Example #1
def test_referenceset():
    refstatsfile = get_testfile('cm-500pgun-ref-stats')
    refphylfile = get_testfile('cm-ref-phyl')

    r = Reference(['Acidobacterium capsulatum ATCC 51196', 'Acidobacterium capsulatum', 'Acidobacterium', 'Acidobacteriaceae', 'Acidobacteriales', 'Acidobacteriia', 'Acidobacteria', 'Fibrobacteres/Acidobacteria group', 'Bacteria', 'cellular organisms'])
    assert(r.phyl["life"] == "cellular organisms")

    refs = ReferenceSet(refphylfile, refstatsfile)
    # There are 59 references, all indexable by id, fasta name or strain name
    assert(len(refs) == 59)
    assert(len(refs.refs) == 177)

    # Every reference's full phylogeny is in the phyl dictionary attribute
    assert(refs.get("Acidobacterium capsulatum ATCC 51196").phyl["life"] == "cellular organisms")

    # The LCA of Shewanella baltica strains should be on the species level
    sh1 = refs.get("Shewanella_baltica_OS185")
    sh2 = refs.get("Shewanella_baltica_OS223,")
    assert(sh1.get_lca(sh1) == ('strain', 'Shewanella baltica OS185'))
    assert(sh1.get_lca(sh2) == ('species', 'Shewanella baltica'))

    # LCA of an Archaea and a Bacteria should be life
    ar = refs.get("Archaeoglobus_fulgidus_DSM_4304")
    th = refs.get("gi|222528057|ref|NC_012034.1|")
    assert(ar.get_lca(th) == ('life', 'cellular organisms'))

    # Highest LCA of Bacteria and Archaea is Life
    assert(ar.get_highest_lca([th, sh1, sh2]) == ('life', 'cellular organisms'))
    # Highest LCA of given bacteria is domain or superkingdom in NCBI naming
    assert(th.get_highest_lca([sh1, sh2]) == ('superkingdom', 'Bacteria'))
    assert(sh1.get_highest_lca([sh1]) == ('strain', 'Shewanella baltica OS185'))
Example #2
def test_read_contig_mappings():
    bamasm = get_testfile('cm-500pgun-asm-b2mv31-bam')
    contigfa = get_testfile('cm-500pgun-asm-b2mv31-fa')
    bamref = get_testfile('cm-500pgun-ref-bam')
    refstatsfile = get_testfile('cm-500pgun-ref-stats')
    refphylfile = get_testfile('cm-ref-phyl')

    refs = ReferenceSet(refphylfile, refstatsfile)
    reads, contigs = get_read_contig_mappings(bamref, bamasm, refs, contigfa)
Example #3
def test_assemblyvalidation():
    bamasm = get_testfile('cm-500pgun-asm-b2mv31-bam')
    contigfa = get_testfile('cm-500pgun-asm-b2mv31-fa')
    bamref = get_testfile('cm-500pgun-ref-bam')
    refstatsfile = get_testfile('cm-500pgun-ref-stats')
    refphylfile = get_testfile('cm-ref-phyl')
    nucmercoords = get_testfile('cm-500pgun-val-nucmer')

    val = AssemblyValidation(bamref, bamasm, refphylfile, refstatsfile, contigfa, nucmercoords)
    assert(len(val.contigs) == int(get_shell_output("grep -c '^>' " + contigfa)[0]))

    make_dir(get_outdir() + "masm")
    val.write_contig_purity(get_outdir() + "masm" + "/contig-purity.tsv")
    val.write_general_stats(get_outdir() + "masm" + "/asm-stats.tsv")
    val.write_genome_contig_cov(get_outdir() + "masm" + "/genome-contig-coverage.tsv")