Example #1
def parse_friends(user_data: dict) -> dict:
    """ Goes through posts and parses number of posts """
    friends_path = getcwd() + "/temp/friends/friends.json"
    removed_friends_path = getcwd() + "/temp/friends/removed_friends.json"
    rejected_friends_path = getcwd(
    ) + "/temp/friends/rejected_friend_requests.json"

        nbr_of_rejections = len(
    except FileNotFoundError:
        nbr_of_rejections = 0

    friends_per_month = {}
    for year in user_data["year_list"]:
        friends_per_month[year] = utils.year_init()

    friends_list = utils.json_file_converter(friends_path)

    friends_total = len(friends_list["friends"])
    for new_friend in friends_list["friends"]:
        month, year = utils.epoch_to_year_and_month(new_friend["timestamp"])
        friends_per_month[int(year)][month] += 1

    user_data["nbr_of_friends"] = utils.number_prettify(friends_total)

        removed_friends_list = utils.json_file_converter(removed_friends_path)
        removed_friends_total = len(removed_friends_list["deleted_friends"])
    except FileNotFoundError:
        removed_friends_total = 0
        print("Could not parse removed friend data.")

    monthly_friend_list = []
    for year in friends_per_month:

    # add up the friend changes in every month to have one clean curve
    for i in range(len(monthly_friend_list)):
        if i > 0:
            monthly_friend_list[i] += monthly_friend_list[i - 1]

    #initialise dunbar list
    dunbar_list = []
    for i in range(len(monthly_friend_list)):

    user_data["nbr_of_removed_friends"] = utils.number_prettify(
    user_data["monthly_friends"] = monthly_friend_list
    user_data["dunbars_number"] = dunbar_list
    user_data["nbr_of_rejections"] = nbr_of_rejections
    return user_data
Example #2
def parse_posts(user_data: dict) -> dict:
    """ Goes through posts and parses number of posts """

    posts_per_month = {}
    for year in user_data["year_list"]:
        posts_per_month[year] = utils.year_init()

    posts_path = getcwd() + "/temp/posts/your_posts_1.json"
    post_list = utils.json_file_converter(posts_path)
    post_total = len(post_list)

    if not isinstance(post_list, list):
        user_data["nbr_of_posts"] = "1"
        user_data["monthly_posts"] = str(posts_per_month)
        return user_data

    for post in post_list:
        post_timestamp = post["timestamp"]
        post_month, post_year = utils.epoch_to_year_and_month(post_timestamp)
        posts_per_month[int(post_year)][post_month] += 1

    monthly_post_list = []
    for year in posts_per_month:

    user_data["nbr_of_posts"] = utils.number_prettify(post_total)
    user_data["monthly_posts"] = str(monthly_post_list)

    return user_data
Example #3
def parse_location_history(user_data: dict) -> dict:
    """ Goes through locations and translates a list of locations into html string """
    locations_path = getcwd() + "/temp/location/location_history.json"
        location_list = utils.json_file_converter(locations_path)["location_history"]
    except FileNotFoundError:
        user_data["location_pings"] = "nodata"
        return user_data

    html_start = "L.marker(["
    html_mid = "]).addTo(mymap).bindPopup(\""
    html_end = "\");\n"

    location_pings = ""

    for ping in location_list:
        x = str(ping["coordinate"]["latitude"])
        y = str(ping["coordinate"]["longitude"])
        month, year = utils.epoch_to_year_and_month(ping["creation_timestamp"])
        location_pings += html_start + x + ", " + y + html_mid + month + " " + year + html_end

    user_data["location_pings"] = location_pings

    return user_data
Example #4
def parse_off_facebook_activities(user_data: dict) -> dict:
    """ Goes through off_facebook_activities and parses number of websites and applications that hand over your data to Facebook """
    off_facebook_activities_path = getcwd() + "/temp/ads_and_businesses/your_off-facebook_activity.json"
    off_facebook_activity_list = utils.json_file_converter(off_facebook_activities_path)["off_facebook_activity"]

    number_of_websites_tracking_the_user = 0
    number_of_applications_tracking_the_user = 0

    events_per_tracker = {}

    for tracking_entity in off_facebook_activity_list:
        if "." in tracking_entity["name"]: # if there's a full stop, assume it's a website and not an application
            number_of_websites_tracking_the_user += 1
            number_of_applications_tracking_the_user += 1
        events_per_tracker[tracking_entity["name"].encode('latin_1').decode('utf8')] = len(tracking_entity["events"])

    # sort dict of events per tracker by descending value order
    events_per_tracker = {k: v for k, v in sorted(events_per_tracker.items(), reverse=True, key=lambda item: item[1])}
    events_per_tracker_str = html_tracker_list_builder(events_per_tracker)

    user_data["nbr_of_websites_tracking"] = utils.number_prettify(number_of_websites_tracking_the_user)
    user_data["nbr_of_applications_tracking"] = utils.number_prettify(number_of_applications_tracking_the_user)
    user_data["events_per_tracker"] = events_per_tracker_str

    return user_data
Example #5
def parse_interests(user_data: dict) -> dict:
    """ Goes through interests and parses number of interest per category """
    interests_path = getcwd() + "/temp/ads_and_businesses/ads_interests.json"
    interest_categories_path = getcwd() + "/src/interests.json"

    user_interests = utils.json_file_converter(interests_path)["topics"]
    interest_categories = utils.json_file_converter(interest_categories_path)

    for interest in user_interests:
        interest = interest.encode('latin_1').decode('utf8')

    interest_category_count = {}
    interest_category_total = {}

    category_list = list(interest_categories.keys())

    for category in category_list:
        interest_category_count[category] = 0
        interest_category_total[category] = 0

    for category in category_list:
        for interest in interest_categories[category]:
            interest_category_total[category] += 1
            if interest in user_interests:
                interest_category_count[category] += 1

    # standardise results by dividing by total number of interests per category
    for category in category_list:
        interest_category_count[category] = int(
            (interest_category_count[category] /
             interest_category_total[category]) * 100)

    # transform to list
    interest_count_list = list(interest_category_count.values())

    print("interest_category_count: ", interest_category_count)

    # build a html interest string for the side list of interests
    html_interests = html_interest_list_builder(user_interests,

    user_data["interest_categories"] = category_list
    user_data["interest_count"] = interest_count_list
    user_data["html_interests"] = html_interests

    return user_data
Example #6
def parse_comments(user_data: dict) -> dict:
    """ Goes through comments and parses number of comments """
    comments_path = getcwd() + "/temp/comments/comments.json"
    comment_list = utils.json_file_converter(comments_path)
    comment_total = len(comment_list["comments"])

    user_data["nbr_of_comments"] = utils.number_prettify(comment_total)

    return user_data
Example #7
def parse_peer_group(user_data: dict) -> dict:
    """ Goes through facial recognition information and parses number of photos used for peer_group """

    peer_group_path = getcwd() + "/temp/about_you/friend_peer_group.json"
        peer_group_info = utils.json_file_converter(peer_group_path)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        user_data["peer_group"] = "Unknown"
        return user_data
    peer_group = peer_group_info["friend_peer_group"]

    peer_group = peer_group.encode('latin_1').decode('utf8')

    user_data["peer_group"] = peer_group

    return user_data
Example #8
def parse_facial_recognition(user_data: dict) -> dict:
    """ Goes through facial recognition information and parses number of photos used for facial_recognition """

    facial_recognition_path = getcwd(
    ) + "/temp/about_you/face_recognition.json"
        facial_recognition_info = utils.json_file_converter(
        user_data["nbr_of_fr_photos"] = 0
        return user_data
    nbr_of_fr_photos = facial_recognition_info["facial_data"]["example_count"]

    user_data["nbr_of_fr_photos"] = utils.number_prettify(nbr_of_fr_photos)

    return user_data
Example #9
def parse_ad_interactions(user_data: dict) -> dict:
    """ Goes through your ad interaction data and parses the number of ad clicks """
    ad_interactions_path = getcwd(
    ) + "/temp/ads_and_businesses/advertisers_you've_interacted_with.json"

        ad_interactions_list = utils.json_file_converter(
    except FileNotFoundError:
        user_data["nbr_of_ads_clicked"] = "0"
        return user_data

    number_of_ads_clicked = len(ad_interactions_list)

    user_data["nbr_of_ads_clicked"] = utils.number_prettify(

    return user_data
Example #10
def parse_messages(user_data: dict) -> dict:
    """ Goes through messages and parses number of messages and number of photos """
    conversations_directory = getcwd() + "/temp/messages/inbox/"
    conversation_list = listdir(conversations_directory)
    message_total = 0
    photos_total = 0

    message_per_year = {}
    for year in user_data["year_list"]:
        message_per_year[year] = 0

    message_per_month = {}
    for year in user_data["year_list"]:
        message_per_month[year] = utils.year_init()

    photos_per_month = {}
    for year in user_data["year_list"]:
        photos_per_month[year] = utils.year_init()

    message_photo_paths = []

    for conversation_path in conversation_list:
        print("Parsing conversation: " + conversation_path + "...................", end='\r')
        message_list_path = conversations_directory + conversation_path + "/message_1.json"
        photos_path = conversations_directory + conversation_path + "/photos"
        if path.isdir(photos_path):
            photos_total += len(listdir(photos_path))
        message_list = utils.json_file_converter(message_list_path)
        message_total += len(message_list["messages"])
        for message in message_list["messages"]:
            message_timestamp = str(message["timestamp_ms"])[:-3]
            message_month, message_year = utils.epoch_to_year_and_month(message_timestamp)
            message_per_year[int(message_year)] += 1
            message_per_month[int(message_year)][message_month] += 1
            if "photos" in message:
                for photo in message["photos"]:
                    if "http" not in photo["uri"]: # make sure it's not an online picture
                    photo_month, photo_year = utils.epoch_to_year_and_month(photo["creation_timestamp"])
                    photos_per_month[int(photo_year)][photo_month] += 1

    # check for any nudity in sent/received pictures

    # convert dictionary of message per years to a list of values corresponding to each year
    yearly_message_list = list(message_per_year.values())
    monthly_message_list = []
    for year in message_per_month:

    monthly_photo_list = []
    for year in photos_per_month:

    user_data["nbr_of_messages"] = utils.number_prettify(message_total)
    user_data["nbr_of_conversations"] = utils.number_prettify(len(conversation_list))
    user_data["nbr_of_message_photos"] = utils.number_prettify(photos_total)
    user_data["nbr_of_photos"] = photos_total
    user_data["yearly_messages"] = yearly_message_list
    user_data["monthly_messages_raw"] = monthly_message_list
    user_data["monthly_messages"] = [x / 10 for x in monthly_message_list]
    user_data["monthly_photos"] = monthly_photo_list
    user_data["message_photo_paths"] = message_photo_paths
    return user_data
Example #11
def parse_user_info(user_data: dict) -> dict:
    json_path = getcwd() + "/temp/profile_information/profile_information.json"
    info = utils.json_file_converter(json_path)
    profile_data = info["profile"]
    user_name = profile_data["name"]["full_name"].encode('latin_1').decode(
    join_year = utils.epoch_to_year(profile_data["registration_timestamp"])
    if "relationship" in profile_data:
        relationship_status = profile_data["relationship"]["status"].encode(
        if "partner" in profile_data["relationship"]:
            relationship_status += " with " + profile_data["relationship"][
        relationship_timestamp = utils.epoch_to_year(
        relationship_status = "No data"
        relationship_timestamp = "No data"

    # instantiate a list of years [1996, 1997, 1998, ... , 2021]
    current_year = datetime.date.today().year
    year_list = list(range(int(join_year), current_year + 1))
    # instantiate a list of months [January 1996, February 1996, March 1996, ... , December 2021]
    month_list = utils.year_init()
    full_month_list = []
    for year in year_list:
        for month in month_list.keys():
            full_month_list.append(month + " " + str(year))

    # remove months in the future
    current_month = datetime.date.today().strftime('%m')
    current_month_name = utils.number_to_month_name(current_month)
    current_month_index = full_month_list.index(current_month_name + " " +
    full_month_list = full_month_list[:current_month_index]

    ex_1 = "None"
    ex_2 = "None"
    ex_3 = "None"

    if "previous_relationships" in profile_data:
        if len(profile_data["previous_relationships"]) > 0:
            ex_1 = profile_data["previous_relationships"][0]["name"]
        if len(profile_data["previous_relationships"]) > 1:
            ex_2 = profile_data["previous_relationships"][1]["name"]
        if len(profile_data["previous_relationships"]) > 2:
            ex_3 = profile_data["previous_relationships"][2]["name"]

    # find number of family member connections on Facebook
    if "family_members" in profile_data:
        nbr_of_family_members = len(profile_data["family_members"])
        nbr_of_family_members = 0

    # fill in the info
    user_data["user_name"] = user_name
    user_data["join_year"] = join_year
    user_data["year_list"] = year_list
    user_data["month_list"] = full_month_list
    user_data["relationship_status"] = relationship_status
    user_data["relationship_timestamp"] = relationship_timestamp
    user_data["ex#1"] = ex_1
    user_data["ex#2"] = ex_2
    user_data["ex#3"] = ex_3
    user_data["nbr_of_family_members"] = nbr_of_family_members
    return user_data