def build_ff_neural_net(nn_input,
     assert len(hidden_layers) == len(nonlinearity)
     name_scope = '%s/%s' % (scope_name, variable_name)
     h = nn_input
     n_hiddens = n_inputs
     n_hiddens_next = hidden_layers[0]
     for i in range(len(hidden_layers)):
         w = get_scope_variable(scope_name,
                                "%s/layer%d/weights" %
                                (variable_name, i),
                                shape=(n_hiddens, n_hiddens_next),
         b = get_scope_variable(scope_name,
                                "%s/layer%d/biases" %
                                (variable_name, i),
         if collect_summary:
             with tf.name_scope(name_scope + '/layer%d' % i):
                 with tf.name_scope('weights'):
                 with tf.name_scope('biases'):
                 with tf.name_scope('Wx_plus_b'):
                     pre_h = tf.matmul(h, w) + b
                     # Yunfei: dropout option is useless now
                     if dropout:
                         # if i == 0:
                         #     pre_h = tf.nn.dropout(tf.matmul(h,w), keep_prob=0.8) + b
                         # else:
                         pre_h = tf.nn.dropout(tf.matmul(h, w),
                                               keep_prob=dropout) + b
                     tf.summary.histogram('pre_activations', pre_h)
                 h = nonlinearity[i](pre_h, name='activation')
                 tf.summary.histogram('activations', h)
             pre_h = tf.matmul(h, w) + b
             h = nonlinearity[i](pre_h, name='activation')
         n_hiddens = hidden_layers[i]
         if i + 1 < len(hidden_layers):
             n_hiddens_next = hidden_layers[i + 1]
         if logit_weights is not None and i == len(hidden_layers) - 2:
             h *= logit_weights
     return h
Example #2
 def get_regularizer_loss(scope_name, variable_name):
     if params['dynamics_model']['regularization']['method'] in [
             None, ''
         return tf.constant(0.0, dtype=tf.float32)
     constant = params['dynamics_model']['regularization']['constant']
     regularizer = eval(
     hidden_layers = params['dynamics_model']['hidden_layers']
     reg_loss = 0.0
     for i in range(len(hidden_layers) + 1):
         w = get_scope_variable(
             scope_name, "%s/layer%d/weights" % (variable_name, i))
         b = get_scope_variable(
             scope_name, "%s/layer%d/biases" % (variable_name, i))
         reg_loss += regularizer(w) + regularizer(b)
     return constant * reg_loss
Example #3
def HMN_Batch(U, h_i, u_s_i, u_e_i, batch_size, scope = None, FLAGS = None, dropout_rate = 1, iter_number=-1):
    #U = tf.transpose(U_T)
    maxout_pooling_size = FLAGS.maxout_pooling_size
    #batch_size = FLAGS.train_batch_size
    max_sequence_length = FLAGS.max_sequence_length
    lstm_size = FLAGS.lstm_size
    scope = scope or tf.get_variable_scope()
    b_1 = ut.get_scope_variable(scope, 'hmn_b_1', [1, 1, lstm_size, maxout_pooling_size])
    B_1 = tf.tile(b_1, [batch_size,  max_sequence_length, 1, 1])
    w_1 = ut.get_scope_variable(scope, 'hmn_w_1', [maxout_pooling_size, lstm_size, 3 * lstm_size])
    w_d = ut.get_scope_variable(scope, 'hmn_w_d', [5*lstm_size, lstm_size])
    b_2 = ut.get_scope_variable(scope, 'hmn_b_2', [1, 1, maxout_pooling_size, lstm_size])
    B_2 = tf.tile(b_2, [batch_size,  max_sequence_length, 1, 1])
    w_2 = ut.get_scope_variable(scope, 'hmn_w_2', [maxout_pooling_size, lstm_size, lstm_size])
    b_3 = ut.get_scope_variable(scope, 'hmn_b_3', [1, 1, maxout_pooling_size])
    B_3 = tf.tile(b_3, [batch_size,  max_sequence_length, 1])
    w_3 = ut.get_scope_variable(scope, 'hmn_w_3', [maxout_pooling_size, 2 * lstm_size])
    #if iter_number == 4:
    #    tf.summary.histogram(scope + '/hmn_b_1', b_1)
    #    tf.summary.histogram(scope + '/hmn_w_1', w_1)
    #    tf.summary.histogram(scope + '/hmn_w_d', w_d)
    #    tf.summary.histogram(scope + '/hmn_w_3', w_3)
    # r is shape of (B, L)
    r = tf.tanh(tf.matmul(tf.concat([h_i, u_s_i, u_e_i], axis = 1), w_d));
    r = tf.reshape(r, [batch_size, 1, lstm_size])
    # R is shape (B, D, L)
    R = tf.tile(r, [1, max_sequence_length, 1])
    # m_1_1 is shape of (B, D, L, p)
    dropout_input_m_1 = tf.nn.dropout(tf.concat([U, R], axis = 2), dropout_rate)
    m_1_1 = tf.tensordot(dropout_input_m_1, tf.transpose(w_1), axes=[[2], [0]])
    # m_1_2 is shape of (B, D, L, p)
    m_1_2 = tf.add(m_1_1, B_1)
    # m_1 is shape of (B, D, L)
    m_1 = maxout(m_1_2, axis = 3 )
    # m_2_1 is shape of (B, D, p, L)
    dropout_input_m_2 = tf.nn.dropout(m_1, dropout_rate)
    m_2_1 = tf.tensordot(dropout_input_m_2, w_2, axes=[[2], [2]])
    m_2_2 = tf.add(m_2_1, B_2)
    # m_2 is shape of (B, D, L)
    m_2 = maxout(m_2_2, axis = 2 )
    # m_3_1 is shape of (B, D, p)
    dropout_input_m_3 = tf.nn.dropout(tf.concat([m_1, m_2], axis = 2), dropout_rate)
    m_3_1 = tf.tensordot(dropout_input_m_3, w_3, axes=[[2], [1]])
    m_3_2 = tf.add(m_3_1, B_3)
    m_3 = maxout(m_3_2, axis = 2)
    if iter_number == 3:
        tf.summary.histogram(scope + '/hmn_b_1', b_1)
        tf.summary.histogram(scope + '/hmn_w_1', w_1)
        tf.summary.histogram(scope + '/hmn_w_d', w_d)
        tf.summary.histogram(scope + '/hmn_w_3', w_3)
        tf.summary.histogram(scope + '/hmn_m_3', m_3)
    return m_3