Example #1
 def __init__(self, password, url, pattern):
     self.password = password
     self.url = url
     self.pattern = pattern
     # 1. Create a ServerProxy object using the serverurl (ar[3]).
     # 2. Calls the remote server and retrieves a server list.
     # 3. For each URL on the list, do the following:
     proxy = ServerProxy(self.url)
     server_list = proxy.handle_request(utils.gen_pw(self.password, self.url), 0, [])
     for url in server_list:
         # 1. Create a ServerProxy object using the URL.
         # 2. Calls the remote server to return a list of filenames matching the
         #    pattern (ar[4]).
         # 3. For each filename doesn't exist locally, do the following:
         proxy = ServerProxy(self.url)
         remote_list = proxy.handle_request(utils.gen_pw(self.password, self.url), 1, self.pattern)
         remote_filename_list = remote_list[0][0]
         remote_dir_list = remote_list[0][1]
         local_list = utils.ls()
         local_filename_list = local_list[0]
         local_dir_list = local_list[1]
         proxy_obj = ServerProxy(url)
         for dirname in filter(lambda n: not n in local_dir_list, remote_dir_list):
             print dirname
             file_proxy = _file.FileProxy(dirname)
         for filename in filter(lambda n: not n in local_filename_list, remote_filename_list):
             '''For each filename doesn't exist locally, do the following:'''
             print filename
             file_proxy = _file.FileProxy(filename)
             with file_proxy.open_file("wb") as handle:
                 handle.write(proxy_obj.handle_request(utils.gen_pw(self.password, self.url), 2, filename).data)
Example #2
 def handle_request(self, pw, mod, pattern):        
     myUrl_password = utils.gen_pw(self.password, self.myUrl)
     if pw == myUrl_password:
         if mod == 0:
             return self.update_server_list(pattern) 
         elif mod == 1:
             return [utils.ls(pattern)]
             return self.get_file_content(pattern)
         return None
Example #3
def main():
    year = 16
    root_folder = os.path.join('..', '..')
    tree_folder = os.path.join(root_folder, 'dataset', 'twitter', 'twitter' + str(year), 'tree')
    tree_files = utils.ls(tree_folder)
    print('number of tree files: {}'.format(len(tree_files)))
    user_ids = []
    i = 1
    for tree_file in tree_files:
        i += 1
        lines = utils.read_lines(os.path.join(tree_folder, tree_file))
        source_user_id = get_user_ids(lines[0])[1]
        for line in lines:
            left_user_id, right_user_id = get_user_ids(line)
            if left_user_id == source_user_id:
    print('number of users: {}'.format(len(user_ids)))
    utils.save(user_ids, os.path.join(root_folder, 'temp', 'user_ids_twitter_' + str(year) + '.txt'))
Example #4
    def flist(self,fd=None,directory=None):
        """This generates the list of filenames to be opened - doesn't check for existence"""
        if directory is not None:
            usedir = directory
            usedir = self.directory
        file_list = utils.ls(directory=usedir, show=False, returnList=True)

        get_fn = True
        files = []
        if type(fd) == int:
            ifile = [fd]
        elif fd == '?' or fd == None:
            for i,fn in enumerate(file_list):
                print '%d  -  %s' % (i,fn)
            sfile = raw_input('File numbers: ')
            if '-' in sfile:
                sfile = sfile.split('-')
                ifile = range(int(sfile[0]),int(sfile[1])+1)
                if ',' in sfile:
                    sfile = sfile.split(',')
                    sfile = sfile.split()
                ifile = []
                for i in sfile:
        elif type(fd) == list and type(fd[0]) == int:
            ifile = fd
        elif type(fd) == list and type(fd[0]) == str:
            files = fd
            get_fn = False
            files = [fd]

        if get_fn:
            for i,fn in enumerate(file_list):
                if i in ifile:

        return files
Example #5
def ls_model(fdir, fname, fext="pth", pattern=None) -> list:
	:param fdir:		모델이 저장된 폴더
	:param fname:		iteration 번호를 제외한 model 이름
	:param ext:		확장자
	:param pattern:	model 이름 패턴. 기본적으로는 ".*{}-(\d+).{}$".format(join(fdir, fname, fext)) 형태
	:return:			모델 경로 리스트, 모델 번호 리스트
	# 파일들 리스트 가져옴
	pattern = pattern if pattern is not None else r".*{}-(\d+)\.{}$".format(fname, fext)
	files = ls(fdir, pattern=pattern)

	# idx 기준으로 정렬함
	def get_key(s):
		m = re.match(pattern=pattern, string=s)
		return int(m.group(1))

	files = sorted(files, key=get_key)
	idxs = list(map(get_key, files))

	return files, idxs
Example #6
    def flist(self, fd=None, directory=None, tag='dat'):
        """This generates the list of filenames to be opened - doesn't check for existence"""
        if directory is not None:
            usedir = directory
            usedir = self.directory
        file_list = utils.ls(directory=usedir, tag=tag, show=False, returnList=True)

        ifile = []
        files = []
        if type(fd) == int:
            ifile = [fd]
        elif fd is None:
            for i, fn in enumerate(file_list):
                print('{}  -  {}'.format(i, fn))
            sfile = raw_input('File numbers: ')
            split_on = None
            if '-' in sfile:
                sfile = sfile.split('-')
                ifile = range(int(sfile[0]), int(sfile[1]) + 1)
                if ',' in sfile:
                    split_on = ','
                ifile = [int(x) for x in sfile.split(split_on)]
        elif type(fd) == list and type(fd[0]) == int:
            ifile = fd
        elif type(fd) == list and type(fd[0]) == str:
            files = fd
            files = [fd]

        if bool(len(ifile)):
            for i, fn in enumerate(file_list):
                if i in ifile:

        return files
Example #7
def load_news(path, decoder):
    newsOjectsList = None
    newsFiles = []
    if not is_file(path):
        newsFiles = ls(fix_dirpath(path) + "*.json", pattern=True)
        newsFiles = [path]

    if len(newsFiles) <= 0:
        print("No files found")
        return None

    newsOjectsList = load_files(newsFiles, decoder)
    if len(newsOjectsList) <= 0:
        return None

    collectedReads = []
    globalId = 0
    for i in newsOjectsList:
        for a in i:
            globalId += 1
    return collectedReads
Example #8
        # sent_dict[sent] = count_topicwords(sent, tw_dict)/len(word_tokenize(sent))
        # scoring number three
        wordcount = 0
        for word in word_tokenize(sent):
            if word not in stopwords:
                wordcount += 1
        sent_dict[sent] = count_topicwords(sent, tw_dict) / wordcount
    return sent_dict

def generate_summary(topic_file, to_summarize):
    all_sents = utils.get_sentences(to_summarize)
    tw_dict = load_topic_words(topic_file)
    sent_dict = generate_sentence_dict(all_sents, tw_dict)
    top_sents = sorted(sent_dict.items(), key=lambda t: t[1], reverse=True)
    pretty = []
    for sent in top_sents:
        if not utils.is_repeat(sent[0], pretty):
    # return 100 words
    return " ".join(word_tokenize(" ".join(pretty))[:100])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for file in utils.ls("input/"):
        name = file.split("/")[-1][0:7]
        if name[0] != ".":
            summary = generate_summary("tsfiles/" + name + ".ts", file)
            sumfile = open("tw-summaries/" + name, "w")
def get_protein_filenames(dir_path):
    return ls(dir_path, lambda x: x.endswith(PROTEIN_FILENAME_SUFFIX))
def procesarDirectorio(dir):
    model = OpenNsfw()
    nroArchivo = 0
    excluidos = 0
    incluidas = 0
    errores = 0
    reporte = []
    load.start('Buscando archivos...')
    files = utils.ls(dir)
    load.stop('%d Archivos encontrados!' % (len(files)))
    msg = ''
    pbar = tqdm(files,
                desc=' Examinando',
                unit=' archivos',
    for f in pbar:
        img_path = f
        nroArchivo += 1
            resultado = isPorno(model, img_path)
            if (resultado >= score):
                msg = 'Probabilidad: ' + str(round(resultado * 100, 2)) + ' %'
                incluidas += 1
                minFile = ('P%3d_mini_%4d.jpg' %
                           ((resultado * 100), incluidas)).replace(' ', '0')
                    'id': incluidas,
                    'file_path': img_path,
                    'score': float(round(resultado, 4)),
                    'miniature': minFile if createMin else ''
                msg = 'Excluido por Score! '
                excluidos += 1
        except (OSError, ValueError):
            errores = errores + 1
            msg = 'No imagen valida!'
            msg = msg + '\t' + img_path
    print('\nTotal Archivos: ', nroArchivo)
    print('Total Archivos invalidos: ', errores)
    print('Total Imagenes Analizadas: ', nroArchivo - errores)
    print('Total Inagenes Incluidas en Reporte: ', incluidas)
    if (score > 0):
        print('Total Inagenes Excluidas por Score: ', excluidos)

    if (len(reporte)):
        print('\nGuardando Reporte...')
        outFile = str(path.join(outFolder, 'reporte.json'))
        with open(outFile, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(reporte, f)
        print('Reporte Guardado en ', path.abspath(outFile))

        if createMin:
            print('\nCreando miniaturas...')
            pbar = tqdm(reporte, total=len(reporte), unit=' imgs')
            for i in pbar:
                img = image.load_img(i['file_path'], target_size=(80, 80))
                file = path.abspath((path.join(outFolder, i['miniature'])))
                img.save(open(file, 'w'))

            print('Miniaturas creadas en ', path.abspath(outFolder))
def get_filenames(dir_path, suffix):
    return ls(dir_path, lambda x: x.endswith(suffix))
 def __str__(self):
     return str("Action <name:" + self.name + "> with attributes" + " [[" +
                utils.ls(self.attributes) + "]] and target: <" +
                utils.ls(self.target) + "> with index at " +
 def __str__(self):
     # for easier debugging
     return "Entity <name:" \
            + self.name + "> with attributes " \
                          "[["+utils.ls(self.attributes)+"]]" \
            + " with index at "+str(self.index)
Example #14
 def _clean(self):
     for meta in ls(os.path.join(cfg['path'], ".meta")):
         if meta not in ls(cfg['path']):
             os.remove(os.path.join(cfg['path'], ".meta", meta))
Example #15
 def __init__(self):
     self._notes = {}
     for note in ls(cfg['path']):
         n = Note(note)
         self._notes[note] = n.get_meta()
Example #16
        # scoring number two
        # sent_dict[sent] = count_topicwords(sent, tw_dict)/len(word_tokenize(sent))
        # scoring number three
        wordcount = 0
        for word in word_tokenize(sent):
            if word not in stopwords:
                wordcount += 1
        sent_dict[sent] =  count_topicwords(sent, tw_dict)/wordcount
    return sent_dict

def generate_summary(topic_file, to_summarize):
    all_sents = utils.get_sentences(to_summarize)
    tw_dict = load_topic_words(topic_file)
    sent_dict = generate_sentence_dict(all_sents, tw_dict)
    top_sents = sorted(sent_dict.items(), key=lambda t: t[1], reverse=True)
    pretty = []
    for sent in top_sents:
        if not utils.is_repeat(sent[0], pretty):
    # return 100 words
    return " ".join(word_tokenize(" ".join(pretty))[:100])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for file in utils.ls("input/"):
        name = file.split("/")[-1][0:7]
        if name[0] != ".":
            summary = generate_summary("tsfiles/" + name + ".ts", file)
            sumfile = open("tw-summaries/" + name, "w")