def plot_diagnostics(trans, name='simulated', outdir='./', date_format='%Y%m%d', obs_vol=None, obs_oht=None, obs_sf=None, obs_fc=None): """ Plot volume and heat transport diagnostics against RAPID observations """ # Create basename for output files dts = utils.get_ncdates(trans) basename = utils.get_savename(outdir, name, dts, date_format, suffix='_') # Plot data plot_streamfunctions(trans, basename=basename, name=name, obs=obs_sf) plot_streamfunction_hovmollers(trans, basename=basename, name=name, obs=obs_sf) plot_volume_components(trans, basename=basename, name=name, obs_vol=obs_vol, obs_fc=obs_fc) plot_rapid_heat_components(trans, basename=basename, name=name, obs=obs_oht) plot_geometric_heat_components(trans, basename=basename, name=name, obs=obs_oht) plot_zonal_mean_temperature(trans, basename=basename, name=name, obs=obs_oht) plot_transport_profile(trans, basename=basename, name=name, obs=obs_oht) plot_fc_transport_profile(trans, basename=basename, name=name, obs=obs_oht) plot_moc_vs_oht(trans, basename=basename, name=name, obs_vol=obs_vol, obs_oht=obs_oht) plot_vol_vs_heat_transports(trans, basename=basename, name=name, obs_vol=obs_vol, obs_oht=obs_oht)
def plot_rapid_heat_components(trans, basename='', name='simulated', obs=None): """ Plot RAPID heat transport components """ # Add model data to sub-axis fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 12)) fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) dts = utils.get_ncdates(trans) q_sum = trans.variables['q_sum_rapid'][:] q_ek = trans.variables['q_ek'][:] q_fc = trans.variables['q_fc'][:] q_geoint = trans.variables['q_geoint'][:] q_eddy = trans.variables['q_eddy'][:] q_wbw = trans.variables['q_wbw'][:] q_sum_label = 'Total (%4.2f PW)' % (q_sum.mean()) q_ek_label = 'Ekman (%4.2f PW)' % (q_ek.mean()) q_fc_label = 'Florida current (%4.2f PW)' % (q_fc.mean()) q_geoint_label = 'Geostrophic interior (%4.2f PW)' % (q_geoint.mean()) q_wbw_label = 'WBW (%4.2f PW)' % (q_wbw.mean()) q_eddy_label = 'Eddies (%4.2f PW)' % (q_eddy.mean()) plt.plot(dts, q_sum, linewidth=4, color='k', label=q_sum_label) plt.plot(dts, q_ek, linewidth=4, color=c1, label=q_ek_label) plt.plot(dts, q_fc, linewidth=4, color=c2, label=q_fc_label) plt.plot(dts, q_wbw, linewidth=4, color=c3, label=q_wbw_label) plt.plot(dts, q_geoint, linewidth=4, color=c4, label=q_geoint_label) plt.plot(dts, q_eddy, linewidth=4, color='0.5', label=q_eddy_label) plt.xlabel('Date') plt.ylim([-4, 4]) plt.ylabel('PW') plt.title('Heat transports relative to 0C at 26N in %s' % name) plt.legend(loc=8, fontsize=8, ncol=2) # Add observational data to sub-axis if obs is not None: fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2) q_sum_obs_label = 'Total (%4.2f PW)' % (obs.q_sum.mean()) q_ek_obs_label = 'Ekman (%4.2f PW)' % (obs.q_ek.mean()) q_fc_obs_label = 'Florida current (%4.2f PW)' % (obs.q_fc.mean()) q_geoint_obs_label = 'Geostrophic interior (%4.2f PW)' % ( obs.q_geoint.mean()) q_wbw_obs_label = 'WBW (%4.2f PW)' % (obs.q_wbw.mean()) q_eddy_obs_label = 'Eddies (%4.2f PW)' % (obs.q_eddy.mean()) plt.plot(obs.dates, obs.q_sum, linewidth=4, color='k', label=q_sum_obs_label) plt.plot(obs.dates, obs.q_ek, linewidth=4, color=c1, label=q_ek_obs_label) plt.plot(obs.dates, obs.q_fc, linewidth=4, color=c2, label=q_fc_obs_label) plt.plot(obs.dates, obs.q_wbw, linewidth=4, color=c3, label=q_wbw_obs_label) plt.plot(obs.dates, obs.q_geoint, linewidth=4, color=c4, label=q_geoint_obs_label) plt.plot(obs.dates, obs.q_eddy, linewidth=4, color='0.5', label=q_eddy_obs_label) plt.xlabel('Date') plt.ylim([-4, 4]) plt.ylabel('PW') plt.title( 'Heat transports relative to 0C at 26N in RAPID observations') plt.legend(loc=8, fontsize=8, ncol=2) # Save plot plt.tight_layout() savef = basename + 'heat_transports_rapid_decomposition_at_26n.png' print 'SAVING: %s' % savef fig.savefig(savef, resolution=300) plt.close()
def plot_geometric_heat_components(trans, basename='', name='simulated', obs=None): """ Plot geometric heat transport components """ # Add model data to sub-axis (model v) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 12)) fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 1) dts = utils.get_ncdates(trans) q_sum_model = trans.variables['q_sum_model'][:] q_gyre_model = trans.variables['q_gyre_model'][:] q_ot_model = trans.variables['q_ot_model'][:] q_net_model = trans.variables['q_net_model'][:] q_sum_model_label = 'Total (%4.2f PW)' % (q_sum_model.mean()) q_gyre_model_label = 'Gyre (%4.2f PW)' % (q_gyre_model.mean()) q_ot_model_label = 'Overturning (%4.2f PW)' % (q_ot_model.mean()) q_net_model_label = 'Net (%4.2f PW)' % (q_net_model.mean()) plt.plot(dts, q_sum_model, linewidth=4, color='k', label=q_sum_model_label) plt.plot(dts, q_ot_model, linewidth=4, color=c1, label=q_ot_model_label) plt.plot(dts, q_gyre_model, linewidth=4, color=c2, label=q_gyre_model_label) plt.plot(dts, q_net_model, linewidth=4, color=c3, label=q_net_model_label) plt.xlabel('Date') plt.ylim([-.5, 2.5]) plt.ylabel('PW') plt.title('Heat transports at 26N in %s (model velocities)' % name) plt.legend(loc=8, fontsize=8, ncol=2) # Add model data to sub-axis (RAPID approx) fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 2) q_sum_rapid = trans.variables['q_sum_rapid'][:] q_gyre_rapid = trans.variables['q_gyre_rapid'][:] q_ot_rapid = trans.variables['q_ot_rapid'][:] q_net_rapid = trans.variables['q_net_rapid'][:] q_sum_rapid_label = 'Total (%4.2f PW)' % (q_sum_rapid.mean()) q_gyre_rapid_label = 'Gyre (%4.2f PW)' % (q_gyre_rapid.mean()) q_ot_rapid_label = 'Overturning (%4.2f PW)' % (q_ot_rapid.mean()) q_net_rapid_label = 'Net (%4.2f PW)' % (q_net_rapid.mean()) plt.plot(dts, q_sum_rapid, linewidth=4, color='k', label=q_sum_rapid_label) plt.plot(dts, q_ot_rapid, linewidth=4, color=c1, label=q_ot_rapid_label) plt.plot(dts, q_gyre_rapid, linewidth=4, color=c2, label=q_gyre_rapid_label) plt.plot(dts, q_net_rapid, linewidth=4, color=c3, label=q_net_rapid_label) plt.xlabel('Date') plt.ylim([-.5, 2.5]) plt.ylabel('PW') plt.title('Heat transports at 26N in %s (RAPID approx)' % name) plt.legend(loc=8, fontsize=8, ncol=2) # Add optional observational data to sub-axis if obs is not None: fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 3) q_sum_obs_label = 'Total (%4.2f PW)' % (obs.q_sum.mean()) q_gyre_obs_label = 'Gyre (%4.2f PW)' % (obs.q_gyre.mean()) q_ot_obs_label = 'Overturning (%4.2f PW)' % (obs.q_ot.mean()) plt.plot(obs.dates, obs.q_sum, linewidth=4, color='k', label=q_sum_obs_label) plt.plot(obs.dates, obs.q_ot, linewidth=4, color=c1, label=q_ot_obs_label) plt.plot(obs.dates, obs.q_gyre, linewidth=4, color=c2, label=q_gyre_obs_label) plt.xlabel('Date') plt.ylim([-.5, 2.5]) plt.ylabel('PW') plt.title('Heat transports at 26N in RAPID observations') plt.legend(loc=8, fontsize=8, ncol=2) # Save plot plt.tight_layout() savef = basename + 'heat_transports_geometric_decomposition_at_26n.png' print 'SAVING: %s' % savef fig.savefig(savef, resolution=300) plt.close()
def plot_streamfunction_hovmollers(trans, name='simulated', basename='', obs=None): """ Plot overturning stream function hovmoller diagrams""" # Extract variables from data objects dts = utils.get_ncdates(trans) z = trans.variables['depth'][:] sf_rapid = trans.variables['sf_rapid'][:] sf_model = trans.variables['sf_model'][:] # Set up figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 12)) cmap = levels = np.arange(15) * 2 - 4 norm = BoundaryNorm(levels, ncolors=cmap.N, clip=True) cmin, cmax = -5, 30 # Add model data to axis fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 1) plt.pcolormesh(dts, -z, sf_model.transpose(), vmin=cmin, vmax=cmax, cmap=cmap, norm=norm) plt.colorbar(orientation='vertical') plt.title('Overturning streamfunction at 26N in %s (model velocities)' % name) plt.xlabel('Dates') plt.ylabel('Depth (m)') # Add model data to axis (RAPID approx) fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 2) plt.pcolormesh(dts, -z, sf_rapid.transpose(), vmin=cmin, vmax=cmax, cmap=cmap, norm=norm) plt.colorbar(orientation='vertical') plt.title('Overturning streamfunction at 26N in %s (RAPID approx)' % name) plt.xlabel('Dates') plt.ylabel('Depth (m)') # Add optional observed data to axis if obs is not None: fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 3) plt.pcolormesh(obs.dates, -obs.z, obs.sf.transpose(), vmin=cmin, vmax=cmax, cmap=cmap, norm=norm) plt.colorbar(orientation='vertical') plt.title('Overturning streamfunction at 26N from RAPID array') plt.xlabel('Dates') plt.ylabel('Depth (m)') # Save plot plt.tight_layout() savef = basename + 'overturning_streamfunction_at_26n_hovmoller.png' print 'SAVING: %s' % savef fig.savefig(savef, resolution=300) plt.close()
def plot_vol_vs_heat_transports(trans, basename='', name='simulated', obs_vol=None, obs_oht=None): """ Plot total overturning vs geometric heat transports """ # Extract model variables from data objects dts = utils.get_ncdates(trans) fc = trans.variables['fc'][:] ek = trans.variables['ekman'][:] umo = trans.variables['umo'][:] q_ek = trans.variables['q_ek'][:] q_fc = trans.variables['q_fc'][:] q_mo = trans.variables['q_mo'][:] q_fc_lin, q_fc_label = linreg_vol_vs_oht(fc, q_fc) q_ek_lin, q_ek_label = linreg_vol_vs_oht(ek, q_ek) q_mo_lin, q_mo_label = linreg_vol_vs_oht(umo, q_mo) # Extract obs variables from data objects if (obs_vol is not None) and (obs_oht is not None): mindt, maxdt = utils.get_daterange(obs_vol.dates, obs_oht.dates) vol_ind = utils.get_dateind(obs_vol.dates, mindt, maxdt) oht_ind = utils.get_dateind(obs_oht.dates, mindt, maxdt) ek_obs = obs_vol.ekman[vol_ind] fc_obs = obs_vol.fc[vol_ind] umo_obs = obs_vol.umo[vol_ind] q_ek_obs = obs_oht.q_ek[oht_ind] q_fc_obs = obs_oht.q_fc[oht_ind] q_mo_obs = obs_oht.q_mo[oht_ind] q_fc_obs_lin, q_fc_obs_label = linreg_vol_vs_oht(fc_obs, q_fc_obs) q_ek_obs_lin, q_ek_obs_label = linreg_vol_vs_oht(ek_obs, q_ek_obs) q_mo_obs_lin, q_mo_obs_label = linreg_vol_vs_oht(umo_obs, q_mo_obs) # Plot ekman fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5)) fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 1) plt.plot(ek, q_ek, 'x', color=c1) plt.plot(ek, q_ek_lin, '-', color=c1, label='%s (%s)' % (name, q_ek_label)) if (obs_vol is not None) and (obs_oht is not None): plt.plot(ek_obs, q_ek_obs, 'x', color='k') plt.plot(ek_obs, q_ek_obs_lin, '-', color='k', label='RAPID observations (%s)' % q_ek_obs_label) plt.xlabel('Volume transport (Sv)') plt.ylabel('Heat transport (PW)') plt.title('Ekman volume vs heat transport') plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=8) # Plot florida current fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 2) plt.plot(fc, q_fc, 'x', color=c1) plt.plot(fc, q_fc_lin, '-', color=c1, label='%s (%s)' % (name, q_fc_label)) if (obs_vol is not None) and (obs_oht is not None): plt.plot(fc_obs, q_fc_obs, 'x', color='k') plt.plot(fc_obs, q_fc_obs_lin, '-', color='k', label='RAPID observations (%s)' % q_fc_obs_label) plt.xlabel('Volume transport (Sv)') plt.ylabel('Heat transport (PW)') plt.title('Florida current volume vs heat transport') plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=8) # Plot mid-ocean fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 3) plt.plot(umo, q_mo, 'x', color=c1) plt.plot(umo, q_mo_lin, '-', color=c1, label='%s (%s)' % (name, q_mo_label)) if (obs_vol is not None) and (obs_oht is not None): plt.plot(umo_obs, q_mo_obs, 'x', color='k') plt.plot(umo_obs, q_mo_obs_lin, '-', color='k', label='RAPID observations (%s)' % q_mo_obs_label) plt.xlabel('Volume transport (Sv)') plt.ylabel('Heat transport (PW)') plt.title('Mid-ocean volume vs heat transport') plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=8) # Save plot plt.tight_layout() savef = basename + 'volume_vs_heat_transports_at_26n.png' print 'SAVING: %s' % savef fig.savefig(savef, resolution=300) plt.close()
def plot_moc_vs_oht(trans, basename='', name='simulated', obs_vol=None, obs_oht=None): """ Plot total overturning vs geometric heat transports """ # Add model data to axis (model v) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5)) fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 1) dts = utils.get_ncdates(trans) moc_model = trans.variables['moc_rapid'][:] q_sum_model = trans.variables['q_sum_model'][:] q_gyre_model = trans.variables['q_gyre_model'][:] q_ot_model = trans.variables['q_ot_model'][:] q_sum_model_lin, q_sum_model_label = linreg_vol_vs_oht( moc_model, q_sum_model) q_gyre_model_lin, q_gyre_model_label = linreg_vol_vs_oht( moc_model, q_gyre_model) q_ot_model_lin, q_ot_model_label = linreg_vol_vs_oht(moc_model, q_ot_model) plt.plot(moc_model, q_sum_model, 'x', color='k') plt.plot(moc_model, q_sum_model_lin, '-', color='k', label='total (%s)' % q_sum_model_label) plt.plot(moc_model, q_ot_model, 'x', color=c1) plt.plot(moc_model, q_ot_model_lin, '-', color=c1, label='overturning (%s)' % q_ot_model_label) plt.plot(moc_model, q_gyre_model, 'x', color=c2) plt.plot(moc_model, q_gyre_model_lin, '-', color=c2, label='gyre (%s)' % q_gyre_model_label) plt.xlabel('MOC (Sv)') plt.ylabel('Heat transport (PW)') plt.title('MOC vs OHT in %s (model velocities)' % name) plt.legend( loc='best', fontsize=8, ) # Add model data to axis (RAPID approx) fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 2) moc_rapid = trans.variables['moc_rapid'][:] q_sum_rapid = trans.variables['q_sum_rapid'][:] q_gyre_rapid = trans.variables['q_gyre_rapid'][:] q_ot_rapid = trans.variables['q_ot_rapid'][:] q_sum_rapid_lin, q_sum_rapid_label = linreg_vol_vs_oht( moc_rapid, q_sum_rapid) q_gyre_rapid_lin, q_gyre_rapid_label = linreg_vol_vs_oht( moc_rapid, q_gyre_rapid) q_ot_rapid_lin, q_ot_rapid_label = linreg_vol_vs_oht(moc_rapid, q_ot_rapid) plt.plot(moc_rapid, q_sum_rapid, 'x', color='k') plt.plot(moc_rapid, q_sum_rapid_lin, '-', color='k', label='total (%s)' % q_sum_rapid_label) plt.plot(moc_rapid, q_ot_rapid, 'x', color=c1) plt.plot(moc_rapid, q_ot_rapid_lin, '-', color=c1, label='overturning (%s)' % q_ot_rapid_label) plt.plot(moc_rapid, q_gyre_rapid, 'x', color=c2) plt.plot(moc_rapid, q_gyre_rapid_lin, '-', color=c2, label='gyre (%s)' % q_gyre_rapid_label) plt.xlabel('MOC (Sv)') plt.ylabel('Heat transport (PW)') plt.title('MOC vs OHT in %s (RAPID approx)' % name) plt.legend( loc='best', fontsize=8, ) # Add optional obs data to axis if (obs_oht is not None) and (obs_vol is not None): fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 3) mindt, maxdt = utils.get_daterange(obs_vol.dates, obs_oht.dates) vol_ind = utils.get_dateind(obs_vol.dates, mindt, maxdt) oht_ind = utils.get_dateind(obs_oht.dates, mindt, maxdt) q_sum_obs = obs_oht.q_sum[oht_ind] q_gyre_obs = obs_oht.q_gyre[oht_ind] q_ot_obs = obs_oht.q_ot[oht_ind] moc_obs = obs_vol.moc[vol_ind] q_sum_obs_lin, q_sum_obs_label = linreg_vol_vs_oht(moc_obs, q_sum_obs) q_gyre_obs_lin, q_gyre_obs_label = linreg_vol_vs_oht( moc_obs, q_gyre_obs) q_ot_obs_lin, q_ot_obs_label = linreg_vol_vs_oht(moc_obs, q_ot_obs) plt.plot(moc_obs, q_sum_obs, 'x', color='k') plt.plot(moc_obs, q_sum_obs_lin, '-', color='k', label='total (%s)' % q_sum_obs_label) plt.plot(moc_obs, q_ot_obs, 'x', color=c1) plt.plot(moc_obs, q_ot_obs_lin, '-', color=c1, label='overturning (%s)' % q_ot_obs_label) plt.plot(moc_obs, q_gyre_obs, 'x', color=c2) plt.plot(moc_obs, q_gyre_obs_lin, '-', color=c2, label='gyre (%s)' % q_gyre_obs_label) plt.xlabel('MOC (Sv)') plt.ylabel('Heat transport (PW)') plt.title('MOC vs OHT in RAPID observations') plt.legend( loc='best', fontsize=8, ) # Save plot plt.tight_layout() savef = basename + 'moc_vs_heat_transports_at_26n.png' print 'SAVING: %s' % savef fig.savefig(savef, resolution=300) plt.close()
def plot_volume_components(trans, basename='', name='simulated', obs_vol=None, obs_fc=None): """ Plot volume transport component time series """ # Add model data to sub-axis fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 12)) fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) dts = utils.get_ncdates(trans) fc = trans.variables['fc'][:] ekman = trans.variables['ekman'][:] umo = trans.variables['umo'][:] moc = trans.variables['moc_rapid'][:] fc_label = 'Florida current (%6.1f Sv)' % (fc.mean()) ek_label = 'Ekman transport (%6.1f Sv)' % (ekman.mean()) umo_label = 'Upper-mid ocean (%4.1f Sv)' % (umo.mean()) moc_label = 'MOC (%6.1f Sv)' % (moc.mean()) plt.plot(dts, fc, linewidth=4, color=c1, label=fc_label) plt.plot(dts, ekman, linewidth=4, color=c2, label=ek_label) plt.plot(dts, umo, linewidth=4, color=c3, label=umo_label) plt.plot(dts, moc, linewidth=4, color='k', label=moc_label) plt.xlabel('Date') plt.ylim([-50, 50]) plt.ylabel('Sverdrups') plt.title('Overturning components at 26N in %s' % name) plt.legend(loc=8, fontsize=8, ncol=2) # Add optional observational data to sub-axis if (obs_vol is not None) or (obs_fc is not None): fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2) if obs_vol is not None: fc_obs_label = 'Florida current (%6.1f Sv)' % (obs_vol.fc.mean()) ek_obs_label = 'Ekman transport (%6.1f Sv)' % ( obs_vol.ekman.mean()) umo_obs_label = 'Upper-mid ocean (%4.1f Sv)' % (obs_vol.umo.mean()) moc_obs_label = 'MOC (%6.1f Sv)' % (obs_vol.moc.mean()) plt.plot(obs_vol.dates, obs_vol.fc, linewidth=4, color=c1, label=fc_obs_label) plt.plot(obs_vol.dates, obs_vol.ekman, linewidth=4, color=c2, label=ek_obs_label) plt.plot(obs_vol.dates, obs_vol.umo, linewidth=4, color=c3, label=umo_obs_label) plt.plot(obs_vol.dates, obs_vol.moc, linewidth=4, color='k', label=moc_obs_label) if obs_fc is not None: fc_obs_ext_label = 'FC - extended (%6.1f Sv)' % (obs_fc.fc.mean()) plt.plot(obs_fc.dates, obs_fc.fc, linewidth=4, color=c4, label=fc_obs_ext_label) plt.xlabel('Date') plt.ylim([-50, 50]) plt.ylabel('Sverdrups') plt.title('Overturning components at 26N in RAPID observations') plt.legend(loc=8, fontsize=8, ncol=2) # Save plot plt.tight_layout() savef = basename + 'volume_transport_components_at_26n.png' print 'SAVING: %s' % savef fig.savefig(savef, resolution=300) plt.close()
def plot_moc_vs_oft(trans, basename='', name='simulated', obs_vol=None, obs_oft=None): """ Plot total overturning vs geometric freshwater transports """ # Add model data to axis (model v) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5)) fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 1) dts = utils.get_ncdates(trans) moc_model = trans.variables['moc_model'][:] fw_sum_model = trans.variables['fw_sum_model'][:] fw_gyre_model = trans.variables['fw_gyre_model'][:] fw_ot_model = trans.variables['fw_ot_model'][:] fw_sum_model_lin, fw_sum_model_label = linreg(moc_model, fw_sum_model, units='Sv/Sv') fw_gyre_model_lin, fw_gyre_model_label = linreg(moc_model, fw_gyre_model, units='Sv/Sv') fw_ot_model_lin, fw_ot_model_label = linreg(moc_model, fw_ot_model, units='Sv/Sv') plt.plot(moc_model, fw_sum_model, 'x', color='k', label='total %s' % fw_sum_model_label) plt.plot(moc_model, fw_ot_model, 'x', color=c1, label='overturning %s' % fw_ot_model_label) plt.plot(moc_model, fw_gyre_model, 'x', color=c2, label='gyre %s' % fw_gyre_model_label) if fw_sum_model_lin is not None: plt.plot(moc_model, fw_sum_model_lin, '-', color='k') plt.plot(moc_model, fw_ot_model_lin, '-', color=c1) plt.plot(moc_model, fw_gyre_model_lin, '-', color=c2) plt.xlabel('MOC (Sv)') plt.ylabel('Equivalent freshwater transport (Sv)') plt.title('MOC vs FWT in %s (model velocities)' % name) plt.legend( loc='best', fontsize=8, ) # Add model data to axis (RAPID approx) fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 2) moc_rapid = trans.variables['moc_rapid'][:] fw_sum_rapid = trans.variables['fw_sum_rapid'][:] fw_gyre_rapid = trans.variables['fw_gyre_rapid'][:] fw_ot_rapid = trans.variables['fw_ot_rapid'][:] fw_sum_rapid_lin, fw_sum_rapid_label = linreg(moc_rapid, fw_sum_rapid, units='Sv/Sv') fw_gyre_rapid_lin, fw_gyre_rapid_label = linreg(moc_rapid, fw_gyre_rapid, units='Sv/Sv') fw_ot_rapid_lin, fw_ot_rapid_label = linreg(moc_rapid, fw_ot_rapid, units='Sv/Sv') plt.plot(moc_rapid, fw_sum_rapid, 'x', color='k', label='total %s' % fw_sum_rapid_label) plt.plot(moc_rapid, fw_ot_rapid, 'x', color=c1, label='overturning %s' % fw_ot_rapid_label) plt.plot(moc_rapid, fw_gyre_rapid, 'x', color=c2, label='gyre %s' % fw_gyre_rapid_label) if fw_sum_rapid_lin is not None: plt.plot(moc_rapid, fw_sum_rapid_lin, '-', color='k') plt.plot(moc_rapid, fw_ot_rapid_lin, '-', color=c1) plt.plot(moc_rapid, fw_gyre_rapid_lin, '-', color=c2) plt.xlabel('MOC (Sv)') plt.ylabel('Equivalent freshwater transport (Sv)') plt.title('MOC vs OFT in %s (RAPID approx)' % name) plt.legend( loc='best', fontsize=8, ) # Add optional obs data to axis if (obs_oft is not None) and (obs_vol is not None): fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 3) mindt, maxdt = utils.get_daterange(obs_vol.dates, obs_oft.dates) vol_ind = utils.get_dateind(obs_vol.dates, mindt, maxdt) oft_ind = utils.get_dateind(obs_oft.dates, mindt, maxdt) fw_sum_obs = obs_oft.fw_sum[oft_ind] fw_gyre_obs = obs_oft.fw_gyre[oft_ind] fw_ot_obs = obs_oft.fw_ot[oft_ind] moc_obs = obs_vol.moc[vol_ind] fw_sum_obs_lin, fw_sum_obs_label = linreg(moc_obs, fw_sum_obs, units='Sv/Sv') fw_gyre_obs_lin, fw_gyre_obs_label = linreg(moc_obs, fw_gyre_obs, units='Sv/Sv') fw_ot_obs_lin, fw_ot_obs_label = linreg(moc_obs, fw_ot_obs, units='Sv/Sv') plt.plot(moc_obs, fw_sum_obs, 'x', color='k', label='total %s' % fw_sum_obs_label) plt.plot(moc_obs, fw_ot_obs, 'x', color=c1, label='overturning %s' % fw_ot_obs_label) plt.plot(moc_obs, fw_gyre_obs, 'x', color=c2, label='gyre %s' % fw_gyre_obs_label) if fw_sum_obs_lin is not None: plt.plot(moc_obs, fw_sum_obs_lin, '-', color='k') plt.plot(moc_obs, fw_ot_obs_lin, '-', color=c1) plt.plot(moc_obs, fw_gyre_obs_lin, '-', color=c2) plt.xlabel('MOC (Sv)') plt.ylabel('Equivalent freshwater transport (Sv)') plt.title('MOC vs OFT in RAPID observations') plt.legend( loc='best', fontsize=8, ) # Save plot plt.tight_layout() savef = basename + 'moc_vs_freshwater_transports_at_26n.png' print 'SAVING: %s' % savef fig.savefig(savef, resolution=300) plt.close()
def plot_vol_vs_fw_transports(trans, basename='', name='simulated', obs_vol=None, obs_oft=None): """ Plot volume vs freshwater transport for RAPID components """ # Extract model variables from data objects dts = utils.get_ncdates(trans) fc = trans.variables['fc'][:] ek = trans.variables['ekman'][:] umo = trans.variables['umo'][:] fw_ek = trans.variables['fw_ek'][:] fw_fc = trans.variables['fw_fc'][:] fw_mo = trans.variables['fw_mo'][:] fw_fc_lin, fw_fc_label = linreg(fc, fw_fc, units='Sv/Sv') fw_ek_lin, fw_ek_label = linreg(ek, fw_ek, units='Sv/Sv') fw_mo_lin, fw_mo_label = linreg(umo, fw_mo, units='Sv/Sv') # Extract obs variables from data objects if (obs_vol is not None) and (obs_oft is not None): mindt, maxdt = utils.get_daterange(obs_vol.dates, obs_oft.dates) vol_ind = utils.get_dateind(obs_vol.dates, mindt, maxdt) oft_ind = utils.get_dateind(obs_oft.dates, mindt, maxdt) ek_obs = obs_vol.ekman[vol_ind] fc_obs = obs_vol.fc[vol_ind] umo_obs = obs_vol.umo[vol_ind] fw_ek_obs = obs_oft.fw_ek[oft_ind] fw_fc_obs = obs_oft.fw_fc[oft_ind] fw_mo_obs = obs_oft.fw_mo[oft_ind] fw_fc_obs_lin, fw_fc_obs_label = linreg(fc_obs, fw_fc_obs, units='Sv/Sv') fw_ek_obs_lin, fw_ek_obs_label = linreg(ek_obs, fw_ek_obs, units='Sv/Sv') fw_mo_obs_lin, fw_mo_obs_label = linreg(umo_obs, fw_mo_obs, units='Sv/Sv') # Plot ekman fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5)) fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 1) plt.plot(ek, fw_ek, 'x', color=c1, label='%s %s' % (name, fw_ek_label)) if fw_ek_lin is not None: plt.plot(ek, fw_ek_lin, '-', color=c1) if (obs_vol is not None) and (obs_oft is not None): plt.plot(ek_obs, fw_ek_obs, 'x', color='k', label='RAPID observations %s' % fw_ek_obs_label) if fw_ek_obs_lin is not None: plt.plot(ek_obs, fw_ek_obs_lin, '-', color='k') plt.xlabel('Volume transport (Sv)') plt.ylabel('Equivalent freshwater transport (Sv)') plt.title('Ekman volume vs freshwater transport') plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=8) # Plot florida current fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 2) plt.plot(fc, fw_fc, 'x', color=c1, label='%s %s' % (name, fw_fc_label)) if fw_fc_lin is not None: plt.plot(fc, fw_fc_lin, '-', color=c1) if (obs_vol is not None) and (obs_oft is not None): plt.plot(fc_obs, fw_fc_obs, 'x', color='k', label='RAPID observations %s' % fw_fc_obs_label) if fw_fc_obs_lin is not None: plt.plot(fc_obs, fw_fc_obs_lin, '-', color='k') plt.xlabel('Volume transport (Sv)') plt.ylabel('Equivalent freshwater transport (Sv)') plt.title('Florida Current volume vs freshwater transport') plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=8) # Plot mid-ocean fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 3) plt.plot(umo, fw_mo, 'x', color=c1, label='%s %s' % (name, fw_mo_label)) if fw_mo_lin is not None: plt.plot(umo, fw_mo_lin, '-', color=c1) if (obs_vol is not None) and (obs_oft is not None): plt.plot(umo_obs, fw_mo_obs, 'x', color='k', label='RAPID observations %s' % fw_mo_obs_label) if fw_mo_obs_lin is not None: plt.plot(umo_obs, fw_mo_obs_lin, '-', color='k') plt.xlabel('Volume transport (Sv)') plt.ylabel('Equivalent freshwater transport (Sv)') plt.title('Mid-ocean volume vs freshwater transport') plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=8) # Save plot plt.tight_layout() savef = basename + 'volume_vs_freshwater_transports_at_26n.png' print 'SAVING: %s' % savef fig.savefig(savef, resolution=300) plt.close()