Example #1
    def model_background_state(self):
        Make some sort of realistic dynamics for the background
        state of reflectance
        if self.surface_rho == None:
        # load spectra
        vegetation_rho, ash_rho = generate_spectra()
        # select some bands...
        vegetation_rho = vegetation_rho[::25]
        ash_rho = ash_rho[::25]
        # keep these for later...
        self.ash_rho = ash_rho
        self.vegetation_rho = vegetation_rho

        # first fill the dataset with just normal leaf reflectance across all timesteps
        self.surface_rho = (self.surface_rho[:].T*vegetation_rho[None, :].T).T

        # now make a mean state...
        mean_state = make_noises(1, self.xSize)
        mean_state *= 0.3
        mean_state = np.tile(mean_state, (self.bands,self.timesteps,1,1),)
        mean_state = np.swapaxes(mean_state, 0,1)

        # alternative with more spatial features -- less like a cloud
        land_cover = make_landscape(self.xSize)

        # for each catergory in the land_cover assign a mean variation on
        # the spectra
        lc_spe_multiple = np.linspace(0.85, 1.15, len(np.unique(land_cover)))
        # associate these values with land_cover
        for i,j in enumerate(np.unique(land_cover)):
            land_cover[np.where(land_cover==j)] = lc_spe_multiple[i]

        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        # multiply this with spectra
        lc_effect = np.tile(land_cover, (self.timesteps,self.bands,1,1),)
        #mean_state = np.swapaxes(mean_state, 0,1)
        self.surface_rho *= lc_effect

        return None
        # now generate temporal variability
        temporal = make_noises(self.timesteps, self.xSize)
        temporal *= 0.2

        # now add to the surface reflectance
        # need same dimensions
        temporal = np.tile(temporal, (self.bands,1,1,1),)
        # switch dimensions
        temporal = np.swapaxes(temporal, 0,1)
        self.surface_rho += temporal
Example #2
    def model_cloud_cover(self):
        Add clouds to remove some pixels

        run after fires has been modelled into scene...


        idea for now is to re-use perlin noise generator
        With a threshold for how many clouds there should be:
            -- could be semi-seasonal + random element

        # model of cloud cover across timesteps
        #       maximum seasonal component 20%          random weather
        cloud = (0.2 * np.sin(np.linspace(0,np.pi,self.timesteps)) +
                    np.random.normal(0.2, 0.1, self.timesteps))
        # make sure max is one
        cloud[cloud > 1] = 1
        # and min is 0
        cloud[cloud < 0] = 0
        # generate some new perlin noise
        the_noise = make_noises(self.timesteps, self.xSize, time_multiple=200)
         idea is to threshold the perlin noise by the percentile of cloud_cover
         this produces a binary mask that should produce realistic looking
        percentiles = np.array([np.percentile(no, cl*100) for no, cl
                                            in zip(the_noise, cloud)])
        # now threshold the noise below these values
        for day in xrange(self.timesteps):
            # mask in cloud
            the_noise[day][the_noise[day] < percentiles[day]] = True # is cloud
            # make into a binary
            the_noise[day][the_noise[day] != True] = False
        # convert all to a boolean
        the_noise = the_noise.astype(np.bool)
        # apply cloud mask to data
        self.cloud_mask = ~the_noise
        self.surface_rho = (self.surface_rho[:].T * self.cloud_mask[:,None].T).T
        # make it into a masked array for clarity
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        self.surface_rho = np.ma.array(self.surface_rho,
        return 0