Example #1
 def updatePosition(self, point):
     self.moving_timer -= 1
     if (self.moving and utils.manhattanDistance(self.position, point) >= self.stay_moving_threshold) or (
         not self.moving and utils.manhattanDistance(self.position, point) > self.become_moving_threshold
         # self.moving_timer = 5
         self.moving = True
         self.position = point
         self.moving = self.moving_timer > 0
Example #2
 def __findMatchings(circles_to_be_matched, balls):
     balls_in_play = [ball for ball in balls if not ball.scored]
     balls_is_matched = {}
     for ball in balls_in_play:
         balls_is_matched[ball] = False
     unmatched_circles = []
     #find close matchings
     for circle_id,circle in enumerate(circles_to_be_matched):
         center = circle.intCenter()
         min,closest_ball = Tracker.__getBallClosestToPoint(center, balls_in_play)
         if min < 10: #really? match 1st one < 10? #magic
             closest_ball.vanished_frames = 0
             balls_is_matched[closest_ball] = True
     #check vanished balls
     vanished_balls = [ball for ball in balls_in_play if not balls_is_matched[ball]]
     ball_to_circle = {}
     for ball in vanished_balls:
         ball.vanished_frames += 1
         if len(unmatched_circles) >= 1:
             ball_to_circle[ball] = Tracker.__getCircleClosestToBall(ball, unmatched_circles)
     ball_circle_pairs = ball_to_circle.items()
     #print ball_circle_pairs
     ball_circle_pairs.sort(key=lambda x:x[1][1])
     for ball, circle in ball_circle_pairs:
         circle = circle[0]
         if circle in unmatched_circles:
             if utils.manhattanDistance(ball.position, circle.center()) < ball.vanished_frames * 60:
    def getDistribution( self, state ):
        # Read variables from state
        ghostState = state.getGhostState( self.index )
        legalActions = state.getLegalActions( self.index )
        pos = state.getGhostPosition( self.index )
        isScared = ghostState.scaredTimer > 0

        speed = 1
        if isScared: speed = 0.5

        actionVectors = [Actions.directionToVector( a, speed ) for a in legalActions]
        newPositions = [( pos[0]+a[0], pos[1]+a[1] ) for a in actionVectors]
        pacmanPosition = state.getPacmanPosition()

        # Select best actions given the state
        distancesToPacman = [manhattanDistance( pos, pacmanPosition ) for pos in newPositions]
        if isScared:
            bestScore = max( distancesToPacman )
            bestProb = self.prob_scaredFlee
            bestScore = min( distancesToPacman )
            bestProb = self.prob_attack
        bestActions = [action for action, distance in zip( legalActions, distancesToPacman ) if distance == bestScore]

        # Construct distribution
        dist = utils.Counter()
        for a in bestActions: dist[a] = bestProb / len(bestActions)
        for a in legalActions: dist[a] += ( 1-bestProb ) / len(legalActions)
        return dist
Example #4
def recalc(ball_id):
    global detector
    circles_d = detector.detect(frame)
    circles = circles_d[Color.RED] if ball_id < 5 else circles_d[Color.WHITE]
    circles_dists = [utils.manhattanDistance(c.center(),state.getBall(ball_id).position) for c in circles]
    match = circles[circles_dists.index(min(circles_dists))]
    state.getBall(ball_id).position = match.center()
Example #5
 def __getCircleClosestToBall(ball, circles):
     min = 1000
     for circle in circles:
         dist = utils.manhattanDistance(ball.position,circle.center())
         if(dist < min): 
             best_circle = circle
             min = dist
     return best_circle,min
Example #6
 def __getBallClosestToPoint(point, available_balls):
     min = 1000
     for ball in available_balls:
         dist = utils.manhattanDistance(ball.position, point)
         if(dist < min): 
             best_ball = ball
             min = dist
     return min,best_ball
Example #7
 def ballScored(self, ball):
     self.cooldown_timer -= 1
     if self.cooldown_timer > 0:
         return False
     if not ball.scored and utils.manhattanDistance(ball.position, self.position) < self.max_hole_distance:
         ball.scored = True
         ball.moving = False
         self.cooldown_timer = self.num_frames_cooldown
         return True
     return False
Example #8
 def __analyzeHistory(self,ball):
     print 'analyzing history!'
     frames = ball.position_history.frames
     #print frames
     for frame in frames:
         x,y = frame.ball_position
         if y >= 275:
             #print 'below white new age threshold'
         if x <= 70:
             #print 'bounced off right cushion'
         if utils.manhattanDistance((x,y),self.hole_positions[0]) < 40:
    def applyAction( state, action ):
        Edits the state to reflect the results of the action.
        legal = PacmanRules.getLegalActions( state )
        if action not in legal:
            raise Exception("Illegal action " + str(action))

        pacmanState = state.data.agentStates[0]

        # Update Configuration
        vector = Actions.directionToVector( action, PacmanRules.PACMAN_SPEED )
        pacmanState.configuration = pacmanState.configuration.generateSuccessor( vector )

        # Eat
        next = pacmanState.configuration.getPosition()
        nearest = nearestPoint( next )
        if manhattanDistance( nearest, next ) <= 0.5 :
            # Remove food
            PacmanRules.consume( nearest, state )
Example #10
    def applyAction(state, action):
        Edits the state to reflect the results of the action.
        legal = PacmanRules.getLegalActions(state)
        if action not in legal:
            raise Exception("Illegal action " + str(action))

        pacmanState = state.data.agentStates[0]

        # Update Configuration
        vector = Actions.directionToVector(action, PacmanRules.PACMAN_SPEED)
        pacmanState.configuration = pacmanState.configuration.generateSuccessor(

        # Eat
        next = pacmanState.configuration.getPosition()
        nearest = nearestPoint(next)
        if manhattanDistance(nearest, next) <= 0.5:
            # Remove food
            PacmanRules.consume(nearest, state)
Example #11
    def getDistribution(self, state):
        # Read variables from state
        ghostState = state.getGhostState(self.index)
        legalActions = state.getLegalActions(self.index)
        pos = state.getGhostPosition(self.index)
        isScared = ghostState.scaredTimer > 0

        speed = 1
        if isScared: speed = 0.5

        actionVectors = [
            Actions.directionToVector(a, speed) for a in legalActions
        newPositions = [(pos[0] + a[0], pos[1] + a[1]) for a in actionVectors]
        pacmanPosition = state.getPacmanPosition()

        # Select best actions given the state
        distancesToPacman = [
            manhattanDistance(pos, pacmanPosition) for pos in newPositions
        if isScared:
            bestScore = max(distancesToPacman)
            bestProb = self.prob_scaredFlee
            bestScore = min(distancesToPacman)
            bestProb = self.prob_attack
        bestActions = [
            action for action, distance in zip(legalActions, distancesToPacman)
            if distance == bestScore

        # Construct distribution
        dist = utils.Counter()
        for a in bestActions:
            dist[a] = bestProb / len(bestActions)
        for a in legalActions:
            dist[a] += (1 - bestProb) / len(legalActions)
        return dist
Example #12
def ManhattanModel(train_users, dev_users, test_users):

    subjects = train_users["user_id"].unique()

    #Se calcula la media de cada usuario agrupando el dataframe de train
    groupby = train_users.groupby("user_id").mean().copy()

    #Se incluye la columna del usuario
    train_users = groupby.reset_index()

    users_evaluation_dev = []

    #Se hace el cálculo para cada usuario
    for subject in subjects:

        #Media del vector del usuario actual
        mean_vector = train_users.loc[train_users.user_id == subject,

        #Para cada registro del subdataset de test
        for index, row in dev_users.iterrows():

            temp_obj = {}

            #userid del del registro actual del subdataset de test
            current_user_id = row[0]

            #Vector de tiempo del registro actual del subdataset de test
            current_data = row[1:]

            temp_obj["user_model"] = subject

            temp_obj["user_id"] = current_user_id

            temp_obj["score"] = manhattanDistance(mean_vector, current_data)

            temp_obj["std_score"] = manhattanStandardization(
                manhattanDistance(mean_vector, current_data))

            #temp_obj["std_score"] = standardizationMinMax(euclideanDistance(mean_vector, current_data))

            if subject == current_user_id:
                temp_obj["y_test"] = "genuine"
                temp_obj["y_test"] = "impostor"


    users_evaluation_dev = pd.DataFrame(users_evaluation_dev)

    #Obtenemos la listas de scores de los registros que deberian de catalogarse como genuinos por los modelos
    genuine_scores_dev = list(
        users_evaluation_dev.loc[users_evaluation_dev.y_test == "genuine",

    #Obtenemos la listas de scores de los registros que deberian de catalogarse como impostores por los modelos
    impostor_scores_dev = list(
        users_evaluation_dev.loc[users_evaluation_dev.y_test == "impostor",

    #Calculo del ERR y del umbral de decisión global
    err_dev, thresh_dev = evaluate_EER_Thresh_Distance(genuine_scores_dev,


    users_evaluation_test = []

    #Se hace el cálculo para cada usuario
    for subject in subjects:

        #Media del vector del usuario actual
        mean_vector = train_users.loc[train_users.user_id == subject,

        #Para cada registro del subdataset de test
        for index, row in test_users.iterrows():

            temp_obj = {}

            #userid del del registro actual del subdataset de test
            current_user_id = row[0]

            #Vector de tiempo del registro actual del subdataset de test
            current_data = row[1:]

            temp_obj["user_model"] = subject

            temp_obj["user_id"] = current_user_id

            temp_obj["score"] = manhattanDistance(mean_vector, current_data)

            temp_obj["std_score"] = manhattanStandardization(
                manhattanDistance(mean_vector, current_data))

            #temp_obj["std_score"] = standardizationMinMax(euclideanDistance(mean_vector, current_data))

            if subject == current_user_id:
                temp_obj["y_test"] = "genuine"
                temp_obj["y_test"] = "impostor"


    users_evaluation_test = pd.DataFrame(users_evaluation_test)

    # OJO, aca se esta usando el score como umbral, si usaramos el score estandarizado, deberiamos de cambiar el sentido de la comparación
    users_evaluation_test['y_pred'] = np.where(
        users_evaluation_test['std_score'] >= thresh_dev, 'genuine',

    #Obtenemos los y_test y y_pred de nuestros resultados
    y_test_test = users_evaluation_test.loc[:, "y_test"]
    y_pred_test = users_evaluation_test.loc[:, "y_pred"]


    #Obtenemos la listas de scores de los registros que deberian de catalogarse como genuinos por los modelos
    genuine_scores_test = list(
        users_evaluation_test.loc[users_evaluation_test.y_test == "genuine",

    #Obtenemos la listas de scores de los registros que deberian de catalogarse como impostores por los modelos
    impostor_scores_test = list(
        users_evaluation_test.loc[users_evaluation_test.y_test == "impostor",

    thresh_x, thresh_y, _ = find_fpr_and_tpr_given_a_threshold_Distance(
        genuine_scores_test, impostor_scores_test, thresh_dev)

    thresh_std = round(thresh_dev.tolist(), 3)

    return y_test_test, y_pred_test, genuine_scores_test, impostor_scores_test, thresh_std, thresh_x, thresh_y
Example #13
 def getFurthestCorner(self, pacPos):
     poses = [(1, 1), (1, self.height - 2), (self.width - 2, 1),
              (self.width - 2, self.height - 2)]
     dist, pos = max([(manhattanDistance(p, pacPos), p) for p in poses])
     return pos
Example #14
 def invalidDetection(self, detected_circle):
     return (
         self.cooldown_timer > 0
         and utils.manhattanDistance(detected_circle.center(), self.position) < self.max_hole_distance
Example #15
 def flagged(self):
     ret = utils.manhattanDistance(self.position,self.ball.position) != 0 or self.hidden != self.ball.hidden
     self.position = self.ball.position
     self.hidden = self.ball.hidden
     return ret
 def canKill( pacmanPosition, ghostPosition ):
     return manhattanDistance( ghostPosition, pacmanPosition ) <= COLLISION_TOLERANCE
Example #17
 def canKill(pacmanPosition, ghostPosition):
     return manhattanDistance(ghostPosition,
                              pacmanPosition) <= COLLISION_TOLERANCE
 def getFurthestCorner( self, pacPos ):
     poses = [(1,1), (1, self.height - 2), (self.width - 2, 1), (self.width - 2, self.height - 2)]
     dist, pos = max([(manhattanDistance(p, pacPos), p) for p in poses])
     return pos