def is_empty(self):
     >>> r = Output()
     >>> r.is_empty()
     return is_empty_dictionary(self.dictionary)
    def to_string(self, dictionary = None):
        """to_string for output object

        We can't use the parent's to_string, because output's element is list, when inputout's
        element is Context

        if dictionary is None:
            dictionary = self.dictionary
            dictionary = self.actual_sent_dictionary

        if is_empty_dictionary(dictionary):
            return "{}"
        return "%s" % dictionary
    def set_dictionary(self, dictionary):
        >>> o = Output()
        >>> o.set_dictionary({1:[[],[]]})
        >>> o.get_dictionary() == {}
        >>> o.set_dictionary({})
        >>> o.get_dictionary() == {}
        >>> o.set_dictionary({1:[[1],[]]})
        >>> o.get_dictionary() == {1:[[1],[]]}
        # You can set {} to the output dictionary, but as long as it's not empty the input should be in standard form
        if dictionary != {}:
            assert is_dictionary_standard(dictionary), "dictionary is not in standard form %s" % dictionary

        # When dictionary is empty, make it explicitly null
        if is_empty_dictionary(dictionary):
            dictionary = {}

        self.dictionary = dictionary
        self.actual_sent_dictionary = {}
 def to_string(self):
     result = {}
     for i, value in self.dictionary.items():
         result[i] = contexts_to_standard(value)
     if is_empty_dictionary(result): return "{}"
     return str(result)