Example #1
def alpha_beta(board, depth, player, alpha, beta, maxim):
    if depth == 0 or utils.lastMove(board, player):
        return utils.score(board, player), -1
    valid = utils.get_moves(board, player)
    if maxim:
        v = -99999
        for move in valid:
            (tmp_board, tot) = utils.move(move % 8, int(move / 8), player,
            v = max(
                alpha_beta(tmp_board, depth - 1, utils.opponent(player), alpha,
                           beta, False)[0], v)
            alpha = max(alpha, v)
            if beta <= alpha:
        return v, move
    else:  # minimizingPlayer
        v = 99999
        for move in valid:
            (tmp_board, tot) = utils.move(move % 8, int(move / 8), player,
            v = min(
                alpha_beta(tmp_board, depth - 1, utils.opponent(player), alpha,
                           beta, True)[0], v)
            beta = min(beta, v)
            if beta <= alpha:
        return v, move
Example #2
def get_playbook_component(component, message, lang):
    key, _content = get_key_and_content_from_message(message)
    msg = message.content
    usr = message.author.display_name
    s3_client = get_s3_client()
    char_info = info_from_s3(key, s3_client)
    json_array = get_moves(lang)
    playbook_re = get_translation(lang, 'playbooks.playbook_re')
    #this case deals with if we have a character created, but waits to make sure they haven't passed a playbook in anyway
    result1 = re.search(playbook_re, msg)
    found = 0
    if result1 is not None:
        for p in json_array['playbooks']:
            if p['name'] == result1.group(1):
                mot = p['mot']
                cel = p['celebrate']
                wek = p['weakness']
                img = p['img']
                found = 1
    if found != 1:
        if char_info:
            playbook = char_info['playbook']
            charactername = char_info['characterName']
            for p in json_array['playbooks']:
                if p['name'] == playbook:
                    mot = p['mot']
                    cel = p['celebrate']
                    wek = p['weakness']
                    img = p['img']
                    usr = charactername
                    found = 1
    if found == 1:
        description = get_translation(lang, 'description')
        if component == 'mot':
            embed = discord.Embed(title=get_translation(lang, 'playbooks.moment_of_truth'), colour=5450873)
            embed.set_author(name=get_translation(lang, 'playbooks.this_is_mot')(usr))
            embed.add_field(name=description, value=mot)
        elif component == 'celebrate':
            embed = discord.Embed(title=get_translation(lang, 'playbooks.celebrate'))
            embed.set_author(name=get_translation(lang, 'playbooks.this_is_celebrate')(usr))
            embed.add_field(name=description, value=cel)
        elif component == 'weakness':
            embed = discord.Embed(title=get_translation(lang, 'playbooks.weakness'))
            embed.set_author(name=get_translation(lang, 'playbooks.this_is_weakness')(usr))
            embed.add_field(name=description, value=wek)
        embed.set_footer(text=" ")
        response = embed
        return response
        response = 0
Example #3
def get_playbooks(lang):
    json_array = get_moves(lang)
    playbooks = get_translation(lang, 'playbooks.playbooks')
    embed = discord.Embed(title=playbooks)
    available = get_translation(lang, 'playbooks.available')
    for s in json_array['sources']:
        line = ""
        for p in json_array['playbooks']:
            if s['source'] == p['source']:
                line = line + p['name'].capitalize() + ", "
        line = line.rstrip(', ')
        embed.add_field(name=f"{s['name']}", value=f"{line}", inline=False)
        embed.set_footer(text=" ")
        response = embed
    return response
Example #4
def get_playbook_component_slash(component, ctx, lang, playbook):
    key = get_key_from_ctx(ctx)
    usr = ctx.author.display_name
    s3_client = get_s3_client()
    char_info = info_from_s3(key, s3_client)
    json_array = get_moves(lang)
    playbook_re = get_translation(lang, 'playbooks.playbook_re')
    #this case deals with if we have a character created, but waits to make sure they haven't passed a playbook in anyway

    if playbook is not None:
        for p in json_array['playbooks']:
            if p['name'] == playbook:
                mot = p['mot']
                cel = p['celebrate']
                wek = p['weakness']
                img = p['img']
                found = 1
    elif char_info:
        playbook = char_info['playbook']
        charactername = char_info['characterName']
        for p in json_array['playbooks']:
            if p['name'] == playbook:
                mot = p['mot']
                cel = p['celebrate']
                wek = p['weakness']
                img = p['img']
                usr = charactername
                found = 1
    description = get_translation(lang, 'description')
    if component == 'mot':
        embed = discord.Embed(title=get_translation(lang, 'playbooks.moment_of_truth'), colour=5450873)
        embed.set_author(name=get_translation(lang, 'playbooks.this_is_mot')(usr))
        embed.add_field(name=description, value=mot)
    if component == 'celebrate':
        embed = discord.Embed(title=get_translation(lang, 'playbooks.celebrate'))
        embed.set_author(name=get_translation(lang, 'playbooks.this_is_celebrate')(usr))
        embed.add_field(name=description, value=cel)
    if component == 'weakness':
        embed = discord.Embed(title=get_translation(lang, 'playbooks.weakness'))
        embed.set_author(name=get_translation(lang, 'playbooks.this_is_weakness')(usr))
        embed.add_field(name=description, value=wek)
    embed.set_footer(text=" ")
    response = embed
    return response
Example #5
def on_ready(data):
    best = 0
    bm = 0
    validMoves = utils.get_moves(data['board'], data['player_turn_id'])
    print(np.array(data['board']).reshape((8, 8)))
    value, move = othello_player.alpha_beta(data['board'], 4,
                                            data['player_turn_id'], -99999,
                                            99999, True)
    print(np.array(data['board']).reshape((8, 8)))
        'play', {
            'player_turn_id': data['player_turn_id'],
            'tournament_id': tournamentID,
            'game_id': data['game_id'],
            'movement': move,
Example #6
def min_max(board, depth, player, maxim):
    if depth == 0 or utils.lastMove(board, player):
        return utils.score(board, player)
    valid = utils.get_moves(board, player)
    if maxim:
        bestValue = -99999
        for move in valid:
            (tmp_board, tot) = utils.move(move, player, copy.deepcopy(board))
            v = min_max(tmp_board, depth - 1, utils.opponent(player), False)
            bestValue = max(bestValue, v)
        # print(np.array(tmp_board).reshape((8,8)))
        return bestValue
    else:  # minimizingPlayer
        bestValue = 99999
        for move in valid:
            (tmp_board, tot) = utils.move(move, player, copy.deepcopy(board))
            v = min_max(tmp_board, depth - 1, utils.opponent(player), True)
            bestValue = min(bestValue, v)
        # print(np.array(tmp_board).reshape((8,8)))
        return bestValue
Example #7
 def calculate_moves(self, b):
     t, a = self.type, self.ally
     if not t in 'RNBQKP':
         return []
     p = self.pos
     d = -1 if a == 'W' else 1
     if t in 'QK':
         offs = [-9, -8, -7, -1, 1, 7, 8, 9]
     elif t == 'R':
         offs = [-8, -1, 1, 8]
     elif t == 'B':
         offs = [-9, -7, 7, 9]
     elif t == 'N':
         offs = [-17, -15, -10, -6, 6, 10, 15, 17]
         offs = [i * d for i in [7, 8, 9, 16]]
     moves = [
         list(utils.get_moves(b, self, p + o, o, t in 'RBQ')) for o in offs
         if utils.valid(p + o) and not self.has_exclusion(p, o)
     return reduce(lambda a, b: [*a, *b], moves, [])
Example #8
 def move(self):
     next_move = ""
         next_move = next(self.g)
         self.g = utils.get_moves(100)
         next_move = next(self.g)
     if next_move == "up":
         self.y -= 1
     elif next_move == "down":
         self.y += 1
     elif next_move == "right":
         self.x += 1
     elif next_move == "left":
         self.x -= 1
         raise ValueError("Not found: {}".format(next_move))
     if self.x < 0: self.x = 0
     if self.y < 0: self.y = 0
     if self.x > self.TILES_WIDE: self.x = self.TILES_WIDE
     if self.y > self.TILES_HEIGH: self.y = self.TILES_HEIGH
Example #9
def get_moment_of_truth(message, lang):
    msg = message.content
    usr = message.author.display_name
    json_array = get_moves(lang)
    found = 0
    msg = msg.lower()
    playbook_re = get_translation(lang, 'playbooks.playbook_re')
    result1 = re.search(playbook_re, msg)
    for p in json_array['playbooks']:
        if p['name'] == result1.group(1):
            mot = p['mot']
            img = p['img']
            found = 1
    if found == 1:
        embed = discord.Embed(title=get_translation(lang, 'playbooks.moment_of_truth'))
        embed.set_author(name=get_translation(lang, 'playbooks.this_is_mot')(usr))
        description = get_translation(lang, 'description')
        embed.add_field(name=description, value=mot)
        embed.set_footer(text=" ")
        response = embed
    else: response = 0

    return response
Example #10
def mad_parse(message):
    msg = message.content
    user = message.author.display_name
    blob = ""
    capital = ""
    phrase = ""
    word = ""
    mod = ""
    num = int(0)
    quiet = 0
    match = 0
    # parse command into parts
    msg = msg.lower()
    searchStr1 = r'[a-z]+'
    searchStr2 = r'[\+\-]'
    searchStr3 = r'[1234567890]'
    log_line = ''
    result1 = re.search(searchStr1, msg)
    if result1:
        log_line = log_line + result1.group(0)
        word = result1.group(0)
        log_line = log_line + "no cmd "
    result2 = re.search(searchStr2, msg)
    if result2:
        log_line = log_line + result2.group()
        mod = result2.group(0)
        log_line = log_line + "no mod "
    result3 = re.search(searchStr3, msg)
    if result3:
        log_line = log_line + result3.group(0)
        num = int(result3.group(0))
        log_line = log_line + "no num "

    lang = get_raw_lang(message)
    json_array = get_moves(lang)

    # figure out which type of modifier it is#
    num_calc = get_modified_num(mod, num)
    # lookup a table for the big blob of text and a wee blob#
    for p in json_array['moves']:
        if p['shortName'] == word:
            blob = p['blob']
            capital = p['capital']
            phrase = p['phrase']
            img = p['img']
            roll = p['requiresRolling']
            match = 1
    #Quiet mode
    searchStr4 = r'!!'
    result4 = re.search(searchStr4, msg)
    if result4: quiet = 1

    #Ugly format blob!#
    if match == 1:  #lets us ignore ! prefix commands that aren't in our list
        embed = discord.Embed(title=f"{capital}")
        embed.set_author(name=f"{user} {phrase}")
        desc = get_translation(lang, 'description')
        if quiet == 0:
                name=desc, value=f"{blob}"
            )  # don't include the blob if we're in quiet mode (!!)
        if roll:
            add_result(embed, num_calc, mod, lang)
        embed.set_footer(text=" ")

        return embed

        return 0
Example #11
def generate_all_moves(task_root, splits=SPLITS, image_categories='all'):
    if task_root != '' and not os.path.exists(task_root):
            print('Cannot create folder {}'.format(task_root))

    banned_turkers = set(['onboarding', 'vcirik'])

    image_set = set(CAT2LOC.keys())
    if image_categories != 'all':
        image_set = set(image_categories.split(','))
        for image in image_set:
            if image not in CAT2LOC:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    'Image Category {} is not in the dataset'.format(image))

    for split in splits:

        instances = json.load(open('../data/{}.json'.format(split), 'r'))

        pbar = tqdm(instances)
        for ii, instance in enumerate(pbar):
            if instance['turkerid'] not in banned_turkers:
                if 'ann_cat' in instance and instance[
                        'ann_cat'] == 'M' and split == 'train':

                latitude, longitude = rad2degree(instance['latitude'],

                img_category = '_'.join(instance['imageurl'].split('/')
                pano_name = "_".join(instance['imageurl'].split('/')[-1].split(
                    '.')[0].split('_')[:2]) + ".jpg"

                if img_category not in CAT2LOC or img_category not in image_set:
                img_loc = CAT2LOC[img_category]
                image_path = '../data/refer360images/{}/{}/{}'.format(
                    img_loc, img_category, pano_name)

                sentences = []
                for refexp in instance['refexp'].replace('\n',
                    if refexp[-1] not in ['.', '!', '?', '\'']:
                        refexp += '.'

                err, all_moves, move_ids = get_moves(instance, latitude,
                                                     longitude, len(sentences))

                if err or all_moves == [] or len(
                        all_moves[0]) != len(sentences):

Example #12
def mad_parse(message):
    msg = message.content
    user = message.author.display_name
    blob = ""
    capital = ""
    phrase = ""
    word = ""
    mod = ""
    num = int(0)
    quiet = 0
    match = 0
    # parse command into parts
    msg = msg.lower()
    searchStr1 = r'[a-z]+'
    searchStr2 = r'[\+\-]'
    searchStr3 = r'[1234567890]'
    log_line = ''
    result1 = re.search(searchStr1, msg)
    if result1:
        log_line = log_line + result1.group(0)
        word = result1.group(0)
    else: log_line = log_line + "no cmd "
    result2 = re.search(searchStr2, msg)
    if result2:
        log_line = log_line + result2.group()
        mod = result2.group(0)
    else: log_line = log_line + "no mod "
    result3 = re.search(searchStr3, msg)
    if result3:
        log_line = log_line + result3.group(0)
        num = int(result3.group(0))
    else: log_line = log_line + "no num "

    lang = get_raw_lang(message)
    json_array = get_moves(lang)

 # figure out which type of modifier it is#
 # lookup a table for the big blob of text and a wee blob#
    for p in json_array['moves']:
        if p['shortName'] == word:
            blob = p['blob']
            capital = p['capital']
            phrase = p['phrase']
            img = p['img']
            roll = p['requiresRolling']
            label = p['label']
            condition = p.get('condition', '')
            match = 1
    #Quiet mode
    searchStr4 = r'!!'
    result4 = re.search(searchStr4, msg)
    if result4: quiet = 1
    if "?" in msg:
        roll = False
        quiet = 0
    #Find out if user has dicedisplay set to false
    dicedisplay = True
    dicedisplay = get_dicedisplay(message, lang)

    #Ugly format blob!#
    if match == 1 : #lets us ignore ! prefix commands that aren't in our list
        character = get_character(message)
        embed=discord.Embed(title=f"{capital}", colour=5450873)
        embed.set_footer(text=" ")
        if character:
            user = character['characterName']
        embed.set_author(name=f"{user} {phrase}")
        #embed.set_author(name=f"{user} {phrase}")
        desc = get_translation(lang, 'description')
        if quiet == 0: embed.add_field(name=desc, value=f"{blob}") # don't include the blob if we're in quiet mode (!!)
        addendum = None
        if roll:
            addendum = handle_roll(character, message, embed, num, mod, lang, label, condition, user)
#        embed.set_footer(text=" ")
#       embed.set_author(name=f"{user} {phrase}")
        if dicedisplay:
            return (embed, addendum)
        return (embed, '')

        return None