPI(Nch) summary plot")
        summary_fig = Figure()
        summary_fig.xtitle = "N_{ch}^{est}"
        summary_fig.ytitle = "<N_{MPI}>"
        summary_fig.plot.palette = 'root'
        summary_fig.legend.position = 'br'
        summary_fig.plot.logy = True
        summary_fig.plot.ymin = 1

        for est_dir in get_est_dirs(self.sums, self.considered_ests):
            h_tmp = asrootpy(get_correlation_histogram(self.sums, est_dir.GetName(), "nMPI").ProfileX())
            summary_fig.add_plottable(h_tmp, make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName()))

        path = self.results_post.GetPath().split(":")[1]  # file.root:/internal/root/path
        summary_fig.save_to_root_file(self.f_out, "nMPI_summary", path=path)
        return [summary_fig]
Example #17
def get_graphs_particle_ratios_vs_refmult(plottingcls,
    Returns list of ratios of the two pid-lists (pids1/pids2) vs refmult.
    This function depends on the correlation histograms to be present in f
    ratios = []
    ref_classifier = 'EtaLt05'
    for est_dir in get_est_dirs(plottingcls.sums, plottingcls.considered_ests):
        h3d = asrootpy(
        corr_hist = get_correlation_histogram(plottingcls.sums,
        pids1_vs_estmult = sum(
            [get_identified_vs_mult(h3d, pdg) for pdg in pids1])
        pids2_vs_estmult = sum(
            [get_identified_vs_mult(h3d, pdg) for pdg in pids2])

        # remap histograms using the correlation between the current estimator and the reference one
        pids1_vs_refmult = remap_x_values(pids1_vs_estmult, corr_hist)
        pids2_vs_refmult = remap_x_values(pids2_vs_estmult, corr_hist)

        # sanitize
        for g in [pids1_vs_refmult, pids2_vs_refmult]:
        remove_non_mutual_points(pids1_vs_refmult, pids2_vs_refmult)

            ratio = pids1_vs_refmult / pids2_vs_refmult
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            print "ZeroDivisionError in {0}".format(est_dir.GetName())
        if scale:
        ratio.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
    return ratios
Example #18
    def plot_PNch_summary(self):
        log.info("Creating P(Nch) summary plot")
        summary_fig = Figure()
        summary_fig.xtitle = "N_{ch}^{est}"
        summary_fig.ytitle = "P(N_{ch}^{est})"
        summary_fig.legend.position = 'tr'
        summary_fig.plot.logy = True

        for est_dir in get_est_dirs(self.sums, self.considered_ests):
            est_name = est_dir.GetName()
            h_tmp = get_PNch_vs_estmult(self.sums, est_name)
            if h_tmp.Integral() > 0:
                h_tmp.Scale(1.0 / h_tmp.Integral())
                summary_fig.add_plottable(h_tmp, make_estimator_title(est_name))

        path = self.results_post.GetPath().split(":")[1]  # file.root:/internal/root/path
        summary_fig.save_to_root_file(self.f, "PNch_summary", path=path)
        # list as return type is expected for making the pdf
        return [summary_fig]
Example #19
    def plot_PNch_summary(self):
        log.info("Creating P(Nch) summary plot")
        summary_fig = Figure()
        summary_fig.xtitle = "N_{ch}^{est}"
        summary_fig.ytitle = "P(N_{ch}^{est})"
        summary_fig.legend.position = 'tr'
        summary_fig.plot.logy = True

        for est_dir in get_est_dirs(self.sums, self.considered_ests):
            est_name = est_dir.GetName()
            h_tmp = get_PNch_vs_estmult(self.sums, est_name)
            if h_tmp.Integral() > 0:
                h_tmp.Scale(1.0 / h_tmp.Integral())
                summary_fig.add_plottable(h_tmp, make_estimator_title(est_name))

        path = self.results_post.GetPath().split(":")[1]  # file.root:/internal/root/path
        summary_fig.save_to_root_file(self.f_out, "PNch_summary", path=path)
        # list as return type is expected for making the pdf
        return [summary_fig]
Example #20
    def plot_mult_vs_pt(self):
        log.info("Makeing 2D  pt plots for each particle kind")
        for est_dir in get_est_dirs(self.sums, self.considered_ests):
            path = (self.results_post.GetPath().split(":")[1]  # file.root:/internal/root/path
                    + "/" + est_dir.GetName()
                    + "/mult_pt")
                self.f_out.mkdir(path, recurse=True)
            except ValueError:

            h3d = asrootpy(est_dir.FindObject('classifier_pT_PID_{0}'.format(est_dir.GetName())))
            # loop through all particle kinds:
            nPIDs = h3d.zaxis.GetNbins()
            for ibin in range(1, nPIDs + 1):
                h3d.zaxis.SetRange(ibin, ibin)
                mult_pt = asrootpy(h3d.Project3D("yx"))
                mult_pt.name = h3d.zaxis.GetBinLabel(ibin)
Example #21
    def plot_mult_vs_pt(self):
        log.info("Makeing 2D  pt plots for each particle kind")
        for est_dir in get_est_dirs(self.sums, self.considered_ests):
            path = (self.results_post.GetPath().split(":")[1]  # file.root:/internal/root/path
                    + "/" + est_dir.GetName()
                    + "/mult_pt")
                self.f.mkdir(path, recurse=True)
            except ValueError:

            h3d = asrootpy(est_dir.FindObject('classifier_pT_PID_{0}'.format(est_dir.GetName())))
            # loop through all particle kinds:
            nPIDs = h3d.zaxis.GetNbins()
            for ibin in range(1, nPIDs + 1):
                h3d.zaxis.SetRange(ibin, ibin)
                mult_pt = asrootpy(h3d.Project3D("yx"))
                mult_pt.name = h3d.zaxis.GetBinLabel(ibin)
Example #22
    def plot_dNdetas(self, ratio_to_mb):
        # Loop over all estimators in the Sums list:
        log.info("Creating dN/deta bin in multiplicity")
        figs = []
        for est_dir in get_est_dirs(self.sums, self.considered_ests):
            # does this estimator have several multiplicity bins?
            # Q2, for example only works with pythia and makes no sense to plot
            # on Dipsy as it would only be the MB line
            if len(self.nch_edges[est_dir.GetName()]) == 1:
            results_est_dir = self.results_post.Get(est_dir.GetName())
            event_counter = asrootpy(results_est_dir.Get("event_counter"))

            fig = Figure()
            fig.plot.palette = 'colorblind'
            fig.xtitle = '#eta'
            fig.ytitle = 'Ratio of dN_{ch}/d#eta over MB result' if ratio_to_mb else '1/N #times dN_{ch}/d#eta'
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
            fig.plot.ymin = 0
            dNdeta_mb = get_dNdeta_in_classifier_bin_interval(est_dir, event_counter,
                                                              [1, event_counter.GetXaxis().GetNbins()])

            for cls_bin, perc_bin in zip(self.nch_edges[est_dir.GetName()], self.perc_bins[est_dir.GetName()]):
                title = "{0}%-{1}%".format(perc_bin[1] * 100, perc_bin[0] * 100)
                dNdeta_in_interval = get_dNdeta_in_classifier_bin_interval(est_dir, event_counter, cls_bin)
                if ratio_to_mb:
                    fig.add_plottable(dNdeta_in_interval / dNdeta_mb, legend_title=title)
                    fig.add_plottable(dNdeta_in_interval, legend_title=title)
            # add MB as well, if it is not the ratio plots we are making
            if not ratio_to_mb:
                title = "MB"
                fig.add_plottable(dNdeta_mb, legend_title=title)
            path = results_est_dir.GetPath().split(":")[1]  # file.root:/internal/root/path
            if ratio_to_mb:
                fig.save_to_root_file(self.f, "dNdeta_MB_ratio_summary", path=path)
                fig.save_to_root_file(self.f, "dNdeta_summary", path=path)
        return figs
Example #23
    def plot_dNdetas(self, ratio_to_mb):
        # Loop over all estimators in the Sums list:
        log.info("Creating dN/deta bin in multiplicity")
        figs = []
        for est_dir in get_est_dirs(self.sums, self.considered_ests):
            # does this estimator have several multiplicity bins?
            # Q2, for example only works with pythia and makes no sense to plot
            # on Dipsy as it would only be the MB line
            if len(self.nch_edges[est_dir.GetName()]) == 1:
            results_est_dir = self.results_post.Get(est_dir.GetName())
            event_counter = asrootpy(results_est_dir.Get("event_counter"))

            fig = Figure()
            fig.plot.palette = 'colorblind'
            fig.xtitle = '#eta'
            fig.ytitle = 'Ratio of dN_{ch}/d#eta over MB result' if ratio_to_mb else '1/N #times dN_{ch}/d#eta'
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
            fig.plot.ymin = 0
            dNdeta_mb = get_dNdeta_in_classifier_bin_interval(est_dir, event_counter,
                                                              [1, event_counter.GetXaxis().GetNbins()])

            for cls_bin, perc_bin in zip(self.nch_edges[est_dir.GetName()], self.perc_bins[est_dir.GetName()]):
                title = "{0}%-{1}%".format(perc_bin[1] * 100, perc_bin[0] * 100)
                dNdeta_in_interval = get_dNdeta_in_classifier_bin_interval(est_dir, event_counter, cls_bin)
                if ratio_to_mb:
                    fig.add_plottable(dNdeta_in_interval / dNdeta_mb, legend_title=title)
                    fig.add_plottable(dNdeta_in_interval, legend_title=title)
            # add MB as well, if it is not the ratio plots we are making
            if not ratio_to_mb:
                title = "MB"
                fig.add_plottable(dNdeta_mb, legend_title=title)
            path = results_est_dir.GetPath().split(":")[1]  # file.root:/internal/root/path
            if ratio_to_mb:
                fig.save_to_root_file(self.f_out, "dNdeta_MB_ratio_summary", path=path)
                fig.save_to_root_file(self.f_out, "dNdeta_summary", path=path)
        return figs
Example #24
    def plot_pt_distribution_ratios(self):
        # create particle ratio vs pT plots
        log.info("Computing histograms vs pt")
        results_path = self.results_post.GetPath().split(":")[1]  # file.root:/internal/root/path
        # Loop over all estimators in the Sums list:
        figs = []

        def get_new_figure():
            fig = Figure()
            fig.xtitle = 'p_{T} (GeV)'
            fig.plot.ymin = 0
            fig.plot.xmax = 10
            fig.plot.palette = 'colorblind'
            # fig.plot.palette_ncolors = len(nch_edges) - 1
            fig.legend.position = 'br'
            return fig

        for est_dir in get_est_dirs(self.results_post, self.considered_ests):
            dirname = '{0}/{1}/pid_ratios/'.format(results_path, est_dir.GetName())

            mult_binned_pt_dists = {}
            mult_binned_pt_dists['proton'] = [
                get_pT_distribution(est_dir, [kANTIPROTON, kPROTON], classifier_bin_interval)
                for classifier_bin_interval in self.nch_edges[est_dir.GetName()]
            mult_binned_pt_dists['pi_ch'] = [
                get_pT_distribution(est_dir, [kPIMINUS, kPIPLUS], classifier_bin_interval)
                for classifier_bin_interval in self.nch_edges[est_dir.GetName()]
            mult_binned_pt_dists['xi'] = [
                get_pT_distribution(est_dir, [kANTIXI, kXI], classifier_bin_interval)
                for classifier_bin_interval in self.nch_edges[est_dir.GetName()]
            mult_binned_pt_dists['omega'] = [
                get_pT_distribution(est_dir, [kOMEGAMINUS, kOMEGAPLUS], classifier_bin_interval)
                for classifier_bin_interval in self.nch_edges[est_dir.GetName()]
            mult_binned_pt_dists['lambda'] = [
                get_pT_distribution(est_dir, [kANTILAMBDA, kLAMBDA], classifier_bin_interval)
                for classifier_bin_interval in self.nch_edges[est_dir.GetName()]
            mult_binned_pt_dists['k0s'] = [
                get_pT_distribution(est_dir, [kK0S], classifier_bin_interval)
                for classifier_bin_interval in self.nch_edges[est_dir.GetName()]
            mult_binned_pt_dists['k_ch'] = [
                get_pT_distribution(est_dir, [kKPLUS, kKMINUS], classifier_bin_interval)
                for classifier_bin_interval in self.nch_edges[est_dir.GetName()]
            mult_binned_pt_dists['pi0'] = [
                get_pT_distribution(est_dir, [kPI0], classifier_bin_interval)
                for classifier_bin_interval in self.nch_edges[est_dir.GetName()]
            perc_titles = ["{0}%-{1}%".format(perc_bin[1] * 100, perc_bin[0] * 100)
                           for perc_bin in self.perc_bins[est_dir.GetName()]]

            fig = get_new_figure()
            name = "proton_over_pich__vs__pt"
            fig.ytitle = "(p+#bar{p})/#pi^{+-}"
            fig.plot.ymax = .3
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
                fig.add_plottable(h1 / h2, legend_title=title)
                for h1, h2, title in zip(mult_binned_pt_dists['proton'], mult_binned_pt_dists['pi_ch'], perc_titles)
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f, name, dirname)

            fig = get_new_figure()
            name = "Xi_over_pich__vs__pt"
            fig.plot.ymax = .06
            fig.legend.position = 'tl'
            fig.ytitle = "#Xi/#pi^{+-}"
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
                fig.add_plottable(h1 / h2, legend_title=title)
                for h1, h2, title in zip(mult_binned_pt_dists['xi'], mult_binned_pt_dists['pi_ch'], perc_titles)
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f, name, dirname)

            fig = get_new_figure()
            name = "OmegaCh_over_pich__vs__pt"
            fig.plot.ymax = .005
            fig.legend.position = 'tl'
            fig.ytitle = "#Omega_{ch}/#pi^{+-} "
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
                fig.add_plottable(h1 / h2, legend_title=title)
                for h1, h2, title in zip(mult_binned_pt_dists['omega'], mult_binned_pt_dists['pi_ch'], perc_titles)
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f, name, dirname)

            # Ratios to pi0
            fig = get_new_figure()
            name = "pich_over_pi0__vs__pt"
            fig.plot.ymax = 2.5
            fig.legend.position = 'bl'
            fig.ytitle = "#pi^{+-}/#pi^{0}"
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
                fig.add_plottable(h1 / h2, legend_title=title)
                for h1, h2, title in zip(mult_binned_pt_dists['pi_ch'], mult_binned_pt_dists['pi0'], perc_titles)
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f, name, dirname)

            fig = get_new_figure()
            name = "proton_over_pi0__vs__pt"
            fig.plot.ymax = 1
            fig.legend.position = 'tr'
            fig.ytitle = "p/#pi^{0}"
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
                fig.add_plottable(h1 / h2, legend_title=title)
                for h1, h2, title in zip(mult_binned_pt_dists['proton'], mult_binned_pt_dists['pi0'], perc_titles)
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f, name, dirname)

            fig = get_new_figure()
            name = "K0S_over_pi0__vs__pt"
            fig.plot.ymax = 1.4
            fig.legend.position = 'tl'
            fig.ytitle = "K^{0}_{S}/#pi^{0}"
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
                fig.add_plottable(h1 / h2, legend_title=title)
                for h1, h2, title in zip(mult_binned_pt_dists['k0s'], mult_binned_pt_dists['pi0'], perc_titles)
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f, name, dirname)

            fig = get_new_figure()
            name = "Lambda_over_pi0__vs__pt"
            fig.plot.ymax = .9
            fig.legend.position = 'tl'
            fig.ytitle = "#Lambda/#pi^{0}"
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
                fig.add_plottable(h1 / h2, legend_title=title)
                for h1, h2, title in zip(mult_binned_pt_dists['lambda'], mult_binned_pt_dists['pi0'], perc_titles)
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f, name, dirname)

            fig = get_new_figure()
            name = "Xi_over_pi0__vs__pt"
            fig.plot.ymax = .08
            fig.legend.position = 'tl'
            fig.ytitle = "#Xi/#pi^{0}"
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
                fig.add_plottable(h1 / h2, legend_title=title)
                for h1, h2, title in zip(mult_binned_pt_dists['xi'], mult_binned_pt_dists['pi0'], perc_titles)
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f, name, dirname)

            fig = get_new_figure()
            name = "OmegaCh_over_pi0__vs__pt"
            fig.plot.ymax = .005
            fig.legend.position = 'tl'
            fig.ytitle = "#Omega_{ch}/#pi^{0}"
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
                fig.add_plottable(h1 / h2, legend_title=title)
                for h1, h2, title in zip(mult_binned_pt_dists['omega'], mult_binned_pt_dists['pi0'], perc_titles)
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f, name, dirname)

            # Ratios to K0S
            fig = get_new_figure()
            name = "proton_over_K0S__vs__pt"
            fig.plot.ymax = 2.6
            fig.legend.position = 'tr'
            fig.ytitle = "p/K^{0}_{S}"
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
                fig.add_plottable(h1 / h2, legend_title=title)
                for h1, h2, title in zip(mult_binned_pt_dists['proton'], mult_binned_pt_dists['k0s'], perc_titles)
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f, name, dirname)

            fig = get_new_figure()
            name = "Lambda_over_K0S__vs__pt"
            fig.plot.ymax = 1
            fig.legend.position = 'bl'
            fig.ytitle = "#Lambda/K^{0}_{S}"
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
                fig.add_plottable(h1 / h2, legend_title=title)
                for h1, h2, title in zip(mult_binned_pt_dists['lambda'], mult_binned_pt_dists['k0s'], perc_titles)
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f, name, dirname)

            fig = get_new_figure()
            name = "Xi_over_K0S__vs__pt"
            fig.plot.ymax = .2
            fig.legend.position = 'tl'
            fig.ytitle = "#Xi/K^{0}_{S}"
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
                fig.add_plottable(h1 / h2, legend_title=title)
                for h1, h2, title in zip(mult_binned_pt_dists['xi'], mult_binned_pt_dists['k0s'], perc_titles)
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f, name, dirname)

            fig = get_new_figure()
            name = "OmegaCh_over_K0S__vs__pt"
            fig.plot.ymax = .012
            fig.legend.position = 'tl'
            fig.ytitle = "#Omega_{ch}/K^{0}_{S}"
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
                fig.add_plottable(h1 / h2, legend_title=title)
                for h1, h2, title in zip(mult_binned_pt_dists['omega'], mult_binned_pt_dists['k0s'], perc_titles)
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f, name, dirname)

            fig = get_new_figure()
            name = "Kaon_over_pich__vs__pt"
            fig.plot.ymax = 1
            fig.legend.position = 'tl'
            fig.ytitle = "(K^{+} + K^{-}) / (#pi^{+} +#pi^{-})"
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
                fig.add_plottable(h1 / h2, legend_title=title)
                for h1, h2, title in zip(mult_binned_pt_dists['k_ch'], mult_binned_pt_dists['pi_ch'], perc_titles)
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f, name, dirname)

        return figs
Example #25
    def plot_PNch(self):
        log.info("Creating P(Nch_est) and P(Nch_refest) histograms")
        # mult_bin_size = 10
        figs = []
        for ref_est_name in self.ref_ests:
            for res_est_dir in get_est_dirs(self.results_post, self.considered_ests):
                est_name = res_est_dir.GetName()
                # Figure properties:
                fig_vs_estmult = Figure()
                fig_vs_refmult = Figure()
                fig_vs_estmult.plot.logy = True
                fig_vs_refmult.plot.logy = True

                fig_vs_estmult.plot.palette = 'colorblind'
                fig_vs_refmult.plot.palette = 'colorblind'

                fig_vs_estmult.legend.position = 'tr'
                fig_vs_refmult.legend.position = 'tr'

                fig_vs_estmult.xtitle = "N_{{ch}}^{{{0}}}".format(est_name)
                fig_vs_refmult.xtitle = "N_{{ch}}^{{{0}}}".format(ref_est_name)

                fig_vs_estmult.ytitle = "P(N_{{ch}}^{{{0}}})".format(est_name)
                fig_vs_refmult.ytitle = "P(N_{{ch}}^{{{0}}})".format(ref_est_name)

                corr_hist = get_correlation_histogram(self.sums, est_name, ref_est_name)

                # logic when dealing with fixed bins given in Nch:
                # ------------------------------------------------
                # mean_nch_est = corr_hist.GetMean(1)  # mean of x axis
                # nch_max = corr_hist.xaxis.GetNbins()
                # nch_cutoff = mean_nch_est * mean_mult_cutoff_factor
                # nch_bins = [(low, low + mult_bin_size) for low in range(0, int(nch_cutoff), mult_bin_size)]
                # # a large last bin covering the rest:
                # nch_bins += [(nch_bins[-1][2], nch_max)]
                # legend_tmpl = "{} < N_{ch} < {}"
                # logic when dealing with percentile bins:
                # ----------------------------------------
                # event_counter_est = asrootpy(getattr(res_est_dir, "event_counter"))

                legend_tmpl = "{0}% - {1}%"
                fig_vs_estmult.legend.title = "Selected in {0}".format(make_estimator_title(ref_est_name))
                fig_vs_refmult.legend.title = "Selected in {0}".format(make_estimator_title(est_name))
                # WARNING: the following needs tweeking when going back to fixed N_ch bins!
                for nch_bin, perc_bin in zip(self.nch_edges[ref_est_name], self.perc_bins[ref_est_name]):
                    # vs est_mult:
                    corr_hist.xaxis.SetRange(0, 0)  # reset x axis
                    corr_hist.yaxis.SetRange(nch_bin[0], nch_bin[1])
                    h_vs_est = asrootpy(corr_hist.ProjectionX(gen_random_name()))
                    if h_vs_est.Integral() > 0:
                        h_vs_est.Scale(1.0 / h_vs_est.Integral())
                        fig_vs_estmult.add_plottable(h_vs_est, legend_tmpl.format(perc_bin[1] * 100, perc_bin[0] * 100))
                        log.info("No charged particles in {0}*100 percentile bin of estimator {1}. This should not happen".
                                 format(perc_bin, ref_est_name))
                for nch_bin, perc_bin in zip(self.nch_edges[est_name], self.perc_bins[est_name]):
                    # vs ref_mult:
                    corr_hist.yaxis.SetRange(0, 0)  # reset y axis
                    h_vs_ref = asrootpy(corr_hist.ProjectionY(gen_random_name()))
                    if h_vs_ref.Integral() > 0:
                        h_vs_ref.Scale(1.0 / h_vs_ref.Integral())
                        fig_vs_refmult.add_plottable(h_vs_ref, legend_tmpl.format(perc_bin[1] * 100, perc_bin[0] * 100))
                            "No charged particles in {0}*100 percentile bin of estimator {1}. This should not happen".
                            format(perc_bin, est_name))

                path = res_est_dir.GetPath().split(":")[1]
                # vs est_mult
                fig_vs_estmult.save_to_root_file(self.f, "PNchEst_binned_in_Nch{0}".format(ref_est_name), path)
                # vs est_mult
                fig_vs_refmult.save_to_root_file(self.f, "PNch{0}_binned_in_NchEst".format(ref_est_name), path)
        return figs
Example #26
    def plot_PNch(self):
        log.info("Creating P(Nch_est) and P(Nch_refest) histograms")
        # mult_bin_size = 10
        figs = []
        for ref_est_name in self.ref_ests:
            for res_est_dir in get_est_dirs(self.results_post, self.considered_ests):
                est_name = res_est_dir.GetName()
                # Figure properties:
                fig_vs_estmult = Figure()
                fig_vs_refmult = Figure()
                fig_vs_estmult.plot.logy = True
                fig_vs_refmult.plot.logy = True

                fig_vs_estmult.plot.palette = 'colorblind'
                fig_vs_refmult.plot.palette = 'colorblind'

                fig_vs_estmult.legend.position = 'tr'
                fig_vs_refmult.legend.position = 'tr'

                fig_vs_estmult.xtitle = "N_{{ch}}^{{{0}}}".format(est_name)
                fig_vs_refmult.xtitle = "N_{{ch}}^{{{0}}}".format(ref_est_name)

                fig_vs_estmult.ytitle = "P(N_{{ch}}^{{{0}}})".format(est_name)
                fig_vs_refmult.ytitle = "P(N_{{ch}}^{{{0}}})".format(ref_est_name)

                corr_hist = get_correlation_histogram(self.sums, est_name, ref_est_name)

                # logic when dealing with fixed bins given in Nch:
                # ------------------------------------------------
                # mean_nch_est = corr_hist.GetMean(1)  # mean of x axis
                # nch_max = corr_hist.xaxis.GetNbins()
                # nch_cutoff = mean_nch_est * mean_mult_cutoff_factor
                # nch_bins = [(low, low + mult_bin_size) for low in range(0, int(nch_cutoff), mult_bin_size)]
                # # a large last bin covering the rest:
                # nch_bins += [(nch_bins[-1][2], nch_max)]
                # legend_tmpl = "{} < N_{ch} < {}"
                # logic when dealing with percentile bins:
                # ----------------------------------------
                # event_counter_est = asrootpy(getattr(res_est_dir, "event_counter"))

                legend_tmpl = "{0}% - {1}%"
                fig_vs_estmult.legend.title = "Selected in {0}".format(make_estimator_title(ref_est_name))
                fig_vs_refmult.legend.title = "Selected in {0}".format(make_estimator_title(est_name))
                # WARNING: the following needs tweeking when going back to fixed N_ch bins!
                for nch_bin, perc_bin in zip(self.nch_edges[ref_est_name], self.perc_bins[ref_est_name]):
                    # vs est_mult:
                    corr_hist.xaxis.SetRange(0, 0)  # reset x axis
                    corr_hist.yaxis.SetRange(nch_bin[0], nch_bin[1])
                    h_vs_est = asrootpy(corr_hist.ProjectionX(gen_random_name()))
                    if h_vs_est.Integral() > 0:
                        h_vs_est.Scale(1.0 / h_vs_est.Integral())
                        fig_vs_estmult.add_plottable(h_vs_est, legend_tmpl.format(perc_bin[1] * 100, perc_bin[0] * 100))
                        log.info("No charged particles in {0}*100 percentile bin of estimator {1}. This should not happen".
                                 format(perc_bin, ref_est_name))
                for nch_bin, perc_bin in zip(self.nch_edges[est_name], self.perc_bins[est_name]):
                    # vs ref_mult:
                    corr_hist.yaxis.SetRange(0, 0)  # reset y axis
                    h_vs_ref = asrootpy(corr_hist.ProjectionY(gen_random_name()))
                    if h_vs_ref.Integral() > 0:
                        h_vs_ref.Scale(1.0 / h_vs_ref.Integral())
                        fig_vs_refmult.add_plottable(h_vs_ref, legend_tmpl.format(perc_bin[1] * 100, perc_bin[0] * 100))
                            "No charged particles in {0}*100 percentile bin of estimator {1}. This should not happen".
                            format(perc_bin, est_name))

                path = res_est_dir.GetPath().split(":")[1]
                # vs est_mult
                fig_vs_estmult.save_to_root_file(self.f_out, "PNchEst_binned_in_Nch{0}".format(ref_est_name), path)
                # vs est_mult
                fig_vs_refmult.save_to_root_file(self.f_out, "PNch{0}_binned_in_NchEst".format(ref_est_name), path)
        return figs
Example #27
    def plot_pt_distribution_ratios(self):
        # create particle ratio vs pT plots
        log.info("Computing histograms vs pt")
        results_path = self.results_post.GetPath().split(":")[1]  # file.root:/internal/root/path
        # Loop over all estimators in the Sums list:
        figs = []

        def get_new_figure():
            fig = Figure()
            fig.xtitle = 'p_{T} (GeV)'
            fig.plot.ymin = 0
            fig.plot.xmax = 10
            fig.plot.palette = 'colorblind'
            # fig.plot.palette_ncolors = len(nch_edges) - 1
            fig.legend.position = 'br'
            return fig

        for est_dir in get_est_dirs(self.results_post, self.considered_ests):
            dirname = '{0}/{1}/pid_ratios/'.format(results_path, est_dir.GetName())

            mult_binned_pt_dists = {}
            mult_binned_pt_dists['proton'] = [
                get_pT_distribution(est_dir, [kANTIPROTON, kPROTON], classifier_bin_interval)
                for classifier_bin_interval in self.nch_edges[est_dir.GetName()]
            mult_binned_pt_dists['pi_ch'] = [
                get_pT_distribution(est_dir, [kPIMINUS, kPIPLUS], classifier_bin_interval)
                for classifier_bin_interval in self.nch_edges[est_dir.GetName()]
            mult_binned_pt_dists['xi'] = [
                get_pT_distribution(est_dir, [kANTIXI, kXI], classifier_bin_interval)
                for classifier_bin_interval in self.nch_edges[est_dir.GetName()]
            mult_binned_pt_dists['omega'] = [
                get_pT_distribution(est_dir, [kOMEGAMINUS, kOMEGAPLUS], classifier_bin_interval)
                for classifier_bin_interval in self.nch_edges[est_dir.GetName()]
            mult_binned_pt_dists['lambda'] = [
                get_pT_distribution(est_dir, [kANTILAMBDA, kLAMBDA], classifier_bin_interval)
                for classifier_bin_interval in self.nch_edges[est_dir.GetName()]
            mult_binned_pt_dists['k0s'] = [
                get_pT_distribution(est_dir, [kK0S], classifier_bin_interval)
                for classifier_bin_interval in self.nch_edges[est_dir.GetName()]
            mult_binned_pt_dists['k_ch'] = [
                get_pT_distribution(est_dir, [kKPLUS, kKMINUS], classifier_bin_interval)
                for classifier_bin_interval in self.nch_edges[est_dir.GetName()]
            mult_binned_pt_dists['pi0'] = [
                get_pT_distribution(est_dir, [kPI0], classifier_bin_interval)
                for classifier_bin_interval in self.nch_edges[est_dir.GetName()]
            perc_titles = ["{0}%-{1}%".format(perc_bin[1] * 100, perc_bin[0] * 100)
                           for perc_bin in self.perc_bins[est_dir.GetName()]]

            fig = get_new_figure()
            name = "proton_over_pich__vs__pt"
            fig.ytitle = "(p+#bar{p})/#pi^{+-}"
            fig.plot.ymax = .3
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
                fig.add_plottable(h1 / h2, legend_title=title)
                for h1, h2, title in zip(mult_binned_pt_dists['proton'], mult_binned_pt_dists['pi_ch'], perc_titles)
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f_out, name, dirname)

            fig = get_new_figure()
            name = "Xi_over_pich__vs__pt"
            fig.plot.ymax = .06
            fig.legend.position = 'tl'
            fig.ytitle = "#Xi/#pi^{+-}"
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
                fig.add_plottable(h1 / h2, legend_title=title)
                for h1, h2, title in zip(mult_binned_pt_dists['xi'], mult_binned_pt_dists['pi_ch'], perc_titles)
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f_out, name, dirname)

            fig = get_new_figure()
            name = "OmegaCh_over_pich__vs__pt"
            fig.plot.ymax = .005
            fig.legend.position = 'tl'
            fig.ytitle = "#Omega_{ch}/#pi^{+-} "
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
                fig.add_plottable(h1 / h2, legend_title=title)
                for h1, h2, title in zip(mult_binned_pt_dists['omega'], mult_binned_pt_dists['pi_ch'], perc_titles)
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f_out, name, dirname)

            # Ratios to pi0
            fig = get_new_figure()
            name = "pich_over_pi0__vs__pt"
            fig.plot.ymax = 2.5
            fig.legend.position = 'bl'
            fig.ytitle = "#pi^{+-}/#pi^{0}"
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
                fig.add_plottable(h1 / h2, legend_title=title)
                for h1, h2, title in zip(mult_binned_pt_dists['pi_ch'], mult_binned_pt_dists['pi0'], perc_titles)
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f_out, name, dirname)

            fig = get_new_figure()
            name = "proton_over_pi0__vs__pt"
            fig.plot.ymax = 1
            fig.legend.position = 'tr'
            fig.ytitle = "p/#pi^{0}"
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
                fig.add_plottable(h1 / h2, legend_title=title)
                for h1, h2, title in zip(mult_binned_pt_dists['proton'], mult_binned_pt_dists['pi0'], perc_titles)
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f_out, name, dirname)

            fig = get_new_figure()
            name = "K0S_over_pi0__vs__pt"
            fig.plot.ymax = 1.4
            fig.legend.position = 'tl'
            fig.ytitle = "K^{0}_{S}/#pi^{0}"
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
                fig.add_plottable(h1 / h2, legend_title=title)
                for h1, h2, title in zip(mult_binned_pt_dists['k0s'], mult_binned_pt_dists['pi0'], perc_titles)
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f_out, name, dirname)

            fig = get_new_figure()
            name = "Lambda_over_pi0__vs__pt"
            fig.plot.ymax = .9
            fig.legend.position = 'tl'
            fig.ytitle = "#Lambda/#pi^{0}"
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
                fig.add_plottable(h1 / h2, legend_title=title)
                for h1, h2, title in zip(mult_binned_pt_dists['lambda'], mult_binned_pt_dists['pi0'], perc_titles)
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f_out, name, dirname)

            fig = get_new_figure()
            name = "Xi_over_pi0__vs__pt"
            fig.plot.ymax = .08
            fig.legend.position = 'tl'
            fig.ytitle = "#Xi/#pi^{0}"
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
                fig.add_plottable(h1 / h2, legend_title=title)
                for h1, h2, title in zip(mult_binned_pt_dists['xi'], mult_binned_pt_dists['pi0'], perc_titles)
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f_out, name, dirname)

            fig = get_new_figure()
            name = "OmegaCh_over_pi0__vs__pt"
            fig.plot.ymax = .005
            fig.legend.position = 'tl'
            fig.ytitle = "#Omega_{ch}/#pi^{0}"
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
                fig.add_plottable(h1 / h2, legend_title=title)
                for h1, h2, title in zip(mult_binned_pt_dists['omega'], mult_binned_pt_dists['pi0'], perc_titles)
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f_out, name, dirname)

            # Ratios to K0S
            fig = get_new_figure()
            name = "proton_over_K0S__vs__pt"
            fig.plot.ymax = 2.6
            fig.legend.position = 'tr'
            fig.ytitle = "p/K^{0}_{S}"
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
                fig.add_plottable(h1 / h2, legend_title=title)
                for h1, h2, title in zip(mult_binned_pt_dists['proton'], mult_binned_pt_dists['k0s'], perc_titles)
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f_out, name, dirname)

            fig = get_new_figure()
            name = "Lambda_over_K0S__vs__pt"
            fig.plot.ymax = 1
            fig.legend.position = 'bl'
            fig.ytitle = "#Lambda/K^{0}_{S}"
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
                fig.add_plottable(h1 / h2, legend_title=title)
                for h1, h2, title in zip(mult_binned_pt_dists['lambda'], mult_binned_pt_dists['k0s'], perc_titles)
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f_out, name, dirname)

            fig = get_new_figure()
            name = "Xi_over_K0S__vs__pt"
            fig.plot.ymax = .2
            fig.legend.position = 'tl'
            fig.ytitle = "#Xi/K^{0}_{S}"
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
                fig.add_plottable(h1 / h2, legend_title=title)
                for h1, h2, title in zip(mult_binned_pt_dists['xi'], mult_binned_pt_dists['k0s'], perc_titles)
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f_out, name, dirname)

            fig = get_new_figure()
            name = "OmegaCh_over_K0S__vs__pt"
            fig.plot.ymax = .012
            fig.legend.position = 'tl'
            fig.ytitle = "#Omega_{ch}/K^{0}_{S}"
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
                fig.add_plottable(h1 / h2, legend_title=title)
                for h1, h2, title in zip(mult_binned_pt_dists['omega'], mult_binned_pt_dists['k0s'], perc_titles)
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f_out, name, dirname)

            fig = get_new_figure()
            name = "Kaon_over_pich__vs__pt"
            fig.plot.ymax = 1
            fig.legend.position = 'tl'
            fig.ytitle = "(K^{+} + K^{-}) / (#pi^{+} +#pi^{-})"
            fig.legend.title = make_estimator_title(est_dir.GetName())
                fig.add_plottable(h1 / h2, legend_title=title)
                for h1, h2, title in zip(mult_binned_pt_dists['k_ch'], mult_binned_pt_dists['pi_ch'], perc_titles)
            fig.save_to_root_file(self.f_out, name, dirname)

        return figs