Example #1
def run_simulation(args):
    print 'simulating'
    assert args.parameter_dir != None and args.outfname != None
    assert args.n_max_queries > 0
    n_per_proc = int(float(args.n_max_queries) / args.n_procs)
    all_random_ints = []
    for iproc in range(args.n_procs):  # have to generate these all at once, 'cause each of the subprocesses is going to reset its seed and god knows what happens to our seed at that point
        all_random_ints.append([random.randint(0, sys.maxint) for i in range(n_per_proc)])
    for iproc in range(args.n_procs):
        proc = Process(target=make_events, args=(args, n_per_proc, iproc, all_random_ints[iproc]))
    while len(active_children()) > 0:
        # print ' wait %s' % len(active_children()),
    utils.merge_csvs(args.outfname, [args.workdir + '/recombinator-' + str(iproc) + '/' + os.path.basename(args.outfname) for iproc in range(args.n_procs)], cleanup=(not args.no_clean))
Example #2
def run_simulation(args):
    if args.outfname is None:
        raise Exception('have to specify --outfname for simulation')
    if not os.path.exists(args.parameter_dir):
        raise Exception('parameter dir %s d.n.e.' % args.parameter_dir)
    if not args.n_sim_events > 0:
        raise Exception('--n-sim-events has to be a positivie number')
    if args.slurm:
        raise Exception('simulator parallelization does not handle slurm')

    def make_events(n_events, iproc, random_ints):
        assert n_events > 0
        # NOTE all the different seeds! this sucks but is necessary
        reco = Recombinator(args, seed=args.seed+iproc, sublabel=str(iproc))
        for ievt in range(n_events):
            # print ievt,
            # sys.stdout.flush()
            failed = True
            itry = 0
            while failed:
                if itry > 0:
                    print 'try again: %d' % itry
                failed = not reco.combine(random_ints[ievt] + itry)
                itry += 1

    print 'simulating'
    n_per_proc = int(float(args.n_sim_events) / args.n_procs)
    all_random_ints = []
    for iproc in range(args.n_procs):  # have to generate these all at once, 'cause each of the subprocesses is going to reset its seed and god knows what happens to our seed at that point
        all_random_ints.append([random.randint(0, sys.maxint) for i in range(n_per_proc)])
    for iproc in range(args.n_procs):
        proc = Process(target=make_events, args=(n_per_proc, iproc, all_random_ints[iproc]))
    while len(active_children()) > 0:
        # print ' wait %s' % len(active_children()),
    utils.merge_csvs(args.outfname, [args.workdir + '/recombinator-' + str(iproc) + '/' + os.path.basename(args.outfname) for iproc in range(args.n_procs)], cleanup=(not args.no_clean))