Example #1
File: flight.py Project: 9b/emu
def registerFlight():
    session = request.environ.get("beaker.session")
    username = session["username"]

    tailId = request.json["tailId"]
    flightDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(request.json["departure"], "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p")
    departTz = pytz.timezone(request.json["timezone"])

    localized = departTz.localize(flightDate)
    normalized = localized.astimezone(pytz.utc)

    obj = {
        "tailId": tailId,
        "departureTime": normalized,
        "departureStr": flightDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"),
        "departureDay": normalized.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),
        "status": "INIT",
        "searchCount": 0,
        "user": username,
    emuDb = mongoConnect("localhost", 27017, "emu", "accounts")
    result = emuDb.find_one({"username": username}, {"_id": 0})
        {"username": username}, {"$set": {"flights": result["flights"], "lastActive": datetime.datetime.now()}}

    preflight = mongoConnect("localhost", 27017, "emu", "preflights")

    return {"success": True}
Example #2
def kafka_consumer():
    #Path of the classes file
    path_names = 'data/YOLO/rehoboam.names'
    #Path of the Avro scheme
    path_avro = "data/scheme.avsc"

    #Read the class file and transform in dictionary
    with open(path_names) as f:
        names_dict = {i: line.split('\n')[0] for i,line in enumerate(f)}

    #Connection to the Mongo collection to write in
    mongo_collection = mongoConnect()

    #Load the tf model
    saved_model_loaded = tf.saved_model.load(
        config['weights_tf'], tags=[tag_constants.SERVING])
    infer = saved_model_loaded.signatures['serving_default']


    #Read the Avro schema and create the Kafka consumer
    schema = avro.schema.parse(open(path_avro, "r").read())
    reader = DatumReader(schema)
    consumer = KafkaConsumer('input_image', bootstrap_servers=['localhost:9094', 'localhost:9095'],
                        group_id="rehoboam", value_deserializer=lambda m: decode_avro(m, reader))

    for msg in consumer:
        #Inicialize a dictionary with the class and the number of apperence to 0
        default_document = {i: 0 for i in sorted(names_dict.values(), key=lambda x: x)}
        #Transform the bytes to image
        img = io.BytesIO(msg.value['image'])
        img_pil = Image.open(img)
        img_cv2 = np.array(img_pil)
        #Call the model to detect the classes
        scores, classes = detect(
            parameters=config, infer_model=infer, image=img_cv2)

        real_classes = [i for i,j in zip(classes[0], scores[0]) if j > 0.0]
        unique, count = np.unique(real_classes, return_counts=True)
        result_dict = {names_dict[i]: int(j) for i,j in zip(unique, count)}

        #Store the number of incidences in the default dictionary
        for k,v in result_dict.items():
            default_document[k] = v

        result = {
          'district_id': int(msg.value['district']),
          'camera_id': int(msg.value['camera']),
          'timestamp': datetime.now(),
          'results': default_document

        #Save it in Mongo
Example #3
File: flight.py Project: 9b/emu
def showFlights():
    session = request.environ.get("beaker.session")
    username = session["username"]

    flights = []
    emuDb = mongoConnect("localhost", 27017, "emu", "accounts")
    result = emuDb.find_one({"username": username}, {"_id": 0})
    for flight in result["flights"]:
        if flight["departureTime"] > datetime.datetime.now():

    flights.sort(key=lambda x: x["departureStr"])
    return {"flights": flights}
Example #4
File: server.py Project: 9b/emu
def showAccount():
	session = request.environ.get('beaker.session')
	username = session['username']
	emuDb = mongoConnect("localhost", 27017, "emu", "accounts")
	result = emuDb.find_one( {'username':username}, {'_id':0})
	obj = {
		'username': result['username'],
		'firstActive': result['firstActive'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),
		'lastActive': result['lastActive'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
	return { 'account': obj }
Example #5
input_topic = "input_image"
topic_list = []
consumer = KafkaConsumer(
    bootstrap_servers=['localhost:9094', 'localhost:9095'],

if input_topic not in consumer.topics():
        NewTopic(name=input_topic, num_partitions=2, replication_factor=2))
    admin_client.create_topics(new_topics=topic_list, validate_only=False)

# Font for the html style
font = 'Arial'

# Connection to the Mongo collection to write in
mongo_col = mongoConnect()

# Read the class file and transform in dictionary
with open(path_names) as f:
    names_dict = {i: line.split('\n')[0] for i, line in enumerate(f)}

# Read the CSV file with the data of the cameras and transform it to Pandas dataframe
cameras_df = pd.read_excel(path_data, sheet_name='cameras')
cameras_df = cameras_df.set_index('id_district', drop=True)
cameras_df = cameras_df[cameras_df['readable'] == 1]

# Malaga's university logo
UMA_LOGO = "https://www.uma.es/servicio-comunicacion/navegador_de_ficheros/Marcas-UMA/descargar/Marca%20Universidad%20de%20M%C3%A1laga/marcauniversidaddemalagaVERTICAL.png"

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