def locdir_at(self, phi, theta, psi, row, col, alt=0, geo=True):
        Given the satellite attitude, computes lon, lat of point row, col, alt.

            phi, theta, psi: attitude angles of the satellite camera
            row, col: pixel coordinates in the image plane
            alt: altitude of the 3d point above the Earth surface
            geo: boolean flag telling whether to return geographic
                coordinates or Cartesian coordinates.

            geographic coordinates (lon, lat), or Cartesian coordinates
            (x, y, z). Cartesian coordinates are computed with respect to the
            orbital frame.
        # first compute coordinates of the 3-space point in the orbital frame
        orbital_to_camera = utils.rotation_3d('xyz', phi, theta, psi)
        v =, self.instrument.sight_vector(col))
        c = np.array([0, 0, self.orbit.radius])
        r = PhysicalConstants.earth_radius + alt
        p = utils.intersect_line_and_sphere(v, c, r)
        if not geo:
            return p

        # then convert them to lon, lat, using t to get the satellite position
        if p is None:
            return p
            t = row * self.instrument.dwell_time
            mat_t_ol = self.rotational_to_orbital(t)
            return utils.lon_lat(, -c + p))
    def target_point_orbital_frame(self, a, b, alt=0):
        Computes orbital coordinates of the ground point targeted by the

            a: sight direction angle about the x axis of orbital frame, degrees
            b: angle about the y axis of orbital frame, degrees
            alt: altitude of the ground above the sphere

            numpy 1x3 array with the coordinates in the orbital frame
        # Earth center position in the orbital frame
        c = np.array([0, 0, self.radius])

        # coordinates of the vector defined by angles a, b and coordinate z=1
        # in the orbital frame
        a_rad = a * np.pi/180
        b_rad = b * np.pi/180
        v = np.array([np.tan(b_rad), -np.tan(a_rad), 1])

        # intersection of the line directed by v with the Earth
        r = PhysicalConstants.earth_radius + alt
        return utils.intersect_line_and_sphere(v, c, r)
    def locdir_at(self, phi, theta, psi, row, col, alt=0, geo=True):
        Given the satellite attitude, computes lon, lat of point row, col, alt.

            phi, theta, psi: attitude angles of the satellite camera
            row, col: pixel coordinates in the image plane
            alt: altitude of the 3d point above the Earth surface
            geo: boolean flag telling whether to return geographic
                coordinates or Cartesian coordinates.

            geographic coordinates (lon, lat), or Cartesian coordinates
            (x, y, z). Cartesian coordinates are computed with respect to the
            orbital frame.
        # first compute coordinates of the 3-space point in the orbital frame
        orbital_to_camera = utils.rotation_3d('xyz', phi, theta, psi)
        v =, self.instrument.sight_vector(col))
        c = np.array([0, 0, self.orbit.radius])
        r = PhysicalConstants.earth_radius + alt
        p = utils.intersect_line_and_sphere(v, c, r)
        if not geo:
            return p

        # then convert them to lon, lat, using t to get the satellite position
        if p is None:
            return p
            t = row * self.instrument.dwell_time
            mat_t_ol = self.rotational_to_orbital(t)
            return utils.lon_lat(, -c + p))
    def target_point_orbital_frame(self, a, b, alt=0):
        Computes orbital coordinates of the ground point targeted by the

            a: sight direction angle about the x axis of orbital frame, degrees
            b: angle about the y axis of orbital frame, degrees
            alt: altitude of the ground above the sphere

            numpy 1x3 array with the coordinates in the orbital frame
        # Earth center position in the orbital frame
        c = np.array([0, 0, self.radius])

        # coordinates of the vector defined by angles a, b and coordinate z=1
        # in the orbital frame
        a_rad = a * np.pi / 180
        b_rad = b * np.pi / 180
        v = np.array([np.tan(b_rad), -np.tan(a_rad), 1])

        # intersection of the line directed by v with the Earth
        r = PhysicalConstants.earth_radius + alt
        return utils.intersect_line_and_sphere(v, c, r)
    def pixel_projection_width(self, m, x=0, y=0):
        Computes the width of the projection of a pixel on the ground.

            m: numpy 3x3 array representing the change of
               coordinates matrix between orbital frame and camera frame
            x, y (optional, default is 0, 0): coordinates of the pixel in the
                image plane

            width, in meters, of the projection of the pixel on the ground, in
            the pushbroom direction (orthogonal to the pushbroom movement)
        # pixel width and focal length in mm
        w = self.instrument.w_pix * 0.001
        f = self.instrument.focal * 1000

        # direction of the camera, expressed in the orbital frame
        v =, np.array([-x, -y, f]))

        # intersection of the line directed by v with the Earth
        c = np.array([0, 0, self.orbit.radius])
        r = PhysicalConstants.earth_radius
        p = utils.intersect_line_and_sphere(v, c, r)

        # normal to the tangent plane to the Earth at the intersection point p
        n = p - c

        # projection of the left and right borders of the pixel on the ground
        v1 =, np.array([-(x + .5*w), -y, f]))
        v2 =, np.array([-(x - .5*w), -y, f]))
        p1 = utils.intersect_line_and_plane(v1, p, n)
        p2 = utils.intersect_line_and_plane(v2, p, n)

        return np.linalg.norm(p1 - p2)
    def pixel_projection_width(self, m, x=0, y=0):
        Computes the width of the projection of a pixel on the ground.

            m: numpy 3x3 array representing the change of
               coordinates matrix between orbital frame and camera frame
            x, y (optional, default is 0, 0): coordinates of the pixel in the
                image plane

            width, in meters, of the projection of the pixel on the ground, in
            the pushbroom direction (orthogonal to the pushbroom movement)
        # pixel width and focal length in mm
        w = self.instrument.w_pix * 0.001
        f = self.instrument.focal * 1000

        # direction of the camera, expressed in the orbital frame
        v =, np.array([-x, -y, f]))

        # intersection of the line directed by v with the Earth
        c = np.array([0, 0, self.orbit.radius])
        r = PhysicalConstants.earth_radius
        p = utils.intersect_line_and_sphere(v, c, r)

        # normal to the tangent plane to the Earth at the intersection point p
        n = p - c

        # projection of the left and right borders of the pixel on the ground
        v1 =, np.array([-(x + .5 * w), -y, f]))
        v2 =, np.array([-(x - .5 * w), -y, f]))
        p1 = utils.intersect_line_and_plane(v1, p, n)
        p2 = utils.intersect_line_and_plane(v2, p, n)

        return np.linalg.norm(p1 - p2)