Example #1
def train_gd(a: np.array, b: np.array, a_test: np.array, b_test: np.array,
             T: int, alpha: float):
    # add a column of ones to the input data, to avoid having to define an explicit bias in our weights
    a = np.concatenate([a, np.ones((len(a), 1))], axis=1)
    a_test = np.concatenate([a_test, np.ones((len(a_test), 1))], axis=1)
    n, d = a.shape

    # the weights of our SVM classifier
    x = np.zeros(d)

    logger = Logger(algo_tag=rf"GD - $\alpha={alpha}$")
    for t in tqdm(range(1, T + 1)):
        # log our results (before training, to match plots from the class)
        k = max(int(np.log10(t)), 0)
        if t % int(10**k) == 1 or t < 10:
                loss=hinge_loss(a, b, x, alpha),
                train_err=error(a, b, x),
                test_err=error(a_test, b_test, x),

        if alpha == 0:
            # our problem is simply convex (as the hinge loss is a convex function)
            eta_t = 1 / np.sqrt(t)
            # thanks to the regularization, our problem is alpha strongly convex
            # eta_t = 2 / (alpha * (t + 1))
            eta_t = 1 / (alpha * t)

        grad = hinge_loss_grad(a, b, x, alpha)
        x = x - eta_t * grad

    return x, logger
Example #2
def train_ons(
    a: np.array,
    b: np.array,
    a_test: np.array,
    b_test: np.array,
    T: int,
    gamma: float,
    alpha: float,
    radius: float,
    # add a column of ones to the input data, to avoid having to define an explicit bias in our weights
    a = np.concatenate([a, np.ones((len(a), 1))], axis=1)
    a_test = np.concatenate([a_test, np.ones((len(a_test), 1))], axis=1)
    n, d = a.shape

    # the weights of our SVM classifier
    # x is the averaged weights (online to batch conversion)
    x_avg = np.zeros(d)
    x = np.zeros(d)
    y = np.zeros(d)
    A = 1 / gamma**2 * np.eye(d)
    A_inv = gamma**2 * np.eye(d)

    logger = Logger(
        algo_tag=rf"ONS - $\alpha = {alpha} - \gamma = {gamma} - z={radius}$")
    I = np.random.randint(0, n, T)
    for t in tqdm(range(1, T + 1)):
        # pick random sample
        i = I[t - 1]
        a_, b_ = a[i][np.newaxis, :], np.array([b[i]])

        # log our results (before training, to match plots from the class)
        k = max(int(np.log10(t)), 0)
        if t % int(10**k) == 0 or t < 10:
                loss=hinge_loss(a, b, x_avg, alpha),
                train_err=error(a, b, x_avg),
                test_err=error(a_test, b_test, x_avg),

        grad = hinge_loss_grad(a_, b_, x, alpha)
        gg = np.outer(grad, grad)
        assert gg.shape == (d, d)
        A += gg
        num = A_inv.dot(gg).dot(A_inv)
        denum = 1 + grad.dot(A_inv).dot(grad)
        A_inv -= num / denum

        y = x - 1 / gamma * A_inv.dot(grad)
        x, d_0, theta = l1_ball_proj_weighted(y, radius, np.diag(A))

        # averaging
        x_avg = (x_avg * (t - 1) + x) / t

    return x, logger
Example #3
def train_sreg_pm(
    a: np.array,
    b: np.array,
    a_test: np.array,
    b_test: np.array,
    T: int,
    radius: float,
    a = np.concatenate([a, np.ones((len(a), 1))], axis=1)
    a_test = np.concatenate([a_test, np.ones((len(a_test), 1))], axis=1)
    n, d = a.shape

    x_avg = np.zeros(d)
    x = np.zeros(d)
    w = np.ones(2 * d) / (2 * d)
    directions = np.arange(d)
    I = np.random.randint(0, n, T)
    logger = Logger(algo_tag=rf"SREG $\pm$ proj - $z={radius}$")
    for t in tqdm(range(1, T + 1)):
        direction = random.choices(directions,
                                   weights=0.5 * (w[:d] + w[d:]))[0]
        # pick random sample
        i = I[t - 1]
        a_, b_ = a[i][np.newaxis, :], np.array([b[i]])

        # log our results (before training, to match plots from the class)
        k = max(int(np.log10(t)), 0)
        if t % int(10**k) == 1 or t < 10:
                loss=hinge_loss(a, b, x_avg, 0),
                train_err=error(a, b, x_avg),
                test_err=error(a_test, b_test, x_avg),

        eta_t = 1 / np.sqrt(t)

        grad = hinge_loss_grad_partial(a_, b_, x, 0, direction)

        if grad > 0:
            if abs(w[direction]) > 1e-9:
                w[direction] = np.exp(
                    -eta_t * grad / w[direction]) * w[direction]
            if abs(w[direction + d]) > 1e-9:
                w[direction + d] = (np.exp(eta_t * grad / w[direction + d]) *
                                    w[direction + d])

        w = w / np.sum(w)

        x = radius * (w[:d] - w[d:])

        # averaging
        x_avg = (x_avg * (t - 1) + x) / t

    return x, logger
Example #4
def train_sgd_proj(
    a: np.array,
    b: np.array,
    a_test: np.array,
    b_test: np.array,
    T: int,
    alpha: float,
    radius: float,
    # add a column of ones to the input data, to avoid having to define an explicit bias in our weights
    a = np.concatenate([a, np.ones((len(a), 1))], axis=1)
    a_test = np.concatenate([a_test, np.ones((len(a_test), 1))], axis=1)
    n, d = a.shape

    # x_avg is the averaged weights (online to batch conversion)
    # x is weight (online version)
    x_avg = np.zeros(d)
    x = np.zeros(d)

    logger = Logger(algo_tag=rf"SGDproj - $\alpha={alpha} - z={radius}$")

    I = np.random.randint(0, n, T)
    for t in tqdm(range(1, T + 1)):
        # pick random sample
        i = I[t - 1]
        a_, b_ = a[i][np.newaxis, :], np.array([b[i]])

        # log our results (before training, to match plots from the class)
        k = max(int(np.log10(t)), 0)
        if t % int(10**k) == 1 or t < 10:
                loss=hinge_loss(a, b, x_avg, alpha),
                train_err=error(a, b, x_avg),
                test_err=error(a_test, b_test, x_avg),

        if alpha == 0:
            # our problem is convex (as the hinge loss is a convex function)
            eta_t = 1 / np.sqrt(t)
            # eta_t = 2 / (alpha * t)
            eta_t = 1 / (alpha * t)

        grad = hinge_loss_grad(a_, b_, x, alpha)

        x = x - eta_t * grad
        x, d_0, theta = l1_ball_proj(x, radius)

        # averaging
        x_avg = (x_avg * (t - 1) + x) / t

    return x_avg, logger
Example #5
def train_seg_pm(
    a: np.array,
    b: np.array,
    a_test: np.array,
    b_test: np.array,
    T: int,
    radius: float,
    # add a column of ones to the input data, to avoid having to define an explicit bias in our weights
    a = np.concatenate([a, np.ones((len(a), 1))], axis=1)
    a_test = np.concatenate([a_test, np.ones((len(a_test), 1))], axis=1)
    n, d = a.shape

    # the weights of our SVM classifier
    # x is the averaged weights (online to batch conversion)
    x_avg = np.zeros(d)
    x = np.zeros(d)
    theta = np.zeros(2 * d)
    w = np.zeros(2 * d)

    logger = Logger(algo_tag=rf"Seg +- proj - $z={radius}$")
    I = np.random.randint(0, n, T)
    for t in tqdm(range(1, T + 1)):
        # pick random sample
        i = I[t - 1]
        a_, b_ = a[i][np.newaxis, :], np.array([b[i]])

        # log our results (before training, to match plots from the class)
        k = max(int(np.log10(t)), 0)
        if t % int(10**k) == 1 or t < 10:
                loss=hinge_loss(a, b, x_avg, 0),
                train_err=error(a, b, x_avg),
                test_err=error(a_test, b_test, x_avg),

        eta_t = 1 / np.sqrt(t)

        grad = hinge_loss_grad(a_, b_, x, 0)

        theta[:d] = theta[:d] - eta_t * grad
        theta[d:] = theta[d:] + eta_t * grad

        w = softmax(theta)

        x = radius * (w[:d] - w[d:])

        # averaging
        x_avg = (x_avg * (t - 1) + x) / t

    return x, logger
Example #6
def train_adagrad(
    a: np.array,
    b: np.array,
    a_test: np.array,
    b_test: np.array,
    T: int,
    radius: float,
    # add a column of ones to the input data, to avoid having to define an explicit bias in our weights
    a = np.concatenate([a, np.ones((len(a), 1))], axis=1)
    a_test = np.concatenate([a_test, np.ones((len(a_test), 1))], axis=1)
    n, d = a.shape

    # the weights of our SVM classifier
    # x is the averaged weights (online to batch conversion)
    x_avg = np.zeros(d)
    x = np.zeros(d)
    y = np.zeros(d)
    DELTA = 1e-5
    S = np.ones(d) * DELTA

    logger = Logger(algo_tag=rf"Adagrad - $z={radius}$")
    I = np.random.randint(0, n, T)
    for t in tqdm(range(1, T + 1)):
        # pick random sample
        i = I[t - 1]
        a_, b_ = a[i][np.newaxis, :], np.array([b[i]])

        # log our results (before training, to match plots from the class)
        k = max(int(np.log10(t)), 0)
        if t % int(10**k) == 1 or t < 10:
                loss=hinge_loss(a, b, x_avg, 0),
                train_err=error(a, b, x_avg),
                test_err=error(a_test, b_test, x_avg),

        grad = hinge_loss_grad(a_, b_, x, 0)
        S += grad**2

        D = np.diag(np.sqrt(S))
        D_inv = np.diag(1 / np.sqrt(S))

        y = x - D_inv.dot(grad)
        x, d_0, theta = l1_ball_proj_weighted(y, radius, np.diag(D))

        # averaging
        x_avg = (x_avg * (t - 1) + x) / t

    return x, logger
Example #7
def train_hogwild(
    a: np.array,
    b: np.array,
    a_test: np.array,
    b_test: np.array,
    T: int,
    alpha: float,
    K: int,
    beta: float,
    theta: float,
    n_processes: int,
    sequential: bool,
    seed: int,
    a = np.concatenate([a, np.ones((len(a), 1))], axis=1)
    a_test = np.concatenate([a_test, np.ones((len(a_test), 1))], axis=1)
    n, d = a.shape

    # create x using a shared memory, so that all processes can write to it
    x_memmap = os.path.join(folder, f'x_{datetime.now().strftime("%H%M%S")}')
    x = np.memmap(x_memmap, dtype=a.dtype, shape=d, mode="w+")

    print(f"Training hogwild with seed {seed}")
    if use_logger:
        logger = Logger(
            rf"Hogwild {'seq' if sequential else f'n_jobs={n_processes}'}- $K={K}$"

    t0 = perf_counter_ns()
    t = 1
    eta_t = theta / alpha
    while t <= T:
        if use_logger:
                loss=hinge_loss(a, b, x, alpha),
                train_err=error(a, b, x),
                test_err=error(a_test, b_test, x),
                time_elapsed=(perf_counter_ns() - t0) / 1e9,

        # don't do more steps than necessary
        if t + K * n_processes < T:
            steps_per_processor = K
            steps_per_processor = int((T - t) / n_processes)
        indices = [
            np.random.randint(0, n, steps_per_processor)
            for p in range(n_processes)
        if sequential:
            # mimic Hogwild without multiprocessing (similar to SGD)
            for I_p in indices:
                train_epoch_hogwild(x, a, b, I_p, eta_t, alpha)
            Parallel(n_jobs=n_processes, verbose=0)(
                delayed(train_epoch_hogwild)(x, a, b, I_p, eta_t, alpha)
                for I_p in indices)

        # increase the number of steps and decrease the learning rate
        K = int(K / beta)
        eta_t = beta * eta_t  # original learning rate from the paper
        t += steps_per_processor

    dt = (perf_counter_ns() - t0) / 1e9  # execution time in sec
    if use_logger:
            loss=hinge_loss(a, b, x, alpha),
            train_err=error(a, b, x),
            test_err=error(a_test, b_test, x),
        return x, logger
        return dt, t, error(a_test, b_test, x)
Example #8
def train_sgd(
    a: np.array,
    b: np.array,
    a_test: np.array,
    b_test: np.array,
    T: int,
    alpha: float,
    # add a column of ones to the input data, to avoid having to define an explicit bias in our weights
    a = np.concatenate([a, np.ones((len(a), 1))], axis=1)
    a_test = np.concatenate([a_test, np.ones((len(a_test), 1))], axis=1)
    n, d = a.shape

    # x_avg is the averaged weights (online to batch conversion)
    # x is weight (online version)
    x_avg = np.zeros(d)
    x = np.zeros(d)

    if use_logger:
        logger = Logger(algo_tag=rf"SGD - {'x_avg' if return_avg else 'x_T'}")

    t0 = perf_counter_ns()

    I = np.random.randint(0, n, T)
    for t in tqdm(range(1, T + 1)):
        # pick random sample
        i = I[t - 1]
        a_, b_ = a[i][np.newaxis, :], np.array([b[i]])

        if alpha == 0:
            # our problem is convex (as the hinge loss is a convex function)
            eta_t = 1 / np.sqrt(t)
            eta_t = 1 / (alpha * t)

        # log our results (before training, to match plots from the class)
        k = max(int(np.log10(t)), 0)
        if (t % int(10**k) == 1 or t < 10) and use_logger:
                loss=hinge_loss(a, b, x_avg, alpha),
                train_err=error(a, b, x_avg),
                test_err=error(a_test, b_test, x_avg),
                time_elapsed=(perf_counter_ns() - t0) / 1e9,

        grad = hinge_loss_grad(a_, b_, x, alpha)

        x = x - eta_t * grad

        # averaging
        if return_avg:
            x_avg = (x_avg * (t - 1) + x) / t
            x_avg = x

    dt = (perf_counter_ns() - t0) / 1e9  # execution time in sec
    if use_logger:
        return x_avg, logger
        return dt, T, error(a_test, b_test, x)