Example #1
    def _start_service(self, hosts):
        def _start_srv_warp(h):
            cmd = "python2 %s start" % (self.config.uss_node)
            exec_remote(h, cmd)

        mutil_exec(_start_srv_warp, [[h] for h in hosts])
Example #2
    def _init_env(self, hosts):
        def _init_env_warp(h):
            cmd = "python2 %s env_init" % (self.config.uss_node)
            (out, err) = exec_remote(h, cmd)
            #print out
            #print err

        mutil_exec(_init_env_warp, [[h] for h in hosts])
Example #3
    def logclean(self):
        def _warp(h):
            cmd = "python2 %s logclean" % (self.config.uss_node)
            x, y = exec_remote(h, cmd)
            print "logclean host: %s \n%s" % (h, x)
            if y:
                print y

        args = [[x] for x in self.config.cluster.keys()]
        mutil_exec(_warp, args)
Example #4
    def ucarpstatus(self):
        def _warp(h):
            cmd = "python2 %s ucarpstatus" % (self.config.uss_node)
            x, y = exec_remote(h, cmd)
            print "host: %s, status : %s" % (h, x)
            if y:
                print y

        args = [[x] for x in self.config.cluster.keys()]
        mutil_exec(_warp, args)
Example #5
    def dns_del(self, name):
        def _warp(h):
            cmd = "python2 %s dnsdel --name %s" % (self.config.uss_node, name)
            x, y = exec_remote(h, cmd)
            print "host: %s \n%s" % (h, x)
            if y:
                print y

        args = [[x] for x in self.config.cluster.keys()]
        mutil_exec(_warp, args)
Example #6
    def ucarpdestroy(self):
        def _warp(h):
            cmd = "python2 %s ucarpdestroy" % (self.config.uss_node)
            x, y = exec_remote(h, cmd)
            print "destroy ucarp host: %s \n%s" % (h, x)
            if y:
                print y

        args = [[x] for x in self.config.cluster.keys()]
        mutil_exec(_warp, args)
Example #7
    def vipdestroy(self):

        def _warp(h):
            cmd = "rm -rf %s" % (self.config.vip_conf)
            x, y = exec_remote(h, cmd)
            print "host: %s vip service destroy ok\n" % (h)
            if y:
                print y

        args = [[x] for x in self.config.cluster.keys()]
        mutil_exec(_warp, args)
Example #8
    def stop(self):
        def _cluster_stop(module_py, host):
            cmd = "python2 %s stop" % (module_py)
            x, y = exec_remote(host, cmd)
            print "stop host: %s \n%s" % (host, x)
            if y:
                print y

        #stop all node minio service first
        #args = [[self.config.uss_minio, x] for x in self.config.cluster.keys()]
        #mutil_exec(_cluster_stop, args)

        args = [[self.config.uss_node, x] for x in self.config.cluster.keys()]
        mutil_exec(_cluster_stop, args)
Example #9
    def _init_etcd(self, hosts):
        def _init_etcd_(self, host, statue, lst):
            s = ''
            for i in lst:
                s = s + "%s," % (i)
                cmd = "%s etcd --state %s --hosts %s" % (self.config.uss_node,
                                                         statue, s[:-1])
            (out, err) = exec_remote(host, cmd)
            if (out):
                dmsg(host + ":\n" + out)
            if (err):
                dwarn(host + ":\n" + err)

        args = [[self, k, 'new', hosts] for (k) in hosts]
        mutil_exec(_init_etcd_, args)
Example #10
    def create_cluster(self, hosts, proxy_nodes=None):
        cluster_list = hosts.split(',')
        proxy_list = []

        cmd = "python %s/app/admin/node.py etcd --state %s --hosts %s" % (self.config.home, "new", hosts)
        args = [[x, cmd] for x in cluster_list]
        mutil_exec(self._exec_node, args)

        if proxy_nodes is not None:
            proxy_list = proxy_nodes.split(',')
            for node in proxy_list:
                if node in cluster_list:
                    _dwarn("host:%s is in etcd cluster, not permit run as proxy mode!" % (node))

            if len(proxy_list):
                args = [[x, cmd] for x in proxy_list]
                mutil_exec(self._exec_node, args)
Example #11
    def _ucarp_conf_group(self, hosts, vip, master_vip):
        master_skew = 5
        slave_skew = 10
        print "hosts %s, vip:%s, master_vip:%s" % (hosts, vip, master_vip)

        def _warp(h):
            if h == master_vip:
                cmd = "python2 %s ucarpconf --srcip %s --addr %s --skew %s" % (
                    self.config.uss_node, h.strip(), vip.strip(), master_skew)
                cmd = "python2 %s ucarpconf --srcip %s --addr %s --skew %s" % (
                    self.config.uss_node, h.strip(), vip.strip(), slave_skew)

            x, y = exec_remote(h, cmd)
            print "ucarp conf host: %s \n%s" % (h, x)
            if y:
                print y

        args = [[x] for x in hosts]
        mutil_exec(_warp, args)
Example #12
    def _init_mdctl(self, hosts):
        def _init_warp(h, index):
            cmd = "python2 %s mdctl_init --service %s" % (self.config.uss_node,
            exec_remote(h, cmd)

        init_args = []
        for h in hosts:
            for i in self.config.cluster[h]['mdctl']:
                print 'init mdctl', h, i
                _init_warp(h, i)
                #init_args.append([h, i])

        #mutil_exec(_init_warp, init_args)

        def _start_warp(h):
            cmd = "python2 %s start --op simple" % (self.config.uss_node)
            exec_remote(h, cmd)

        mutil_exec(_start_warp, [[h] for h in hosts])
Example #13
    def viplist(self, json_show=False):
        if not os.path.isfile(self.config.vip_conf):
            dwarn("cluster vip service not configured, please check it !")

        group_dic = {}

        data = vip_loadconf(self.config.vip_conf)
        for group in data.keys():
            host_dic = {}
            if not json_show:
                print "-----------------------------------------------------"
                print "%s(%s):" % (group, data[group]["type"])
                host_dic["type"] = data[group]["type"]

            def _warp(h):
                    cmd = "python2 %s getvip --group %s" % (
                        self.config.uss_node, group)
                    x, y = exec_remote(h, cmd)
                    vips = x.strip()
                    if vips == "":
                        vips = "None"

                    if not json_show:
                        print "        host:%s --> vip:%s\n" % (h, vips)
                        host_dic[h] = vips
                except Exp, e:
                    if not json_show:
                        print "        host:%s --> vip:None\n" % (h)
                        host_dic[h] = "None"
                group_dic[group] = host_dic

            args = [[x] for x in data[group]["nodes"].split(',')]
            mutil_exec(_warp, args)
Example #14
    def vipdel(self, group, host, vip):
        if host == None and vip == None:
            derror("vip and host can not be null at the same time.")

        cmd = "python2 %s del -g %s" % (self.config.uss_vip, group)

        if vip is not None:
            cmd = cmd + " -v %s" % (vip)

        if host is not None:
            cmd = cmd + " -H %s" % (host)

        #print 'cmd',cmd

        def _warp(h):
            x, y = exec_remote(h, cmd)
            #print "stat host: %s \n%s" % (h, x)
            if y:
                print y

        args = [[x] for x in self.config.cluster.keys()]
        mutil_exec(_warp, args)
Example #15
        if dic.has_key(hosts[i%node_num]):
            dic[str(hosts[i%node_num])] = dic[str(hosts[i%node_num])] + ',' + vip_list[i]
            dic[str(hosts[i%node_num])] = vip_list[i]

    def _warp(h):
            dmsg("try set vip:%s on host:%s..." % (dic[h], h))
            cmd = "%s setvip --vips %s --mask %s" % (config.uss_node, dic[h], mask)
            exec_remote(h, cmd)
            dmsg("set vip:%s on host:%s ok..." % (dic[h], h))
        except Exp, e:
            derror("%s : %s" % (h, e))

    args = [[h] for (h) in dic.keys()]
    mutil_exec(_warp, args)

def _get_host_vipnum_min(host2vip_dic, valid_hosts):
    _num = 0
    _min = 999999
    _min_host = ""

    for host in valid_hosts:
        _num = len(host2vip_dic[host])
        if _num < _min:
            _min = _num
            _min_host = host

    return _min_host

def set_vip_by_priority(config, hosts, mask, vip_list, host2vip_dic):
Example #16
    return host_list

# all host in cluster should be updated
def meta_update(version, hosts=None):
    def _update_version(k):
        update_cmd = "echo %s > /opt/sdfs/%s/%s/status/version " % (version, k[1], k[2])
            dmsg('update meta %s %s.%s version to %s' % (k[0], k[1], k[2], version))
            exec_remote(k[0], update_cmd)
        except Exp, e:
            derror("%s : %s" % (k, e))

    if hosts != []:
        args = [[k] for (k) in hosts]
        mutil_exec(_update_version, args)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    hosts = []
    version = "meta \(2017Q3\)"

        verify = raw_input(darkyellow("Are you sure to update version from apple to %s? (y/n) " % (version))).lower()
        if verify == 'y':
            hosts = get_hosts()
            meta_update(version, hosts)
            print "not update version."
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
Example #17
            _dmsg("host:%s permit to remove, begin remove..." % (host))

                cmd = "etcdctl member list | grep %s | awk '{print $1}' | awk -F':' '{print $1}'| awk -F'[' '{print $1}'| xargs etcdctl member remove" % (host)
                self._exec_node(new_cluster_list[0], cmd)
                _sysinfo("etcd member remove %s ok !" % (host))
            except Exp, e:
                _syserror("etcd member remove %s fail ! errmsg:%s" % (host, e.err))
                raise Exp(errno.EPERM, "etcd member remove %s fail, %s" % (host, e.err))

        if proxy and len(new_del_list) > 0:
            #set hosts run as proxy mode
            cmd = "python %s/app/admin/node.py etcd --state %s --hosts %s" % (self.config.home, "existing", ','.join(new_cluster_list))
            args = [[x, cmd] for x in del_list]
            mutil_exec(self._exec_node, args)
            _sysinfo("etcd member remove %s ok , new_cluster_list:%s!" % (del_list, new_cluster_list))

        print "member del hosts:%s ok !" % (new_del_list)

    def member_list(self):
        _etcd_cluster = self._etcd_get_init_cluster()
        for host in _etcd_cluster.keys():
            if _etcd_cluster[host] == "true":
                print "%s : leader" % (host)
                print "%s" % (host)

    def create_cluster(self, hosts, proxy_nodes=None):
        cluster_list = hosts.split(',')
        proxy_list = []
Example #18
class Cluster(object):
    def __init__(self, config=None):
        self.config = config
        if self.config is None:
            self.config = Config()

    def _get_src(self, op):
        src_tar = None
        if op not in ["etc", "app", "samba"]:
            raise Exp(errno.EINVAL, "not support %s" % (op))

        if op == "samba":
            src_file = "/usr/local/samba"
            src_file = os.path.join(self.config.home, op)

        src_tar = "/tmp/uss_%s.tar.gz" % (op)

        cmd = "rm -rf %s" % (src_tar)
        cmd2 = "cd %s" % (src_file)
        cmd3 = "tar czf %s *" % (src_tar)
        if op == "samba":
            cmd3 = cmd3 + " --exclude=./private/* --exclude=./var/* >/dev/null 2>&1"
            cmd3 = cmd3

        cmd = " && ".join([cmd, cmd2, cmd3])
        return src_tar

    def sshkey(self, hosts, password):
        print 'sshkey', hosts
        ssh_set_nopassword(hosts, password)

    def _update(self, src, hosts=None):
        now = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')

        src_tar = self._get_src(src)
        if src == "samba":
            dist = "/usr/local/samba"
            dist = os.path.join(self.config.home, src)
        backup_dir = os.path.join(self.config.home, "backup")
        backup = os.path.join(backup_dir, "%s-%s.tar.gz" % (src, now))

        cmd_backup = "mkdir -p %s" % (backup_dir)
        cmd_backup = cmd_backup + " && " + \
                "mkdir -p %s && cd %s && tar czf %s *" % (dist, dist, backup)

        tmp_update = '/tmp/%s-tmp-%s.tar.gz' % (src, now)
        cmd_update = "mkdir -p %s && tar xf %s -C %s > /dev/null && rm %s " % (
            dist, tmp_update, dist, tmp_update)

        def _put_remote_warp(k):
            # backup and update
                dmsg('backup %s to %s' % (dist, backup))
                exec_remote(k, cmd_backup)
            except Exp, e:
                derror("%s : %s" % (k, e))

                #dmsg('update %s to %s' % (src, k))
                put_remote(k, src_tar, tmp_update)
                exec_remote(k, cmd_update)
            except Exp, e:
                derror("%s : %s" % (k, e))

        args = [[k] for (k) in hosts]
        mutil_exec(_put_remote_warp, args)
Example #19
        file_name = os.path.split(src_tar)[1]
        remote_tmp_path = os.path.join('/tmp', file_name)
        cmd_update = "mkdir -p %s && tar xf %s -C %s > /dev/null && rm %s " % (
            abs_path, remote_tmp_path, abs_path, remote_tmp_path)

        def _put_remote_warp(k):
                #dmsg('update %s to %s' % (src_tar, k))
                put_remote(k, src_tar, remote_tmp_path)
                #dmsg('install %s to %s' % (src_tar, k))
                exec_remote(k, cmd_update)
            except Exp, e:
                derror("%s : %s" % (k, e))

        args = [[k] for (k) in hosts]
        mutil_exec(_put_remote_warp, args)

    def update(self, src=None, tar=None, nfs=None, force=False, hosts=None):
        if hosts is None:
            hosts = self.hosts()

        #print (src, tar, nfs, force, hosts)
        if tar is not None:
            self._update_tar(tar, hosts)
        elif src is not None:
            self._update(src, hosts)
            self._update("etc", hosts)
            self._update("app", hosts)

    def deploy(self, src, dist, hosts):