def wall_kill(charlie, enemies, grid):
  Checks if an enemy os on the wall and attempt to cut them off\n

  @param charlie -> Own snake information\n
  @param enemies -> Array of enemy snakes\n
  @param grid -> Updated grid\n
  @return temp_path -> Path for a wall kill
    for enemy in enemies:
        for coords in charlie['coords'][2:]:
            for neighbour in neighbours(charlie['coords'][0], grid, 0,
                                        charlie['coords'][0], [SNAKE, DANGER]):
                if neighbour == (0, len(grid) -
                                 1) or neighbour == (0, 0) or neighbour == (
                                     len(grid[0]) - 1, len(grid) -
                                     1) or neighbour == (len(grid[0]) - 1, 0):
                for neigh in neighbours(neighbour, grid, 0, neighbour,
                    temp_path = a_star(charlie['coords'][0], neigh, grid,
                                       charlie['coords'], [SNAKE, DANGER])
                    if temp_path:
                        if enemy['coords'][0][0] == 0 and enemy['coords'][0][
                                1] == coords[1] - 1:
                            if charlie['coords'][0][0] == 0:
                            if neighbour[0] == 0:
                                path = [charlie['coords'][0], neighbour]
                                return path
                        if enemy['coords'][0][1] == 0 and enemy['coords'][0][
                                0] == coords[0] - 1:
                            if charlie['coords'][0][1] == 0:
                            if neighbour[1] == 0:
                                path = [charlie['coords'][0], neighbour]
                                return path
                        if enemy['coords'][0][1] == len(grid) - 1 and enemy[
                                'coords'][0][1] == coords[1] + 1:
                            if charlie['coords'][0][1] == len(grid) - 1:
                            if neighbour[1] == len(grid) - 1:
                                path = [charlie['coords'][0], neighbour]
                                return path
                        if enemy['coords'][0][0] == len(grid[0]) - 1 and enemy[
                                'coords'][0][0] == coords[0] + 1:
                            if charlie['coords'][0][0] == len(grid[0]) - 1:
                            if neighbour[0] == len(grid[0]) - 1:
                                path = [charlie['coords'][0], neighbour]
Example #2
    def find_path(self, start, end, known_region):
        print 'finding path'
        current = Node(start, end)
        self.open_list.append(current) = known_region
        while self.open_list:
            #find the neighbours of the last item in list 
            self.open_list += self.neighbours(current, end)

            shortest_f = self.open_list[0]
            for node in self.open_list:
                if node.f < shortest_f.f:
                    shortest_f = node
            current = shortest_f
            if current.position in neighbours(end):
                print 'target found:', end

        path_nodes = [current]
        while path_nodes[-1].position != start:
        path = []
        for node in path_nodes:
        print 'path found:', path
        return path
Example #3
    def remove_light_source(self, x, y):
        Apply light removing algorythm to given position
        x, y - position

        unlit_blocks = set()  # Blocks which light was deleted

        self._unlight_block(x, y, x, y, unlit_blocks)

        srclight =, y)
        to_light = ()
        for x, y in unlit_blocks:
            for nx, ny in neighbours(x, y):
                #if (nx, ny) in to_light or not (nx != x or ny != y):
                #    continue  # Block already in to light list or it is source block

                        ny) is not None:  # Neighbor block's chunk is exists
                    light =, ny)
                    if light > srclight:
                        to_light += ((nx, ny, light), )

        for x, y, light in to_light:
            self._light_block(x, y, intensity=light)
Example #4
def run():
    data = load_data()
    total_flashes = 0
    for step in itertools.count():
        will_flash = set()
        for x, y in itertools.product(range(10), range(10)):
            data[x][y] += 1
            if data[x][y] > 9:
                will_flash.add((x, y))
        flash_queue = list(will_flash)
        while flash_queue:
            x, y = flash_queue.pop()
            for nx, ny in utils.neighbours((x, y), include_diagonals=True):
                if not ((0 <= nx < 10) and (0 <= ny < 10)):
                data[nx][ny] += 1
                if data[nx][ny] > 9 and (nx, ny) not in will_flash:
                    will_flash.add((nx, ny))
                    flash_queue.append((nx, ny))

        for x, y in will_flash:
            data[x][y] = 0

        total_flashes += len(will_flash)

        if step == 99:
            print(f"Part 1: {total_flashes}")

        if len(will_flash) == 100:
            print(f"Part 2: {step + 1}")
Example #5
def trouble(charlie, grid):
  Select a random available move\n
  @param charlie -> Own snake information\n
  @param grid -> Updated grid\n
  @return temp_path -> Random safe spot to move
    for neighbour in neighbours(charlie['coords'][0], grid, 0,
                                charlie['coords'][-1], [SNAKE]):
        trouble_path = a_star(charlie['coords'][0], neighbour, grid,
                              charlie['coords'], [SNAKE])
        return trouble_path
Example #6
def agent_slow(world_state, *args, **kwargs):

    my_position = world_state['you']['position']
    my_node = world_state['world'][my_position]

    (next_node, _) = neighbour_profit(world_state)

    if next_node is None:
            next_node = max([(n, neighbour_profit(world_state, n)) for n in u.neighbours(world_state)], key=lambda a:a[1][1])[0]
        except ValueError:
            next_node = random.choice(u.neighbours(world_state))

    # what is profitable at our next node?
    profitable = profitable_resources(my_node["resources"], world_state['world'][next_node]["resources"])

    ### sell

    # sell everything
    # we need to avoid selling stuff that makes a profit next round
    sells = {name:q for name,q in world_state['you']['resources'].items() if name not in profitable and name in my_node["resources"].keys()}

    ### buy

    # buy as many resources that profit on the next node as possible

    coin_available = world_state['you']['coin']
    buys = {}

    if not u.is_last_round(world_state):
        for (name, profit) in profitable:
            max_q_to_buy = coin_available / my_node["resources"][name]["sell"]
            buys[name] = min(max_q_to_buy, my_node["resources"][name]["quantity"])
            coin_available -= buys[name] * my_node["resources"][name]["sell"]

    return {
        'resources_to_sell_to_shop':    sells,
        'resources_to_buy_from_shop':   buys,
        'move': next_node
Example #7
def a_star(start, goal, grid, tail, ignore_list):
  A-Star algorithm for pathfinding\n
  Originally from\n
  @param start -> Starting point\n
  @param goal -> End point\n
  @param grid -> Updated grid\n
  @param tail -> Tail of snake / additional coords to ignore\n
  @param ignore_list -> Grid locations to avoid
  start = tuple(start)
  goal = tuple(goal)
  closed_set = []
  open_set   = [start]
  came_from = {} 
  g_score = [[10] * len(grid[0]) for _ in xrange(len(grid))]
  g_score[start[0]][start[1]] = 0
  f_score = [[10] * len(grid[0]) for _ in xrange(len(grid))]
  f_score[start[0]][start[1]] = distance(start,goal)

  while(len(open_set) > 0):
    current = min(open_set, key=lambda p: f_score[p[0]][p[1]])

    if (current == goal):
      return reconstruct_path(came_from, goal)

    for neighbour in neighbours(current, grid, int(g_score[current[0]][current[1]]), tail, ignore_list):
      if neighbour in closed_set:
      tentative_g_score = g_score[current[0]][current[1]] + distance(current,neighbour)
      if neighbour not in open_set:
      elif tentative_g_score == g_score[neighbour[0]][neighbour[1]]:
        dx1 = current[0] - goal[0]
        dy1 = current[1] - goal[1]
        dx2 = start[0] - goal[0]
        dy2 = start[1] - goal[1]
        cross = abs(dx1*dy2 - dx2*dy1)
        tentative_g_score += cross*0.001
      elif tentative_g_score > g_score[neighbour[0]][neighbour[1]]:
      came_from[neighbour] = current
      g_score[neighbour[0]][neighbour[1]] = tentative_g_score
      f_score[neighbour[0]][neighbour[1]] = tentative_g_score + distance(neighbour,goal)

  return None
Example #8
        def reveal_tile(x, y):
            revealed = []
            queue = [(x, y)]
            while len(queue) > 0:
                i, j = queue.pop()
                if not self.mine(i, j) and (i, j) not in revealed and not self.board[i][j].revealed:
                    revealed.append((i, j))
                    if self.neighbours_with_mines(i, j) < 1:
                        queue.extend(neighbours(i, j, self.size))

            if (x, y) not in revealed:
                revealed.append((x, y))

            return revealed
Example #9
def part1(data=DATA) -> int:
    edges: dict[Coord, dict[Coord, int]] = {}

    size = len(data)
    if size != len(data[0]):
        raise Exception("Not a square...")
    for y in range(size):
        for x in range(size):
            for nx, ny in utils.neighbours((x, y), include_diagonals=False):
                if not ((0 <= nx < size) and (0 <= ny < size)):
                edges.setdefault((x, y), {})[(nx, ny)] = data[nx][ny]

    return dijkstra(edges, (0, 0), (size - 1, size - 1))
Example #10
def bfs(starting_position, target_position, board, exclude, return_list):
    """ BFS implementation to search for path to food

        :param starting_position: starting position
        :param target_position: target position
        :param board: the board state


        bfs((0,0), (2,2), board) -> [(0,0), (0,1), (0,2), (1,2), (2,2)]

    def get_path_from_nodes(node):
        path = []
        while(node != None):
            path.insert(0, (node[0], node[1])) # Reverse
            node = node[2]
        return return_list.append(path[1:])

    x = starting_position[0]
    y = starting_position[1]
    board_copy = deepcopy(board)
    board_copy.set_cell((x, y), 0)
    for excluded_point in exclude:
        board_copy.set_cell(excluded_point, "B")

    print board_copy.format()
    queue = deque([(x, y, None)])
    while len(queue) > 0:
        node = queue.popleft()
        x = node[0]
        y = node[1]

        if board_copy.inside((x, y)) == True:
            if (x, y) == target_position: # If we reach target_position
                return get_path_from_nodes(node) # Rebuild path

            if (board_copy.outside((x, y)) == True or board_copy.get_cell((x, y)) == "B" or board_copy.get_cell((x, y)) == 1) and not (x, y) == starting_position: # Snakes
                #print "exclude", (x, y)

            board_copy.set_cell((x, y), "B") # Mark as explored

            for i in neighbours(node):
                if board.inside((i[0], i[1])):
                    #print "append", (x, y)
                    queue.append((i[0], i[1], node))

    return None # No path
Example #11
def astar(vacant_func, start_pos, goal_pos, allow_start_in_occupied_cell=False):
    """ A*, a pathfinding algorithm for finding a shortest path from a start location
    to a goal.  Returns the list of positions comprising the path, or none if no path
    could be found.

    If allow_start_in_occupied_cell is True, the search may begin from an occupied cell
    (a snake's head, for eg).  However, if you do this, you'll probably want to trim off
    the first position in the resulting shortest path. """

    if not allow_start_in_occupied_cell and not vacant_func(start_pos):
        return None

    closed_set = set()
    min_cost_to = {start_pos: 0}
    parent_of = {start_pos: None}
    todo = [(dist(start_pos, goal_pos), start_pos)]

    while todo:
        priority, current = heapq.heappop(todo)

        if current == goal_pos:
            # Found the goal - walk up the parent chain to build the final path
            path = [current]

            while parent_of[current]:
                current = parent_of[current]

            return list(reversed(path))

        for p in neighbours(current):
            if p in closed_set or not vacant_func(p):

            new_cost = min_cost_to[current] + 1

            if p not in min_cost_to or new_cost < min_cost_to[p]:
                min_cost_to[p] = new_cost
                parent_of[p] = current
                priority = new_cost + dist(p, goal_pos)
                # Note that this is a simplification of A* where we don't reprioritize items
                # within the heap, we just push the same item again with a lower priority.
                # This is wasteful in terms of memory, but for a problem of our scope, it
                # doesn't really matter.
                heapq.heappush(todo, (priority, p))

    return None
def eat_snake(charlie, enemies, grid):
  If enemy is smaller will try to kill by moving into potential spots
  enemy head will be if enemy nest to wall will choke into crash\n
  @param charlie -> Own snake information\n
  @param enemies -> Array of enemy snakes\n
  @param grid -> Updated grid\n
  @return temp_path -> Path to eat enemy
    for neighbour in neighbours(charlie['coords'][0], grid, 0,
                                charlie['coords'], [SNAKE, DANGER]):
        if grid[neighbour[0]][neighbour[1]] == KILLABLE:
            kill_path = a_star(charlie['coords'][0], neighbour, grid,
                               charlie['coords'], [SNAKE, DANGER])
            # return check_ahead(kill_path, charlie, neighbour, grid)
            return kill_path
Example #13
 def adjacents(level, p):
     coords = []
     for d, n in utils.neighbours(p):
         nx, ny = n
         if n == center:
             coords.extend(((level - 1), c) for c in corners[d])
         if nx < xmin:
             coords.append((level + 1, (cx - 1, cy)))
         elif nx > xmax:
             coords.append((level + 1, (cx + 1, cy)))
         if ny < ymin:
             coords.append((level + 1, (cx, cy - 1)))
         elif ny > ymax:
             coords.append((level + 1, (cx, cy + 1)))
         if xmin <= nx <= xmax and ymin <= ny <= ymax:
             coords.append((level, (nx, ny)))
     return coords
Example #14
def neighbour_profit(world_state, node_label=None):
        if we just bought all the resources at the current node and then sold them on,
        what is the maximum profit we could make?
    if node_label is None:
        node_label = world_state["you"]["position"]

    current_node = world_state["world"][node_label]
    current_resources = current_node["resources"]

    best_label = None
    highest_profit = 0

    for neighbour in u.neighbours(world_state, node_label):
        neighbour_resources = world_state["world"][neighbour]["resources"]
        p = potential_profit(current_resources, neighbour_resources)
        if p > highest_profit:
            highest_profit = p
            best_label = neighbour

    return (best_label, highest_profit)
Example #15
    def generate_board(self):
        # Generate a board for Minesweeper
        self.board = [[Tile(j, i) for i in range(0, self.size)]
                      for j in range(0, self.size)]

        # select self.numMines random fields from 0 to self.size*self.size - 1
        fields_with_mines_ids = sample(range(0, self.size * self.size),

        # for a given field n select the field with coordinates (i,j) such that i*self.size + j = n
        fields_with_mines = map(lambda n, size=self.size:
                                ((n - n % size) / size, n % size),

        for field in fields_with_mines:
            i, j = field
            self.board[i][j].mine = True

            # add 1 to all neighbours of that field, except of the fields that already contain a bomb
            for (x, y) in neighbours(i, j, self.size):
                if not self.board[x][y].mine:
                    self.board[x][y].neighbours_with_mines += 1
Example #16
def flood_fill(board, start_pos, allow_start_in_occupied_cell=False):
    """ Flood fill is an algorithm that expands from a starting position into adjacent
    vacant cells. Returns the set of all vacant cells found.

    If allow_start_in_occupied_cell is True, the flood fill start position may be occupied
    and the start position will be included in the resulting set. """

    visited = set()

    if not allow_start_in_occupied_cell and not board.vacant(start_pos):
        return visited

    todo = collections.deque([start_pos])

    while todo:
        current = todo.popleft()
        for p in neighbours(current):
            if p not in visited and board.vacant(p):

    return visited
Example #17
 def adjacents(_, p):
     for _, n in utils.neighbours(p):
         nx, ny = n
         if xmin <= nx <= xmax and ymin <= ny <= ymax:
             yield 0, n
Example #18
    def move(self):
        self.step_num += 1
        # if bomb in the neigbourhood
        if in neighbours((self.x, self.y), True):
            # The agent found the bomb
            self.bomb_location =
            if self.is_scout:
                # bomb deactivated
                self.parent.bomb_found = True
                return True
                self.color = QColor(200, 96, 109, 255)
                # the path is being reinitialized in
                # order to be show to the scout
                self.bomb_location =

        # if agent is scout and scout knows the bomb
        if self.bomb_location and self.is_scout:
            if self.path_to_bomb:
                (self.x, self.y) = self.path_to_bomb.pop()
                return True
            # create a shortcut
            target = self.bomb_location
            known_region = self.path
            start = (self.x, self.y)
            print 'calling astar'
            shortest_path = AStar()
            print 'will find the shortest path'
            self.path_to_bomb = shortest_path.find_path(start, target, known_region)
            return True

        # select to move randomly avoiding
        # to go to the last position
        order_list = ['u', 'r', 'd', 'l']

        # get the available moves
        moves = []
        for order in order_list:
            if order == 'u':
                moves = self.up(moves)
            elif order == 'r':
                moves = self.right(moves)
            elif order == 'd':
                moves = self.down(moves)
            elif order == 'l':
                moves = self.left(moves)

        # if moves available
        if len(moves) != 0:
            # check if agents meet each other
            for agent in self.parent.agents:
                if (agent.x, agent.y) in neighbours((self.x, self.y)):
                    self.exchanges += 1
                    agent.path += self.path
                    self.path += agent.path
                    self.path = list(set(self.path))
                    agent.path = list(set(agent.path))
                    if (agent.is_scout) and (self.bomb_location) and (not agent.bomb_location):
                        agent.bomb_location = self.bomb_location
                        return True
                        if self.bomb_location and not agent.bomb_location:
                            agent.bomb_location = self.bomb_location
                            agent.color = QColor(200, 96, 109, 255)

            for m in moves:
                # The agent prefers to go to a
                # square he has not visited
                if m in self.path:
                    #we put this move at the end
            (self.x, self.y) = moves[0]
            if moves[0] in self.path:
                self.path.remove((self.x, self.y))
            self.path.append((self.x, self.y))
            print 'cannot move'
            return False
        return True
Example #19
import numpy as np
import utils
import sys

def mk_training_matrices(pairs, en_dimension, cat_dimension, semanticspace, catalan_space):
    en_mat = np.zeros((len(pairs),en_dimension)) 
    cat_mat = np.zeros((len(pairs),cat_dimension))
    c = 0
    for p in pairs:
        en_word,cat_word = p.split()
        en_mat[c] = semanticspace[en_word]   
        cat_mat[c] = catalan_space[cat_word]   
    return en_mat,cat_mat

if len(sys.argv) == 4:
    if space=='reducedcolors':
    if space =='fullcolors':
    word = sys.argv[2]
    num_neighbours = int(sys.argv[3])
    print(utils.neighbours(semanticspace, semanticspace[word],num_neighbours))
    english_neighbours = utils.neighbours(semanticspace,semanticspace[word],num_neighbours)
Example #20
def test():
    img = io.imread('ex 38.png')
    img = img/255

    img_thin = zhangSuen(img)
    # img_thin = cv2.resize(img_thin, (256,256))
    # img_thin = zhangSuen(img_thin)
    # img_thin[img_thin >= 0.2] = 1
    # img_thin[img_thin < 0.2] = 0
    # img_thin = zhangSuen(img_thin)
    cross_list = []
    tmp = 0
    tt = 0
    num_pic = 0
    for x in range(512):
        for y in range(512):
            if img_thin[x,y] == 1:
                if sum(utils.neighbours(x,y,img_thin)) >=3:
                    if (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[0]).all():  # FIXME: a in b
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[1]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[2]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[3]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[4]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[5]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[6]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[7]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[8]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[9]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[10]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[11]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[12]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[13]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[14]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[15]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[16]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[17]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[18]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[19]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[20]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[21]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[22]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[23]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[24]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[25]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[26]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[27]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[28]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[29]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[30]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)) == Not_sample[31]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1, 9)) == Not_sample[32]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                        tt += 1
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1, 9)) == Not_sample[33]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                        tt += 1
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1, 9)) == Not_sample[34]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                        tt += 1
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1, 9)) == Not_sample[35]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                        tt += 1
                    elif (np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1, 9)) == Not_sample[36]).all():
                        # print(np.array(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2]).reshape((1,9)))
                        tt += 1
                        tmp = tmp + img_thin[x, y]
                        print(img_thin[x - 1:x + 2,
                              y - 1:y + 2])
                        tm = np.copy(img_thin)
                        cv2.rectangle(tm, (y-5, x-5), (y+6, x+6), 0.5, 1)
                        tm[tm > 0] = 255
                        num_pic +=1
                        # cv2.rectangle(img_thin, (y-5, x-5), (y+6, x+6), 0.1, 1)
                        # plt.imshow(tm)
    print('tmp', tmp)
Example #21
foo = \
    [C(1, 6), C(-2, 1), C(2, 1)],
    [C(-2, 1), C(-2, 1), C(2, 1)],
    [C(1, 1), C(1, 1), C(2, 1)]

for i in range(3):
    print foo[i]

for i in range(3):
    for j in range(3):
        print foo[i][j].height,
    print "\n"

current_neighbours = neighbours(0, 0, foo)
curr_min_neighb = minimal_neighbours(0, 0, foo)
curr_min_neighb_diffs = []
print "NEIGHBours  ", current_neighbours
print "MIN NEIGHB  ", curr_min_neighb

for min_neighb in curr_min_neighb:
    min_neighb_neighb = neighbours(min_neighb[0], min_neighb[1], foo)
    shared_neighb = list(set.intersection(set(current_neighbours), set(min_neighb_neighb)))
    minimal_diff = float("inf")

    for shrd_nghbr in shared_neighb:
        if foo[shrd_nghbr[0]][shrd_nghbr[1]].height - foo[min_neighb[0]][min_neighb[1]].height < minimal_diff and foo[shrd_nghbr[0]][shrd_nghbr[1]].height - foo[min_neighb[0]][min_neighb[1]].height != 0:
            minimal_diff = foo[shrd_nghbr[0]][shrd_nghbr[1]].height - foo[min_neighb[0]][min_neighb[1]].height
print "curr_min_neighb_diffs  ", curr_min_neighb_diffs
Example #22
def zhangSuen(image):

    "the Zhang-Suen Thinning Algorithm"

    Image_Thinned = image.copy()  # deepcopy to protect the original image

    changing1 = changing2 = 1        #  the points to be removed (set as 0)

    while changing1 or changing2:   #  iterates until no further changes occur in the image

        # Step 1

        changing1 = []

        rows, columns = Image_Thinned.shape               # x for rows, y for columns

        for x in range(1, rows - 1):                     # No. of  rows

            for y in range(1, columns - 1):            # No. of columns

                P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9 = n = utils.neighbours(x, y, Image_Thinned)

                if (Image_Thinned[x][y] == 1     and    # Condition 0: Point P1 in the object regions

                    2 <= sum(n) <= 6   and    # Condition 1: 2<= N(P1) <= 6

                    transitions(n) == 1 and    # Condition 2: S(P1)=1

                    P2 * P4 * P6 == 0  and    # Condition 3

                    P4 * P6 * P8 == 0):         # Condition 4


        for x, y in changing1:

            Image_Thinned[x][y] = 0

        # Step 2

        changing2 = []

        for x in range(1, rows - 1):

            for y in range(1, columns - 1):

                P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9 = n = utils.neighbours(x, y, Image_Thinned)

                if (Image_Thinned[x][y] == 1   and        # Condition 0

                    2 <= sum(n) <= 6  and       # Condition 1

                    transitions(n) == 1 and      # Condition 2

                    P2 * P4 * P8 == 0 and       # Condition 3

                    P2 * P6 * P8 == 0):            # Condition 4


        for x, y in changing2:

            Image_Thinned[x][y] = 0

    return Image_Thinned
Example #23
 def _full_neighbours_groups(self, fragment_id, group_id, step=1):
     return (new_group_id for new_group_id in neighbours(group_id, 0, self._last_usable[fragment_id] + 1)
             if self._associations.is_group_full(fragment_id, new_group_id))
Example #24
'''Make training/test fold'''
training_pairs = all_pairs[:120]
test_pairs = all_pairs[121:]
'''Make training/test matrices'''
en_mat, cat_mat = mk_training_matrices(training_pairs, 400, 300, english_space,
params = linalg(en_mat, cat_mat)
'''Sanity check -- is the regression matrix retrieving the training vectors?'''
#en, cat = training_pairs[0].split()
#predict =,english_space[en])
'''Loop through test pairs and evaluate translations'''
score = 0
for p in test_pairs:
    en, cat = p.split()
    predicted_vector =, english_space[en])
    nearest_neighbours = utils.neighbours(catalan_space, predicted_vector, 5)
    if cat in nearest_neighbours:
        score += 1
        print(en, cat, nearest_neighbours, "1")
        print(en, cat, nearest_neighbours, "0")

print("Precision:", score / len(test_pairs))
Example #25
def move():
    data = {}
    time_remaining = [150]  # leave 50ms for network
    position = None
    path = None
    next_move = list()
    thread_pool = list()
    potential_snake_positions = list()
    direction = None

    with timing("bottle", time_remaining):
        data = bottle.request.json

        with timing("data parsing", time_remaining):
            board = Board(**data)
            snake = board.get_snake(data['you'])
            direction = general_direction(board, snake.head,
            move = direction  # fallback

        for enemy_snake in board.snakes:
            if enemy_snake.attributes['id'] != snake.attributes[
                    'id']:  # and enemy_snake.attributes['health_points'] >= snake.attributes['health_points']:
                    position for position in enemy_snake.potential_positions()
                    if board.inside(position)

        number_of_squares = list()
        # find number of empty squares in every direction.
        for cell in neighbours(snake.head):
            if board.inside(cell):
                count = len(flood_fill(board, cell, False))
                number_of_squares.append((cell, count))
                if count <= 10: potential_snake_positions.append(cell)

        if number_of_squares[0][1] <= 10 and number_of_squares[1][
                1] <= 10 and number_of_squares[2][
                    1] <= 10 and number_of_squares[3][1] <= 10:
            largest = reduce(
                lambda carry, direction: carry
                if carry[1] > direction[1] else direction, number_of_squares,

        print potential_snake_positions

        with timing("need_food", time_remaining):
            food = need_food(board, snake.head,

        if food:
            #if snake.attributes['health_points'] < 30:
            #potential_snake_positions = []

            with timing("find_food", time_remaining):
                food_positions = find_food(snake.head,
                                           board, food)
                positions = [position[0] for position in food_positions]
                # positions = list(set([ position[0] for position in food_positions ]) - set(potential_snake_positions))
                print positions
                print[board.get_cell(position) for position in positions]

                for position in positions:
                    t = Thread(
                        target=bfs(snake.head, position, board,
                                   potential_snake_positions, next_move))
                    t = Thread(
                        target=bfs(snake.head, position, board, [], next_move))


                for thread in thread_pool:

                next_move = filter(lambda path: not len(path) == 0, next_move)

                path = min(next_move, key=len)
                move = get_direction(snake.head, path[0])
            #with timing("flood_fill", time_remaining):
            # flood_fill(board.vacant, snake.head, True)
            with timing("find_safest_position", time_remaining):
                positions = find_safest_position(snake.head, direction, board)
                positions = [position[0] for position in positions]
                # positions = list(set([position[0] for position in positions]) - set(potential_snake_positions))
                print positions
                print[board.get_cell(position) for position in positions]

                for position in positions:
                    t = Thread(
                        target=bfs(snake.head, position, board,
                                   potential_snake_positions, next_move))
                    t = Thread(
                        target=bfs(snake.head, position, board, [], next_move))


                for thread in thread_pool:

                path = max(next_move, key=len)
                move = get_direction(snake.head, path[0])
    except Exception as e:
        print "WTF", e.message

    print next_move
    print path
    print move

    if len(next_move) == 0:
        print "CHANGING MOVE"
        with timing("floodfill", time_remaining):
            floods = {
                "up": len(flood_fill(board,
                                     (snake.head[0], snake.head[1] - 1))),
                len(flood_fill(board, (snake.head[0], snake.head[1] + 1))),
                len(flood_fill(board, (snake.head[0] + 1, snake.head[1]))),
                len(flood_fill(board, (snake.head[0] - 1, snake.head[1])))

            move = max(floods.iterkeys(), key=(lambda key: floods[key]))

    # don't be stupid
    m_move = add(snake.head, DIR_VECTORS[DIR_NAMES.index(move)])
    if board.inside(m_move) and board.get_cell(m_move) == 1:
        print "CHANGING MOVE"
        for direction in DIR_NAMES:
            m_move = add(snake.head, DIR_VECTORS[DIR_NAMES.index(direction)])
            if board.inside(m_move) and board.get_cell(m_move) != 1:
                move = direction

    print "moving", move
    return {'move': move, 'taunt': random.choice(TAUNTS)}
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) == 3:
       # listtop500 = open('data/listtop500.txt','r')



        #['flowers.','nard','hearing-aid','filsham','trumpet-shaped','crecca' ]

       #['kerchief', 'kingbirds','cerise','biretta','pale-blue','v-necked','pebbledash']
        if sys.argv[2]=='full':
        if sys.argv[2]=='nonzero':
        for line in listtop500:
            #word = line.strip()
            num_neighbours = int(sys.argv[1])
            for i in utils.neighbours(semanticspace1,semanticspace1[word],num_neighbours):
            for i in functionneighbours(word,num_neighbours):

            ##compare neigbours of 2 different spaces 
            intersection = set(neighbours1) & set(neighbours2)

            print(word, intersection,len(intersection))

        # for line in listlast500:
        #     word = line.strip()
        #     num_neighbours = int(sys.argv[1])
        #     neighbours1=[]
        #     for i in utils.neighbours(semanticspace1,semanticspace1[word],num_neighbours):
        #         neighbours1.append(i.strip("."))
        #     neighbours2=[]
        #     cosinefull=[]
        #     for i in functionneighbours(word,num_neighbours):
        #         neighbours2.append(i[0])
        #         cosinefull.append(i[1])
        #     densityfull=(sum(cosinefull))/(len(cosinefull))

        #     ##compare neigbours of 2 different spaces 
        #     intersection = set(neighbours1) & set(neighbours2)
        #     print(intersection,len(intersection))
        #     dictlast[word]=len(intersection)

        #density color space 
            for i in neighbours:
                # if np.isnan(cosine):
                #     pass
                # else: 
            print('density color space: ',density)
            print('density full space: ', densityfull)