Example #1
    def __init__(self, name='Custom', ID='', width=612, height=792, margins=None, printer=None):
        '''New L{PaperCustom} from paper attributes.

           @raise TypeError: Invalid I{margins} or I{printer}.
        h = float(height)
        w = float(width)

        z = 'x'.join(map(zfstr, (w, h)))
        if name:
            n = str(name)
            i = str(ID) or '%s %s' % (name, z)
            n = z
            i = str(ID) or z

        if margins is None:
            m = PaperMargins()
        elif isinstanceOf(margins, PaperMargins, name='margins'):
            m = PaperMargins(margins)

        if printer is None:
            p = get_printer()
        elif isinstanceOf(printer, Printer, name='printer'):
            p = printer

        pm = PMPaper_t()
        self._libPCcall(libPC.PMPaperCreateCustom, p, NSStr(n),
                              NSStr(i), w, h, m, byref(pm))
        Paper.__init__(self, pm)
Example #2
 def app(self, app):
     '''Set the app.
     if app not in (None,):
         from apps import App
         isinstanceOf(app, App, name='app')
     self._app = app
Example #3
    def append(self, menu):
        '''Add a menu to this app's menu bar.

           @param menu: The menu to add (L{Menu}).

           @note: The first menu item of the bar menu is provided by default.
        isinstanceOf(menu, Menu, name='menu')

        if self._menubar is None:
            # create the menu bar, once
            b = MenuBar(app=self)
            m = Menu(title=self.title)
            m.append(  # note key modifier cmd=True is the default
                Item('Full ' + 'Screen', key='f',
                     ctrl=True),  # Ctrl-Cmd-F, Esc to exit
                Item('Hide ' + self.title, self.menuHide_, key='h'),  # Cmd-H
                Item('Hide Others', self.menuOther_, key='h',
                     alt=True),  # Alt-Cmd-H
                Item('Quit ' + self.title, self.menuTerminate_,
                     key='q'),  # Cmd-Q
            self._menubar = b

Example #4
def get_selectornameof(sel):
    '''Get the name of an ObjC selector.

       @param sel: The selector (L{SEL_t}).

       @return: The selector name (C{str}) if found, C{""} otherwise.
    isinstanceOf(sel, SEL_t, name='sel')
    return bytes2str(libobjc.sel_getName(sel)) or ''
Example #5
 def NS(self, ns):
     '''Set the ObjC instance (C{NS...}).
     if not isNone(ns):  # see also .nstypes.nsOf
         isinstanceOf(ns, ObjCInstance, c_struct_t, ObjC_t, name='ns')
     elif isinstanceOf(self.NS, ObjCInstance):
         # self.NS.release()
     self._NS = ns
Example #6
 def __eq__(self, other):
     isinstanceOf(other, _Types.List, Tuple, list, tuple, name='other')
     if len(self) == len(other):
         for s, o in zip(self, other):
             if o != s:
             return True
     return False
Example #7
    def init(self, window):
        '''Initialize the allocated C{NSWindowDelegate}.

           @note: I{MUST} be called as C{.alloc().init(...)}.
        isinstanceOf(window, Window, name='window')
        #       self = ObjCInstance(send_message('NSObject', 'alloc'))
        self = ObjCInstance(send_super_init(self))
        self.window = window
        return self
Example #8
    def init(self, app):
        '''Initialize the allocated C{NSApplicationDelegate}.

           @note: I{MUST} be called as C{.alloc().init(...)}.
        isinstanceOf(app, App, name='app')
        #       self = ObjCInstance(send_message('NSObject', 'alloc'))
        self = ObjCInstance(send_super_init(self))
        self.app = app
        return self
Example #9
def get_superclass(clas):
    '''Get the ObjC super-class of an ObjC class.

       @param clas: The class (L{Class_t}).

       @return: The super-class (L{Class_t}), None otherwise.
    isinstanceOf(clas, Class_t, name='clas')
        supr = _super_cache[clas.value]
    except KeyError:
        supr = libobjc.class_getSuperclass(clas) or None
        _super_cache[clas.value] = supr
    return supr
Example #10
    def __init__(self, name_ns_pm=None):
        '''New L{Printer} from a printer name (C{str}), C{NSPrinter} or C{PMPrinter}.

           @raise TypeError: Invalid I{name_ns_pm}.

           @raise PrintError: No printer with name I{name_ns_pm}.
        if not name_ns_pm:  # generic printer
            _PM_Type0.__init__(self, PMPrinter_t())
            pm = self.PM
            ns = _nsPrinter('Generic', pm)

        elif isinstance(name_ns_pm, _Strs):
            for p in get_printers():
                if p.name == name_ns_pm:
                    pm = p.PM
                    ns = _nsPrinter(p.name, pm)
                raise PrintError('no such %s: %r' % (Printer.__name__, name_ns_pm))

        elif isinstanceOf(name_ns_pm, PMPrinter_t):
            pm = name_ns_pm
            ns = _nsPrinter(cfString2str(libPC.PMPrinterGetName(pm)), pm)

        elif isObjCInstanceOf(name_ns_pm, NSPrinter, name='name_ns_pm'):
            ns = name_ns_pm
            # special method name due to leading underscore
            pm = send_message(ns, '_printer', restype=PMPrinter_t)

        _PM_Type0.__init__(self, pm)
        self._NS = ns  # _RO
Example #11
def nsLog(ns_fmt, *ns_args):
    '''Formatted ObjC write to the console.

       @param ns_fmt: A printf-like format string (L{NSStr}).
       @param ns_args: Optional arguments to format (C{all positional}).

       @note: The I{ns_fmt} and all I{ns_args} must be C{NS...} ObjC
    if isinstanceOf(ns_fmt, NSStr, name='ns_fmt'):
        for n, ns in enumerate(ns_args):
            if not isinstance(ns, (ObjCInstance, c_void_p)):
                n = 'ns_arg[%s]' % (n, )  # raise error
                if not isinstanceOf(ns, ObjCInstance, name=n):
        else:  # XXX all ns_fmt %-types should be %@?
            libFoundation.NSLog(ns_fmt, *ns_args)  # variadic, printf-like
Example #12
 def point(self, point):
     if isinstance(point, (tuple, list)):
         if len(point) != 2:
             raise ValueError('invalid %s: %r' % ('point', point))
         self.NS = NSPoint_t(*point)
     elif isinstance(point, Point):
         self.NS = point.NS
     elif isinstanceOf(point, NSPoint_t, name='point'):
         self.NS = point
Example #13
    def update(self, *other, **kwds):
        '''Update, like C{dict.update}, except I{other} must be a C{dict},
           L{Dict} or L{FrozenDict}.

           @raise TypeError: Invalid type of I{other}.

           @see: <http://Docs.Python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#dict.update>
        other, kwds = _dict_kwds(other, kwds, 'other')
        if other:
            if isinstanceOf(other, Dict, FrozenDict):
            elif isObjCInstanceOf(other, NSMutableDictionary, NSDictionary):
            elif isinstanceOf(other, dict, name='other'):
                for k, v in other.items():
                    self[k] = v  # self.__setitem__
        for k, v in kwds.items():
            self[k] = v  # self.__setitem__
Example #14
def nsLogf(fmt, *args):
    '''Formatted write to the console.

       @param fmt: A printf-like format string (C{str}).
       @param args: Optional arguments to format (C{all positional}).
    if isinstanceOf(fmt, _ByteStrs, name='fmt'):
        if args:
            fmt %= args
        libFoundation.NSLog(NSStr(fmt))  # variadic, printf-like
Example #15
def _printers(printers):
    '''(INTERNAL) Printer generator.
    if not printers:
        printers = (get_printer(),)
    elif not libPC:
    for p in printers:
        if isinstanceOf(p, Printer, name='printers'):
            yield p
Example #16
    def localname(self, printer=None):
        '''Get the paper's localized name for a printer (C{str}).

           @raise TypeError: Invalid I{printer}.
        if not printer:
            pm = get_printer().PM
        elif isinstanceOf(printer, Printer, name='printer'):
            pm = printer.PM
        return self._2str(libPC.PMPaperCreateLocalizedName, pm)
Example #17
def set2NS(py):
    '''Create an C{NSMutableSet} instance from a Python C{set}.

       @param py: The value (C{set}).

       @return: The ObjC instance (C{NSMutableSet}).

       @raise RuntimeError: If C{len} vs C{count} assertion failed.
    if isinstanceOf(py, set, name='py'):
        return _set2NS(py)
Example #18
def generator2NS(py):
    '''Create an C{NSArray} instance from a Python C{generator}.

       @param py: The value (C{generator}).

       @return: The ObjC instance (C{NSArray}).

       @raise RuntimeError: If C{len} vs C{count} assertion failed.
    if isinstanceOf(py, _Generator, name='py'):
        return tuple2NS(tuple(py))
Example #19
def float2NS(py):
    '''Create an C{NSNumber} instance from a Python C{float} or C{int}.

       @param py: The value (C{float} or C{int}).

       @return: The ObjC instance (C{NSDouble}).

       @raise TypeError: If C{py} not a C{float} or C{int}.
    if isinstanceOf(py, float, *_Ints, name='py'):
        return NSDouble(float(py))
Example #20
 def size(self, size):
     '''Set the size (L{Size}, C{list}, C{tuple} or C{NSSize_t}).
     if isinstance(size, (tuple, list)):
         if len(size) != 2:
             raise ValueError('invalid %s: %r' % ('size', size))
         self.NS = NSSize_t(*size)
     elif isinstance(size, Size):
         self.NS = size.NS
     elif isinstanceOf(size, NSSize_t, name='size'):
         self.NS = size
Example #21
def tuple2NS(py):
    '''Create an immutable C{NSArray} instance from a Python C{tuple}.

       @param py: The value (C{tuple}).

       @return: The ObjC instance (C{NSArray}).

       @raise RuntimeError: If C{len} vs C{count} assertion failed.
    if isinstanceOf(py, tuple, list, name='py'):
        return _len2NS(py, NSArray.alloc().initWithArray_(_list2NS(py)),
Example #22
def _nsPrinter(name, pm):
    '''(INTERNAL) New C{NSPrinter} instance.
    if isinstanceOf(pm, PMPrinter_t, name='pm'):  # NSStr(name)
        ns = send_message('NSPrinter', 'alloc', restype=Id_t)
        # _initWithName:printer:(Id_t, Id_t, SEL_t, Id_t, LP_Struct_t)
        # requires special selector handling due to leading underscore
        ns = send_message(ns, '_initWithName:printer:', NSStr(name), pm,
                          restype=Id_t, argtypes=[Id_t, PMPrinter_t])
        ns = None
    return ns
Example #23
def frozenset2NS(py):
    '''Create an (immutable) C{NSSet} instance from a Python C{frozenset}.

       @param py: The value (C{frozenset}).

       @return: The ObjC instance (C{NSSet}).

       @raise RuntimeError: If C{len} vs C{count} assertion failed.
    if isinstanceOf(py, frozenset, set, name='py'):
        return _len2NS(py, NSSet.alloc().initWithSet_(_set2NS(py)),
Example #24
 def rect(self, rect):
     '''Set the rect (L{Rect}, C{list}, C{tuple} or C{NSRect[4]_t}).
     if isinstance(rect, (tuple, list)):
         if len(rect) == 2:  # assume (w, h)
             rect = (self._x, self._y) + tuple(rect)
         elif len(rect) != 4:
             raise ValueError('invalid %s: %r' % ('rect', rect))
         self.NS = NSRect4_t(*rect)
     elif isinstance(rect, Rect):
         self.NS = rect.NS
     elif isinstanceOf(rect, NSRect_t, name='rect'):
         self.NS = rect
Example #25
    def __new__(cls, ns_str=''):
        '''New L{Str} from C{str}, L{Str} or C{NSStr[ing]}.
        if isinstance(ns_str, Str):
            return ns_str
        elif isinstance(ns_str, _Strs):
            ns, py = str2NS(ns_str), ns_str
        elif isinstanceOf(ns_str, NSStr, name='ns_str'):
            ns, py = ns_str, nsString2str(ns_str)

        self = super(Str, cls).__new__(cls, py)
        self._NS = ns  # _RO
        return self
Example #26
    def size2(self, bstr):
        '''Get the size of a string.

           @param bstr: The string (C{str}, C{bytes} or L{Str}).

           @return: 2-Tuple (width, height) in (C{float} or C{int}).
        if isinstance(bstr, Str):
            ns = bstr.NS
        elif isinstance(bstr, _ByteStrs):
            ns = release(NSStr(bstr))
        elif isinstanceOf(bstr, NSStr, name='bstr'):
            ns = bstr
        return flint(self.NS.widthOfString_(ns)), self.height
Example #27
def get_classname(clas, dflt=missing):
    '''Get the name of an ObjC class.

       @param clas: The class (L{Class_t}).

       @return: The class name (C{str}).

       @raise ValueError: Invalid I{clas}, iff no I{dflt} provided.
    if clas and isinstanceOf(clas, Class_t, name='clas'):
        return bytes2str(libobjc.class_getName(clas))
    if dflt is missing:
        raise ValueError('no such %s: %r' % ('Class', clas))
    return dflt
Example #28
def bytes2NS(py):
    '''Create an C{NSData} instance from Python C{bytes}.

       @param py: The value (C{bytes}).

       @return: The ObjC instance (C{NSData}).

       @raise RuntimeError: If C{len} vs C{count} assertion failed.
    def _NSData_length(ns):  # XXX lambda ns: ns.length()
        return ns.length()

    if isinstanceOf(py, *_ByteStrs, name='py'):
        return _len2NS(py, NSData.dataWithBytes_length_(py, len(py)),
Example #29
def int2NS(py):
    '''Create an C{NSNumber} instance from a Python C{int} or C{long}.

       @param py: The value (C{int} or C{long}).

       @return: The ObjC instance (C{NSInt}, C{NSLong}, or C{NSLongLong}).

       @raise TypeError: If C{py} not an C{int} or C{long}.
    if isinstanceOf(py, _Ints, name='py'):
        if abs(py) < 1 << 31:
            return NSInt(py)
        elif abs(py) < 1 << 63:
            return NSLong(py)
            return NSLongLong(py)
Example #30
    def __init__(self, margins_pm=None, bottom=0, left=0, right=0, top=0):
        '''New L{PaperMargins} from margin attributes.

           @raise TypeError: Invalid I{margins_pm}.
        if not margins_pm:
            self.bottom = float(bottom)
            self.left   = float(left)
            self.right  = float(right)
            self.top    = float(top)
        elif isinstanceOf(margins_pm, PaperMargins, PMRect_t, name='margins_pm'):
            self.bottom = float(margins_pm.bottom)
            self.left   = float(margins_pm.left)
            self.right  = float(margins_pm.right)
            self.top    = float(margins_pm.top)

        self._PM = self